ALFA Noise Tool
ALFA Noise Tool
ALFA Noise Tool
GOWell’s Acoustic Leak Flow Analyser Tool is used to carry out various well diagnostic
studies extending from well integrity evaluation to production performance monitoring. This device
measures acoustic data in the frequency range of 235 Hz to 30 kHz with very high frequency resolution.
The tool uses very sensitive acoustic sensors to • Ability to detect flows through multiple tubulars
be able to measure sound produced downhole • Ability to distinguish flow behind pipe from flow
by either gas or liquid flow. Measurements are inside pipe
taken over a wide frequency range, enabling a very • Combinability with other logging tools to provide
effective way of leak detection as well as detection of a complete well evaluation in a single run
various kinds of gas, water, or oil flow, including • Slim tool design allowing safe and easy
flow behind the pipe. deployment through the smallest completion
tubing and restrictions
ALFA - Acoustic Leak Flow Analyser
General Specs
*Specifications are subject to change as tools are constantly being improved
November 2015
Copyright GOWell