Module3 Lesson5
Module3 Lesson5
Module3 Lesson5
The biosphere which is the world of life is the region of the earth’s surface where all living
things live and interact with one another. Variations lead to richness of biodiversity and this
richness in biodiversity leads to ecological stability in an area. A change in biodiversity richness
and evenness is an indicator that some species are disappearing and may soon become extinct
if existing traits cannot adapt to the changing environment.
How do we contribute to the loss of biodiversity? What actions are made by community,
government, and civic organizations to protect and conserve biodiversity
Lesson Proper
Biodiversity is a term used to describe the enormous variety of life on Earth. It can be used
more specifically to refer to all of the species in one region or ecosystem. It refers to every living
thing, including plants, bacteria, animals, and humans. Scientists have estimated that there are
around 8.7 million species of plants and animals in existence. However, only around 1.2 million
species have been identified and described so far, most of which are insects. This means that
millions of other organisms remain a complete mystery.
Biodiversity varies in terms of geographical location, which is said to be high in the tropics
but decline to poles due to amount of sunlight. On the other hand it constitutes the most important
working component of a natural ecosystem. It helps maintain ecological processes, creates soils,
recycles nutrients, has a moderating effect on the climate, degrades waste, controls diseases and
above all, provides an index of health of an ecosystem. Providing food, medicines and a wide
range of useful products, it is the natural wealth that exists on land, in freshwater and in the marine
environment. Plant diversity alone offers more than just food security and healthcare for the one-
quarter of humanity who live their lives at or near subsistence levels; it provides them with a roof
over their heads and fuel to cook, and, on average, meets 90 per cent of their material needs.
There are kinds of biodiversity that are essential to preserve ecological systems and
1. Genetic diversity – a measure of the variety of different versions of the same genes within
individual species. When species reproduce, the genes of each mate contribute to the
characteristics of the progeny. Accordingly, no two members of the same species are
exactly alike.
2. Ecological diversity - the number and variability of ecosystems in an area including the
Old Nalsian Road, Nalsian, Calasiao, Pangasinan, Philippines 2418
Tel. No. (075)522-8032/Fax No. (075)523-0894/Website:
ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED, Member: Philippine Association of Colleges and
Universities (PACU), Philippine Association of Maritime Institutions
number of niches, trophic levels, and ecological processes that capture energy, sustain
webs, and recycle materials within this ecosystem.
There are many ways of measuring biodiversity. Two of them are species richness and
species evenness. Species richness refers to the number of species in a particular place. This is
the most common type of biodiversity index. Another way is species evenness which refers to the
extent to which individuals are distributed evenly among species. It gives information about the
relative quantities or proportion of individuals belonging to different species.
Biodiversity Hotspots
Biodiversity is not evenly distributed. It is richer in the tropics and other localized regions.
Several factors affect the diversity of flora and fauna. These are climate, altitude, soil and
presence of other species. Large numbers of them are formally classified as rare or endangered
or threatened species.
Most of the world’s diversity is concentrated near the equator, especially tropical rain forest
and coral reefs. Only 10 to 15% can be found in America and Europe.
Areas isolated by water, deserts or mountains can also have high concentrations of unique
species and biodiversity.
The hotspots collectively make up 1.4% of the earth’s land but contain as many as 44%
of all vascular plant species, 29% of the world’s endemic birds species, 27% of endemic mammal
Old Nalsian Road, Nalsian, Calasiao, Pangasinan, Philippines 2418
Tel. No. (075)522-8032/Fax No. (075)523-0894/Website:
ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED, Member: Philippine Association of Colleges and
Universities (PACU), Philippine Association of Maritime Institutions
3. Ecological benefits
Soil formation, waste disposal, air and water purification, nutrient cycling, solar
energy absorption and food production all depend on biodiversity. In many
environments, high diversity may help biological communities withstand environmental
stress better and recover more quickly than those with fewer species.
In addition, it is estimated that 95% of the potential pests and disease carrying
organisms in the world are controlled by natural predators and competitors.
4. Aesthetic and cultural benefits
Millions of people enjoy nature based activities like hunting, fishing, camping,
hiking and wildlife watching. Thus, many communities are finding that local biodiversity
can bring cash to remote areas through ecotourism. The activities provide invigorating
physical exercise, and contact to nature can have psychological and emotionally
restorative. In many cultures, nature carries cultural connotations and a particular
species or landscape may be inextricably linked to a sense of identity and meaning.
Old Nalsian Road, Nalsian, Calasiao, Pangasinan, Philippines 2418
Tel. No. (075)522-8032/Fax No. (075)523-0894/Website:
ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED, Member: Philippine Association of Colleges and
Universities (PACU), Philippine Association of Maritime Institutions
7. Illegal wild life trade
Recreational hunting and collecting: hides, skin, tusk, meat, fur,
chemical content taken for monetary or aesthetic value or simply ego in the
case of hunting with no purpose other than the thrill of the kill. In the last
decade, over one third of African elephants have been killed by hunters and
poachers to fuel the ivory trade.
Fashion: fur clothing and reptile skins for bags and accessories are just
two of the more obvious fashion-driven pressures on the natural world.
Medicinal or traditional medicinal demand: traditional medicines often
drive significant demand for animal and plant material which can only be
obtained by killing the providing life form. For example, Rhino horn is highly
prized in Asian cultures for its claimed medicinal properties.
8. Species extinction
Extinction is a natural process. The geological record indicates that many
hundreds of thousands of plant and animal species have disappeared over the
eras as they have failed to adapt to changing conditions. Recent findings
however indicate that the current rate of species extinction is at least a hundred
to a thousand times higher than the natural rate.
The International Union for Conservation of Nature [IUCN], assessed 44,
838 animal species all over the globe and came out with a red list of threatened
species. The red list gives an inventory of the global conservation status of
threatened species. Of this number, 3,246 are critically endangered, 4,770 are
endangered and 8, 912 are vulnerable to extinction. In the Philippines, the
Philippine eagle tops the ‘red list’ among the critical endangered species with
only 180 to 500 mature Philippine eagles left in the wild and in captivity. Other
endemic Philippine species included in the list include the Cebu flowerpecker,
Philippine cockatoo, Philippine crocodile, Visayan warty pig and Tamaraw. By
the numbers
• 75%: terrestrial environment “severely altered” to date by human actions
(marine environments 66%).
• 47%: reduction in global indicators of ecosystem extent and condition
against their estimated natural baselines, with many continuing to decline by
at least 4% per decade.
• 28%: global land area held and/or managed by Indigenous Peoples ,
including >40% of formally protected areas and 37% of all remaining terrestrial
areas with very low human intervention.
• +/-60 billion: tons of renewable and non-renewable resources extracted
globally each year, up nearly 100% since 1980
• 15%: increase in global per capita consumption of materials since 1980.
• >85%: of wetlands present in 1700 had been lost by 2000 – loss of
wetlands is currently three times faster, in percentage terms, than forest loss
The staggering rate of irreversible biodiversity loss around the globe holds serious consequences
for medicine and public health.
1. Loss of potential medicine
Old Nalsian Road, Nalsian, Calasiao, Pangasinan, Philippines 2418
Tel. No. (075)522-8032/Fax No. (075)523-0894/Website:
ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED, Member: Philippine Association of Colleges and
Universities (PACU), Philippine Association of Maritime Institutions