Sop Com
Sop Com
Sop Com
S.No. Nature of Power Page No.
1. Waiver / Refund of wharfage, demurrage, storage, and lost property charges E5
2. Write-off of irrecoverable freight charges in respect of the consignments not taken delivery of and subsequently disposed
off by auction. E5
3. Write off of the amounts due to the railway when they are or are not recoverable. E5-6
4. To write-off irrecoverable outstanding earning, irrecoverable losses of cash (including individual amount of outstanding at
stations, values of forged currency notes as advised by cash office/Bank and value of cash vouchers), irrecoverable stores,
tools, and plants pertaining to Comml.Dept. E6-7
5. Refund of fares and freight otherwise than in accordance with the relevant tariff rules E7-8
6. Refund of wagon registration fee otherwise than in accordance with the relevant rules E8
7. Refund / Waiver of demurrage charges at stations / tranship sheds where handling contractors are engaged E8
8. Waiver of penalty charges in cases of miss-declaration of weight and goods E8
9. Refund of penalty charges in individual cases of mis-declared goods E8
10. Refund of fares or freight in cases covered by tariff rules and refund of over charges as per certified over charge sheet E8-10
11. Refund of security deposit to contractors and waiver of detention charges in respect of reserved bogies E10
12. Refund of rental charges for commercial advertisement E10
13. Deleted E10
14. Repairs of parcel handling equipment (including cranes, tow trucks, parcel platform trolley, weighing machine, tools
&plants) E10-11
15. Creation of imprest for maintenance and upkeep of room, toilets, and procurement of stationery & consumables of PRS
location and in commercial office. other than railway premises E11
16. Expenditure incurred for covering and removal of dead bodies from Railway premises E11
17. Payment of claims for compensation for goods lost or damaged E11-12
18. Payment of compensation claims for goods lost or damaged when suit or time barred E12
19. Payment of fees to surveyors engaged for the assessment of the value of the damaged consignments E12
20. Payment of bills for loading and unloading of unconnected or undelivered wagons E12-13
21. Compensation in case of Railway accidents and untoward incidents E13
22. Legal expenses in respect of compensation & claims E13
S.No. Nature of Power Page No.
23. To make exgratia payments payable to the dependents of dead or to injured passengers including Railway servants on dutyor
on privilege pass 1, PTO, involved in train accidents or untoward incident as defined under section 124 & 124-A of RlyAct
1989 E13-15
24. To make exgratia payments to road users who meet with an accident at manned level crossing, due to Railway’s prima facie
negligence E15-16
25. Contracts for cartage of goods, parcels etc., for loading, unloading, transhipment of goods and other issues incidental to
traffic working, for washing & supply of bedrolls E16-17
26. Contracts for commercial matters viz. Parking, publicity, Pay & Use Toilets, labour license etc., (except parcel leasing and
catering E18-20
27. Award of Contracts for Medical shops, Book stalls, internet booths E20
28. Opening out-agencies, city/ town booking offices, introduction of other ancillary services & fixing rates for conveyance
over the road portion E20-21
29. Variation of rates fares in case of leasing of other coaching vehicles, goods, and passengers E21
30. Delivery of goods/ parcels on indemnity notes including self-consignments E21
31. Hiring of motor vehicles for the use of ticket checking squads for mid sections checks against ticketless travel E21-22
32. Wagon demand registration fees (lumpsum deposit) E22
33. Authorizing firms or individuals to pay freight by credit note or underweight only system E22
34. Acceptance of percentage charges on values of goods and parcels notified as excepted articles E22
35. Hiring of auto-rickshaw/ taxi for remittance of station/city booking office cash to banks E22
36. Sanction to expenditure on consumables connected with the printing of computerized tickets E23
37. Waiver/refund of penalty charges levied on privilege, post retirement, complimentary passes E23
38. Levy of maximum demurrage/ wharfage charges on non-bulk commodities E23
39. Modification/Rectification of software in commercial dept. E23
40. Contracts for emergency stitching of uniforms for TTEs, Train Supdt., special action group people, etc. E23-24
41. Special recording of announcements or enquiries with finance concurrence and specific availability of funds E24
42. Sanction of procurement and annual maintenance of contracts for systems, Data com equipment and electrical equipment
for PRS/ UTS/SPTM/ Passengers amenities E24-25
43. Power to sanction estimate chargeable to revenue and Invitation of advertised tenders for matters incidental to sanitation E25-26
44. Catering/Vending Contracts E26-27
45. Signing of agreements relating to Major static catering units (Stand Alone AVMs) and Minor static catering units (including
Milk stalls) E27-28
S.No. Nature of Power Page No.
46. Imposition or waivable of penalties in terms of Contract. E28
47. To fix tariff of articles sold through catering establishments in station premises other than standardized meals, tea, and
coffee E28
48. Refund of cost of Tenders discharged on valid reasons E28
49. To purchase Catering Stores under tender, contract, or immediate basis E28-30
50. Purchase of proprietary & non-proprietary articles for sale or/and consumption and petty equipment for catering E31
51. Purchase of crockery, cutlery line napery/ glassware, cooking and servicing articles E32
52. Emergency purchase of catering items in the event of failure or poor response to tenders E32
53. Condemnation and Disposal of deteriorated stocks E32
54. Write off of losses of goods due to deterioration/ condemned/ unfit for human consumption or excess consumption of raw
materials which is incidental in day to day working provided the loss is not due to the carelessness or dishonesty of the
Railway employee E33
55. Repairs to utensils, equipment, machinery including tinning E33
56. Alterations, enhancement, or reduction of accepted rates/ or orders placed E34
57. Disposal of empties E34
58. To write off of losses of cooked food including food which has become unfit for human consumption E34
59. Taking over of dead stock from the existing private catering units to the departmental catering units E34
60. Utilization of earnings from departmentally run catering establishments E35
61. Execution of works for provisions of passenger amenities at Railway Stations sponsored by NGOs, Charitable Instituions,
etc. E35
62. Execution of identified Railway works through CSR of Corporate and PSU E35
63. Renting of space for opening of PRS at non-rail head locations E34-35
64. Provision of new UTS/PRS E36
Annexure E37
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Nature of Power PHOD/HOD DRM/ADRM Officers in REMARKS
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1. (A) Waiver / Refund of PHOD /CHOD DRM Sr.DCM 1. AGM has full power.
wharfage and demurrage up to Rs. 1 Lakh up to Rs. 25,000/- up to Rs. 10,000/- 2. These power are delegated on per wagon/ per consignment basis.
charges 3. The powers of waiver of wharfage charges will be on consignment
basis, except in case of train load consignments, where it is applicable
. Sr. Scale
on per wagon basis.
up to Rs. 600/- in case
4. Where demurrage cases are being handled by officers of
of demurrage per
operating department, CCM/Sr.DCM etc will mean
COM/Sr.DOM etc.
Up to Rs. 1,200/- in 5. Finance concurrence is necessary for cases above Rs.25,000/-.
case of wharfage
per consignment Authority:
Asst. Officers 1. Rates Master circular/Demurrage-Wharfage-Waiver/2016/0Chapter
Up to Rs. 300/- III dtd.19.05.2016 and further modifications, if any, to be followed.
2. Rly Bd’s Letter No.2017/Trans/01/Policydt.18.10.2017
(B) Waiver/Refund of storage PHOD DRM Sr.DCM 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for cases above Rs.25,000/-
and lost property charges Full Power up to Rs. 25,000/- up to Rs. 6,000/- 2. Power are delegated on a per case basis.
HOD ADRM DCM Authority:
up to Rs. 50,000/- up to Rs. 20,000/- up to Rs. 3,000/- 1. Para 2739 of Indian Railway Commercial Manual (IRCM)/Vol. II.
up to Rs. 1,500/-
2. Write off of irrecoverable freight PHOD DRM JAG 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for cases above Rs.10,000/-.
charges in respect of the Full Power Full power Upto Rs. 25000/- per
consignments not taken delivery case Authority:
of and subsequently disposed off ADRM – 1. Board’s letter No.TCI/3036/60/2 dt.26.11.69.
by auction. (remaining Full Power up to SS
uncovered after setting off of the 1 lakh per case Upto Rs. 10000/- per
sales proceeds realised from the case
auction sale)
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3. (A) Write-off of the amounts due PHOD DRM / ADRM -- 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for cases above Rs.10,000/-
to the railway when they are not up to Rs. 20,000/- up to Rs. 10,000/- 2. Power are delegated on a per case basis.
recoverable. HOD Authority:
up to Rs. 15,000/- 1. Para 2737 & 2739 of IRCM Vol. II.
(B) Write-off of amount due to PHOD DRM / ADRM Sr.DCM 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for cases above Rs.10,000/-.
the railway when they are up to Rs. 10,000/- up to Rs. 5,000/- up to Rs. 1,000/- 2. Power are delegated on a per case basis.
recoverable. Authority:
up to Rs. 7,500/- 1. Item No. 27 of GM’s delegation.
4. (A) To write-off irrecoverable 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
outstanding earning, 2. Power are delegated on a per case basis.
irrecoverable losses of cash
(including individual amount of
1. Item No.44 of GM’s delegation.
outstanding at stations, values
2. Every important case of loss exceeding Rs. 50,000/- shall be reported to
of forged currency notes, as
Railway Board
advised by cash office/Bank
3. In case of loss of EFT books due to factors beyond the control of staff,
and value of cash vouchers),
the proposal to Traffic Accounts for write off debit shall have the
irrecoverable stores, tools and
approval of PCCM.
plants pertaining to Comml.
4. For cases, up to Rs. 20,000/-, ACM can certify the amount to be
Values of forged currency notes
as advised by cash office/bank irrecoverable.
when a 5. For cases above Rs. 20,000/- and up to Rs. 50,000/- Sr.DCM/DCM in
PHOD DRM Sr. DCM independent charge can certify the amount to be irrecoverable.
i) Railway employee is up to Rs. 75,000/- up to Rs. 50,000/- up to Rs. 20,000/- per 6. For cases above Rs. 20,000/- and up to Rs. 50,000/- not concerned with
responsible for loss case any division, Dy. CCM can certify the amount to be irrecoverable.
HOD ADRM 7. For cases above Rs. 50,000/- only PHOD/CHOD can certify the
up to Rs. 75,000/- up to Rs. 25,000/- DCM amount to be irrecoverable when so recommended by either Sr.
Up to Rs. 5,000/- DCM/DCM in independent charge if the case is related to any division
per case or Dy. CCM if the case is not related to any division
Divisional Officers &
Nature of PHOD/HOD DRM/ADRM Officers in REMARKS
Power Headquarters
1 2 3 4 5 6
ii) Railway employee is not PHOD DRM Sr. DCM 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
responsible for loss up to Rs. 1.5 Lakhs up to Rs. 1.5 Lakhs up to Rs. 25000/- per 2. Power are delegated on a per case basis.
HOD ADRM DCM Authority:
up to Rs. 1 Lakh up to Rs. 75,000/- Up to Rs 10,000/- per 1. Item No.44 of GM’s delegation.
per case case 2. Every important case of loss/loss exceeding Rs. 50,000/- shall be
reported to Railway Board.
3. In case of loss of EFT books due to factors beyond the control of staff the
proposal to Traffic Accounts for write off of debit shall have the approval
of PCCM.
(B) Individual amounts of non- 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for cases above Rs.10,000/-.
recoverable outstanding at 2. Power are delegated on a per case basis.
stations (other than fare, PHOD DRM / ADRM
freight etc.) when a up to Rs. 25,000/- up to Rs. 10,000/- Nil Authority:
1. Item No.44 of GM’s delegation.
i) Railway employee HOD
is responsible up to Rs. 15,000/-
ii) Railway employee is not PHOD DRM / ADRM JAG 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for cases above Rs.10,000/-.
responsible up to up to Rs. 5 lakhs 1 lakh 2. Powers are delegated on a per case basis.
Rs. 25 Lakhs 3. Every important case of loss exceeding Rs.50,000/- shall be reported
Sr Scale
to Railway Board.
HOD Up to Rs 5,000/-
up to Rs. 10 lakhs
1. Item No.44 of GM’s delegation.
5. Refund of fares and freight 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for cases above Rs.2,000/-
otherwise than in accordance 2. Powers are delegated on a per case basis. - [These refunds are for
with the relevant tariff rules Dy. CCM / Sr. DCM refundable amounts per passenger (and not the total value of the
up to Rs. 10,000/- ticket)
Up to Rs. 20,000/- DRM / ADRM
(A) Fares
up to Rs. 20,000/- SCM / DCM Authority:
up to Rs 5,000/- 1. TC II 2003/89 rules dt. 4.02.1994 and 22.07.1994
2. Item No. 26 of GM’s delegation.
Asst. Officers
up to Rs 2,000/-
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(B) Freight PHOD DRM / ADRM Dy. CCM 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for cases above Rs 10,000/-
up to Rs. 20,000/- Up to Rs. 15,000/- Up to Rs. 10,000/-
6. Refund of wagon registration fee PHOD/HOD DRM Sr.DCM 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for cases above Rs 10,000/-
otherwise than in accordance Full Power Full Power up to Rs. 20,000/- 2. Power are delegated on a per case basis.
with the relevant rules.
up to Rs. 10,000/-
1. Railway Board’s Letter No. 99/TC-I/101/2 dtd-16/05/2014
7. Refund / Waiver of demurrage PHOD DRM / ADRM Sr. DCM / DCM 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for cases above Rs 10,000/-
charges at stations / tranship up to Rs10,000/- up to Rs.5,000/- up to Rs. 2,500/- 2. Power are delegated on a per case basis.
sheds where handling
contractors are engaged. HOD
up to Rs. 7,500/-
8. Waiver of penalty charges in PHOD DRM / ADRM Sr. DCM / DCM 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
cases of miss-declaration of up to Rs. 25,000/- Up to Rs. 10,000/- Up to Rs 5,000/- 2. Powers are delegated on a per case basis.
weight and goods
HOD Authority:
up to Rs. 15,000/- 1. Para 2161 of IRCM Vol. II.
9. Refund of penalty charges in PHOD DRM / ADRM Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
individual cases of mis-declared up to Rs. 15,000/- Up to Rs. 5,000/- 2. Powers are delegated on a per case basis.
HOD Authority:
up to Rs. 12,000/- 1. Para 2161 of IRCM Vol. II.
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10. Refund of fares or freight in cases 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for cases above Rs 5,000/-
covered by tariff rules 2. Powers are delegated on a per case basis The above limits are for
PHOD/CHOD/ DRM Dy.CCM/Sr.DCM – refundable amount (and not the total value of the ticket)
(A) Fares HOD Full Power up to Rs.10,000/- Authority:
Full Power SCM/DCM 1. TC II 2003/89/rules dt. 04.02.1994 and 22.07.1994.
UptoRs.2000 2. Rly Board’s letter no. TC-II/2003/06/IRCA dtd03.05.2006
Asstt Scale
3. Rly Board‘s letter no. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd18.10.2017
Officer Up to
(B) Freight PHOD/CHOD/ DRM / ADRM Dy. CCM/Sr. DCM 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for cases above Rs 10,000/-.
HOD Full Power Full Powers.
Full Power Authority:
SCM/DCM 1. Para 2161 of IRCM Vol.II.
Upto Rs.25,000/-
2. Para 352 (b)(i) of Indian Railway Code for Traffic (Comml.)Dept.
Upto Rs. 10,000/-
(C) Refund of over charges Dy. CCM:
Full Power DRM / ADRM
as per certified over charge Full Power 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
Full power
sheet. 2. Powers are delegated on a per case basis.
Sr.DCM Authority:
up to 1. Para 2164 to 2167 of IRCM Vol. II.
up to Rs.10,000/-
Up to Rs. 5,000/-
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11. (A) Refund of security deposit to Full power in DRM / ADRM Dy. CCM / Sr. DCM 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
contractors provided the contract respect of Full Power /DCM 2. Provided maintenance period or guarantee period, if any, is satisfactorily
has been satisfactorily completed contracts signed in respect of Full Power in respect completed and there are no dues to be paid by/ recovered from the
by them. contracts signed of contracts signed by
by them. them.
(B) Waiver of detention charges in Full Power up to a DRM / ADRM Sr DCM/Dy.CCM
1. Para 1261 of Engg.Code.
respect of reserved bogies by period of 5 days Full power up to a Full power up to a
2. Rly Board’s Letter No. TC II/2495/74/1 dated04.09.1975
groups of Railway employees and period of 5 days period of 3 days
their families travelling on
privilege passes/PTOs.
12. Refund of rental charges for Full Power in DRM / ADRM Dy. CCM / Sr. DCM / 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
commercial advertisement case of contracts Full Power in DCM (independent 2. This Para is applicable in cases where the area is not available or
Approved by case of contracts charge) the advertisement is to be changed as per Railways requirement.
them Approved by Full Power in respect
them of contracts approved
by them
13. Payment of commission to
canvassers on trade advertisement 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
secured by them on receipt of the Full Powers Sr.DCM: 2. 15% up to Rs. 1 Lakh. 20% beyond Rs. 1 Lakh
amounts due from advertisers Full Powers
Full Powers on the
amount actually Authority:
received. Board’s letter No. 74/PR/4/5 dt. 19/22.4.85
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14. Repairs of parcel handling PHOD/ HOD DRM Sr.DCM 1. For proposal, less than Rs. 5,000, no finance concurrence will be
equipment (including cranes, tow Full Power Rs. 50,000- per Rs. 20,000 per required
trucks, parcel platform trolley, Occasion (ceiling occasion (ceiling Rs. 1
weighing machine, tools Rs. 5 lakhs per lakh per machine per
&plants) machine per annum)
Sr. Scale (Independent
Rs. 10,000/- per
occasion (ceiling
Rs. 20,000/- per
machine per
Rs. 10,000/- per case
15. Creation of imprest for PHOD /PCCM DRM Sr.DCM/DCM 1. Finance Concurrence is required
maintenance and upkeep of Full Power Full Power (Independent Charge) 2. GM’s of Zonal Railways may consider sanctioning of suitable cash
retiring room, toilets, and Up to Rs.10,000/- for
imprest for hospitality to the Station Directors of A1 class stations
procurement of stationery & HOD ADRM each location
Full Power Up to Rs. 25000/- based on importance and need of the stations
consumables of PRS/UTS
location and in commercial for each location
office, including at those Authority:
Railway PRS/UTS counters or 1. RB’s letter no. 2017/TRF/DEL/Misc/01 dt. 10.10.2017
offices which are on other than
railway premises, and at non-rail
head locations.
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Nature of Power PHOD/HOD DRM/ADRM Officers in REMARKS
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16. Expenditure incurred for PHOD/HOD DRM / ADRM Sr DCM/SrDSC – 1. No finance concurrence is required
covering and removal of dead
bodies from Railway premises Full power Full power Full power Up to Authority:
Rs. 5,000 per Rs. 5,000 per case Rs. 5000 per case or 1. Railway Bd’s letter No.2002 TC/III/30/IV dated 09.07.2013and
case or actual or actual actual expenditure Commercial Manual Para 2425(37)
expenditure expenditure whichever is less. 2. Rly Boards Letter No. 2002/TC-III/30/4 dtd12.03.2013. Rly Board’s
whichever is less. whichever is less. Lr No. 2012/Sec(CA)/50/4 dtd.15/06/2018
17. Payment of claims for PCCM/ CHOD Dy. CCM (claims) 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for cases of Rs. 1,50,000/- and above.
compensation for goods lost or Up to Rs.8 lakhs up to Rs. 2 lakhs 2. Power are delegated on a per case basis.
damaged Nil
3. The same power applies for decreed/settled out of court cases.
4. Finance concurrence for decreed claims/cases is dispensed with.
up to Rs.8 lakhs up to Rs. 50,000/-
up to Rs. 25,000/- 1. Railway Board’s letter No.94/TC-III/3/4 dated31.10.994.
2. Board’s letter No. 99/TC-III/3/2 dated23.05.2001
3. Boards Letter No. 2001/TC-III/2/3 dated26.07.2001
4. Railway Board’s letter No. 2017/TC-III/2/1 dated 17.03.2017
Station Managers of selected important stations (to be approved by PCCM
of each Zonal Railway) may be delegated with power for settlement of
claims up to Rs.400/- (in each case) barring claims arising out of item (i),
(ii), (iii), (vi) and (vii) of para 2149 (a) of IRCM Vol. II
The above power will be exercised by the section commercial inspectors
for stations other than those where station managers have been otherwise
listed by PCCM.
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18 Payment of compensation claims PCCM Dy. CCM/Dy.CCO 1. Full powers are vested with GM to settle suit barred
for goods lost or damaged when up to Rs. 8 lakhs up to Rs. 2 lakhs compensation claims, subject to receipt of a valid notice, as per the
provisions of Section 106 of the Railways Act,1989.
i) suit barred CCO/CCM(FM)
2. Finance concurrence is necessary irrespective of monetary value.
Up to Rs.8 lakhs
3. Power are delegated on a per case basis.
1. Railway Board’s letter No. 99/TC-III/3/2 dated23.05.2001.
2. Railway Board’s letter No.TC-IV/2007/RP/1 dated22.02.2010.
2. Railway Board’s letter No. 2017/TC-III/2/1 dated 17.03.2017
ii) time barred Nil Nil Nil 1. Rly Administration has No power to entertain any Time Barred
Claims for refund of excess freight and goods
2. Compensation claim in absence of any provision in section 106.
2. Board’s letter No. TC-IV/2007/RP/1 dated 22.02.2010
19 Assessment of the value of the Full Power DRM / ADRM Sr. DCM 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for cases above Rs.5,000/-
damaged consignments Full Power up to Rs.5000/- 2. Powers are delegated on a per case basis.
3. Withdrawal from station earnings allowed up to Rs.250/- in terms of
Para 2425 IRCM Vol.II.
20 Payment of bills for loading and Full Power DRM / ADRM Sr. DCM 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
unloading of unconnected or Full Power up to Rs 10,000/-
undelivered wagons per wagon with a Authority:
maximum ceiling of Para 2117(7) and 2425 (9) of IRCM Vol. II.
50,000/- per case
up to Rs 5,000/-.per
wagon with a
maximum ceiling of
Rs. 25,000/- per
Divisional Officers &
Nature of PHOD/HOD DRM/ADR Officers in REMAR
Power M Headquarters KS
1 2 3 4 5 6
21 Compensation in case of PCCM /CHOD Dy. CCM 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
Railway accidents and /CCO/ Nil Up to Rs.2,00,000/- 2. The power is excluding other expenses i.e., interest awarded by
untoward incidents. (claims CCM(FM) Court, legal expenses etc. to any extent in cases of train accident or
decreed by a Court of law) up to Rs.8 lakhs SCM
untoward incidents as defined under Section 124 and 124-A of the
Up to Rs. 50,000/-
Railways Act,1989.
ACM Authority:
Up to Rs. 25,000/- 1. Board’s letter No. 94/TCIII/3/4 dated31.10.1994.
2. Board’s letter No. 96/TCIII/80/2 dated31.12.1997.
3. Board’s letter No.99/TCIII-3/2 dated
23.05.2001. 4. Board’s letter No.2017/TC
22. Legal expenses in respect PCCM DRM / ADRM Dy. CCM/JAG: 1. The scale of legal fees prescribed by Rly Bd from time to
of compensation & claims. Up to Rs. 25,000/- Up to Up to Rs. 20,000/- in each time may be adhered to.
in each case Rs.5,000/- in case. 2. Finance concurrence required beyond Rs.2500/- in each
each case SCM case. LO's opinion required when the anticipated charges
CCO/CCM(FM) Up to Rs. 5000/- in each
Up to Rs. 25,000/- case.
exceed Rs.5000/- in each case.
in each case ACM
Rs. 3000/- in each case;
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Nature of Power PHOD/HOD DRM/ADRM Officers in REMARKS
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23. (A) To make exgratia payments 1. No finance concurrence is required
payable to persons seriously 2. The terms and conditions stipulated in RB’s 2014/TC-
injured or dependents of III/1/2//IRCT(C)/Ch.IVdtd 07.11.2014 shall be followed For Sl.
persons killed in Railway No.23(A)(ii),
accidents (as defined in i) This is the lump-sum amount for hospitalization up to 30 days totake
Section-124) including Railway care of the initial expenses
servants on duty or travelling as ii)Thereafter, Rs. 300/- per day be released at the end of every 10-day
passengers period of discharge, whichever is earlier
iii) The maximum period for which ex-gratia is payable to the
i) In case of death grievously injured passenger will be 12months
PHOD/CHOD/ DRM/ADRM Selection Grade/ JA
CCO/CCM(FM) Rs. 50,000/- per Grade/Sr.Scale 3. For Sl. No.23(B)(ii),
Rs. 50,000/- per case holding independent i) This is the lump-sum amount for hospitalization up to 30 days to take
case charge i.e Sr.DCM care of the initial expenses
Rs. 50,000/- per case ii)Thereafter, Rs. 1000/- per week or part thereof up to further 6 months of
hospitalization. Rs.500/- per week or part thereof the period of
ii) In case of grievous injury treatment up to further Five months of Hospitalisation.
PHOD/CHOD/ DRM/ADRM Selection Grade/ JA iii) The maximum period for which ex-gratia is payable to the
CCO/CCM(FM) Rs. 25,000/- per Grade/Sr.Scale grievously injured passenger will be 12 months
Rs. 25,000/- per case holding independent 4. In case of Payment of enhanced ex-gratia and enhancement of ex-gratia to
case charge i.e Sr.DCM be made in accordance with Railway board letter No. 2011/TC-
Rs. 25,000/- per case III/27/29/Ex-Gratia Dated: 07/05/2013
iii)In case of simple injury Authority:
PHOD/CHOD/ DRM/ADRM Selection Grade/ JA 1. Rly Board's letter No: 2002/TC-III/28/3 dtd 12.06.02
CCO/ CCM(FM) Rs. 5,000/- per Grade/Sr.Scale holding 2. Rly Board’s Letter No: 2011/TC-III/27/29/Ex-Gratia dtd 26.07.2012
Rs. 5,000/- per case independent charge i.e 3. Rly Board’s Letter No: 2011/TC-III/27/29/Ex-Gratia dtd 07.05.2013
case Sr.DCM Rs. 5,000/- 4. Rly Board’s Letter No: 2014/TC-III/1/2//IRCT(C)/Ch.IVdtd
per case 07.11.2014
5. For enhanced ex-gratia refer Railway board letter No.2011/TC/III/27/29/Ex-gratia
dated 07.05.2013
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Nature of Power PHOD/HOD DRM/ADRM Officers in REMARKS
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(B) To make ex-gratia payments
payable to persons seriously
injured or dependents of
persons killed in Untoward
Incidents as defined in Section
124-A including Railway
servants on duty
i)In case of death PHOD/CHOD/ Selection Grade/ JA
CCO/ CCM(FM) DRM/ADRM Grade/Sr.Scale holding
Rs. 15,000/- per Rs. 15,000/- per independent charge i.e
case case Sr.DCM Rs. 15,000/- per
ii)In case of grievous injury PHOD/CHOD/
DRM/ADRM Selection Grade/ JA
CCO/ CCM(FM) Grade/Sr.Scale holding
Rs. 5,000/- per
Rs. 5,000/- per independent charge i.e
case Sr.DCM Rs. 5,000/- per
iii)In case of simple injury PHOD/CHOD/ DRM/ADRM
CCO/ CCM(FM) Rs. 500/- per Selection Grade/ JA
Rs. 500/- per case case Grade/Sr.Scale holding
independent charge i.e
Sr.DCM Rs. 500/- per
24. To make ex-gratia payments to 1. No finance concurrence is required
road users who meet with an 2. The terms and conditions stipulated in RB’s 2014/TC-
accident at manned level III/1/2//IRCT(C)/Ch. IVdtd 07.11.14 shall be
crossing, due to Railway’s prima
facie negligence PHOD/CHOD/ DRM/ADRM Selection Grade/ JA
i) In case of death CCO/ CCM(FM) Rs. 50,000/- per Grade/Sr.Scale holding
Rs. 50,000/- per case independent charge i.e
case Sr.DCM Rs. 50,000/- per
Divisional Officers &
Nature of Power PHOD/HOD DRM/ADRM Officers in REMARKS
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ii) In case of grievous injury PHOD/CHOD/ DRM/ADRM Selection Grade/ JA
irrespective of the period of CCO/ CCM(FM) Rs. 25,000/- per Grade/Sr.Scale holding
hospitalization Rs. 25,000/- per case independent charge i.e.
case Sr.DCM Rs. 25,000/- per
Divisional Officers
Nature of Power PHOD/HOD DRM/ADRM & Officers in REMARKS
1 2 3 4 5 6
iii) Extension of contracts PHOD DRM / ADRM Dy CCM/ 1. Finance concurrence is necessary
Full power in Full power in Sr.DCM/DCM(IC)
respect of respect of Full power in respect
contracts accepted contracts accepted of contracts accepted
by them up to by them up to by them up to three
three months. three months. months.
iv) Condemnation of Bed Rolls Nil Full Powers Sr. DCM / Sr. DME 1. Committee of Asst. Scale officers of Commercial, Mechanical and
Full powers
Accounts to be formed.
26. EARNING CONTRACTS: 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
Contracts for commercial matters 2. Power is delegated on a per case basis.
viz. Parking, publicity, Pay & 3. Composition of tender committee for invitation and acceptance for
Use Toilets, labour license and
earning contracts (except parcel leasing and catering) is as given in
other misc. earning
contracts(except parcel leasing Annexure-.A
and catering) 4. All extant guidelines issued from Railway Board on the subject maybe
adhered to.
(A) to call for open tenders 5. It may be ensured that there is no time gap in commercial earning
Full Powers DRM Sr. DCM/Dy.CCM
Full Powers Full powers contracts, as far as possible.
1. Rly. Board’s Letter no. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017
Divisional Officers
Nature of Power PHOD/HOD DRM/ADRM & Officers in REMARKS
1 2 3 4 5 6
(C) Extension of contract for Full Powers DRM Sr.DCM/Dy.CCM 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
commercial advertisements and Full Powers /DCM(IC) Authority:
other earning contarcts (except Full Power up to 1.Comml circular No 71 of 2001
for parcel leasing and catering) 6months (with two 2. 2017/Trans/01/Policy Dt 17.11.2017
spells of three
3. These powers are to be used very sparingly for award of contracts where
months each) in
respect of contracts loss of revenue is expected on account of delay in finalising open tenders.
accepted by However, it should be ensured that there is no time gap between 2 successive
them. commercial earning contracts, as far as possible
(D) To call and accept limited PHOD DRM -- 1. These powers are to be used very sparingly for award of contracts where
tenders for earning contracts. Full powers Full powers loss of revenue is expected on account of delay in finalising open
tenders. However, it should be ensured that there is no time gap between
2 successive commercial earning contracts, as far as possible
(E) To call and accept quotations -- Full Powers -- 1. Finance concurrence is necessary
for parking, comml publicity, 2. If there is a lack of response for Open tenders, these contracts can be
pay & toilets& other earning awarded on quotation basis for a limited period of three months at a time.
contracts etc.,(except parcel
However, it should be ensured that there is no time gap between 2
leasing, multipurpose stalls and
caterings) contracts successive commercial earning contracts, as far as possible
Divisional Officers &
Nature of Power PHOD/HOD DRM/ADRM Officers in REMARKS
1 2 3 4 5 6
(G) Tender for leasing of Parcel
space, brake van/VP etc.
i) To call for tenders
Full power Full power DCM(IC)
Full Powers
ii) To accept tenders
Full power above Above Rs.50 Cr. Sr.DCM
Rs.100 Cr. Up to Rs.100 Cr Above Rs.2.5 Cr. Up to
Above Rs.5 Cr. DCM
Up to Rs.50 Cr. up to Rs.2.5 Cr
27. (A) Award of Contracts for 1. The instructions contained in Commercial Circular No. 61 of 2017
multi-purpose stalls. Full Power Full Power JAG-A1, A, B, C, issued vide Ltr. No. 2015/TG-III/461/2 dtd 05.09.17 should be
Sr. Scale-D, E, F
scrupulously followed for dealing with contracts on multi-purpose stalls
(B) Conversion of existing stalls 2. Sr.DCM/DCM holding independent charge is competent to approve
Sr.DCM/DCM holding
to Multipurpose stalls and Full Power the conversion of existing Bookstalls, Chemists Stalls, Miscellaneous
Full Power independent charge
fixation of new license fee stalls into MPS.
3. On approval of conversion, Licence fee shall be fixed with the
(C) Signing of Fresh agreement Sr.DCM/DCM holding Concurrence of Divisional Finance by following the due procedure.
with the existing licensee on Full Power Full Power independent charge 4. Refer to Commercial Circular 61 of 2017 , and followed Clarifications/
commencement of the contract Instructions issued by Traffic Commercial Directorates, Railway Board.
as MPS stalls.
28. (A) Opening out-agencies & Full Power DRM / ADRM Nil 1. Subject to tenders being invited with the prescribed standard
fixing rates for conveyance from Full Power conditions before opening an out agency.
and to them. 2. PHOD/HOD have power to award extension of contracts after the
expiry of the contract period at the same rate and under the same
(B) Opening of city/town booking Full Power DRM / ADRM conditions subject to finance concurrence.
offices, introduction of other Full Power
3. DRM/ADRM have power for extension as above with the
ancillary services & fixing
rates for conveyance over the concurrence of associate finance.
road portion. Authority:
1. 1. Para 2603, 2631 & 2632 of IRCM Vol. II.
Divisional Officers &
Nature of Power PHOD/HOD DRM/ADRM Officers in REMARKS
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(c)Administrative Authority to Authority:
examine the appeal of Yatri Railway Board Circular No. 55 of 2017 vide letter No. 2014/TG-I/23/PRS
Ticket Suvidha Kendra (YTSK) PCCM Nil Nil
Full Powers
Terminal dtd 17.07.2017 Sl. No.10
against any penalty imposed by
29. Variation of rates/fares 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
A) Leasing of other coaching 2. The power to be exercised in this respect are subject to the
Nil Nil
vehicles (including SLR space) Full Power limitations imposed by the Board from time to time.
B)Goods 3. No change in rates, fares or other charges. (even within the limit
Nil Nil Nil prescribed by Board) should be affected by PCCM, except in
C) Passenger
consultation with FA & CAO.
Nil Nil Nil
Authority: 1. Board’s letter No.97/TC(M&S)/10/Pt. dt.6.7.99.
30. Delivery of goods/ parcels on Full Power DRM / ADRM Sr.DCM/DCM(IC) 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
indemnity notes including self- Full Power Full Powers 2. This power may be exercised by Parcel and Goods Supervisors (Non-
consignments Gaz) up to Rs. 1 Lakh each.
Sr. Scale
Full Powers
1. Board’s letter No.TC-I/88/113/4 dt. 27.3.89.
Asst. Officers (gaz) 2. Para 959 and 960 of IRCM Vol.I.
up to Rs.5 lakhs each. 3. Para 1823 of IRCM Vol.II.
31. Hiring of motor vehicles for the Full Power DRM / ADRM Dy. CCM / Sr. DCM 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary for surprise checks.
use of ticket checking squads for Full Power up to Rs.15,000/- 2. Hiring of outside transport should be kept down to the barest minimum
mid sections checks against per occasion 3. Hiring of outside transport should be made only if staff cars or other
ticketless travel.
vehicles available with the Railway cannot be spared for the
up to Rs. 8000/- purpose.
per occasion 4. The limitation on the number of such checks as fixed by the
Railway Board, if any, from time to time is not to be exceeded.
Authority: Item No.17 of GM's Delegation.
Divisional Officers &
Nature of Power PHOD/HOD DRM/ADRM Officers in REMARKS
1 2 3 4 5 6
(A) Acceptance of Full Power DRM /ADRM Sr. DCM /DCM Authority:
Full Power Full Power 1. Letter No.C.515/II/Vol.9 dt.9.10.85.
2. Para 1411 of IRCM Vol.II.
(B) refund of Full Power DRM /ADRM Sr. DCM /DCM
Full Power Full Power
up to Rs.2.5 lakhs
35. Hiring of auto-rickshaw/ taxi for Full Power Full Power Sr DCM/DCM Authority:
remittance of station/city Full Powers upto 1. Item no.47 of Miscellaneous matters in Model SOP of October 2017.
booking office cash to banks. Rs. 15,000/- per
occasion. 2. Finance concurrence not necessary up to Rs. 15,000/- per occasion
Divisional Officers &
Nature of Power PHOD/HOD DRM/ADRM Officers in REMARKS
1 2 3 4 5 6
36. Sanction to expenditure on CCM/PM Rs. 10,000/- per Sr DCM/DCM (IC) 1. CCM/PM is to take a one-time finance concurrence for
consumables connected with the up to 20 % over month Rs. 5,000/- per exercising power up to 10% over the previous year’s quantity,
printing of computerised tickets the previous month justifying the same.
year’s quantity
37. Waiver/refund of penalty Full Power Full Power Full Power 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary
charges levied on privilege, post
retirement, complimentary Authority:
passes. 1. Para 639 & 640 of IRCM Vol. I
38. Levy of maximum demurrage/ 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
wharfage charges on non-bulk PHOD Authority:
commodities Full Power Nil Nil 1. Board’s notification No.TC/11/3036/58 dt.28.8.58 amended up to 6.5.81
39. Modification/Rectification of PHOD/PCCM DRM / ADRM Sr.DCM/DCM 1. Finance concurrence is required.
software in commercial dept. Rs. 2 lakhs in Rs. 1 lakh in (Independent charge)
each case, subject each case, subject Rs. 50,000/- in each
to Annual ceiling to annual ceiling case, subject to annual
limit of Rs. 10 limit of Rs. 5 ceiling limit of Rs. 2
lakhs. lakhs lakhs
Rs. 2 lakhs in
each case, subject
to Annual ceiling
limit of Rs. 10
40. Contracts for emergency PHOD DRM Sr. DCM 1. A register of cases and expenditures must be maintained to monitor the
stitching of uniforms for TTEs, Full Power Full power up to Full power up to annual ceiling limit of the division
Train Supdt., special action Rs.1,000/- per Rs.1000/- per case and
group people, etc. with finance case and up to Rs. up to Rs. 30,000/- in a
concurrence and specific 1 Lakh in a year. year.
availability of funds ADRM / CTM
Full power up to
Rs.1000/- per case
and up to
Rs.50,000/- in a
Divisional Officers &
Nature of Power PHOD/HOD DRM/ADRM Officers in REMARKS
1 2 3 4 5 6
41. Special recording of PHOD DRM / ADRM
announcements or enquiries with Full Power /CTM Nil
finance concurrence and specific Full Power
availability of funds.
42. (A) Sanction of procurement of 1. Offer of the firm should be examined by the appropriate level T.C.
systems, Data com equipment for the cases exceeding Rs.10,000/-
and electrical equipment for PHOD DRM 2. Specification of each auxiliaries be given to each division by PCCM at
PRS/ UTS/SPTM/ Passengers Full Power Full power Up Nil HQrs .level.
amenities like RAPID Board, to Rs. 50 Lakhs 3. Finance Concurrence is required.
Token System, Train Enquiry HOD (New PRS). 4. Authority – RBs letter no 2017/Trans/01/Policy Dt18.10.2017
Systems with finance Full power up to IT related assets
concurrence. Rs. 50 lakhs Rs. 25 Lakhs per * Life of the specified peripherals and auxiliaries will be taken into account
Specification prescribed by case. and proper procedure be followed for condemnation and procuring new
CCM/PM. items.
(B) Annual maintenance
contracts for systems, Data com Note – Finance concurrence is necessary
equipment and electrical
equipment for PRS/UTS/SPTM/ PHOD / HOD DRM
Passengers amenities like Full Power Full power Nil
RAPID Board, Token System,
Train Enquiry Systems
(Including single quotation from
authorised dealers) with finance
i) Printer, key board, UPS and PHOD DRM / ADRM
CVT* Full power Up to Rs. 1 lakhs
(Including single per item per case
quotation from subject to the Nil
authorised maximum ceiling
dealers). limit of Rs. 10
lakhs p.a.
Divisional Officers &
Nature of Power PHOD/HOD DRM/ADRM Officers in REMARKS
1 2 3 4 5 6
ii) Battery for UPS, Ribbons and PHOD DRM/ADRM Up
re-inking. Full power to Rs.1 lakhs per
(Including single item per case
quotation from subject to the
authorised maximum ceiling
dealers). limit of Rs.10
lakhs p.a.
43. Power to sanction estimate Note:
chargeable to revenue and 1. This power shall be exercised by an En & HM officer or
Invitation of advertised tenders an officer/officers nominated by DRM for this purpose
for matters incidental to
sanitation in stations or other
commercial premises of category 2. Exercise of above power will be governed by power given under SOP on
A-1, A,B,D & E where sanitation works matters subject to availability of funds under proper-head of
is under commercial department allocation
with prior finance concurrence
and specific availability of funds 3. Waste Management should form an integral part of cleanliness contracts.
for the following items: 4. At way side stations supervision over sanitation work will be with
station master irrespective of contracting authority
(A) Maintenance and upkeep of PCCM Full Power Sr. DCM 5. All cleaning contracts to be dealt with as per “Standard Bid
toilets, retiring rooms, Full Power Full power up to Rs. 2
Document” for housekeeping of stations and trains issue by Rly Bd
cloakrooms, passenger waiting Crore Per case
halls, goods sheds, parcel vide No 2016/EnHM/06/09 dt. 29.08.2014 and GCC for services2018
handling areas, circulating area DCM
and waste management. Full power up to Rs. 1
Crore Per case
(B) Pest control contracts at PCCM Full Power Sr. DCM
stations. Full Power Full power up to Rs. 2
Cr. Per case
i) Mechanized cleaning atA-1,
A & B category stations. DCM
Full power up to Rs. 1
ii) Contracting one time Cr. Per case
for cleaning of station
Divisional Officers &
Nature of Power PHOD/HOD DRM/ADRM Officers in REMARKS
1 2 3 4 5 6
(A)Fixation and approval of Full power DRM Nil Authority:
Minimum Reserve Price for Full power 1. Railway Board’s Lr.No.2016/TG-III/600/1/Pt. dt.27.2.2017 (Para 12)
Static Catering Units.(Stand 2. Railway Board’s Lr.No.2017/TG-III/600/10 dt.22.9.2017.
alone AVMs & minor Static 3. PCCM/SCR’s Lr.No.C.78/F/Licence Fee/Vol.IIIdt.18.07.2017.
4. Other extant instructions issued by Railway Board/ Headquarters from
time to time
(B)For Assessment of Sales
Turnover and fixing of annual
license fee:
i) Major static catering units Full power Full power A1, A, B & C - Authority:
(Stand Alone AVMs) Sr.DCM 1. Railway Board’s letter No.2016/TG-III/600/1/Pt dt. 27.02.2017.(Accepting
ii) Minor static catering units D, E & F - DCM Authority - Para9.3.3-)
(including Milk stalls) Full power 2. PCCM’s Lr.No.C.78/F/Licence Fee/Vol.III Dt. 18.07.2017. (SAG
formula 2017)
3. Other extant instructions issued by Railway Board/Headquarters from time
to time.
(C) To Call/Receive Tenders Nil Full Power Nil 1. Railway Board’s letter No.2016/TG-III/600/1/Pt dt.27.02.2017.
Major static catering units 2. Open tender under two packet system of tendering (Stand Alone AVMs &
(Stand Alone AVMs) and Minor GMUs at A1, A, B & C category stations)
static catering units (including
3. Open tender under single packet system of tendering (SMUs at all category
Milk stalls)
stations, GMUs at D, E & F category stations and Milk stalls at all category
4. Other extant instructions issued by Railway Board/Headquarters from time
to time.
(D) To Accept Tenders Nil Full Power Sr.DCM/DCM 1. RailwayBoard’sletterNo.2016/TG-III/600/1/Ptdt.27.02.2017.(Para9.3.3)
Major static catering units Full Power 2. Standing Tender Committee, to be nominated by DRM, shall comprise of
(Stand Alone AVMs) and three members one each from Commercial and Finance departments and
Minor static catering units
Divisional Officers &
Nature of Power PHOD/HOD DRM/ADRM Officers in REMARKS
1 2 3 4 5 6
(including Milk stalls) third may be from any other department. The level of committee
members as per category of stations shall be as under:
3. Other extant instructions issued by Railway Board/ Headquarters from
time to time.
4. Composition of tender committee for invitation and acceptance for
contracts is as given in Annexure-D
(E) Renewal and Refixation of 1. Renewal shall be considered by Sr.DCM on the recommendations of a
License fees: committee of 3 Sr. scale Officers from Commercial, Finance and from any
i) Minor static catering units department for A1, A, B & C category stations.
renewed under CC No.22/2017 Nil
Full Power Sr.DCM/DCM 2. In case of D,E&F category of stations, renewal shall be considered by
vide Railway Board’s
Lr.No.2013/TG-III/600/19 dated Full Power DCM on the recommendations of committee of 3 Jr. Scale Officers from
15.03.2017. Commercial, Finance and any other department.
3. Other extant instructions issued by Railway Board/ Headquarters from time
to time.
4. Other extant instructions issued by Railway Board/Headquarters from time
to time.
ii) Major static catering units Nil Nil Full power Authority:
(Stand Alone) and Minor For refixation of 1. Railway Board’s letter No.2016/TG-III/600/1/Pt dt.27.02.2017
static catering units awarded licence fee after 2. Tenure is for a period of 5 years and no renewal.
under Catering Policy 2017. sales assessment
3. Other extant instructions issued by Railway Board/Headquarters from
time to time.
45. Signing of agreements relating to Full Powers in Full power Dy.CCM 1. Finance and Law vetting is necessary.
Major static catering units(Stand respect of contracts in respect of 2. Rider agreements to the main agreement may likewise be signed by the
Alone AVMs) and Minor static awarded by him and contracts awarded authorities who signed the original agreement provided the approval of the
GM by him and SAG
competent authority is obtained.
Divisional Officers &
Nature of Power PHOD/HOD DRM/ADRM Officers in REMARKS
1 2 3 4 5 6
catering units (including Milk Sr.DCM 3. The signing authority should be those empowered as per Ministry of Law
stalls) in respect of contracts notification issued from time to time.
awarded by him and
DRM/ADRM Authority:
DCM 1. Para-1259 of Engg. code.
in respect of contracts
awarded by him and
JAG Officers.
46. Imposition or waiver of penalties Power as per Power as per JAG 1. Finance concurrence is not required
as per terms and conditions of terms and terms and Power as per terms
the contract. conditions of the conditions of the and conditions of the
Contract Contract contract
47. To fix tariff of articles sold Full power Nil Nil Authority:
through catering establishments 1. Board’s letter no. 2016/TG III/600/1/Pt dtd 27.02.17 Para 14.1.4
in station premises other than
standardized meals, tea and
48. Refund of cost of Tenders Nil Full Power Sr.DCM 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
discharged on valid reasons. Full Power
49. To purchase Catering Stores 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for invitation of tenders.
(A) Non-perishable non- 2. Powers are delegated on a per case basis.
proprietary articles 3. The specific items, which are not proposed to be procured centrally and
i) To call open tenders Full Power DRM / ADRM Sr. DCM which can be procured by Divisions advantageously, will be advised
Full Power Full Power periodically by PCCM.
ii) to call limited tenders PHOD 4. Tenders to be called from approved list which is to be maintained and
up to Rs.30 lakhs DRM / ADRM Dy. CCM/Sr, DCM
updated annually with the approval of PCCM.
Up to Rs.20 lakhs Up to Rs.8 lakhs
5. For constitution of tender committee and acceptance, please refer to
up to Rs.20 lakhs Annexure-A Authority:
1. Board's lr.No.74-EB/3000 dt.14.01.75 2. Para 323, 324, 328, 330 -
Stores Code
2. Para 2839 & 2840 of IRCM Vol. II
Divisional Officers
Nature of Power PHOD/HOD DRM/ADRM & Officers in REMARKS
1 2 3 4 5 6
iii) to accept open/limited 1. Tenders to be called from approved list which is to be maintained
tenders PHOD DRM / ADRM Dy. CCM/Sr. DCM and updated annually with the approval of PCCM.
up to Rs.2.5 Up to Rs.25 lakhs up to Rs. 10 Lakh
2. For constitution of tender committee and acceptance, please refer
to Annexure-A
up to Rs. 25 lakhs
1. Board's lr.No.74-EB/3000
dt.14.01.75 2. Para 323, 324, 328, 330 -
Stores Code
3. Para 2839 & 2840 of IRCM Vol.II
iv) to call for and accept single PHOD DRM / ADRM Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for calling tenders.
tenders Milk and eggs: Milk and eggs: 2. The purchase is to be made from recognized co-
up to Rs. 1 Lakh up to Rs 50,000/- operative societies/Government agencies
per occasion per occasion
(B) Local purchases of Full power up to DRM Dy. CCM/Sr. DCM 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary. Mode of purchases has to be
perishable articles or articles Rs. 25,000/- on Full power up to Full power up to Rs. decided by the Authority who is according sanction.
required for immediate each occasion Rs. 15,000/- on 10,000/- on each
consumption on cash payment each occasion occasion
basis SCM/Catg.
Full power up to Rs.
10,000/- on each
(C) Direct purchase of Catering 1. Finance concurrence is necessary if it exceeds Rs.5,000/-
(petty) items, on 2. Purchase committee is not necessary.
i) cash payment basis Full power up to DRM / ADRM Dy. CCM /
3. Mode of purchase to be decided by the authority who is
Rs. 10,000/- at a Full power up to Sr.DCM
time Rs. 10,000/- at a Full power up to Rs. according sanction.
time 5,000/- at a time
Full power up to Rs.
1,000/- at a time
Divisional Officers
Nature of Power PHOD/HOD DRM/ADRM & Officers in REMARKS
1 2 3 4 5 6
ii) Purchase on Rate/ Running Full Power Full Power Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
Contract basis the items for after items are 2. PCCM will advise specific items which are proposed to be
resale and not for consumption approved by procured centrally and can be procured by Divisions.
like aerated water, biscuits etc. PCCM as per
3. In case of all proprietary articles, efforts should be made to purchase on
Note 2
rate contract basis from manufacturers/ agents/ stockists.
50. (A) Purchase of proprietary and Full power Full Power after Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
non-proprietary articles like cold items are 2. PCCM will advise specific items which are not proposed to be
drinks, snacks, etc. for sale (not approved by procured centrally and can be procured by Division
for consumption in the Catering PCCM as per
3. In case of all proprietary articles, efforts should be made to purchase on
units) Note 2
rate contract basis from manufacturers/agents/stockists.
(B) Purchase of Non- Full Power up to Full Power up to Dy.CCM.& 1. Finance concurrence is necessary for occasions where the amount
proprietary articles for Rs. 15,000/- Rs. 10,000/- Sr.DCM exceeds Rs.5,000/-
consumption in departmental Full Power up to Rs. 2. The nature of urgency should be recorded in each case.
units. 5,000/-
Full power up to Rs.
1,000/- for each unit
in urgent cases subject
to a ceiling
of Rs. 1,000/- per
(C) Purchase of proprietary up to Rs. 50,000/- DRM / ADRM Dy. CCM/Sr.DCM 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
articles for use in departmental up to Rs. 25,000/- up to Rs. 5,000/- 2. PCCM will advise specific items which are proposed to be
units/pantry cars. procured centrally and can be procured by Divisions.
Authority: 1. Para 2835 of IRCM Vol. II.
up to Rs. 2,000/-
Divisional Officers &
Nature of Power PHOD/HOD DRM/ADRM Officers in REMARKS
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(D) Purchase of petty equipment up to Rs.5 lakhs DRM / ADRM Dy. CCM/Sr.DCM 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
specific to catering units such as per annum and up to Rs. 50,000/- up to Rs. 50,000/- 2. Procurement is to be made through COS.
food trolleys, jars, stoves, etc. cost of each item per annum and per annum and cost
not exceeding Rs. cost of each item of each items not Authority:
30,000/- not exceeding Rs. exceeding Rs. 1. Para 2837 of IRCM Vol. II.
15,000/- 15,000/-
up to Rs. 10,000/-
per annum and cost
of each item not
exceeding Rs.
51. Purchase of crockery, cutlery Up to Rs. 2 Lakhs DRM / ADRM Dy.CCM/ 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary.
line napery/ glassware, cooking per annum. Up to Rs. 1 Lakh Sr.DCM 2. Procurement is to be made through COS.
and servicing articles and other per annum. Up to Rs. 10,000
petty items in urgent cases on (Rs. 50,000/- per Authority: Para 2837 of IRCM Vol. II
limited quotation basis annum.)
1. The nature of urgency should be recorded in each case.
52. Emergency purchase of catering up to Rs.2 lakhs DRM / ADRM Dy. CCM/Sr. DCM 1. Finance concurrence is not necessary up to Rs.5,000/-.
items in the event of failure or on each occasion. up to Rs. 1 Lakh Up to Rs. 50,000/- 2. Purchase should be effected by a committee of three officers, including
poor response to tenders. on each occasion. an Accounts Officer and a Stores Officer.
up to Rs. 25,000/- Authority:
on each occasion.
1. Board’s lr. No.73-TG-III/636/4 dt. 21.10.74.
2. Para 2837(d) of IRCM Vol.II.
3. Para 331 of Stores Code (S) Vol.I.
53. Condemnation and Disposal of Full Power DRM Dy. CCM/Sr. DCM 1. If in the opinion of the PHOD/DRM the cost of sending the material to the
deteriorated stocks including Full Power Up to Rs. 5,000/- nearest stores depot or even the cost of processing for sale is likely
damaged and broken cutlery, to exceed the cost likely to be realized by sale, the material may be
Divisional Officers &
Nature of Power PHOD/HOD DRM/ADRM Officers in REMARKS
1 2 3 4 5 6
crockery and dead stock items, SCM/DCM destroyed/disposed off locally through tender/auction sale in the presence
which are unserviceable by up to Rs. 3,000/- of the Accounts representative following the prescribed norms/ procedure.
Tender/Auction A certificate to this effect may be recorded by the concerned PHOD/DRM.
2. The power delegated for destruction are only in respect of those items
up to Rs. 3,000/-
which in the opinion of the PHOD/DRM are of trivial value and
3. No article condemned by one officer should be disposed of by the same
officers, excepting those coming under Para-2314 of Stores Code Vol. II
54. Write off losses of goods due to PHOD DRM/ADRM Dy. CCM / 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
deterioration/ condemned/ unfit Up to Rs. 40,000/- Full power Sr.DCM 2. Powers are delegated on a per case basis.
for human consumption or Up to Rs. 5,000/- 3. The power is applicable to cases where no railway employee is
excess consumption of raw HOD
responsible. The book value of the items should be adopted.
materials which is incidental in Up to Rs. 20,000/- SCM/Ctg
day to day working provided the Up to Rs. 3,000/-
loss is not due to the
carelessness or dishonesty of the 1. Item 18 of para132-S.
Railway employee. 2. Para 2852 & 2853 of IRCM Vol.II.
3. No article condemned by one officer should be disposed off by the
same officer, excepting those under Para 2314 of Stores CodeVol-II
55. Repairs to utensils, equipment, Full Power DRM / ADRM Dy. CCM / 1. Finance concurrence is not required for repairs undertaken up to Rs.
machinery including tinning, etc. Full Power Sr.DCM 2,500/- on each occasion.
used by the Catering Unit either Up to Rs. 20,000/- 2. Powers are delegated on a per case basis.
through Railway Workshop or
3. Such repairs will be undertaken on contract basis obtaining minimum
by calling quotations from local SCM / DCM
firms. up to Rs. 10,000/- of three quotations to test the market.
ACM Authority:
up to Rs. 3,000/- 1. Board's letter No.74-EB/3000 dt.14.01.75
2. The expenditure should be met from catering earnings.
Divisional Officers &
Nature of Power PHOD/HOD DRM/ADRM Officers in REMARKS
1 2 3 4 5 6
56. Alterations, enhancement or Full power Full Power Full power 1. Enhancement/reduction of rates will require prior finance concurrence
reduction of accepted rates/ or Sr Scale & above except in respect of items which are required for resale like biscuits, cool
orders placed only drinks, etc. for which firms fix the market retail price for packets, subject
to ensuring that the profit given to the Railway is always kept on par with
or more than that obtained at the time of introduction of such items.
57. Disposal of empties Full power DRM Dy. CCM & 1. Tender to be called for or auction to be conducted.
Full power Sr.DCM
Full power
Full power up to
Rs.100/- per day
subject to a limit of
Rs. 1,000/- per
59. Taking over of dead stock from Full power up to Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not required.
the existing private catering Rs. 30,000/- for
units to the departmental each catering unit
catering units. or group of units
proposed to be
taken over for
Divisional Officers
Nature of Power PHOD/HOD DRM/ADRM & Officers in REMARKS
1 2 3 4 5 6
60. Utilization of earnings from PHOD can Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence is not required.
departmentally run catering authorize
establishments utilization to
defray day to day
expenses in
connection with
the running of
establishments for
purchase of
perishable items,
vegetables, fish
meat, eggs, etc.
61. Permission to execute the works Nil DRM Nil 1. Finance concurrence is required.
for provision of passenger Full power
amenities at Railway stations Authority:
sponsored by individuals/NGOs/
1. Rly Board’s Letter No. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017 – Para-C2.
Trusts/Charitable Institutions/
Corporates, etc.
62. Execution of identified Railway Nil DRM Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
works through Corporate Social Full power 2. Sponsoring Agencies may include NGOs.
Responsibility of Corporate and 3. Deposit work permitted from CSR funding in case of party is unwilling
PSU – Approval of Master Plan
to execute the work.
4. Investment by the Sponsoring Agency without any limit – Full power
to DRM (earlier limit was Rs. 2 Crore for DRM)
1. Rly Board’s Letter No. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017 – Para-C-3
63. Renting of space for opening of Nil DRM Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
PRS at non-rail head locations Full power Authority:
1. Rly Board’s Letter No. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017 – Para-C4.
Divisional Officers
Nature of Power PHOD/HOD DRM/ADRM & Officers in REMARKS
1 2 3 4 5 6
64. Provision of new UTS/PRS Nil DRM Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
(converting UTS/PRS to UTS- Full power
cum-PRS) Authority:
1. Rly Board’s Letter No. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dtd 18.10.2017 – Para-C4.
65. Refund of cost of Tender Full Powers in respect Full Powers in Full Powers in respect of Finance concurrence is not necessary.
forms sold to Tenderers, if of Tenders invited by respect of Tenders Tenders invited by him Authority:
Tender notice is subsequently him invited by him
Refer 3.2(q) of Part D – Stores Matter
with drawn.
Part E Annexure-A
Part E Annexure-B
1. ACM (Convenor)
Up to Rs. 2.5 Crore 2. ADFM DCM
1. DCM (Convenor)
Above Rs. 2.5 Crore up to Rs. 5 Crore 2. DFM Sr.DCM
3. DEN
1. Sr.DCM (Convenor)
Above Rs. 5 Crore up to Rs. 50 Crore 2. Sr.DFM ADRM
3. Sr.DEN
1. Sr.DCM (Convenor)
Above Rs. 50 Crore up to Rs. 100 Crore 2. Sr.DFM DRM
3. Sr.DEN
1.CCM(PS) (Convenor)
Above Rs. 100 Crore 2. FA&CAO(WST)
AGM in absence of PCCM (PHOD/CHOD)
3. CGE
Part E Annexure-C
Contracts for Cartage of Goods, Parcels etc., for Loading Unloading, Transhipment, Handling of Goods and
other issues incidental to Traffic working, for Washing & Supply of Bedrolls.
Direct acceptance by SG/JAG or
Rs 50,000 to and including Rs 50 lakhs ----
Sr. Scale holding independent charge
Part E Annexure-D
TC for Major Static Catering Units (Stand Alone AVMs) and Minor Static Catering units Catering units
(Including Milk stalls)
1.DCM (Convenor)
Selection Grade/ JA Grade/Sr.Scale holding
A1, A,B,C 2.DFM
independent charge i.e Sr.DCM
3. DEN
1.ACM (Convenor)
Selection Grade/ JA Grade/Sr.Scale holding
independent charge i.e Sr.DCM