Shot Put - Presentation
Shot Put - Presentation
Shot Put - Presentation
03 Play area
Diagram of the shot put
Skills required
1 3
Skills of
shot put
and why they
are important
Balance Muscular Strenght
You can move with greater Greater muscular strength allows
efficiency and with better an individual to potentiate earlier
control. It can also help with and to a greater extent, but also
overall coordination. decreases the risk of injury.
Play area
Of shot put
Play area
Of shot put
Once the athlete's name is
called, they have 60
seconds to release the shot
The shot must be placed
close to the neck and
The shot must be
resting on the shoulder, released above the
while keeping it in that height of the shoulder
position the entire time until with one hand
it is released. No padding
or extra equipment is
Rules of
shot put
The athlete is permitted
to touch the inside
surface of the stop
board; however neither
the top nor the outside of
the circle or stop board
can be touched or