Civil Engineering Short Notes
Civil Engineering Short Notes
Civil Engineering Short Notes
Civil Engineering
Useful for All Competitive AE/JE Exam :
Chief Editor
Mr. Anand Mahajan
Compiled & Written by
Er. Maneesh Kr. Yadav
Er. Pradeep Kumar Gupta
Er. Sanjeet Maurya, Er. Rohit Singh
Computer Graphics by
Balkrishna, Charan Singh
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Edited and Published by A.K. Mahajan for YCT Publications Pvt. Ltd.
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Building Material -------------------------------------------------------------3
Concrete Technology ------------------------------------------------------ 10
CPM & PERT --------------------------------------------------------------- 12
Building Construction and Maintenance Engineering ------------------ 13
Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machine --------------------------------- 15
Strength of Materials ------------------------------------------------------- 28
Applied Mechanics --------------------------------------------------------- 34
Soil Mechanics ------------------------------------------------------------- 36
Highway Engineering ------------------------------------------------------ 43
Railway Engineering ------------------------------------------------------- 48
Bridge Engineering --------------------------------------------------------- 50
Airport Engineering -------------------------------------------------------- 51
Tunnel Engineering -------------------------------------------------------- 52
Reinforced Cement Concrete --------------------------------------------- 53
Steel Structure--------------------------------------------------------------- 58
Structure Analysis ---------------------------------------------------------- 62
Building Estimate, Costing & Evaluation------------------------------- 64
Public Health Engineering ------------------------------------------------ 68
Surveying Engineering ---------------------------------------------------- 70
Irrigation & Hydrology Engineering ------------------------------------ 77
Civil Engineering Capsule 2 YCT
Civil Engineering Capsule
Rock minerals-
Quartz, Mica, Gypsum, Dolomite, Amphibole, Calcite,
Feldspar etc.
Hardness of stone based on Moh's scale-
Talc 1 Scratched
Gypsum 2 by the finger nail
Calcite 3 Scratched
Fluorite 4 by
Apatite 5 knife
Feldspar 6 Scarcely scratched
Quartz 7 by knife
Topaz 8 Not scratched
Corundum 9 by
Diamond 10 knife
Properties of Minerals-
Measurement of the capability of
some minerals to split along
certain planes parallel to the crystal
Colour of the mineral in powder
Shine on the surface due to Classification of Rocks on the Basis of Mineral
reflection of light of a mineral Available-
Classification of Rocks- Name of Rock Example
Mono mineralic Rocks Quartzite, Marble &
(Composed of only one Gypsum
Granite, Trap,
Basalt, Shale,
Polymineralic Rocks
Sand Stone,
Shale, Slate
Metamorphism of Rocks-
Original Rock Metamorphic form
Granite Gneiss
Syenite Gneiss
Sand Stone Quartzite
Lime Stone Marble
Marl Marble
Dolomite Marble
Shale Slate
Mud Stone Slate
Dolerite/Basalt Schist
h h
x= h=
3 2
d 5d
x= h=
2 8
Non-Newtonian Fluid– a + 3b h
a + 2b h h = 2
x= a + 2b
a + b 3
A. Time Independent-
(i) Dilatent Quick sand, Sugar
Solution, butter
(ii) Bingham Plastic Creams, Toothpaste, Half circle
Drilling Muds 3πr 3πD
4r 2D or
(iii) Pseudo Plastic Polymer solutions, or 16 32
3π 3π
milk, blood, syrup
B. Time Dependent
Metacentric height,
(i) Thixotropic Lipstick, Printer inks,
G.M. = B.M. – B.G.
Enamels Paint, Jelly
(ii) Rheopectic Gypsum pastes and = − B.G.
Bentonite slurry
Imin = M.O.I.
Geometric properties of some important shapes- Time period of Oscillation–
Plane Surface Center of Depth of
Gravity center of T = 2π
G.M × g
(C.G.) pressure
(C.P.) k = Least Radius of gyration
Metacentric height for rolling condition will be less
Rectangle than Metacentric height for pitching condition.
1 ∂v ∂u S
= + h = x 1 − l – For Liquid lighter than flowing
2 ∂x ∂y S0
Rotation– liquid in pipe)
Sh = Specific gravity of heavier liquid.
1 ∂v ∂u
wz = − So = Specific gravity of liquid flowing in pipe
2 ∂x ∂y Sl = Specific gravity of lighter liquid.
1 ∂w ∂v Orificemeter or orifice plate-
• wx = −
2 ∂y ∂z C a a 2gh
Q = d 0 1
1 ∂u ∂w a12 − a 02
wy = −
2 ∂z ∂x
a0 = Area of orifice
→ Vorticity is twice the rotation '2w'. Cd = 0.65 – 0.70
Civil Engineering Capsule 19 YCT
Pitot Tube– Value of Hydraulic Co-efficient-
p − p2 Coefficient of velocity 0.95-0.99 ≃ 0.98
Vth = 2gh , Vth = 2g 1 ( Cv )
Coefficient of 0.61-0.69 ≃ 0.64
P1/ρg – stagnation head P2/ρg – Static head contraction, Cc
Important point- Coefficient of Discharge 0.61-0.64 ≃ 0.62
Type of flow meter Cost Accuracy Head loss Cd
Venturimeter High High Low Coefficient of - ≃ 0.063
Resistance, Cr
Orifice meter Low Low High
Coefficient of Discharge (Cd) for mouthpiece-
Flow Nozzle Medium Medium Medium
Types of Mouthpiece Cd
Instruments & Their Measuring Parameter- External Mouthpiece 0.855
Instrument Measuring parameter Internal mouthpiece
Venturimeter Discharge or flow rate (i) Running full 0.707
(ii) Running free 0.50
Orificemeter Discharge or flow rate
Convergent or convergent 1.00
Flow nozzle Discharge or flow rate divergent mouthpiece
Elbow meter Discharge in vertical segment or Discharge Over a Notch or Weir–
flow rate 1. Rectangular Notch or Weir
Nozzle meter Discharge or flow rate 2
Q = Cd .L 2g.H 3/ 2
Pitot tube Velocity of fluid flow 3
L = Width of weir
Prandtl tube Velocity of fluid flow
If velocity of approach = Va
(Boundary layer
theory) V2
Then, H = H+Ha or H + a
Current meter Velocity in open channel 2g
1 ∂p r2 2µ ∂x
u = − R 2 1 − 2
4µ ∂x R
1 ∂p 2
1 ∂p u max = − t
u max = − R 2 8µ ∂x
4µ ∂x
r' = 0.707R (Average velocity = Local velocity) 3
u max = u avg
3. Discharge- 2
π ∂p 4
Q= − D 3. Discharge-
128µ ∂x
D = Diameter of pipe 1 ∂p 3
Q= − t
4. Head Loss- 12µ ∂x
32µu avg .L
hf = (Hagen-Poiseulle formula) 4. Head Loss-
ρgD 2
12µu avg .L
fLu avg 64 hf =
= f = ρgt 2
2gD Re
Civil Engineering Capsule 22 YCT
Model laws and its application-
Laminar Sub-layer 11.6 υ Models Applications
thickness δ=
Vx Reynolds model law Submarines completely under
υ = Kinematic viscosity water
Vx = Friction velocity Motion of air-planes
Displacement thickness δ
u Flow through venturimeter,
δ* = ∫ 1 − dy
0 U orifice meter
Momentum thickness δ Flow through small sized
u u
θ=∫ 1 − dy pipes.
0 U U
Mach model law Aerodynamic testing
Energy thickness u u2
δ = ∫ 1 − 2 dy
** Under water testing of
0 U U torpedoes
Shape factor δ* Water-hammer problem.
θ Froude model law Open channels.
Von-Karman's dθ τ Free surface flow such as flow
Momentum Integral = o
dx ρU 2 over spillways, weirs, sluices.
Equation Flow of jet from an orifice or
It is used for- τo = shear stress at surface
Laminar, Transition and
Flow of different density
Turbulent boundary layer
fluids one above the other.
δ > δ* > δ** > θ Weber model law Flow over weir for small
Drag and lift force- heads
1 Capillary flows
• Drag force, FD = Cd ρAV 2
2 Flow of very thin sheet of
1 liquid over a surface.
• Lift force, FL = C L ρAV 2
2 Euler's model law Turbulent flow in pipeline
Drag force on sphere, FD = 3πµ.V.D where viscous force and
Where, surface tensile forces are
A = Projected area of body entirely absent.
V = Relative wind velocity Where the phenomenon of
Cd & CL = Coefficient of drag and lift cavitations occurs.
EL =
4y1 y2
2q 2
= y1.y 2 ( y1 + y 2 )
Laplace equation- ∂ 2φ ∂ 2 φ ∂ 2 φ
+ + =0
∂x 2 ∂y 2 ∂z 2
Relation Between yc and E Force acting in moving fluid –
(i) For Rectangular channel-
yc = E 1. Inertia Force, Fi = ρAV2
3 µVA
4 2. Viscous Force, FV =
(ii) For Triangular channel- yc = E L
3 3. Gravity Force, Fg = ρALg
(iii) For Parabolic channel- yc = E 4. Pressure Force, Fp = pA
Civil Engineering Capsule 25 YCT
3. Head available and discharge-
Efficiency of Turbines
Types of Discharge Head Example
Hydraulic efficiency- Turbine (m)
= ηm × ηh = Type of Turbine Velocity Overall
W.P. Ratio efficiency ηo
Classification of Hydraulic Turbine According to Pelton wheel 0.43-0.48 85%-90% ≃ 86%
Francis Turbine 0.6-0.9 88%
1. Type of energy at inlet-
Type of Energy Example Kaplan, Propeller 1.5-2.2 88.35% ≃ 90%
Turbine available at Turbine
Impulse Only Kinetic Pelton Turbine, Turgo Model Relationship for Turbine
Turbine Energy Cross flow Specific Speed N P
Ns =
Reaction Both Kinetic Francis, Kaplan, H5 / 4
Turbine and pressure Girard, Fourneyron
M1/2L-1/4 T -5/2
Energy propeller Turbine
Shape Number N P/ρ
2. Direction of flow through runner- S=
( gH )
5/ 4
Type of Turbine Example
Tangential flow Pelton Turbine Unit Speed N
Nu =
Turbine H
Degree of Reaction-
Change in pressure energy inside the runner
D.O.R =
Change in total energy inside the runner
Efficiencies of pump
For impulse Turbine, D.O.R = 0
Hydraulic/Manometric efficiency-
cot α
For reaction Turbine, D.O.R= 1 − Manometric Head
2(cot α − cot θ) ηh =
Manometric Head + Hydraulic loss
For pure reaction Turbine, D.O.R = 1 Manometric Head M.P.
Q th − Q act Head imparted by impeller to water I.P.
Percentage of slip = ×100
Q th Mechanical efficiency-
Max. Hydraulic efficiency of an impulse Turbine- Power at the impeller I.P. ρ(Q + q)v w 2 v 2
ηm = = =
1 + cos φ Power at the shaft S.P. P
ηmax =
2 Volumetric efficiency-
φ = Angle of blade tip at outlet ηv =
Max. Number of jets, generally, employed on Pelton Q+q
wheel are six (6) Overall efficiency-
Minimum Dia of Braking jet = 0.6 × d M.P
ηo =
Width of Bucket for a Pelton wheel = 5d S.P.
Depth of Bucket for a Pelton wheel = 1.2d ηo = ηh × ηm × ηv
Angle of deflections, φ = 160°–170° (Avg. Angle, φ = ηo = ηh × ηm (ηv = Neglected)
165°) Model Relationship for Pumps-
Vane Angle at outlet, φ = 10°– 20° (Avg. Angle, φ = Dimensional Parameter Dimensionless Parameter
15°) H gH
CH = 2 2 CH = 2 2
No. of Blades on Francis Turbine = 16 – 24 ND ωD
Kaplan Turbine Q Q
Runner Power . CQ = CQ =
mv w1 u1 ND3 ωD3
(Rectangular) M 2l
Maximum St. Brittle 2EI
Principal Venants
Strain Important Formula
• Normal stress, σ n
σx + σy
σx − σy
= + Cos2θ + τxy Sin2θ
2 2
(Rhombus) • Tangential or shear stress, σ t
Maximum Guest & Ductile σx − σ y
Shear Stress Trasca's = − Sin2θ + τxy Cos2θ
• Principal Plane
2τ xy
tan 2θ =
σx − σ y
σc .A Strong Timber 50 1
= 2
l 750
1+ α e
Pure Torsion Equation-
σ .A
= c 2 T Gθ τ
1 + αλ = =
J l R
Rankine constant (α) =
π2E Tl
Note:- Torsional Rigidity/ Stiffness (GJ) =
Effective length of column based on end condition-
• Torsional rigidity (GJ) ∝ strength (Polar Modulus of
End One end Both Both One end
Condition Fixed and end end Fixed and Section)
other end Hinged Fixed other (1) Strain Energy in solid shaft-
1 1 T 2l
Effective le = 2L le = L le = L/2 L Us = Tθ = .
le = 2 2 G.J
length = 0.5L 2
1 Q2
= 0.70L = . × Volume of shaft
4 G
le (As per 2L L 0.65L 0.8L
(2) Strain Energy in Hollow shaft-
IS Code)
Buckling π2 EI π2 EI 4π2 EI 2π2 EI 1 τ2 (d 2 + d 2 )
U H = . . o 2 i × Volume of shaft
Load/ 4 G do
4L2 L2 L2 L2
Euler load
(3) Strain energy due to shear stress-
π2 EI τs2
Pe = 2 U= × Volume
le 2G
π pd
Ts = τs d 3 • Hoop/ Circumferential stress σ H =
16 2t
(5) Strength of hollow shaft- pd
• Longitudinal stress, σ L =
π d −d 3
4 4 4t
TH = .τ H o i
.d o
16 d o4 pd
• Hoop strain, ε H = (2 − µ)
Ratio of strain energy for-
U H d 2o + d i2 • Longitudinal strain, ε L = (1 − 2µ )
= 4tE
U s d o2
• Volumetric strain
Ratio of torque for- pd
ε V = 2ε H + ε L = ( 5 − 4µ )
TH d o4 − d i4 4tE
TS d o4 Hoop strain ε 2−µ
• = h =
Important Formula- Longitudinal Strain ε L 1 − 2µ
• Combined effect of bending and torsion- Stiffness of close coil helical spring
σmax or σmin = M ± M2 + T2 • Parallel combination
πD 3
16 Seq = S1+S2+S3+---
τ max = M2 + T2
Te = M 2 + T 2 • Series combination
Bsin θ Asin θ
tan α = , tan β =
A + Bcos θ B + A cos θ
(b) Unlike parallel Line of action of all forces are v = final velocity
forces parallel to each other in different S = travelled distance by object
Non-parallel Line of action of all forces are not Projectile motion-
forces parallel each other.
u 2 sin 2 θ
1. Max. height- h max =
Non-coplanar Line of action of all forces are not 2g
concurrent forces lying on a single plane but passes
through a single point. 2usin θ
2. Time of flight- T=
Parallelogram law of forces- g
u 2 sin 2 θ
3. Range- R=
Class of lever-
1. Ist Class of lever –
Resultant force,
R = A2 + B2 + 2ABcos θ
θ = 00 , Cos00 = 1
if θ = 900 , Cos900 = 0
1 ≤ M.A.
0 0
If θ = 180 , Cos180 = −1 Ex.- Scissor, Hand Pump
F∝ = ma
M.A. > 1 always dt
(i) ∑ X or ∑ H = 0 Semicircle 1 2 r 4r
2 3π
(ii) ∑ Y or ∑ V = 0
Quadrant Circle 1 2 4r 4r
(iii) ∑M =0 4 3π 3π
Note- µ s > µ k
For coarse grained soil Note- Stoke's Law is valid in laminar flow which
4. Pycnometer method maintained when particle size is in the range of
For coarse grained cohesionless soil 0.2 mm to 0.0002 mm.
Hydrometer corrections –
Meniscus correction, Cm always +ve
Temperature correction, Ct +ve or –ve both
Dispersing agent correction, Cd always –ve
Corrected hydrometer correction
R H = R + C m ± C t − Cd
w1 – w 2
Flow Index (I f ) =
log10 ( N 2 / N1 )
Grading of soil-
Type of Soil Explanation
Well graded soil All size of soil particle
Poorly/Gap graded It has excess or deficiency
soil of a certain particle size. In
gap graded soil some
particle size are missing.
Uniformly graded Most of the particles has
soil same size.
( q u ) undisturbed
Sensitivity (S t ) =
( q u ) remoulded
Sensitivity (St) Soil Classification
1 Insensitive (Gravel, Coarse
2–4 Normal sensitive or moderate
4–8 Sensitive (Silt + Clay)
8 – 16 Extra sensitive
Plasticity Index IP = w L − w P > 16 Quick clay/unstable
IP Plasticity Plasticity Index
Activity ( A c ) =
0 Non Plastic % of clay particles (size < 2µ)
<7 Low Plastic Ac Classification
7–17 Medium Plastic < 0.75 Inactive
> 17 Highly Plastic 0.75 – 1.25 Normal
IP Soil Type
> 1.25 Active
O (Non-plastic) Sand
Thixotropy– Increase in strength of remoulded soil
10-15 Silt with passage of time.
15-100 Clay
Group Index (GI) = 0.2a + 0.005ac + 0.01 bd
20-40 Kaolinite
35-60 Illite a = (P–35) > 40 [Range 0 to 40]
50-100 Montmorillonite b = (P–15) > 40 [Range 0 to 40]
e1 − e 2
of blows 25 25 25 25 Co-efficient of compression ( Cc ) =
per layer σ
Number log10 2
of layer
3 5 3 5 σ1
944 944 1000 1000 Cc = 0.009 (wL–10), undisturbed soil of medium
of mould sensitivity
Compaction energy ratio for- Cc = 0.007 (wL–10), Remoulded soil of low sensitivity
Modified standard proctor test
= 4.5 av
Standard proctor test Co-efficient of volume compressibility m v = ,
1 + eo
Standard proctortest
= 0.22 e0 = Initial Void Ratio
Modified standard proctor test
Compression modulus E c =
Type of equipment Suitability for soil mv
Rammers or tampers all types of soils Over consolidation ratio–
Smooth wheeled rollers Crushed rocks, gravels, sands
Max effective stress applied in past
Pneumatic tyred Rollers Sands, gravels, silts, clayey OCR =
Soils but not suitable for Existing effective stress
Uniformly graded soils. OCR > 1, for over consolidated soil
sheep foot rollers Clayey Soil OCR = 1, for normally consolidated soil
Vibratory rollers Sands OCR < 1, for under consolidated soil
Civil Engineering Capsule 40 YCT
Time factor- changes measured.
d = H for one way drainage Axial strain, deviator stress are
C ×t determined.
Tv = v 2 H
d d= for two way drainage Suitable for all types of soil.
Unconfined Can be conducted in field
T50 = 0.196, T90 = 0.848, T60 = 0.287 Compression easily.
π U
2 Test Used to test cohesive soil,
Tv = ×
4 100
if U ≤ 60% rapid assessment of
consistency of soil for clay
∆h classification, and find
Degree of consolidation % U = × 100 sensitivity of clay soil.
Vane shear Test Suitable in plastic cohesive soil
Stress distribution in soil- which is very sensitive.
Boussineg's equation (For isotropic Soil) When top & bottom end
3 Q 1 Q Q shear the soil–
σZB = × × = K B × 2 = 0.4775 2
2π z 2 2 5/ 2 Shear strength-
z z
1 + T
z τf =
πd 2 +
h d
Westerguard's equation (for anisotropic soil)
2 6
1 Q 1
σzw = × 2 × When only bottom end shear
π z
3/ 2
2 the soil–
1 + 2 Shear strength-
• Newmark's influence chart– τf =
πd 2 +
h d
1 2 12
σz = ×q×N
m×n Consolidated Drainage allowed in both
m = No. of concentric circles (normally 10) Drained Test stages.
n = No. of radial lines (normally 20) [CD] It takes long time.
N = equivalent no. of areas
Used in analysis of gradual
q = Intensity of load
loading condition.
Shear Strength of Soil-
Shear strength is the capacity to resist shear stress. Consolidated Drainage allowed in 1st stage.
undrained Test
Columb's Hypothesis– τf = C + σ tan φ done for check stability under
sudden unloading.
τf = C '+ σ tan φ '
Unconsolidated Drainage not allowed in any
Where, C, ϕ are total stress parameter undrained (UU) stage.
C', ϕ' are effective stress parameter Active earth pressure– by this min. pressure exerted
Angle of repose– Minimum angle of an inclined by the soil on the retaining wall
plane which causes an object to slide down on the
plane. 1 − sin φ φ
Ka = , K a = tan 2 450 –
Angle of friction– Angle between the normal 1 + sin φ 2
reaction force and resultant force between friction and
normal reaction forces when object just begins to Passive earth pressure–
move along surfaces. 1 + sin φ φ 1
Kp = = tan 2 450 + =
Some Important test for soil 1 − sin φ 2 K a
Direct shear Test Shear applied at constant rate
of strain. Earth pressure at rest–
Effective stress and total stress µ
K0 = : for cohessionless soil K 0 = 1 − sin φ
are same. 1− µ
U=0 Note- K0 for dense sand is lesser than that of loose sand.
Used for free draining soil– For NC clays K0 < 1
sand, gravel. For OC clays K0 > 1
Shear plane is pre determine. 2
p 1 − sin φ
Tri-axial Test Drainage can be controlled. Min. Depth of foundation D =
Pore water pressure, volume γ 1 + sin φ
Civil Engineering Capsule 41 YCT
General shear Local shear Permissible Differencial settlement and total
Parameter settlement of soil
failure failure
Friction angle Specification of Total Permissible
>36% <28º Foundation settlement Diff.Settlement
Strain at failure ≤ 5º ≥15º Isolated Raft footing on 40-65 mm 25 mm
Relative Density >17% 20% Isolated footing on sand 40 mm 25 mm
SPT Number <30 ≤5 Isolated Raft footing on 65-100 mm 40 mm
Void Ratio <0.55 >0.75 clay
Unconfined Isolated footing on clay 65 mm 40 mm
Compressive >100 kN/m2 <80 kN/m2
Strength Classification of piles based on various factors-
Taylor's stability Number (C-φ soil)– (a) Function/ Action - Fender, sheets, batter, tension
(uplift), load bearing etc.
Sn = = (b) Installation method - Driven, jack, screw & Bored
γ.H c γ.FC .H C (cast in- situ) piles.
Max. theoretical value of Sn = 0.5, Max. particle (c) Material- Steel, timber, concrete & composite piles.
value = 0.261 (d) Displace-Displacement and non- displacement piles.
(e) Mode of load transfer- end bearing, friction and
Sn = tan β − tan φ cos 2 β for c-φ soil
combined piles.
. Net safe Bearing Capacity(qns)= Engineering News Formula : Ultimate load on pile
Net ultimate bearing capacity WH Q
Q ap = = UP
Factor of Safety 6(S + C) 6
q nu q u – γD f Where, W = load in kg
q ns = = H = Height of fall in cm
Safe Bearing Capacity S = Settlement/below in cm
q − γDf Soil sampler
q saf = u + γD f
F Inside Clearance:
Elastic Settlement D3 − D1
ci = × 100% (1 < Ci < 3)
S = k.q. A
(1 − µH )
2 D1
E Out side clearance:
Bearing capacity for different types of footing- D 2 − D4
cO = × 100% (0 < C0 < 2)
Bearing Capacity for Strip footing D4
1 Note: C0> Ci always
qult = CN C + γDf N q + γBN γ
2 D 22 − D12
Bearing Capacity of shallow circular footing Area ratio : A r = × 100
q ult = 1.3CN c + γDf N q + 0.3γBN γ
Bearing Capacity of Shallow square Footing
D1 = Inner dia. of cutting edge
q ult = 1.3CN c + γDf N q + 0.4γbN γ
D2 = Outer dia. of cutting edge
Note: Load carrying capacity in order D3 = Inner dia. of sampling tube
strip < circular < square footing D4 = Outer dia. of sampling tube
Plate Load test (IS 1888-1982)
Recovery Ratio :
B (B + 0.3) Recovery length of the Sample.
SP = f P for sandy soil Lr =
BP (Bf + 0.3) Penertration length of the Sample
n +1
Sf Bf Recovery value Soil Property
= = for silts
SP Bp Lr = 1 Good recovery
Lr < 1 Compressed soil
For C-φ soil n = 0.5
Lr > 1 Soil has swelled
For clayey soil n = 0
Civil Engineering Capsule 42 YCT
• National Corridors –
Airport type Instrumental Non- Gate- It is aircraft parking space, used by single aircraft
Runway Instrumental for loading and unloading of passengers baggage.
Runway Gate Capacity- Ability of specified no. of gates to
accommodate aircraft loading & unloading operations.
A, B and C 300m 150m
No.of Gate
G.C. =
D and E - 78m GateOccupancy Time
• Transverse Gradient According to ICAO Hanger- It is covered area for repair and servicing of the
• For A,B,C type = Max. 2 %
• Number of hangers depends on peak hour
• For D.E Type = Max. 1-1.5% volume of aircraft.
Max. longitudinal and effective gradient- Important Point-
• All runway marking are done with white paint.
Type of Max. Max. effective
• All taxiway marking are done with yellow paint.
Airport Longitudinal gradient(%)
• All runway side light are usually white.
• All taxiway side lights are usually blue.
A, B and C 1.5 1
(Suitable for sub aqueous strata) Cross section adopted for tunnels:-
1. D section or segmental roof section
3. Compressed Air tunneling method
(suitable for sub ways or navigation tunnels
(for clay)
2. Circular section - Suitable for heavy internal
(b) With timber
or external radial pressure
1. Needle Beam method (suitable in brick lining) • It is most desirable section
2. English method 3. Rectangular section- suitable for hard rocks
3. American method 4. Egg shaped section -used for carrying
b d
≯ 16, w ≯ 50
tf tw
Restrained Restrained Restrained Free 0.8L
• Return weld along transverse axis of column ≯ • For flats outstanding length should not exceed 12t
Slab base- Stiffeners in plate girder-
3 2 b2 d1
t= wa − ≤ 85 None
σ bs 4 tw
σbs = Permissible bending stress in slab base 85 < < 200 Transverse (Vertical)
a = Greater projection of the plate beyond the column
(mm) d1
200 < < 250 Both Horizontal and Vertical
• Thickness of a square slab base plate under a solid tw
round column-
Both vertical and horizontal
90W B d1
t = 10 × 250 < < 400 One extra at neutral axis
16σ bs (B − d 0 ) tw
dy 4
Principal of super position theorem - EI = − w(x)
dx 4
(i) Load is linearly related to deflection.
(ii) Load is assumed not to change significantly
(iii) It is valid for beams, frames for both
determinate and indeterminate structure.
Castigliano's theorem:-
First theorems:- for linearly elastic structure,
Hybrid Joint and released reaction:- where external force cause deformation
Diagram 2D 3D ∂u ∂u
Joint = P, =M
∂δ ∂θ
(m-1) 3(m-1)
hinge Second Theorems:- Applicable to linearly elastic
structure with constant temperature and unyielding
Link 2 - support.
∂u ∂u
= δ, =θ
∂p ∂M
2 -
Roller • Slope deflection method-In this method, if the
slopes at the ends and the relative displacement of the
ends are know, the end moment found in terms of
• Pin Joint plane frame structure (2D)- Ds = m– (2J – r)
slope defection stiffness and length of members.
• Pin Jointed space frame structure (3D)- Ds = m – (3J – r)
• Moment Area method-The moment area method
• Rigid Joint plane structure (2D)-Ds = 3m – (3J – r) – rr is one of the most effective methods for obtaining
• Rigid Joint space structure (3D)- Ds = 6m – (6J – r) – rr the bending displacement in beam and frames.
Dk = (3J – r)
Horizontal thrust on different type of arch)-
• Kinematic indeterminacy for (3D) Frame joint-Dk = 6J – r
Sr. Type of structure Horizontal
Where m = No of members connect at the joint. thrust
Three hinged arch-
(A) Parabolic arch-
Ds < 0, m < 2J – r Deficient or unstable truss
Ds = 0, m = 2J – r Perfect stable truss, With point load
Determinate truss
Ds > 0, m > 2J – r Redundant or over stiff truss wℓ2
With U.D.L
indeterminate truss 8h
Total yearly water requirement of the city in litre • 1 British degree of hardness = 14.25 mg/l
365× Design population • 1 French degree of hardness = 10 mg/l
• Max. daily demand = 1.8 × Avg. daily demand. • 1 American degree of hardness = 17.1 ppm
• Max. hourly demand = 1.5 × Avg. demand hourly of
Zeolite process/base exchange/cation exchange
Max. day.
• Max. hourly demand or peak demand = 2.7 × Avg.
hourly demand. • This method is very effective and can be produces zero
Fire Demand- hardness.
(i) As per GOI Fire Demand • It is not suitable for water with Fe and Mn
• pH of water is not affected.
Q = 100 P (kL)
• No sludge is formed.
(ii) Kuichling's Formula
Q = 3182 P Water Quality Permissible Cause for
(iii) Freeman's Formula Parameter Units rejection value
P Suspended solids 500 mg/l 2000 mg/l
Q = 1136 + 10
5 Turbidity 1 NTU 10 NTU
(iv) Buston's formula Colour 5 TCU 25 TCU
Q = 5663 P Taste and odour 1 TON 3 TON
P = Population in thousand Alkalinity 200 mg/l 600 mg/l
Population forecasting method-
(i) Arithmetic increase method- pH 6.5-8.5 < 6.5 and > 9.2
(Suitable for older and larger cities) Hardness 200 mg/l 600 mg/l
Pn = Po + nx Chloride content 250 mg/l 1000 mg/l
(ii) Geometric increase method- Free NH3 0.15 mg/l 0.15 mg/l
(For young and rapidly developed cities) Nitrate 45 mg/l -
r Fluoride 1 mg/l 1.5 mg/l
Pn = Po 1 +
Parameters Diseases
(iii) Incremental Increases method- Absence of fluorides Dental, Fragile bones
n(n + 1)y Excess of lead Anemia
Pn = Po + nx +
2 Presence of excess Methemoglobinemia or blue
nitrate baby syndrome
Contributory population Peak factor Absence of Iodine Goitre
up to 50000 3.00 Excess of chlorides Hyperchloremia
50001 to 200000 2.50
more than 200000 2.00 Property of Water Types of test/instrument
Hardness EDTA method
Design period values component Design period Turbidity Turbiditymeter/Nephlometer
Bacteria count MPN test membrane filter technique
Storage by dams 50
pH Potentiometer, Aquascope
Water treatment units 15
Colour Tintometer
Main supply pipes 30
Dissolved Oxygen Winkler's method
Demand reservoir 50 Organic matter BOD test, COD test
Distribution system 30 Taste and odour Osmoscope
Civil Engineering Capsule 68 YCT
Water borne diseases and their control- • Vent pipe is provided for the ventilation purpose to
(a) Diseases Caused by bacteria facilitate the exit of foul gases in to atmosphere.
(i) Typhoid fever - Salmonella typhi • COD = Biodegradable organics + Non-Biodegradable
(ii) Cholera - Vibrio-cholera organics.
(iii)Bacillary dysentery- Shigella bacillus or Flexner- • THOD ≥ COD ≥ BOD ≥ TOC (Total organic compound)
bacillus • BOD = (DOi – DOf) Dilution factor.
(b) Diseases caused by viral infection- Volume of the diluted sample
(i) Hepatitis (Infectious jaundice) - Hepatist virus • Dilution factor =
Volume of the undiluted sewage sample
(ii) Poliomyelitis - Polio virus
Design Criteria of Sedimentation tank- Spacing of Manhole lines Size of Sewer (m)
• Over flow rate = Overflow rate or surface loading. as per IS 1742-1960
= 500 – 750 Ltr./hr/m2 (for plain sedimentation with 45 m ≤ 0.3 m (upto)
75 m ≤ 0.6 m (upto)
∼1000–1250 Ltr./hr/m2 (for Sedimentation with
coagulation) 90 m ≤ 0.9 m (upto)
• Depth = 3 to 4.5m (≮ 1.8m and ≯ 6.0m) 120 m ≤ 1.2 m (upto)
Slow sand filter- 250 m ≤ 1.5 m (upto)
• Sand size - 0.20 - 0.30 mm 300 m ≤ 1.5 m (greater than)
• Depth of filter - 2.5 - 4.0 m. HNO3, H2CO3, H2SO4 present in acidic rain.
• Plan area of filter - 100 - 200 m2 Oxidation Ponds-
• Design period - 10 years. • Depth - 1.0 - 1.8 m
• Cleaning period - 1 - 3 months. • Detention period - 2 - 6 weeks
• Rate of filtration - 2400 - 4800 Ltr./m2/day or 100 - 200 • Organic loading - 150 - 300 kg/ha/day.
Ltr./m2/hr. • Under hot condition - 60 - 90 kg/ha/day.
• Efficiency of bacteria removal - 98 - 99%. • Length to width ratio - 2
Rapid Sand filter- • Sludge Accumulation - 2 - 5 cm/year
• Depth of tank - 2.5 - 3.5 m. • Minimum depth to be kept - 0.3 m
• Area - 10 - 80 m2 each unit. Septic tank-
• Rate of washing - 15 - 90 cm Rise/minute. • Detention time - 12 - 36 hr.
• Rate of filtration - 3000 - 6000 Ltr./m2/hour. (Slow • Sludge accumulation rate - 30 Ltr./cap/year
sand filter × 30) • Sewage flow - 90 - 150 Ltr./cap/day
• 30 min. used for back wash. • Cleaning period - 6 - 12 month
(iv) Break point chlorination- • Length to width ratio - 2 - 3 m
• Chlorine is added beyond breakpoint to ensure a • Depth - 1.2 - 1.8 m
residual 0.2 – 0.3 ppm as free chlorine. • Width ≮ 0.9 m
• Residual chlorine is tested by DPD test.
• Free board - 0.3 m
(v) Super chlorination-
Primary Air Pollutants-
• When excess chlorine (5 - 15 mg/l) is added in water
• Finer particles (< 100µ in diameter)
during epidemic such that it gives a residual of 1 - 2
mg/l beyond break point is called super chlorination. • Coarse particles (> 100µ in diameter)
• Air relief valves are used to release air. • Sulphur compounds, (SO2)
• Sluice valves are used to stop the water supply in pipe. • Oxides of Nitrogen, (NO, NO2)
• Scouring Valve are used at low levels of pipe to • Carbon monoxides (CO)
remove impurities such as sand, silt etc. • Halogen compounds
• Pressure relief valves are used to release pressure • Organic compounds
occurring due sudden closure of valves. • Lead (Pb)
• Pilot valve are often used in critical application (e.g., • Radio active substances
emergency and SIS control) Secondary Air Pollutants-
• Check valve/reflux valve/non-returning valve:- 1. H2SO4 2. PAN (Peroxyacetyl-nitrate)
These possess some automatic device which allows the 3. Formaldehydes 4. Ozone (O3)
water to flow in one direction only. 5. Photo chemical smog.
Sonoscope is used in detection of leakage in An acceptable noise level for by IS 4594-1968
underground water mains. • Rural 25 - 35
Different types of pipes and their uses- • Sub-urban 30 - 40
• Anti siphonage pipe is installed for the purpose of • Residential (Urban) 35 - 45
preserving the water seal of traps in drainage system. • Urban 40 - 50
• Soil pipe carries human excreta from water closet to • City 40 - 50
septic tank. • Industrial 50 - 60
Civil Engineering Capsule 69 YCT
• Representative Fraction-
Map distance
R.F =
Ground distance
Shape of earth - Oblate Spherical • Shrinkage ratio or S.F. = Shrunk length = Shrunkscale
Original length Originalscale
Polar axis length - 12713.80 km
Difference → 42.95km Measured distance on map
Equatorial axis length - 12756.75 km • Correct distance on map =
Primary Classification of Survey-
Measured area on map
Plane Surveying Geodetic Surveying • Correct area on map =
Tape Correction-
S.N. Correction Condition Error Correction Formula
1. Length (a) Increases –Ve +Ve L'
l = l '
(b) Decreases +Ve –Ve l
2. Temperature (a) Increases –Ve +Ve Ct = α ( Tm − T0 ) L
(b) Decreases +Ve –Ve
3. Pull/Tension (a) Increases –Ve +Ve ( Pm − P0 )
Cp = ×L
(b) Decreases +Ve –Ve AE
4. Sag – Always +Ve Always –Ve w 2l 3 W 2l
Cs = 2
24Pm 24n 2 p2
5. Slope – Always +Ve Always –Ve CSL = h 2 / 2L or
C v = 2Lsin 2 θ / 2
6. Bad Ranging – Always +Ve Always –Ve Ch = d2/2L
90°-180° II – + South –Ve 30 meter 1720
R= m
180°-270° III – – East +Ve
270°-36°0 IV + – West –Ve 20 meter 1146
R= m
Check for close traverse by included angle- D0
Sum of included angle = (2N – 4) × 90° 10 meter 573
Sum of external angle = (2N + 4) × 90° R= m
Degree of accuracy in traversing-
Order of traversing Accuracy 100 feet 5730
Ist R= feet
6" N D0
2nd 15" N Levelling-
3rd 30" N Level line • Line laying on level surface
Minor theodolite for detailing 1' N normal to the plumb line or a line
Compass traversing 15' N parallel to the mean spherical
N = Number of angle measured surface of the earth.
Curve- Horizontal line • It is tangential to the level line
lying in the horizontal plane.
Level Surface • Parallel to the mean spheroidal
surface of the earth.
PC → Point of Curve Horizontal • A surface tangential to the level
PI → Point of Surface surface at any point.
Intersection Datum • The Surface to which elevations
PT → Point of Tangent are referred.
Bench mark • It is a fixed reference point of
Element of Simple Circular Curve known elevation.
Tangent length R tan θ/2 • It is stablish by spirit levelling.
Mid ordinate R(1–cos θ/2) = 2R sin2 θ/4 Reduced level • It is height of any point w.r.t.
Apex distance R(Sec θ/2 – 1) either M.S.L. on any bench mark
Length of long chord 2R Sin θ/2 of known R.L.
Length of Curve πRθ Level line • Line laying on level surface
1800 normal to the plumb line or a line
Radius and versine relation in curve parallel to the mean spherical
C2 surface of the earth.
v= ( C,V, R in m.) Achromatic • Compound lense free from
lense spherical aberration.
125C 2
V= ( V in cm C and R in m ) Resolving power • Power of a telescope to form
distinguishable image of objects
1.5C 2
V= ( C &R in feet V in inch ) seperated by small angular distance.
R Alpanation • A compound lense free from
Setting out of Curve – combination spherical aberration.
1. By ordinates from long chord-
Chromatic • The defection which is blurred
O x = (R 2 − x 2 ) − (R − Oo ) aberration and coloured image formed.
Soil Water-
1. Capillary water
2. Hygroscopic water- Can not be remove easily
from soil particles.
3. Gravitational water
Important formula-
Available moisture for plant = F.C. – φ
φ = Permanent wilting point (P.W.P)
• Field capacity-
Weight of water stored in soilof unit area (i) Water Conveyance Efficiency
F.C. =
Weight of samesoilof unit area Wf
ηc = × 100
γ w .d w n
F.C. = = Where Wf = water delivered to the field.
γd G
Wr = water delivered from the reservoir
Where (ii) Water Application Efficiency-
dw = depth of water stored in root zone Ws
ηa = ×100
γd = dry unit weight of soil Wf
• Available moisture depth to plant- Where Ws = water stored in the root zone
(iii) Water Use Efficiency
γ d .d
dw = [F.C. − P.W.P.] Wu
γw ηu =
• Readily available moisture depth to plant-
Where Wu = water use consumptively
γ .d (iv) Water Storage Efficiency
d w = d [F.C. − m0 ]
γw Ws'
ηs =
m0 = Readily available moisture content Wη
Irrigation requirements of crop- Where Ws' = Actual water stored in the root
(1) Consumptive Irrigation requirement -
Wη = Water needed to store to bring the
CIR = Cu – Re water content up to field capacity.
Cu = total consumptive use (v) Water Distribution Efficiency
Re = effective rainfall
(2). Net Irrigation requirement - ηd = 1 − × 100
N.I.R. = C.I.R.+ Le
Where y = Average numerical deviation in the
= Cu – Re + Le depth of water stored from the average depth
Le = Leaching requirement of irrigation stored.
(3). Field Irrigation requirement - d = Average depth during irrigation
(vi) Consumptive Use Efficiency-
F.I.R. = Wcu
ηa ηcu = × 100
(4). Gross Irrigation requirement- Where Wcu =Water used by plant
F.I.R. N.I.R consumptively.
G.I.R. = = Wd = Net amount of water depleted from
ηc ηa .ηc
root zone
Civil Engineering Capsule 77 YCT
Duration of Indian crop season- Time factor It is the ratio of number of days
Kharif June - September the canal has actually run to the
(Mansoon crops) number of days or irrigation
Rabi October - March period.
Zaid April - June Capacity Factor It is the ratio of mean supply
Note- discharge to the full supply
• Cash crop - Cotton (8 month), Coffee, Tea, sugarcane,
spices. Crop Ratio Irrigated area of Rabiseason
• Perennial crop - (Time taken 1 year) - Sugarcane Irrigated area of Kharif seasons
Important terminology- Duty (D) It represents the irrigating
Field capacity • Maximum amount of moisture capacity of a unit water.
which can be held by soil Delta (∆) It is total depth of water required
against gravity. for a crop during the entire period
• Soil is not saturated but still a of the crop's
very wet condition
G.C.A = Culturable area + unculturable area
Permanent It is the state of soil when plants
wilting point fail to extract sufficient water for C.C.A = G.C.A. – unculturable area
(PWP) their requirements. G.C.A = Gross commanded area
Saturation It is the amount of water required Irrigated area = C.C.A × Irrigation Intensity
capacity to fill all the pore spaces between
soil particles by replacing all air • Relation b/w Duty and Delta-
held in pore spaces. 8.64B
Temporary It is the phenomena that the soil ∆= m
wilting point water content at which the plant
wilts at day time, but recovers B = base period in days
during night or when water is D = Duty in hectares/cumec
added to soil. OR
Crop period The total time period that elopes 864B
from the instant of its showing to D= cm
the instant of its harvesting.
• Kore depth-
Base period (B) Time between the first watering
of a crop at the time of its sowing
to its last watering before Rice 19 cm
harvesting. Wheat 13.5 cm
Note- Base period < crop period Sugarcane 16 cm
Paleo Irrigation • It is the watering done prior to
the sowing of a crop. River training works-
• It is done to prepare the land Aggrading River- This is because of silting
for sowing and to add enough
moisture to the soil. Degrading River- This is because of scouring
• It is the first watering given to Meander belt M
the field. Meandring Ratio = = B
Meander length M L
Kore watering • It is the first watering after the
plants have grown a few Curved length of cut off
centimeter high. Cut off Ratio / Tortusity =
Straight length of cut off
• It is the first watering after
sowing the crops. 1.7 ≤ C.O.R. ≤ 3.0
• Kore watering required max.
Meander Length M L = 65.8 Q dominant
discharge in limited time.
Kore depth Depth of water applied during
• Dominant Discharge -
kore watering.
1 2 9
Outlet factor It is the duty of canal water at the Qdominant = or of Q max = .Q max
outlet. 2 3 16