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Institute of Engineering & Science Ips Academy Indore: Major Project Report

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Major Project Report

Automatic Solar Tracking System

Session: 2011-12

Guided by: Mr. Manish Sahajwani

Submitted by: Pragati Malviya Shruti Mittal Poornima Shrivastava

Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

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This is to certify that Pragati Malviya, Shruti Mittal, Poornima Shrivastava have successfully completed the project on Automatic Solar Tracking System during year 2011 in partial fulfillment of the requirement for award of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical & Electronics Engineering.

Guided By : Mr. Manish Sehajwani

Approved By: Prof. B.N Phadke Head of Department (Electrical & Electronics)

Internal Examiner:

External Examiner:

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I am very thankful to everyone who all supported me, for I have completed my project effectively and equally grateful to my teacher Mr. Manish Sahajwani,, who gave me moral support and guided me in different matters regarding the topic. They had been very kind and patient while suggesting me the outlines of this project and correcting my doubts. I thank her for her overall supports. This project could not be successful without the great support and cooperation from individuals and their willingness to share their expertise and knowledge and to devote their precious time to discuss related topics Last but not the least, I would like to thank my parents who helped me a lot in gathering different information, collecting data and guiding me from time to time in making this project .despite of their busy schedules ,they gave me different ideas in making this project unique.

Thanking you

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Automatic Solar Tracking System

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Solar energy is rapidly gaining notoriety as an important means of expanding renewable energy resources. As such, it is vital that those in engineering fields understand the technologies associated with this area. This project includes the design and construction of a microcontrollerbased solar panel tracking system. Solar tracking allows more energy to be produced because the solar array is able to remain aligned to the sun. This system builds upon topics learned in this course. To make solar energy more viable, the efficiency of solar array systems must be maximized. A feasible approach for maximizing the efficiency of solar array systems is sun tracking. This is a system that controls the movement of a solar array so that it is constantly aligned towards the direction of the sun. Solar modules are devices that cleanly convert sunlight into electricity and offer a practical solution to the problem of power generation in remote areas. The solar tracker designed and constructed in this project offers a reliable and affordable method of aligning a solar module with the sun in order to maximize its energy output. Automatic Sun Tracking System is a hybrid hardware/software prototype, which automatically provides best alignment of solar panel with the sun, to get maximum output (electricity) ideate the design. Problems and possible improvements will also be presented.

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Title Certificate...02 Acknowledgement..03 Abstract..05 1. Introduction...08 2. Introduction To Solar Tracking09
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9

Background..................................................................................................09 Need Of Sun Tracking..................................................................................09 Objective Of The Work...............................................................................10 Solar Energy.....10 Tracking Techniques........11 Relevance Of Solar Trackers..12 Equivalent Circuit Of Solar Cell 12 Active Solar Tracker13 Major Components :.13 2.9.1 Single Axis Solar Tracker....13

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2.9.2 Dual Axis Solar Tracker.. 14 3. Project Description....15


General Block Diagram................................................................................15


Charge Controller Circuit.............................................................................16

3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5

Power Supply Section 18 Microcontroller Section. 18 LCD Section... 19 LED Circuit 19 Circuit Diagram.. 20


Solar Alignment Circuit...21

3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4

Power Supply Section 22 Solar Sensor Section.. 22 Microcontroller Section. 22 Circuit Diagram . 23


Diptrace. ..24
3.4.1 3.4.2

Modules Used 24 Features.. 25

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4. Advantages.26 5. Application 27 6. Conclusion & Future Scope..31



Energy is the primary and most universal measure of all kinds of work by human beings and nature. Primarily, it is the gift of the nature to the mankind in various forms. The consumption of the energy is directly proportional to the progress of the mankind. With ever growing population, improvement in the living standard of the humanity, industrialization of the developing countries, the global demand for energy increases day by day. The primary source of energy is fossil fuel, however the finiteness of fossil fuel resources and large scale environmental degradation caused by their widespread use, particularly global warming, urban air pollution and acid rain, strongly suggests that harnessing of non-conventional, renewal and environmental friendly As the sources of conventional energy deplete day by day, resorting to alternative sources of energy like solar and wind energy has become need of the hour. Solar powered lighting systems are already available in rural as well as urban areas. These include solar lanterns, solar home lightning system, solar street lights, solar garden lights and solar power

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packs. All of them consist of four components; solar photovoltaic module, rechargeable battery, solar charge controller and load. In the solar powered lightning systems, the solar charge controller plays an important role as the systems overall success depends mainly on it. It is considered as an indispensible link between the solar panel, battery and load.


As the range of applications for solar energy increases, so does the need for improved materials and methods used to harness this power source. There are several factors that affect the efficiency of the collection process. Major influences on overall efficiency include solar cell efficiency, intensity of source radiation and storage techniques. The materials used in solar cell manufacturing limit the efficiency of a solar cell. This makes it particularly difficult to make considerable improvements in the performance of the cell, and hence restricts the efficiency of the overall collection process. Therefore, the most attainable method of improving the performance of solar power collection is to increase the mean intensity of radiation received from the source.


Each day, the sun rises in the east, moves across the sky, and sets in the west. Whenever the sun is shining on us, it is sending energy in our direction. If there is a solar cell to turn and look
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at the sun all day, then it would be receiving the maximum amount of sunlight possible and converting it into the more useful energy form electricity. It is seen that the sun appears to follow a path that is nearly directly overhead. However, for locations north or south of the tropics (e.g., latitudes greater than 23.5 degrees), the sun never reaches a position that is directly overhead. Instead, it follows a path across the southern or the northern part of the sky.


If a solar cell is configured so that it faces the sun continually as it moves across the sky from east to west, the most electrical energy possible can be obtained. One way to do this, of course, is by hand. However, keeping a solar cell facing the sun throughout the day is not a very efficient use of a persons time. Going outside to a solar cell every hour to turn it toward the sun might be possible, but this would still not be an efficient method. A photo sensor is employed to control the solar cell tracking system. For example, if the photo sensor is not aligned with sun rays, then it could turn on the motor until it is once again aligned. If the motor is attached to the frame holding the solar cell, then the solar cell could be moved to face the sun. As long as the photo sensor is in alignment with the sun, nothing happens. However, when the sun moves across the sky and is not in proper alignment with the photo sensor, then a motor moves the frame until the photo sensor is in the sun once more. This could have the effect of keeping the solar cell facing the sun as it moves across the required human attention. The solar tracker system includes a frame on which a solar cell could be mounted. The frame is to move so that it faces the sun as it travels across the sky during the day. The frame could be driven by an electric motor that turns on and off in response to the movement of the sky.

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One of the most important problems facing the world today is the energy problem. This problem is resulted from the increase of demand for electrical energy and high cost of fuel. The solution was in finding another renewable energy sources such as solar energy, wind energy, potential energy...etc. Nowadays, solar energy has been widely used in our life, and it's expected to grow up in the next years.

Solar energy has many advantages: 1. Need no fuel 2. Has no moving parts to wear out 3. Non-polluting & quick responding 4. Adaptable for on-site installation 5. Easy maintenance 6. Can be integrated with other renewable energy sources 7. Simple & efficient Tracking systems try to collect the largest amount of solar radiation and convert it into usable form of electrical energy (DC voltage) and store this energy into batteries for different types of applications. The sun tracking systems can collect more energy than what a fixed panel system collects.


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There are several forms of tracking currently available; these vary mainly in the method of implementing the designs. The two general forms of tracking used are fixed control algorithms and dynamic tracking. The inherent difference between the two methods is the manner in which the path of the sun is determined. In the fixed control algorithm systems, the path of the sun is determined by referencing an algorithm that calculates the position of the sun for each time period. That is, the control system does not actively find the sun's position but works it out given the current time, day, month, and year. The dynamic tracking system, on the other hand, actively searches for the sun's position at any time of day (or night). Common to both forms of tracking is the control system. This system consists of some method of direction control, such as DC motors, stepper motors, and servo motors, which are directed by a control circuit, either digital or analog.


For people living in remote communities, often in third world countries, access to grid-connected electricity is not always possible. Often the nearest utility is a long distance from homes and the cost of developing the infrastructure that would allow for access to the grid is prohibitive. Remote communities in third world countries are of course not the only ones that suffer this dilemma. Australia is a large country with many farmers and communities that are remote from the local grid and in these cases alternative sources of electrical power must be obtained.


Equivalent Circuit of Solar Cell

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To understand the electronic behaviour of a solar cell, it is useful to create a model which is electrically equivalent, and is based on discrete electrical components whose behavior is well known. An ideal solar cell may be modelled by a current source in parallel with a diode. In practice no solar cell is ideal, so a shunt resistance and a series resistance component are added to the model. The result is the "equivalent circuit of a solar cell" as shown above.


Active trackers measure the light intensity from the sun to determine where the solar modules should be pointing. Light sensors are positioned on the tracker at various locations or in specially shaped holders. If the sun is not facing the tracker directly there will be a difference in light intensity on one light sensor compared to another and this difference can be used to determine in which direction the tracker has to tilt in order to be facing the sun.


There are many different types of solar tracker which can be grouped into single axis and double axis models. 2.9.1 SINGLE AXIS SOLAR TRACKERS: Single axis solar trackers can either have a horizontal or a vertical axle. The horizontal type is used in tropical regions where the sun gets very high at noon, but the days are short. The vertical type is used in high latitudes (such as in UK) where the sun does not get very high, but summer days can be very long. These have a manually adjustable tilt angle of 0 - 45 and automatic tracking of the sun from East to West. They use the PV modules themselves as light sensor to avoid unnecessary tracking movement and for reliability. At night the trackers take up a horizontal position.

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Single Axis Solar Tracker



Axis Tracker

Double vertical

axis axle



have both a

horizontal and a and so can track

the Sun's apparent motion exactly anywhere in the world. This type of system is used to control astronomical telescopes, and so there is plenty of software available to automatically predict and track the motion of the sun across the sky. Dual axis trackers track the sun both East to West and North to South for added power output (approx 40% gain) and convenience.

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The light sensors, comparator and microcontroller are the major components for the electronic design.

General Block Diagram

The figure shows the general block diagram of the device. The first component in the diagram is the transducer. Transducer detects the varying intensity of Sun light. The outputs of the transducer are fed to comparator which gives certain logic to the microcontroller. Microcontroller then,
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processes the logic from the comparator, as per the programs installed to it. Finally, the processed logic from the microcontroller is used to rotate the motors which in turn rotate the Solar Panel.

There are mainly two circuits as described below:


The main objective of the microcontroller based Solar Charge Controller (SCC) is to manage the power wisely to ensure longer life of battery and eliminating the need of turning on /off the load during the day/night conditions. The microcontroller serves the purpose of measuring accurate battery voltage as well as sunlight level and therefore does very accurate control of the various components. When the SCC is powered, the microcontroller measures the battery voltage as well as solar panel voltage. If the solar panel voltage is less than 5 volts, the microcontroller assumes this as dawn (night condition). It then checks for the battery voltage. If the battery voltage is greater than 11 volts, it turns on the load and the above process is again repeated until dusk (morning) is detected or the battery is discharged below 11 volts. If the battery voltage at the startup is already below 11 volts, the microcontroller turns off the load and waits till dusk. This automatic shutdown is incorporated to ensure the deep discharge of the battery during low charging conditions such as rainy season or winter season. If the solar panel voltage is above 5 volts, the microcontroller assumes this as dusk or daylight condition and connects the solar panel to the battery through a P-Channel MOSFETs and thereby charging the battery. The microcontroller also continuously monitors the battery voltage during this period and as soon as the battery voltage reaches 14 volts, the charging is cut off. The switching devices used in this project are MOSFETs and are chosen due to their very low turn on resistance. This in turn dissipates less heat during conduction and thereby increasing the overall efficiency of the circuit. The MOSFETs used are sufficient to switch a maximum 2 Amp. Of current without any substantial heating and up to 10 amperes if suitable heat sinks is provided. The SCC also has a LCD display which constantly shows the current system status as well as the current battery voltage.

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The following flow chart shows the working of the charge controller circuit:

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This circuit essentially consists of the following main sections:

3.2.1 POWER SUPPLY SECTION: This contains a 5 volt Regulator IC LM78L05 and two 10uF electrolytic capacitors connected at output/input of the IC for smoothening of the DC voltages as well as to minimize the external noise and interference. The value of the capacitors is chosen arbitrarily and is not of much importance. Therefore any value can be taken. The LM78L05 takes 12v DC as input directly from the battery and converts it to 5V DC suitable for operating the microcontroller/LCD and other circuitry. 3.2.2 MICROCONTROLLER SECTION: This includes one microcontroller ATMEGA 8 from Atmel, one crystal oscillator of 4 MHz, and two ceramic non polar capacitors of 22pF. The crystal connected provides the clock pulses to the microcontroller. The microcontroller executes the code burned in its flash memory and manages the various inputs and outputs of the circuit. In this circuit, Port PD.0 to PD.2 are configured as output port for giving the status of the systems and to control the MOSFETs. There may be other choice also for selecting the output ports as required. The PORT c is a 6 channel 10 bit ADC input which takes analog signals from the battery and solar panel and converts them into digital values. The 10K multi turn presets at the input of these ports forms the voltage divider circuit and adjusts the input level of the ADC channels. The microcontroller is reset when the pin 1 of it is pulled low. Therefore the 10K resistor connected at this pin pulls it to high level for normal operation and the switch resets the microcontroller when pressed. The crystal used to supply/generate the clock pulses for the microcontroller while the capacitors (22pF) connected stabilizes the frequency of the crystal. The output port D.2 is configured as low battery indicator and a LED is connected to it through a current limiting resistor of 1K. This resistor controls the current to about 2mA. Similarly other outputs are also fed to a LED circuit to indicate the charging status as well as load status. The outputs D.0 is also fed to a N Channel MOSFET which turns on or off the load according the day/night condition or battery charge condition. The output from the port D.1 is connected to a NPN transistor which in turn controls the P Channel MOSFET. This MOSFET turns on or off the charging of the battery as per the light conditions. The reason for selecting the P Channel MOSFET for charging is to simplify the design of the circuit. A normal N channel MOSFET could also be employed in this case.

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3.2.3 LCD SECTION: This includes one LCD JHD162 which has two rows of 16 characters. The LCD is connected to Port PB.0-PB.5 is used to visually indicate the status of the system as well as current battery voltage. The 10K variable resistor connected with the LCD pin3 controls the contrast level of the LCD.

3.2.4 LED CIRCUIT: As clear from the circuit, the LEDs are driven directly from the battery and are controlled by the microcontroller as per the battery condition as well as light conditions. Further, the total consumption of the LED is around 3.6 Watts and delivering about 3 watts of light output. Therefore only 16.6 % of supplied energy is dissipated in form of heat. As compared to other common light sources, like CFL, Tube of incandescent bulbs the efficiency of the same lies between 50-70%.. Therefore the LEDs are nowadays becoming more and more efficient sources of light.

The circuit is configured as two parallel strings of three LEDs each in series. The working voltage of a white LED is around 3.3V to 3.6V. In this project, all the LEDs used are of 0.5W each rating. The

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average consumption of each LED string is around 150 mA. Thus the total consumption of the circuit is about 300mA @ 12v equals 3.6 watts. The rest 0.6 watt is dissipated as heat.


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The basic functional blocks of this system are sensors and their operation depends upon the intensity of light falling on solar panel. All sensors (each with different functionality) send their output to microcontroller. Then the microcontroller executes predefined task in its software These sensors are being used with following names Sun Tracking Sensors (STS) .Heat Sensors(HS)

This circuit is an independent unit which monitors the direction of the sun and constantly aligns the complete assembly towards the sun so that the efficiency of the panel is at maximum. The solar panel has the property of changing the current which depends on the angle of incident light. Therefore in course of time, when the sun moves away from the set direction, the maximum current of the panel reduces which thereby decreases the charging current. The circuit compromises of two Light Dependent Resistors (LDRs), which are separated by a partition. These LDRs are mounted perpendicular to the solar panel surface such that when the panel faces the sun, the sunlight falls on both LDRs. Now when the sun moves past the panel, the partition between the LDRs casts a shadow on the opposite LDR, which in turn increases the resistance of that LDR. This triggers the comparator circuit (LM339) and sends a logical signal to the microcontroller. The microcontroller then enables its certain outputs to turn on the appropriate relay. These relays then drive the motor in suitable direction. The process is repeated until both the LDRs sees the sun back. The motor is operated in a particular direction from the two relays driven from the microcontroller. The microcontroller also checks the night conditions, when the both LDRs have greater resistance. In such situation, the microcontroller turns off both the relay otherwise if both relays are turned on, the supply will get shorted. The motor used in the project is a geared type and of 3.5 RPM to maintain a close tolerance in panel alignment. The panel is pivoted from the center with the help of two sheet metal screws and two hinges. Such that, the panel is free to move on its center axis. One end of the panel is spring loaded while the other end is tied to the motor shaft using a stainless steel wire of 0.25mm

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diameter. When the motor rotates, the wire gets wound or unwound on the shaft and thereby pulling or pushing the panel from the axis of rotation

This circuit essentially consists of the following main sections:

3.3.1 POWER SUPPLY SECTION: This contains a 5 volt Regulator IC LM78L05 and two 10uF & 1000uF electrolytic capacitors connected at output/input of the IC for smoothening of the DC voltages as well as to minimize the external noise and interference. The value of the capacitors is chosen arbitrarily and is not of much importance. Therefore any value can be taken. The LM78L05 takes 12v DC as input directly from the battery and converts it to 5V DC suitable for operating the microcontroller/LCD and other circuitry. The bridge rectifier circuit is optionally added for powering the circuit externally with an AC transformer in case where the battery management is of more importance.

3.3.2 SOLAR SENSOR SECTION: This is an auxiliary circuit which is compromised of two LDRs separated by a wooden strip. The main purpose of the wooden strip is to cast a shadow on one of the LRD when the direction of the sun changes. This causes the resistance of one LRD to increase due to the shadow. The difference between the resistances of the LRS is compared by the comparator IC LM339 and accordingly logic HIGH or LOW signal is generated at its output. These logic signals are sensed by the microcontroller and then relevant signals are given to the base of the transistors BC547 through the 4K7 resistors. When the base of the transistors is pulled high, the transistor conducts and in turn switches on the corresponding relay. This relay decides the direction of the motor and hence turns the motor either clockwise or anticlockwise. The microcontroller ensures that both the relays are never turned on. In such case the power supply is shorted. The 100K feedback resistors connected from the output of the comparator and the non-inverting input is for allowing slight hysteresis during the tripping point of the comparators. The variable resistor of 10K sets the tripping point of the comparator. These may be required to adjust as per the available light conditions. The two LEDs connected at the output of the comparator IC are for setting the tripping point of the comparators. The relay section is powered directly from the 12 V battery supply, whereas the rest section is driven from the 5 V regulator IC.


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This section is much similar to the solar charge controller circuit except there are only two inputs and two outputs are configured. The outputs are also connected to the two LEDs in series of a resistor for visually indication of the switching of the relays. 3.3.4 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM OF SOLAR ALIGNMENT CIRCUIT:

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Diptrace is EDA software for creating schematic diagrams and printed circuit boards.


Component Editor Pattern Editor Schematic Design Editor PCB Layout Editor

Component Editor Pattern Editor Schematic

allows you to make new parts and libraries. allows you to make new patterns. Schematic Capture with multi-level hierarchy and export to PCB layout.

PCB Layout

PCB design with an easy-to-use manual routing tools, shape-based

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auto router and auto-placer .

3.4.2 DIPTRACE PROVIDES THE FOLLOWING FEATURES: Easy to learn user interface: To design a schematic, simply select and place components onto your document and connect them together using the wire and bus tools.. Smart placement and auto-placement features: After converting Schematic to PCB layout, place board outline and arrange components. Easy to use manual and powerful automatic routine: DipTrace PCB software includes 2 automatic routers i.e. Shape-based and Grid-based. Here we are using Grid-based software. Grid Router can also make single-layer boards with jumper wires. Advanced Verification Features: Schematic and PCB design modules have number of verification features that help control project accuracy on different design stages. 3D PCB Preview: DipTrace PCB Layout module includes 3D preview feature which shows you how your completed project will look like. This feature uses hardware graphics acceleration, so you can change colors and rotate/zoom/pan board in real-time. 2500+ package 3D models are available for free and you can use any models in VRML 2.0 or 3DS formats. Import/Export Features: Package modules allow you to exchange schematics, layouts and libraries with other EDA and CAD packages like DXF, Eagle, P-CAD, PADS, OrCAD. DipTrace Schematic Capture and PCB Layout also support Accel, Allegro, Mentor, PADS, P-CAD, Protel and Tango netlist formats. Manufacturing output formats: DipTrace provides support for a number of different manufacturing output formats. Standard component libraries: DipTrace package includes component and pattern libraries which contain 100,000+ components from different manufacturers. Creation of your own libraries: Component and Pattern Editors allow to design your own symbols and patterns. To create complete components simply connect them together using Component Editor.

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The benefits of commercial-scale solar energy extend far beyond fiscal savings. Solar benefits the world economically, environmentally and socially.

Economic Solar Energy Advantages:

Can be permitted and installed faster than other traditional or renewable power plants. Has a predictable energy curve and is most efficient when utility rates are at their highest. Produces local, on-site energy, which reduces the need for extensive high-voltage transmission lines or a complex infrastructure. Reliable over the long term. With no moving parts, fixed photovoltaic systems last longer than other energy sources. Predictable pricing that is equal to or below retail energy rates.

Environmental Solar Energy Advantages:

Clean, quiet and visually unobtrusive in nature. Solar energy plants do not have any polluting emissions, do not make any sound, and are not considered to be an "eyesore." Uses little to no water in the production of zero-emission electricity. Can be placed in virtually every geographical region because the sun is available everywhere. Offsets the need for polluting, expensive and inefficient "peaker" power plants.

Social Solar Energy Advantages:

Creates clean, renewable energy that will sustain and support the health of future generations. Is a distributed generation ("DG") energy source that can mitigate national security concerns about energy disruption. Supports national energy independence because solar electricity is used where it is generated. Creates good, local jobs for the new energy economy. In fact, solar energy creates more jobs per megawatt hour than any other energy type.

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Solar Home Lightening System:

Provided by "Easy Solar" are high performance, complete & easy to install. Incorporating years of experience & with latest solar technology, Easy Group harness the power of the sun to provide reliable, cost effective electricity wherever it is needed. These systems supply electricity for lighting, entertainment and information to homes that are not connected to grids or it is quite erratic. It is an excellent solution for household level electrification in rural areas. Features:

Safe & easy to install Free from noise, smoke and pollution Requires very little attention Possible to expand the system in future Available in different configurations Elegant and efficient luminaries Provisions for operating extra loads Highly advanced Microcontroller based charge controller Longer battery life ensured Adequate protections and indication

Configuration: A typical stand alone Solar Photo Voltaic Home system comprises PV module for charging the battery, solar deep cycle battery for storage, a charge controller for the proper charging and discharging of the battery, light sources and provision for connecting other loads (radio, tape recorder, portable TV etc depending upon the configuration) as well as a complete set of installation hardware.

Solar Street Lighting System:

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Solar Street Lighting System CFL Based CFL 11W is an ideal lighting system for illumination of streets, squares and cross roads located in areas that are not connected to the power grid. The fully integrated system combines the latest and most innovative technologies available, providing years of convenient and trouble free lighting. Fully assembled and factory tested kits are available. Easy Solar has a wide range of Solar Street lights, for different lighting. Fully assembled and factory tested kits are available. Easy Solar has a wide range of solar streetlights, for different lighting requirements. Features:

Automatic dusk to dawn controller (DTDC) / Timer operation Highly efficient charge controller and inverter Two step charging algorithm Temperature compensated battery set points Weather proof luminaries Adequate protections an indications UV stabilized bowl and canopy Anodised aluminum reflector

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Solar Charge Controller:

Easy Solar Charge controller uses PWM charging Technology, so that as the battery reaches full charge, the PWM pulses slower, gradually tapering off the charge. Pulsing is good for the batteries since it gently mixes the electrolyte, preventing stratification. Low voltage disconnect protects the batteries from severe discharge by shutting off loads before the battery voltage drops to damaging levels Temperature compensation adjusts the set point voltages according to the ambient temperature.

A energy efficient controller for rural/urban solar charging system Low Power Load Controller and PWM solar charger in a single unit Perfect solution for urban and rural requirements Keeps battery healthy for longer period Optimum Dawn/Dusk Operation with Timer Provision for Temperature Compensation Low PV to Battery Drop Easy Installation Simple Handling

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Solar Water Heating:

Solar energy can be used to heat water. Heating water for bathing, dishwashing, and clothes washing is the third largest home energy cost. A solar water heater works a lot like solar space heating. In our hemisphere, a solar collector is mounted on the south side of a roof where it can capture sunlight. Sunlight heats water in a tank. The hot water is piped to faucets throughout a house, just as it would be with an ordinary water heater. Today, more than 1.5 million homes and businesses in the U.S. use solar water heaters

Solar Thermal Electricity:

Also called concentrated solar power (CSP), use solar energy to produce electricity, but in a different way. Most solar thermal systems use a solar collector with a mirrored surface to focus sunlight onto a receiver that heats a liquid. The super-heated liquid is used to make steam to produce electricity in the same way that coal plants do. There are nine solar thermal power plants in the Mojave Desert that together produce 360 MW of electricity.

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In this thesis, the sun tracking system was implemented which is based on PIC microcontroller. After examining the information obtained in the data analysis section, it can be said that the proposed sun tracking solar array system is a feasible method of maximizing the energy received from solar radiation. The controller circuit used to implement this system has been designed with a minimal number of components and has been integrated onto a single PCB for simple assembly. The use of stepper motors enables accurate tracking of the sun while keeping track of the array's current position in relation to its initial is an efficient system for solar energy tracking systems can collect about 8% more position. The automatic solar radiation tracker collection. It has been shown that the sun energy than what a fixed panel system collects

and thus high efficiency is achieved through this tracker. 8% increase in efficiency is not the most significant figure; it can be more prominent in concentrating type reflectors.

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To improve the sun tracking, a standalone sun tracker can be designed using 18 series PIC microcontroller. In 18 series PIC microcontroller, data can be stored periodically in MMC card .We need not to do it manually (no need of rotation).Alignment can be varied changing with season. Moreover, concentrating type collectors are more efficient than flat plate collectors. It can be used to increase efficiency.






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[http: PIC] PIC 16F8XA Datasheet available www.microchip.com/downloads /en/DeviceDoc/39582b.pdf

[http: Sun tracking] Sun tracking Solar Array system available at innovexpo.itee.uq.edu.au/1998 /thesis/larardei/s334936.pdf [http: PIC] Guide to use the PIC available at http://hobby_elec.piclist.com/


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