Fabio Struckmann
Dept. of Energy Sciences, Faculty of Engineering,
Lund University, Box 118, 22100 Lund, Sweden
In the solar-energy industry great emphasis has been placed on the development of "active" solar energy systems which involve the
integration of several subsystems: solar energy collectors, heat-storage containers, heat exchangers, fluid transport and distribution
systems, and control systems. The major component unique to active systems is the solar collector. This device absorbs the incoming
solar radiation, converting it into heat at the absorbing surface, and transfers this heat to a fluid (usually air or water) flowing through
the collector. The warmed fluid carries the heat either directly to the hot water or space conditioning equipment or to a storage
subsystem from which can be drawn for use at night and on cloudy days.
A precise and detailed analysis of a solar flat plate collector is quite complicated because of the many factors involved. Efforts have
been made to combine a number of the most important factors into a single equation and thus formulate a mathematical model which
will describe the thermal performance of the collector in a computationally efficient manner.
Fig. 1 A typical liquid Flat Plate Collector Fig. 3 Typical solar energy collection system
Flat-plate collectors are used for residential water heating and If I is the intensity of solar radiation, in W/m2, incident on the
hydronic space-heating installations. aperture plane of the solar collector having a collector surface
area of A, m2, then the amount of solar radiation received by the
collector is:
Qi I A (2)
Qo U L ATc Ta
Fig. 2 Heat flow through a Flat Plate solar collector
Thus it is necessary to define step by step the singular heat flow
equations in order to find the governing equations of the
collector system.
Thus, the rate of useful energy extracted by the collector (Qu),
expressed as a rate of extraction under steady state conditions,
is proportional to the rate of useful energy absorbed by the
Q dt
This is expressed as follows:
Qu mcp To Ti
(5) T T
FR FRU L i a (11)
Equation 4 proves to be somewhat inconvenient because of the
difficulty in defining the collector average temperature. It is
convenient to define a quantity that relates the actual useful PROJECT DESCRIPTION
energy gain of a collector to the useful gain if the whole
collector surface were at the fluid inlet temperature. This If it is assumed that FR, τ, α, UL 2 are constants for a given
quantity is known as “the collector heat removal factor (FR)” collector and flow rate, then the efficiency is a linear function of
and is expressed as: the three parameters defining the operating condition:
Solar irradiance (I), Fluid inlet temperature (Ti) and Ambient air
mcp To Ti
temperature (Ta).
AI U L Ti Ta
Thus, the performance of a Flat-Plate Collector can be
approximated by measuring these three parameters in
experiments. The result is a single line (ΔT/I – Curve) shown
in Figure 4. 3
The maximum possible useful energy gain in a solar collector
occurs when the whole collector is at the inlet fluid temperature.
The actual useful energy gain (Qu), is found by multiplying the
collector heat removal factor (FR) by the maximum possible
useful energy gain. This allows the rewriting of equation (4):
The useful energy gain depends strongly on the energy losses from the 2
In practice, UL is not a constant as heat losses will increase as the
top surface of the collector both due to convective and radiative heat transfer temperature of the collector rises further above ambient temperature (thermal
processes. The losses from the bottom and from the edges of the collector do conductivity of materials varies with temperature).
always exist. Their contribution, however, is not as significant as the losses
from the top. 3
The resulting plot will be a straight line only if conditions are such that
FR, UL and (τ α) are constants.