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B.A./ B.Sc. (Honours with or without Research)





Page 1 of 13
Regulations relating to Admission for the semester wise Four-Year B.A./B.Sc. (under CCF, 2022)
Courses of Studies conducted by the University of Calcutta.

 In exercise of the powers conferred by Section-54 of Calcutta University Act 1979, the University of
Calcutta hereby makes the following Regulations for B.A./ B.Sc. courses of studies (under CCF,

 These shall apply to every student prosecuting the above Courses in this University.

 Notwithstanding anything contained in any other regulations or rules for the time being in force
the study for the above Courses shall be guided by these Regulations effective from the
Academic Session 2023-2024.

1. Title and Commencement

1.1 These Regulations shall be called THE REGULATIONS FOR SEMESTER WISE 4 YEAR B.A./B.Sc.

1.2 These Regulations shall come into force with effect from the academic session 2023-2024.

2. Duration of the Programme:

The B.A./ B.Sc. Programme shall be for a minimum duration of Eight (08) (with an exit option after
completion of 2nd/4th/6th Semesters) consecutive semesters of Six months each, i.e. The odd
semester will start ordinarily in the month of July and the even semester in the month of January of
every year.
A student prosecuting a regular course of study for semester wise degree course shall have to clear
all semesters in all respect within a span of seven years from the year of admission to the particular
course and combination, failing which enrolment of the student shall stand cancelled.

Explanation: A student already admitted in this course may seek fresh admission with different
course/ subject combination (with respect to Major/ Minor subjects) subject to clause no 4.

3. Applicability of the Regulations:

a) These regulations shall be applicable to the students taking admission to the B.A./ B.Sc.
Course from the academic session 2023-2024.
b) Students who have already successfully completed any U.G. degree earlier are not eligible to
take admission into above course.

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I-Admission Regulations

4. (a) A student who has passed the Higher Secondary (10+2) or its equivalent Examination is eligible to
seek admission to the 1st year of the B.A./B.Sc. (Single-Major) Course of Studies provided the candidate
has also passed in English having full marks not being less than 100 and fulfills the conditions as laid
down in clause 5, 10, 11 and 12.

However, no student shall be allowed to take admission after a lapse of more than 3 years from the
year of passing the previous qualifying examination.

(Explanation: The year of admission shall not be taken into account while calculating three years from
the year of passing the previous qualifying Examination).

4. (b) Students who have passed the Higher Secondary (10+2) Examination or its equivalent from the
All India Boards/Councils (i.e. CBSE, ISC and National Institute of Open Schooling) need not require to
submit the Migration Certificate for getting Registration under this University.

5. For the purpose of determining eligibility for admission to the B.A./B.Sc./ (Single-Major) Courses,
aggregate marks shall be calculated by adding the marks in top-four subjects in order of marks secured
by a student. However, marks in compulsory Environmental Education/Studies shall not be taken into
account for calculation of aggregate marks. However, if the subject “Environmental Science” is studied
as an elective subject of 100 marks, it may be taken into account for the purpose of determining the
aggregate marks.

(a) A student taking up Major Course in a subject must have obtained:

i. A minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate and 45% marks in the subject or related
subject at the previous qualifying examination.
ii. 55% marks in the subject or related subject at the previous qualifying examination.
iii. 50% marks in the aggregate when the student has not studied the subject in his/her
previous qualifying examination provided all other clauses are satisfied.

(b) Students belonging to Reserved Categories taking up Major Course of Study must have
obtained a minimum of 40% marks in the aggregate or 40% marks in the subject or related subjects at
the previous qualifying examination, as the case may be.

(c) Seat reservation for admission in the first year class of four-year (eight semesters) degree
courses of studies shall be guided by the West Bengal State Higher Educational Institutions
(Reservation in Admission), Act, 2013 and the West Bengal State Higher Educational Institutions
(Reservation in Admission) Rules, 2014 and Memorandum No. 339-Edn (CS)/OM-74L/2023, dt.

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6. Attendance

6.1. A student attending at least 75% of the total number of classes* held shall be allowed to sit for
the concerned Semester Examinations subject to fulfillment of other conditions laid down in the

6.2. A student attending at least 60% but less than 75% of the total number of classes* held shall be
allowed to sit for the concerned Semester Examinations subject to the payment of prescribed
condonation fees and fulfillment of other conditions laid down in the regulations.

6.3. A student attending less than 60% of the total number of classes* held shall not be allowed to sit
for the concerned Semester Examinations and he /she has to take admission to the same Semester in
the very next year for attending the classes and appearing at the said Semester Examination.

*Such attendance will be calculated from the date of commencement of classes or date of admission,
whichever is later.

Explanation: A student who has not been eligible to appear at any Semester-end Examination in terms
of Clause 6.3 may take admission to the next higher Semester and appear at such higher Semester-end
Examinations. However, such student has to take admission to the concerned Semester, for which the
candidate has been ineligible under clause 6.3, in the very next available chance without pursuing any
other Semester Course simultaneously.

7. Disciplines of Major & Minor subjects for B.A./ B.Sc.:

(i) Humanities & Language Discipline: History, English, Bengali, Ancient Indian & World History,
Islamic History and Culture, Hindi, Urdu, Russian, Political Science, Sanskrit, Pali , Philosophy,
Sociology, Education, Arabic, Persian, Journalism & Mass Communication, French, Music, Linguistics,
Physical Education, Human Rights, Women Studies, Household Art, Human Development, Social
Science, Home Science Extension Education, Economics, Mathematics, Anthropology, Geography,
Psychology, Library and Information Studies, Film Studies.

(ii) Science Discipline: Physics, Zoology, Chemistry, Botany, Molecular Biology, Microbiology,
Geology, Physiology, Defence Studies, Computer Science, Electronics, Bio-Chemistry, Physical
Education, Environmental Science, Food and Nutrition, Household Art, Human Development, Social
Science, Home Science Extension Education, Economics, Statistics, Mathematics, Anthropology,
Geography, Psychology, Library and Information Studies, Film Studies.

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Category of subjects:

A) Discipline Specific Core Course (DSCC): A course, to be compulsorily studied by a student as a core
requirement of the Major subject.

B) Minor: A subject of same broad discipline to be studied by the student with lesser number of
courses other than the major subject.

C) Ability Enhancement Course (AEC): Ability Enhancement Course (AEC) courses are the courses
based on the knowledge of languages. There shall be two AEC courses:
a) Compulsory English
b) MIL/ Alternative English
 MIL includes: Bengali, Hindi & Urdu.

D) Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC): These courses are designed to provide skill-based knowledge and
are aimed at providing competencies, skills etc. SEC courses are based upon skill enhancement.
Student shall study 2 SECs based on Major subjects in 1st and 3rd semester. In the 2nd semester the
student can study Artificial Intelligence (for Science discipline) or Digital Empowerment (for Humanities
& Language discipline) or as specified in the syllabus of the concerned Major subject.

E) Practical/ Tutorial: All courses other than AEC & CVAC will have one Practical/ Tutorial. Wherever
there is a practical, there will be no Tutorial and vice-versa. Inclusion of P/TU components in SECs will
be decided by the concerned UGBOS.

F) Common Value Added Course (CVAC): These courses are based on Knowledge of Human & Social
Values. There shall be 4 CVAC courses of 2 credits each. In the 1 st semester there shall be 1 compulsory
CVAC in ENVS & one compulsory CVAC in Constitutional Values. In the 2 nd semester there shall be 1
compulsory CVAC in ENVS & the students shall select the other CVAC from a pool of courses.

G) Summer Internship: All the students are required to do one 3 credits Summer Internship at the end
of the 2nd or 4th or 6th semester. Students completing Internship at the end of the 2nd semester will be
allowed to take exit from the course and will be awarded Certificate of 45 credits. Students completing
Internship at the end of the 4th semester will be allowed to take exit from the course and will be
awarded Diploma of 88 credits. Students completing Internship at the end of the 6th semester will be
allowed to take exit from the course and will be awarded three-year Single major Degree of 132

H) Inter Disciplinary Course (IDC): There shall be 3 IDCs of 3 credits each, to be studied in the first 3
semesters. The students shall take IDC from the different subjects other than the Major and Minor

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I) Research/ Dissertation:

a) Students obtaining CGPA equivalent to 75% marks after successful completion of all the first 6
semesters may opt for Honours with research Degree Course in the 7 th & 8th Semester.
b) Students choosing a 4-year Bachelor’s degree (Single major with Research course) are required
to take up research projects under the guidance of a faculty member. The students shall have
to complete the Research in the 7th & 8th semester of 4credits and 8 credits respectively (total
12 credits).
c) Students pursuing 4-year Single major Degree without Research shall have to take up to
1 additional DSCC (should be a Project work/ dissertation & the course will be of 4 credits) in 7th
semester and 2 additional DSCCs (courses are of 4 credits each and at least one should be a
Project Report/ Seminar) in 8th semester.

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9. Course Structure


DSCC/ Core Minor IDC AEC SEC CVAC Summer Dissertation/ Total
(Major) (m1 & m2) Internship Research work Credit

Semester 22x4= 88 8x4= 32 3x3= 9 4x2= 8 3x4= 4x2= 1x3=3 (1x4= 4)+ 172
12 8 (1x8= 8 ) = 12

1 1x4= 4 1x4= 4 (m1) 1x3= 3 1x2= 2 1x4= 4 2x2= 21

3TH+1P/TU 3TH+1P/TU 2TH 2TH 4
+1P/TU +0P/TU

2 1x4= 4 1x4= 4 (m1) 1x3= 3 1x2= 2 1x4= 4 2x2= 21

3TH+1P/TU 3TH+1P/TU 2TH 2TH 4
+1P/TU +0P/TU

3 2x4= 8 1x4= 4 (m2) 1x3= 3 1x2= 2 1x4= 4 21

2x(3TH+ 3TH+1P/TU 2TH 2TH
1P/TU) +1P/TU +0P/TU

4 4x4= 16 1x4= 4 (m2) 1x2= 2 22

4x(3TH+ 3TH+1P/TU 2TH
1P/TU) +0P/TU

5 4x4= 16 m1+m2 24
4x(3TH+ 2x4= 8
1P/TU) 2x(3TH+

6 3x4= 12 2x4= 8 20
3x(3TH+ m1+m2
1P/TU) 2x(3TH+

7 4x4= 16 1x4* 20

8 3x4= 12 1x8 * 20

Credits 22x4= 88 8x4= 32 3x3= 9 4x2= 8 3x4= 4x2= (1x4)+(1X8)= 12 169+3=

12 8 172
Marks 22x100= 8x100=800 3x75= 4x50= 3x100= 4x50 1x100+1x200= Total
2200 225 200 300 = 200 300 Marks

Marks= 25 marks per credit.

*Students who will not pursue Dissertation/ Research work then the candidate will have to study additional 1 DSC/Core paper o f 4
credits in the 7th Semester & 2 DSC/ Core Papers of 4 Credits each in the 8th Semester.

Minor courses will come from two subjects of same broad discipline as Major (m1, m2).

Total credit=169+3 (for summer internship) = 172

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10. Disciplines:

There will be two broad disciplines: i) Science and ii) Humanities & Languages as described in
clause no. (8).

Types of subjects:

i) Major Courses:

All students shall have to take 22 DSCs of one subject. In addition, students who do not qualify or opt
for “4-year degree course-by research, will have to take three additional courses with provision for
project based evaluation (As mentioned in the syllabus of respective subject).

Although the course contents of all minor courses are identical with some major courses of that
subject, the examinations for Major and Minor courses will be conducted separately.

A college shall offer Major Courses only in such subjects in respect of which it has affiliation for Single
major courses.

ii) Minor Courses:

Course content to be the same, as Major Courses of a given standard.

A student will have to take 8 Minor Courses from the same broad discipline as the Major excluding the
Major subject. Students have to study 4 Minor Courses in the first two years ( 1 in each semester) and
4 Minor courses in the 3rd year (2 in each semester).

Of the 4 courses in the first two years2 courses have to be taken from one subject (m1) in the 1 st and
2nd semesters and 2 courses from the other subject (m2) in the 3rd and 4th semesters. All these courses
are intended to be at level 100.

The exact Minor courses are specified in the syllabus of respective subjects. For any minor subject the
first two minor courses (irrespective of whether it is taught in 1st or 2nd year) will be identical with the
first two courses of the corresponding major subject.

In the third year (semester-5 & 6) two minor subjects in each semester will have to be taken from two
different subjects. These courses are of level 200.

A minor course opted for in the 5th semester will have to be selected from among the major courses
offered in the 3rd semester level (level 200).

Similarly a minor course opted in the 6 th semester will have to be selected from among the major
courses offered in the 4th semester (level 200).

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iii) Inter Disciplinary Course (IDC):

A student will have to opt for three IDCs (one in each of the first three semesters) from a pool of
courses offered in the different disciplines. These courses must be different from the major and minor

iv) Skill Enhancement Course (SEC):

SEC courses are based upon skill enhancement. Student shall study 2 SECs based on Major subjects in
1st and 3rd semester. In the 2nd semester the student can study Artificial Intelligence (for Science
discipline) or Digital Empowerment (for Humanities & Language discipline) or as specified in the
syllabus of the concerned Major subject.

Course structure (Th, P, Tu) and credit distributions (4 TH +0P/TU; 0 TH+4P; 2 TH+2 P/TU; 3 TH+ 1 P/TU)
may differ from subject to subject.

Note: There shall be no course containing only Tutorial.

v) Common Value Added Course (CVAC):

There shall be 4 CVAC courses of 2 credits each. In the 1st semester there shall be 1 compulsory CVAC
in ENVS & one CVAC in Constitutional Values. In the 2nd semester there shall be 1 compulsory CVAC in
ENVS & the students shall select the other CVAC from a pool of courses.

vi) Ability Enhancement Course (AEC):

All students shall have to study 4 AEC courses of 2 credits each (one in each of the first 4 semesters).
There will be a compulsory AEC, named Compulsory English which shall be studied in the 1st and 2nd
semesters and there will be an optional AEC (MIL/ Alt. Eng) to be studied in the 3rd & 4th semesters.

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11. List of subjects of the B.A./B.Sc. (Major/ Minor) courses offered under the University of
Major & Minor Only Minor
1. English 40. Defence Studies
2. Bengali 41. Film Studies
3. Sanskrit 42. Molecular Biology
4. Pali 43. Physical Education
5. Urdu 44. Household Art
6. Arabic 45. Social Science
7. Persian 46. Home Science Extension Education
8. Hindi 47. Women’s Studies
9. History, Ancient Indian & World History,
Islamic History & Culture

23.Political Science
29.Human Development
30.Journalismand Mass Communication
31.Food & Nutrition
35.Environmental Science
37. French
38. Library & Information Science
39. Human Rights
1. Compulsory 1.Environmental Studies As mentioned in clause
English (Compulsory) no. 8 (c) or 10.(iv)
2. Alternative 2.Constitutional values
English All subjects offered (Compulsory)
3. MIL 3. Optional CVAC
i. Bengali
ii. Hindi
iii. Urdu
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12. A student shall be allowed to take up the subject(s) under heading “A” if the candidate had
passed the subject(s) under heading “B” at the previous qualifying examination

Sl. Sl.
No. No.
1. Mathematics 1. Mathematics/Business Mathematics
2. Statistics 2. Statistics/Business Mathematics/Mathematics
3. Physics 3. Physics and Mathematics
4. Chemistry 4. Chemistry
5. Zoology 5. Zoology/Biology/Bio-Technology
6. Botany 6. Botany/Biology/Bio-Technology
7. Physiology 7. Physiology/Biology/Bio-Technology
8. Geology 8. Geology/Geography/Physics and Chemistry
9. Molecular Biology 9. Biology/Bio-Technology and Chemistry/Physics
10. Microbiology 10. Biology/Bio-Technology and Chemistry/Physics
11. Computer Science 11. Mathematics & any one of Physics/
Statistics/Computer Science
12. Electronics 12. Electronics/Physics and Mathematics
13. Environmental Science 13. Chemistry

13. Some Special conditions for taking up Major Courses as follows:

(i) Economics: A Student shall be allowed to take up Major in Economics if the candidate has
passed in Mathematics at the H.S. Examination (10+2) conducted by the West Bengal Council of H.S.
Education or its equivalent examination in Mathematics/ Business Mathematics/ Applied
Mathematics. Students who have passed Business Economics including Business Mathematics in
H.S.(10+2) level from West Bengal Council of H.S. Education are also eligible for admission with
Economics as the Major subject, students of Economics Major have to take up Mathematics as one of
the Minor subject.

(ii) Mathematics: A student shall be allowed to take up Major in Mathematics if the candidate has
passed in Mathematics/ Applied Mathematics at the previous qualifying examination. A student who
has passed in Business Mathematics is not eligible for admission to the Mathematics Major Course.

(iii) Chemistry: A student shall be allowed to take-up Major in Chemistry if the candidate has
passed in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics at the previous qualifying examination.

(iv) Bio-Chemistry: A student shall be allowed to take up Major in Bio-Chemistry if the candidate has
passed in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology/Bio-Technology at the previous qualifying

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* A student of B.Sc. (Major) in Bio-Chemistry shall have to take-up elective subjects as stated
hereunder and inconformity with Grouping of Subjects:

(a) Any one of the subjects: Physics/Mathematics/Statistics

(b) Any one of the subjects: Zoology/ Botany/ Microbiology/ Physiology/ Molecular-Biology.

(v) Micro-Biology: A student shall be allowed to take-up Major in Micro Biology if the candidate has
passed in Chemistry in the previous qualifying Examination.

*Subject combination for Micro-Biology: Chemistry and any one of the following subjects:

Mathematics/Physics/Computer Science/Botany/Zoology/Physiology.

(vi) Physiology: A student shall be allowed to take-up Major in Physiology if the candidate has passed
the subject Physiology/Biology/Bio-Technology and Chemistry in the previous qualifying Examination.
The subject Biology/Bio-Technology may be treated as the related subject.

(vii) Food and Nutrition: A student shall be allowed to take-up Major in Food and Nutrition if the
candidate has passed in Chemistry at the previous qualifying examination and to take up Chemistry
as one of the Minor subjects.

(viii) Anthropology: A students shall not be allowed to take-up Anthropology (Major) along with

(ix) Environmental Science: Students have to take up Chemistry as one of the Minor subjects.

(x) Computer Science: The combination of subject for Computer Science Major Course shall be
Mathematics as one of the Minor subjects and any one of the subjects: either Physics or Statistics or
Electronics as the other Minor subject.

(xi) Education: If the student has not studied Education as a subject in the previous qualifying
examination then Psychology/ Philosophy/ Mathematics/Sociology/ Economics/ Political Science/
History /Statistics /Physics /Chemistry /Biology be treated as related subjects.

(xii) Philosophy: If the students has not studied Philosophy as a subject in the previous qualifying
examination then Psychology/ Math/ Education/ Sociology/Political Science be treated as related

(xii) Sociology: Students passed the previous qualifying examination (10+2) in Science/Humanities/Arts
(except Commerce) stream with any subject will be allowed to get admission in Sociology-Major.

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14. Nomenclature of degrees:

1. Students taking up the Major and the Minor subjects from the Science Discipline shall pursue B.Sc.
degree course.

2. Students taking up the Major and the Minor subjects from the Humanities & Language Discipline
shall pursue B.A. degree course.

3. In case the Major & the Minor subjects taken by a student are included in both the disciplines
(Science and Humanities & Language discipline) the Student shall pursue B.Sc. degree course.

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Page 1 of 10
Regulations relating to Admission for the semester wise Three-Year B.A./B.Sc. (Multidisciplinary,
under CCF, 2022) Courses of Studies conducted by the University of Calcutta.

 In exercise of the powers conferred by Section-54 of Calcutta University Act 1979, the University of
Calcutta hereby makes the following Regulations for B.A./ B.Sc. (Multidisciplinary) courses of
studies (under CCF, 2022).

 These shall apply to every student prosecuting the above Courses in this University.

 Notwithstanding anything contained in any other regulations or rules for the time being in force
the study for the above Courses shall be guided by these Regulations effective from the
Academic Session 2023-2024.

1. Title and Commencement

1.1 These Regulations shall be called THE REGULATIONS FOR SEMESTER WISE 3 YEAR

1.2 These Regulations shall come into force with effect from the academic session 2023-2024.

2. Duration of the Programme

The B.A./ B.Sc. Programme shall be for a minimum duration of six (06) consecutive semesters (with an
exit option after 2nd and 4th) of six months each, i.e. The odd semester will start ordinarily in the
month of July and the even semester in the month of January of every year.
A student prosecuting a regular course of study for semester wise degree course shall have to clear
all semesters in all respect within a span of seven years from the year of admission to the particular
course and combination, failing which enrolment of the student shall stand cancelled.

Explanation: A student already admitted in this course may seek fresh admission with different
course/ subject combination (with respect to Core/ Minor subjects) subject to clause no 4.

3. Applicability of the Regulations:

a) These regulations shall be applicable to the students taking admission to the B.A./ B.Sc.
Course from the academic session 2023-2024.
b) Students who have already successfully completed any U.G. degree earlier are not eligible to
take admission into above course.

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I-Admission Regulations

4.(a) A student who has passed the Higher Secondary (10+2) or its equivalent Examination is eligible to
seek admission to the 1st year of the B.A./B.Sc. (Multidisciplinary) Course of Studies provided the
student has also passed in English having full marks not being less than 100 and fulfills the conditions
as laid down in clause 5, 10, 11 and 12.

Students who have passed the Higher Secondary (10+2) Vocational examination conducted by the
West Bengal State Council of Vocational Education and Training shall be eligible to seek admission to
the B.A. (Multidisciplinary) 1st year Course of Studies taking the subjects under Humanities Discipline

However, no student shall be allowed admission after a lapse of more than 3 years from the year of
passing the previous qualifying examination.

(Explanation: The year of admission shall not be taken into account while calculating three years from
the year of passing the previous qualifying Examination).

(b) Students who have passed the Higher Secondary (10+2) Examination or its equivalent from the All
India Boards/Councils (i.e. CBSE, ISC and National Institute of Open Schooling) need not require to
submit the Migration Certificate for getting Registration under this University.

5. For the purpose of determining eligibility for admission to the B.A./B.Sc. (Multidisciplinary) Courses,
aggregate marks shall be calculated by adding the marks in top-four subjects in order of marks secured
by a student. However, marks in compulsory Environmental Education/Studies shall not be taken into
account for calculation of aggregate marks. However, if the subject “Environmental Science” is studied
as an elective subject of 100 marks, it may be taken into account for the purpose of determining the
aggregate marks.

Seat reservation for admission in the first year class of three-year (six semesters) degree courses of
studies shall be guided by the West Bengal State Higher Educational Institutions (Reservation in
Admission), Act, 2013 and the West Bengal State Higher Educational Institutions (Reservation in
Admission) Rules, 2014 and Memorandum No. 339-Edn (CS)/OM-74L/2023, dt. 26.05.2023.

6. Attendance

6.1 A student attending at least 75% of the total number of classes* held shall be allowed to sit for the
concerned Semester Examinations subject to fulfillment of other conditions laid down in the

6.2 A student attending at least 60% but less than 75% of the total number of classes* held shall be
allowed to sit for the concerned Semester Examinations subject to the payment of prescribed
condonation fees and fulfillment of other conditions laid down in the regulations.

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6.3 A student attending less than 60% of the total number of classes* held shall not be allowed to sit
for the concerned Semester Examinations and he /she has to take admission to the same Semester in
the very next year for attending the classes and appearing at the said Semester Examination.

*Such attendance will be calculated from the date of commencement of classes or date of admission,
whichever is later.
Explanation: A student who has not been eligible to appear at any Semester-end Examination in terms
of Clause 6.3 may take admission to the next higher Semester and appear at such higher Semester-end
Examinations. However, such student has to take admission to the concerned Semester, for which the
student has been ineligible under clause 6.3, in the very next available chance without pursuing any
other Semester Course simultaneously.

7. Disciplines of Multidisciplinary courses for B.A./B.Sc.:

(i) Humanities Discipline: History, English, Bengali, Ancient Indian & World History, Islamic History
and Culture, Hindi, Urdu, Russian, Political Science, Sanskrit, Pali , Philosophy, Sociology,
Education, Arabic, Persian, Journalism & Mass Communication, French, Music, Linguistics, Physical
Education, Human Rights, Women Studies.

(ii) Science Discipline: Physics, Zoology, Chemistry, Botany, Molecular Biology, Microbiology,
Geology, Geography, Physiology, Defence Studies, Computer Science, Electronics, Bio-Chemistry,
Physical Education, Environmental Science, Economics, Statistics, Mathematics, Anthropology,
Psychology, Film Studies.

(iii) Home Science Discipline: Food & Nutrition, Household Art, Human Development, Social Science,
Home Science Extension Education, , Library and Information Studies.


Category of subjects:

A) Core Course (CC): Courses, to be compulsorily studied by a student as the requirement of Core

In order to make different Multidisciplinary subject combinations, the subjects of all the discipline
have been taken together to create 8 smaller Multidisciplinary pools. The student shall select 3
subjects as core subjects taking not more than one subject from each pool.

B) Minor: A subject to be studied by the student with lesser number of courses than the two core
C) Ability Enhancement Course (AEC): AEC courses are the courses based on the knowledge of
languages. There shall be two AEC Courses:
a) Compulsory English
b) MIL/ Alternative English
 MIL includes: Bengali, Hindi & Urdu.

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D) Skill Enhancement Course (SEC): These courses are designed to provide skill-based knowledge and
are aimed at providing competencies, skills etc. SEC courses are based upon skill enhancement. The
students shall study 3 SECs 2 from each of 2 core subjects in 1st and 2nd semester respectively and in 3rd
semester 1 SEC from the Minor subject.

E) Practical/ Tutorial: All courses other than AEC & CVAC will have one Practical/ Tutorial. Wherever
there is a practical, there will be no Tutorial and vice-versa. P/TU components in SECs will be as
mentioned in the syllabus of the respective subject.

F) Common Value Added Course (CVAC): These courses are based on Knowledge of Human & Social
Values. There shall be 4 CVAC courses of 2 credits each. In the 1st semester there shall be 1 compulsory
CVAC in ENVS & one compulsory CVAC in Constitutional Values. In the 2 nd semester there shall be 1
compulsory CVAC in ENVS & the students shall select the other CVAC from a pool of courses.

G) Summer Internship: All the students are required to do one 3 credits Summer Internship at the end
of the 2nd or 4th or 6th semester. Students completing Internship at the end of the 2 nd semester will be
allowed to take exit from the course and will be awarded Certificate of 45 (42+3) credits. Students
completing Internship at the end of the 4th semester will be allowed to take exit from the course and
will be awarded Diploma of 88 (85+3) credits. Students completing Internship at the end of the 6th
semester and after successful completion of all the 6 semesters will be awarded B.A./ B.Sc. Degree of
128 (125+3) credits.

H) Inter Disciplinary Course (IDC): There shall be 3 IDCs of 3 credits each, to be studied in the first 3
semesters. The students shall select IDCs from the subjects other than the concerned core subjects &
minor, not more than one from the each of the Multidisciplinary pool (clause no. 12)

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CC1 CC2 Minor IDC AEC SEC CVAC Summer Total

Internship Credit

Semester 8x4= 32 8x4= 32 6x4= 24 3x3=9 4x2= 8 3x4=12 4x2=8 1x3= 3 124

1 1x4= 4 1x4= 4 1x3=3 1x2= 2 1x4= 4 2x2=4 21

3TH+ 3TH+ 2TH 2TH
1P/TU 1P/TU +1P/TU +0P/TU

2 1x4= 4 1x4= 4 1x3=3 1x2= 2 1x4= 4 2x2=4 21

3TH+ 3TH+ 2TH 2TH
1P/TU 1P/TU +1P/TU +0P/TU

3 1x4= 4 1x4= 4 1x4= 4 1x3=3 1x2= 2 1x4= 4 21

3TH+ 3TH+1P/TU 2TH 2TH
(3TH+ 1P/TU +1P/TU +0P/TU

4 2x4=8 2x4= 8 1x4= 4 1x2= 2 22

4x(3TH+ 2x(3TH+ (3TH+1P/TU) 2TH
1P/TU) 1P/TU +0P/TU

5 2x4= 8 1x4= 4 2x4= 8 20

2x(3TH+ 3TH+ 2x(3TH+
1P/TU) 1P/TU 1P/TU

6 1x4= 4 2x4= 8 2x4= 8 20

(3TH+ 2x(3TH+ 2x(3TH+
1P/TU) 1P/TU) 1P/TU)

Credits 8x4= 32 8x4= 32 6x4= 24 3x3= 9 4x2= 8 3x4= 12 4x2= 125+3

8 =128
Marks 8x100= 8x100= 6x100= 3x75= 4x50= 3x100= 4x50= Total
800 800 600 225 200 300 200 MarKs
Marks= 25 marks per credit.

Total credit=125+3 (for summer internship) = 128

Summer Internship: As mentioned in clause no. 8 (G)

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9. Disciplines:

There will be three broad disciplines: Humanities, Science and Home Science, as described in
clause no. (7).

Types of subjects:

i) Core Courses: All students shall have to take 16 (sixteen) Core Courses from 2 (two) subjects
taking 8 (eight) from each core subjects.

ii) Minor course: A subject to be studied by the student with lesser number of courses other than
the two core subjects. All students shall have to study 6 (six) courses from Minor subject.

iii) Inter Disciplinary Course (IDC): A student will have to opt for three IDCs (one in each of the first
three semesters) from a pool of subjects offered by the different disciplines. These courses must
be different from the Core & Minor subjects.

iv) Skill Enhancement Course (SEC): SEC courses are based upon skill enhancement. The students
shall study 3 SECs 1 from each of 2 core and 1 minor subject taken.

Course structure (Th, P, Tu) and credit distributions (4 TH +0P/TU; 0 TH+4P; 2 TH+2 P/TU; 3 TH+ 1
P/TU) may differ from subject to subject.

Note: There shall be no course containing only Tutorial.

v) Common Value Added Course (CVAC):

There shall be 4 CVAC courses of 2 credits each. In the 1st semester there shall be 1 compulsory CVAC
in ENVS & one CVAC in Constitutional Values. In the 2nd semester there shall be 1 compulsory CVAC in
ENVS & the students shall select the other CVAC from a pool of courses.

vi) Ability Enhancement Course (AEC):

All students shall have to study 4 AEC courses of 2 credits each (one in each of the first 4 semesters).
There will be a compulsory AEC, named compulsory English which shall be studied in the 1st and 2nd
semesters and there will be an optional AEC (MIL/ Alt. Eng) to be studied in the 3 rd & 4th semesters.

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10. List of subjects of the B.A./B.Sc. (3-year Multidisciplinary) courses offered under the University
of Calcutta.
List of Subjects
1. English 40. Defence Studies
2. Bengali 41. Film Studies
3. Sanskrit 42. Molecular Biology
4. Pali 43. Physical Education
5. Urdu 44. Household Art
6. Arabic 45. Social Science
7. Persian 46. Home Science Extension Education
8. Hindi 47. Women’s Studies
9. History, Ancient Indian & World History,
Islamic History & Culture

23.Political Science
26.Computer Science
29.Human Development
30.Journalismand Mass Communication
31.Food & Nutrition
35.Environmental Science
37. French
38. Library & Information Science
39. Human Rights
1. Compulsory 1.Environmental Studies Students shall study
English (Compulsory) 3 SECs one each from
2. Alternative 2 core subjects and
English All subjects 1 from minor subject.
3. MIL 2.Constitutional values
i. Bengali (Compulsory)
ii. Hindi 3. Optional CVAC
iii. Urdu

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11. A student shall be allowed to take up the subject(s) under heading “A” if the student had
passed the subject(s) under heading “B” at the previous qualifying examination

Sl. Sl.
No. No.
1. Mathematics 1. Mathematics/Business Mathematics
2. Statistics 2. Statistics/Business Mathematics/Mathematics
3. Physics 3. Physics and Mathematics
4. Chemistry 4. Chemistry
5. Zoology 5. Zoology/Biology/Bio-Technology
6. Botany 6. Botany/Biology/Bio-Technology
7. Physiology 7. Physiology/Biology/Bio-Technology
8. Geology 8. Geology/Geography/Physics and Chemistry
9. Molecular Biology 9. Biology/Bio-Technology and Chemistry/Physics
10. Microbiology 10. Biology/Bio-Technology and Chemistry/Physics
11. Computer Science 11. Mathematics & any one of Physics/
Statistics/Computer Science
12. Electronics 12. Electronics/Physics and Mathematics
13. Environmental Science 13. Chemistry

12. A student is required to choose not more than one subject from any of the groups mentioned


Group-I: Physics, Zoology, Education, Home Science Extension Education, Social Science, Film
Studies, Physical Education, Human Rights, Russian, Women Studies.
Group-II: Human Development, History, Ancient Indian and World History, Islamic History &
Culture, Mathematics, Environmental Science.
Group-III: Chemistry, Sociology, Defense Studies, Music, Household Art, Pali, Arabic, Persian,
Sanskrit, Biochemistry.
Group-IV: Botany, Economics, Food & Nutrition.
Group-V: Geology, Political Science, Electronics, Library and Information Studies.
Group-VI: Geography, Molecular Biology, Psychology, Philosophy, Microbiology, Journalism &
Mass Communication.
Group-VII: Statistics, Physiology, English.
Group-VIII: Anthropology, Computer Science, Bengali, Hindi, Urdu, French, Linguistics.

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Nomenclature of degree:

A student taking up Multidisciplinary Courses of Studies for the B.A. Degree shall study:

i) Both the core subjects and the minor subject from the Humanities discipline.
ii) Any two of the three subjects (two core and one minor subjects) from the Humanities
Discipline and the other from the Science/ Home Science discipline.

A student taking up Multidisciplinary Courses of Studies for the B.Sc. Degree shall study:

i) Both the core subjects and the minor subject from the Science/ Home Science discipline.
ii) Any two of the three subjects (two core and one minor subjects) from the Science/ Home
Science discipline and the other from the Humanities discipline.

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