Bahmani Rule
Bahmani Rule
Bahmani Rule
the region. They invited scholars, saints, artists and other cultural
Deccan in several ways. The rulers raised a new nobility based on aliens
coming from Iraq, Iran and Central Asia, writes Siddiqi (1996) 1
Urdu. The rulers had highest respect for Islam and championed the
growth and development of Arabic literature. It was due to the fact that
the West Coast had direct trade relations with Persian Gulf. The
Sherwani (1974) 2 observe: “The Bahmanis emerged as the
Muhammad Shah III and Mahmud Gawan who were great patrons of
learning and culture. Some of the prominent literary works of this period
Historians have pointed out that Muhammad I was the real maker
eminent scholars and nobles from other countries. Firoz also concentrated
developed in a similar way like north Indian Urdu. The Sufi saints and
Dakhani for the ruling class. The Chrishti Sufis also composed songs in
Saki (1998) 3 writes: “Although the syntax of Dakhani was also
least three respects. First, it retained much of the Old Punjabi that
diminished in the later Urdu of North India, causing one writer to remark
that it is easier today for a Punjabi speaker than for an Urdu speaker to
read and scan Dakhani poetry. Second, Dakhani more than North Indian
words from Telugu and Kannada, both of which have large amounts of
Sanskrit. Third, Dakhani tended to use much less Arabic and Persian
vocabulary than North Indian Urdu, and the spelling of those Persian or
literature. The literary works were also rated as classic since they
scholars and saints. The Sultans established several centres for the
propogated Persian, Arabic and Urdu literature all over their empire.
Sultan Mohammad Shah II was a great patron of literature and
spent most of his time in the company of scholars and saints. Firoz Shah
also was known for his love of poetry, philosophy, astronomy, botany,
logic, geometry and foreign languages. Siddiqui has pointed out that
Firoz Shah was known for highest intellectural caliber in those times. The
rulers also developed Dakhini Urdu which was different from north
Bidari, Firoz Bidari and others. Several Urdu literary works were
the Deccan. The Bahmani court was adorned by scholars like Anju Mulla
and Mahmud Gawan. The Bahmani rulers patronage Persian and Arabic
their talents. Their works, which are mostly in Persian, enriched the
contemporary Indo-Persian literature. The rulers established a number of
Hakim Shirazi and others. A sizeable chunk of Arabic, Urdu and Persian
was the foremost scholar in Deccan who produced a treatise in Urdu and
Persian script entitled Mirt ul Ashiqin. Some of the rulers of Deccan were
Firoz Shah was a great patron of art and literature. He had invited
kingdom. Mulla Issaq Surhindy, Faizullah Anju, Gaisu Daraz and other
scholars and saints were patronized by the Sultan. He firmly believed that
the king should inculcate certain human values and administrative traits
from the learned scholars and saints. Accordingly, he spent lot of time in
the company of noble people and gained better vision and missionary
mosques, madrasas, schools and other centres were built on the sites and
materials which had Hindu temples and institutions, accord into Siddiqi
(1948) 6.
poetry and prose. There was a continuous contact with Persia and other
regions of the Middle East. Poets and learned men from Persia and other
places were persuaded by the Bahmani rulers to visit their courts and
Azari remained for sometime in the court of Bahmanis and later returned
founded a college at Bidar where scholars from Persia and Iraq were
invited to deliver lectures”. The rulers developed Dakhani language
became known as Dakhani Urdu which was different from the North
Indian Urdu.
of the Bahmani rule. Khwaja Bande Navaz who died at an advanced age
in the year 1422 A.D. at Gulburga is the author of one hundred works,
whose works are translated into several languages in India and Middle
East. Another Sufi scholar Makhdum Faqih Ali had been the author of
Mahmud Gawan established a reputed educational institution
students' cubicles. The mosque and library were to the front of the
building on either side of the entrance; the lofty lecture rooms. The basic
cities and towns which attracted large number of scholars across the
Henry VIII, yet there can be no doubt that high civilization according to
faith of the ruling power and its effects are still distinctly traceable
The Deccani language had come into existence during the Bahmani
period. But the development of its literature took place during the period
of the Sultanates. There is no indication of any patronage by the
Muslim cultures with respect to the art and architecture. Historians have
contact with each other in medieval India. The temple and the mosque
such as Persia and Turkey”. There is much evidence that the Bahmani
sultans employed architects and craftsmen from Persia to build the Jami
The fortresses built during the period were a mixture of the work of
with its enormous dome covers an area of 18,000 square feet. The Mihtar
Khan, Firoz’s tomb, the Bidar Fort, Gumbad Darwaza, tombs of Hadrat
domed structures and handsome stone tracery on the outer walls. The
Muslim art, writes Sinha (1964) 10. These monuments typify practically all
Michell (1999) 11 write: “Bidar also consists of historical
Mahal, Tarkash Mahal, Chini Mahal, Nagina Mahal, the tombs and the
Madrasa. The Bidar fort commands a country 300 ft. below towards the
West and North. The Bidar palace consists of Rangin Mahal and Shah
carved pillars and beautifully painted parts. The lofty structures have
several storeys which have beautiful water channels, cascades and other
effect. Arches of various forms came into fashion and the domes became
conspicuous feature, and increased use was made of tiles and paintings
pillars and their skill in carving was utilized for ornamental work. The
buiding principles and a refined taste in the disposition of the various
and other sacred places were constructed because of the grants and other
which bears a testimony to the new influences which were at work in the
Sherwani (1985) 13 recalls that the Bidar period also opened a new
Iranians and Transoxanians who flocked to the Deccan more than ever,
making their mark in art, architecture, politicas, religion and other aspects
of the life of the land, to the great chagrin of the northern colonists who
were now calling themselves Dakhnis. Firoz Shah played a major role in
on the banks of Bheema. The city was very well planned and contained
creativity and professional excellence all over the world. The rulers were
known for their concern for the promotion of arts and culture. They were
of art and architecture the Bahmanis have left a profound impact on the
the most typical instances where the influence of the new rulers could be
found at work are the forts especially the ground forts. They were huge
monuments represented the Deccani architecture which was greatly
of the Muslim architecture was toned down and the plastic exuberance of
general design remained largely Hindu, while the racuated form, plain
other ways into Deccan. Civilian buildings can be divided into mosques,
Mosque of Golbargeh. According to inscriptions of the mosque, it is built
Deccan architecture until Bahmanian End time and even further. The
Arabic style common in Iran and other Islamic countries and also
and by merchants and slaves. Halister considers this mosque one of the
greatest Muslims mosque due to the unique style and comfort and glory
Firuz Shah Tomb: all Tombs of Bahmani Kings remained in Bidar and
Golbaragah. These tombs are very similar in general features and have
are from primary features of these tombs. Most beautiful and glorious
tomb in Gilbargah is Firuz Shah tomb, the last Bahmanian king. Firuz
shah was the most powerful and wisest king of Bahmanyan whose court
countries and specially Iran. His tomb clearly indicates the growing
Iranian impact on the architecture of this era, and the glory of the Sultan.
Iranian style, indigenous and Taghlghian and each of these styles impacts
Tomb of Ahmed I: The first tomb built in Bidar belongs to the first
in Shiite and was an extreame pro of Sufi ideas. All these tendencies are
doors and windows in the building are unique in Deccan architecture. The
1474 A.D. had called the Bahmani capital of Bidar as the chief town of
cultural and social history of this area. The school had a mosque, library,
lecture halls, teachers’ quarters, students’ cubicles and allied
and artists and scientists have migrated to the Deccan and supported
Cand minar at Daulatabad and the forts of Udgir, Ausa, Naldurg, Parenda
and Kandhar date back to the Bahmani period. Khvaja Mahmud Gavan
has been. credited for being responsible for the construction of the forts
Khalji invaded the country, and 1347, when Bahman established the
Deval Mosque at Bodhan of Muhammad Tughluq's reign (1325—51).
Although the architectural style in Bidar and Gulbarga cities is the same
in terms of some structure such as usage of large domes, great use of the
minaret, minarets, and some non-use of stone and plaster decoration, but
domes, wide arches with short legs, ears and decorating plaster and stony
four-edged graves, are some of the most important features of this style,
Bahmanis paved way for the distinct style by inviting architects from
Persia, Turkey, and Arabia and blended it with local styles. The culture
that developed during this time was a blend of both north and south styles
and also had its own distinct styles. Gumbaz (the largest dome in the
Persian connections are evident in both palatial architecture and
mausolea at Bidar. Ahmad Shah was a member of the Sufi order of Shah
alliances between the two families, led to the transfer of Persian artistic
traditions to the new capital. Ahmad Shah sent lavish gifts to Kerman and
drum has been compared to Timurid examples, but the basic type of
square tomb was so widely diffused in the Indian subcontinent that any
Those just above the prayer niche (mehrab), giving Ahmad Shah’s titles
and death date, bear the signature of a certain Sokr-Allah Qazvini
Naqqas, who may have been responsible for the interior decoration of the
entire tomb if so, he must have combined the skills of both calligrapher
and decorator.
entrances, and the text of one of his mystical treatises encircles the walls
just above the dado. Concentric inscription bands in the dome include two
order and the other to Hasan Basri. Above and below these texts are
apex of the dome with blessings on the twelve Shiite imams. The
variously shaped medallions and floral sprays in Aḥmad Shah’s tomb are
color scheme that may reflect the range of pigments available in Bidar.
On the other hand, the medallion shapes, the arabesque schemes framed
by them, and the lush blossoms between them have numerous parallels in
century Persia.
Islamic art and culture. The artistic excellence is duly reflected in the
Bahmani buildings which resemble Middle East features. The date of its
erection, as stated in an inscription, was 1367-a few years, that is to say,
before Jauna Shah built the Kali and Khirki mosques at Delhi, and it is
not unlikely therefore that Jauna Shah's architect may have been
improve upon it by introducing open aisles across the closed court and
thus obviating the need for the admission of light and air through the
surrounding cloisters. The peculiar form of wide arch with low imposts
but the basic plan and the scheme of the tile revetments have numerous
Sufi. Details of the vaults, which include moqarnas in the transition zone,
medieval India based on metals, alloys, gems and minerals had attained
global fame. Sultan Shah Wali of the Bahmani Kingdom brought from
Din’s tomb are panels set into the walls of a columned audience hall and
(1947) 19. The views of Yazdani are endorsed by scholars like Necipoglu,
A new phase in artistic links between Persia and the Deccan was
apparent during the third quarter of the 15th century, when Persian
of the Bidar citadel. Persian features include the framing of arches with
The Bahmani rulers drew the best features of Middle Eastern
architectural excellence since the days of Ahmad Shah Wali. “The story
two separate groups of royal tombs: one of the later Bahmani kings, the
other of the Barid Shahis. The former are twelve in number of generally
domes loftier and more bulbous and their facades adorned with a greater
the tomb of Ahmad Shah Wali, the interior of which is adorned with
brilliantly coloured paintings in the Persian style and enriched with bands
Mehta (1987) 22 refers to the 7 tombs built by the Bahmani rulers
buildings. The twelve tombs of the later Bahmani rulers at Bidar reveal
The Bahmani rulers inherited Iranian legacy but they were greatly
cultural legacy. They also cut off the people of the Deccan from the
all the powers and privileges were concentrated in the hands of the
benefit of access to Persian culture. There were many factors which were
thus: “The handful of the mulsims of the Deccan had to get moral and
material help from over the seas, and we find an increasing influx of a
round the Persian Gulf and from further north round the Caspian Sea, i.e.
from Iran, Iraq and Arabia. They comprised all sorts of men, including
and came to settle down in the Deccan, some at the invitation of the
(1378-1397 A.D) invited the Arab and Persian poets to the Deccan to
make the country the seat of learning and culture. Of cours, the large
scale influx of the foreign blood, with strong exotic cultural traditions
was bound to have a great effect upon the culture and future history of the
Deccan. It is remarkable how, while the northern cultural influences are
visibly declining, foreign influences are having their direct play on the
Muhammad was also was also a great ruler, statesmen and builder of
prejudice against either. The Bahmani court was shifted from Gulbarga to
Bidar by Sultan Ahmad Shah in 1429 A.D. The Bahmani court at Bidar
intermixture of South Indian Hindu and exotic Muslim traits. The Hindus
also played a major role in the art, architecture, culture, trade and
religious matters and allowed religions to grow to their full stature. They
strictly followed the Prophet Muhammad who did not favor forcible
conversions which is found in Quran. It reads: “Let there be no
The Sultans also encouraged Ulemas and other learned persons to come
over to the Deccan from Persia and other places in order to guide them
Persian and Arabic scholars from other parts of India and abroad in order
spent his life in the Deccan and wrote the history of the Bahmani
artistic excellence and cultural heritage. The rulers also encouraged the
were borrowed from the styles of Middle East and Southern India, writes
Yazdani (1992).29
The Bahmani Kingdom also facilitated inter-cultural exchanges
Bahmani rulers.
Gawan that the Deccan established the closest contacts with the cultural
world of the East. His renowned College at Bidar carried the reputation of
and many others. He wrote to and received replies from some of the most
of Constantinople, and the Sultans of Iraq, Egypt and Jilan and he left no
stone unturned to make the name and fame of the Deccan spread far and
about 180 years during 1347–1527 A.D. The Bahmani Kingdom included
vast areas from Berar in the north to the Krishna river in the south and
constituted the nucleus of the muslim power in the Deccan. There were
dynasty of Deccan clearly reveals that the history of Deccan implies the
works of the saints and reformers, a Deccani culture came into existence
which integrated people in every field of life and at every echelon, the
traditions of which are fairly conspicuous in the life and thought people
Sultans thus: “Throughout the medieval period of our history, the people
concept of a unified empire. Apart from the political role which the
their credit in the fields of art, music, literature and architecture. The
Bahmani rulers were also great patrons of culture who have left a
internal evolution and contacts with other cultures. In its variety the
There were many Hindu and Muslim festive occasions which were
mass prayers and large congregations on the occasion of Urs and other
enlighten the subjects about social and cultural values and obligations.
The Sultans were the great patrons of culture who extended financial
including music and dance festivals. Qawwali was a well known musical
entertained them in the courts and public places according to Ferishta 35.
noble art. Several Sufi Saints and poets adorned the court of Bahmani
rulers. Firoz Shah Bahmani and Muhammad Gawan were great scholars
and poets. The literary works including poetry documented the cultural
with God and that people must actualize these divine qualities in
institutions and eradicate social evils which impeded the progress of the
people of Deccan. The Sufi saints practically lived like the torch-bearers
of the principles of equality and social justice without any organizational
Deccan under the patronage of Bahmani rulers. The Persian literature, art,
architectural and artistic evidence suggests that both religious bonds and
reflected in literature, art, architecture and other spheres of life. The rulers
contributed notably for the cultural promotion of the region. They invited
scholars, saints, artists and other cultural personalities from the Middle
11. Michell, George and Mark Zebrowski (1999) Architecture and Art
15. Tarachand ( ) Influence of Islam on Indian Culture, p.243.
16. Joshi, P.M. (1973) Economic and Social Conditions under the
21. King, J.S. (1900) The History of the Bahmani Dynasty, London.
Ahmadnagar, i-xvii.
28. Subrahmanyam, Sanjay (1999) Persianization and Mercantilism: