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Name of Bidder

Note: Being a percentage tender, the bidder shall quote its price as at par or
percent above or percent below the estimated total cost in the Bill of
Quantities as specified below.

Unless otherwise specified, all items includes the cost of labour and materials, tools & plants, ladders, scaffolding, lead & lifts etc. complete in
all respect. No additional amount to be paid to complete the job.
S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)

Earth work excavation in ordinary soil, exclusive of compensation of
earth:- Kassi work undressed involving an average horizontal throw
1.01 6.2 (a) cum 1,150.13 77 88,560
up to 2.0 metres and an average vertical lift up to 0.5 metres
including breaking of clods.
Site clearance : Clearing jungle manually including uprooting rank
vegetation, grass, woody vegetation up to 30 cm girth measured at
1.02 32.4 c height of 1 m above ground level and removal of rubbish up to sqm 9,041.74 7.96 71,972
distance of 50 m outside the periphery of the area cleared

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S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
Earth work in excavation in foundations trenches etc. in all kinds of
soil where Pick-Jumper work is not involved and not exceeding 2.0
metres depth including dressing of bottom and sides of trenches,
stacking the excavated soil clear from the edge of excavation and
1.03 6.6 cum 132.25 182 24,070
subsequent filling around masonry in 15 cm, layers with compaction
including disposal of all surplus soil as directed within lead of 30


Dismantling concrete - Lime concrete, cement concrete of 1:6:12 or
2.01 8.6 (a) leaner mix cum 19.36 412 7,976

Dismantling cement conglomerate floors 25mm to 50mm thick

2.02 8.16 including concrete base. sqm 1,600.41 109 174,445

Dismantling brick or flagged stone flooring including concrete base.

2.03 8.18 sqm 647.95 85 55,076
Dismantling of brick work in cement sand mortar / lime mortar
including T&P scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the
2.04 8.39 dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material & stacking cum 388.53 660 256,430
the serviceable material with all lifts & lead of 100 metre.

Scraping bricks dismantled from brick work in lime or cement. 1000

2.05 8.31e 93.25 1580 147,335
2.06 8.21 Dismantling plank ceiling and supporting timber sqm 487.98 67 32,695
2.07 8.6 (e) Dismantling Reinforced Cement concrete. cum 51.31 2204 113,087
2.08 8.20 Dismantling plank flooring sqm 23.44 53 1,242
Dismantling aluminium/ Gypsum partitions, doors, windows, fixed
glazing and false ceiling including disposal of unserviceable material
2.09 8.44 and stacking of serviceable material within 50 ms lead as directed by sqm 846.71 46 38,949

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S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
2.10 8.8 (f) Dismantling jack arch roofing excluding joists or terraced roofing sqm 767.90 64 49,146
2.11 8.9 Dismantling wood work from roof. cum 17.62 1207 21,267
Dismantling reinforced brick work including cutting, cleaning and
2.12 8.33 straightening of bars. cum 3.55 1608 5,708

Dismantling brick tile covering in terracing including stacking of

2.13 NS serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material within sqm 2,173.61 49.44 107,463
50M lead.
Dismantling mud phaska in terracing and disposal of material within
2.14 NS 50 metres lead. cum 163.02 412.34 67,220

2.15 8.31g Scraping tiles dismantled from the work in lime or cement 1000 Nos 41.30 2073 85,615
Removal of plant/ficus growth by pulling out root system embedded
in masonry, cutting stem and application of heeng/ gur/ lime
formulation as specified by Engineer-in-charge or other patented
chemical biocide treatment such as biocide ‘Glycel’ – (iso
propylamine salt of glyphosate) or other chemical as specified by
SOR Engineer-in-charge and removal of ferrous fixings and nails
2.16 each 40.00 137.78 5,511
16.15.3 embedded in the plaster and masonry of the exterior facades and
making good with lime mortar mix 1:2 (1 lime, 2 Quartz sand/ sand),
colour matched as per Engineer-in-charges specifications. The rates
include the cost of all materials, labour, neccessary tools, ladders,
scaffolding etc complete in all respect.

Dismantling steel work in built up sections in angles, tees, flats and

channels including all gusset plates, bolts, nuts, cutting rivets,
2.17 8.46 welding etc. including dismembering and stacking within 50 metres kg 13,339.96 5 66,700


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S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
Providing and fixing Sheesham wood (black) planking of 25 mm thick
planed on the underside, tongued & grooved including iron screws.
Item to include all mouldings, chamfers to be made as per original
design indicated by the Engineer-in-charge. Contractor to ensure
that moisture content is well within IS codes and in case the timber
available is not naturally seasoned, Contractor to get it seasoned in
3.01 NS seasoning plant at his own cost. Any timber found unseasoned shall sqm 504.61 5779.81 2,916,550
be rejected. All timber to be free of knots, cracks etc. Item to include
providing samples for approvals from Engineer-in-charge. Item to
also include application of solignum on the wooden surface. The
rates include the cost of all materials, labour, neccessary tools,
ladders, scaffolding etc complete in all respect

Providing and fixing of sal wood wrought planed and fixed in position
for beams / karis, lintel, wall plates etc. The rates include the cost of
3.02 17.6 all materials, labour, neccessary tools, ladders, scaffolding etc cum 43.16 104750 4,521,010
complete in all respect.
Structural steel work in girders or Stanchions built up of one joist / or
channel section. Riveted including cutting and fixing old gusset
3.03 18.6 plates bolts, Nuts, Rivets etc. complete with flange plates, head, sole qtl 411.06 6366 2,616,808
plates, angle connections etc. with hoisting & erecting in position

3.04 8.31 b Scraping - Lime plaster sqm 4,587.53 36 165,151

3.05 8.31 c Scraping - Cement plaster sqm 1,854.65 36 66,767
Raking out joints in lime or cement mortar from the stone masonry or
all type of brick / brick tile masonry surface and preparing for
SOR repointing or replastering including disposal of the rubbish to the
3.06 sqm 6,442.17 43.32 279,075
12.07 dumping ground at 100m lead.

(Item to be executed specially ordered by Engineer-in-charge).

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S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
Lime surkhi Plaster 1:2 (lime: 2 surkhi) on pillars and other
decorative features including arches, motifs, cornices and
bands.(thickness 20-25 mm) & Loi, tamping, beating, till the
shrinkage cracks disappear. The work is done with all leads as the
work is of restoration nature as per Punjab practice including using
methi, gur, gugal, sam, jute, hemp, belgiri etc including adding
gur,methi & gugal on old walls including removal of all old loose and
decade plaster, each coat to be done after 3 days of previous coat.
All surfaces to be plastered shall be thoroughly wetted for 24 hours
before commencing plaster and shall be kept damp during the
progress of work. At the same time the wall should not be too wet, as
plaster is then likely to fall out . It is essential to maintain uniform
SOR suction of water by receiving surfaces, which shall be ensured by
3.07 sqm 1,240.77 482 598,051
6.10 damping evenly all dry patches before applying plaster. The
Engineer-in-charge will inspect and approve all preparatory work
before the commencement of plastering work. Curing to be done for
21 days with help of water spray pump or any other necessary
methods to avoid any surface cracks. In case of development of
surface cracks, the same to be redone as part of rectification works
to achieve the necessary level of finish as directed by Engineer-in-
charge. Item to include all material, labour, necessary tools &
scaffolding if required etc. complete in all respect.
Mode of
measurement:- Item to be paid only for the part of the design made
in new plaster and not the entire panel.

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S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
Providing Lime Surkhi Sand Plaster 1:1:1 (1 Lime putty: 1 Surkhi : 1
Sand) including preparation of mortar by traditional practice (by
grinding), 20-25 mm thick in 2 courses & Loi, tamping, beating, till
the shrinkage cracks will disappear. The work is to be done with all
leads as the work is of restoration nature as per Punjab practice
including using methi, gur, gugal, sam, jute, hemp, belgiri etc on old
walls including removal of all old loose and decade plaster, each coat
to be done after 3 days of previous coat. All surfaces to be plastered
shall be thoroughly wetted for 24 hours before commencing plaster
and shall be kept damp during the progress of work. At the same
SOR time the wall should not be too wet, as plaster is then likely to fallout.
3.08 sqm 7,027.95 328 2,305,168
6.03.2 It is essential to maintain uniform suction of water by receiving
surfaces, which shall be ensured by damping evenly all dry patches
before applying plaster. The Engineer-in-charge will inspect and
approve all preparatory work before the commencement of plastering
work. Curing to be done for 21 days with help of water spray pump.
Item to include all material, labour, necessary tools & scaffolding,
brick form work etc. complete in all respect.

Mode of measurement:- For flat horizontal/vertical areas, the

length multiplied by width/height shall be taken to calculate area.

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S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
Lime Surkhi plaster 1:1 (1lime: 1 Surkhi) at ceiling and curved
surfaces (including vaults, arches, Domes etc.) 30mm-40 mm
thickness as per existing at site including preparation of mortar by
traditional practice including using methi, gur, gugal, sam, jute,
hemp, belgiri etc (by grinding) in two courses of base course &
finished course including tamping, beating, curing till the shrinkage
cracks disappear. Work to be done with all leads & lifts, each coat to
be done after 3 days of previous coat. Surfaces to be plastered shall
be thoroughly cleaned of all dust, grease, oil & loose mortar. The
entire surface shall then be thoroughly washed with nylon brush &
clean water. All surfaces to be plastered shall be thoroughly wetted
for 24 hours before commencing plaster & shall be kept damp during
the progress of work. At the same time the wall should not be too
3.09 wet, as plaster is then likely to fallout. It is essential to maintain sqm 3,655.57 472.1 1,725,795
uniform suction of water by receiving surfaces, which shall be
ensured by damping evenly all dry patches before applying plaster.
The Engineer-in-charge will inspect & approve all preparatory work
before the commencement of plastering work. Curing to be done for
21 days with help of water spray pump. Item to include all materials,
labour, necessary tools, hardware & scaffolding.

Mode of measurement: For spherical areas such as

domes,arches,squinches etc: surface area shall be taken to
calculate the area.
Careful demolition of damaged portions of cornice bands, mouldings
and other decorative features without causing any dust nuisance
taking care to avoid any damages to the adjacent details which are in
3.10 NS sqm 198.30 117.09 23,219
good condition. Item to include disposal of malba up to 100 metre
lead & scaffolding etc. complete in all respect.

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S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
Ornamental traditional brick masonry in mouldings and cornices (not
more than 30 cm in projection and 30 cm in depth as per Punjab
practice) in lime mortar similar to the existing traditional lime mortar
(lime putty - sand - Surkhi 1:1:1) after removing the damaged and
out of plumb masonry from the vertical surfaces, including providing
sufficient anchorage to the new cornice band in the wall and adjacent
cornice band area using 8mm SS pins or any other method as
directed by the Engineer-in-charge. The cornice bands to be finished
with lime sand Surkhi plaster in proportion 1 lime :2 sand :1 surkhi, of
SOR required thickness and necessary carvings to achieve the details and
3.11 m 198.30 911.8 180,810
4.10.2 design as per the original cornice band on site. Sample of the
cornice band to be shown to be approved for before finishing the
same on site. The cornice band to be finished using Lime sand
plaster in proportion 1:2 of thickness not more than 10mm and
finishing with 5mm thick Lime putty coat taking utmost care that the
original details of the cornice band are not lost. Item to include all
necessary materials, labour, carvings, tools, scaffolding if required
etc. complete in all respect.

Lime concrete coping in ratio of 1:1:1:1 [ 1 lime : 1 coarse sand: 1

SOR surkhi:1 brick aggregate nominal size] including consolidation,
3.12 finishing and tampering complete until all shrinkage cracks will cum 16.79 6088 102,218
Providing and laying lime concrete (for flooring base) in the ratio of
SOR 1:1:1:4 ( 1 lime: 1 Surkhi : 1 Coarse sand: 4 graded brick aggregate
3.13 20 mm nominal size) including ramming and watering complete in all cum 133.73 4217 563,939
respect as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.

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S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
Stitching the cracks in brick masonry using local brick & lime mortar
matching the traditional lime mortar and bricks as existing in the
historic structure after raking, cleaning and washing the cracks, as
SOR directed by Engineer-in-charge and including all leads, lifts and
3.14 cum 4.64 7701 35,733
5.06.2 carriage.
Mode of Measurement: For payment purpose only volume of
the relaid portion shall be measured.
Providing & laying first class brick tile on edge flooring in pattern
work with tiles of size 22.86 X 11.43 X 3.81 cm laid in 20mm thick
lime mortar (1 lime : 1 surkhi : 1 sand) over sub- base. The rate
3.15 NS includes filling of joints of brick tile with lime mortar (1 lime : 1 surkhi : sqm 524.84 1440.37 755,964
1 sand) and post construction the exposed mortar joints in floor to be
neatly scraped & raked with brush to bring neat finish.

Providing and applying Anti Termite Treatment using post

constructional chemical treatment measures as per IS - 6313 - 2001
( Part 3 ) & using Chemical containg chloropyrifos systemic
insecticide diluted to manufacturer's specifications by drilling holes in
the floor slab & along skirting 300 mm apart & 12 mm dia, drilling
3.16 14.132 holes along all possible entry points such as junctions of floor and litre 50.00 1116 55,800
walls, door frames, sewage lines, entry points , etc. & injecting them
with the chemical solution.

Note:- The Engineer-in-charge will ensure consumption of chemical

as per manufacturer's specifications & minimum 5 years warranty
from the concerned dealer.
3.17 16.34 Burning old paint with blow Lamp sqm 845.27 43 36,347
3.18 14.1 Providing and laying of Dry Brick Ballast 40 mm gauge for flooring. cum 35.27 1456 51,353
Carriage of earth, debris, building rubbish, malba, dismantled
5.2 A + building materials etc. by manual or mechanical means including
3.19 cum 2,048.09 264.91 542,560
4.1 A loading, unloading upto an average lead of 10km at dumping site.

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S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
Mouldings as per existing design in 1:1 lime mortar of size 50 mm x
50 mm around openings. The rates include the cost of all material,
3.20 NS labour, necessary tools, ladders, scaffolding etc complete in all m 120.00 470.28 56,434
Providing and fixing cast iron 100mm dia rain water pipe with screw
and wooden plugs fixed and wall face including filling joints with spun
3.21 13.41 m 135.64 1154 156,529
yarn and cement mortar 1:2 excluding head and shoes etc.

Providing and fixing cast iron head for rain water pipe on wooden
3.22 13.42 plugs fixed on wall face including filling the joints with spun yarn and each 32.00 774 24,768
cement mortar 1:2
Providing and fixing cast iron shoe for rain water pipe on wooden
3.23 13.43 plugs fixed on wall face including filling the joints with spun yarn and each 32.00 774 24,768
cement mortar 1:2
Stitching of brickwork by inserting sand stone of size 300 X 100 X 50
mm at identified locations by Engineer-in-charge and grouting the
area with rich lime mortar 1:1:1 (1 lime: 1 Surkhi:1sand) including
preparing like cutting out brickwork, teething, cleaning, grouting
3.24 NS etc.For all heights and stacking of malba within 100 m lead. Item each 73.00 444.96 32,482
includes cost of shuttering, scaffolding, safety measure, all material
& labour, all lead & lift, use of specified equipment for workers
required to complete the work and as per direction of Engineer-in-
First class burnt brick work with bricks of size 22.86 cm X 11.11 cm
3.25 11.12 X 6.83cm laid in lime Surkhi, mortar 1:2 (1 lime : 2 Surkhi) in cum 60.85 5164 314,229
foundation and plinth.
First class burnt brick work bricks of size 22.86 cm X 11.11 cm X
3.26 11.13 6.83cm laid in lime Surkhi, mortar 1:2 (1 lime : 2 Surkhi) in first storey cum 43.35 5301 229,798
(upto 4 metres height) above plinth level.

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S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
Mandana stone tile flooring 15mm to 20 mm thick over 12.5mm thick
base of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement, 3 Sand) laid and jointed with
3.27 14.134 neat cement slurry, mixed with pigment to match the shade of stone sqm 598.47 1371 820,502
including rubbing and polishing.
Marble stone flooring with 18-20mm thick with Makrana white marble
stone, as per sample approved by Engineer-in-charge, over 20mm
(average) thick base of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse
sand) laid and jointed with white cement slurry, including rubbing and
3.28 NS polishing complete with: Makrana white marble slabs from 0.30 sqm sqm 293.01 6262.93 1,835,101
to 0.50 sqm.
Note: Basic rate of Makrana white marble to be provided shall
be Rs. 365/- per sqft excluding GST.

Providing & laying flooring pattern in marble flooring with black

marble strips of thickness 18-20mm and width up to 75mm as per
approved pattern and jointed with white cement slurry mixed with
pigment to match the shade of marble including rubbing and
polishing complete in all respect and to the entire satisfaction of
3.29 NS Engineer-in-charge. sqm 25.48 2838.6 72,328

Note:(i) Basic rate of black marble is Rs. 160/- per sqft excluding
(ii) No deduction shall be made from marble flooring for area of
flooring pattern with black marble.

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S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
Makrana white marble stone with 18-20 mm thick for wall lining
(veneer work), backing filled with a grout of average 12 mm thick in
cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand), including pointing
with white cement mortar 1:2 (1 white cement : 2 marble dust) with
an admixture of pigment to match the marble shade (To be secured
3.30 NS sqm 30.85 6704.142971 206,823
to the backing by means of cramps, which shall be paid for
separately). Makrana white marble slabs from 0.30 sqm to 0.50 sqm.
Note: Basic rate of Makrana white marble to be provided shall
be Rs. 365/- per sqft excluding GST.

Extra for pre finished nosing in treads of steps of Kota stone/ sand
3.31 14.86 a stone. m 360.60 101 36,421

Providing and laying APP (Atactic Polypropylene Polymer) modified

prefabricated five layer 3 mm thick water proofing membrane, black
finished reinforced with nonwoven polyester matt consisting of a coat
of bitumen primer for bitumen membrane @ 0.40 litre/sqm by the
same membrane manufacture of density at 25°C, 0.87-0.89 kg/ litre
and viscosity 70-160 cps. Over the primer coat the layer of
membrane shall be laid using Butane Torch and sealing all joints etc,
and preparing the surface complete. The vital physical and chemical
3.32 NS params of the membrane shall be as under : Joint strength in sqm 504.61 345.82 174,504
longitudinal and transverse direction at 23°C as 650/ 450N/ 5cm.
Tear strength in longitudinal and transverse direction as 300/250N.
Softening point of membrane not less than 150°C. Cold flexibility
shall be upto -2°C when tested in accordance with ASTM, D - 5147.
The laying of membrane shall be got done through the authorised
applicator of the manufacturer of membrane.

Top Khurra 0.6mx0.6m for rain water pipe in 25mm thick cement
3.33 13.45 concrete 1:2:4 over 50mm thick cement concrete 1:8:16 each 32.00 95 3,040

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S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
Terracing consiting of tiles 22.86x11.43x3.83cm laid over 25 mm
mud plaster 7.5 cm mud filling on another layer of 25mm mud plaster
3.34 13.13 (i) including two coats of bitumen laid hot at 1.65 Kg. /sqm top of R.C.C. sqm 2,173.61 720 1,565,001
slab including grouting with cement sand mortar 1:4 and top surface
to be left clean after wire brushing.
Providing siliconate injection grout for rising dampness in brick
masonry (Protection against rising dampness due to capillary action)
by raking out lime mortar from brick work at least 25mm deep from
both faces of wall at plinth height. The cavities formed must be
cleaned of by flushing with clean water, the clean surface with open
cavities are next treated with limewater to attempt to consolidate the
friable areas. The consolidation treatment is followed by pressure
SOR grouting through a line of close - spaced drilling nipples( average 300
3.35 mm centres to centres ) to be made and a siliconate solutions mix litre 17.78 624 11,095
with water at 1: 5 to 1:10 depending on wall condition (Dr Fixit
DAMPFREE or equivalent) is pumped in under pressure not
exceeding 1.5 kg/ @ approx. 300ml consumption per hole.
Item to be paid by per litre of chemical consumed. The rates include
the cost of all materials, labour, necessary tools and plants, ladders,
scaffolding etc. complete in all respect.

Providing and fixing in position cast iron ornamental grill/ railing

/gate as per drawing including cost of bolts and nuts, screws, welding
3.36 NS rod etc fixed in position complete in all respect as per direction of Kg 23,630.00 124 2,930,120

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S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
Construction /redoing of jack arched slabs in brick in lime mortar as
per matching details (thickness span height, etc) using M.S. sections
in curved profile excluding the cost of MS section and labour for
fixing of MS section in position but including zinc primer and 2 coats
3.37 NS of epoxy paint etc. complete. sqm 767.90 3296.15 2,531,114
Mode of Measurement: The item to be paid as per the area of slab
work using the above system only, and not the entire area of the slab.

40mm thick grey polished flooring cement concrete 1:2:4 toping

3.38 14.15 finished with 3 mm thick neat coat of cement rubbed and polished sqm 1,431.27 472 675,559
using mechanical mixer for mixing of material.

3. M36 Extra for red oxide (Red chocolate orange buff or yellow paint (Red
3.39 oxide of iron) Light shades.) Kg 250.00 76.7 19,175
d ii
Providing and fixing Dholpur stone bed plate as per existing design,
3.40 NS shape and profile 200mm thick size 0.7 x 0.7 m including hoisting each 11.00 643.7436658 7,081
and placing in position in cement mortar 1:3 complete in all respect.

Reconstruction of wooden skylight vent as per old design at terrace,

including removal of multiple layer of enamel paint from the wooden
surface /change of top lvl tin shade ,replacement /repair of decayed
3.41 NS and damaged wooden members ,replacement of damage glass each 8.00 20019 160,152
werever required. Polishing of complete wooden skylight vent as per
instruction of Engineer-in-charge. Item to include all material, labour,
necessary tools & scaffolding if required etc. complete in all respect.

Extra for burnt brick work in circular pillars constructed with dressed
3.42 11.32 bricks including cost of dressing bricks cum 26.33 1860 48,974

11.33 Extra for burnt brick work in arches excluding cost of shuttering more
3.43 than 1.5 metres but less than 3 metres span cum 6.19 634 3,924

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S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
Araish plaster 1:2 ( 1 lime : 2 Zikki) any colour on lime plaster or
plane back ground on plain / decorative surface including preparation
of lime for 6 months by slaking of lime with curd and changing the
water every week. The Kara plaster of not more than 6mm thick is to
be left the maximum of 3 months to appear the shrinkage &
temperature cracks. Over the Kara plaster 2mm layer of grinded lime
putty is to be done and is to be rubbed Gently by Akik stone. Then
adding Khoppra & Ghee and inserting the design of colour boarder
3.44 NS sqm 260.10 1667 433,587
all round. this include cost of preparing base coat of lime kara and all
materials etc.
Mode of measurement:-

(i) For
flat horizontal/vertical areas, the length multiplied by width/height
shall be taken to calculate area.
(ii) For spherical areas such as
Shuttering for faces of concrete foundations and foundation beam &
3.45 9.1 plinth beam (vertical or battering) sqm 1.17 210 246

Centering and shuttering for flat surfaces such as suspended floors,

3.46 9.8 roofs, landings, chajjas, shelves etc. sqm 19.11 532 10,167

Cold twisted deformed (Ribbed/ Tor steel) Bars (Fe 500 grade as per
IS 1786-2008) , for R.C.C works, where not including in the complete
3.47 18.18 rate of RCC including bending and binding placing in position qtl 1.20 6497 7,796
Reinforced cement concrete M-20 mechanically batch mixed using
batch type concrete mixer as per IS:1791 and vibrated by needle
3.48 10.15 vibrator but excluding steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in cum 0.47 5158 2,424
foundation and plinth.

Page 15 of 41
S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
Reinforced cement concrete M-20 mechanically batch mixed using
batch type concrete mixer as per IS:1791 and vibrated by needle
3.49 10.20 vibrator but excluding steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in cum 3.85 5908 22,746

3.50 15.8 12.5 mm thick cement plaster 1:3 sqm 1,085.12 199 215,939
Preparation of plastered or concrete surface for painting (including
sand papering the surface) using ready mixed cement based wall
3.51 16.65 sqm 6,581.48 80 526,518
putty by applying two or more coats to get required finish

Applying priming coat with cement primer in all shade on newly

3.52 16.31 plastered or concrete exterior surface. sqm 3,688.90 21 77,467
Wall painting with plastic emulsion paint of approved brand and
3.53 16.63 manufacturer to give an even shade (two or more coats). sqm 3,688.90 89 328,312

Finishing walls with textured exterior paint of required shade with two
or more coats applied @ 3.28 litre/10sqm over and including base
3.54 16.58 coat of water proofing Cement Paint applied @ 2.20 Kg/10 sqm. sqm 2,893.19 155 448,444

Brick masonry with Lakhori / Nanakshahi bricks laid in lime mortar (1

lime: 1 sand: 1 Surkhi) or in lime mortar in proportion similar to the
existing traditional lime mortar mixed with organic / chemical
3.55 NS additives as per directions of the Engineer-in-charge complete in all cum 137.26 9214.21 1,264,742
respect including cost of all materials, labour, necessary tools and
scaffolding etc. complete in all respect.
Excavation for Roadway (By Mechanical Means) Excavation for
roadway in soil by mechanical means with dozer including cutting
24.6 and pushing earth to embankment site with all lead and lifts up to
3.56 cum 675.00 58 39,150
(b) 100m including trimming bottom and side slopes as per technical
clause 301 of MORT&H specifications

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S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
Compaction of Earth work: compaction of earth work &
Preparation of sub grade including loosening, leveling of earth
225mm thick top layer, rough dressing of soil, final dressing of earth
to give level, camber, watering, rolling with road roller, compacting
3.57 24.4 c the bed to achieve minimum dry density as given in the Table 300-2 sqm 2,250.00 6 13,500
as per Technical clause 305 of MORT&H specifications. (In case of
link roads earth work to be done by villagers)

Granular Sub-Base: Construction of granular sub-base by providing

material, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared
surface, mixing by mix in place method with rotavator at OMC, and
3.58 24.7 compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density, cum 648.00 1473.75 954,990
complete as per MORD technical specifications

Providing, laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregate

to wet mix macadam specification including premixing the Material
with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant, laying in uniform layers
3.59 24.13 with paver in sub- base / base course on well prepared surface and cum 337.50 2498.56 843,264
compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density
complete as per technical clause 406 of MORT&H specifications

Prime Coat @ 0.85kg per sqm : Providing and applying primer coat
with bitumen emulsion SS on prepared surface of granular base
3.60 24.15 including cleaning of road surface and spraying primer at the rate of sqm 2,250.00 32.11 72,248
0.85kg/sqm complete as per technical clause 502 of MORT&H

Page 17 of 41
S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
Tack Coat @ 0.40kg per sqm:Providing and applying tack coat with
penetration grade bitumen VG-10 using bitumen pressure distributor
24.16 at the rate of 0.40 kg per sqm on the prepared bituminous
3.61 sqm 6,360.00 14.76 93,874
(b) surface/granular surface treated with prime coat after cleaning the
surface complete as per technical specifications
Dense Graded Bituminous Macadam 50mm to 75mm thickness
(Grading II): Providing and laying dense graded bituminous
macadam 50mm to 75mm thick with batch type HMP using crushed
aggregates of specified grading, premixed with bituminous binder
24.20 VG-30 @ 4.5%, laying with a hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor
3.62 cum 238.50 7524.5 1,794,593
(a) control to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth
wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired
compaction complete as per technical clause 505 of MORT&H
Bituminous Concrete 30mm to 45mm thickness (Grading II)
Providing and laying bituminous concrete 30mm to 45mm thick with
batch type hot mix plant using crushed aggregates of specified
grading, premixed with bituminous binder VG-30 @ 5.4%, laying with
3.63 a hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to the required grade, cum 127.20 8389.19 1,067,105
level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and
tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction complete as per
technical clause 507 of MORT&H specifications

Precast Cement Concrete Channel: Providing and laying factory

made rubber moulded smooth finish cement concrete Channel M-20
3.64 24.42 grade 300mm wide and 75mm thick made over strong vibratory table m 1,060.00 233.73 247,754
and fixing with cement mortar 1:2 as per MORT&H specifications

Page 18 of 41
S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
Providing and laying Anti skid Ceramic floor tiles of size 300x300 mm
x 10 mm thick of 1st quality conforming to IS : 15622 of approved
make in colours such as White, Ivory, Grey, Fume Red Brown, laid
on flooring skirting and dado in 12.5mm thick cement plaster 1:3 in
3.65 14.72 base and jointed with @ 3.3 kg/sqm including pointing the joints with sqm 110.44 672 74,216
white cement and matching pigment etc., completewhite cement
slurry in joints including corners angles and beading.

Providing and fixing 1st quality ceramic glazed wall tiles Matt/Semi
Matt/Glosy/Highly Gloss finish/Highlighter/emboss conforming to IS :
15622 (thickness to be specified by the manufacture of approved
make in all colours, shades except burgundy, bottle green, black of
3.66 14.127 size 450 x 310 mm as approved by Engineer-in- Charge in skirting, sqm 386.86 795 307,554
risers of steps and dados over 12 mm thick bed of cement Mortar 1:4
(1 cement: 4 fine sand) and jointing with grey cement slurry @ 3.3kg
per sqm including pointing in white cement mixed with pigment of
matching shade complete.
Providing and laying Polished Granite stone 18 mm thick flooring in
required design and patterns, in linear as well as curvilinear portions
of the building all complete as per the architectural drawings with 18
mm thick stone slab over 20 mm (average) thick base of cement
mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) laid and jointed with cement
3.67 14.89 b slurry and pointing with white cement slurry admixed with pigment of sqm 3.60 2813 10,127
matching shade including rubbing , curing and polishing etc. all
complete as specified and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
Polished granite stone slab Jet Black, Cherry Red, Elite Brown, Cat
Eye or equivalent

Providing & fixing teak wood top size 150mm x 75mm on stair railing
3.68 17.61 (i) including polishing complete in all respect. m 31.05 1939 60,206

3.69 17.5 Teak wood wrought planed and fixed in position cum 0.40 173182 69,273

Page 19 of 41
S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
Providing & applying Lime Kara 1:2 (1lime cream : 2 Zikki powder),
grinding mortar in grinding mill/manually on lime base, on all flat
surfaces, in two coats. First coat applying 3mm to 4mm thick and
curing properly at least 7 days, Second finishing coat done after
7days of previous coat as per traditional practice.(thickness not more
than 6 mm.) Sample to be approved on flat and decorative surface
before job. Item to include all materials, labour, neccesary tools and
3.70 NS scaffolding complete to the entire satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge. sqm 3,678.07 508.98 1,872,064

Mode of measurement :-

(i) For flat horizontal/vertical areas, the length multiplied by

width/height shall be taken to calculate area.
Providing and laying lime Kara (thickness not more than 6 mm) on
curved or decorative pillars, surfaces as per decorative ornamental
3.71 NS designs as per old existing carving on surfaces in required shade sqm 649.07 891.71 578,782
approved by Engineer-in-charge.
Providing and laying 60 mm thick factory made cement concrete
interlocking paver block of M-35 grade machine made rubber
moulded smooth finish with strong vibratory process or with
vibrohydraulic compaction machine and of approved size and design
3.72 14.137 / shape laid in Ordinary Grey and pattern over and including 40 mm sqm 1,784.00 645 1,150,680
thick compacted bed of coarse sand, filling the joints with fine sand
etc, all complete as per directions of Engineer-in-charge.

Page 20 of 41
S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
Removing Doors and Windows (Steel or wood) with chowkhats by
4.01 8.26 making recesses in walls when the wall is not to be dismantled.

4.01.1 a Doors each 37.00 223 8,251

4.01.2 b Windows each 34.00 142 4,828

Clerestory windows
4.01.3 c each 11.00 71 781
Providing and fixing well seasoned Sheesham wood work in
plain/designed pattern in frames/ chowkhats of doors, windows,
clerestory windows and other frames, wrought framed and fixed in
position including holdfasts and painting of holdfast etc all complete.
Contractor to ensure that moisture content is well within IS codes
and in case the timber available is not naturally seasoned, Contractor
SOR to get it seasoned in seasoning plant at his own cost. Any timber
4.02 cum 3.07 118481.89 363,739
10.01 found unseasoned shall be rejected. All timber to be free of knots,
cracks etc. Item to include coating/painting of section of embedded
timber coming into contact with masonry with tar application/
solignum. The rates include the cost of all materials, labour,
neccessary tools, ladders, scaffolding etc complete in all respect.

Page 21 of 41
S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
Providing and fixing 50mm thick 1st class Sheesham panelled/
Glazed Shutters for doors, window and ventilators including iodized
fittings with necessary screws complete./ restoring damaged wood
with well seasoned Sheesham wood openable panelled shutters for
doors or windows as per the original design and pattern as instructed
by the Engineer-in-charge including all necessary fittings like screws,
nails, hinges, tower bolts, handles, chain and hook for locking of
doors of the same design, size and weight etc. of original hardware
found on site or as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Item to also
include making all the mouldings and design of the panels as in the
original detail with all beading patti as per size etc. Contractor to
ensure that moisture content is well within IS codes and in case the
SOR timber available is not naturally seasoned, Contractor to get it
4.03 seasoned in seasoning plant at his own cost. Any timber found sqm 125.34 5509.85 690,605
unseasoned shall be rejected. All timber to be free of knots, cracks
etc. Item to include coating/painting of section of embedded timber
coming into contact with masonry with tar application/ solignumThe
area of the shutters include the entire opening with all the leaves.
However, the design of the same may alter as per site requirements
as directed by Engineer-in-charge).

Mode of measurement:
Area of the door/window which is changed or made new in the entire
door shall only be paid. Contractor to not charge the entire area of
the shutter unless the entire shutter is made new.

Page 22 of 41
S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
Providing and fixing new / Restoring damaged Sheesham wood with
well seasoned Sheesham wood openable paneled shutters for doors
or windows as per the original design and pattern as instructed by
the Engineer-in-charge including all necessary fitting including iron
hardware like screws, nails, hinges, tower bolts, handles, chain and
hook for locking of doors of the same design, size and weight etc. of
original hardware found on site or as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
Item to also include making all the mouldings and design of the
panels as in the original detail with all beading patti as per size etc.
Contractor to ensure that moisture content is well within IS codes
and in case the timber available is not naturally seasoned, Contractor
SOR to get it seasoned in seasoning plant at his own cost. Any timber
4.04 sqm 76.08 8893.82 676,642
10.18.1 found unseasoned shall be rejected. All timber to be free of knots,
cracks etc. Item to include coating/painting of section of embedded
timber coming into contact with masonry with tar application/
solignum The area of the shutters include the entire opening with all
the leaves. However, the design of the same may alter as per site
requirements as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
Mode of Measurement:- Area of the door/window which is changed
or made new in the entire door shall only be paid. Contractors to not
charge the entire area of the shutter unless the entire shutter is
made new.

17.26 Providing & Fixing glass panes with nails and putty or wooden strip
4.05 b complete in all respect. Glazing area above 0.09 sqm- 5.0mm thick sqm 25.12 772 19,393
(iii) Plate glass (INDIAN)
Applying pink primer or aluminum priming coat on wood work
4.06 16.16 including preparation of surface knotting and stopping etc. sqm 1,207.53 28 33,811

Painting two or more coats excluding priming coat with synthetic

4.07 16.17 enamel paint in all shades on wood work, metallic or plastered, sqm 156.74 66 10,345
concrete surface to give an even shade.

Page 23 of 41
S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
Painting two or more coats Italian Pigmented PU white glossy or matt
4.08 16.75 in all shades on wood work surface to give an even shade including sqm 1,050.80 1359 1,428,037

Precast Cement Concrete Kerb - Providing and laying factory made
rubber moulded smooth finish cement concrete Kerb M-20 grade
24.41 250mm high with bottom width 165mm and top width 115mm made
5.01 m 774.00 357.56 276,751
(a) over strong vibratory table and fixing with cement mortar 1:2 as per
MORT&H specifications.
Fine grassing including uprooting rank vegetation and weeds by
digging the area to a depth of 30 cm, removing all weeds and other
growth with roots by forking repeatedly, breaking clods, rough
dressing, flooding with water, uprooting fresh growth after 10 to 15
5.02 32.9 (a) days, mixing fertilizer and then fine dressing for planting new grass, sqm 26,384.20 69 1,820,510
including disposal of all rubbish with all leads and lifts, watering,
weeding and maintenance for 30 days or till thick lawn is formed. -
Planting Selection each 1 grass roots in rows 5 cm apart in both
Planting hedge including digging of trench 60 cm wide to 15 cm
5.03 32.34 depth and mixing FYM, fertilizer and insecticides, planting of sapling m 1,032.00 165 170,280
at 30cm distance from plant to plant in two rows.
Supplying and planting permanent shrubs in prepared pits and
5.04 32.18 each 150.00 66 9,900
Planting seasonal flower in beds - Planting seedlings including
32.22 digging of beds to 15 cm depth and mixing FYM, fertilizer and
5.05 insecticides, planting of seedlings at 20cm distance from plant to sqm 100.00 259 25,900
plant and row to row.

Page 24 of 41
S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
Supplying and stacking at site of work well decayed farm yard
manure from approved site of work including screening through sieve
5.06 32.1 of I.S. designation 16 mm with 5 km lead. cum 684.98 625 428,113
Note: Stacks of well decayed farm yard manure 32.5 cm in height,
shall be measured and paid for 30 cm height.
Supply and installation of garden bench - Cast Iron bench of 1800
mm length, 900 mm width, 450 mm seating height, sides made of
cast iron. Seat and back shall be made of 10 strips of M.S. pipes 63
5.07 32.57 mm x 25 mm of 14 gauge with one M.S. Flat 25 x 10 mm welded at each 22.00 12518 275,396
the centre, below and back of the seat and back rest. Spray painted
with approved brand paint. Fixed by grouting with 1:2:4 cement
concrete (Minimum weight of each bench 105 kg)
Providing and fixing pair of Plastic dustbins 100 litre volume each, of
two different colours, for dry and wet waste, made of virgin plastic to
be mounted on MS rectangular hollow section 50 x 25 x 3 mm
5.08 32.75 frames pivoted on 3 MS square hollow section verticals, 1 m above each 20.00 12753 255,060
ground, one 35 cm RHS welded to each vertical member at base
and grouted in 180 x 40 x 30 cm 1:2:4 cement concrete.

Providing and laying first class brick tile on edge flooring with tiles of
size 22.86 X 11.43 X 3.81 cm laid in cement sand mortar 1:4 on
75mm thick cement concrete 1:6:12 and 100mm sand filling, Cement
5.09 NS pointing 1:2 on top. Item to include cost of all materials to be used, sqm 120.00 1377.54 165,305
Labour, necessary tools, scaffolding (if required) etc. in all leads &
lifts complete as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge.

Carriage of good earth/ soil-less media and/or organic matter etc. by

5.2 A + manual or mechanical means including loading, unloading with an
5.10 cum 2,054.94 431.48 886,666
4.1 A average lead of 30km.

Extra For compensation & royalty for Ordinary earth/ Ordinary clay
5.11 6.4 taken from private land. cum 2,054.94 60.22 123,748

Page 25 of 41
S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
Providing and fixing in position Chinaware European type water
closet P trap or S trap (to the approval of the Engineer-in-charge)
suite-consisting of 10 ltr. PVC flushing cistern supported on angle
6.01 30.4 iron bracket, short bend 32 mm dia including cost of solid white cover each 9.00 4780 43,020
complete in all respect and to the entire satisfaction of Engineer-in-
Providing and fixing jet spray with 2'-6" long PVC pipe with C.P.
6.02 30.8 Brass nut each 9.00 476 4,284

Providing and fixing in position SS Grab Bar Grade 304 of approved

30.13 make (to the approval of the Engineer-in-charge) fixed in to wall with
6.03 brass screws complete in all respect.35mm dia 900mm (36”) long each 9.00 1740 15,660

Providing and fixing in position Vitreous Chinaware white urinal with

concealed or in built P-trap (size 310x370x640 mm) with built in
30.17 water seal, outlet to wall and water inlet from back of approved make
6.04 each 6.00 10544 63,264
B (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge) complete in all respect

Providing and fixing in position vitreous chinaware white lavatory

suites of approved make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge)
30.32 consisting of C.P. brass waste 32mm dia with one C.P. brass pillar
6.05 each 8.00 4297 34,376
ix tap including Rack Bolt Screw Pair 115mm long complete in all
respect. Size 560mm x 450mm (Under counter oval)
Providing and fixing in position 32 mm dia G.I waste pipe embedded
30.42 in wall upto floor level including cost of fittings complete as required
6.06 each 8.00 619 4,952
A by the Engineer-in-charge.

30.19 Extra for providing and fixing G.I. 32mm waste pipe for urinal
6.07 including elbow, reducer etc complete in all respect. each 4.00 423 1,692

Page 26 of 41
S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
Providing and fixing in position towel rails / ring fixed in with rawl
30.58 plugs embedded in walls with brass screws, complete in all respects
6.08 including cutting and making good the walls etc. C.P. brass towel each 12.00 1539 18,468
Rails size 15mm dia 610mm long
Providing and fixing in position C.P. Brass soap dish of approved
6.09 30. 60 make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge ) fixed into wall with rawl each 16.00 843 13,488
plugs and C.P brass screws complete in all respect.

Providing & Fixing in position 5mm thick bevelled edge mirror of

superior glass (of approved make) complete with 4mm thick hard
30.61 board backing fixed in with rawl plugs 50mm, C.P. brass screws and
6.10 each 6.00 2767 16,602
(c) washers and S/S Studs on top complete in all respect (as required by
the Engineer-in- Charge) Size 1500mmx600mm or any other size

Providing & Fixing in position C.P. Brass flange Dome of approved

30.64 make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge ) under various fixtures
6.11 each 24.00 63 1,512
A complete in all respect.
Providing & Fixing in position C.P. Brass extension piece 25mm long
30.64 to 100mm long of approved make (to the approval of Engineer-in-
6.12 charge )with various fixtures complete in all respect. C.P. Brass each 24.00 107 2,568
B (i) extension piece, 25mm long to 50mm long
Providing & Fixing in postion 15 mm i/d bib cock of approved make
30.65 (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge )complete in all respect. C.P.
6.13 each 20.00 524 10,480
A (iii) brass Bib cock self closing
Providing & Fixing in postion stop cock / Angle valve of approved
6.14 30.66 c make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge ) complete in all each 20.00 826 16,520
respect.. C.P.brass 15mm Angle valve without flange

Page 27 of 41
S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
Providing and fixing in position singel socket SWR UPVC soil waste
30.74 or antisyphonage pipes as per IS 13592 of E.D.C manufacture or of
iii B any other reputed firm including cutting, jointing, wastage, but
6.15 excluding cost of jointing.Single Socket Type B
b 110mm i/d SWR UPVC pipe lines laid complete m 175.00 376.04 65,807
d 75mm i/d SWR UPVC pipe lines laid complete m 50.00 291.24 14,562
Providing and fixing in position C.I. gully trap cover weighing
approximately 7.26 kg and frame for gully trap chamber clear
6.16 30.75 opening size 300mm x 300mm and out side size 330mmx330mm each 10.00 732.67 7,327
including painting the exposed surface with 3 coats of black
bitumastic superior paint of approved manufacture etc.

Concealed In Wall: Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl

Chloride (CPVC) pipes as per IS 15778 (ISI marked with the prior
approva of Engineer-in-charge) having thermal stability for Hot and
28.19 Cold water supply including all PVC plain & brass Fittings, with
clamps at 1.00 m spacing including jointing of Pipes & fittings with
one Step CPVC solvent cement & testing of Pipes complete as per
6.17 direction of Engineer-in -Charge.

a CPVC SDR 11 Pipe & fitting 16mm o/d m 75.00 178.72 13,404
b SDR 11 CPVC pipes & fittings 20mm o/d m 55.00 221.35 12,174
c CPVC SDR 11 Pipe & fitting 25mm o/d m 45.00 285.75 12,859
d CPVC SDR 11 Pipes fittings 32 mm o/d m 45.00 382.37 17,207
30.96 Providing and fixing in position automatic brass ball valves in tanks.
6.18 Brass Ball Cock with rod and Plastic Ball. 25mm i/d each 4.00 902.69 3,611

Providing & fixing in position Water Cooler without Stablizer of

30.25 approved make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge ) including
6.19 carriage complete in all respect. Water Cooler Full Steel Body 60/80 each 2.00 32935 65,870
ltr Capacity without Stablizer

Page 28 of 41
S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
Providing & placing in position on terrace (at all floor levels) HDPE
30.97 water storage tanks of approved make (to the approval of Engineer -
6.20 in-charge) with cover with suitable locking arrangement and making litre 10,000.00 10.8 108,000
A necessary holes for inlet, outlet and over flo pipes but without fittings
(i) and base support for tank. Triple Layer Tanks
Providing, fixing and jointing ISI markrd gun-metal peet valves(heavy
pattern) as per IS 778 with hand wheels on GI pipe lines laid in the
6.21 28.43 ground or inside buildings including all carriages complete.

6.21.1 d 32mm i/d Gun Metal peet valve heavy pattern. each 4.00 1181.93 4,728
6.21.2 f 50mm i/d Gun Metal peet valve heavy pattern. each 4.00 2407.42 9,630
Making connection with the existing G.I. branch main up to 40mm
size pipe including cutting of existing pipe line, threading of pipe lines
6.22 28.45 from both ends and fixing of G.I Tee etc. in the pipe line (including each 2.00 375.31 751
cost of G.I Tee) complete in all respects.

Construction of masonary Sluice Valve Chamber excluding Sluice

28.66 valve cover as per standard design & drawings of public health
6.23 each 2.00 5305.96 10,612
a department. Size 0.6 m. x 0.6 m.

Page 29 of 41
S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
Constructing brick masonry manhole in cement mortar 1:5 ( 1
cement : 5 coarse sand ) R.C.C. top slab 20cm thick using M-20 mix
by using mixer and vibrator, TMT Fe500 @ 80.00 kg/per cum,
foundation concrete 1:4:8 mix (1 cement: 4 coarse sand : 8 graded
stone aggregate 40mm nominal size) inside plastering 12mm thick
29.55 with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) finished with
6.24 floating coat of neat cement and making 40mm thick benching in each 8.00 29224 233,792
cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone
aggregate 20mm nominal size) finished with a floating coat of neat
cement, Orange coloured PVC steps including RCC cover with
frame complete as per standard design complete in all respects.
Inside size 90x150 cm and 120 cm deep

Providing, Laying , fixing & jointing of P.V.C. Pipes as per ISI-4985

(ISI marked with the prior approval of Engineer-in-charge) along the
28.13 Trenches and laying the same in Trenches to correct alignment and
6.25 m 20.00 429.42 8,588
(iv) gradients, cutting, jointing and testing complete as per specifications.
110mm o/d pipe of 10 Kgf. / sqcm
Construction of brick masonry inspection chambers size as given
below upto 0.60 metre average depth in 1:5 cement sand mortar,
C.C.1:4:8 ( 150mm thick) in foundation, cement concrete 1:2:4
benching 12.50mm thick cement plaster 1:2 with a floating coat of
1mm thick of neat cement, R.C.C. 1:2:4 slabs 100mm thick cement
29.60 concrete topping 50mm thick with 455mm x 455mm, 455mm x
6.26 each 10.00 9931 99,310
a 610mm inside R.C.C. inspection chamber cover and frame (Weight
as per I.S.I specifications) painted with 3 coats of black bitumastic
paint conforming to I.S.I complete as per standard design. Size
450mm x 450mm inside with RCC 455mm x 455mm cover and
frame light duty double seal

Page 30 of 41
S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
Providing, laying in trenches to correct gradient and alignment and
jointing of UPVC pipes having ISI specification IS:15328-2003 class-
SN-8 marked make Supreme, Finolex, Kissan, Jain, Prince or
equivalent good on them and laying the same in trenches to correct
6.27 alignment and gradients, cutting and jointing, testing for water m 210.00 1180 247,800
tightness and making good the leakages and defects including cost
of specials (Specials and Solvent should be of same make as that of
pipes) complete in all respects. 200mm o/d pipe

Supply and fixing of single phase 2 HP submersible motor with

required power cable length, On-OFF starter and required
6.28 NS each 2.00 30177.85 60,356
plumbings fittings complete in all respect and entire satisfaction of
Engineer-in-charge(with 60 mtr cable lenght).
Providing, Laying , fixing & jointing of P.V.C. Pipes as per ISI-4985
(ISI marked with the prior approval of Engineer-in-charge) along the
28.13 Trenches and laying the same in Trenches to correct alignment and
6.29 m 967.00 147.39 142,526
(i) gradients, cutting, jointing and testing complete as per specifications.
63mm o/d pipe of 10 Kgf. / sqcm
Providing, fixing and jointing ISI Marked Gun- Metal peet valves
(Heavy Pattern) as per IS 778 with hand wheels, on G.I. Pipe lines
6.30 laid in the ground or inside buildings including all carriages complete. each 10.00 3790.38 37,904
65mm i/d Gun Metal peet valve heavy pattern.


Providing and placing in horizontal layers filtering media screened,
washed and cleaned as described below and complete to the entire
7.01 28.51 satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge.
below :-

Page 31 of 41
S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
Top layer : Fine sand screened, cleaned and washed and graded
(effective size 0.2 to 0.4mm with uniformity coefficient 2.00 to 3.00)
7.01.1 28.51(a) all lead & lift etc. complete in all respect and to the entire satisfaction cum 8.75 1669.08 14,604
of Engineer-in-charge.
Second Layer :Coursed sand screened, cleaned and washed and
7.01.2 28.51(b) graded from 3mm to 6mm all lead & lift etc. complete in all respect cum 8.75 2037 17,824
and to the entire satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge.
Third Layer :Bajri screened, cleaned and washed and graded from
7.01.3 28.51(c) 6mm to 20mm all lead & lift etc. complete in all respect and to the cum 8.75 1398.01 12,233
entire satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge.

Boring/drilling bore well of required dia for casing/stainer pipe by

suitable method prescribed in IS:2800 (part i), including collecting
samples from different strata, preparing and submitting strata
28.91 A chart/bore log, including hire & running charges of all equipments,
7.02 m 174.00 468.53 81,524
(a) tools & plants & machineries required for the job, all complete as per
direction of Engineer-in-charge, up to 90 metre depth below ground
level. 300mm dia.

Supplying, assembling, lowering and fixing in vertical position in bore

well unplasticized PVC medium well screen (RMS) pipes with ribs,
7.03 28.93(c) confirming to IS:12818, including hire & labour charges, fittings, and m 174.00 2565.43 446,385
accessories etc. all complete, for all depths, as per direction by
Engineer-in-charge. 200mm nominal size dia
Providing and fixing of well cap having thread to fix on pipe complete
28.80 in all respect including all necessary fittings etc to the entire
7.04 each 4.00 738.23 2,953
(C) satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. 200mm dia
7.05 15.9 12.5 mm thick cement plaster 1:4 sqm 144.00 189 27,216
Cement concrete 1:5:10 stone aggregate 40mm gauge mixing by
7.06 mechanical means using concrete mixer volumetric type. cum 2.63 3421 8,997
b (ii)

Page 32 of 41
S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
Reinforced cement concrete M-30 mechanically batch mixed using
batch type concrete mixer as per IS:1791 and vibrated by needle
7.07 10.17 vibrator but excluding steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in cum 2.63 5676 14,928
foundation and plinth

Cold twisted deformed (Ribbed/ Tor steel) Bars (Fe 500 grade as per
IS 1786-2008) , for R.C.C works, where not including in the complete
7.08 18.18 rate of RCC including bending and binding placing in position qtl 6.56 6497 42,620

Earth work in excavation of foundations of bridges culverts, buildings

including handling of material with a combined lead of 15 metres
7.09 6.7 (a) dressing of bed and sides stacking the excavated soil from the edge cum 52.50 263 13,808
of excavation and subsequent filling around . For ordinary gravel soil
involving pick work

First class burnt brick work with bricks of size 22.86 cm X 11.11 cm
7.10 11.3 (i) X 6.83cm laid in cement sand mortar 1:6 in foundation and plinth cum 32.40 4934 159,862

Construction of brick masonry inspection chambers size as given

below upto 0.60 metre average depth in 1:5 cement sand mortar,
C.C.1:4:8 ( 150mm thick) in foundation, cement concrete 1:2:4
benching 12.50mm thick cement plaster 1:2 with a floating coat of
1mm thick of neat cement, R.C.C. 1:2:4 slabs 100mm thick cement
29.60 concrete topping 50mm thick with 455mm x 455mm, 455mm x
7.11 each 4.00 9931 39,724
a 610mm inside R.C.C. inspection chamber cover and frame (Weight
as per I.S.I specifications) painted with 3 coats of black bitumastic
paint conforming to I.S.I complete as per standard design. Size
450mm x 450mm inside with RCC 455mm x 455mm cover and
frame light duty double seal

Page 33 of 41
S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
Cutting chase in brick walls in cement or in floor for embedding G.I.
30.85 or C.I pipes line and making good the same to its original condition.
7.12 m 4.00 114 456
b Size 150 mm x 150 mm

Providing and fixing 110 mm dia . U.P.V.C Rain water pipe of 2.5
kgf./sqm as per IS:4985 including jointing during masonary complete
7.13 13.74 as per specifications and to the entire satisfaction of Engineer-in- m 50.00 122 6,100
charge. (If fixed on wall face clamp to be paid separatly as per
respective item)

MODULAR SWITCHES: Wiring in PVC insulated copper conductor
single core FR cable (ISI marked) overall 1.5sq. mm, 1100volts
grade to be laid in heavy gauge PVC conduit pipe 20mm/ 25mm dia.
(ISI Marked) recessed in wall etc., complete with powder
coated/anodized concealed metal boxes (1.6mm thick with Brass
lugs) required for suitable number of modules (Modular accessories)
for having Step type electronic fan regulators (two module) 100watts,
bell push, 6Amp. 2/3 universal socket (shuttered), 16/20Amp.
8.01 34.02 combined/ universal Socket (shuttered), 6/10Amp. Switches,
16/20Amp. switches with indicator etc. and covered with Frame Plate
etc., PVC connector (For Fan Box and Call Bell), Steel Hooks, Sheet
metal fan box (1.6mm thick shape hexagonal), Circular junction
Boxes (Four way PVC 1½" deep for walls and CI 3" deep for ceiling),
bonding to earth with PVC insulated copper conductor single core FR
cable (ISI marked) 1sq. mm, 1100volts grade (For 6Amp. wall socket
& plug control point) and other petty material etc., including the cost
of above material, cutting and filling up of chases (with finishing the

8.01.1 (i) a Wiring fan point (without fan box) each 144.00 829 119,376

Page 34 of 41
S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
8.01.2 (i) b Wiring fan point with Fan Box each 50.00 919 45,950
8.01.3 (ii) Wiring light point each 404.00 579 233,916
8.01.4 (iv) Wiring 6Amp.wall socket point each 126.00 282 35,532
8.01.5 (vi) Wiring 16/20Amp. power plug control point each 72.00 363 26,136
Wiring for circuit/ submain wiring alongwith earth wire with the
following sizes of FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor, single core
cable in surface/ recessed medium class PVC conduit as required.

8.02.1 NS 2 X 2.5 sq. mm + 1 X 2.5 sq. mm earth wire m 1,100.00 167 183,700
8.02.2 NS 2 X 4 sq. mm + 1 X 4 sq. mm earth wire m 1,600.00 200 320,000
Telephone socket and Networking socket points on surface etc.,
complete with PVC boxes (Plastic on surface boxes) required for
8.03 suitable number of modules (Modular accessories) for having TV
sockets, Telephone sockets RJ11 & Networking socket RJ45 (one
module), covered with Frame Plate etc., & including the cost of
above material and other petty material with necessary connections

8.03.1 (a) Wiring TV socket point (one module) each 6.00 230 1,380
8.03.2 (b) Wiring Telephone socket point RJ11 (one module) each 6.00 208 1,248
8.03.3 (c ) Wiring Networking socket point RJ45 (one module) each 6.00 315 1,890

Page 35 of 41
S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
MCB/ RCBO/ RCCB's: Supply and erection of sheet metal Double
Door Distribution Boards IP 43- IK09 metal door (dust protected) as
per IS 8623-1&3, IEC 61439-1&3 suitable for flush mounting with
fully insulated copper busbars, shrouded neutral bars, earth bars,
cement spill protector, colorcoded interconnecting wire set, cable
ties, blanking plates and circuit identifications label and of required
34.17 no. of ways for mounting miniature circuit breakers/ RCBO's/
8.04 RCCB's in the distribution board (For SP&N distribution board with each 3.00 4910 14,730
provision DP MCB's/ RCCB's/ RCBO's as incomer and SP MCB's as
outgoings and for TP&N horizontal distribution board with provision
TPN/ FP MCB's/ RCCB's/ RCBO's as incomer and SP MCB's as
outgoings) as per PWD General specifications including connections
with suitable size of thimbles and bonding to existing earth etc:-
TP&N Horizontal Double Door Distribution Board 12 way each

Supply and erection of Miniature Circuit Breaker MCB's for circuit

protection against overload and short circuit current fault suitable for
240/ 415 volts 50cycles AC supply with breaking capacity of 10kA,
34.16 Curve-C and low watt losses as per IS/IEC 60898-1, energy
A limitation class-3, true contact indication, label holder facility in the
existing MCB distribution board as per PWD General Specifications
including connections with suitable size of thimbles/lugs:-

8.05.1 (ii) MCB single pole 6 to 32amp. (10KA Curve - C) each 90.00 134 12,060

8.05.2 (iii) MCB single pole 40amp. (10KA Curve - C) each 30.00 278 8,340

Page 36 of 41
S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
Supply and erection of RCCB (Residual Current Circuit Breaker) for
Earth leakage protection suitable for 240/415 volts 50 cycles AC
34.16 C supply with breaking capacity of 10kA as per IEC 61008-1 in the
8.06 existing MCB distribution board as per PWD General Specifications each 6.00 2505 15,030
including connections with suitable size of thimbles/lugs:- RCCB
Four Pole 63amp., Sensitivity 300mA
and erection of Double Walled Corrugated (DWC) HDPE pipe to be
34.37 A laid 1mtr. below ground level including excavation placing the pipe in
8.07 position and back filling with excavated soil etc. of the required size:- m 450.00 127 57,150
Double walled corrugated (DWC) HDPE pipe 50/ 38mm (outer/ inner
8 SWG (4mm dia.) electrolytic copper wire thimbled (1No. copper
thimble with suitable size steel bolt, washers & double nut) with 30cm
x 60cm x 2mm thick copper plate (made cylindrical) burried below
ground level in the hole of excavation having bore dia. 125mm and
surrounded by salt & charcoal dust mixture (20 kg.) including fixing
the copper wire run through 20mm dia. G.I. pipe (A-Class) recessed
in wall and in floor etc., up to suitable Length in metre (including bore
Length). G.I. pipe 20mm dia. (A-class) of suitable Length should be
34.14 (i) laid in the hole of excavation 1 feet below ground level and having GI
8.08 each 6.00 5744 34,464
(a) Reducer 50mm x 20mm with PVC Cap (For pouring water) fixed on
the top level of the pipe. 300mm x 300mm x 300mm deep haudi of
First class bricks finished
with 1:4 cement plaster and haudi covered with cast iron lid having
size 300mm x 300mm (Heavy) around the hole of excavation:-
Earthing with 8 SWG (4mm dia.) copper wire thimbled with 30cm x
60cm x 2mm thick copper plate burried 4.50 metre (14.76 feet) below
ground level (up to 8metre in Length) with G.I. pipe 20mm dia. (A-
class), 3metre long

Page 37 of 41
S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
and erection of PVC insulated FR single core Unsheathed copper
8.09 34.09 vi conductor cable (ISI marked) suitable upto 1100 volts grade confirm m 1,000.00 88 88,000
to IS:694/1990 left bare in pipe or casing of suitable size complete in
all respect as desired by the Engineer-in-charge:- Overall size
LT PANELS (Un-sheathed)
CIRCUIT BREAKERS): LT PANELS: Designing, Supply, Erection,
Testing & commissioning of indoor Type LT cubical panel enclosure
(dust, vermin and interchangeable modules with facilites for
extensions or reduction as per the space or requirments). The Panel
shall be suitable for operation at 415+6% Volts, 50HZ, 3 phase 4
wire & earth system. The assembly manufacturer should be ISO
approved and CPRI tested for short circuit of (minimum 50kA) as
well as IP degree of protection (IP 54/55). Fabrication:- Panel shall
be made from 14/16 SWG CRCA sheet, conforming to IS 8623/1977-
82. The sheet metal used for the fabrication of control panel will be
2mm for load bearing member’s door and fittings plates etc. the
partitions and other non load bearing members will be fabricated out
of 1.6mm sheet, the sheet will be of mild steel CRCA type. The base
channel will be made out of 75 x 40 x 5mm rolled channel.

Page 38 of 41
S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
The door should be double folded without edge and the gasket
should be ‘S’ type puffed neutral rubber gasket for long life. The
hinges of the door should be bolted type with double hole
arrangement. The panel door lock should be quick openable type
spring loaded. There should not be any special tool or key to open
the lock. Minimum depth 400mm / wide 300 mm for busbar/ Cable
ally at the front of the panel. The panel will be free standing floor
mounting type having provision for cable entry from bottom/top with
cable glands etc.

The fabrication should be such that all the member i.e.

34.23 vertical/horizontal should be detachable type i.e. total bolted. In case
A of any changes required at site. it should be possible then and their
self without any cutting or welding. The fabrication of
the panel in 3B construction fully compartmentalized type i.e. bus bar
chamber as well as the cable chamber should be totally
isolated from the feeder chamber. Where there crossing of the wire
or bus links. It should have proper rubber gourmets or non-
hygroscopic material. No live part should be in visible condition.
Painting:- The sheet metal is sprayed with corrosion resistant etch
Primer. The finishing treatment shall be applicable with air drying
paint (7/9 tank Powder coated process should present in company
pemises) after necessary putty work . Busbars:-The panel shall be
provided with TPN aluminium busbar of suitable size according to
the size of MCCB's. Busbar shall be of high conductivity (53% to
58%) E91-E Grade aluminium (1A/ All Busbar will be air
insulated with codified in Red, Yellow, Blue & Black as per standard
for cable termination with the help of extended busbar only with
proper adjustable cable supports. The main busbar would be
supported upon non-hygroscopic SMC/DMC supports.

Page 39 of 41
S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
Metering:-The panel shall be completed with digital metering unit
(with selector switches, voltmeter & ammeter) epoxy insulator,
gasket, PVC sleeves, CT's & L.E.D. type indicator etc. Manufacturer
of Panel should be CPRI Approved (Approval not older then 5 years)
& ISO certified (Manufacturer workshop as per ISO 9001: 2015
standard) The Concerned contractor shall be approved the detailed
drawing of panel with complete specification from the Engineer in
charge at site. Detail of capacities of MCCB's to be installed in the
cubical panel Enclosure (Excluding the
cost of MCCB's) as per following:-

LT Panel enclosure having space for 1No. Incomer MCCB 160Amp.

and 4 Nos. outgoing MCCB's 40amp. to 100amp. according to the
8.10.1 (i) each 2.00 51684 103,368
requirement at site (Approx. size 1825 x 900 x 300mm)

Supply and installation of 20 watt LED tube with make of WIPRO,

8.11 NS PHILIPS, Havells etc. or equivalent. each 200.00 1080 216,000

Supply and fixing of 48" antidust Ceiling Fan with make of Crompton,
8.12 NS Havels, Bajaj etc. or equivalent each 120.00 3192 383,040

Supply and fixing Exhaust Fan 250 mm dia with make of Bajaj havels
8.13 NS each 8.00 1445.28 11,562
etc. or equivalent
Supply and fixing of Big Handi Fixture 300 mm Local Make with LED
8.14 NS Light and 2 metel chain length. each 60.00 4964 297,840

Supply , Installation , Testing and commissioning of interconnecting

refrigerant pipe work with closed cell elastomeric nitrile rubber
8.15 NS insulation between each set of indoor & outdoor units as per m 400.00 1300 520,000

Rigid PVC piping complete with fittings, supports as per

8.16 NS specifications and duly insulated with 6 mm thick closed cell nitrile m 200.00 120 24,000
rubber insulation. 25 mm dia

Page 40 of 41
S.No. Description of items Unit Quantity Rate (INR) Amount (INR)
Supply and fixing of heritage Black Matt finish tumbular metalic body
8.17 NS switch 16 A 230 V with make of SSK. ( Item Code HAF-701) each 125.00 993 124,125

Supply and fixing of heritage Black Matt finish tumbular metalic body
8.18 NS step fan regulator for fan with make of SSK. ( Item Code HAF-710) each 25.00 1464 36,600

Supply and fixing of heritage look cover frame 2 Module 5' x 3' Black
8.19 NS Matt finish metalic body with make of SSK. ( Item Code HAF-752) each 25.00 1196 29,900

Supply and fixing of heritage look cover frame 6 Module 8' x 6' Black
8.20 NS Matt finish metalic body with make of SSK. ( Item Code HAF-755) each 17.00 3001 51,017


10.01 M-12 a Brick after scraping each 93,247 -4.8 -447586
10.02 M-12 d Brick bat cum 155.41 -472.5 -73431
10.03 M-12 c Brick tile after scraping each 41,298 -5 -206490
10.04 M-12 d Brick tile bat cum 34.78 -472.5 -16434
10.05 NS MS Steel Kg 13,340 -20 -266800
GRAND TOTAL 55,463,081

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