SOSEC Nepal NGO Profile
SOSEC Nepal NGO Profile
SOSEC Nepal NGO Profile
1. General Information
Name of the Organization : Social Service Centre (SOSEC), Nepal Dailekh
Address : Narayan Municipality-1, DevkotaChowk, Dailekh
Telephone : 977-089-410187/410096
Fax : 977-089-410093
Toll Free no : 16608942001/9801574888
Child Help line : 1098
Contact Person : (a) Mr. Hira Singh Thapa
Executive Chief/ Immediate Past President
(b) Mr. Basanta Shrestha
Deputy Executive Director
Email :
Web Site :
2. Organization Description
2.1 General Introduction of the Organization
Social Service Centre (SOSEC) Nepal Dailekh is a non-governmental organization established in 1997A.D. as non-
profitable organization, separated from party politics for widening improvement of socio-economic and cultural status
of the backward people living in the rural communities. The organization is working with primary focus on overall
development of the country acting as helping hand of the government initiatives. Some of the youths of Dailekh having
similar aims and perception of developing prosperous society and country established the organization having inclusive
provision of marginalized, Dalit communities, Women, diverse ethnicities in the legal system of the organization. With
the main objective to promote human rights, health, education, CCDRR and further development of agriculture sector,
organization has been implementing projects and programs which support to fulfil the actual needs of the community
along with this also has focused on skill development rather than input supports in coordination and collaboration with
different donor and line agencies at Dailekh, Kalikot, Surkhet and Achham districts of Nepal. The organization is
working with poor and vulnerable communities, aiming to address their interest & needs by promoting socioeconomic
and cultural status. It also encourages the communities for raising their issues themselves along with support in
participatory planning as well as prioritization of need-based interventions. For the systematic management, upliftment
of its purpose, goals and objectives, 11 board members has been elected from 25th AGM.
Organization Profile of SOSEC, Nepal 2022
2.5 Goal:
To improve the educational, health and economic condition of the target groups by centralizing the social inclusion
increasing and enhancing institutional capacity of right holders.
2.6 Objectives:
To build capital at the local level and to raise income levels through mobilizing micro finance.
To develop commercialization by means of protection of agriculture, forest and environment, advancement of tourism
sector and promotion of animal husbandry at the local level.
To develop and promote mini infrastructure needful at the local level in collaboration of various agencies.
To raise human resource capacity of the association and achieve its sustainable development.
To raise public awareness so as to reduce gender and ethnic discrimination and to advocate for the protection of rights of
persons with disability as well of the elderly citizens.
To raise public awareness in favour of reproductive health, community health, people living with HIV/AIDS; and to run
health camps as well as community clinics.
To increase employment opportunities through developing local skills and technology based on local demand.
To raise public awareness for the protection of human rights and to take initiatives for humanitarian assistance in the
sector of risk mitigation, and for people under risk as well as the affected community.
To run formal and non-formal education programs for eliminating the ill-rituals prevalent in the communities and also to
foster child rights.
To publish newspapers, magazines and to run community radio to increase community awareness.
To run public awareness, campaigns, against human trafficking and to provide ambulance services.
Organization Profile of SOSEC, Nepal 2022
Development should be according the interest of the people by the leaderships of the community.
Each activity of the development should cover the opportunities produced out of geographical and cultural diversities.
Awareness raising and institutional development activities should be conducted to develop the independency and common
feeling in the community.
The working strategy of the organization should be dynamic in accordance to the time.
Sharing of participatory working strategy should be done in district or community level.
2.11 Working Modality
SOSEC Nepal Dailekh works in the community by focusing on the interest and needs of the community by raising the social,
economic and cultural status of the community to fulfill its own goal and objectives. SOSEC encourages the community to work for
themselves to raise their status. SOSEC encourages in participatory planning and prioritization as well as focuses on the prioritized
implementation of the activities. The working modality of SOSEC can be show in given Chart.
Needed Capacity of
Who are main
Stakeholders? Working modality
Organization Profile of SOSEC, Nepal 2022
Gender Concept & Development.
Health education, formal &non- formal education.
Drinking water supply & sanitation, safe motherhood, Nutrition, ARI, Diarrhea etc.
Infrastructure Development & irrigation management.
Income generation program, Food security, Community development.
Livelihood improvement through Agriculture activities.
Technical facilitation/support for market development and promotion of agricultural commodities
Natural Resources Management.
Child development, Climate change issue.
Survey, Design, Cost estimate & Supervision.
Conflict Management, Support for Disaster management.
Institutional Capacity building.
Good governance, Youth & Right To food.
Disaster Risk Reduction& Climate Change.
Child Protection, Child Right Governance.
Rescue, Rehabilitation and ReIntergration in family of women and children who are affected or in case of human trafficking.
Advocacy, counselling and assist in process of justice.
2.14 Policies and guidelines in SOSEC
Different policies and guidelines have been developed to lead the organization towards the good governance. The policies and
guidelines in the SOSEC are as below:
Constitution of the organization.
Staff Management policy.
Finance Management policy.
Strategic policy.
J.D of Executive member, staffs and member of sub-committee.
GESI Policy.
Child Safeguarding Policy.
Operational management guidelines.
Partnership policy.
Human resource management guideline.
Communication guidelines.
Resource Mobilization Policy.
Staff orientation policy.
Anti-corruption policy.
Complaint Response Mechanism Guideline.
Safeguarding policy
Toll Free Operation Guideline.
Disability Inclusion Guideline.
Data Protection policy
Consultancy and Procurement policy
Guideline for staffs during pandemic 2020
Vehicle operation policy 2077
Organization Profile of SOSEC, Nepal 2022
2. Immediate Past Male
Mr. Hira Singh Thapa Nepali President
3. Kabi Raj Rijal Nepali Vice President Male
4. Mahendra Kumar Karki Nepali General Secretary Male
5. Kamala Chand Nepali Treasurer Female
6. Lalita Kumari Bhandari Nepali Secretary Female
7. Mansara Thapa Magar Nepali Member Female
8. Kamala Kumari Nepali (Badi) Nepali Member Female
9. Sangita Rana Nepali Member Female
10. Sujan Neupane Nepali Member Male
11. Laxman Kumar karki Nepali PWD/Youth Member Male
Promotion of rights of
women, children and youth
1 in Dailekh and Kalikot AEI Luxemburg 3 1 1 0 6 1 1 11 2 24
districts, Karnali province,
Nepal (AADHAR project)
Organization Profile of SOSEC, Nepal 2022
4 SAYAHATRA II project Save The Children 1 0 2 1 7 11 10 12 32
Strengthening Community
Adaptive Capacity for
5 DanChurchAid (DCA) 1 3 0 1 3 5
Advancing Resilient
Livelihood (SACAR)
Promotion of Rights of
health and education and
7 AEIN Luxemburg 1 1 3 2 7 7
improvement in daily lives
of Raute people
Enhanced Action of
Inclusive CSOs for
8 Participation in Climate European Union/DCA 1 4 5 5
Resilient Economic Growth
(UTTHAN Project)
Quality Education
enhancement, health and
10 Livelihood support in AEIN Luxembourg 1 0 0 4 3 8
Thathikandh RM Dailekh
Total 5 4 9 4 28 47 2 0 23 68 122
3. Organizational management
SOSEC Nepal Dailekh has clear vision for organizational management. The roles and responsibility of each section has been
clearly defined. General Assembly is the higher authority of the organization and is elected in every 3 years from the general
Assembly. The executive committee leads and guides the organization, regular monitoring and evaluation of the programs for the
better implementation, formulate guideline and decision making are the key activities done by the executive committee. To lead the
organization towards the good governance different sub-committee like, Management Sub-committee, Monitoring Sub- committee,
Procurement Sub-committee, physical assets supervision Sub-committee, organizational development sub-committee, Resource
mobilization sub-committee, recruitment sub-committee, Risk Reduction Taskforce & Emergency Rescue Taskforce are performed
owns responsibilities.
4. Finance/Account/Audit
SOSEC, Nepal Dailekh collects resources from membership fees, late fee, ODF Provide by the staffs, and other service fee, as
well as overhead & management expenses provided by the donor agencies. The collected fund is mobilized for the Capacity
development of the members and staffs of the organization. All the transactions are made by cheque from bank. The expenses bill
voucher and receipt will be submitted to the subjective sub-committee and endorsement to the executive committee. The executive
committee checks whether the expenses are real or not and approved. Account has been managed in the standard format of
accountancy of Nepal government. Different formats have been developed to manage the account properly. Internal audit has been
made twice a year and external audit once year by CA or registered auditor recruited by the general assembly of the organization.
Audit report and annual progress report is submitted to concerning support/donor agency, social welfare council and other
stakeholders. Now FAMAS software is used for the proper management of account report.Annually organization social and gender
audit is conduct.
Organization Profile of SOSEC, Nepal 2022
5. Resource collection
The necessary resources for the better implementation of program are collect from following sources:
Entrance, Membership and renew fee
Service fee
Support from government, Semi government and INGO/NGOs
Support from private and personal sector.
Organization Profile of SOSEC, Nepal 2022
9. Organization WASH strength:
Through various project s, organization have prepared more than 14 WASH/WUMP plan in 2007 including updating of
WASH/WUMP plan in 2013 eg (former VDC of Dailekh District; Dullu, Roma, Bhawani, Raniban, Pipalkot, Lalikanda, Rawatkot,
Bhairikalikathum, Baluwatar, Meheltoli, Singsain, Kalika Bisalla and Kusapani) with the support or Rural Village Water Resources
Management project- funded by Government of Nepal and government of Finland). After the formation of local Government,
Recently, organization have also supported to prepare WUMP for Bhagwatmai RM, Naumule RM and Dullu Municipality of
Dailekh district with the support of RVWRMP and Helvetas (WARM-P) respectively. SOSEC have implemented and completed 38
schemes in the field of WASH/Water Resources, 5 schemes in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) related with climate change.
SOSEC is a best WASH implementer NGO in Dailekh which recently implementing WASH activities in Bhagwatimai Rural
Municipality, Naumule Rural Municipality, Dullu Municipality, Chamundabindrasaini Municipality and Dugeshwor R.M and about to
6000 HHS are directly benefited from the support.
10. Balhelpline 1098 and Women and Children Center (Shelter), Dailekh and Kalikot
Karnali Province is regarded as one of the remote Province of Nepal as it lacks various opportunities and infrastructural
development. Most of the people of the province are living under poverty which has led various issues and problems in the areas.
As per the human Index the status of children and women is very low in these areas. Due to poverty and lack of awareness
complicated issues such as child marriage, child labor, trafficking, Chaupadi, violence etc rate are seen to be high in these areas
which are taken as very common in the rural areas of this area. So, to provide awareness as well as to support and to eradicate
such issues Baal Helpline 1098 as well as Women and Children Center (Shelter) service is operated by the organization. The
major objective of the Baalhelpline 1098 and Shelter is to protect women and children right and to protect them from any kind of
In approval of National Child Right Counsel, Baal Helpline 1098 in Kalikot and Dailekh is operating by the organization where
children at any problem could make a call and take service as per their need. Both Ntc and Ncell user can make the call in free of
cost and share their problem which is attended and quick response to their problem is made. This includes rescue, rehabilitation
and reintegration with family along with counselling and scholarship programs as well. In the case of Dailekh Baal Helpline NCELL
users can have access to organization through 1098 from all 10 districts of Karnali Province whereas only Dailekh district is
accessible by Ntc users. Similarly, in Kalikot the coverage districts of Baalhelpline 1098 are Kalikot, Jumla, Mugu, Humla and
Dolpa. Daily number of calls are attended and on response activities children are even rescued from India also who were provided
rehabilitation, counselling, scholarship as well as reintegration service. Along with this number of cases of child marriage has been
stopped and has made contribution in minimizing child labor as well.
Beside this, organization is also operating Women and Children Center (Shelter) service to those women and children who are at
violence or are in the risk of violence. Due to poverty and lack of knowledge, still many women and children are compelled to bear
the violence and even crime against them. So, to provide them justice and to provide shelter in their emergency organization is
operating this service where such women and children can stay and process for justice. Counselling, assist in process of justice,
advocacy is made through this shelter which have close coordination with District Police office, District Administrative office and
other stakeholders. Coverage areas of Dailekh shelter with phone number 089-410222 is Dailekh and its surrounding district such
as Salyan, Jajarkot, Achham etc whereas coverage area of Kalikot Shelter with phone number 087-4403344is basically Kalikot
and other surrounding districts such as Hulma, Jumla etc. Through the imitation of Shelter of Kalikot and Dailekh, number of
cases have been registered in court of respective districts and justice to such people have been made. Cases include mostly
women violence, polygamy, dowry and even rape.
Organization Profile of SOSEC, Nepal 2022
Organization Profile of SOSEC, Nepal 2022
Stepping Together for Education April 1, 2008 Dec 31, Save the Children
Program (STEP) 2010 Norway /SAC Nepal 0 5502117.37
Sustainable Development for April 1, 2007 Dec 31, Government of
Environment Conservation 2007 Nepal/Ministry of
0 125500.00
Program Population &
18 Environment
Rural Drinking Water & June 15, 2007 Feb 29, Rural Drinking Water &
Sanitation Program 2008 Sanitation Board
Development Phase Development 2 548510.00
19 Committee
Tipedi&Khamekhola Irrigation Nov 16, 2005 July 14, LILI/helvetasNepal
2 1662780.00
20 Program 2006
Drinking Water & Sanitation Jan 15, 2007 Jan 14, 2008 Nepal Water For Health
Program (NEWAH)/CONCERN 4 6698053.00
Self Reliance Drinking Water Jan 1, 2004 Dec 31, WARM-P Helvetas,
Health Education & Sanitation 2006 Nepal
1 399277.00
Program (Bijaura, Simada,
22 Dhakane, Salkharka&Simada)
WASH Campaign Jan1, 2009 Dec.31, UNICEF/ SCN
196 1945697.00
23 2010
Rural Access Program(RAP2) Feb 1, 2009 June 30, Rural Access
2012 Program/DFID 47 3128210.00
Raute Child Care Practice Aug 1, 2010 Dec 31, Save the children
Innovation Research Program 2010 2 310000.00
CABA Program Oct 1, 2010 Dec 31, Save the Children
0 300000.00
26 2010
Sahakarya Experience in Sep 1, 2010 Mar 30, CECI Sahakarya
0 851156.00
27 LGCDP Program 2011
Promotion of Right of Child, July 1, 2012 Dec 31, TDH Germany/AEI
Youth & Woman Program 2016 Luxemburg India 88 9298000.00
28 Program
Rural Village Water Resource Jan 1, 2012 July 15, DDC/RVWRMP
5 8379375.00
29 Management Project II 2016
Community Support Program Nov 1, 2012 Mar 30, CARE Nepal
35 7295541.11
30 Extension Phase II 2014
High Value Agriculture Project in Jan 1, 2013 Dec 31, IFAD/HVAP
9 9456960.00
31 Hill and Mountain Areas 2016
RAP-3/ Socio-Economic Dec 1, 2013 July 31, DFID/RAP-3
0 32918414.84
32 Development Program 2016
Resilience Livelihood & Jan 1, 2013 Dec 31, ICCO/DCA/LWF, Nepal
Sustainable Food Security 2015 21 9295270.00
33 Project
Sustainable Action of Jan 1, 2016 Dec 31, ICCO/DCA/LWF Nepal
Community for Advancing 2018 49 9258537.00
Organization Profile of SOSEC, Nepal 2022
Resilience Livelihood (SARAL)
Organization Profile of SOSEC, Nepal 2022
Organization Profile of SOSEC, Nepal 2022
9. Mrs. Durga Giri Female Other B.Ed. Assistant Program 10 Years GESI focal Person, Safeguarding Focal Person,
Director/Safeguarding Women, Child & Youth right, Right based
GESI Focal Person advocacy, Social mobilization, project/program
management, monitoring & Reporting
10. Mr. Man Bahadur Thapa Male Chhetri I.Com. District Program 11 Years Right Based advocacy, social mobilization,
Coordinator project/program management, coordination,
monitoring, supervision, Reporting
11. Mrs. Rama Shreshth FaMale Chhetri M.A Shelter Coordinator 15 Years Shelter Management, 1098 Helpline
Dailekh Management CP/CRG capacity development,
project management, Coordination & reporting
12. Mrs. Gita Oli FaMale chhetri M.A. Shelter Coordinator 4 Years Shelter Management, 1098 Helpline
Kalikot Management CP/CRG capacity development,
project management, Coordination & reporting
13. Mr. Tika Ram Sapkota Male Brahmin/chhetri B.Com. Account & 10 Years Financial management of organization, financial
Procurement Officer plan, capacity development, Coordination,
financial tracking, finance report preparation.
14. Miss. Krishna Rawat Female Janajati B.B.S. Finance & 2 Year Financial management of organization, financial
procurement plan, capacity development, Coordination,
Assistant r financial tracking, finance report preparation.
15. Mr. Santoshi Shah Famale Chhetri M Ed. MEAL Coordinator 10 Years Monitoring, Evaluation Accountability & Learning
sharing, documentation, reporting, tracking of
project/program, coordination and conducting
meeting of CRM committee
16. Mrs. Maya Rana Female Janajati B.Ed. Assistant Admin 3 Years 5 Logistic management, record keeping
Officer months
17. Mr. Madhav Bhattarai Male Brahmin M.A Program Manager 9 years Project development, Coordination, reporting,
Management support, field staff mobilization,
monitoring and supervision of projects, project
management etc
18. Mrs Sajana Sunar Male Dalit M A RD Child Protection 15 Years LGBTIQ, CP/CRG capacity
Coordinator development, project management,
Livelihood improvement plan,
coordination, monitoring, supervision &
Organization Profile of SOSEC, Nepal 2022
Organization Profile of SOSEC, Nepal 2022
Raise public consciousness by employing programs about maternal-child care, safe-motherhood, family planning,
(b) Gender and Social Inclusion.
SOSEC generated policies related to GESI, such as GESI policy applied in every intervention, formation of committee/sub
committees, and projects staff selection process by applying GESI policy of the organization. As per guidance of organization's
GESI policy, organization emphasis on gender equity and social inclusion in each intervention conducted on the name of
organization. Bylaws of SOSEC clearly define the gender sensitivity on compositing executive board of organization, where
there among elected 8 executive board members, 4 should be from female (1 from Dalit, 1 from Janajati and 2 from other). In
another hand SOSEC implementing its projects by targeting poor, marginalized and dalit community in the Karnali Province
and Sudurpaschim Province. SOSEC implementing its intervention with the maximum participation of Dalit community having
provision in every interventions and programs. For the addressing social bad practice about upper and lower cast in the
community, such saha-bhoj (joint together parties), capacity building of Dalit, entrepreneurship development, scholarship, IGA,
and social inclusion related interventions and campaigns has been organizing. SOSEC ensured participation of the women
and dalit as per the GESI policy of the organization in group formation, participation and the implementation of its interventions
(c) Working Experience; People with Disability
SOSEC generated and governed by various policies; among them Disable Friendly Policy has been applying in organization.
As per made provision on Disable Friendly Policy of organization, in every intervention, formation of committee/sub committees
and projects staff selection process practicing to apply this policy. As per guidance of organization's DFP, organization
emphasis on made enable environment and centralize disable as a cross cutting issues in each intervention of every
SOSEC Nepal Dailekh has been long experiences of working in the sector of people with Disability. During the implementation
of project/programs by SOSEC Nepal Dailekh people disability is a considered as a cross cutting issues and ensure meaningful
participation and target as a primary beneficiary. SOSEC Nepal Dailekh has been implementing 10 different project/programs
in Dailekh, Accham and Kailkot District. Now, 1024 HHs of people with Disability are get benefits by different supports.
Specially, educational materials support, livelihood improvement support, miner appliances supports, capacity-enhancing
training has been providing.
(d) Education, formal & non-formal education, basic and compulsory education
Inherently targeted formal/non-formal interventions, underpinned by flexibility, diversity, context specificity and openness, are
forceful in accommodating specific learning needs of heterogeneous learners with diverse backgrounds. For many children,
young & elder people who experience educational exclusion, non-formal education is an important means to acquiring
knowledge, skills, values and attitudes required for further learning, better well-being and improved livelihoods. Every out-of-
school child, adolescent& elder is unique, affected by interrelated factors of exclusion, such as poverty, geographical location,
social status and gender bias, and their profiles changes over time as those factors evolves, together with other conditions
such as age, family situation and related national policies. Hence, formal and non-formal education can target particular
population groups facing educational marginalization as well as specific geographical locations in which educational
challenges persist. SOSEC provides/supports to communities for formal and non-formal education with the
coordination/collaboration with DDC, DEO, and Save the Children etc.
(e) Community Infrastructure Development
Social Service Center (SOSEC) assists to develop infrastructures by mobilizing local resources. It gives special attention and
help for the following community based infrastructure activities and programs with the coordination/collaboration and technical
support from the stakeholders and its' technical staffs mobilization;
Construction of clean and safe drinking water projets.
Soil erosion control measures.
Road & trails construction and improvement.
Irrigation canal improvement and construction.
Conservation pond construction and conservation.
Organization Profile of SOSEC, Nepal 2022
(f) Livelihood improvement of deprived/marginalized communities
At the mean time SOSEC Nepal Dailekh has been run program/projects for improving and uplifting livelihood of
deprived/marginalized communities (Agricultural and Off farm based interventions). Following activities and programs are
carryout for improving livelihood of target communities;
Formation and mobilization of producer groups (Farmer groups)
Capacity building on production/productive, groups management, post-harvest handling etc
Facilitation in marketing channel buildup with networking market actor (local and outside district) and stakeholders.
Introduce new technologies like tunnel for off seasonal vegetable production, polly house for off seasonal vegetable
production, Mineral Block, improved breeding buck for uplifting income scale from goat farming.
Formation and mobilization support to Market Management Committees for sold products of farmers.
Linkage and support to local level micro finance institutions for access in small-scale fund in community level.
Exposure to representatives of production groups to model sides inside and outside district for replication of new things
in community.
Support, facilitating to prepare, and implementation of individual and group level business plan.
Support, facilitating to made agreement between production groups and collectors.
Organization Profile of SOSEC, Nepal 2022
(j) Youth involvement in development
SOSEC facilitate and support youth to involve in development with meaningful participation of youth. SOSEC considered youth
are the major element of development. Following activities and programs are carrying out;
Formation and reformation of youth clubs.
Orient and capacited to youth in 14 steps of planning process of GoN
Emphasis youth participation in planning, implementation, monitoring of development work done in community level.
Organization Profile of SOSEC, Nepal 2022
Menstruation Campaign. Organization declares and orient to all board member & staff member to try to reduce traditional
Menstruation (Chhaupadi).
(p) Promotion of Rights of health and education of Raute people
The Raute communities are indigenous and fully dependent on forests and its products. Raute community is tribal community,
a nomadic indigenous ethnic group officially recognized by the Government of Nepal. They are known for subsistence hunting
of langur and macaque monkeys. They gather wild forest tubers, fruits, and greens on a regular basis. To obtain grain, tools,
cloth, and jewelry, they carve wooden bowls and boxes to trade for goods from local markets. They used herbs to heal their
wounds. After identified their identity as a nomadic, indigenous ethnic group, government has provided allowances in regular
basis. Beside these, some other helping hands also providing cloths and foods eventually. As a result, they are missing their
culture, occupation and traditional system and now they are totally going to depend upon external supports such as monetary
and fooding. They are decreasing day by day and remaining only 145 till reporting period. Raute children are out of learning
process. They do not want to read and write. They do not want to have allopathic medicine. Raute are shifting and changing
their residency because they did not have permanent house and cultural beliefs, if Raute member loses their live suddenly
they leave that place. They want to remain as it is. They even don’t share their population, mostly, they reside in jungle.
SOSEC implementing Raute Project for the upliftment of daily lives of raute community and social behavior change in the case
of personal health, informal education, awareness etc. The Raute are little bit more convinced in the idea of counting their
numbers after the project interventions. Before the project, they get offended if anybody asks them about their exact number,
as they do not think it is necessary to do a mathematical calculation about their life (birth and death are usual processes for
them. The organization facilitated in distribution of the identity card to the Raute community, Permanent resident Rural
Municipality as a Gurans Rural Municipality, Dailekh. Jointly intervention has been implemented with the coordination and
collaboration with Province level ministries, R/Ms,, other NGOs, and supporter/helpers etc.