EEE-2301 Final Set-C - Autumn-2020

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International Islamic University Chittagong

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Final Assignment Test Autumn-2020 Program: B.Sc. Engg. (EEE)

Course Code: EEE-2301 Course Title: Electronics-I
Time: 5 hours (Writing -4 hours 30 Full Marks: 50 (Written 30 + Viva/Viva-Quiz-20)
minutes + 30 minutes submission time)
[Answer each of the questions (1-5) from the followings; Figures in the right margin indicate full

Don’t blindly copy any answer from Question Distribution Procedure

book/internet/friend. There is serious penalty for
plagiarism. A straight zero will be given for the Last Two digits of SET Number
cause. Please write from your own understanding. Student ID
Even , Even SET-A
Even , Odd SET-B
Odd , Even SET-C
Odd , Odd SET-D


1(a). Design an Emitter follower amplifier circuit. Why the amplifier is so CO3 An 03
called? U
1(b). Consider the fixed bias configuration of the network of “Fig. 1” where CO2 Ev 03
ro is infinite. Determine a) re, b) Zi, c) Zo, d) Av. Considering ro is 50 Ω
calculate Zoand Avand compare the result.

“Fig. 1” BJT fixed bias configuration.

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2(a). What is the significant feature of a differential amplifier? Explain CO1 R, 02
common mode rejection of a differential amplifier. Un
2(b). There is a multistage RC-coupled transistor amplifier in “Fig. 2” If the CO2 Ev 03
input resistance of each stage is 1K, find: i) Voltage gain of first stage,
ii) voltage gain of second stage and iii) total voltage gain.

“Fig. 2” Multistage RC-coupled transistor amplifier.

2(c). What are the applications of multistage amplifier? CO1 R 01

3(a). Why N channel FET’s are preferred over P channel FET’s? CO1 Ev 01
3(b). Determine the following from the following network shown in “Fig. 3”. CO2 Ev 02
(a) IDQ and VGSQ, (b) VDS

“Fig. 3”.n-channel voltage-divider biased JFET.

3(c). Design a voltage-divider bias network using a depletion-type MOSFET CO3 Cr 03

with IDSS = 10 mA and VP = -4 V to have a Q -point at IDQ = 2.5 mA
using a supply of 24 V. In addition, set VG = 4 V and use RD = 2.5RS
with R1 = 22 MΩ. Use standard values.

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4(a). What do you mean by threshold voltage? Why drain current of CO1 U 01
MOSFET is zero before threshold voltage?
4(b). Derive the expression for transconductance of MOSFET? CO1 An 02
4(c). Show the construction and principle of operation of Enhancement mode CO1 Ap 03
MOSFET with the help of suitable diagram.

5(a). Draw the V-I characteristics of UJT with the help of an equivalent circuit. CO1 R 01
5(b). The levels of V DS and I D are specified as VDS = 12VDD and ID = ID(on) CO3 Ev 03
for the network of “Fig. 4”. Determine the levels of V DD and R D. What
are the closest standard commercial values?

“Fig. 4” n-channel E-MOSFET.

5(c). In a unijunction transistor, η = 0.8, VP = 10.3 V and RB2 = 5 kΩ. CO2 Ev 02

Determine RB1 and VBB.

6. Viva-Quiz: The time of viva-quiz will be declared in google classroom. CO1 20

Prepared by,

Name: Md. Lokman Hossain

Designation: Lecturer
Department: EEE

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