2019 Phycc 404
2019 Phycc 404
2019 Phycc 404
PG Even Semester (CBCS) Exam., May—2019 2. (a) Derive the expression for wavelength
shift for Compton scattering. 10
(b) Derive the expression for Poynting 5. Discuss the clock paradox and its resolution
vector for the radiation emitted by an in the light of equivalence principle. 14
arbitrarily moving single charge. 7
(b) Show how cosmological redshift 1. (a) What is Boltzmann transport equation?
indicates an expanding universe. 10 Deduce Boltzmann transport equation
when the collisions are absent. 1+6=7
8. (a) Formulate Friedmann equation from (b) Derive the expression for thermal
simple non-relativistic argument. 7 conductivity in metals using Boltzmann
transport equation. 7
(b) Show that the expansion/contraction of
2. (a) Deduce the expression for viscosity
the universe is such that the total
using Boltzmann transport equation. 6
entropy of matter and radiation remains
constant. 7 (b) Write short notes on the following
(any two) : 4×2=8
UNIT—V (i) Hall effect
(ii) Magnetoresistance
9. What are the different possible constituents
(iii) Thermoelectric effect
of dark matter and their observational
status? 14
3. (a) What are energy bands in solid? Obtain
10. What are GRBs? What may be the possible
the expression for energy gap in case of
sources and reasons behind their
a simple cubic crystal. 2+7=9
generation? Discuss the possible impacts of
a nearby GRB on earth. 2+4+8=14 (b) What are the various points considered
in free-electron approximation and
tight-binding approximation? 5
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( 5 ) ( 6 )
4. (a) State and prove the Hohenberg-Kohn (b) Explain how Weiss theory could
theorems. 8 overcome the shortcomings of the
Langevin’s theory. 7
(b) Write short notes on the following
(any two) : 3×2=6 8. (a) Give the quantum theory of
(i) Exchange correlation diamagnetism. 10
(ii) APW (b) Write a short note on the following
(iii) LDA (any one) : 4
(i) Magnetic moment
UNIT—III (ii) Paramagnetic cooling
5. (a) Deduce Clausius-Mosotti equation in
dielectrics. Give its significance. 6+1=7
9. (a) Give the classical model of photo-
(b) Derive the expression for Cole-Cole plot. conductivity. 7
Explain its significance. 6+1=7
(b) What are traps? What are the different
types of traps? Describe the
6. (a) Describe the phenomenon of
fundamental processes involved in
polarization catastrophe in ferroelectric
recombination through traps. 2+2+3=7
crystalline material. 6
10. (a) What are the different kinds of
(b) Write short notes on the following
luminescence processes? How does
(any two) : 4×2=8
phosphorescence differ from
(i) Dielectric polarization
fluorescence? Give one example each of
(ii) Ionic polarization phosphorescence and fluorescence.
(iii) Ferroelectricity 3+2+1=6
(b)Write short notes on the following
(any two) : 4×2=8
7. (a) Give Langevin’s theory of para- (i) Exciton
magnetism to obtain the expression for
(ii) Color centres
susceptibility. 7
(iii) Excitation and emission
J9/1222 ( Turn Over ) J9/1222 ( Continued )
( 7 ) ( 8 )
Course No. : PHYCC–404 (C)
5. Discuss self-energy of the electron arising
( ADVANCED QUANTUM FIELD THEORY—II ) due to one loop QED diagrams. 14
3. Perform QED calculations to compute the 9. Define parity, charge conjugation and time-
differential cross-section for electron- reversal transformations. How do the Dirac
positron annihilation. 14 bilinear covariants transform under parity
and charge conjugation? 6+4+4=14
4. Obtain the differential cross-section of the 10. Describe CP transformation and discuss its
process e - m - ® e - m - in the laboratory action on left-handed current in weak
frame. 14 interactions. 4+10=14
7. (a) Distinguish between spontaneous and
stimulated Raman scattering. 4
9. Describe briefly (i) optical trapping of atom
and (ii) laser radiation force. 7+7=14
J9—210/1222 (A/B/C/D)/068