Hyderabad Metro - Wikipedia
Hyderabad Metro - Wikipedia
Hyderabad Metro - Wikipedia
The Hyderabad Met ro is a rapid t ransit syst em, serving t he cit y of Hyderabad, Telangana, India.[8][9][10][11] It is t he t hird longest operat ional met ro net work in
India aft er Delhi Met ro and Namma Met ro (Bengaluru),[10][11] and t he lines are arranged in a secant model. It is funded by a public–privat e part nership
(PPP),[12][13] wit h t he st at e government holding a minorit y equit y st ake.[14] Hyderabad Met ro is t he world's largest elevat ed Met ro Rail syst em based on
DBFOT basis (Design, Build, Finance, Operat e and Transfer).[15] A special purpose vehicle company, L&T Met ro Rail Hyderabad Lt d (L&TMRHL), was
est ablished by t he const ruct ion company L&T [16][17] t o develop t he Hyderabad met ro rail project .[18][19]
Hyderabad Metro
Owner Hyderabad
Metro Rail
Ltd. (HMRL)
Larsen &
Area Hyderabad
served Metropolitan
Locale Hyderabad,
Transit Rapid
type Transit
Number 3 (Fully
of lines operational)
1 (Under-
Number 57[1]
Daily 547,000
ridership (Nov
2023) [2]
Annual 8 million
Chief N.V.S
executive Reddy
Headquarters Metro
Website ltmetro
.com (h
.in (htt
Began 29 Novemb
operation 2017[4]
Operator(s) Keolis
Character Fully
Rolling Hyundai
stock Rotem
Train 3-car
length trains
Headway 3.5 - 7
System 71.1 km
length (44.2 mi)
5.5 km
(3.4 mi)
63 km
(39 mi) (DPR
278 km
(173 mi)
No. of 2
Track 1,435 mm
gauge (4 ft 81⁄2 in)
Minimum 120
radius of metres
curvature (390 ft)[7]
Electrification 25 kV 5
Average 35 to
speed 40 km/h
(22 to
25 mph)
Top 80 km/h
speed (50 mph)
[v·t·e] Hyderabad Metro
Phase I
JNTU College Raidurg
KPHB Colony Hitec City
Kukatpally Durgam Cheruvu
Balanagar Madhapur
Moosapet Peddamma Gudi
Bharat Nagar Jubilee Hills
Check Post
Road No 5
Erragadda Jubilee Hills
ESI Hospital Yusufguda
S.R. Nagar Madhura Nagar
Punjagutta Begumpet
Irrum Manzil Prakash Nagar
Khairatabad Rasoolpura
Lakdi-ka-pul Paradise
Assembly JBS Parade Ground
Nampally Parade Ground
Gandhi Bhavan
Osmania Secunderabad
Medical College West | Jn | East
Gandhi Hospital Tarnaka
Musheerabad Habsiguda
R.T.C. X Roads NGRI
Chikkadpally Stadium
Narayanaguda Uppal
Sultan Bazaar Nagole
MG Bus Station
Met ro Rail Project was approved by Union government , in 2003.[30] As Hyderabad cont inued t o grow, t he Mult i-Modal Transport Syst em (MMTS) had
insufficient capacit y for public t ransport , and t he Union Minist ry of Urban Development approved const ruct ion of t he Hyderabad Met ro Rail Project ,
direct ing t he Delhi Met ro Rail Corporat ion t o conduct a survey of t he proposed lines and t o submit a Det ailed Project Report (DPR).[31] To meet rising
public t ransport needs and mit igat e growing road t raffic in t he t win cit ies of Hyderabad and Secunderabad, t he st at e government and t he Sout h Cent ral
Railway joint ly launched t he MMTS in August 2005.[32][33] The init ial plan was for t he Met ro t o connect wit h t he exist ing MMTS t o provide commut ers wit h
alt ernat e modes of t ransport . Simult aneously, t he proposals for t aking up t he const ruct ion of MMTS Phase II were also t aken forward.[34]
In 2007, N. V. S. Reddy was appoint ed Managing Direct or of Hyderabad Met ro Rail Limit ed,[35] and t he same year, Cent ral Government approved financial
assist ance of ₹ 1639 crore under a Viabilit y Gap Funding (VGF) scheme.[36] The opt ion of an underground met ro syst em in Hyderabad was ruled out by L&T
due t o t he presence of hard rocks, boulders and t he t opography of t he soil in Hyderabad.[37] Hyderabad Met ro init ially began under t he Andhra Pradesh
Municipal Tramways (Const ruct ion, Operat ion and Maint enance) Act , 2008[38] and lat er on, it came under t he Cent ral Met ro Act which permit t ed revision of
fares.[39] On 26 March 2018, t he Government of Telangana announced t hat it would set up an SPV "Hyderabad Airport Met ro Limit ed (HAML)", joint ly
promot ed by HMRL and HMDA, t o ext end t he Blue line from Raidurg t o Rajiv Gandhi Int ernat ional Airport , Shamshabad, under Phase II aft er t he complet ion
of Phase I in 2020.
Initial bidding
The bidding process was complet ed by July 2008 and awarded t o Mayt as,[40] which failed t o achieve financial closure for t he project as per schedule by
March 2009.
The St at e government cancelled t he cont ract and called for a fresh rebidding for t he project . In t he July 2010 rebidding process, Larsen & Toubro (L&T)
emerged as t he lowest bidder for t he ₹121.32 billion (US$1.5 billion) project .[41] L&T came forward t o t ake up t he work for about ₹14.58 billion
(US$180 million) as viabilit y gap funding as against t he sanct ioned ₹48.53 billion (US$610 million). The Nallari Kiran Kumar Reddy government proact ively
pursued t he project , but it was delayed due t o separat e st at e agit at ion and lat er due t o t he apprehensions of t he new government . A consort ium of 10
banks led by St at e Bank of India sanct ioned t he ent ire debt requirement of Hyderabad Met ro project , which was t he largest fund t ie-up in India for a non-
power infrast ruct ure Public-privat e part nership (PPP) project at t hat t ime.[42]
The mascot of Hyderabad Met ro Rail is Niz. It was derived from t he word Nizam, who ruled t he princely st at e of Hyderabad.[43]
Construction milestones
Phase I
Phase I of t he project includes 3 lines covering a dist ance of around 72 kilomet res (45 mi). The met ro rail line bet ween Nagole and Secunderabad was
originally scheduled open by December 2015; it was part ly opened on 29 November 2017 and t he ent ire 67 km (42 mi) phase 1 complet ed in 2020.[60]
A 'Supplement al Concession Agreement ' was signed bet ween L&T Met ro Rail Hyderabad and Government of Telangana, under which L&T Met ro Rail
Hyderabad was grant ed an int erest free soft loan of Rs 100 crore.[61]
Phase II
The Government of Telangana is planning second phase of met ro rail covering 67.5 km, t o cost ₹ 17,150 crore.[79][80] The const ruct ion of Phase II will be
t aken up solely by t he st at e government , inst ead of public–privat e part nership (PPP) mode in Phase I.[81]Delhi Met ro Rail Corporat ion (DMRC) was
ent rust ed t o give a det ailed project report (DPR) for Phase II.[82][83] Met ro Rail Phase II expansion plan is for about 63 km (39 mi),[84][85] which includes
providing link t o Shamshabad RGI Airport .[86] In February 2020, Hyderabad Met ro MD NVS Reddy said t hat t hree corridors are considered for phase 2. The
DPR has been submit t ed t o st at e government .[87][88]
In November 2022, Telangana government asked t he Cent ral Government t o sanct ion t he met ro rail Phase-II, t o be joint ly owned by Telangana and t he
Cent re (on t he lines of MMTS) wit h ext ernal financial assist ance.[89] Telangana government proposed met ro rail connect ivit y for about 26 km from BHEL t o
Lakdikapul wit h 23 st at ions and ext ension of ot her st ret ch from Nagole t o LB Nagar covering a dist ance of about 5 kms wit h 4 st at ions.[90] BHEL-
Lakdikapul met ro rail corridor is expect ed t o pass t hrough Miyapur, Raidurg, Khajaguda Junct ion, Mehdipat nam, Tolichowki and Masab t ank areas. Telangana
Government has asked Cent ral Government t o sanct ion ₹8,453 crore (US$1.1 billion) for met ro works in t he upcoming union budget for 2023-24.[91] For
implement ing t he project , det ailed project report s (DPRs) have already been prepared by t he st at e government wit h t he help of Delhi Met ro Rail
Corporat ion (DMRC). The report s have been sent t o t he Cent re. Also t he Hyderabad airport met ro limit ed and HMDA will build an elevat ed Hyderabad Bus
Rapid Transit Syst em bet ween Kokapet neopolis and KPHB Colony met ro st at ion covering 20 km (12 mi) [92] In March 2023, K. T. Rama Rao said t hat met ro
line from Nagole will be ext ended t o LB Nagar, which will furt her be ext ended t ill Hayat hnagar. LB Nagar will be ext ended t o Rajiv Gandhi Int ernat ional
Airport , Shamshabad.[93] Union government point ed out t o cert ain short falls in t he Government of Telangana’s plan t o build BHEL-Lakdikapul and Nagole t o
LB Nagar met ro rout e.[94][95][96]K. T. Rama Rao replied in a let t er t o Union Minist er of Housing and Urban Affairs Hardeep Singh Puri t hat t he reject ion is
discriminat ion against Telangana.[97][98][99]
The 31 km (19 mi) Airport Express Met ro Corridor is proposed t o have 27-km elevat ed, 1 km (0.62 mi) on ground and a 2.5 km (1.6 mi)-km underground
sect ion t o connect t o t he airport t erminal.[102] The airport rout e will have 9 elevat ed st at ions and one underground st at ion.[103] From Raidurg Met ro
t erminal st at ion, it will pass t hrough Khajaguda Junct ion, t ouching Out er Ring Road at Nanakramguda junct ion, t raverse along ORR t o Shamshabad Airport
t hrough t he exist ing dedicat ed Met ro Rail Right -of-Way.[104][105] Chief Minist er of Telangana K. Chandrashekar Rao laid t he foundat ion st one for Hyderabad
Met ro Airport Express on 9 December 2022.[106] It will be built at an approximat e cost of ₹6,250 crore (US$780 million).[107]but now t his rout e is cancelled
by present Congress govt .CM Revant h Reddy announced t he airport met ro new rout e will be passing t hrough old cit y t o airport via Jalpally..
Phase III
In February 2023, K. T. Rama Rao said t hat BRS government would consider ext ending t he Met ro Rail up t o Ramoji Film Cit y and ot her part s of Hyderabad
under Phase III, aft er coming t o power for t he t hird consecut ive t ime in t he Assembly elect ions in December 2023.[108][109] In June 2023, Chief Minist er of
Telangana K. Chandrashekar Rao announced t hat Hyderabad Met ro will be ext ended furt her from Rajiv Gandhi Int ernat ional Airport in Shamshabad t o
Kandukur in Maheshwaram Assembly const it uency.[110] He also said t hat t here was a need t o ext end Hyderabad Met ro rail from Pat ancheru Indust rial Area
in Sangareddy dist rict t o Hayat hnagar in Rangareddy dist rict .[111][112][113] In June 2023, K. T. Rama Rao said t hat BRS government has an ambit ious plan t o
expand t he met ro net work in Hyderabad t o 250 km, which will include met ro net work from Jubilee Bus St at ion t o ECIL.[114]
On 31 July 2023, referring t o t he expansion of t he Hyderabad met ro rail, K. T. Rama Rao list ed out t he proposals cleared by t he Cabinet .[115] He ment ioned
t hat Government of Telangana has proposed a met ro corridor of approximat ely 415 km in lengt h for cit y of Hyderabad and it s peripheral areas, including
156 km of met ro net work along t he Out er Ring Road.[116]
Met ro Rail project Phase-IlI expansion - 6 Met ro Ext ension Corridors, Met ro rail all along ORR for it s ent ire lengt h.[117][118] On 18 August 2023, Hyderabad
Airport Met ro Rail (HAML) invit ed t enders for t he select ion of consult ant s for preparing Preliminary Project Report s (PPRs) and Det ailed Project Report s
(DPRs) for Phase-III met ro rail expansion for 12 corridors of 278 km.[119] The select ed consult ant s have t o first submit Preliminary Project Report s wit hin
t wo mont hs and carry out t raffic surveys, ridership est imat es.
Government of India will be request ed t o provide necessary clearance t hrough t he MoD area. In Sept ember 2023, Aarvee Associat es and SYSTRA bagged
t wo package cont ract s each for preparing t he Det ailed Project Report s (DPRs) for t he proposed t hird phase of Hyderabad Met ro Rail (HMR)
project .[120][121]
Phase-III Part A
Phase-III Part B
ORR Met ro Corridors: The ent ire st ret ch of ORR will have met ro net work. The ORR feat ures t wo double-elevat ed st ret ches along wit h t he met ro.[122]
Phase-III Part C
Elevat ed 2-Level Corridors: An elevat ed t wo-level corridor (one t hat will be exclusively for met ro rail) at t he following rout es wit h a flyover and a met ro line
on t op of it .
Current phases
The const ruct ion work was undert aken in t wo phases. There are six st ages of complet ion in Phase I.[123]
Phase 1 Network
No. Terminals Distance Line Opening Date
11.3 km 29 November
Miyapur Ameerpet
(7.0 mi) 2017
1 Red Line I
16.8 km 24 September
Ameerpet LB Nagar
(10.4 mi) 2018
11 km
2 Green JBS MGBS Line II 7 February 2020
(6.8 mi)
16.8 km 29 November
Ameerpet Nagole
(10.4 mi) 2017
8.5 km
3 Blue Hitech City Ameerpet Line III 20 March 2019
(5.3 mi)
1.5 km 29 November
Raidurg Hitech City
(0.93 mi) 2019
Phase 2 Network
No. Terminals Distance Line Opening Date
American 8 km Line II
1 Blue Raidurg
Consulate (5.0 mi) extension
14 km Line I
2 Miyapur Patancheruvu Proposed[124][12
(8.7 mi) extension
8 km Line I
3 LB Nagar Hayathnagar
(5.0 mi) extension
Phase 1 Network
No. Terminals Distance Line Opening Date
29 km
6 Nagole RGIA Proposed[124][12
(18 mi)
4 km
7 Mallardevpally Rajendranagar
(2.5 mi)
Current ly, t he Hyderabad Met ro has 57 st at ions. Phase I of t he Hyderabad met ro has 64 st at ions; t hey have escalat ors and elevat ors t o reach t he st at ions,
announcement boards and elect ronic display syst ems. The st at ions also have service roads underneat h t hem t o for ot her public t ransport at ion syst ems t o
drop-off and pick-up passengers.[126] The signboards of Hyderabad Met ro are displayed in Telugu, English, Hindi and Urdu at met ro st at ions.[127] All st at ions
of Hyderabad Met ro Rail are equipped wit h t act ile pat hway right from st reet level t ill t he plat form level along wit h elevat or but t ons equipped wit h Braille,
for providing a barrier less navigat ion for t he visually impaired commut ers.
Ot is Elevat or Company supplied and maint ains t he 670 elevat ors in use on t he syst em.[128] The numbering of met ro pillars of Hyderabad Met ro is alpha-
numeric wit h corridor I (Miyapur-LB Nagar) designat ed as ‘A’, corridor II (JBS-Falaknuma) designat ed as ‘B’ and corridor III (Nagole-Raidurg) designat ed as
‘C’.[129][130] The numbering begins from t he Point of Beginning (POB) corridor-wise like t he pier numbers on corridor I is C1 near Nagole bridge (corridor
beginning), C296 near Met t uguda, C583 near Begumpet , C623 near Ameerpet , C1001 near Hit ec cit y, and C1052 near Riadurg. Any fut ure expansion of
corridors would be having D, E, F et c. The met ro Rail pillars are linked t hem wit h Google Maps and GPS (Global Posit ion Syst em).[131]
In May 2018, L&T Met ro Rail signed a cont ract wit h Powergrid Corporat ion of India t o inst all elect ric vehicle charging facilit ies at all met ro st at ions
beginning wit h Miyapur and Dr. B R Ambedkar Balanagar st at ions.[132][133] L&THMRL has set up free wifi access unit s for commut ers at Miyapur, Ameerpet
and Nagole met ro st at ions, in associat ion wit h ACT Fibernet , as part of a pilot project .[134][135] Met ro Rail Phase II expansion plan is for about 85 km
(53 mi).[136] In April 2019, K. T. Rama Rao said t hat 200 kilomet res (120 mi) of met ro rail was planned for Hyderabad, wit h met ro along ent ire Out er Ring
Road.[137] All met ro corridors are scheduled t o t erminat e at Shamshabad, near Rajiv Gandhi Int ernat ional Airport , as planned in Hyderabad Met ro Rail Phase-
II.[138] In August 2019, KT Rama Rao said t hat st at e cabinet has approved t he Hyderabad Met ro Airport Express Link from Raidurg t o t he airport .[139]
Current status
Line First operat ional Last ext ension St at ions Lengt h Terminals Average Frequency (Minut es)
Since t he first version of t he plans, t he t hree corridors most ly remained t he same, but minor changes were int roduced. These include t he lack of st op at
Lalaguda, or a st op at Lakdikapul inst ead of Secret ariat . Also, t he lines have been marked wit h several different combinat ion of color.[140] Ameerpet - LB
Nagar met ro st ret ch opened on 24 Sept ember 2018.[141] HiTec Cit y t o Raidurg, 1.5-kilomet re (0.93 mi) st ret ch on Corridor Three - Nagole t o Raidurg, is
opened on 29 November 2019,[142][143] as it involves const ruct ion of 49 pillars and t he Raidurg t erminal st at ion.[144]
The Hyderabad met ro is a Public–privat e part nership project , t he t ot al cost of t his t ransport syst ems is US$ 3.07 billion which is shared by bot h Larsen &
Toubro (90%) Government of Telangana (10%).[145] In July 2022, L&T Met ro Rail Hyderabad Limit ed came up wit h a unique concept of ‘Office Bubbles’
wherein it will offer remot e, co-working spaces as part of it s Transit -orient ed development (ToD). The L&T Hyderabad Met ro organisat ion is offering 1,750
sq. ft . space wit h t wo unit s each in 49 Met ro st at ions across t he t hree corridors and anot her 5,000-30,000 sq. ft . in eight ot her Met ro st at ions.[146]
Focusing on IT companies, Office Bubbles concept offers Spoke–hub dist ribut ion paradigm.[147]
In Hyderabad Met ro, 40 per cent of t he ret ail space was sold even before t he met ro st at ions were built t o generat e non-fare revenue.[148] L&TMRHL built
real- est at e project s like Next Galleria malls in Panjagut t a, Irrum Manzil, Hit ech Cit y and Musarambagh wit h skywalks,[149] for generat ing non-fare revenues
under Transit -orient ed development (TOD).[19][150][151] In 2019, Hyderabad Met ro st art ed a semi-naming policy of met ro st at ions, awarded t hrough an open
e-t endering process, t o generat e non-fare revenues.
Hyderabad Met ro current ly has 2 operat ional depot s.[152] Miyapur and Uppal depot land is 100 acres each.[153][154] The proposed Falaknuma depot will be
const ruct ed in 17 acres.
Hyderabad Metro
Depot s
Line No. Line Name Number of Depot s Locat ion Opening Dat e
1 Red Line 1 Miyapur Depot , Near Calvary Temple, Nadigada Tanda, Miyapur, Hyderabad, Telangana 28 November 2017
2 Blue Line 1 Uppal Met ro Depot , Nagole Rd, Laxmi Narayan Nagar Colony, Uppal, Hyderabad, Telangana 28 November 2017
The Met ro has opened t o overwhelming response, wit h over 200,000 people using it on Day 1.[155] On t he first Sunday of operat ions, t he Met ro was used
by 240,000 people.[156] As of 2020, t he daily ridership is about 490,000. Alt hough t here was hiccups in t he beginning of operat ions in 2017 wit h meager
ridership of 100,000 per day, opening t he new lines t o LB Nagar and Hi-Tech cit y in 2018–19, ridership has surged and reached milest ones from 2 t o 4 lakhs
in very short durat ion.[157]
Trains are init ially being operat ed at a frequency of 3 minut es in very peak hours and every 5 minut es in peak hours (bet ween Miyapur-LB Nagar) and 4
minut es in peak hours (bet ween Hi-Tec Cit y/ Ameerpet -Nagole),[158] t hough maximum achievable frequency is every 90 seconds. Similarly, t hree-car t rains
are being used current ly, t hough it is planned t o use six-car t rains in t he fut ure.[159]
In December 2017, Hyderabad Met ro Rail launched it s mobile app, TSavaari.[160][161] Hyderabad Met ro t imings are available on T-Savari app.[162] Ola Cabs
and Uber t ied up it s services wit h app.[163]
In May 2022, Hyderabad Met ro Managing Direct or N.V.S. Reddy ruled out possibilit y of at t aching one single or double coach t o t hree-coach t rain
set s.[164][165] Each t hree-coach t rain can t ake bet ween 900-1,000 passengers per t rip[166] and t he project has been envisaged in such a manner t hat
anot her t hree-coach set rake can be at t ached t o make t hem int o six-coach t rains wit h t he st at ions/depot s t oo already planned for t he increased lengt h
of t he t rains.[167][168] L&T Met ro Rail has been using 53 t rain set s of t hree coaches each wit h four t hree-coach set s under repair or maint enance
undert aken using special soft ware based on Int ernet of Things. Hyderabad Met ro Rail crossed 100 million cumulat ive ridership milest one in just 671 days.
In February 2023, Hyderabad Met ro announced t hat Folding cycles are allowed on Met ro, which are of t he size of a 40 kg bag, but only during non-peak
Last-mile connectivity
In order t o enhance first and last mile connect ivit y of Hyderabad Met ro Rail, Svida Mobilit y Pvt Lt d, an urban mobilit y services st art up signed a
Memorandum of Underst anding (MoU) wit h t he L&T Met ro Rail Hyderabad Limit ed (L&TMRHL) wit h plans t o scale up t heir feeder vehicle services.[170]
Svida offers services via a robust AI-enabled t ech plat form, which provides t he booking of feeder vehicles. Svida Mobilit y Pvt Lt d is L&TMRHL aut horised
feeder service provider since 2019.[171] The first and last mile connect ivit y rout es, across seven met ro st at ions - Raidurg, Parade ground, Met t uguda, LB
Nagar, Uppal, KPHB and Miyapur- use e-Aut os and Tat a wingers. On 21 April 2022, Hyderabad met ro launched it s elect ric aut o services in collaborat ion wit h
AI-enabled ride-hailing mobilit y plat form Met roRide.[172][173] The services were launched at t wo met ro st at ions - Parade Grounds and Raidurg
St at ions.[174][175]
The init ial official est imat ed cost of t he 72 km long Met ro project st ood at ₹14,132 crore (US$1.8 billion). The St at e Government decided t o bear 10% of
it , while L&T was t o bear t he remaining 90% of t he cost .[176][177] The const ruct ion work which was supposed t o commence on 3 March 2011 commenced in
2012. In March 2012, t he cost of t he project was revised upwards t o ₹15,957 crore (US$2.0 billion).[178] This has been furt her revised upwards t o
₹18,800 crore (US$2.4 billion) (as of November 2017).[25]
The 71.3 km st andard-gauge net work will feat ure ballast less t rack t hroughout and will be elect rified at 25 kV AC 50 Hz. An operat ions cont rol cent re and
depot are const ruct ed at Uppal. At some places, a flyover, underpass and met ro has been const ruct ed at t he same place, as part of St rat egic road
development plan (SRDP).[179]
CBTC Technology
At t he end of 2012, L&T Met ro Rail awarded Thales a ₹7.4 billion ($US 134m) cont ract t o provide CBTC and int egrat ed t elecommunicat ions and supervision
syst ems on all t hree lines. Thales Group supplied it s SelTrac Communicat ions-based t rain cont rol (CBTC) t echnology,[180] and t rains init ially run in aut omat ic
t rain operat ion mode wit h minimum headways of 90 seconds, alt hough t he syst em will support event ual migrat ion t o unat t ended t rain operat ion (UTO).[181]
On 10 April 2014, t he first met ro t rain for HMR rolled out of Hyundai Rot em fact ory at Changwon in Sout h Korea and reached Hyderabad in May 2014.[188]
On 31 December 2014, Hyderabad Met ro Rail successfully conduct ed a t raining run in Aut omat ic Train Operat ion (ATO) mode for t he first t ime bet ween
Nagole and Met t uguda.[189] In February 2022, Hyderabad Met ro became India's first met ro rail t o int roduce ozone-based sanit isat ion of it s t rain
coaches.[190] Hyderabad Met ro rakes regenerat e power using t he regenerat ive braking syst em.[191]
Samsung Dat a Syst ems India, a subsidiary of Sout h Korean firm Samsung, has been awarded t he aut omat ic fare collect ion syst em package for t he L&T
met ro rail project . The package involves design, manufact ure, supply, inst allat ion, t est ing and commissioning of t he syst em.[192][198] Official t icket prices
were announced on 25 November 2017. The base fare is ₹10 for up t o 2 km.
1 0- 2 10
2 2- 4 15
3 4- 6 25
4 6- 8 30
5 8 - 10 35
6 10 - 14 40
7 14 - 18 45
8 18 - 22 50
9 22 - 26 55
10 > 26 60
L&T Met ro Rail Hyderabad Limit ed (LTMRHL) was conferred t he SAP ACE Award 2015 in t he 'St rat egic HR and Talent Management '[201] cat egory.
In 2018 t he Rasoolpura, Paradise and Prakash Nagar Met ro st at ions were awarded t he Indian Green Building Council's (IGBC) Green MRTS Plat inum
Hyderabad Met ro was adjudged as t he Best Urban Mass Transit Project by t he Government of India in November 2018.[203]
In Oct ober 2022, t hree met ro st at ions of Hyderabad Met ro- Durgam Cheruvu , Punjagut t a and LB Nagar were awarded Indian Green Building Council (IGBC)
Green MRTS Cert ificat ion wit h t he highest plat inum rat ing under elevat ed st at ions cat egory.[204] Wit h t his, Hyderabad Met ro Rail has 23 met ro st at ions
cert ified wit h t he IGBC Plat inum rat ing.[205]
In March 2024, a st udy done by Indian School of Business t eam on Hyderabad Met ro Rail project execut ion was published as a case st udy in St anford
Universit y for t he benefit of management pract it ioners.[206][207][208]
In popular culture
Network map
Wikimedia | © O penStreetMap
See also
Transport in Hyderabad
Hyderabad Multi-Modal Transport System
Rajiv Gandhi International Airport
Namma Metro
List of metro systems
External links