Striving For Great Standing Scores
Striving For Great Standing Scores
Striving For Great Standing Scores
c) The left hand and wrist must be configured so it raises Those variations are also OK as long as extremes are
the rifle to target level with the rear sight aperture aligned avoided. At a later stage of development, how to precisely
with the aiming eye. With precision rifles, a riser block configure the legs and hips should be the focus of serious
or palm rest can be used to aid in raising the rifle to the evaluation to determine which configuration is best for
proper height. With other rifles where such devices are not each individual athlete.
permitted (i.e., BB Gun, Sporter Air Rifle, Rimfire Sporter
Rifle), a hand and wrist configuration (i.e., resting the rifle D. Torso Configuration. A key to standing position
on the hand with the wrist bent, on the fork of the hand, on stability is having a balanced position where minimal
the fist or on the thumb and split fingers) must be selected to muscle tension is applied to keep the body in that position.
raise the rifle to aiming eye height. The hand-wrist position In standing, muscle tension in the lower back can be
must also support the rifle at a height that allows the upper relieved by bending the upper body (torso) to the right to
body to bend comfortably to the right and rear and which counterbalance the weight of the rifle, which is extended
also keeps the upper body balanced over the feet. to the front (left) of the position. Especially with a heavier
rifle, it is also necessary to bend back slightly to the rear to
C. Leg and Hip Configuration. Basic marksmanship counterbalance the weight of the rifle, which is being held
instruction simply tells beginners to step to the line and on the front of the body (see illustration below).
take up their standing position with the body turned 90
degrees away from the target. At that point, nothing is said E. Head Position. The shooter’s head position
about how wide the stance should be or whether the hips facilitates aiming and plays key roles in balancing the
should be level or shifted forward to elevate the forward position and keeping it balanced. Establishing a good
hip. What is important in the beginning is to avoid a position head position starts with fixing how the head is held so that
with extremes. Most new shooters will start with the feet it is reasonably erect. It does not have to be perfectly erect,
about shoulder width apart. That’s OK, but if the feet but it must be sufficiently
are less than a foot apart or spread extremely wide, that erect to allow the aiming
should be corrected. Some shooters will naturally shift the eye to comfortably
hips forward to elevate the left hip. This usually results in look forward through
placing a little more weight on the left (forward) leg. the rear sight. The rifle
must then be raised up
so that the aiming eye
STANDING – LEG AND HIP CONFIGURATIONS is aligned with the rear
sight aperture. This is
achieved by adjusting
the butt-plate location
and configuration of
the left (support) arm.
Getting the rifle sights
up to aiming eye level is
easier with precision air
and smallbore rifles that
These international junior champions display a variety of standing positions that have all been used to produce
winning or world record scores. All positions incorporate 90-degree body turns, left elbow locations under their rifles
and reasonably erect head positions, but other position features vary.
The athletes (l. to r.) are Aishwary TOMAR, India, 50m Junior World Record; Anna JANSSEN, Germany, 50m Junior World
Record; Elavenil VALARIVAN, India, 10m World Cup Final gold medalist; Changhong ZHANG, China, Junior World Cup gold
necessary corrections or changes, there is one more while resting the rifle on a rifle stand. It is a time for clearing
aspect of firing in that position to consider. This is that once the mind of any extraneous thoughts so that full attention
a standing position complies with the fundamental features is focused on preparing to fire another good shot.
of a structurally sound position, that same position must be
used every time the athlete trains or competes. Athletes 2. Consistent Butt-Plate Location. When
must avoid temptations to try different position variations shouldering the rifle, the butt-plate must be placed in the
just because they are having a bad day or because another same, precise location in the shoulder for each shot. Many
athlete is firing great scores while using a different position advanced shooters visually check the butt-plate location
variation. The surest path to improvement in any shooting while shouldering the rifle to be sure (note how the athlete
position is performing consistent, correct repetitions of dry in Step 2 below is doing this).
and live fire shots, in the same position and with the same
shot technique. 3. Consistent Left Elbow Position. Each time the
rifle is shouldered, it is also critical to fix the left elbow in
POSITION PREPARATION the same location. If the left elbow position changes, this
A key to making consistently good shots in the standing changes how the position is balanced and typically results
position is taking extra time to prepare the position before in bad shots to the left or right.
starting to aim. This must be done for every shot. What
is to be avoided here is simply throwing the rifle up into 4. Pre-Shot Checks. An important pre-shot check
position and immediately starting to aim and fire the shot. is to be sure the position feels right. Many relaxation
Instead, the athlete should go through a step-by-step checks consider the left arm and shoulder—are they
preparation routine that concludes with lowering the head really relaxed? Other checks consider the muscles in
to the cheek-piece and starting to aim. Careful position the legs where consistent light tension is usually applied
preparation takes an extra five or ten seconds to shoulder to maintain balance. A critical pre-shot check considers
the rifle and prepare the position before starting to aim but how the position is balanced. Advanced athletes know
doing this will make a big difference. how correct balance must feel for their position and they
1. Mental Preparation. Position preparation begins discipline themselves to check their balance before they
with loading the rifle for the next shot. Most athletes do this lower their eye to begin aiming, before each shot.
Shot technique is a vital part of shooting great standing
scores, but this is a detailed topic that merits full, separate
consideration. Two previous On the Mark technical
articles analyzed shot technique and should be studied
by anyone seeking to learn more about shooting great
standing scores. “Developing Great Shot Technique, Part
I” and “Developing Great Shot Technique, Part II” can be
downloaded at
Developing a structurally sound position combined with
disciplined position preparation and correct shot technique
is essential to shooting great standing scores. However,
the most significant difference maker in developing
superior hold stability and great shot technique in standing
is training. The athlete’s work ethic--how hard he/she is
willing to work--is what really makes someone into a great
standing position shooter.
The effectiveness of an athlete’s training methods
is measured by their scores, especially scores fired in
competitions. There are two keys to how much progress
will be gained from any training method. They are a)
training volume and b) training integrity. Within limits that
are seldom exceeded by any young athlete, the more
training repetitions that are performed the more an athlete
will improve. Training integrity looks at whether training
repetitions are performed correctly and with full focus and
Yutian FU, China, is the 50m 3-position Junior Women World
Record holder. She makes her pre-shot checks while pausing attention to details. When training repetitions are performed
in this position. hastily and with lackadaisical effort, scores will not improve
and may even regress.
A key to standing position progress requires
5. Consistent Head Position. If the location of the establishing priorities. Since more points can be gained
head on the cheek-piece changes, this changes the balance by improving standing scores than by improving kneeling
of the position. This, in turn, can have an adverse impact or prone scores, standing practice should have the highest
on hold stability. Athletes must control their technique for priority. More training time should normally be dedicated to
placing the head down on the cheek-piece so that the head standing. As a general rule, training plans should allocate
is always in the same location with respect to the rear about 10 percent of available training time to prone, 30
sight. Advanced technique must also pay attention to how percent to kneeling and 60 percent to standing.
much pressure is placed on the cheek-piece. Some will Four different training methods are employed by
have light cheek pressure; some with have more cheek athletes to steadily improve their standing position scores.
pressure. The key once again is doing this the same way, In addition to a) live fire training on the range and b) dry fire
for each shot. training that can be done on the range or at home, two other
training methods are especially effective in contributing to
6. Approach to Target. When aiming at the target standing position improvement:
begins, the last inhale-exhale cycle is made as the aligned c) Dry Holding. Holding drills can be done on the
sights are brought onto the target. For standing, the range with an actual target but are more frequently
approach to the target is usually from above, although the done during home training by placing an aiming bull at
important thing is to always approach the target from the an appropriate height on a wall. In this training method,
same direction and in the same way, for each shot.
Doing aiming exercises without a target is an excellent training method for developing standing’s inner position.
athletes go through the initial steps of position preparation are position preparation, shot technique and, most of all,
and shot technique and then attempt to hold the front sight training, how hard an athlete works.
as steady as possible over the bullseye or aiming point
while focusing full attention on the sight picture. Holding
repetitions should last about 10 to 12 seconds each.
About the Author
Gary Anderson, Director of Civilian Marksmanship
Holding drills offer effective ways to learn how to apply Emeritus, retired as the full-time CMP Director at the end
intense “visual focus” on reducing hold movements of 2009. He continues to work with the CMP as the senior
and to sense whether there are tensions or balance marksmanship instructor. During his remarkable career, he
problems with the position that are preventing the hold won two Olympic gold medals, seven World Championships
from becoming steadier. and 16 National Championships. He served as a Vice
d) Aiming Exercises. Doing aiming exercises, President of the International Shooting Sports Federation
with or without dry firing, on blank targets or with no (ISSF) from 1990 through 2018. He is a former Nebraska
target at all can often be an even better way to develop State Senator and Past President of USA Shooting. He
served as a Technical Delegate for Shooting during the 2012
a feel for how the body is working to hold the rifle still.
and 2016 Olympic Games as well as for the 2014 and 2018
The work of the athlete’s body in trying to hold the body- World Shooting Championships.
rifle system as still as possible is sometimes referred to In 2012, the International Olympic Committee awarded
as the “inner position.” Without an aiming bull, attention Gary Anderson with the Olympic
can be shifted to this inner position and how the muscles Order, its highest honor “for
and system balance are working to make the body feel outstanding services to the
like it is in calm, quiet control. Many rifle and pistol Olympic Movement.”
shooters now use aiming exercises as a training method In 2014, the CMP expanded its
as well as a way to warm up and prepare their bodies world-class air gun center at Camp
for optimal performance before they move to the range Perry and renamed the facility the
Gary Anderson CMP Competition
to begin shooting.
Center, in honor of Anderson’s
Developing the ability to shoot great standing contributions to the organization
scores in competitions begins with having a structurally and the marksmanship community.
sound physical position, but the real difference makers