Ipaper Cloud Essentials Platform
Ipaper Cloud Essentials Platform
Ipaper Cloud Essentials Platform
A Second-
Generation Cloud
Built for an intelligent and productive enterprise.
Enabling the
Autonomous Enterprise
Oracle has delivered to the market a second- Gen 2 Cloud spans multiple services. There’s app
generation cloud representing a fundamental dev, which includes mobile, blockchain, AI/ML, and
rearchitecture of the conventional public cloud. It’s chatbots. There’s integration for Oracle and non-
built on years of experience gained in helping our Oracle apps, both on premise and in the cloud.
customers and partners deploy and run workloads When it comes to analytics, we give our customers a
in their own data centers, as well as migrating them way to connect multiple data sources. We’re able to
effectively to our own cloud platform. bring together the data in order for them to analyze
and make informed business decisions. We have
It provides both a new infrastructure and a full set layers of defense that provide a secure platform for
of platform capabilities. This is what continues to applications and data that can help offload security
set Oracle apart from other vendors; it includes all responsibilities from organizations. And finally,
of the technology required to build, extend, and Gen 2 Cloud serves as the infrastructure for Oracle
connect apps. Additionally, Oracle’s Gen 2 Cloud is a Autonomous Database.
comprehensive security solution that addresses the
needs of all users, apps, data, and infrastructure. It
provides a complete set of solutions for managing
data across diverse data types, and provides rich AI-
based visual analytics.
No Human Labor—No Human Error—No Data Loss
As the flagship in Oracle’s growing set of autonomous These attributes help you reduce administrative
capabilities, Oracle Autonomous Database is costs by up to 80 percent and save up to 70 percent
characterized by three unique attributes: of ongoing runtime costs by dynamically adjusting
and scaling resources. Oracle also reduces risk and
• It’s self-driving, which means it automatically accelerates time to insight. For example, by
provisions, secures, monitors, tunes, and provisioning a data warehouse in seconds, you
upgrades itself—lowering costs and increasing can accelerate time to innovation, time to market,
productivity. and time to action.
• It’s self-securing, reducing risks by protecting
cloud resources from external attacks and
malicious internal users. This includes
automatically applying security patches with no
downtime, automatically encrypting all data, and
intercepting data leaks with preventive controls.
• It’s self-repairing, maximizing uptime and
productivity with 99.995 percent availability.
That’s less than 2.5 minutes of both planned
and unplanned downtime per month—while
completely eliminating administrative errors.
A Robust Cloud Infrastructure
Oracle Gen 2 Cloud Infrastructure is an enterprise- You’ll gain the benefits of public cloud (self- Oracle Gen 2 Cloud Infrastructure takes advantage of
grade public cloud that has been architected service, on-demand availability, scalability) with the high-scale, high-bandwidth networks that connect
specifically to run enterprise applications and advantages usually associated with on-premise cloud servers to high-performance local, file, block,
databases. It includes tools and utilities for environments (predictability, performance, and and object storage. Customers obtain the highest
constructing new cloud-native and mobile apps, control). possible performance for traditional and distributed
all on a unified platform and networking fabric. applications, as well as highly available databases—
Keeping operating systems patched and secure is including Oracle Autonomous Database.
Oracle also offers tools to upgrade existing one of the biggest operational challenges that IT
applications to the cloud—without forcing you to organizations can face. With Oracle Autonomous Oracle Gen 2 Cloud infrastructure is architected
rearchitect those applications—along with focused Linux in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, you can to support the applications enterprises have been
cloud support for Oracle applications such as Oracle minimize the availability and security risks that stem running for years, as well as those they are creating
E-Business Suite, JD Edwards, PeopleSoft, Siebel, from missed or incorrectly applied patches by using for the future. You can choose everything from small
and more. more automation such as autoscaling, lifecycle virtual machines (VMs) to large bare-metal clusters
management across pools, and monitoring. and highly available databases—all running on the
same isolated networks.
Rapid Expansion
Around the World
Oracle Gen 2 Cloud continues to expand Oracle continues to expand its regional
rapidly around the world. Oracle continues presence with 36 regions available coming
to offer more choices by delivering true soon. Ultimately, this provides better
multicloud innovation for the enterprise. availability and disaster recovery for those
Our recent partnerships with Microsoft customers who want to store their data
Azure and VMware enable you to leverage in-country or in-region.
your existing investments and connect
best-in-class cloud services.
Anchoring Autonomous Data Management Services
Oracle Autonomous Database is the world’s first With Oracle, you have a single database to support
cloud-based autonomous data management system mixed workloads, such as data warehousing and
to deliver automated provisioning, patching, upgrades, online transaction processing. Oracle Autonomous
and tuning—including performing all routine Data Warehouse empowers business users
database maintenance tasks while the system is to build their own data warehouses, data marts,
running—without human intervention. With our and sandboxes in a few minutes. Developers can
autonomous services, it marks a new generation use Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing to
of technology where the systems are more secure, instantly provision an entire database environment for
data loss is preventable, risk is reduced, and labor new application development. Oracle makes it easy to
costs are eliminated. update existing Oracle databases to the cloud because
it is the same software that customers run on premise.
No complex management or tuning is required.
Security and Management
Emerging technologies such as the cloud, AI, and application ecosystem to detect and prevent fraud
the Internet of Things (IoT), enable organizations to and risks. Oracle’s cloud security helps prevent,
drive innovation and reduce costs. However, these detect, respond to, and predict sophisticated security
innovations bring about the potential for increased threats. It features automated encryption, adaptive
risks related to data sprawl, expanded attack surfaces, authentication, visibility into application usage, and
performance degradation, and outages. Cybercriminals automation to detect anomalies, ensuring that the
are using these same technologies to wage a highly customer’s sensitive data is safe and their applications
sophisticated war on corporate information systems. are resilient. It also includes security monitoring and
Security and management teams are struggling to analytics—providing continuous compliance, API
keep pace with a growing number of persistent attacks. security controls, and data security for hybrid clouds.
Many of these teams rely on manual processes that Oracle is unique in its approach to holistic data security
can introduce human error, and it takes an excessive and app visibility across heterogeneous environments,
amount of time to accurately detect and respond to whether data is on premise or in any cloud (Oracle or
threats and outages. third-party).
Oracle Integration provides intelligent automation Oracle automates routine business processes and tasks
and integration to enable you to deliver your digital with capabilities that enable connected business flows
modernization projects faster and easier. Through a and streamlined essential activities. Oracle’s integrated
combination of innovative machine learning, prebuilt cloud solution is well suited for non-developers to rapidly
integration, and a powerful library of run-ready connect their business in just a few days. Deployment
application adapters, Oracle Integration unifies your times that would have taken months are now reduced to
SaaS and on-premise applications, robotic and human a fraction of that time. And finally, Oracle solutions offer
process automation, and your business partners business users the visual capabilities to connect systems,
into a connected business. The embedded ML map processes, and build web, mobile and interactive
recommendation capability learns from other users to apps. Businesses can extend capabilities, differentiate
make recommendations for mapping. From purchasing themselves in the market, and create model experiences
to human resources to supply chain planning, for customers and employees.
applications teams can leverage the intuitive Oracle
Integration platform to easily integrate applications
such as Oracle ERP Cloud, Oracle Engagement Cloud,
Oracle Marketing Cloud, Oracle E-Business Suite,
Siebel, PeopleSoft, JD Edwards—and many non-Oracle
applications, including Salesforce, ServiceNow, and SAP.
Application Development
Oracle offers an open, modern, standards- Oracle’s integrated and standards-based Additionally, Oracle APEX allows developers
based integrated development platform. This solutions for developing and deploying to quickly build scalable and secure enterprise
enables you to build, deploy, and manage apps are technology-agnostic, providing apps using only a few lines of code. With
applications. The platform gives developers more choice in development environments. APEX, users can deliver compelling reports
the ability to use containers, microservices, Oracle supports all major open-source and data visualizations, with features like
API-based and serverless architectures, ML, tools and technologies, as well as modern SQL grouping to automatically calculate
and DevOps processes and tools. It also programming languages such as Java, counts, strategic algorithms to choose the
boosts developer productivity by embedding PHP, Python, Ruby, Node.js, and C#/. best facets to use, prefiltered data and more.
integration, automation, and AI tools. NET. Built with DevOps in mind, they Build sophisticated applications without the
Developers can get started in minutes and include automation tools for continuous expertise of a vast array of web technologies,
build on top of rich platform functionality to deployment, as well as integrated security from simple web apps to mission-critical
avoid reinventing the wheel. They can also and management tools for monitoring, apps that are accessed daily by hundreds
use familiar developer tools and frameworks compliance, and governance. With Oracle, and thousands of users. With Oracle SQL
to shorten the learning curve. you can build modern cloud native apps, Developer Web, users can easily run
including microservices, APIs, mobile apps, queries, create tables, and generate schema
and chatbots. And with advanced AI and diagrams. Finally, with native Oracle REST
analytics, you can predict and identify Data Services support, developers can
faults with newly deployed apps. develop and deploy RESTful services for
Oracle Autonomous Database, making it
easy to create modern REST interfaces
for relational data.
Emerging Technologies
Today, we’re seeing emerging technologies This has become one of the greatest areas Blockchain Digital Assistant
and automation permeate every aspect of change for businesses and people.
Oracle Blockchain Platform is a preassembled Oracle Digital Assistant provides the
of work and life. The real opportunity of We’re seeing these technologies permeate
enterprise-grade solution for building platform to easily build AI-powered
these technologies—which include AI, ML, every aspect of work and life. Enterprises
blockchain networks. It is built on top assistants that enable naturally expressive
IoT, blockchain, containers and serverless, have gone from experimenting with these
of The Linux Foundation’s Hyperledger conversations with all your back-end
and human interfaces—is to enable our technologies in a sandbox to implementing
Fabric, and it has all the underlying applications. Powered by a sophisticated
customers to embrace innovation on a them for mission-critical applications, to
infrastructure dependencies, container semantic parser, and AI-trained on
scale we’ve never seen before. They allow building new business models, and creating
lifecycle management, event services, enterprise-specific vocabulary, Oracle Digital
us to change our approaches to IT and, as new business value.
identity management and REST proxy, and a Assistant offers text and voice conversational
a result, focus on what makes our products
Our strategic approach is to make new number of operations and monitoring tools interfaces.
and our companies unique in ways we never
emerging technologies pervasive throughout integrated under a single console. Oracle
thought possible. These technologies help
all of our cloud layers. Oracle has done Blockchain Platform leverages Oracle’s
us reimagine what’s possible in work and in
the hard work of implementing emerging decades of experience across industries and
life—from self-driving cars to personalized
technologies, including AI, ML, blockchain, its extensive partner ecosystem to reliably
medicine, to precision agriculture, and new
IoT and human interfaces, into all of our share and conduct trusted transactions with
smart cities that are changing the way we
business applications and throughout suppliers, banks, and other trade partners
experience our world.
our platform services as well. It’s about through blockchain. With Oracle, you will
making these services and tools available to get end-to-end visibility into multienterprise
everyone, and the cloud is the great equalizer supply-chain networks, establish trust
that enables everyone to use these new between participating trading partners, and
technologies instantly so they can access reduce development time.
all kinds of innovation.
The Oracle Cloud is the world’s only second-generation Oracle has several programs that make it easier to buy
cloud. It’s completely integrated across applications, and consume cloud services, helping you get more value
platform, Oracle Autonomous Database, and from your hardware and software investments.
infrastructure—and it’s better together. It’s all in one
place and it all works together. We’re simplifying IT • Oracle Universal Credits enables you to access
and business functions by engineering all of our current and future Oracle Cloud Platform and
products to work together from the beginning, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services under a
with each piece benefiting from the capability of its single umbrella contract.
underlying platform. In addition, we provide richer • Oracle’s Bring Your Own License program enables
and higher-quality data across all lines of business. you to apply your on-premise software licenses to
With Oracle Cloud, it’s designed around your needs, equivalent Oracle services in the cloud.
providing improved experiences, lower
costs for the enterprise, and better productivity. • Oracle’s SOAR program enables you to rapidly move
databases and applications to Oracle Cloud. With
automation and accelerators, you can move your
environment as-is to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure for
immediate business results and cost savings. Your
migration to the cloud requires near-zero downtime.
The best part is: You only pay when your migration
is complete.
These popular programs alleviate cloud-adoption
challenges by simplifying the way your organization
purchases and consumes cloud services.
Cloud Essentials
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