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Copyright 2000, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.
A highly reproducible and sensitive real-time detection assay based on TaqMan technology was developed for
the detection of hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA and compared with two commercially available assays. The assay
was validated with the Viral Quality Control panel, which also includes EUROHEP HBV DNA standards. This
real-time PCR detection system had a dynamic range of 373 to 1010 genome copies per ml and showed an
excellent correlation with both the commercial HBV Digene Hybrid Capture II microplate assay (Digene
Diagnostics) and the HBV MONITOR assay (Roche Diagnostics). To demonstrate its clinical utility, four
chronically HBV-infected patients treated with lamuvidine were monitored using the three different assays.
From the results we concluded that this assay is an excellent alternative for monitoring of HBV-infected
patients in routine diagnostics and clinical practice, enabling the analysis of a large dynamic range of HBV
DNA in a single, undiluted sample.
It has been estimated that worldwide approximately 300 MATERIALS AND METHODS
million individuals are chronically infected with hepatitis B
virus (HBV). The measurement of HBV DNA in serum has Patients and clinical samples. The clinical samples used for this study were
well-characterized samples obtained from previous study protocols. Additional
become an important tool to identify individuals with high viral samples for the correlation and precision study were routine samples from our
replication, to monitor patients on therapy, and to predict Virology Department. Samples requiring dilution, including the VQC standards,
whether antiviral therapy will be successful. With the introduc- were diluted in serum known to be HBV DNA negative. All aliquots were stored
tion of new antivirals like lamivudine [()2,3-dideoxy-3- frozen at 20C or a lower temperature until use. For the specificity analysis,
samples (kindly provided by the Blood Bank Rotterdam) obtained from 200
thiacytidine], close monitoring of patients has become increas- healthy blood donors were used.
ingly important due to the occurrence of antiviral drug- For a standardized evaluation, we obtained an international reference VQC
resistant virus strains or the presence of flares after withdrawal plasma preparation panel (CLB) containing well-characterized HBV DNA levels
from antiviral therapy (6, 11). including EUROHEP HBV DNA standard A. These samples were tested ex-
tensively and contain HBV DNA levels ranging from no HBV DNA to 4.37
Several homemade and commercial molecular assays have 107 HBV molecules per ml.
been used to quantify the level of HBV DNA in serum samples DNA extraction method for real-time PCR detection assay. For the isolation of
(3, 710, 13, 18). However, due to the lack of standardization HBV DNA from serum, the High Pure Viral Nucleic Acid kit (Roche Diagnos-
and the inability of these assays to quantify the whole dynamic tics) was used. Briefly, 200 l of serum was added to 200 l of a freshly prepared
working solution containing 6 M guanidine-HCl, 10 mM urea, 10 mM Tris-HCl,
range over which HBV DNA should be measured, different and 20% (vol/vol) Triton X-100 supplemented with 1 g of poly(A) carrier
assays and serum dilutions have to be used for adequate mon- RNA and 800 g of proteinase K. After incubation for 10 min at 72C, 100 l of
itoring of antiviral therapy. In this paper, we describe the isopropanol was added and the mixture was transferred onto a High Pure filter
results of the validation of a real-time PCR detection assay, tube combined with a collection tube. The filter tube was centrifuged for 1 min
at 5,000 g in a standard tabletop centrifuge at room temperature. After being
based on TaqMan technology, for the detection of HBV DNA washed twice with 450 l of buffer (20 mM NaCl, 2 mM Tris-HCl [pH 7.5] in
in serum samples. This assay is able to measure the large ethanol), the filter was placed in a new collection tube and 50 l of RNase- and
dynamic range in which HBV DNA can be present in chroni- DNase-free water was added to elute the DNA. This resulted in fourfold con-
cally infected patients. centration of the original input material.
HBV Digene Hybrid Capture II microplate assay. The HBV Digene Hybrid
The assay is based on linearity, takes into account intra- and Capture II microplate assay was performed in accordance with the manufactur-
interassay variability, and can be performed in a routine set- ers protocol. Briefly, 30 l of serum samples, controls, and standards or cali-
ting. The real-time PCR detection assay is validated using the brators ranging from 0.5 to 6,000 pg/ml (equivalent to 1.42 105 to 1.7 109
viral quality control (VQC) HBV DNA panel (CLB, Amster- HBV DNA copies per ml) were incubated with 30 l of sodium hydroxide
solution (denaturation reagent) for 30 min at 65C in a 96-well microplate. No
dam, The Netherlands) and compared with other commercially additional sample preparation step was needed. After preparation of the probe
available quantitative assays (HBV Digene Hybrid Capture II mixture, 30 l of RNA HBV probe was added to each well and the plate was
microplate assay [Digene, Gaithersburg, Md.] and HBV incubated for 1 h at 65C. To capture the DNA-RNA hybrids, 75 l of each
MONITOR assay [Roche Diagnostics, Almere, The Nether- solution in the microplates was transferred to the corresponding well of the
anti-RNA-DNA hybrid antibody-coated capture microplate and subsequently
lands]). Furthermore, to demonstrate its use in clinical prac- shaken at room temperature for 1 h. The hybrid was detected using an anti-
tice, four chronically HBV-infected patients were monitored hybrid antibody conjugated to alkaline phosphatase and detected with the chemi-
over a period of time in which they received antiviral treatment. luminiscent substrate CDP-star with Emerald II.
To enable detection of HBV DNA levels of less than 1.42 105 copies per ml,
the ultrasensitive format of the assay was used. Briefly, 1-ml serum samples and
controls along with 50 l of precipitation buffer were centrifuged at 33,000 g
* Corresponding author. Mailing address: Department of Virology, for 110 min at 4C in a Hereaus Stratos Biofuge. The supernatant was discarded,
University Hospital Rotterdam, Dr. Molewaterplein 40, 3015 GD Rot- and the precipitated virus was dissolved in 25 l of diluent. This procedure yields
terdam, The Netherlands. Phone: 31-10-463.3431. Fax: 31-10-463.3441. a 30-fold increase in sensitivity and enhances the lower detection limit of the
E-mail: niesters@viro.fgg.eur.nl. assay to approximately 8,000 HBV copies/ml.
HBV MONITOR assay. HBV DNA levels were monitored using the Roche TABLE 1. Study of intra- and interassay variability of the HBV
Molecular Systems Amplicor HBV MONITOR Assay in accordance with the DNA real-time PCR detection assay to determine its precision
instructions of the manufacturer. Briefly, we subjected 50 l of serum to precip-
itation by polyethylene glycol 8000, followed by sodium hydroxide lysis and Mean Ct (%CV)
Amt of input HBV DNA
neutralization. For PCR, a primer set which amplifies a 104-bp fragment of the Sample
(no. of copies/ml) Intra-assaya Interassayb
precore and core gene was used. During the amplification, internal standard (IS)
DNA was coamplified with the target DNA. One of the primers was labeled with
biotin. After amplification, two aliquots were pipetted into separate wells of a V15 3.82 102 43.97 (4.67) 44.06 (3.40)
streptavidin-coated plate. The PCR products of the HBV core gene and the IS V14 1.03 103 40.49 (7.62) 40.79 (5.71)
were separately hybridized with a dinitrophenyl-labeled HBV- or IS-specific V13 1.15 103 39.04 (5.12) 37.90 (1.65)
probe. The hybridization products were detected colorimetrically with an anti- V12 3.44 103 37.33 (1.34) 36.87 (1.50)
dinitrophenyl-alkaline phosphatase conjugate and para-nitrophenylphosphate V11 3.10 104 34.64 (0.70) 34.83 (1.01)
substrate. V10 9.30 104 33.22 (0.43) 33.61 (1.11)
The amount of HBV DNA was calculated from the ratio of the HBV-specific
well to the IS-specific well. The number of copies per ml was calculated from a
V9 2.79 105 31.82 (1.11) 31.46 (1.55)
standard curve prepared from each amplification run, ranging from 0 to 106 HBV V8 8.37 105 29.76 (0.84) 30.02 (0.84)
copies per ml. The detection limit of the assay, according to the manufacturer, is V7 2.51 106 28.35 (0.78) 28.35 (0.94)
400 genome equivalents per ml. The dynamic range of the assay in the format we V6 7.53 106 26.86 (0.60) 26.76 (1.14)
used was 400 to 4 107 genome equivalents per ml. V5 2.26 107 24.48 (0.35) 24.93 (1.27)
Real-time PCR detection assay. The PCR primers and probe used were de- V4 6.78 107 23.25 (0.12) 23.35 (1.76)
signed using Primer Express software (PE Biosystems, Nieuwerkerk a/d IJssel, V3 2.03 108 21.73 (0.54) 21.79 (1.27)
The Netherlands). Amplification was performed in a 50-l reaction mixture V2 6.10 108 20.23 (0.53) 20.40 (1.61)
containing 2 TaqMan Universal MasterMix (PE Biosystems), 45 pmol of for-
ward primer (5-GGA.CCC.CTG.CTC.GTG.TTA.CA-3, nucleotides 184 to
V1 1.83 109 19.21 (0.52) 18.92 (1.73)
203), 45 pmol of reverse primer (5-GAG.AGA.AGT.CCA.CCM.CGA.GTC.T V0 5.49 109 17.62 (1.20) 17.38 (3.05)
AG.A-3, nucleotides 273 to 249), 15 pmol of TaqMan probe (5-FAM-TGT. a
Mean %CV, 1.65; n 4.
Mean %CV, 1.85; n 12.
to 247), and 10 l of isolated DNA. The primers and probe were selected in the
pre-S gene of the HBV genome and generated a product of 89 bp.
All isolations and amplification reactions were performed in duplicate. After
preparation of the reaction mixtures in 96-well plates, the plates were centrifuged
at 1,200 rpm for 1 min in a Rotina 48R swing rotor (Hettig, Tuttlingen, Ger- (mean, 1.85) and the %CV of intra-assay variability (mean,
many) to remove small air bubbles in the vessels. Amplification and detection
were performed with an ABI Prism 7700 Sequence Detection System (PE Bio- 1.65) (P 0.761).
systems). After incubation for 2 min at 50C, which enables uracil N-glycosylase Specificity. In order to determine the specificity of the real-
(present in the 2 Universal MasterMix) to inactivate possible contaminating time PCR detection assay, 200 anti-hepatitis B surface antigen-
amplicons, incubation for 10 min at 95C allowed AmpliTaq Gold polymerase to negative EDTA-plasma samples were analyzed. None of the
activate and inactivate the uracil N-glycosylase. The PCR cycling program con-
sisted of 45 two-step cycles of 15 s at 95C and 60 s at 60C. samples showed false-positive reactions in duplicate. Four
For preparation of an external standard containing noninfectious material, samples had to be reisolated and retested because of inconsis-
HBV DNA (3.2 kb) was cloned into vector pBR322 (kindly provided by R. tency between the duplicates but showed no reactivity in the
Heijtink, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands) and transformed second analysis.
into INVF One Shot Escherichia coli bacteria (InVitrogen, Leek, The Neth-
erlands). Plasmid DNA was isolated on the Vistra Labstation (Amersham Phar- Validation of the real-time PCR detection assay. We first
macia Biotech, Roosendaal, The Netherlands). For standardization of the real- validated the HBV plasmid standard curve of the real-time
time PCR detection assay, a standard curve of the plasmid ranging from 10 PCR detection assay using the VQC panel, containing both
million to 670 copies/ml and a run control of 30,000 copies/ml (CLB) were HBV DNA-negative samples and well-characterized samples
included in each run. Validation of the plasmid controls was done with the VQC
panel (CLB). ranging from 4.27 107 to 113 copies per ml.
Data analysis and statistics. Analysis of raw data was done with the Sequence The log10 theoretical HBV DNA concentrations were com-
Detector V1.6.3 software (PE Biosystems). Data were collected at the annealing pared to the log10 HBV DNA concentrations determined by
step (60C) of every cycle, and the threshold cycle (Ct) for each sample was the real-time PCR detection assay, which were calculated
calculated by determining the point at which the fluorescence exceeded the
threshold limit, which was set at 0.04 U. The standard curve was calculated through interpolation of the Ct values from the standard curve.
automatically by plotting the Ct values against each standard of known concen- Regression analysis showed that the slope approached 1.0
tration and calculation of the linear regression line of this curve. Calculation of (95% confidence interval, 0.83 to 1.04) and the y intercept
the correlation coefficient (r2) was done for each run, and the minimal value was approached 0 (95% confidence interval, 0.30 to 0.64; Fig.
0.98. Sample copy numbers were calculated by interpolation of the experimen-
tally determined standard curve. In order to determine the extent to which the 1A). The correlation coefficient (r2 0.089) and high P value
data obtained were in agreement, the data were also analyzed as described by (P 0.610) of the Bland-and-Altman comparison indicated no
Bland and Altman (1), whose method is based on comparison of the differences significant difference between the values obtained (Fig. 1B).
between measurements for the same sample by plotting of the differences against The VQC sample with a viral HBV copy number of 373/ml
the average. All other statistical analysis was performed using the functions of
the SPSS (version 8.0) software. still generated a detectable signal in the real-time PCR detec-
tion assay, while the sample with 113 copies/ml could not be
detected in the format used.
RESULTS Correlation between the HBV real-time PCR detection assay
and commercially available HBV DNA assays. The HBV DNA
Precision study. Inter- and intra-assay variability was deter- real-time PCR detection assay was compared with two com-
mined by isolating one-third-log serial dilutions of a serum mercially available assays to determine its usefulness for a
sample ranging from 5.49 109 to 3.82 102 HBV DNA clinical virology laboratory. For routine diagnostics, we se-
copies per ml. Interassay variability was determined by isolat- lected sera for which the HBV DNA value was determined
ing quadruplicates of the dilution series on three consecutive using the Digene Hybrid Capture II microplate assay or the
days (n 12), while intra-assay variability was evaluated by Roche HBV MONITOR assay.
running quadruplicates of one isolation on one plate (n 4). One hundred eighteen HBV DNA-positive samples were
Table 1 shows the mean Ct values, the percent coefficient of tested in both the Digene assay and the real-time PCR detec-
variation (%CV), and the amount of input HBV DNA within tion assay. These samples were within the range of the Digene
a run and between separate runs. There is no statistically sig- assay in the standard or sensitive format (range, 8 103 to
nificant difference between the %CV of interassay variability 1.7 109 copies of HBV DNA per ml). The log values of all
VOL. 38, 2000 HBV DNA ASSAYS 2899
FIG. 3. Clinical courses of four chronically HBV-infected patients during lamuvidine treatment (A to D). The calculated log10 DNA concentrations (y axis) are
plotted against time after start of therapy (hours). The patients were monitored with the HBV Digene Hybrid Capture II microplate assay (), the HBV MONITOR
assay ({), and HBV real-time PCR detection assay ().
described proved to be comparable to those of two commer- tamination, making them unsuitable for routine clinical diag-
cially available assays. nostic use (14, 16). Quality control programs have indeed in-
More than a decade has passed since the introduction and dicated that this is a problem (2, 15, 17). It should, however, be
use of PCR technology for the detection of HBV DNA in realized that for both commercial and in-house assays, sample
serum. Although different commercial assays have become preparation is still the most difficult step to perform and to
available enabling an easy-to-use platform, there is still automate. Handling of samples and opening of tubes during
progress to be made, since the detection range of these assays sample preparation should be carried out under good labora-
was shown to be limited. Only the Digene Hybrid Capture II tory practice principles in order to limit the problem of con-
microplate assay was able to detect HBV DNA over a wide tamination. The complete abolishment of postamplification
range (8 103 to 1.7 109 copies per ml), although in the handling is an additional factor in limiting contamination. Our
lower range a sample concentration step needs to be per- data further indicate that by using two independent isolates for
formed. The Roche HBV MONITOR assay is used for quan- one sample in our assay, the problem of false positivity is more
titative HBV detection in the lower range of HBV DNA de- easily observed and therefore controlled. Furthermore, partic-
tection in patients (400 to 4 107 copies/ml). The high ipation in external quality control programs, as well as the
variation of the HBV MONITOR assay within the lower de- continuous use of well-standardized validation panels, should
tection range, which can even be more than 100%, is the main further guarantee laboratory performance. Available standard-
disadvantage of this assay (13). The real-time PCR detection ized materials, like universal amplification mixtures, primers,
assay described here had a good correlation with both the and probes, for real-time PCR detection assays leave the input
Digene Hybrid Capture II microplate assay and the Roche DNA as the only unknown factor. A further point of attention
HBV MONITOR assay and could be used for the monitoring remains the possible inhibition of the amplification reaction by
of patients undergoing antiviral treatment. Regression analysis unknown components in the clinical sample. Inclusion of in-
indicated that the standardization based on the VQC panel ternal markers and selection of appropriate sample prepara-
resulted in a large dynamic range and that data from all of the tion devices and methods should limit this problem. We have,
assays were interchangeable. Since it is usually not known in for instance, shown that certain sample preparation methods
which range the HBV DNA level of a given sample is to be are better than others at removing the inhibitory effect of
expected, especially when patients are receiving antiviral treat- heparin (12).
ment, repeated testing is often necessary (13). With the real- Collectively, our data show that HBV DNA quantitation
time detection assay described here, this problem is largely with the real-time PCR detection technique resulted in a sen-
overcome. Furthermore, since the introduction of TaqMan sitive and highly reproducible assay, the results of which cor-
technology, more cumbersome techniques for PCR quantita- related well with those obtained with commercially available
tion seem to have become obsolete, due to the ability of this assays while offering the advantage of a wide dynamic range.
technology to quantify HBV DNA rather easily, without the
need for the further PCR amplicon processing steps usually
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