Week 7 Assignment 7 - 2024

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NPTEL Course

Air Pollution and Control
Week 7 Assignment 7 (Lecture 31 to 35)

Please select the correct option. All questions contain only one correct answer.

1. Which type of health effects experienced after the exposure of air pollutants can lead to chronic
respiratory or heart diseases and cancer?
a) Short term effects
b) Long term effects
c) Immediate effects
d) There are no effects
2. Which of the following pollutants is responsible for acute health effects due to the formation of
carboxyhemoglobin in blood?
a) CO
b) Lead
c) NO2
d) PM
3. Which type of samplers are used for long term monitoring of NO2 for exposure assessment?
a) Tube type
b) Badge type
c) Questionnaire
d) Biomarker
4. Which of the following pollutants concentration is expressed in Becquerels per cubic meter
a) NO2
b) VOCs
c) Formaldehyde
d) Radon
5. Match the suitable options for types of mixing (List – I) with their graphical representation (List –
II) that occur within the enclosure in a box model for indoor air quality modelling and choose the
correct option given as below:
List – I (Types of mixing) List – II (Graphical representation)

P. Displacement

Q. Cavity

R. Piston

S. Mixing

a) P-2, Q-1, R-3, S-4

b) P-2, Q-1, R-4, S-3
c) P-1, Q-2, R-4, S-3
d) P-1, Q-2, R-3, S-4
6. Which of the following indoor air quality modelling techniques is widely applied when a moving
source occurs within a confined space?
a) Box model
b) Analytical tools
c) Advection model
d) None of the above
7. In a Fibrous media air filter, the MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value) for a HEPA (High
Efficiency Particulate Air) filter is:
a) Lower than 1
b) 1 to 4
c) 5 to 13
d) 14 to 16
8. Which of the following air cleaning technologies can generate nitrogen dioxide as a byproduct
emission ?
a) Photocatalytic Oxidation (PCO)
b) Plasma air cleaners
c) Electrostatic Precipitators
d) Fibrous Media Air Filters
9. In the case study related to Personal Exposure to Fine Particles, what was the duration for
sampling of the participants?
a) 24 hours
b) 36 hours
c) 48 hours
d) 72 hours
10. In the case study related to Personal Exposure to Fine Particles, the expression for calculating
the exposure to PM2.5 is given as:
a) Exposure = Concentration x Time
b) Exposure =

c) Exposure = (Concentration)Time
d) Exposure = Ln ( 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒

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