Astm E242-01
Astm E242-01
Astm E242-01
Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
COPYRIGHT ASTM International
Licensed by Information Handling Services
E 242
size of detectable discontinuity is also a function of unsharp- the greater penetration of the radiation; that is, because of
ness, see Guide E 94. decreasing subject contrast. The reference radiographs permit a
comparison of the radiographic appearance of the weld, at
6. Radiographic Illustrations particular thickness over a range of X-ray or gamma ray
6.1 A series of 36 radiographs, each on 10 by 12-in. (254 by energies.
305-mm) film, were taken of a 12 by 12 in. welded steel plate 7.2 Another condition that affects radiographic appearance
which contained discontinuities in the weld. These were taken is the variation of thickness for a given X-ray or gamma ray
to illustrate the differences in appearance of the radiographic energy. As the thickness of examined material is increased, a
image when techniques for taking radiographs are varied by discontinuity becomes less distinct in the radiographic image.
changing the factors listed in Section 5. A 2 by 2 in. (51 by 51 This is due to two predominant factors:
mm) area, which includes the identical image of the disconti- 7.2.1 The X-ray or gamma ray beam divergence which
nuities in the weld, was selected and cut out from each 10 by produces unsharpness on the film when traversing a large
12 in. radiograph and arranged so as to make four composite thickness.
illustrations identified as Fig. 1 through Fig. 4. These compos- 7.2.2 Scattered radiation within the material, which reduces
ite illustrations are an abridged version of the original 36 the radiographic contrast.
radiographs and serve as the reference radiographs for this
7.2.3 The above processes are a function of material thick-
document. Following are brief descriptions of these figures.
ness and X-ray or gamma ray energy. This effect is illustrated
6.1.1 Figure 1—Composite Illustration A consists of cut
in this document by the composite set of radiographs or by
outs from the 10 radiographs taken of the 1-in. (25-mm) thick
direct reference to the full-size radiographs.
welded steel plate.
6.1.2 Figure 2—Composite Illustration B consists of cut
8. Film and Screens
outs from the 10 radiographs taken of the welded steel plate,
built up to 2 in. in thickness. 8.1 The X-ray film systems used in obtaining the illustrative
6.1.3 Figure 3—Composite Illustration C consists of cut data were as follows: Very Fine Grain (comparable to class I of
outs from the 10 radiographs taken of the welded steel plate, Test Method E 1815) and Fine Grain (comparable to class II of
built up to 4 in. in thickness. Test Method E 1815). Comparisons of these two film systems
6.1.4 Figure 4—Composite Illustration D consists of cut are illustrated in the composite radiographs and within Table 1.
outs from the 6 radiographs taken of the welded steel plate, 8.2 Several different lead foil screen combinations were
built up to 6 in. (152 mm) in thickness. used. The specific combination of lead foil screens for each
6.2 The radiographic appearance of discontinuities in 1, 2, radiograph is noted in Table 1.
4, and 6-in. thick steel is shown in the series of composite
radiographs. (These are full-scale reproductions of the same 9. Conclusions and Summary
selected area from all the reference radiographs.) All composite 9.1 For a constant specimen thickness, the radiographic
sets of radiographs show the change in radiographic appear- appearance of the discontinuities changes as the X-ray or
ance in the specified thickness of steel plate as the parameters gamma ray energy is varied.
of X-ray or gamma ray energy and film systems or both are 9.2 As the section thickness of specimen increases, the
changed. radiographic appearance of the discontinuities becomes less
6.3 Film Deterioration—Radiographic films are subject to distinct, the radiation energy remaining constant.
wear and tear from handling and use. The extent to which the
9.3 All other factors remaining constant, as the film is
image deteriorates over time is a function of storage condi-
changed from very fine grain (class I of Test Method E 1815)
tions, care in handling and amount of use. Reference radio-
to fine grain (class II of Test Method E 1815), the radiographic
graph films are no exception and may exhibit a loss in image
appearance of the discontinuities becomes less distinct.
quality over time. The radiographs should therefore be peri-
odically examined for signs of wear and tear, including 9.4 For specimens of uniform thickness, these data reveal
scratches, abrasions, stains, and so forth. Any reference radio- that the most distinct radiographic appearance of the disconti-
graphs which show signs of excessive wear and tear which nuities occurs when the finest grain film and the lowest X-ray
could influence the interpretation and use of the radiographs or gamma ray energy is used, consistent with a given specimen
should be replaced. thickness and practical exposure time.
COPYRIGHT ASTM International
Licensed by Information Handling Services
E 242
TABLE 1 Technique Data
250 kVP 0.005 0.005 ... x ... ... Fine grain ⁄ in. lead mask
0.010 x x x ... Very fine grain ...
1 MV 0.030 0.010 ... ... ... x Fine grain ...
0.005 0.005 x x x ... Fine grain ...
2 MV H0.030
Very fine grain
Fine grain
Cobalt-60 (1000 C) 0.010 0.010 ... ... x x Fine grain 0.080 in. lead filter
Radium-226 (250 mg) 0.010 0.010 x x x ... Fine grain ...
NOTE 1—Total unsharpness factors such as source size, source-film NOTE 2—It is not the intent of this document to limit the usefulness of
distance, screens, film graininess, etc., must be considered in establishing any source of radiation. The radiographs included in this document are
techniques (Guide E 94). illustrative and not intended to be either inclusive or conclusive.
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Radiation source was centered over drilled hole in X1.3 All films were developed using procedures recom-
center of specimen (as seen in the 10 in. by 12 in. (254 by 305 mended in Guide E 94.
mm) full-size reproduction). In 1 MV and 2 MV radiography,
the radiation was projected towards the specimen through the X1.4 Good contact between film and screens was main-
target, using a transmitted beam. tained.
X1.2 Radiographic exposure was such that the film density
in the radiograph at the center of a line connecting the image
of the two drilled holes in the plate was between 1.90 and 2.10.
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
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COPYRIGHT ASTM International
Licensed by Information Handling Services