Formula Notes Fluid Mechanics 60

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Introduction: Fluid is a substance that deforms continuously under the application of

shear (tangential) stress no matter how small the stress may be.

Fluid properties:

Mass density (ρ): It is defined as mass per unit volume.

= kg / m3

Weight density or specific weight (w): It is defined as weight per unit volume.

weight m  g
w= = = ( g )
volume V
Specific gravity or (relative density S): It is defined as ratio between density of fluid

and density of standard fluid i.e., water


Specific gravity of Hg is 13.6.

Specific volume (ν): It is defined as volume per unit mass.

V 1
m 
(m3 / kg )
Viscosity (µ): The viscosity of a fluid is a measure of its resistance to deformation at a

given rate. Viscosity can be conceptualized as quantifying the frictional force that arises

between adjacent layers of fluid that are in relative motion.

Causes of viscosity

• intermolecular force of cohesion.

• molecular momentum exchange.

Kinematic viscosity (ν):



Newton’s Law of Viscosity:

 =µ
µ = dynamic viscosity of fluid
Fluid Flow Behaviour:

• General Relationship between shear stress and velocity gradient is given by:

 du 
 =   + B
 dy 
• The fluids in which the apparent viscosity increases with increases with velocity
gradient(n>1) the fluid is termed as dilatant (shear thickening) fluid.
• The fluids in which the apparent viscosity decreases with increases with velocity
gradient(n<1) the fluid is termed as pseudoplastic (shear thinning) fluid.
Surface Tension (σ): Surface tension is the apparent interfacial tensile stress (force per
unit length of interface) that acts whenever a liquid has a density interface, such as when
the liquid contacts a gas, vapour, second liquid, or a solid. Surface tension is due to
intermolecular force.
Gauge pressure inside a water droplet:

Pgauge = N / m2
Gauge pressure for soap bubble:

Pgauge = N / m2
Gauge pressure inside a jet of water:

Pgauge = N / m2
Capillarity: This phenomenon is due to interplay of terms of cohesion and adhesion.

4 cos 
Capillarity rise h =


For water: θ = 0°, capillary rise: h=+ve.

For Hg: θ = 130°, capillary fall: h= −ve.
Vapour pressure and Cavitation: The vapour molecules execute a partial pressure in
the space above liquid, known as vapour pressure. Cavitation is formation of vapor
bubbles in the liquid flowing through any Hydraulic Turbine.
Compressibility and Bulk Modulus:
• Bulk modulus of elasticity:

P  dp 
(k ) = – =  
( V / V )  d 
• Compressibility ( C ) of fluid =
Bulk modulus of elasticity

1 1  d 
C= =  
K   dp 
1  V 
C=–  
V  P 

Isothermal Bulk Modulus: K T = RT

Adiabatic Bulk Modulus: KA =  ( RT )



Introduction: Fluid statics deals with fluids at rest. The fluid can be either gaseous or
Pressure: Pressure is defined as normal force per unit area and its SI unit is N/m 2 or Pascal

Normal force
Pr essure =
Hydrostatic law: The variation of pressure in a fluid in vertical direction is directly
proportional to specific weight.

= g

PGauge =  gh N / m2or Pascal

• As we move vertically down is a fluid the pressure increase as +ρgh. As we move

vertically up in a fluid the pressure decreases as −ρgh.
• There is no charge g pressure in horizontally same level.
Pascal’s Law: According to Pascal’s Law in a static fluid, the pressures at a point is equally
distributed in all the direction. Ex: hydraulic lift, hydraulic break etc.
Pressure measurement:

Piezometers: A Piezometer is a simple glass tube that is open at both the ends.
Piezometers can’t be used to measured very high pressure and gas pressures.

P =  gH

Simple U-tube manometer: It consists of a glass tube with one end open to the

atmosphere and other end connected to a point at which pressure is to be measured.


PA + ρo g (H + x) + ρmgy — ρm gy — ρm gx = 0

Differential Manometer: A differential manometer is used to measure the difference in

pressures in two pipes or two points in the pipeline.

Upright U-tube differential manometer:

PA − PB = 2gh2 + (Hg − 1)gh − 1gh1

Inverted U-tube differential manometer:

PA − PB = 1gh1 − 2gh2 − gh

When both the pipes are at the same level i.e. h 1 =h2:

PA − PB = (1 − 2 )gh1 − gh

Inverted U-tube manometers are used when the pipelines are underground and in these
manometers the density of manometric fluid is less than the density of flowing fluid (ρ m
< ρ).
The Hydrostatic Paradox:

The pressure at any point depends only upon the depth below the free surface and unit

weight of the liquid. It is independent form the size and shape of the container.


Hydrostatic forces: When a fluid is in contact with a surface is exerts a normal force on
the surface which is termed as the hydrostatic force.
Hydrostatic forces on submerged plane surfaces:
Plane inclined surface at angle θ:

Force on the surface is given by: F = gAh

Centre of pressure for the vertical submerged surface is given by:

IG sin2 
h* = +h

h = vertical distance of centre of Pressure from free surface

IG = moment of inertia at centroidal axis.
Plane vertical surface (θ = 90°):

F = gAh
IG sin2 
h* = +h

Plane horizontal surface (θ = 0°):

F = gAh
h* = h

Hydrostatic forces on curved surfaces:

Horizontal component of force on curved surface: Hydrostatic force on the vertical

projection area and this force will act at center of pressure of the corresponding area.

Horizontal force: FX = Ah

A = Projected Area

h = depth of centroid of an area.


Resultant Force: F =
R FX2 + FY2

The angle from the horizontal at which this force will act:

tan  =

Vertical component of force on curved surface: The vertical component of force on

a curved surface is equal to weight of the fluid contained by the curved surface till the
free surface and this force will act at the center of gravity of the corresponding weight.

Buoyancy & floatation:

Center of buoyancy (B): Center of buoyancy is defined as the point of application of
buoyancy force and this force will act at the centroid of volume of fluid displaced.
Principal of floatation:
Weight of Body = Buoyant Force (FB)
ρbody.g.A.h = ρf.g.A.x

(a). If ρbody > ρf, then body will be submerged totally in the fluid and will rest at the body
of the container.
(b). If ρbody = ρf, then body will be submerged totally in the fluid. In this body will float in
the liquid and remains at rest at any point in the fluid if given slight displacement from
original position.
(c). If ρbody < ρf, then body will be partially submerged in the fluid and will float.
For floating bodies:

FB = W
Vsub ave,body
Vtotal f

Stability conditions of a completely submerged bodies under angular deflection:

(i). Stable Equilibrium-B above G.
(ii). Unstable Equilibrium-B below G.
(iii). Neutral Equilibrium-B and G at same point.

Stability conditions of partially submerged bodies under angular deflection:


Metacenter (M) it is defined as the point of intersection of normal Axis and new line of
Action of buoyancy force.
(i). Stable Equilibrium-M above G.
(ii). Unstable Equilibrium-M below G.
(iii). Neutral Equilibrium-Mand G at same point.
Metacentric height (GM):
Metacentric Height (GM): it is defined as the vertical distance between center of gravity
“G” and metacenter “M” which is the intersection point of the lines of action of the buoyant
force through the body before and after rotation.

Ixx Iyy
( BM ) xx = and ( BM )y −y =
Vdisp Vdisp

( BM ) xx  ( BM )yy
( BM )pitching  ( BM )rolling

Determination of the metacentric height:

Experimental Method:
Consider a ship is floating in water, let w be a movable weight placed centrally on the
deck of the ship and W be the total weight of the ship including w.

wx l
GM = 
W d

If l is the length of the pendulum and d is the distance moved by it on the horizontal
Theoretical Method:

GM = (BM − BG)

In the above expression:

(i). Positive (+Ve) sign is used when the metacentre M lies above the G.
(ii). Negative (- Ve) sign is used when the metacentre M lies below the G.

Where: BM =

Time period of Oscillation of the floating body:

The time period of the oscillation is given by the following expression:


T = 2

Since (GM )pitching  (GM )rolling

Increasing the metacentric height gives the greater stability but reduces the time period
of the roll so the ship will be less comfortable for the passengers.



Fluid kinematics: It describes the motion of fluid and its consequences without any
consideration of the forces invaded.
Flow field: It is the region in which the flow parameters i.e. pressure, velocity, etc. are
defined at each and every point at any instant of time.
Approaches to study fluid motion:
Lagrangian approach: In the Lagrangian description of fluid flow, individual fluid particles
are "marked," and their positions, velocities, etc. are described as a function of time.
Eulerian approach: In the Eulerian description of fluid flow, individual fluid particles are
not identified. Instead, a control volume is defined.
Types of fluid flow:
Steady & Unsteady flow:

 V   P    
For steady flow:   = 0,   = 0,   =0
 t x
0 ,y0 ,Z0
 t x0 ,y0 ,Z0  t x0 ,y0 ,Z0

 V   P    
For unsteady flow:    0,    0,   0
 t x 0 ,y0 ,Z0
 t x
0 ,y0 ,Z0
 t x
0 ,y0 ,Z0

Uniform & Non-uniform flow:

 dV 
For uniform flow: V = V(t) and   =0
 ds t = cons tan t

 dV 
For non-uniform flow:   0
 ds t = cons tan t

Laminar & Turbulent flows:

Laminar flow is the flow in which the fluid particles move along well-defined paths or steam
line & all the streamlines are straight & parallel.
Turbulent floe is the flow in which the fluid particles move in a zig zag which results in
eddies formation which results in energy loss.
Compressible & incompressible flow:

Compressible flow:   cons tan t

Incompressible flow:  = cons tan t

Rotational & Irrotational flows: Rotational flow is the flow in which the fluid particles
while flowing along streamlines also rotate about their own axis.
Irrotational flow is the flow in which the fluid particles while flowing along the streamlines
do not rotate about their own axis.
Flow pattern description:
Streamlines: It is defined as an imaginary curve or line in the flow field so that the tangent
to the curve at any point represents the direction of the instantaneous velocity at that point.


dx dy dz
= = equation of streamline in 3D
u v w
i j k
dx dy dz = 0
u v w
Streak line: It is the focus of all fluid particles which at same instant of time all of which
had passed through a common point
Path line: It represents the path traced by an inert tracer fluid particle over a period of
For steady flow, Streamlines, Streak lines & path lines are identical.
Timeline: A timeline is a set of adjacent fluid particles that were marked at the same
(earlier) instant in time
Continuity equation:
By continuity equation:
Mass flow rate at inlet = mass flow rate at outlet
Fluid in compressible: ρ1A1V1 = ρ2A2V2
If fluid is Incompressible i.e. ρ = constant
A1V1 = A2V2
Continuity Equation for Steady and 3 – D Incompressible Flow:

u v w
+ + =0
x y z
Continuity Equation for Steady and 2 – D Incompressible Flow:

u v
+ =0
x y

Acceleration of fluid flow:

Du u u u u
ax = =u +v +w +
Dt x y z t
Similarly, acceleration in y and z directions is given by:
Dv v v v v
ay = =u +v +w +
Dt x y z t
Dw w w w w
az = =u +v +w +
Dt x y z t


(i). The total differential D/Dt is known as the material or substantial derivative with
respect to time.

(ii). The first term in the right-hand side of is known as temporal or local derivative
which expresses the rate of change with time, at a fixed position.
(iii). The last three terms in the right-hand side of the equation, are together known as
convective derivative which represents the time rate of change due to change in
position in the field.
Total acceleration: The total acceleration is given by the following vector:

A = axˆi + ayˆj + azk

Thus, magnitude of the total acceleration is given by:

A= ax2 + ay2 + az2

A= = + V.V
Dt t

Angular velocity: Angular velocity is given by:

 = xˆi + yˆj + zk

ˆi ˆj ˆ
1   
2 x y z
u v w

1  w v  1  u w  1  v u 
Where x =  −  , y =  −  and z =  − .
2  y z  2  z x  2  x y 
Vorticity (Ω): Vorticity (𝜉) in the simplest form is defined as a vector which is equal to two
times the rotation vector. It is given by:

 = 2
Circulation (Г): Circulation is defined as the line integral of tangential component of
velocity vector along a closed curve.

Circulation (Г ) = Vorticity  Area

Velocity potential(ϕ): It is a scalar function of space & time such that its negative derivate
with respect to any direction gives the fluid velocity in that direction.

 
u=− and v = −
x y
The continuity equation is given by:


u v  2 2 
+ = +  = 0
x y  x2 y2 
2  = 0
• For flow to be possible velocity potential function must satisfy Laplace equation and
velocity potential function only exists for irrotational flow.

 dy  u
• Slope for equipotential line:   =− .
 dx = c v

Stream function(Ψ): It is defined as the scalar function of space and time, such that its
patrial derivative with respect to any direction gives the velocity component at right angles
to that direction.

  
u= and v = −  where,  → streamfunction .
y x 

1  
In cylindrical polar co-ordinates: ur = and u = −
r  r
• For flow to be possible stream function must exist.
• For irrotational flow stream function must satisfy Laplace equation.

 dy  v
• Slope of equistream line:  dx  = .
  = c u

For 2 – D compressible steady flow: Discharge per unit width between two points in a
flow = absolute difference between values of stream function through those two points, i.e.

Q 2 − Q1
=  2 − 1
Relation between equipotential line and streamline:

 dy   dy  v  u
 dx    =   −  = −1
 = c  dx  = c u  v

Hence, equipotential lines and streamlines are orthogonal to each other everywhere in flow
field except at stagnation point where V = 0.



Introduction: The dynamic behaviour of fluid is analysed by Newton’s Second law of

motion, which relates acceleration with the forces.
Equation of motion for fluid flow:
According to newton’s second law:

d dv dm
F= (mv) = m +v
dt dt dt

For uniform flow:


• Net force Fx= Fg+ Fp+ Fv+ FT+ FC

• Reynold’s equation of motion: Fx= Fg+ Fp+ Fv+ FT
• Navier-Stokes equation of motion: Fx= Fg+ Fp+ Fv,
• Euler equation of motion: Fx= Fg+ Fp,
Euler's Equation: This is the equation of motion in which the forces due to gravity and
pressure are taken into consideration.
(a). Flow is non-viscous, Fv=0 i.e., viscous forces are zero.
(b). Flow is ideal.

+ vdv + gdz = 0

This equation is known as Euler’s equation of motion.

Bernoulli's Theorem:
(i). Fluid is Non-viscous.
(ii). Steady flow.
(iii). incompressible fluid.
(iv). ideal fluid.
(v). irrotational flow.

P v2
+ + gz = const.
 2

= Pressure energy of fluid per unit weight of fluid.
= kinetic energy per unit weight or kinetic head.


Z = potential energy per unit weight or potential head

Classical Bernoulli's equation is also known as ‘mechanical energy conservation Bernoulli's
theorem state that for a non-viscous, steady and incompressible flow along a streamline
the summation of kinetic energy, potential energy and Pressure energy is a constant.

+ z = Piezometric head

Applications of Bernoulli's equation:

Venturi meter: It is a converging-diverging device that is used to measure discharge.

1 1
Geometric details: d 2 =  to  d1 [To avoid cavitation]
3 2
Angle of convergence (α) = 20 — 22°
Angle of divergence (β) = must be below 7° (To avoid Boundary layer separation).

A1 A2
Qactual = Cd  2 gh
A12 − A22

Cd =

Calculation of h: The value of h is calculated with the help of the deflection of the
manometric column.

S 
Case 1: Sm > S (flowing fluid), then: h = x  m − 1
 S 
 

 S 
Case 2: Sm < S (flowing fluid), then: h = x 1 − m 
 S 


Orifice-meter: An orifice meter is essentially a thin circular plate with a sharp edged
concentric circular hole in it.

Actual Area at vena- contracta A

Coefficient of contraction (Cc): Cc = = 2
Theoretical Area at vena- contracta Ao

A1 Ao
Discharge: Q = Cd .  2 gh
A12 − Ao2

Pitot tube: A right-angled glass tube, large enough for capillary effects to be negligible,
is used for the purpose. One end of the tube faces the flow while the other end is open to
the atmosphere

V1 = 2 gh = 2 g ( stagnation head − static head )

S 
h = x  m − 1
 S 
Momentum equation:
F.dt = d(mv)
which is known as the impulse-momentum equation and states that impulse of a force F
acting on a fluid of mass m in a short interval of time dt is equal to the change of
momentum d(mv) in the direction of force.


 Fx = Q (V1 − V2 cos ) + p1A1 − p2A2 cos 

 Fy = Q (− V2 sin ) − p2A2 sin 

Resultant force: FR = Fx2 + Fy2

The angle made by the resultant force with horizontal direction is given by:

tan  =

Moment of momentum equation: It states that the resulting torque acting on a rotating
fluid is equal to the rate of change of moment of momentum.
According to moment of momentum principle:
Resultant torque = rate of change of moment of momentum
T = Q [V2r2 − V1r1]
1. For analysis of flow problems in turbines and centrifugal pumps.
2. For finding torque exerted by water on sprinkler
Vortex flow: Vortex flow is defined as the flow of fluid along a curved path or the flow of
a rotating mass of fluid is known as vortex flow.
Equation of Motion for Vortex Flow:

dp =  dr − gdz

Plane vortex flows: It is the flow where streamlines are concentric circles.
Vr = 0 and Vθ ≠0 and =0
Forced Vortex Flow: In this type of flow, external torque is required to rotate the fluid

v = w r   = = cons tan t

 2  v2 = r2 
P2 − P1 = v − v12  − g z2 − z1   
2 2   v1 = r1 

where r = Radius of fluid particle from the axis of rotation.


For free surface of the liquid, then P1 = P2:

1  2
z2 – z1  = v2 − v12 
2g  

Note: In case of forced vortex, the rise of liquid level at the ends is equal to the fall of
liquid level at the axis of rotation.

volume of paraboloid =  Area of cross − section  Height of parabola

Examples: Flow of liquid inside the impeller of a centrifugal pump, Flow of water through
the runner of a turbine
Free Vortex Flow: Total mechanical energy remains constant in the entire flow field i.e.
does not vary from streamline to streamline. There is neither any addition nor any
destruction of energy in the flow field.
vr = = Constant
Examples: Flow of liquid through a hole provided at the bottom of a container, Flow of
liquid around a circular bend in a pipe, A whirlpool in a river, Flow of fluid in a centrifugal
pump casing.



Introduction: Laminar flow (streamline flow) occurs when a fluid flows in parallel
layers, with no disruption between the layers.

Reynold’s number: Re = =
 
Where, V=mean velocity of flow in pipe.
μ = dynamic viscosity of the liquid (N – s /m2)

ν = Kinematic viscosity of the liquid (m2/s)

D= diameter → for pipe, D = length → for plate

Hydraulic Diameter: For the flow through non – circular pipes characteristic dimension

is given by:

4A c
Dh =


Ac = Cross – section area of the pipe

P = Perimeter of the pipe

Pipe Plate
Re < 2000 laminar Re < 5 × 105 Laminar
2000 < Re < 4000 Transient Re > 5 × 105 turbulent
Re > 4000 turbulent [transient is small so neglected]

Hagen-Poiseuille flow [Laminar flow in a pipe]:

(1). steady flow.
(2). flow is fully developed.
Velocity profile is constant w.r.t length in the fully developed flow.

= constant
Laminar flow through circular pipe:


−P r
Shear stress: = 
x 2
It varies linearly along the pipe and it becomes maximum at r=R.

−R2  P   r2 
Velocity variation: u=   1 − 
4   x   R2 

Velocity varies parabolically along the pipe and it becomes maximum at r = 0.

−R2  P 
Maximum velocity: Umax =  
4   x 

uavg. =

32vL 8 vL
Pressure drop: P1 − P2 = =
D R2

Friction factor: f=

f 16
coefficient of friction: f'= =
4 Re

Laminar flow between two fixed parallel plates [with unit width]:

Laminar flow between parallel plates when one of the plates is moving and other one is
stationary is known as “Couette” flow.

P 
x y


Velocity Distribution: u=
1  −P 

2  x 
 By − y
t 2  P 
Maximum velocity: umax = −  
8µ  x 
Vavg. = Umax = Average velocity
 −P  t 
Shear Stress distribution:  =  − y 
 x  2 

−1  P  3
Discharge per unit width: Q=  t
12µ  x 

Pressure difference: P1 − P2 =
Correction factors:
Momentum correction factor (β): It is defined as the ratio of momentum per second
based on actual velocity to the momentum per second based on average velocity across a
section. It is denoted by β.
=  u dA
AV 0

Kinetic energy correction factor (α): It is defined as the ratio of kinetic energy of flow
per second based on actual velocity to the kinetic energy of the flow per second based on
average velocity across a same section.
=  u dA
AV 0

Correction-factor Laminar Turbulent

α 2 1.33
β 1.33 1.2



Introduction: In case of turbulent flow there is huge order intermission fluid particles
and due to this, various properties of the fluid are going to change with space and time.

u = mean or average component of velocity

Any parameter = Average component + fluctuating component

u = u' + u
Shear stress in turbulent flow:

Shear stress due to turbulence: t =  (Boussinesq Hypothesis).

Kinematic eddy viscosity:  =

du du
Total shear stress:  = v + t =  +
dy dy

Reynold’s hypothesis: Τturbulent. = ρ u’ v’

According to Prandtl Mixing length hypothesis: u' = v ' = l
l = Prandtl’s mixing length
 du 
 turb. =  l 2  
 dy 

Relation of Shear Stress with Coefficient of friction: f =
V 2

Velocity distribution in turbulent flow:

Shear or Fictitious velocity: u* =

u = umax + 2.5 u*loge  
R 

The above equation is known as ‘Prandtl’s universal velocity distribution equation for
turbulent flow in pipes.


umax − u
= 5.75 loge (R / y)

The difference between the maximum velocity u max, and local velocity u at any point i.e.

(umax - u) is known as ‘velocity defect’.

Hydrodynamically smooth & rough pipes:

K = average height of roughness

δ' = height of Laminar sublayer
Nikuradse’s conditions for smooth & rough boundary.

Nikuradse’s conditions  * 
In terms of roughness Reynolds number  u k 
  
 

K *
 0.25 → smooth If u k  4 , boundary is considered smooth.
' 

K *
0.25   6 → Transition If 4  u k  100 , boundary is in transition stage
' 

K *
 6 → Rough If u k  100 , the boundary is rough
' 

Laminar sublayer thickness: '=

 f
shear friction velocity or hypothetical velocity: Vs = = V. =
 8
and V is the average velocity.
Velocity distribution for turbulent flow:

u y
Velocity distribution in rough pipes:
= 5.75log10   + 8.5
u k


Average velocity in Rough pipes: U = 5.75log10  R  + 4.75

u* K 

 * 
Velocity distribution in rough pipes: u = 5.75 log10  u y  + 5.5
u*  v 
 

U  u*R 
Average velocity in smooth pipes: = 5.75 log10   + 1.75
u*  v 
 

Now: = 5.75log10 (y / R) + 3.75

Velocity distribution for turbulent flow with average velocity in smooth pipes for
power law:
1/n 1/7
u y 1 u y
=  and n =  =
umax R  7 umax  R 

Resistance of smooth and rough pipes:

The term of the right-hand side is called co-efficient of friction f. Thus:

 k
f =  R e , 
 D 
This equation shows that friction co-efficient is a function of Reynolds number and k/D ratio,
where k is the average height of pipe wall roughness protrusions.
Friction factor in turbulent flow:
(a). For Smooth pipes:
The value of ‘f’ for smooth pipe for Reynolds number varying from 4000 to 100000 is given
by the relation:

f =
(R e )1/4

When, Re = 105 to 4 × 107  f = 0.0032 +
(b). For rough pipes:

1 R
= 2log10   + 1.74 When, Re > 6 × 108
4f K 



Introduction: Major loss is due to friction and calculated by Darcy Weisbach equation
and Chezy’s formula.
Minor loss into five types of losses i.e., sudden expansion loss, sudden contraction loss,
exit loss, entry loss and bend losses.
Major losses:

fLV 2 4 f ' LV 2
Darcy Weisbach equation: hf = =
2gD 2gD
Where, f is friction factor
f = 4f’,
where f’ is friction coefficient
V is mean velocity of flow in the pipe, D is diameter of the pipe, L is length of the pipe

Chezy’s formula:

V = C mi
Where, C = Chezy’s constant
V = Average velocity
i = hydraulic slope

2 
Area of cross − sec tion 4 D D
Hydraulic mean depth: m = = =
wetted perimeter D 4
Minor losses:

( V − V2 )
Sudden expansion loss (hl)se: he = 1

 1  V22 V22
Sudden contraction loss: ( hl ) = − =
S.C .  C 
1 k
 C  2g 2g

Entry losses: ( hl )entry = 0.5

Exit losses: (hl )exit =

Bend losses: ( hl )Bend = K
Hydraulic gradient line (HGL) & total energy line (TEL):


(i). The line that represents the sum of the static pressure and the elevation heads +z
is called the hydraulic grade line.

p V2
(ii). The line that represents the total head of the fluid + + z is called the energy
g 2g
grade line.

(iii). The difference between the heights of EGL and HGL is equal to the dynamic head
(iv). For stationary bodies such as reservoirs or lakes, the EGL and HGL coincide with the
free surface of the liquid. The elevation of the free surface z in such cases represents both
the EGL and the HGL since the velocity is zero and the static pressure (gage) is zero.
(v). A steep jump or droop occurs in EGL and HGL whenever mechanical energy is added

to the fluid (by a pump or mechanical energy is removed from the fluid (by a turbine)


Pipes in series & parallel

(a). Pipes in series:
Q1 = Q2 + Q3 + Q4 .Qn = Q = const.
hl = hl1 + hl2 + hl3 ........hln
Equivalent length is given by(Dupit ' s formula):
Le L1 L2 L3
= + + + ...........
De5 D15 D25 D35
(b). Pipes in Parallel:
Q = Q1 + Q2 + Q3 ………. Qn
hl1 = hl2 = hl3 = ..........hln
For “n” pipes → Discharge through each pipe =
hle = ( hl )


fLeQ2 fLQ2 Le L
=  = (When all pipes are similar).
12De5 2
n 12D 5
De5 2 5

De5 D5 D5 D5
= 1 + 2 + 3 + ........ (When pipes are different & head loss is same).
Le L1 L2 L3
Power transmission through pipes:

Pth. =  gQH
Pact =  gQ H — h f )
Efficiency is given by:

Pact H − hf
= =
Pth. H
Condition for maximum power transmission:

H H − hf
hf = and max = = 66.67%
3 H



Introduction: It is a narrow thin region near the solid boundary where velocity gradient
Growth of boundary layer over a flat plate:

The flow region adjacent to the wall in which the viscous effects (and thus the velocity
gradients) are significant is called the boundary layer.

Growth of boundary layer over a flat plate:

Boundary conditions:
(i). at y = 0, u = 0
(ii). y = δ, u = u∞
(iii). y = δ, =0
(iv). x = 0, δ = 0
Boundary layer thickness (δ): It is defined as the vertical distance from boundary up
to the point where velocity becomes 99% of free stream velocity.


For numerical, at y = δ; u = u∞
Displacement thickness (δ*): It is defined as the distance, measured perpendicular to
the boundary of the solid body, by which the boundary should be displaced to compensate
for the reduction in flow rate on account of boundary layer formation. It is denoted by *.

 u 
 * = 1 −  dy
u 

Momentum thickness (θ): It is defined as “the distance, measured perpendicular to

the boundary of the solid body, by which the boundary should be displaced to
compensate for the reduction in momentum of the flowing fluid on account of boundary
layer formation”.

u  u 
 = 1 −  dy
u  u 
Energy thickness (δe): It is defined as “the distance measured perpendicular to the
boundary of the solid body, by which the boundary should be displaced to compensate
for the reduction in kinetic energy of the flowing fluid on account of boundary layer

u  u2 
e =   1 − 2  dy
0  u 

Shape Factor(H): It is defined as the ratio of displacement thickness to momentum



Flow over a flat plate: Von-Karman momentum integral equation:

0 d
v dx

Reynolds number is given by: Re =

If, Re < 5 × 105 → Laminar flow.
Re > 5 × 105 → turbulent flow.
Coefficient of Drag (CD)

C D*
FD =  AU2
Where, FD is the drag force experienced by the motion of fluid over flat plate C D* = local
skin friction coefficient.


Analysis of turbulent boundary layer:

(a). If Reynold number is more than 5 × 10 5 and less than 107 the thickness of boundary
layer and drag co-efficient are given as:
0.37x 0.072
= and CD =
(R e )1 5
(R e )1 5

where x = Distance from the leading edge

R e x = Reynold number for length x

R eL = Reynold number at the end of the plate.

(b). If Reynold number is more than 10 7 but less than 109, Schlichting gave the empirical
equation as:
CD =
(log10 R e )2.58

Boundary layer separation:

 u 
The separation point S is determined from the condition:   =0
 y y =0

 u 
1. If   > 0, the flow has separated, and it is the necessary condition for flow
 y y =0

 u 
2. If   = 0, the flow is on the verge of separation. This is the sufficient condition for
 y y =0

the flow separation to occur.

 u 
3. If   < 0, the flow will not separate, or flow will remain attached with the surface.
 y y =0



Introduction: length(L), Mass(M), Time(T) dimensions are called fundamental dimension.

Some important dimensions:

Area A L2
Volume V L3
Velocity v LT-1
Angular velocity 𝜔 T-1
Acceleration a LT-2
Angular Acceleration 𝛼 T-2
Discharge Q L3T-1
Acceleration due to Gravity g LT-2
Force F MLT-2
Weight W MLT-2
Dynamic viscosity 𝜇 ML-1T-1
Kinematic viscosity 𝜗 L2T-1
Pressure p ML-1T-2
Surface Tension 𝜎 MT-2
Work/Energy E ML2T-2
Power P ML2T-3
Methods of dimensional analysis:
(i). Rayleigh method:
It is used for determining the expression for a variable which depends maximum on three
or four variables.
Let X be a variable which depends on X1, X2, X3 then, according to Rayleigh method
X=f (X1, X2, X3)

X = KX1a X2b X3c

(ii). Buckingham 𝝅-theorem:
Buckingham's 𝜋 theorem states that “If there are n variables in a problem and these
variables contain m primary dimensions (for example M, L, T) the equation relating all the
variables will have (n-m) dimensionless groups”.
Buckingham referred these groups as π groups. The final equation obtained is in the form
of πl = f (π2, π3……. πn-m).
Method of selecting repeating variables: The number of repeating variables is equal to
the number of fundamental dimensions of the problem. The choice of repeating variables
is governed by following considerations:
(a). Dependent variable should not be repeating variable


(b). Repeating variable should be selected in such a way that one of the variables should
be geometric property, other should be flow property and third variable should be fluid
Various forces in fluid mechanics:

Inertia force (Fi): Fi =  l 2v 2

Surface tension force (Fs): It is equal to the product of surface tension and length of
surface of the flowing fluid.
Fs = σ × l
Gravity force (Fg): It is equal to the product of mass and acceleration due to gravity of
the flowing fluid.
Fg = ρl3g
Pressure force (FP): It is equal to the product of pressure intensity and cross-sectional
area of the flowing fluid
FP = Pl2
Viscous force (Fv): It is equal to the product of shear stress () due to viscosity and
surface area of the flow.

Fv =  lv
Elastic force (Fe): It is equal to the product of elastic stress and area of the flowing fluid.
Fe = Kl2
Dimensionless numbers:

Dimensionless Group
Significance Field of Use
Number with Symbol Variables

Laminar viscous flow in

1. Reynolds number VL inertia force confined passages where
(Re)  viscous force viscous effects are
V inertia force Free surface flows where
2. Froude number (Fr) effects of gravity are
lg gravitational force
V inertia force High speed flow where
3. Mach number (M) compressible effects are
K elasticforce
Small surface waves,
 l V2 inertia force capillary and sheet flow
4. Weber number (W)
 surface tensionforce where surface tension is
p inertia force Conduit flow where pressure
5. Euler number (E)
V2 pressure force variations are significant.


Similitude & modeling:

Geometric similarity:
l bm tm
Length ratio: m = = = Lr
lp bp t p
Am lmbm
Area ratio: = = Lr 2
AP lpbp
Volume ratio: = Lr 3
Kinematic similarity: Kinematic similarity means the similarity of motion between the
model and prototype.

V1m V2m V3m

= =
V1P V2 p V3p

Dynamic Similarity: A model and prototype are said to be in dynamic similarity, if the
ratio of forces at corresponding points in model and prototype are same.

( Fv )1m ( Fi )1m ( Fg )1m ( Fp )1m

= = =
( FV )1p ( Fi )1p ( Fg )1p ( FP )1p
( Fi )1m ( Fi )1p
=  (Re )1m = (Re )1p → Reynolds model law
( Fv )1m ( Fv )1p
Model laws: The laws on which the models are designed for dynamic similarity are called
model laws or laws of similarity. The followings are the model laws:
Reynold’s Model Law: Reynold’s model law is the law in which models are based on
Reynold’s number.
mVmL m P VPLP
[R e ]m = [R e ]P or =
m P
Froude’s Model Law:
(Fe)model = (Fe)prototype  =
gm Lm gP LP

= = Lr
Vm Lm

ar = 1

Qr = L2.5

Distorted Models: A model is said to be distorted if it is not geometrically similar to its

prototype. For a distorted model different scale ratio for the linear dimensions are
adopted. For example, in case of rivers, harbours, reservoirs etc., two different scale
ratios, one for horizontal dimensions and other for vertical dimensions are taken.



Introduction: A jet is a stream of fluid that is projected into a surrounding medium,

usually from some kind of a nozzle, aperture or orifice.

Force exerted by fluid jet:

(a). Force exerted on a stationary flat plate held normal to jet:

Fx = aV2

V = velocity of jet,

d = diameter of the jet

a = area of cross section of the jet

(b). Force of Jet Impinging on An Inclined Fixed Plate:

Force normal to plate: Fn = aV(V sin  − 0) = aV sin 

Horizontal component in x direction:

Fx = Fn sin  = aV2 sin2 

Horizontal component in x direction:

Fx = Fn cos  = aV2 sin  cos 

Q1 = (1 + cos ) and Q2 = (1 − cos )
2 2

Force exerted on stationary curved plate:

(a). Jet strikes the curved plate at the centre:


Force in x-direction is given by:

Fx = AV(V1x − V2x )

Fx = AV(V − (−V cos )) = aV2(1 + cos )

Force in y-direction is given by:

Fy = AV(V1y − V2y )

Fy = AV[0 − V sin ] = −AV2 sin 

Negative sign indicates that force is in downward direction.

(b). Jet strikes the stationary curved plate at one end tangentially when the
plate is symmetrical:

Force in horizontal direction is given by:

Fx = AV(V1x − V2x )

Fx = AV(V cos  − (−V cos )) = 2aV2c os 

Force in y – direction is given by:


Fy = AV(V1y − V2y )

Fy = AV(V sin  − V sin ) = 0

(c). Jet strikes the curved plate at one end tangentially when the plate is
Fx = AV(V1x − V2x )

Fx = AV(V cos  − (−V cos )) = aV2(c os  + cos )

Force in y direction is given by:

Fy = AV(V1y − V2y )

Fy = AV(V sin  − (−V sin )) = aV2(sin  + sin )

Force exerted on moving plate:

(a). Force exerted on a moving flat plate held normal to jet:

Horizontal component of force in x – direction:

Fx = a(V − u)[(v − u) − 0] = a(V − u)2

Work done = Fx.u = a(V − u)2 u

(b). Force of Jet Impinging on An Inclined moving Plate:

Fn = a(V − u)[(v − u) sin  − 0] = a(V − u)2 sin 

Fx = Fnsin𝜃 and Fy=Fncosθ

Fx = a(V − u) sin   sin  = a(V − u)2 sin2 


Fy = a(V − u)sin   co s  = a(V − u)2 sin  cos 

Work done = Fx  u = a(V − u)2u sin2 

Force exerted by jet on curved plate(vane) when the plate/vane is moving

in the direction of jet
(a). When single curved vane is used:
Horizontal component of force:

Fx = a(V − u)2 (1 + cos )

Work done one the vane per sec:

Work done/sec = ρa(V-u)2(1+cosθ) u
Kinetic energy of issuing jet:
1 1 1
KE = mV2 = AV  V2 = AV3
2 2 2
Efficiency is given as:

Work done / sec a(v − u)2 (1 + cos )u

= =
Kinetic energy 1
At u = V/3 maximum efficiency will be obtained.
(b). When series of vane is used:
Horizontal component is given by:
Fx=ρaV(V-u) (1+cosθ)
Work done one the vane per sec = ρaV(V-u)×(1+cosθ)u
Kinetic energy of issuing jet:
1 1 1
KE = mV2 = AV  V2 = AV3
2 2 2
Work done / sec aV(V − u)(1 + cos )u
= =
Kinetic energy 1
At u=V/2, maximum efficiency will be obtained
1 + cos 
Maximum efficiency is given by:  =



Hydraulic turbine:

Classification of turbines:
(a). On the basis of energy available at inlet:
(i). Kinetic energy only: Impulse turbine
Ex: Pelton Wheel (tangential flow)
(ii). Kinetic energy + Pressure energy = Impulse Reaction Turbine.
Ex: Francis (mixed flow) and Kaplan (Axial flow)
(b). On the basis of head, discharge and specific speed:

Turbine Head Discharge Specific speed

Pelton High (H > 250 m) Low Low
Francis Medium (50 < H < 250) Medium Medium
Kaplan Low (H < 50 m) High High

Type of Heads:
Gross Head (HG): It is elevation difference between tail race level (TRL) and head race
level (HRL). It is the total head under which power plant is working.
Net head (H): It is calculated by subtracting the heat loss in penstock from gross head.
It is the net head under which turbine is working.
Hnet = HG – hf

 fLV2 
Hnet = HG –  
 2gD 
 

Types of Power:
Waterpower/Hydraulic (power power at inlet to turbine):

Water power = mgh = QgH

Power available at exit of nozzle (KE/sec):

Power = mv12 , (v1= velocity of jet at the exit of nozzle)
Thus: QgH = mv12 (if there is no head loss in nozzle)


gH =  V1 = 2gH

Pr actically : v1 = Cv 2gH

Runner power = Q ( Vw1u1  Vw2u2 )

Final power available on the shaft:

Shaft power (SP) = (RP) – (Mechanical frictional losses) = Final power output
(a). Volumetric efficiency vol 

Disch arg e striking the runner Q – Q

vol = =
Disch arg e sup plied by penstock Q

ΔQ ⇒ leakage loss (some amount of water directly goes to tailrace without striking the
(b). Hydraulic efficiency ( n ) :

Runner Power R.P.

n = =
Water Power W.P.

(c). Mechanical efficiency ( m ) :

m =

(d). Overall efficiency ( o ) :

S.P. R.P. when vol isnot given

o =  = m  H
R.P. W.P.

o = vol· m·h
when vol is given

Pelton wheel (Tangential flow runner):

Bucket velocity is given by: u =

and u = u1 = u2

Waterpower is given by: W.P. = QgH

Runner Power: P = Work Done / sec = F.u. = ·aV1Vr1 (1 + k cos  ) · u

Hydraulic efficiency is given by:

·a· V1Vr1 (1 + k cos  ) · u

h =


Condition for maximum hydraulic efficiency: u =

1 + k cos 
( h )max =

Design Data for Pelton turbine

(a).  = 10 – 20 = exit blade angle

δ = angle of deflection = 180-  (Generally 160 – 170°).

D Runner dia
(b). Jet ratio (m) = =
d Jet dia

m  D 
(c). No. of vanes (Bucket ) =  + 15 =  + 15
2   2d 
Francis turbine: Francis turbine is an inward flow reaction turbine. To maximise runner
power, V2 should be minimum. It can be done by converting absolute velocity direction
into radial direction to the runner at exit.

RP QVw1 ·u1 Vw1 ·u1

Runner Power per unit weight: = =
mg Qg g

RP V · u1
Runner head = = w1
mg g

RP Q·Vw1 u1 Vw1 · u1
Hydraulic efficiency: h = = =
HP QgH gH

Axial flow reaction turbine: Kaplan and propeller turbines are the example of axial flow
reaction turbine.

Performance of turbine:


Unit speed (Nu): Nu =

Unit discharge (Qu): Qu =

Unit power (Pu): Pu =

Specific speed of Turbine (Ns):

It is defined as the speed of a turbine which is identical in shape, geometrical dimensions,

blade angles, gate opening etc., with the actual turbine but of such a size that it will develop

unit power when working under unit head.

NS =

Degree of Reaction (R): Degree of reaction is defined as the ratio of pressure energy

change inside a runner to the total energy change inside the runner. It is represented by


Change of pressure energy inside the runner

R =
Change of total energy inside the runner

R =1−
(V 2
1 − V22 )
2g He

(i) For a Pelton turbine: u1 = u2 and Vr2 = V


Degree of reaction : R = 0

cot 
(ii). For a Francis turbine: R = 1 −
2 ( cot  − cot  )

Draft tube: It is a diverging tube fitted at the exit of runner which connect exit of the
runner to the tailrace. It’s diverging section helps in converging of velocity head into
pressure head, but the angle of divergence should not be greater than 6-8°.


 V2 V2 
 1 − 2  − hf
 2g 2g 
Efficiency of Draft tube:  d =  
 V2 
 1 
 2g 
 

Hydraulic pumps: The device which converts Mechanical energy into hydraulic energy
or pressure energy is called hydraulic pumps.
Types of pumps: The pumps are classified as follows:
(1). Positive displacement Pumps: Positive displacement pumps are further classified
into two categories:
(a). Rotary Pumps: Rotary pumps include Gear Pump, Lobe pump, Vane Pump,
Screw Pump.
(b). Reciprocating pumps: Reciprocating pumps include piston and diaphragm pumps.
(2). Dynamic Pumps: Dynamic pumps include centrifugal and axial pumps.
Centrifugal pump: When certain mass of fluid is rotated about centre of rotation,
increase in head takes place.
Component of Centrifugal Pump:
(i). Casing (ii). Impeller

Types of Head:

Static Head (HS): HS = hs + hd

Friction head loss (HF): HF = hf s + hf d

Manometric head (Hm): Actual head produced by the pump. It is given by:

For ideal pump: Hm = Vw2u2


Power: Power requirement of pump = shaft power (SP)

Impeller power (IP) = SP – (mechanical frictional losses)


IP = QVw2·u2

Output power:

Waterpower (Manometric power) = QgHm


SP  IP  MP


(a). Volumetric Efficiency (  v ) : v =
Q + Q

ΔQ = amount of discharge not delivered

(b). Manometric efficiency ( mano ) :

Mechanical.Power. Q·gHm g ·Hm

man = = =
I.P. Qvw2u2 Vw2.u2

(c). Mechanical Efficiency ( mech ) : mech =

(d). Overall Efficiency ( o ) : o = mano· mech =

60 2gHm
Minimum starting speed of pump: N 
2 r22 – r12

Specific speed of pump (Ns): The specific speed of a centrifugal pump is defined as
the speed of a geometrically similar pump which would deliver one cubic metre of liquid
per second against a head of one metre. It is denoted by ‘Ns’.

NS =

Non-dimensional form of specific speed ⇒ It is called the Shape number of the pump.

Shape no =
( gHm )3/4
Model-Prototype relationship

Hm Hm
1. =
D2N2 m D2N2 p

2. Q Q
D Nm D3N p


3. P Q
5 3 5 3
D N m D N p

Priming of pump: Priming of a centrifugal pump is defined as the operation in which the
suction pipe, casing of the pump and a portion of the delivery pipe up to the delivery valve
is completely filled up from outside source with the liquid to be raised by the pump before
starting the pump.
Cavitation: Cavitation is defined as the phenomenon of formation of vapour bubbles of
a flowing liquid in a region where the pressure of the liquid falls below its vapour pressure
and the sudden collapsing of these vapour bubbles in a region of higher pressure and
causing damage to the components.
Thomas cavitation parameter:

Hb − Hs (Hatm − Hv ) − Hs
= =
where Hb = Barometric pressure head in m of water,
Hatm = Atmospheric pressure head in m of water,
Hv = Vapour pressure head in in of water.
Hs = Suction pressure at the outlet of reaction turbine in m of water or height of turbine
runner above the tail water surface,
H = Net head on the turbine in m
If the value of σ is greater than σc the cavitation will not occur in that turbine or pump.
Net positive suction head (NPSH): Net positive suction head is defined as the sum of
absolute pressure head and kinetic head at the inlet to the pump minus absolute vapour
pressure head.

P1 Pv Vs2
NPSH = − +
g g 2g

Patm Pvap
NPSH = – hs – hfs –
g g

Minimum NPSH is given by:  =

Where σ is the Thomas cavitation parameter.

To avoid cavitation ⇒   c

σc = critical cavitation factor

Multi-stage Pumps
(a). Pumps in series:
Q = constant


Total head = n·Hm

Where n = no. of stages/no. of impellers/no. of pumps in series
(b). Pumps in parallel:
Hm = constant
Total discharge = n · Q
Where n = no. of pumps in parallel
Reciprocating Pump: In the reciprocating pumps the mechanical energy is converted to
hydraulic energy (or pressure energy) by sucking the liquid into a cylinder in which a
piston is reciprocating (moving backwards and forward) which exerts the thrust on the
fluid and increases the pressure energy.
Single acting Reciprocating Pump:
Theoretical discharge: Qth = Volume/sec
Volume per cycle = A · L

Cycle per second =

 N 
Volume per second = AL ·  
 60 

Discharge from a pump:

For single acting pump: Qth =

 ALN 
For double acting pump: Qth = 2  
 60 

Work done/sec= ρgQ(hs+hd)

Slip of reciprocating pump: Slip of a pump is defined as the difference between the
theoretical discharge and actual discharge of the pump.

Slip = Qth – Qact

Percentage slip is given by:

Qth − Qact
Percentage slip =  100



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