CPI PI Unit4 1
CPI PI Unit4 1
CPI PI Unit4 1
CPI Pre-intermediate
Blas Bigatti – Cecilia Lértora
a) What type of texts are they? Where were they extracted from?
b) What is their common topic?
c) What countries are mentioned in each of the texts?
d) What nationality were the intended readers for each text?
Universidad Nacional de Hurlingham
CPI Pre-intermediate
Blas Bigatti – Cecilia Lértora
a.1) Think about reading strategies: You weren’t supposed to read the full texts in order to answer the pre-
vious questions. In fact, you were supposed to apply two different fast-reading strategies: skimming and scanning.
Which one did you use to answer each question?
a.1.1) Reflect: What specific tactics did you apply to carry out each strategy?
a) What government or organisation has been in charge of Operation Miracle and of The Alma Train?
b) What medical services do Operation Miracle and The Alma Train offer?
c) Where do volunteer doctors for each program come from?
d) For how long has each program been active by the time the articles were published?
a.3.1) Discuss:
a) Why are the different tenses used in each case? What time relation do they express?
b) What time phrases accompany them?
a.3.3) Back to Text 2: Underline verbs and time phrases, identify tenses and discuss why they
are used in each case.
B) Medical vocabulary: read the vocabulary on pg. 108, V1, and group the words in the chart
b.1) Write: Go over the words in the ‘Health system’ column. Choose as many of them as you need
and write a short paragraph describing the healthcare system in Argentina.
Universidad Nacional de Hurlingham
CPI Pre-intermediate
Blas Bigatti – Cecilia Lértora
b.3) Video: Now watch Fragment A from the film ‘Sicko’ and complete the transcript with the words:
Video edited from: Michael Moore (2007) Sicko.
health insurance cancer copays and deductibles
heart attack good jobs accident they’re driving
This is Adam. He had an ____________. He’s one of nearly 50 million Americans with no ________________…
It’s moving day for Larry and Donna Smith, and _________________ to Denver, Colorado. To their new home in
their daughter’s storage room. They both had ______________. She was a newspaper editor. And he was a union
machinist. But Larry had a ________________. And then another one... And then another one. And then Donna
got _____________. And even though they had health insurance, the _____________________ soon added up to
the point where they could no longer afford to keep their home.
b.3.1) Write: in pairs, write two or three sentences comparing the American health system as de-
scribed in Sicko and the Argentine one.
b.3.2) Think about grammar: Which of the bold words in the text does each definition refer to?
Definite article (‘specific’): It is used when the noun is already known to our
listener, or when it can be considered as part of the common ground that we
share. ____________
Indefinite article (‘not specific’): It is used when the noun is unknown to our
listener or when it is not part of our common ground. It is most often used to
introduce new information. ____________
b.3.3) Back to the book: Go on working on articles on pg.33, activities 6a, 6c and 7. If
any doubt, help yourself with the grammar rules on pg. 108, G3.
Universidad Nacional de Hurlingham
CPI Pre-intermediate
Blas Bigatti – Cecilia Lértora
b.4) Video: Now watch the first part of Fragment B from the film ‘Sicko’ without sound. Then answer the
questions with your partners:
“Everything, yes.”
“Thank you, very much. Thank you.”
“Excuse me, we’re looking for a doctor. Is there a doctor here in Cuba?”
“All on this one block?”
“There’s a doctor around the corner. There’s a hospital over there. There’s a pharmacy right here.”
b.4.2) Video: Now watch Fragment B with sound and check your previous answers.
b.4.3) Answer about the video:
b.5) Think about grammar: Read the transcript from Fragment B and complete the chart below with the
underlined phrases.
Okay, okay… I know what you’re thinking… The worst place on Earth! The most evil nation ever created!
How do we know that? ‘Cos that’s what we’ve been told for over 45 years.
Now, after all these years, the one thing that Cubans do have is free, universal health care. They’ve be-
come known around the world as having not only one of the best healthcare systems, but as being one of
the most generous countries in providing doctors and medical equipment to third-world countries. In the
US, healthcare cost round nealy 6,000 dollars per person, but in Cuba they spend only 251 dollars, and
yet the Cubans are able to have a lower infant mortality rate than in the United States, a longer average
life span than in the United States… Their only sin, when it comes to health care, seems to be that they
don’t do it for profit.
You know, when we see a good idea from another country, we grab it. If they build a better car, we drive
it. If they make a better wine, we drink it. So if they’ve come up with a better way to treat the sick, to
simply be good to each other, then what’s our problem? Why can’t we do that?
Don’t remember much about comparisons? Check your book, pg110, G1.
Universidad Nacional de Hurlingham
CPI Pre-intermediate
Blas Bigatti – Cecilia Lértora
b.5.3) What type of sentences are the following? What difference can you find between these sen-
tences and those studied in Unit 3?
If they build a better car, we drive it. If they make a better wine, we drink it.
America's most polarizing filmmaker, Michael Moore, returns with his first movie since Fahrenheit 9/11 challenged
George W. Bush. This time, with Sicko, Moore has set his sights on a more powerful target: the health care indus-
In a nutshell, Moore's argument comes down to this: the insurance companies are making a killing at their custom-
ers' expense. And in this industry, that term is all too literal. Many of the people in the film are in desperately dire
straits: sick, bereaved, or just plain broke.
Moore adopts a low profile in the film's first half. But when he eventually slouches on screen, it's to play the inno-
cent abroad, surprised by the wonders of socialized medicine in Canada, the UK and France. True, this will be an
eye-opener for many. But having "enjoyed" first-hand experience of these health systems, I can certify that they're
not quite as idyllic as Mr. Moore paints them. Except in comparison with the U.S. system, of course, and that's the
point. Moore hits the target more often than not. It only hurts when we laugh.
Universidad Nacional de Hurlingham
CPI Pre-intermediate
Blas Bigatti – Cecilia Lértora
If Moore missteps, it's in Cuba. Moore is easily diverted into a silly commercial for Cuban socialist medicine. But
all is fair in love and Moore, and the American health system is sick, no question.
The prospect of universal care seems a distant hope. However, it's not impossible that this bitterly funny, bitterly
sad film could put reform back on the political agenda. For that reason alone, you owe it to yourself to see this
Edited from: Tom Charity (2007) Review: 'Sicko' a tonic, even with
flaws [on line] http://edition.cnn.com/2007/SHOWBIZ/Movies/06/28/
review.sicko/index.html (accessed May 1, 2018)
c.3) Match the different types of information in the box to their corresponding paragraphs:
Paragraph 1: ___________________________________________
Paragraph 2: ___________________________________________
Paragraph 3: ___________________________________________
Paragraph 4: ___________________________________________
Paragraph 5: ___________________________________________
c) Compare: What similarities and differences in content can you find the ‘Sicko’ and the ‘Borgen’ re-
views? Enumerate them.
Similarities: ………………………………………………………….………………………………………
Universidad Nacional de Hurlingham
CPI Pre-intermediate
Blas Bigatti – Cecilia Lértora
Differences: …………………………………………………………………………………………………
D) Write a review: Choose a film, a TV programme, a series or a book and write a review. Try to follow these
-Step 1: Write a list of the important information you’d like to consider in your review (title, year, author,
actors/actresses, topic, style, soundtrack, setting, etc).
-Step 2: Write a layout to organise your information (what information will you include in paragraph 1, 2,
-Step 3: Write the first draft of your review. Once that you finish it, leave it aside for one or two days.
Need more words to describe books or films?
Get some ideas from Appendix 4.
-Step 4: After a couple of days, get back to your review. Reread it, underlined the mistakes you find or the
things you don’t like and start editing it. The result should be your second draft.
-Step 5: Share your second draft with your classmates for a pair review: Is everything clear for them or
are there some confusing sentences or ideas? Take down note of their opinions.
-Step 6: If necessary, after the pair review, write your final draft and hand it in to your teacher.
APPENDIX 1: Contrast vocabulary
Vocabulary Sample Sentence Frames
while -Dentists take care of our teeth, while oftalmologists take care of our eyes.
but -Nurses take care of patients, but they don’t operate on them.
different from -Doctors are different from nurses in that they cure patients (while nurses take care of them).
differ -Doctors differ from nurses in that they cure patients (while nurses take care of them).
However / -Many Argentine doctors travel as volunteers to other countries. However, not many foreign doctors
On the contrary / come as volunteers to Argentina.
by comparison There are many dentists in Argentina. By comparison, there aren’t so many brain surgeons.
Universidad Nacional de Hurlingham
CPI Pre-intermediate
Blas Bigatti – Cecilia Lértora
APPENDIX 2: Zero article
-If water reaches 100 degrees, it always boils. (It's a general fact)
-If Americans see a good idea from another country, they grab it. (A general fact in Moore’s opinion)
First conditional: The first conditional takes a present simple verb in the 'if clause', and a ‘will+verb’ in the main
clause. The implication is that, given the condition, the result is highly possible to happen. This conditional is used
to express something believed to be true in a particular case.
Universidad Nacional de Hurlingham
CPI Pre-intermediate
Blas Bigatti – Cecilia Lértora
-If you forget the kettle on the fire, the water will boil. (a particular case)
-If Americans see a new idea this year, they’ll grab it.
Negative adjectives:
-Her latest novel, a tale of unrequited love, bears a close/a striking/a strong/a slight/little/no resemblance to
her earlier, more philosophical work.
-There are several obvious/striking similarities between the two films.
-There is a world of difference between the two films.
-What sets the film apart from others of the same genre is its ability to make us laugh.
-a considerable/huge/marked/slight difference
-a close/remarkable/striking similarity
-is unlike another film
-has a great deal/little/nothing in common with
Universidad Nacional de Hurlingham
CPI Pre-intermediate
Blas Bigatti – Cecilia Lértora
Other expressions:
Edited from: Tomeu Aloy (2010) ‘Ready for CAE p 76. Reviews. Vocabulary’ [on line]
(accessed May 6, 2018)