Bahan Penunjang - Problem Solving - Decision Making - Part 2
Bahan Penunjang - Problem Solving - Decision Making - Part 2
Bahan Penunjang - Problem Solving - Decision Making - Part 2
Decision Making
Studi Independent Bersertifikat GNIK, 12 May 2022
presented by Rudy Afandi
Bulu apa yang warnanya kuning?
Bulu Band
Accepting The Problem
Need first to accept the problem by acknowledging that the problem exists and
committing yourself to trying to solve it and it will make you grow
Strategies to find the motivation to enter the process:
1. List your benefits from solving the problem. How the experience will grow you
personally and professionally → GROWTH MINDSET
2. Formalize your acceptance – commit to solve this problem
3. Accept responsibility for your life
4. Create a “worst-case” scenario
5. Identify what’s holding you back – what is preventing you from solving the problem?
It could be your fear of change
Step 2 : Analyze the Problem
“You can’t solve problems with the “In any moment of decision the best
same thinking that created them” thing you can do is the right thing, the
Albert Einstein next best thing is the wrong thing, and
the worst thing you can do is nothing.”
Theodore Roosevelt
Where did the problem start?
Interview/question anyone who might know something useful about the problem.
Ask questions to:
When and Where? → to locate the the problem, where the problem exists and
where it does not, when first and last seen
How? → to explore extent; How far, How many, How much affected
Such questions cannot be answered with single word, but require some form of
Your problem statement and description are the best grounds for generating the
right questions.
Invented by Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa, so it is often called as the Ishikawa diagram or cause
and effect diagram.
Fishbone diagram is of great value in assisting teams in categorizing the many potential
causes problems or issues in a systematic way and helps identify root causes.
It is used when
◦ To determine the root cause
◦ To study all the possible reasons
◦ To study why a process is not performing properly and/or producing the expected results
Fishbone Analysis – how is it used?
◦ Draw a fishbone diagram
◦ List the problem/issue to be studied in the head of the fish
◦ Label each bone of the fish. The major categories typically used are:
◦ The 5M’s: Methods, Materials, Manpower, Measurement, Management
◦ The 4 P’s: Place, Procedure, People, Policies
◦ The 4 S’s: Surroundings, Suppliers, Systems, Skills
◦ Try to identify factors that account for the problem in each category. Continue asking,
“Why is this happening?” and put additional factors, until you no longer get useful
◦ Analyze the results of the fishbone after you and your team members agree that an
adequate amount of detail has been provided under each major category.
◦ Do this by looking for those items that appear in more than one category. These become the ‘most
likely causes’.
◦ For those items identified as the “most likely causes”, the team should reach consensus
on listing those items in priority order with the first item being the most probable cause.
Fishbone Analysis – Example
Category/ Label of possible causes
Demanding boss
Low Salary
Definisi Masalah
Most Likely Causes : alarm, time record…?
Misalkan seorang CEO mengalami masalah karena Personal Assistant nya
yang selalu saja terlambat dalam memberikan laporan market dan keuangan
bulanan, sehingga sulit bagi CEO untuk melakukan tindakan bisnis yang
diperlukan secara cepat.
Identify the differences between what you identified and between what is right and
what is wrong.
What has changed? Something happened to cause the problem (when). People
(skill, leadership)/ Materials (specification, quality)/ Equipment (new, change in
maintenance)/ Processes (Training processes, patterns of communications)
Proving the causes: Testing if the cause identified explains the symptoms
◦ Test the assumptions that support the analysis
◦ Replicate the problem in a controlled environment
Step 3 : Develop Alternative Solution
• Be creative
• Creativity is the ability to bring about something imaginative or new.
• In decision making, creativity means being able to generate alternatives that are
innovative or different from what has been used in the past
• Thinking outside the box
• A fundamental way to become more creative is to be open to your own ideas
• The creative problem solving and decision making process is useless unless it is
executed and have the value or improve the situation
Pindahkan hanya 2 batang korek api untuk
membuat 7 bujur sangkar
2 12
1 3
5 7 9
6 8
Alasan menentang Ide Kreatif
Tidak praktis Kamu Apa sudah ada
secara Kita belum kecepetan competitor yg
operasional siap untuk Kita bakal mikirnya lakukan itu?
lakukan itu ditertawakan
Apa sudah
ada yang Kita sudah
pernah pernah
Tidak di Kita tidak lakukan itu?
Itu bukan nyoba itu…
budget-kan punya
Ide itu
Ah main2 Kita bentuk
kamu…. aja team Itu di luar
Para boss untuk otoritas kita
tidak akan eksekusi Ide ini
pernah setuju perubahan
dengan ide yang terlalu
seperti ini radikal
Brainstorming – Ground Rules
• Random Word
• Random Picture
• SCAMPER : Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to other
Purpose, Eliminate, Re-arrange
Random Words
uang belanja
Beli kepuasan
E commerce
Changing part or all of the current situation, or to distort it in an unusual way. By forcing
Definition yourself to come up with new ways of working, you are often prompted into an
Modify / alternative product/process.
What happens if I warp or exaggerate a feature or component? What will happen if I
modify the process in some way?
To put your current solution/ product/process to other purposes, or think of what you
could reuse from somewhere else in order to solve your own problem/opportunity. You
might think of another way of solving your own problem/opportunity or finding another
Put to Other
market for your product.
Question What other market could I use this product in? Who or what else might be able to use it?
Eliminate various parts of the product/process and consider what you might do in that
Definition situation. This often leads you to consider different ways of tackling the problem or
What would happen if I removed a component or part of it? How else would I achieve
the solution without the normal way of doing it?
Initiative Issues
I 1A High Low
Q 1A, 1B High High
X 1B Medium High
L 1C Medium Medium
T 1B, 1C Low Low
Low Medium High
8 I can’t support the decision
Risk in Decision Making
Selective Perception
Decision Making Confirmation
Errors & Biases
Randomness Framing
Overconfidence Biases
– Believing too much in our own ability to make good decisions
Anchoring bias
– Using early, first received information as the basis for making subsequent judgements.
(Coroner/Burned airplane)
Confirmation bias
– Using only the facts that support our decision
Common Biases and Errors
Availability Bias
– Using information that is most ready at hand
Representative Bias
– Using only the facts that we prefer to explore
Framing bias
– Decision makers are influenced by the way information is presents
Escalation of Commitment:
Continue of failing course of action even after information have been revealed
– Continuation is often based on the idea that one has already invested in the course of
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