1-Life Cycle Analysis
1-Life Cycle Analysis
1-Life Cycle Analysis
1.1. Purpose
This life cycle analysis is a guidance outline the “Industry Best Practice” to analysis of the Insulation
Electrical Machinery approach relies on planned inspections, testing, analyzing and trending of the
relevant equipment parameters by using SCORING modeling.
The information contained within this document are general guidelines techniques in this effort of
extending the life of existing equipment, involving life cycle assessment and condition evaluation of
electrical rotating machine. This document consists of methodology involving assessment technique
for electrical rotating machine, scope of work, various requirements for assessment and time
The condition assessment methodology outlined in this document applies to turbo and hydroelectric
generators, motor/generators, and HV motors.
The following indicators are used to separately evaluate the condition of the stator and rotor:
Physical Inspection
NDT inspection for mechanical parts, i.e: Retaining rings, rotor fans, journal bearings, etc
Insulation Resistance and Polarization Index (stator and field windings)
PDCA - Polarization Depolarization Current Analysis (stator and field winding)
RSO – Recurrent Surge Oscillosgraph apply for field winding only
AC Impedance, apply for field winding only
FDS - Frequency Domain Spectroscopy, as function Non Linear Behavior (stator only)
Dissipation Power Factor (Tip-up) Analysis (stator only)
Contact coefficient (stator only)
Partial Discharge Phenomenon (stator only)
Core Imperfection Analysis – ELCID (stator only)
Core tightness Inspection (stator only)
Wedge Tightening Analysis (stator only)
DC leakage test, NOT recommended since this test is destructive, when customer required
this test all the risk is customer responsibility, i.e: insulation breakdown
Operation & Maintenance History
The main objective of this assessment will be to generate a report which gives the information to
achieve following tasks
To arrest the deterioration in performance
To improve the availability, reliability, efficiency and safety of equipment.
To regain lost capacity
To extend useful life beyond design life and save investment on new equipment.
1.2. Background
Failure of insulation is considered to be major factor in electrical rotating machine. Aging of insulation
generally follows a chemical rate degradation curve and in addition is severely affected by the
number of stops and starts, the frequency of stops and starts as well as large load variations.
Wound stator / rotor windings operating in utility and industrial plants have failed when exposed to the
fast rise-time voltage surges coming from unbalance load, drives, breaker, lightning impulse, etc.
Machine failure is due to a combination of bad luck in winding insulation process and material quality
show that these surges create partial discharges (also called corona) and these discharges may
eventually destroy the turn-to-turn and/or phase-to-phase insulation, resulting in premature machine
The fast rise-time voltage surges can lead to an electrical breakdown of the turn insulation in motors /
generators stator windings . If the turn insulation is of an insufficient thickness, or has aged in service,
the insulation will puncture when a short rise-time voltage surge occurs. Punctured turn insulation
allows for a very high circulating current to flow into the affected copper turn, rapidly melting the
copper conductors, which, in turn, results in a consequent burning/melting of the slot liner insulation,
thus leading to a stator winding ground fault.
2. Condition Indicator
2.1. Condition Assessment Methodology.
The condition assessment methodology consists of analyzing each condition indicator individually to
arrive at a condition indicator score. The scores are weighted and summed to determine the
Condition Index. Condition Index are developed separately for the stator and rotor. The lower of the
Stator and Rotor Condition Index is used to arrive at an overall Generator Condition Index. The
Generator Condition Index is applied to the Generator Condition-Based Alternatives, Table 1, to
determine the recommended course of action.
The stator condition assessment focuses on the stator winding and core. Stator winding condition is
evaluated using Tier 1 and Tier 2 tests. Assessment of the stator core is considered to be non-
routine, and therefore, a Tier 2 evaluation.
Rotor condition assessment comprises the rotor winding, amortisseur (for hydroelectric), retaining
rings (for turbo generator). Rotor components are evaluated using both Tier 1 and Tier 2 tests.
Reasonable efforts should be made to perform Tier 1 inspections, tests, and measurements.
However, when data is unavailable to properly score a condition indicator, it may be assumed that the
score is “Good” or numerically equal to some mid-range number such as 2. This strategy must
be used judiciously to prevent erroneous results and conclusions. In recognition of the potential
impact of poor or missing data, a separate Data Quality Indicator is rated as a means of evaluating
and recording confidence in the final Generator Condition Index.
Condition indicator scoring is somewhat subjective, relying on the experience and opinions of plant
staff and generator experts. Relative terms such as “Results Normal” and “Degradation” refer to
results that are compared to industry accepted levels; or to baseline or previously acceptable levels
on this equipment; or to equipment of similar design, construction, or age operating in a similar
These condition indicators are initially evaluated using Tier 1 inspections, tests, and measurements,
which are conducted by a part of routine maintenance activities. Numerical scores are assigned to
each stator and rotor condition indicator, which are then weighted and summed to determine the
Stator and Rotor Condition Index. The lower of the two index is selected to represent the overall
Generator Condition Index.
During operation, large synchronous generators are continuously subjected to electrical, mechanical,
thermal, and environmental stresses. These stresses act and interact in complex ways to degrade the
machine’s components and reduce its useful life. Deterioration of the stator winding insulation is a
leading factor for determining the serviceability of generators. Unexpected stator winding failure can
result in forced outages and costly emergency repairs.
Operation and maintenance history may provide a useful indication of stator condition. The operation
and maintenance history of the generator to make a subjective determination of scoring that
encompasses as many operation and maintenance factors as possible under this indicator. Factors to
consider include:
Maintenance history
Frequent starts and stops
Rapid loading ramp rates are used
Operating outside of voltage rating (either higher or lower)
Sustained overloading
Frequent rough-zone crossings
Close-in lightning strikes
Out-of-phase breaker closings
Results of stator winding O & M history are analyzed and applied to Table 1 to arrive at an
appropriate Stator Condition Indicator Score
Negligible evidence of aging, damage, and/or deterioration would lead to a “normal” rating, whereas a
minor amount of wear and tear would be rated as “some deterioration.” If the deterioration observed
is very obvious and widespread, a rating of “significant deterioration” is appropriate. At a minimum,
the following areas should be inspected and the condition evaluated:
Stator winding.
Stator winding wedges, packing, blocking, and bracing
Circuit ring bus
Main and neutral leads.
Results of the stator winding physical inspection are analyzed and applied to Table 2 to arrive at a
Stator Condition Indicator Score.
Insulation resistance is defined as the quotient of the applied direct voltage over the measured
current (R = V/I). For a high capacitance specimen such as a generator stator winding, an applied
voltage step will result in a measured current that decays exponentially with time.
Because of this time-dependency, insulation resistance is normally calculated and recorded one
minute after the test voltage is applied. Insulation resistance measurements combine both surface
and volume resistances, and are mainly used to detect moisture absorption, conductive
contamination, degree of cure, and cracks or fissures. Insulation resistance tests are sensitive to
specimen temperature and are often normalized to a standard temperature (typically 40°C) for
analysis. Humidity and surface contamination can also affect the measurement. The insulation
resistance of good insulation may range from hundreds to thousands of megaohms.
Comparison of individual phases and trending over time are the best means of evaluating insulation
A polarization index test is similar to the insulation resistance test except that current readings are
taken at two time intervals, normally one and ten minutes after application of the voltage step. The
quotient of these two current readings (I1/I10) is termed the polarization index and gives an indication
of insulation dryness, contamination, cure, and mechanical integrity.
Since the polarization index is the ratio of two measurements made under identical conditions, it is
less sensitive to temperature variations than is insulation resistance. However, normal polarization
index vary significantly for different types of insulation systems depending on the electrical properties
of the constituent dielectric materials, making it difficult to define acceptable polarization index criteria.
Therefore, trending of measurements over time and comparison between phases are typically
necessary to assess insulation condition.
TIER 1. Table 3 – Stator Winding Insulation Resistance and Polarization Index Scoring
Stator Condition
Indicator Score
Results are normal and similar to previous tests
Results indicate minor decrease in insulation resistance or polarization index (e.g., factor
of 2 decrease)
Results indicate significant decrease in insulation resistance or polarization index (e.g.,
factor of 10 decrease)
Insulation resistance or polarization index is below minimum acceptable values
During this test, the measurement of the ohmic value between terminals winding for the winding
installed or between conductor lead for individual coil, is carried out. Given the relatively low series dc
resistance of winding.
The purpose of this test is to detect shorted turns, bad connections, wrong connection and open
circuit. Acceptable test result consist of three resistance value each phase to be balanced (for
installed winding) and balance between coils (for individual coil test), The machine should be in room
temperature when the test is performed.
The resistance should be corrected to temperature:
Rt2 (t1 k) When the resistance, Rt2 : of a winding has been determined by test at winding
Rt1 temperature,
(t2 k)
t1 : the resistance may be corrected to a specified temperature,
t2 : the temperature test of winding
k : is 234.5 for 100% IACS conductivity copper, or 225 for aluminum, based on a volume
conductivity of 62%
The age of the generator stator winding is an important factor to consider when identifying candidates
for replacement. Age is one indicator of remaining life and upgrade potential to state-of-the-art
materials and designs. The design life of a stator winding rated 6.9 kV or higher is typically 25 to 35
years. For lower voltage windings, the design life is typically 35 years or more. It is important to
recognize, however, that although age may be a useful indicator, the actual service life that can be
realized varies widely depending on the specific equipment manufacturer and date of manufacture;
the insulation system design, materials, and production methods; the quality of installation; and the
generator’s operation and maintenance history.
Operation and maintenance history may provide a useful indication of generator rotor condition. The
operation and maintenance history of the rotor should be reviewed by qualified personnel to make a
subjective determination of scoring that encompasses as many operation and maintenance factors as
possible under this indicator. Factors to consider include:
Refer to “Stator Condition Indicator 3 – Insulation Resistance and Polarization Index” in section above for a detailed description of insulation resistance and polarization index
TIER 1. Table 9 – Rotor Winding Insulation Resistance and Polarization Index Scoring
Results Rotor Condition Indicator Score
Results are normal and similar to previous tests
Results indicate minor decrease in insulation resistance or polarization
index (e.g., factor of 2 decrease)
Results indicate significant decrease in insulation resistance or
polarization index (e.g., factor of 10 decrease)
Insulation resistance or polarization index is below minimum acceptable
Refer to “Stator Condition Indicator 4 – Stator Winding DC Resistance Index” in section
above for a detailed description of Winding DC Resistance Index measurements.
The Rotor Data Quality Indicator reflects the quality of the inspection, test and measurement results
used to evaluate the rotor condition under Tier 1. The more current and complete the results are, the
higher the rating for this indicator. The normal testing frequency is defined as the organization’s
recommended frequency for performing the specific test or inspection.
4.1.1. TIER2. Stator Condition Indicator 1. Dissipation (or Power) Factor Measurements
The dissipation factor, or tan δ, represents the losses in an insulation tested under sinusoidal voltage
conditions. Absolute values of tan δ as well as changes with respect to voltage are used to assess
insulation quality and condition. When performing the test, several tan δ measurements are made
over a range of applied voltages. For example, a typical test schedule would involve making
measurements from 0.20 Un (where Un equals the rated phase-to-neutral voltage of the winding)
through 1.20 Un, increasing the test voltage in increments of 0.20 Un. The tip-up, or Δ tan δ, is
calculated by subtracting tan δ measured at 0.20 Un from tan δ at 1.0 Un. Relatively high values of
tan δ and tip-up generally indicate the presence of voids, delaminations, or high conductivity.
Normal tan δ measurements may vary depending on several factors, such as the type of dielectric
materials comprising the insulation, the effect of the end winding voltage stress grading treatment,
and specimen temperature and humidity. Given the difficulty in establishing absolute limits for
tan δ measurements, trending over time and/or comparisons among identical machines are
generally needed to analyze and interpret dissipation factor values.
High-potential withstand tests are typically performed to provide some assurance that the winding
insulation has a minimum level of electrical strength. Because the inherent withstand capability of
sound insulation is well above the usual proof test value, failure during a test at an appropriate
voltage indicates the insulation is unsuitable for service. Withstand tests are intended to search for
flaws in the material and for manufacturing defects, and to demonstrate in a practical manner that the
insulation has a minimum level of electrical integrity. A primary requirement of such a test is that it
should be discerning and effective in detecting serious flaws at or below the minimum specified
strength without damaging sound insulation. The applied test voltage may be power frequency, very
low frequency (VLF), or direct voltage.
Partial discharges are localized ionizations of the gaseous space surrounding or within a solid
insulation. When the electric stress in the gas exceeds a critical value, a transient ionization, or partial
discharge, occurs. The ionized gas contains electrons, ions, excited molecules, and free radicals.
These chemically reactive species can affect and degrade the adjacent solid insulation. Although the
damage caused by a single partial discharge (PD) event is minute, the cumulative effect of many
discharges can eventually lead to insulation failure.
There are several potential sites of partial discharges in high-voltage generator stator windings, such
as between the surface of the slot portion of the winding and the grounded stator core, at either
boundary of the voltage stress grading coating in the end turn area, in the winding overhang region
where potential differences exist between adjacent coils separated by small air spaces, and internal
to the insulation within voids, delaminations, or other defects.
PD measuring equipment and data analysis methods have been developed to quantify the level of
discharge activity and determine the source. Measurements may be made either on-line or offline,
and a variety of detection techniques are possible (e.g., corona probe, PDA,). Since discharge
measurements are greatly influenced by the specific measuring technique, the PD instrument
manufacturer should be consulted to determine appropriate evaluation criteria.
The Electromagnetic Core Imperfection Detector (EL CID) test is used to detect and evaluate known
or suspected damage to the stator core lamination insulation. The main advantage of the EL CID test
over the rated flux test is that it requires a much smaller capacity power supply for the excitation
winding, since only 3 to 4 percent of rated flux needs to be induced in the core.
The EL CID test operates on the basis that eddy currents will flow through failed or significantly aged
core insulation. Using a special “Chattock coil,” a voltage signal is obtained that is proportional to the
magnitude of eddy current flowing between laminations. The measured voltage is fed to a signal
processor what gives an output in mA (milliamperes) that represents the axial component of the
measured voltage. Relatively high readings indicate faulty insulation.
ELCID trace identified in general, the quadrature fault over 100 mA, from an average baseline
would cause concerns and require further investigations,
100mA peak quad current is equal 5-10 Deg Celsius rise from the rest of core temperature.
The PDC-Analysis is a non-destructive method for determining the moisture content in the solid
insulation material like paper, “NO STANDARD ARE AVAILABLE FOR JUDGMENT” PDC and Non
Linear are normally use to test for transformer to identify the conduction due to free water in the
transformer oil, by charging DC voltage, the current charging during a certain time (Tp) so called
“polarization duration” and the current charging is called “polarization current”, After elapsing the
polarisation duration, power supply to be switched off, power supply goes into the other position and
the dielectric is short circuited via the ammeter. Thus, the discharging current jumps to a negative
value, which goes gradually towards zero. Both kinds of currents called relaxation currents
The main measurement results include polarisation currents and depolarisation currents in time
domain and they are in log-log scales. The polarisation currents consist of absorption currents due to
polarisation phenomena : (e.g. aging molecules at the dielectric interface caused by oxidation or heat,
mixture of spilled lubricating oil and dust, by-products of partial discharges, corrosive contaminants
from chemical plants, sea salt or hydrogen sulphide, etc.) plus conduction currents due to conduction
phenomena (mostly moisture) plus, in some cases , surface leakage currents (due to conductive
contaminants e.g. free water, carbon dust, metal debris, etc.).
The Frequency Domain Spectroscopy test (FDS) is similar to the frequency used power factor
measurement, except that is multiple frequencies. The advantage of this test at the multiple frequency
that is much more information which makes it possible to distinguish properties of Insulation paper.
FDS analysis of an insulation systems can give indication of the condition of the insulation system
such as a direct reading of the moisture content and detection of the presence of contamination.
Since the effect of moisture and the abnormalities on the dielectric properties of the insulation
systems more pronounce a specific frequency range, the preferred measurement is done at a very
broad frequency range, such as 0.001 – 1000 Hz. The dielectric properties evaluated are the real and
imaginary capacitance ( or permittivity) and the dissipation insulation system model, humidity content
and oil conductivity can be estimated
FDS or Non Linear of the insulation is attributed mainly to the slot-end/endwinding regions due to the
harmonic content of all three phases.
Large amount of harmonic content (tan∂) at higher-order frequencies (10th –16th) and middle-order
frequencies (4th – 6th), is indicates high ionic activity in the slot region. This could be due to presence
of partial discharges.
The most likely cause for the FDS or non-linear behaviour is:
Lack of contact of coil with core or coil/wedge looseness.
Modification of anti-corona shield.
Partial discharges, in slot end or end-winding region
To prevent PD on the coil or bar surfaces (also known as slot discharge) between the coil surface and
the stator core, manufacturers have long been coating the coil/bar in the slot area with a partly
conductive coating. The coating is usually a carbonblack-loaded paint or tape. This coating, often
called a semiconductive coating is likely to be in contact with the grounded stator core at many
places along the length of the slot. With a sufficiently low resistance this coating is essentially at
ground potential because of the contact with the core.
Poorly manufactured coatings or abrasion of the coating due to coils and bars being loose in the slot
will reduce the effectiveness of the coating and promote the onset of the slot discharges. As the
semiconductive coating deteriorates, its resistance increases. Also, if the coils are loose in the slot,
there may be only a few points of contact between the semiconductive coating and the core, rather
than many. In both these situations, the contact resistance between the coil surface coating and the
core will increase. In this test, the electrical resistance between the coil surface and the core is
directly measured. The result is that semiconductive coatings with surface resistance from 0.1 to 10
kilohms per square prevent surface discharges in the slot.
The measurement of the resistance between the semiconductive coating and the grounded stator
core can indicate if coils are loose in the slot or if the coating has deteriorated. This test is only useful
in form-wound stator windings that have a semiconductive coating. Thus, the test is usually only
applied to stators rated at 6 kV and above.
Stator windings are wedged into the core slots and subjected to positive radial pressure to protect the
winding from vibration-induced damage during normal operation and to keep coils/bars from being
forced out of the slots during phase-to-phase short circuit conditions. This evaluation is used to
determine the condition of the stator winding wedge system. The wedge system should be examined
closely for loose, broken, or burnt wedges. To perform a comprehensive assessment with the rotor in
place, one or two pole pieces must be removed in order to access the entire length of the stator core
and the rotor must be rotated manually in order to inspect all wedges in every slot. A partial
evaluation may be conducted by inspecting only those wedges that are within reach between the
rotor poles. The wedge evaluation procedure requires careful visual inspection of the wedging
system, including wedges and slot packing materials.
The wedge system may be further examined by tapping the wedges with a blunt metallic instrument
which rings or vibrates when hit against a solidly wedged slot. Loose wedges produce a dull sound
when tapped. Wedge systems utilizing under-wedge ripple springs may be evaluated using a depth
gauge to measure the ripple spring compression. Regardless of the specific evaluation method used,
wedge system condition is assessed based on the overall percentage of loose wedges as well as the
number and location of loose wedges in any given slot.
Corrective action
Once a chart is made indicating the location of loose wedges, a determination of corrective action can
be made. In general, large machines can tolerate a fewer percentage of loose wedges than smaller
Several loose wedges adjacent to each other are a more serious condition than if randomly scattered
through the bore or slot. Loose wedges, which are near or at the end of a slot, create a more serious
condition than if located near the center of the core. Wedges that are loose enough to allow filler
strips to migrate out from under them indicates a serious condition and should be corrected in all
To calculate the Net Stator Condition Index (Value should be between 0 and 10), subtract the Tier 2
Adjustments from the Tier 1 Stator Condition Index:
Net Stator Condition Index = Stator Condition Index Tier 1 – Stator Condition Index Tier 2
To determine the Net Generator Stator Condition Index (Value should be between 0 and 10), choose
the lower of the Net Stator Condition Index.
Record the Data Quality Indicator associated with the chosen Condition Index:
Net Stator Generator Condition Index _____________
Data Quality Indicator ______________
Tier 2 inspections, tests, and measurements generally require specialized equipment or expertise,
may be intrusive, or may require an outage to perform. A Tier 2 assessment is not considered routine.
Tier 2 inspections are intended to affect the Rotor Condition Index number established using Tier 1
tests as well as confirm or disprove the need for more extensive maintenance, rehabilitation, or
generator replacement.
Note that there are many tests that can provide information about the various aspects of rotor
condition. The choice of which tests to apply should be made based on known information obtained
via review of O & M history, physical inspection, other test results, and company standards as well as
the Tier 1 assessment. Many of the following Tier 2 tests are used to detect or confirm a similar
defect or state of deterioration. In the event that more than one Tier 2 tests are performed to assess
the same problem or concern, then the test with the largest adjustment shall be used to recalculate
the Rotor Condition Index.
This test is performed on salient pole rotors to detect shorted turns in the field winding or Turbo
generator with RR removal. The winding is energized at 120 V, 50 or 60 Hz and the voltage drop
across each pole is measured. Poles with appreciably lower voltage drops may have shorted turns.
The voltage drop across the immediately adjacent poles or pole turn (for turbo generator) may be low
as well due to the influence of the defective pole on the magnetic circuits of the adjacent poles.
4.2.4. TIER-2. ROTOR Recurrent Surge Oscillation (RSO) valid for Turbo Generator
The “Generator Rotor Shorted Turn Analyzer” or (“RSO” Recurrent Surge Oscillation) produces a
succession of step-shaped low voltage pulses. The pulses are introduced simultaneously to the dc
rotor winding (“field winding”) from both ends. The resulting reflected signals can be viewed on a dual
channel oscilloscope screen as two separate waveforms, or after one of them is inverted, and both
summed as a single trace.
If no discontinuities are present in the winding (due to grounds or shorted-turns), both traces will be
nearly identical and if inverted and summed, a single trace will be displayed as a horizontal straight
line, with a minor blip at the origin and an almost imperceptible ripple. Any significant discontinuity
arising from a fault will be shown as an irregularity on the summed trace. By estimating the location
of the anomaly on the screen, an inference can be made as to the approximate location of the fault.
For instance, large irregularities near the origin of the trace are attributed to faults close to either end
of the winding.
To calculate the Net Rotor Condition Index (Value should be between 0 and 10), subtract the Tier 2
Adjustments from the Tier 1 Rotor Condition Index:
Net Rotor Condition Index = Rotor Condition Index Tier 1 – Rotor Condition Index Tier 2
To determine the Net Generator Rotor Condition Index (Value should be between 0 and 10), choose
the lower of the Net Rotor Condition Index.
Record the Data Quality Indicator associated with the chosen Condition Index:
Net Rotor Generator Condition Index _____________
Data Rotor Quality Indicator ______________
5. Advance Analysis
5.1. Arhaenus Life Curve
Considering surge absorber, the generator is required withstanding voltage more than 2E+1kV in 1
minute, with E= Voltage Rating at rms. This breakdown is equivalent to 40% of mean value of initial
withstanding voltage. The voltage surge (2E+1kV) possibly brake into the generator insulation. Thus,
generator is required dielectric strength more than (2E+1 kV ac)
The above analysis based on operational data can offer life cycle estimation at 65% confidence level,
or at least the BDV not fall until 40%, The next step in life cycle is to evaluate the present machine
condition by diagnostic test.
The tests gives in depth information regarding machine abnormalities like contamination, lack of
contact of coil with core, looseness of coil/wedges, presence of voids within insulation, presence of
partial discharges and its location, core lamination shorting and so much more. These parameters will
further degrade the insulation properties and reduce the RBDV or tensile strength. The curves are
suitably corrected to yield the life cycle of the machine.
The change in the winding temperature from a cold to hot condition and from a hot to cold condition
constitutes a thermal cycle. Thermosetting insulation systems generally are stable dimensionally with
increase/decrease in temperature. However, the copper of the bars tends to expand on application of
heat. The restraining force is generally offered by the end-winding bracing supports that are used to
limit winding movement due to electro-magnetically-generated forces. These constraints result in a
mechanical strain at certain bracing support locations. Also, the conductor bends and twists due to a
change in the direction of expansion of the coil, resulting in additional development of stresses.
Total number of operating hours : 32,782 hours
Total no. of starts/stops : 3,971
Present equivalent hours : 151,912.0 Hours (Op. Hours + 30 * Starts/Stops)
The residual BDV corresponding to above data: app. 73.5 % ,
See Curve as shown below (modification of Arhaenus Curve)
If we now consider the estimated discharging void content, the amount of accumulated charge
(particularly due to ion migration phenomena), and the extent of leakages, a reduction in the BDV is
evaluated for every machine based on the measured quantities and observed conditions.
380,000 480,000
370,000 465,000
360,000 450,000
340,000 435,000
330,000 420,000
320,000 405,000
May 30, 2018
280,000 360,000
270,000 345,000
260,000 330,000
220,000 285,000
200,000 255,000
180,000 240,000
Specialist Engineer
Life Cycle
170,000 225,000
160,000 210,000
150,000 195,000
130,000 180,000
110,000 150,000
100,000 135,000
Present EOH
70,000 105,000
60,000 90,000
50,000 75,000
30,000 60,000
20,000 45,000
10,000 30,000
- 15,000
Issued Date Doc.Code
Siswanto May 30, 2018 ITP – 07-0515-R1
Specialist Engineer Revision 1 Page(s) 1 of 41
8,000 50%
4,000 60%
2,000 70% BDV5
0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000
Operating hour (hours)
IEEE 62.2 - Guide for Diagnostic Field Testing of Electric Power Apparatus Electrical
IEEE 43- Recommended Practice for Testing Insulation Resistance of Rotating Machinery.
IEEE 56 - Guide for Insulation Maintenance of Large Alternating-Current Rotating Machinery
(10 000 kVA and Larger).
IEEE 1434 / D.1.1 - Guide for the Measurement of Partial Discharges in AC Electric
IEEE 95 - Recommended Practice for Insulation Testing of AC Electric Machinery (2300 V
and Above) With High Direct Voltage.
IEEE 115 - Guide: Test Procedures for Synchronous Machines.
IEEE 286 - Recommended Practice for Measurement of Power Factor Tip-Up of Electric
Machinery Stator Coil Insulation
7.1.1. STATOR
- Visual inspection
- Endoscopic inspection to trace the PD tracking in the stator slot region
- Insulation resistance and polarization index Test
- DC winding resistance Test
- Dissipation Factor Tan delta Test
- Capacitance Mapping Test
- Off line PD probe Test
- ELCID Test
- Stator Wedge Analysis (SWA) Test
- PDCA (Polarization Depolarization Current Analysis) Test
- FDS (Frequency Domain Spectroscosphy) Test
- Leakage current test by DC Hipot Test
- Coupling Resistance test
- Core tightening Inspection
7.1.2. ROTOR
- Visual inspection
- Endoscopic inspection to inspect the rotor winding part at underneath retaining rings
- Insulation resistance and polarization index Test
- DC winding resistance Test
7.1.3. EXCITER
- Visual inspection
- Insulation resistance and polarization index Test
- DC winding resistance Test
PDCA-FDS Combined test on GE 20MW / 13.8kV/ 3600 RPM and GE 33MW / 13.8kV / 3600 RPM
PD Probe test