E 356 - 78 R96 Rtm1ni03ofi5ng
E 356 - 78 R96 Rtm1ni03ofi5ng
E 356 - 78 R96 Rtm1ni03ofi5ng
Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
E 356
minimum slit heights to be specified. any additional Rowland ghosts are present, their intensity shall
not exceed 0.01 % of the parent line. Ghost lines may be
NOTE 5— Example—Bilateral slit width continuously adjustable from 0
to 0.1 mm; height continuously adjustable from 0 to 15 mm. readily recognized and their relative intensity estimated by
photographing a simple, strong line spectrum such as obtain-
5.1.6 Wavelength Coverage—The total wavelength range able with a mercury vapor lamp. In order to obtain uniform
for which the instrument can be used and the wavelength range illumination of the spectrographic slit,6 mount the lamp in front
which can be photographed at a single setting. of the slit in such a way that irregularities of the filament and
NOTE 6— Example—The entire region from 2000 to 10 000 Å can be markings on the envelope do not interfere. Use a step sector or
photographed. Up to 2400 Å may be photographed at a single setting of step filter, and a 10-µm slit width but no other external optics.
the instrument (first order). A spectral range setting to include the Hg 4358 Å line is quite
5.1.7 Camera—The size of plates or film, or both, that can suitable, but other strong mercury lines could be used as well.
be accommodated should be specified. Make preliminary tests to check stability of the lamp and
uniformity of illumination. Adjust the exposure time to record
NOTE 7— Example—Camera will accommodate two 100 by 250-mm
(4 by 10-in.) or two 50 by 250-mm (2 by 10-in.) plates.
a strong mercury line such as Hg 4358 Å to a transmittance
value between 1 and 10 %. Take two exposures for the actual
5.1.8 Illuminating System (External Optics)—Consider test, one at the exposure time determined above and the other
each component of the illuminating system and note its 1000 times longer, such as 3 s and 3000 s. Note ghost intensity
function. by comparing the two exposures. Steps at the 10003 exposure
NOTE 8— Example—A quartz relay lens ( FD = 60 mm) is used to for the ghost lines should be weaker than their counterparts of
image the source at unit magnification on an aperture 8 mm wide and the parent line in the 13 exposure if the ghost intensity is to be
adjustable in height from 1 to 6 mm. This aperture is imaged on the less than 0.1 %. Because of the reciprocity effect this test
collimator at 113 magnification by a quartz lens (F D = 180 mm) located cannot be more than a coarse guide. For more precise mea-
at the slit. surements, photomultipliers commonly are used.
NOTE 9—It is quite essential to describe fully all external optics. Wide
variations in performance can be brought about by changing the method
6.1.2 Speed—Express the theoretical optical speed of a
of illumination. spectrograph as the effective F number, which is given as
5.1.9 Accessory Equipment—Shutter, plate racking mecha-
nism, and any other devices which contribute to the perfor- Effective F number 5 f/2=wh/p cos u (2)
mance of the instrument.
5.1.10 Size—Over-all size, weight, and distribution of f = focal length of the camera lens or mirror,
weight on each of the supports. w = width of dispersing element,
h = height of dispersing element, and
6. Specification of Performance u = angle between the normal to the dispersing element
6.1 Adequate performance for a specific problem cannot be and the direction of the radiation leaving that element.
ensured by a set of general specifications. It is possible,
however, to describe some of the design parameters and
performance criteria which primarily determine the quality of The actual optical speed attainable will depend also upon the
performance to be expected from a spectrograph. In addition, number of reflecting and absorbing elements in the optical
for versatility the instrument shall meet or exceed certain train, the illumination employed, the plate tilt angle, and in the
minimum specifications which will be given. For more detailed case of a grating, its blaze. For the latter, the relative speed of
information the literature should be consulted.3,4 ,5 the spectrograph should be specified at 500-Å intervals
6.1.1 Dispersing Element—To specify a prism for spectro- throughout the available wavelength in range in each usable
chemical analysis, include only the information listed in 5.1.1. order. A practical test for the comparative speed of a spec-
Any serious defects will be reflected in the over-all perfor- trograph under conditions in use may be performed by record-
mance of the spectrograph and will be detected by failure to ing the iron spectrum using a controlled set of conditions, and
meet one or more of the subsequent specifications in this estimating the time required for selected lines to produce lines
section. The same remarks apply to gratings and echelles with of 50 % transmittance. An intensity distribution curve is thus
one exception, the specifications of the maximum permissible obtained which is particularly useful in comparing the speed of
intensities of ghosts and satellites. The intensities of Rowland an individual spectrograph using, say, two different gratings or
ghosts in the first order of a grating having 600 grooves/mm two different illuminating systems. The test is less useful in
(15 000 grooves/in.) shall not exceed 0.1 % level. There shall comparing two or more spectrographs because of uncontrol-
be no more than three ghosts at either side of a parent line. If lable variations in illuminating systems, source parameters,
peculiarities of the optical elements, etc. A typical test is
outlined as follows:
Sawyer, R. A., Experimental Spectroscopy, Prentice-Hall, New York, NY, Source—A d-c arc between an upper negative graph-
Second Edition, 1951. ite rod and a lower iron bead in a graphite electrode (iron
Harrison, G. R., Lord, R. C., and Loofbourow, J. R., Practical Spectroscopy, globule arc) as described in Practice E 116.
McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 1948.
Grove, E. L., Analytical Emission Spectroscopy, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New
York, NY, 1971. A type R.S. sunlamp available at drug stores is suitable.
E 356 Spectrograph Slit Width, 50-µm. TABLE 1 Exposure Factors Spectrograph Illumination—The condensing system First Order Factor Second OrderA Factor
normally supplied by the manufacturer for routine quantitative OrderA
E 356
maximum intensity. Make the half-width measurement with a 500-mm camera, measurements shall be taken about 30 mm
mercury pencil lamp.7 The lamp emits a closely spaced doublet from the ends of the plate to indicate how and if the image is
at 3131.55 Å and 3131.83 A, each of which consists of a very deteriorating. The resolution of a spectrograph is affected by
fine line. Carefully align the illumination system of the many factors. A brief summary of the more important ones is
spectrograph to yield the maximum resolution (see 6.1.6). Use listed below:
a slit of width W such that Focus—Half-width resolution is much more critical
W # fl/d (3) than visual focus. On a large spectrograph (over 2-m focal
length), moving the slit longitudinally by less than 0.5 mm will
where: affect the calculated resolution. Also, measurements should be
f = focal length of collimator, taken at the center as well as both ends of the focal curve to
d = effective width of dispersing element, and check that the focal curve conforms to the Rowland circle.
l = wavelength, A. Coma—As a spectrograph operates off its centrol
optical axis, aberrations such as coma disrupt the shape and
Using either the Hg pencil lamp or a low-current (less than
sharpness of the lines. The half-widths should be smallest at the
3-A) iron globule arc (see 6.1.1 of Practice E 116), take a series
center of the plate.
of spectrograms such that either the Hg 3131 Å doublet or two
lines in the triplet Fe 3100.31 Å and Fe 3100.67 Å are Order—Theoretically, the resolving power of a
photographed with a transmittance of between 20 and 50 % spectrograph is proportional to the order, and resolutions
(Table 2). Spectrum Analysis No. 1, or an equivalent plate of should improve almost equally in the first three or four orders.
low grain size should be used. With a microphotometer slit Again, be sure the instrument is in optimum focus.
width of [frac13] or less that of the width of the line, record the Microphotometer Slit Width—Because of the over-
contour of two adjacent lines on a strip chart. Referencing the all time constant of the measuring system, a good rule of thumb
emulsion calibration curve, find the percentage transmittance is to set the microphotometer slit at a width equal to or less than
of the lines corresponding to one half that of the peak intensity [frac13] of the line being measured. The smallest micropho-
(which can be set at unity on the calculating board, for tometer slit width commensurate with the stability and sensi-
convenience). Referencing the known peak-to-peak distance tivity of the microphotometer amplifier shall be used.
between the lines, measure their half-width in angstroms. At Microphotometer Slit Tilt—Unless the slit is abso-
the center of the plate, the half-width as measured shall not lutely parallel with the line under measurement, false readings
exceed twice theoretical Dl as calculated in 6.1.4. At a distance will result. If the contour of the line is asymmetric, that is, if a
equal to 90 % of that measured from the center to the end of the line drawn from the peak to the base does not divide the area
plate, the ratio shall not exceed 2.5. Shoulders at the base of a in half, the slit is probably not parallel.
line and coma are serious limitations of this technique. Tenth- 6.1.5 Slits—Fixed or adjustable slits are commonly used.
widths can also be measured to avoid this problem. Fig. 2A is There are advantages to both types, but for best reproducibility
a profile of a resolved line, a photoelectric tracing as it should the fixed slits are to be preferred. Slit jaws must be straight,
appear for a grating spectrograph or spectrometer set on-axis free of nicks, accurately parallel, and coplanar. Total variation
and exhibiting no aberrations. Both sides of the curve are in slit width along the full length of the slit must not exceed
symmetrical; the sweep on both sides is without inflection. Fig. 10 % of the nominal slit width. Adjustable slits should be
2B indicates a shoulder on the low wavelength side. Note that, accurate to within 610 % of the actual width at any setting and
although the halfwidths of spectrograph A and B are identical, should be reproducible to within 65 %. Most modern slit jaws
a weak line close to and on the low wavelength side of a strong operate bilaterally so the image remains centered. If inter-
line would remain undetected in B where it would appear in A. changeable fixed slits are provided, positioning must be suffi-
Again, in Fig. 2C the half-width remains the same, but lines on ciently accurate that no change in focus can be detected when
both sides would be obscured.Fig. 2D is an indication of coma slits are interchanged.
or off-axis aberration. The line profile is asymmetrical; the area 6.1.6 Illuminating System—The illuminating system of a
under the curve on the wavelength side away from the optical spectrograph should provide reasonably uniform illumination
center line is greater than on the other side. Coma, increasingly of the slit along its entire usable length. In addition, it should
obvious toward the ends of any spectrographic plate, is seen as be capable of filling (1) the entire width of the dispersing
lines that are sharp toward the center of the plate, fuzzy toward element in order to obtain the maximum resolving power of
the end. In order to account for all of these conditions, two which the instrument is capable, and (2) the exit aperture of the
figures of merit shall be furnished in describing the resolution system (normally the dispersing element) in order to obtain the
of a spectrograph: (1) the half-width; (2) the width of each maximum speed of which the instrument is capable. Other
wing of the intensity distribution curve at a value 1⁄10 of functions such as adjustable masking of certain portions of the
maximum intensity (Table 3). At least three lines, or the same source, intensity controls, etc. are often incorporated into the
line in three positions, shall be measured: (1) in the center of design. Such systems always present problems in both geo-
the plate; (2) and (3) at a distance equal to 90 % of the plate metrical and physical optics with the result that some compro-
width close to the end of the plate. In other words, for a mise is usually necessary. For this reason it is essential that
each component of the optical system be described completely
Spectroline 11SC-1, Black Light Eastern, 24 Kindel St., Westbury, NY, Pen Ray with respect to its optical characteristics and its function in the
Quartz Lamp, Ultra Violet Products, San Gabriel, CA, have been found satisfactory. system.
E 356
TABLE 2 Iron Lines for Use in Determining The transmittance of adjacent 2-mm segments of lines in the
Resolving Power range from 40 to 60 % T should not vary more than 61 %
Wavelength, Å Wavelength Difference, Å along the entire length of the line. Transmittance measurements
2486.37} 0.32 must be made with a microphotometer having an effective slit
2487.06 J 0.37 width at the plate of not greater than 1⁄2the actual line
half-width at half-height (Note 11), and an effective slit length
2493.26 J 0.08 at the plate of not greater than 2 mm. Failure to meet this
specification may be caused by optical defects in the spec-
2749.18} 0.14 trograph as well as defects in the illuminating system (Note
2749.48 J 0.16 12).
3099.97 JJ 0.07
TABLE 3 Example of Information Regarding Resolution, First
3100.67 J 0.36
Center of 25 mm from 25 mm from
low l end high l end
3859.22 0.69
3859.91 Half-width, Å 0.10 0.13 0.15
Width of low l wing at 1⁄10 0.14 0.20 0.15
3956.68 J 0.22
max intensity
Width of high l wing at 1⁄10
max intensity
0.14 0.15 0.25
4175.64} 0.93 A
Slit set at 10 µm wide by 2 mm high; source low-pressure Hg discharge 3131
4176.57 1.03 Å; grating 1200 grooves/mm.
E 356
up the spectrograph as recommended and measure the height of is ordinarily accomplished by moving the entrance slit longi-
lines by comparison with that of the height-limiting aperture tudinally; the latter by tilting the camera until it corresponds
between the slit and the source. Of course, any aperture at the with the focal plane.
camera must be opened to a point where it does not interfere.
The lengthening of lines at the center and at each end of the 7. Keywords
camera can be calculated as a percentage of the height of the
aperture. 7.1 optical emission; spectrochemical analysis; spectro-
6.1.11 Focus—Means shall be provided for focusing at the graphic analysis
center of the plate as well as both ends of the plate. The former
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
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