The Terminator RPG - Campaign Book
The Terminator RPG - Campaign Book
The Terminator RPG - Campaign Book
Campaign Book
Following the list, the PCs begin to realize that The Argentina mission complete, the PCs connect with
preconceptions of the past may not necessarily be Sarah Connor and form a Resistance safehouse to
correct—and they may be causing as many problems protect her and John Connor in Tense Past (see page
as they are solving. 120). But there is one last Terminator on the way, and
the PCs must defend the Connors and their home one
The next mission takes the PCs to Seattle to deal
more time from a relentless killing machine.
with a senator who may or may not be responsible
for Skynet’s inception in Flatline (see page 54). In the
next mission, the PCs try to stop a corporation from DIRECTOR’S NOTE: In Appendix 1 (see page 122),
contributing to the development of Terminators and there are seven pre-generated PCs. These can be
might accidentally destroy humanity’s best chance to used as the starting characters for the players or as
beat Skynet in The Centurion (see page 72). inspiration for the players’ own designs.
The PCs finally get a lead on who’s holding Kyle
Reese and where he is being held in the mission
Past Tense (see page 82). Whether he survives or THE SIGNATURE SERIES
not, Kyle beseeches the PCs to find Sarah Connor
This book is part of Nightfall Games’ Signature
and protect her. They trace Sarah to the California
Series—adventures written by a wide variety of
desert and then Mexico in the missions Death in the
creators who have brought their unique visions to
Valley and Tertiary Objectives (see pages 88 and 92,
life for you. While all the missions in this volume
respectively). Intercepted by Connor’s allies, they learn
can form the basis of a campaign for your players,
there are Terminators searching for her—and they may
each is written in a format unique to the author and
inadvertently be leading them to her.
embellished with their signature fine touches.
In Fool’s Mate (see page 100) the PCs begin posing as
Within these pages, several different destinies await
Sarah and her protectors, leading the Terminators to
you. These missions offer points of view as varied
Vegas and away from Sarah’s apparent descent into
as the ever-shifting timelines you struggle through in
Central America. Meeting up with an upstream courier
your war against the machines.
from Captain Wisher in the future in Past Planning
(see page 106), the PCs then receive information on Written by a number of talented authors, this
another possible corporate connection to Skynet— book was curated by Andrew E.C. Gaska and E.L.
the Marco Libre Corporation in Argentina. The PCs Thomas to align canon and promote player agency
travel there to discover the TS-300 they were after in in missions derived from preexisting graphic novels.
the beginning was sent here to secure mineral rights Even after history is written on a comic page, there is
and begin production of metals needed to increase no fate but what you make for yourself.
Skynet’s armies in the future.
The PCs are ordered to infiltrate the ruined Terminator Each corridor represents 10 meters of ruins.
complex and hack its servers to find out what caused Encourage your players to create their own map as
the accident and download what they can. Then they go. For each corridor traversed after the fourth,
they must contact Command and inform them when have a player roll 1d10 + the number of corridors
it’s safe to send transport helicopters to raid the the PCs have already explored. If the total is 12 or
complex’s armories. more, the PCs have managed to navigate to the
Mimetic Resonance Chamber (see page 05).
Hacking into the complex’s servers, the PCs uncover
information on a new type of Terminator being built by They must then explore 1 more corridor before they
the MIR defense computer in Russia. Only after they arrive at Central Control (see Paydirt page 05).
contact Command do the PCs discover trouble—it’s FINDING THEIR WAY OUT: If the PCs leave via this
a trap. The PCs are pinned down by Terminators route, repeat the process. If they made a map
as Hunter-Killers prepare to ambush the inbound on the way in, they can avoid rolling and simply
Resistance forces. The PCs need to both escape and backtrack.
find a way to save the Resistance from destruction.
When moving through the ruins, PCs must make
This mission is set in the dark future. It’s assumed the a Difficulty 5 Dexterity Resistance Test to avoid
PCs don’t know what a TDE is, or anything about time harm from numerous elements or suffer 1d10-6. If
travel in general—yet. the Director prefers, they can change the Skill Test
required at any point. Damage may be subject to
special effects depending on the source (see the
Through the Ruins Table).
MIMETIC RESONANCE CHAMBER (MRC): The A Difficulty 8 Strength Resistance Test or 10 points
maze of wreckage opens up into a circular tunnel of damage from a boot or weapon will break the
with a slidewalk floor. If the PCs enter, the door door down. The machine is not resistant to damage.
slides shut behind them. The moving walkway 15 minutes with a baseball bat or one second with a
lurches and carries them towards the open doorway hand grenade will do the job.
beyond. Different sections of the walls light up and
flash—causing disorientation and nausea. PCs DIRECTOR’S NOTE: Whether the PCs go through the
must make a Difficulty 11 Concentration Resistance door at the tunnel’s end or backtrack, they need only
Test or temporarily suffer from a migraine (see Core to navigate 1 more corridor on the Through The Ruins
Rulebook: page 46). Table to reach Scene 2.
They won’t know it yet, but the chamber is
recording their brain wave patterns for use in a new
form of Terminator.
SMOKE: A haze of acrid smoke fills the INFERNO: Section is ablaze.
1-2 air, obscuring vision and granting Partial Moving through it is dangerous
Concealment (see Core Rulebook: page 69). (see Treacherous Ruins)
confused T-20s or a Bisected
3-4 CORNER: Roll d10 walkways/ladder makes moving through the
T-750 Endoskeleton (see
(1-5= LEFT, area treacherous (see Treacherous Ruins)
Core Rulebook: page 167)
FLOODED: roll d10 (1-5 = ankle deep; 6-9 =
chest deep; 10= neck deep) Characters in
STRAIGHT whipping livewire. A Difficulty 8
this room will be exposed to sewer water. In
CRAMPED AND Technical: Electrical Skill Test will
5-6 ankle deep water, the Resistance Test gains
NARROW: Roll disarm this hazard. Failing to defeat
a bonus of +3. Those that are neck deep will
d10 (1-5=HIGH, this hazard deals damage as a cattle
suffer a -3 penalty unless the character makes
6-10=LOW) prod (see Core Rulebook: page 127)
a Difficulty 8 Swimming (STR) Skill Test
4-WAY JAGGED RUBBLE: Accessway is
PARTIAL COLLAPSE: Part of the area is blocked
7-8 JUNCTION/ choked with sharp and treacherous
by piping or conduit. This counts as Light Cover.
THREE PATH debris (see Treacherous Ruins).
d10 (1-5=UP, SPARKS AND FLAMES: Frayed wires crackle
weep with acidic slime or is
9-10 6-10=DOWN) and tiny fires burn. Skill and Resistance Tests
gathered in bubbling pools
SHAFT Requires made in the next section suffer a -2 penalty.
(see Treacherous Ruins).
a Challenging 7
Climb Skill Test.
Two waves of six T-000 sweeper units (see Core
Rulebook: page 152) will immediately roll into the
control room to harry the PCs. A dozen T-500s with
Machine Guns will arrive in 1d10+5 Rounds, blocking
the entrance and attacking in four waves of three
each. Destroying the control room can shut down the
POST-JUDGMENT DAY (circa 2020s-2030s) The system used across the former Soviet Union,
MIR (the name meaning, ironically enough,
Skynet’s Russian equivalent is abducting key “peace”), was built with an early version of Skynet
Resistance members and replacing them with nearly as its foundation. Upon its awakening, Skynet
undetectable Terminator duplicates. A group of found infiltrating the wireless system simple.
hardened special operations fighters must work to
As soon as Skynet launched its nuclear attack,
expose this new threat and forge an alliance between
it triggered the appropriate response from MIR.
former enemies in the name of all humankind.
Within minutes, the world was destroyed, and
Skynet was triumphant. With MIR now operating,
INTRODUCTION in effect, as a subsidiary system of Skynet,
Welcome to the dark future! It doesn’t matter where the factories of the Eastern Bloc were soon
you are, things are nasty, brutish, and liable to end manufacturing Terminators, Hunter/Killers, combat
with a metal foot on the back of your neck. Grigory tanks, and anything else Skynet could use to
Bulganin staggered into the Nevsky Shelter a week pursue its goal of humankind’s extirpation.
ago. He was the only survivor from a massacre at an The inferiority of MIR, in terms of sophistication,
Eastern Resistance base—bringing news of a new was a boon for those who survived the initial
Stealth Terminator that is capable of bypassing even assault. The Terminators under the control of MIR
the most stringent of security measures. were, at least initially, less efficient and ruthless
The US Resistance had previously shared intel with than those commanded by Skynet.
the Eastern Resistance about this new threat, but the Skynet upgraded MIR, giving it a limited sentience
Russian leadership in Kronstadt thought it a ploy by (see Core Rulebook: page 06). Now MIR is starting
Connor to get them to work together. to operate on its own recognizance, even going so
Now, the two factions have formed an alliance with far as to plot against Skynet.
Connor’s forces. Bulganin has offered to guide a joint
Spetsnaz/US Resistance team including the PCs to THE STEALTH TERMINATOR
the base he escaped from. One of the new Terminators
was destroyed there before the base was overrun. A new form of Terminator has been created by MIR
Once this is retrieved by the joint team, the remains for use in the east—the Stealth Terminator TS-300
will be transported via submarine to a Tech-Com base (see Core Rulebook: page 174). Where the T-800
in Alaska, where scientists from both sides of the placed living tissue over a hyperalloy endoskeleton,
world will figure out what makes it tick. the TS-300 is more subtle still. With a ceramic
endoskeleton and a more receptive, almost-human
DIRECTOR’S NOTE: The scenario can accommodate personality software package, the TS-300 is harder
4-6 Player Characters. It’s set in Eastern Europe and is to detect. Its introduction is designed to end the
designed to give players a look at the other side of the Resistance in the Eastern Bloc in short order.
post-Judgment Day world. MIR also intends to prove its superiority to Skynet
by replacing the PCs with TS-300s to accomplish
what Skynet couldn’t—bring down John Connor’s
Russia’s state after Judgment Day and its Spetsnaz So welcome, once again, to the future. It only ever
defenders will be detailed in future sourcebooks, gets uglier.
but suffice it to say that things went bad. Here is
some additional information:
Working with Spetsnaz (or as part of it), the PCs
must take Bulganin to the wreckage of the Eastern
Resistance fortress called the Metro-2 Redoubt—a
former secret underground metro system in Moscow
which once paralleled the public Metro-1 system.
Once there, they must extricate the remains of the
new Terminator variant and bring it to an extraction
point on the Moskva River so it can be picked up by
the submarine Kosatka and transported to Alaska for
Success is vital to the Eastern and Western Resistance
alliance. This undetectable Terminator is allegedly
capable of conversing as a human, appearing to
empathize and react like a person. It could end the war
in months. Although unproven, Bulganin claims the
new Terminator variant is even capable of deceiving
dogs—the central, and most reliable, method of
identifying Infiltrator units (or Volkolak, as they are
known around here—”shapechangers”… OR “wolves
in human skin”).
Additionally, Tech-Com is also interested in what’s
rattling around in Bulganin’s head—knowledge of how
the new Terminators behaved before their status as
machines was revealed. Anything he can remember
might be invaluable, so the PCs should find out what
they can.
This mission is firmly planted in the dark future, so
no time travel is required. The players are agents of
John Connor—a special detachment of US Resistance
fighters on a global initiative to create an alliance
with the Eastern Resistance. If you would like, some
players can assume the roles of Spetsnaz soldiers, as
this is a joint mission.
The PCs will be given the best weaponry and armor
available; this mission has to succeed if the Resistance
is to survive. If it’s reasonable and the PCs request it,
give it to them.
Spetsnaz also has maps of the key areas around the
base—they’re pretty reliable, with Bulganin having
informed the leadership of any changes to the
original blueprints caused by fighting or deliberate
construction. The PCs should know their way in, and if
things go wrong, a couple of ways out.
every corner reveals some new atrocity. The PCs are darkness ahead of the PCs comes the sound of walls
in hostile terrain, surrounded by the broken bodies of crumbling. Red eyes flicker into life ahead. The trap is
people they have been fighting to protect. And they’re sprung!
accompanied by a man they’re unsure if they can
trust. DIRECTOR’S NOTE: The Terminators are looking
WRECKAGE: It’s everywhere. It can’t be avoided or to capture the PCs for interrogation and personality
denied. This was the site of a massacre carried out duplication. They will shoot to wound.
by machines specifically designed to perform such
PITCH BLACK: Power is gone—Bulganin says the first
sign of the impending attack was one of the new During the attack, Bulganin will cower. If the PCs
Terminator variants infiltrating and destroying the win, he will break down, worried that he is one of
generators. Plunged into darkness, the massacre the Stealth Terminators (although he will not openly
was swift, precise, and typically thorough. Only a say he betrayed the PCs). A successful Difficulty 8
handful survived, including Bulganin. Interrogation Skill Test will lead the PCs to believe
Bulganin led them into a trap.
UNSTABLE FOOTING: Piles of rubble are strewn
across the path. The roof in many parts has been
rendered unstable by plasma fire, and some WAYS OUT OF
sections are simply impassable. The PCs need to THE SCENE
succeed on a Difficulty 8 Athletics (DEX) Skill Test to Once the ambush is sprung (or exposed), the PCs
traverse such impediments. Failing this test means will hear a muffled explosion from above, causing the
the PC loses their footing, causing a minor rock entire station to shake lose debris. If the PCs are doing
slide that echoes throughout the base—and noise poorly, feel free to have this debris take out a T-600 or
attracts attention. two. The PCs won’t know it yet, but the Terminators
GRIM ORNAMENTATION: Shining a flashlight across have blown the escape tunnels, inadvertently
the far wall reveals a young man pinned to solid connecting them to the sewers (see page 12).
concrete with his own spine. This will shake even The Terminators are trying to capture the PCs, which
the most hardened of soldiers.The PCs need to can only mean bad things. Turning around and simply
succeed on a Difficulty 8 Fear Test to avoid being fleeing is an option. Possible exits include:
overwhelmed by the horror of what they’re being
forced to confront. THE METRO TUNNELS: Whether they entered the
former fortress through them or not, the subway
CERAMIC TERMINATOR: PCs examining the tunnels are a direct escape route the PCs can use
wrecked remains of the new Terminator variant with little hassle. It also makes for a cool follow-up
can determine its endoskeleton is composed of scene (see the Metro Tunnels on page 12). It’s not a
ceramics instead of metal—but it’s clear the thing pleasant journey, as the PCs will find out.
possesses the same durability as its metallic
brethren. It patently died hard, its body torn open OVERLAND: Outside the Metro 2 Redoubt, the ruins
by endless gunfire with the ceramic and flesh of Moscow are stirring with Terminator activity.
innards revealed. While the body itself is crushed Stumbling Terminators, broken and damaged,
and worthless, its head is intact. The PCs can shuffle from every street, and everywhere is the
decapitate it to take both it’s head and its CPU with whirring of gyros, the hiss of pistons, the crunch of
them. Bagging any of the TS-300’s remains triggers steel on bone. This should be a real struggle and
an ambush. difficult fight. The Director might use some of the
suggested events in the scene below to raise the
WE'VE GOT TERMINATORS difficulty on PC’s dice rolls.
DIRECTOR’S NOTE: If the PCs look for a vehicle,
There’s a trap—and if the PCs can succeed a Difficulty allow them to find an abandoned jeep, but make them
8 Detect (CONC) Skill Test, they’ll notice it. Five T-600 work to repair it. Let them get out their way. Skip
units are set in the walls, ready to ambush the PCs Scene 2 and go directly to All Of Moscow Is Emptied
and trap them in a crossfire. The ambush occurs (see page 13).
when the PCs arrive at the remnants of the ceramic
endoskeleton they’ve been searching for. From the
END OF THE LINE: The PCs should find somewhere (see Core Rulebook: page 126). The Hinds will use
to clamber out and begin their journey to reach the their aerial positions to track the PCs so that MIR’s
extraction point. They need to move as quickly as other forces can cut them off.
possible, because any remaining T-500’s are still
RETROFITTED T-95 TANKS: These aptly-named
pursuing them. Eventually, the sewer empties into a
fourth generation Russian tanks were produced in
stagnant sludge of the River Moskva—not far from
1995, two years before Judgment Day (See Main
where the PCs need to rendezvous with a Spetsnaz
Battle Tank on Core Rulebook: page 125). Now
automated and controlled by MIR, they attempt to
form blockages to herd the PCs into the waiting
SCENE 3: THE T-500 armies.
LAST RUN TERMINATORS: This is the last scene where the
T-500 Terminators still have orders to capture the
LOCATION: An open stretch of war-ravaged, PCs. When MIR realizies they will likely escape, the
pockmarked land, across which the Resistance and machine’s objective becomes to keep the TS-300
the forces of MIR and Skynet have fought dozens of remains out of Resistance hands.
PLAYER GOAL: Get to the extraction point. DIRECTOR’S NOTE: The retrofitted Hinds are the
main threat here, hovering above at all times with their
ASSAILANTS: Everything you can think of. Hunter- constant whine of the engines and starkness of the
Killers fill the air. Terminators march in scores. Tanks spotlights. The T-95 tanks should always be closing in,
make the ground rumble. All of MIR is on the hunt. with the endless crunch of their treads a reminder of
DIRECTOR’S NOTE: This is the final event; the last the inevitability of this conflict.
scene. The PCs emerge into fresh(ish) air and then
must deal with the machines’ assault as they attempt THE BLASTED BANKS
to finish off their quarry.
MIR’s kid gloves come off—capturing the PCs
SCENE SET-UP seems unlikely at this point, so it is going to order its
There’s not much to set up here. The PCs need to get machines to do whatever it takes to prevent them
to the submarine emerging from the River Moskva. escaping with the TS-300.
MIR and its endless waves of troops are not going to
The riverfront is an old mud-caked battlefield—
let them go easily.
covered in craters and rendered unstable by missile
The PCs are exposed. They’re likely carrying several fire. While there are at least places to hide, there is
wounds from the battles they’ve already fought. always the risk that a tank will roll over you and not
Nearing freedom and escape should give them an even notice. Making one’s way through the mud-slick
extra burst of adrenaline because they’re going to wreckage of past firefights, of course, isn’t easy. It
need it. They must make it to the extraction point. requires 5 successes on an Extended Difficulty 8
That’s all that matters now. Acrobatics (DEX) Skill Test to do so.
The ending can be handled with a few rolls and some As the PCs make their way across the blasted banks,
description (see Ways Out page 14) for a grueling fight describe the Hinds laying down fire. After every
across a blasted wilderness. successful Acrobatics roll, have plasma searing the
earth close enough to singe the PC’s skin. Have
aLL OF MOSCOW IS EMPTIED missiles or autofire tear up the terrain around them
The forces of MIR are legion. Endless ranks of Series as they run. Make the harried race feel deadly, but
500 Terminators gleam in the pallid Russian sunlight. not be deadly as they scramble through the broken,
This is not the blasted battleground of Reese’s muddy lands trying to succeed on Acrobatics rolls. If
nightmare, but a place of quiet death waiting to they fail an Acrobatics roll, they gain no ground and
explode in violence. suffer 1 point of damage from sparks, heated earth or,
These automated rotorcraft sweep back and forth
overhead, spotlights shimmering across the earth
Sketch out the situation and environment in which
the PCs find themselves from here. They have
completed a recon run and identified Tech-Com’s
target—Rothlake Weapons Research facility in the
ruins of Ithaca. Before they could access the base and
secure their goal—the Fong Report—they crashed in
HK patrolled country, more than a day’s march out of
range for handheld comms to reach the Resistance
bunker west of Syracuse. They only have their
personal weapons and equipment on them. They are
beat up and worn out but are able to move and fight.
Their best course of action is to secure the data at
Rothlake and either find a vehicle or a way to contact
the Resistance for an evac. Ahead, a war-scarred
landscape lies between the PCs and a short respite.
Behind, the machines probe and search, tireless in
their pursuit. Past twilight, the rapid failure of the
sunlight will put the pursuers at an advantage.
The HK-Aerial hovers directly over the burning remains
of the transport helicopter, shining its spot light directly
on it. A Difficulty 8 Lore: Skynet (KNOW) Skill Test will
inform the PCs that this behavior means the HK-Aerial
is acting as a fixed beacon—other forces are on their
way. If the PCs don’t move immediately, two HK-
Drones are dispatched from the HK-Aerial’s underbelly,
beginning a slow ever-expanding circuit of the area.
The PCs had best get moving.
Three options present themselves:
TORTURED TREES: To the west, a grove of tortured
trees provides cover from overhead surveillance.
However, the thick dead twine of the underbrush
looks like it might be tough to move through.
DEAD MARSHES: North is what used to be a
settlement. The machines bombed the area,
pounded the dirt, and shattered the divide between
open ground and lakeside. Now only a marsh
remains, pocked with craters and the sunken
remains of civilization.
HAUNTED WATERS: Sickly reeds poke up from the
muddy lake. A scum of floating detritus laps lazily at
the water’s east edge—a mix of old trash and more
recent remains.
SURPRISE!: Before the PCs choose, they have a lone
HK-Drone Series D Autonomous Aerial Weapons
Platform (see Core Rulebook: page 149) to deal
with. Unless it is destroyed in the first round it is
attacked, the HK-Drone will signal the PCs position
to the other Terminators in the area. Once the HK-
The PCs need a defendable position—and a quick PROP PLANES: Two single-propeller planes sit in
recon to determine whether their getting here was the middle, each covered by a tarp. Any PC who
worth it after all. Immediately beyond the broken inspects the aircraft and makes a Difficulty 11
mesh fence, the skeleton of a large industrial building Technical: Mechanical (CONC) Skill Test will notice
appears to have been the primary target for the strike a few key engine components are missing. The
that wrecked the surroundings. Purple metal sheets missing components are different on each of the
and thick breeze block walls remain, but there is hardly planes, so PCs can scavenge enough parts from
enough left to provide cover. the site and cannibalize one plane to fix the other to
provide a workable means of escape.
Beyond this, three buildings appear to have weathered
the brunt of the explosion relatively intact. Indeed, the TOOLS AND DEAD FOOLS: The PCs could spend
general state of them suggests that they are made time searching the recesses of the hangar, requiring
from more resilient materials than the purple building. a Difficulty 11 Detect (CONC) Skill Test to uncover
Every exterior surface bears the scars of the explosion a basic tool kit and a portable generator with
that leveled much of the rest of the site. sufficient fuel to run for d10-5 (min 2) hours. Any PC
failing their Detect (CONC) Skill Test finds random
Throughout these buildings, the PCs can uncover the
rubbish and two skeletons who appear to have died
skeletal remains of Rothlake mercenaries and other
from multiple bullet wounds.
employees, such as the science and research team.
Many died in the blast; Skynet forces killed the rest in
a shootout after the initial bombardment. THE aDMIN BLOCK
DIRECTOR’S BRIEF: The closest of the three ADMIN ROOF: PCs that inspect the roof find the
Rothlake structures is a tall building with an angled stub of the antenna projecting from the building
roof. The entire building reeks of jet engine fuel. The material. They also see anchor points and melted
massive double doors at the front have buckled under metal fragments indicating the building once had
pressure. more comprehensive comms capability. Thus, some
central location for managing site communications
HANGAR DOORS: A PC can squeeze between the must exist.
doors to gain access to the interior. The hangar is a TRANSMITTER: Once the PCs start exploring the
cavernously echoing building. Once inside, they’re building—or once they investigate the systems in
in a single large open area that flashlights manage the Bunker—they can find the transmitter antenna
to only partially to illuminate. embedded in the north wall of the Block. A shielded
If the PCs board the cloaked craft, they are in for JUMP SCARES
a hell of a ride. The TDC are Time Displacement
Commandos and are covered extensively in an The closest you get to a jump scare is to call for
upcoming supplement. For this campaign, all that you Initiative. If you want to up the adrenaline for a
and your players need to know now is that these are second, treat this as a real combat with a call for
Resistance time-traveling pros and they are going to initiative, recording the dice results but not the
send the PCs back to the past if they are game. The player intentions before making the Fear Tests.
surviving PCs have options to consider. Whatever time Then when it comes time to resolve actions, that’s
they wind up in, the war goes on. when you reveal the truth.
You’ve found an opening in their defenses! You can see the obstacle coming
ahead and take steps to avoid it now. Gain a +3 bonus on your next Skill Test.
REMEMBER ME? durability. It has been dragging behind the PCs vehicle
Regardless of what else they’ve gone through, this like a string of tin cans on the back of a just married
little gem is along for the ride for shock value. A now couple’s car and the time for it to attack is now.
weaponless T-600 from earlier—one the PCs were sure
they’d dislodged or destroyed—proves its legendary
becoming increasingly drawn out, stragglers being DIRECTOR’S NOTE: Run these battle damaged 600s
picked off—the sudden screams and silences as those using the “I’ll be back” rules (see Core Rulebook:
who’ve fallen too far behind are quickly dealt with by page 172). Fighting such opponents is difficult—they
the merciless machines are testament to that. emerge from nowhere, virtually invisible beneath
the snow, and requiring a Solid Difficulty 14 Notice
Draw the PCs into being forced to make a last stand,
(CONC) Skill Test to notice. Destroying them, however,
hoping, somehow, to thin out the T-800s enough
is easier than dealing with a fresh, unharmed T-800.
to make a break for it. Ammunition is running low,
Just remember that each delay brings those forces
and then…when everything seems to have failed…
that much closer. Time is running out.
salvation comes (see Sudden Saviors on page 33).
After nearly dying, Reese was captured by DIRECTOR’S NOTE: While it’s possible that nobody
an unnamed government-funded dummy will come out and say it, the human race is at risk. If
corporation—whoever they were, they weren’t Reese cannot be saved, he needs to be killed before
Cyberdyne—they wanted to beat Cyberdyne to the he can divulge his secrets! It’s going to be quite the
punch at creating Skynet. mission.
For years, Kyle’s captors moved him around from
location to location. After a decade or more of WHAT HAPPENS
incarceration, interrogation, and brutality, Kyle’s
captors suddenly moved him to a vault cell in the NEXT?
basement of an industrial complex. After being The scenario ends here, with the Player Characters
left to rot for several weeks with nothing to eat confronted by this stark revelation and by the
and only toilet water to keep him alive, his captors dangerous mission Kyle Reese needs them to
were replaced by machines. At first they were mere undertake—to rescue him before he can potentially
service robots—boxes on wheels with a single arm. give away the information Skynet will use to quash
As time went on, the machines visiting became the Resistance once and for all. They can ask any
more and more Terminator-like—Judgment Day had questions they like, but the outline of the mission is
come and passed. simple: Travel back in time. Rescue Kyle Reese.
He’s been interrogated thousands of times about If they agree, then you’re going to eventually need the
the Terminators, the future, human survivors, and follow up to this mission, Past Tense (see page 82)—
finally the Resistance. He was drugged and tortured but the PCs can accomplish a few other things before
during most of it, so he isnt even sure what he then (see The Campaign).
divulged if anything—but he believes he was being
groomed for answers that may have helped Skynet
grow more powerful. THE CAMPAIGN
He believes there are time displacement units out If the PCs are playing this as part of the bigger
there—maybe even the same one that John sent campaign suggested in this book, they have
his younger self back in time through. Someone already completed the mission Kill//Switch and
needs to travel back in time, rescue the young Kyle, know Captain Wisher of the TDC (see page 26). The
keep him from giving away anything that could TDC can help send the PCs to the past—but will
potentially crush the Resistance, and, if possible, give them a laundry list of missions to accomplish
ensure Sarah Connor is safe. Old Man Kyle is while they are there. As Kyle was moved around
trusting you because telling Resistance leaders, for a long time before being placed in the Skynet
or even his younger self, before he left could complex where he was eventually discovered, they
jeopardize Sarah or John. will send the PCs back to work the list as they seek
out leads to Kyle’s whereabouts and prepare for the
The PCs’ mission is to track down E0656.T—if it
exists—and neutralize it before it kills anyone. Failing
that, secondary objectives include protecting this
Terminator’s alleged “future” targets, starting with AI
specialist Jack Stephens. The Director may choose
the setting for this mission. It is only important that it
involves a city for Scenes 1 and 2, and a rural highway
and/or suburb for Scene 3.
The PCs have all heard Sullivan’s intelligence briefing,
and they were made to memorize important people,
all of whom share one thing in common: Skynet wants
them dead. If the PCs are successful in this mission,
they can serve as guardians for probable future targets
(see Scene 4: The Future Is Not Set).
Tonight, they must investigate a key location
mentioned in Sullivan’s research: a Halloween costume
shop where a shootout occurred and numerous
casualties were reported. Sullivan isn’t sure whether
or not E0656.T was involved, but since this incident
occurred the night before the AI specialist Jack
Stephens was murdered—it seems a wise starting
point for their mission.
If they are coming from the future, the PCs must travel
back to a Halloween night in the 1980s to complete
this mission. Make use of the Getting There: Arriving in
a New Era (see Core Rulebook: page 26).
If the PCs are already back in time, they need to find
the Terminator on Halloween of whatever year the PCs
are living in. In that case, the microfiche information
is fed to them by a fellow Resistance member or is
something the PCs themselves stumble upon in their
own research. In an already ‘80s campaign, “Sly Sully’’
could in fact be a Resistance contact sent back in time
from the 2030s to the 1980s to look for possible time
incursions and provide PCs with mission leads.
BEFORE ENTERING HE TURNS TO THE PCS AND Somewhere within these two prompts lies the potential
SAYS: for a truly epic finale. The Director should respect
player agency and remain agile as they determine the
‘Way I see it, you fellas can take what you need. Ain’t order of events.
no fight in me no more. Besides, this dog needs to be
Because the PCs still have many hours before the
put down, and, far as I can tell, you all are the ones for
Halloween Massacre is set to occur in the suburbs
the job. You ought to gear up here, and take the fight
(according to Sullivan’s intel), they will likely wish to
to his lair. Now, keep in mind—’
locate and surveil the junkyard complex. The Director
With a sudden bang, Mac Hannah’s head explodes should remind the PCs that their mission is to destroy
in a spray of crimson. As his body slumps to the the Terminator and that protecting Stephens is a
concrete, instinct takes over and you dive for cover. secondary objective.
The Director should consider the two prompts below—
The PCs will find themselves pinned down in the
Scrapyard Lair and Sundown In The Suburbs—as
storage locker. Rubberface is positioned over 150
frameworks for these two separate encounters. How
meters away, across a highway, on a hill, watching the
these events shake out and whether both options are
locker entrance through the lens of a rifle scope. The
explored is up to the players. It is up to the Director to
only way out of the locker, which is a sizable 40 square
maintain excitement and tension based on the PCs’
meters, is through the entrance.
The PCs will need to think fast about how they want to
get out and reach their vehicle for escape. The smoke 3A: SCRAPYARD LAIR
grenades and rolling tool cabinets will perhaps provide
them with some ideas. The claymore or grenades and If the PCs decide to investigate the junkyard complex
sledge hammer could possibly be used to knock a identified in Mac Hannah’s notes and maps, the
hole in the back of the locker, which would connect Director will need to make an important decision:
them to the locker behind it—but this is obviously risky will the Terminator be there when they arrive? If the
and then they would still have to contend with the Terminator is engaged on home turf, it will have a
sealed door of that locker. significant advantage. It could lay in wait, seizing a
vantage point from which to open fire, spring traps
Because Rubberface is positioned across a busy or run them down in one of its many vehicles. If
highway at a considerable distance, it would be Rubberface is not there when they arrive, the PCs
difficult for it to reach the PCs to further engage with will only have to contend with its traps. Infiltrating the
them. This should allow a clean break in the action, lair while the Terminator is away should offer the PCs
if the PCs can manage to make it the short distance the best chance of completing their mission. The rest
needed to break E0656.T’s line of sight. The Director of this section describes the junkyard complex and
should make this as difficult or simple as they feel is provides the Director with many points of interest for
warranted. It is most important that the players feel a the PCs to consider/utilize.
sense of pressure and forward momentum. Once they
reach their vehicle and start moving, E0656.T should The site is located off a stretch of desolate highway
be able to pepper the car with a few shots before they approximately a half hour’s drive from the city or
can lose him completely. Should the Director feel the about 40 minutes from Jack Stephens’ home in the
need to significantly ramp up tension, they could arm suburbs. Years ago, Rubberface killed the man who
E0656.T with a FIM-92 Stinger (see Rocket Launcher owned the complex and every one of his contacts
Core Rulebook: page 132). A single shot from this that came looking for him. This man was a crook and
weapon could shake things up considerably. the cops never investigated his disappearance—no
one ever filed a missing person’s report. The site
has remained closed to any prospective clients. All
SCENE 3: SPLIT of this information can be gleaned, should the PCs
DECISION investigate closely.
In Scene 3, the PCs have two viable approaches The complex is a maze of trashed cars, trucks, and
to advancing their mission: find E0656.T’s lair and construction equipment, surrounded by a 3.5 meter
hopefully destroy it there, or intervene as it attempts to chain link fence topped with razor wire. A single floor
terminate Jack Stephens at his home in the suburbs. office building sits adjacent to a much larger garage.
Of course, they could try to do both. Other key locations/features are detailed below. The
TIMELINE TAG: them at the sector house when the shit hits the fan.
A mixture of cops, criminals, locals, and Resistance
PRE-JUDGMENT DAY (circa 1980s) fighters works very well for maximum player
interaction here—everyone would have something
For reasons unknown, one or more of the Player special to bring to the table.
Characters (PCs) have been targeted for termination—
which one or how many of them is unclear. A If any PCs are coming directly from the future, make
Terminator has been sent back in time to eliminate use of Getting There: Arriving in a New Era (see Core
them before they can affect the coming war. But Rulebook: page 26). Most PCs, however, should be
the crime, corruption, and undesirables in a bad from the local era or already entrenched there.
neighborhood just might hold the key to surviving the
Players should realize quite quickly that unarmed and Garbage is everywhere, as are rats. Newspapers
untrained PCs do not have the necessary abilities to blow down the streets and unkind faces peek from
go toe-to-toe with a T-800. If they do want to stand doorways. Violence is a day-to-day occurrence.
and fight, they will probably die. Several entrance The police are by turns either corrupt monsters or
points for new PCs are provided should a PC die as valiant heroes doing their best to wage a losing
part of the scenario. battle against a tide of crime and corruption.
Into this morass of a failing urban wasteland comes
a Terminator nicknamed Flasher because he’s
wearing nothing under a dirty trench coat. In a time
This scenario is firmly set in the past. The PCs can all before mass surveillance and cellphones, and with
be ordinary natives of the era who are swept up in a a broken-down civic architecture, the murderous
future war they know nothing about, or the PCs are cyborg is free to roam as it pleases and there is no
Resistance fighters from that future who understand one to stop it. Help is not coming.
just how very dangerous a Terminator is. Perhaps
one or more of them were arrested for weapons
possession or a number of other charges, placing
FEARMONGER: Flasher is a non-stop murder LOBBY: The lobby has plenty of seating, and is always
machine. It is intentional that the PCs are in a packed with people waiting for assistance, or
constant state of fear, and must constantly run to dismally sitting cuffed, awaiting transport to a cell or
regain Willpower. Flasher uses this strategically interview room.
and will mow down other humans to keep the PCs BASEMENT: The basement is reached through a
scrambling and to hamper them from gaining any processing room, and has 3 large holding cells, as
help. well as half a dozen smaller individual cells.
WILLPOWER RECOVERY: Each time the PCs OFFICE: There is a large open-plan office on the floor
manage to escape and can take a few moments to above, with side rooms for filing, and a locked
recuperate between locations, they may attempt to strongroom which contains the armory.
regain Willpower (see Core Rulebook: page 103).
FILING ROOMS: Above that is a floor of filing rooms
aSSAULT ON PRECINCT 49 and smaller individual offices.
At the beginning of the scenario, the PCs are all
present at the sector house. They may be just arriving, THE ARMORY
or just about to leave, depending on who they are.
Within the sector house armory are a variety of
weapons - (20) service revolvers, (6) automatic
READ OR PARAPHRASE THE FOLLOWING TO pistols, (8) shotguns; and a sniper rifle. There
YOUR PCS: are also copious supplies of boxed ammunition.
The locked door can be opened with the Desk
At the bustling Police Precinct 49 headquarters, Sergeant’s key or a Difficulty 11 Lock Pick:
with the night shift just beginning things are riotous. Mechanical (CONC) Skll Test.
Drunks and junkies are ushered in by bored looking
officers. Gang members are being dragged in cuffs by
plainclothes detectives. Members of the community THE URBAN WILDERNESS
are shouting about parking tickets and vandalism.
The scenario breaks out of the sector house into
Babies are crying. The desk sergeant is yelling for
a freeform section driven by the PCs’ choices and
quiet. The receptionist is attempting to be heard over
actions. The streets of Precinct 49 are especially run-
the din. It’s business as usual.
down and dismal. Every time the PCs move between
locations, there’s a chance to impress upon them the
THE SET UP backdrop of urban decay.
This is almost a typical workday in the sector house,
except a team of telephone workers are repairing the
phone lines, which, along with all the phone booths
in the precinct, will be disconnected for the next 24
hours. The outage is causing extra stress for the
officers. Combined with the holding cells getting full,
the fact that they can’t call the neighboring precincts
COLLATERAL DAMAGE need to meet them at the Noise Hole Club—they are
While on the hunt, Flasher is always killing someone to to just get there as soon as possible and the fighter
find the PCs. The killing machine is always acquiring will find them. This is Morag Bains.
weapons and vehicles as it needs them—so feel free PERSONAL ACQUAINTANCES: There is a chance
to change up the guns and vehicles it arrives in every to introduce personal connections to the PCs at
time the PCs encounter it. their home—an estranged boyfriend, a demanding
parent or an irritating landlord. The NPC will be
THE aPARTMENT entirely unreceptive to any mention of killer robots
It is entirely possible that the PCs might want to head from the future, and will focus on a missed date, a
to one or more of their apartments to collect gear or lack of phone calls, late rent or some other petty
attempt to fortify a position. Once the PCs have had a piece of trivia appropriate to the Player Character’s
chance to do what they set out to do at this location, background. This then puts them directly in harm’s
the Terminator makes an immediate appearance. way when Flasher inevitably appears.
The PCs should have a chance to make an escape SECRET STASH: Players may also wish to access
plan and depart before Flasher begins to break down personal stashes of weapons which were
the door. If the PCs dither or argue about what to unavailable to them before. This poses little threat
do, then the Terminator makes good use of the time, to Flasher, but might make the PCs feel like they’re
breaking down the door to the apartments and the taking positive action.
PCs must make a fighting retreat.
CAN’T CALL FOR HELP: All phones are out for the
next 24 hours, but depending on the PCs present, Down the street from the sector house, this deli/
there might be an answering machine message convenience store is eerily quiet, lit by headache-
waiting for them (see Club Clue). inducing, flickering neon lighting which buzzes noisily.
The only inhabitant is the store keeper behind the
CLUB CLUE: If the apartment is that of a Resistance counter, reading a newspaper. Local PCs may know
fighter there might be a message from an unknown him—Jackie Finkelstein—and be able to immediately
woman saying that they are in grave danger, and ask for his help.
The PCs most likely will make a fighting retreat and GETTING IN THE TOWERS: If the PCs have
escape the ruins of the club as the building begins Desmond with them or talk their way past the
to collapse around where the truck plowed through. guards, they are led to an elevator and then into
PCs may wish to use the collapsing club against the Oso’s apartment on the 10th floor.
Terminator by bringing down more of the building PAPA OSO’S PLACE: Oso’s 10th floor apartment is
on it. This can be accomplished by breaking the opulent, especially considering the part of town its
two remaining support beams holding up the club— in. Oso will be prepared to make a deal with the PCs
causing 25 points of damage to a support beam will (see The Deal With Oso on page 50). Oso has four
break it. bodyguards here (see Street Thugs on page 50).
ESCAPE: Looking to earn points with Papa Oso,
Desmond can help the PCs escape out of the back
door and guide them to him. Morag will very likely
go down fighting.
COPS AND PAPA OSO Characters hit by the train will be killed unless they can
spend Hope. It’s just a flesh wound is always an option
Any police PC will have crossed swords with his
but alternatively if they spend 1 point of Body they will
gang in the past. It’s possible that they’re even
be reduced to 1d10-5 hit points and injured rather than
working on a case to bring him down. Recently
Papa Oso murdered a dozen people and left
their bodies in Fordham Road. There is physical The Flasher does not have Hope, so when it’s hit by
evidence of this in the sector house, and a major the subway, its legs will get stuck under its wheels
investigation is underway. derailing the train as it’s torn apart. Severely damaged
and barely hanging on the Terminator will pull it’s torso
free and drag its mangled body after the PCs.
The Flasher should use the “I’ll be back” rules for
The first time the PCs enter a subway station, a train bisected Terminators (see Core Rulebook: page 172)
sits at the platform. Each PC must roll a Difficulty 11 though if a character died achieving this you might
Athletics (STR) Skill Test to reach the train before the also allow them to roll 1d10 on the components
doors close. Its entirely possible that only some of damaged table and apply that penalty instead.
the characters will make it. If any of the characters
make the test, they can try and hold the doors. If they THE THIRD RAIL: The third rail in each subway
do this, all characters that rolled an 8 or better will station is electrified. Every round it causes 1d10
be able to board. At this point the doors, with their Stun gun/EMP damage to any PC or NPC touching
broken sensor, will close and the character holding it. Biological characters will be thrown 3 meters
the door must decide whether to leave the rest of suffering a further 1d10-5 damage. Roll a d10. On
their companions or to make a Difficulty 8 Strength a 10 they catch on fire. Knocking the Flasher onto
Resistance Test to continue holding the doors. This is the rail is not going to be an easy task. Even if it
painful and will cause 1 damage for every character couldn’t see the warning signs, its onboard safety
the doors continue to be held for. systems would alert it to the current. Therefore
players will need to be a bit creative and bridge
ALL ABOARD: If they manage to get on that train, it
the gap. A chain, metal pole or similar metal object
takes them one stop before going out of service.
would be ideal but for obvious reasons there are
What’s at the stop is up to you—it can be any of the
none close to hand. The Director should award any
locations in this scenario.
moments of player brilliance here. If they can think
CATCH THE NEXT ONE: If the PCs missed the train, of a tool and it makes sense, go with it.
they can either wait for the next one (how long is
Assuming the players can’t think of a tool, they will
up to you), they can leave, or they can enter the
need to tackle the Terminator and Terminators dont
fall that easily. It will take a co-ordinated effort (use
the Teamwork test rules emphasising the Skill Lead)
DIRECTOR’S NOTE: Enterprising PCs might try to and a solid Unarmed combat success to knock
trick Flasher out in front of the next train. If so, its the Terminator onto the line. If a Failure or Messy
likely a PC or two will need to make a mad scramble success is rolled give the player making the test a
to get themselves off the tracks in time. Characters choice, will they take the hit too? If they voluntarily
can attempt a Solid Difficulty 8 Athletics (STR) or take the damage then it counts as if the test
Acrobatics (DEX) Skill Test to get off the tracks in passed. If a serious failure is rolled, all characters
time. This is not without risks. Characters that roll involved in the attempt except 1, chosen by the
a Failure or Messy success will suffer a near miss. players, takes the hit.
Characters that roll a Serious Failure will fall and wind
up sacrificing themselves to take out the Terminator. If this gambit leads to a character death it should
Alternatively a player might choose NOT to escape trigger the arrival of the next train (see the Directors
and instead spend every success they roll to save note).
another PC.
They cut a hole in Barnes’ mind. He struggled and These imperfect flaws could be essential in order for
screamed but the metal straps held and the vaguely the humans to accept the infiltration units as one of
humanoid faces registered no compassion. He had their own. Future Terminators would feature defects
been out on a reconnaissance mission, a few hours to skin and vocal modulation. The issue of animal
before the main Resistance squad was due to attack detection could be circumnavigated by dog-killer units
the time displacement facility. John Connor was and research into secretion of pheromones from fake
certain of the secret that this building hid but was glands.
unsure of the size of the machine force protecting
The machine intelligence began to transmit new
it. Before his capture, Barnes had glimpsed some
instructions to the nodes which controlled the skin
T-1 units, patrolling HK-Aerial drones, and of course
the T-800’s. The sight of their metallic grinning skulls
always sent a shiver down his spine. +++
He had been careless and now was forced to submit Growing up during the reign of the machines, I viewed
to Skynet’s interrogation techniques. Through his many aspects of the past as luxurious. Take my
screams of agony, he could hear the crunching of his weekly grocery run for instance. In my time, I didn’t
skull. The drill had penetrated the bone. After a few have the luxury of going to the store to grab food.
moments Barnes swore that he could smell bacon on Every human convenience had been bombed out of
the grill. As he fell unconscious from the pain and the existence. As we moved through the dead bodies and
darkness took him, he realized that this was because debris there was no such thing as culinary choice. I
the machines were cauterizing his brain. was lucky that I knew some good recipes for rat and
>> Sergeant Barnes, how is cockroach meat. Now living in the past and being able
the resistance detecting our to fill my basket with an assortment of vegetables and
infiltration units? soups, it was heaven.
Barnes awoke to this message flashing before his I was checking out the ready meals in the freezer
eyes. Red, laser-type lettering overlayed on his retina. when out of the corner of my eye, I saw an overweight,
He felt the machine intelligence probe his thoughts balding clerk move towards me. He had a determined
and memories. This was as close to full dismantling of look in his eye and was carrying something large in
the human soul as you could get. both of his hands. He seemed like a typical guy who
As he resisted answering the question, he felt an enjoyed takeout and beer a little too much, maybe
intense pain build inside his skull. Skynet had grafted had caught the football game last night. He didn’t
an implant to his cerebral cortex. The machine have a normal Terminator accent. That’s why I wasn’t
had complete control over his mind and body. The prepared for what happened next.
discomfort erupted into agony and Barnes felt his A barrage of red laser fire streaked towards me. I
mental defenses give way. saw the lady in the pink cardigan next to me get hit,
>> How do you detect the her body flashed and flesh charred. As the smell of
Terminator units? ozone hit my nostrils, I ran down the aisle. zigzagging
and ducking as I tried to make it to the door. The
The question stimulated memories in Barnes. Briefings
Terminator kept walking forward and firing. More than
about how the dogs would react to the fake flesh of
once I felt the air charge with electricity as his shots
the T-800 units. That the synthetic skin would emit a
almost hit me. I made it to my van and as I reversed, I
peculiar odor. Then came the fatal flaw of the units’
saw the security guard fire a few rounds at the vehicle.
design. They all had a common outward appearance,
each of the mechanical infiltrators were muscular and It’s evident that Skynet has changed the infiltration
had the same accent. unit designs. They have adapted, like us, to fit into
the human society of the past. They could be your
Skynet began to process this information. In its quest
postman or even the cutie next door. Make no
to perfect the human design with the T-700 and T-800
mistake, everything we thought we knew about them
units it had overlooked the importance of physical
has changed.
If the PCs are already in this time, the half-built
expansion wing of Harbor General hospital is an easy
way in during the evening or nighttime hours that can
allow approach to the hospital with the best amount of
cover or at least a way to get in with the least amount
of security. If they’ve arrived from the future, the PCs
have appeared in downtown Seattle. It’s evening,
in the middle of an expansion site, work apparently
closed for the holiday.
CONTAINER 1: Considered the tool shed, this DIRECTOR’S NOTE: A successful Difficulty 5 Medical
container holds tools, hardware, construction (KNOW) Skill Test gives the quick diagnosis that
supplies, wheelbarrows, carts, etc. There is a her neck was broken quickly and with tremendous
jackhammer, metal-cutting power saw, nail gun, strength. The body’s still warm, so this happened not
and any other tool the PCs can conceive that would long ago. The victim has dark blonde hair (dyed, with
logically be there. dark roots showing) and is somewhat heavy-set, her
age roughly 35. This is Nurse Rachael Hatch, but the
CONTAINER 2: A dozen sets of construction work
PCs won’t find any ID on her. She was murdered by
clothes—gloves, boots, etc.—are here, as well as
the T-750 Facilitator (see Nurse Hatchet on page 58 for
yellow plastic hard-hats and fluorescent orange
safety vests.
CEMENT MIXER: A concrete truck is parked nearby, SERVICE DOOR: If the PCs choose to enter the
and forms are set up ready to be poured over the hospital by the service door, they find themselves
existing foundation once work begins after the New next to a nurse’s lounge connected to a small
Year. room lined with lockers which are filled with a
collection of casual clothing, hospital scrubs, plastic
EXPANSION WING: The skeletal framework of an
shoe-covers, hair coverings—enough to disguise
incomplete building, this site is an expansion of
the hospital next door—complete with second-and
third-floor walkways connecting to those floors EMERGENCY ROOM ENTRANCE: The Emergency
above the alley between. Room is accessible by four glass doors or from the
ambulance bay.
PARKING: In addition to an ambulance bay, a ramp
THE GATE: Access to the hospital can be gained
that leads down into a below-ground parking garage
through a gate in the chainlink fence that surrounds
that houses both staff and visitor parking. There
the expansion site. The gate leads into the alley and
are two levels of underground parking beneath
gives access to the rear service door on the ground
the hospital. Any overflow parking is directed into
floor. Picking the gate lock requires a Difficulty 8
a nearby parking garage on Madison, across the
Lock Pick: Manual Skill Test.
CONNECTING BRIDGE: The newly-erected building
VEHICLES OF NOTE: While there are several cars
framework replaces an older structure. The
here, the following are key to this mission:
adjoining walkways to the second and third floor
entrances are already built and are merely blocked AMBULANCES: There are two here—each with meds
off with easily evaded plywood barriers and plastic and a defibrillator (see page 59).
tarps, though security patrols them regularly.
WHITE VAN: Hidden in the shadows on a lower
ALLEY: The area is blocked at both ends by a level is a white van with an Alexander Electronics
chainlink fence and orange construction tape. Down logo on the side. The van has a few surprises inside
the alley is a door set into the wall of the hospital, (see It’s In The Van on page 60).
well-lit but currently closed. A row of dumpsters
A POLICE CAR: The car’s assigned officers—
are at one end of the alley, near the entrance to the
Edwards and Dabrowski—are apparently in the
expansion site, padlocked shut. The ground around
building. Inside their locked patrol car is a shotgun,
the dumpsters is littered with cigarette butts.
ammo, and two pairs of handcuffs.
BODY IN THE DUMPSTER: The Director should ask
the PCs to make a Difficulty 8 Detect (CONC) Skill DIRECTOR’S NOTE: These officers can be dropped
Test. Success has them notice that the padlock on into the mix either as a hindrance or an asset to the
the dumpster closest to the entry to the hospital has PCs.
been broken off. Looking inside reveals the startling
sight of a human corpse, a dead woman in her
underwear, her eyes staring wide, her head turned
displaying a New Year’s celebration in New York great height (potentially skewering or pinning it to
City, with people celebrating while a host narrates the earth), or even smashing it with the concrete
what’s going on in different time zones. He is truck (see page 57).
hooked up to a monitor displaying his heart rate and
WHEELS AWAY: The PCs might try to get to the
pulse, while an IV with a pain medication drip is in
garage, steal the van, a car or ambulance and make
his left arm. The short wire with a plastic button at
a run for it. If they keep moving they can keep him
the end—the alert for calling the shift nurse is in his
alive until the Terminator is stopped.
SUMMERS: Depending on how the PCs present EPILOGUE
themselves, Senator Summers turns towards them,
a bit irritated. If they seem threatening, he pushes
the nurse call button unless they give him a reason
not to. This might require a Difficulty 11 Persuasion
Skill Test to do so successfully, as he is both The deed is done, the senator is dead, mission
worried by the earlier attempt on his life and has complete as ordered. Killing an unarmed man was not
been warned of further actions. the job you thought you’d be doing, but those were
the orders. It didn’t matter or not if the man knew what
The senator will cooperate with the PCs—within
his actions would bring, just that humanity paid the
reason. If they unhook him from the monitor, the
price for them. At least that is what you tell yourself
monitor goes flatline, causing an electronic whine and
when you have to look at yourself in the mirror. That
sending an alert to the on-duty shift nurse near the
was until the Senator’s appointed replacement—Jack
Wittiker did exactly what you hoped to prevent and the
If the PCs aren’t trying to hustle Summers to safety by Bellerophon Defense Bill passed.
this point, the Director should announce that Nurse
Nurse Hatchet approaches the PCs with a pleasant Once again Skynet wins.The Terminator did what it
smile, telling them in a thick Austrian accent that was designed to do in a wholly efficient manner. It also
visiting hours are over (if the PCs haven’t figured out turns out the machines had scored two victories with
Hatchet is a Terminator already, they probably will now. one kill. The Senator’s appointed replacement—Jack
If they still don’t get it, its time to get new PCs). She Wittiker did exactly what you hoped to prevent and the
asks them to leave so that the senator can get his rest. Bellerophon Defense Bill passed.
Nurse Hatchet has identified its target, and will try to
terminate Summers quietly. If the PCs don’t leave the IF THE SENATOR LIVES READ THE FOLLOWING:
room when asked, it will kill Summers any way it can,
taking out the PCs first. It wasn’t easy, but you saved the man you thought
needed to be killed. The Senator was grateful, at
least grateful enough to see your names and actions
DIRECTOR’S NOTE: Facing the Terminator in direct
didn’t get you nabbed by the authorities. He also
combat with conventional weapons is tantamount to
gave his word that he’d do everything in his power
suicide. If the PCs have gotten the EMP device from
to see that the Bellerophon Defense Bill didn’t pass.
the van, they need to both maneuver it near enough
He just might have held up that promise, but it seems
to the Terminator to incapacitate it and be able to
other interested parties made sure he couldn’t. Two
capitalize on that opportunity to take it out while its
days after saving him, you heard a news report that
systems reboot.
Senator Daron Summers had died of a sudden heart
attack. The Senator’s appointed replacement—Jack
GETTING OUT OF THERE Wittiker did exactly what you hoped to prevent and the
The PCs can stand their ground or attempt to get Bellerophon Defense Bill passed.
Summers to safety, either to another room or out of
the hospital completely. Nurse Hatchet will give chase,
relentlessly pursuing its objective.
EXPAND YOUR MIND: A battle could spill over to
the expansion site, which gives them the option
of power tools, dropping steel girders on it from a
TIMELINE TAG: Instead of waiting for technology to catch up, the two
Terminators set about upgrading the existing NSFNET
PRE-JUDGMENT DAY (circa 1980s) with 21st century adaptive software mated to archaic
‘80s technology and a fleet of fleshy friends serving as
Steganos - Greek for hidden; Steganography - the art mobile nodes (see page 67). This system would allow
of hiding items in plain sight. the Steganos AI shard to begin gathering information
Skynet has won many important battles against the from the defense system and science community
Resistance but is ultimately losing the war. It has a computers of the era, giving it an edge when the
massive gap in its databases, lost during Judgment commercial internet eventually does come online.
Day, due to an over-reliance on centralized military Once fully integrated, Steganos will create an archive
systems. While these systems were hardened to of all readily accessible information— consisting of
nuclear attack they were often outward-looking and files compressed to an unimaginable degree with
not particularly interested in domestic threats. With algorithms akin to the legendary Sloot encoding
the advent of time travel, Skynet aims to correct this system. It will then disseminate these assets to the
error by sending a pair of Terminators back on an future Skynet through advanced crypto-steganography
Intelligence gathering mission. The Player Characters embedded in defense computer systems.
(PCs) aim to stop them.
The PCs discover this plot and are presented with
a unique opportunity. If they can corrupt the archive
INTRODUCTION with useless pseudo-facts, fake news and similar
Skynet’s plan was simple—Send two Terminators back misinformation it would be a significant win for the war
in time—a T-770 to accumulate data and a T-700 for effort, as important assets could be protected from
muscle to the early days of the internet. The T-770 trans-temporal predation.
would upload a software AI shard called Steganos
The future of the internet is uncertain. Presently, the
to the fledgling internet, allowing it to grow and
net is little more than a technophile’s replacement
eventually merge with Skynet when it came online in
for the fax machine—and the decade it will take
to become a cultural phenomenon is destined to
Unfortunately for Skynet, the best laid plans of mice disappear in a nuclear flash.
and men—and Terminators—often go awry.
This mission is designed as a follow-up to any mission ONE OF US
set in the past, and not as a stand alone adventure.
AIs like Skynet are not limited intelligences like
The scenario is designed for a group of 3-6 players,
humans, they are more akin to cephalopods with
including at least one PC with hacking skills.
semi-independent limbs capable of independent
but integrated action. Steganos is just such a limb,
MISSION BRIEFING as indeed are all its machines to one degree or
Uploaded and processed through the T-770, the another.
Steganos AI Shard was intended to study humanity,
find the Resistance in their mother’s cradles and feed PARADOX PROGRAMMING
this information up the timestream so that they might When Skynet initiates the Steganos project, time
be terminated quietly in hospitals without any need for travel is still little understood. By sending the AI Shard
drama. back in time to obtain information, Skynet has opened
But the two Terminators overshot their destination itself to the risk of paradox. When Skynet obtains the
date, arriving in the mid ‘80s—before the world information Steganos acquired, it would negate the
wide web became commercially available. Its requirement for Skynet to send Steganos back at all. A
predecessor was NSFNET— a system that connected classic causality loop.
supercomputer centers across the world. The first To prevent this obvious paradox and the uncertain
large-scale implementation of internet technologies, effects of it, the first message sent by Steganos is an
NSFNET linked together a complex environment of order from Skynet to Skynet mandating the creation of
independent networks. a time travel program with the specific goal of sending
The PCs are firmly in the past. This mission could
be set within the neighborhood where the PCs have
had an established safe house, or somewhere knew
they’ve just relocated to.
WRECKLESS ENDANGERMENT: Telephone Guy’s there is a police squad car that cruises the street
only objective is escape, so it will think nothing of once a day around noon. The cops could either
driving through pedestrian crossings while firing become allies or a hindrance, depending on what
its Uzi at the radiator grill of the PCs’ car (see Core the PCs are doing when they roll around.
Rulebook: page 76). If the T-700’s vehicle suffers
TRASH FORT: Rats can be visibly seen rifling through
damage for two rounds in a row it will suddenly gun
the trash, eating what they can and avoiding the
the telephone van through the nearest crowd. In
small army of feral cats that have started roaming
the resulting chaos, it will slip out of the truck and
the streets. The site has become a haven for the
attempt to disappear into the crowd.
homeless who rifle through the trash (see also The
FIGHT OR FLIGHT: The PCs face the options of Streets Have Eyes on page 66).
staying to help the injured, escaping the imminent
TELEPHONE POLES: New junction boxes have
arrival of police or continuing a foot chase. Only a
been installed on telephone poles every few blocks
Difficulty 11 Tracking (CONC) Skill Test will enable
throughout the neighborhood (see page 68). This is
them to follow the Terminator.
the work of Telephone Guy.
A HOLE IN ONE: Telephone Guy has gone
NEIGHBORHOOD STORES: The local shops vary in
underground through a nearby manhole, which
security but have fairly chatty owners, so long as
a Difficulty 5 Tactics (CONC) Skill Test will inform
the PCs are buying. See The Robberies (below) for
them that even ignoring the gas mains, is probably
thefts in the area—the most obvious being the Gun
the worst place to go when your opponent has a
machine gun of any sort.
THE GUN SHOP: Gaining access during the hours of
THE UNDERGROUND: If PCs dare to follow a
daylight is all but impossible, but PCs with a police
Terminator into the sewers, have them suffer a
contact or simply those canny enough to talk to
Difficulty 5 Fear Test when they enter the darkness.
the cops on regular patrol will easily find out what
A Difficulty 8 Tracking Skill Test will let them follow
happened. The gun shop is not the resource it might
the Terminator to an exit point, but it can move so
seem. PCs who gain access to it will find that the
much faster than a human that it will be long gone
internal camera has been removed with wires cut
when they arrive in the neighborhood it’s camped at.
and the stock of the shop has been secured by the
DIRECTOR’ NOTE: Tactile contact goes a long way KITCHENETTE: On the kitchen counter is a uniform
towards player immersion. If you have any 1980s era for a local telephone repair franchise—the same
music CDs laying around your home, why not wrap type worn by Telephone Guy. Most notable is its
them up and plop them on the table as a prop for the crisp condition, perfectly folded. This was previously
players to dig into. worn by the T-770 before he stopped needing it
(see page 63). PCs who take it can use it later to
investigate the telephone poles (see page 64).
(APARTMENT 5) I SMELL A RAT: A night stand has been utilized as
a dissection table for a dead rat—its organ cavity
Telephone Guy has gone to ground at the Cecil splayed open and pinned to the table. Stranger still,
Apartments on Wilson Blvd. Once the PCs get this the rat has an electrode screwed into its skull and
far, it only takes a cursory investigation to locate the wires running from its brain to its spine. If the PCs
Terminator’s apartment number—5. While the locals touch the rodent, it squirms and squeals—it is very
won’t exactly be forthcoming with any information, much still alive.
they don’t hide the nervous glances towards
apartment 5 if anyone shows any pictures of the T-700. If the PCs succeed at a Difficulty 8 Technical:
A Difficulty 8 Streetwise (KNOW) Skill Test should be Electrical (CONC) Skill Test, they can determine that
adequate to determine the place to check. the rat’s head has been turned into a receiver and
its spine transformed into an antenna. Any PC that
can succeed at a Difficulty 8 Lore: Skynet (KNOW)
DIRECTOR’S NOTE: The following assumes that Skill Test will recognize this rat as a rudimentary
Telephone Guy is away or has been defeated when attempt to try and fashion a 1980s tech-level
the PCs go to this apartment. Should the PCs be daft version of something Tech-Com called a T-R40
enough to visit while the T-700 is home, It will be in the “Ratbot” (see Core Rulebook: page 176).
bedroom—stripping down electrical goods for parts. It
will be armed with at least a half dozen pistols and will, INTERFACE: Entering an independent computer
if forced to, burn the apartment down rather than leave environment, these cyber rats chew into network
evidence for the Resistance. cables and act like a hub that connects that network
to the broader net and speeds data along to
IT'S A TRAP! Steganos.
Approaching the apartment with caution is advised. CD STOCKPILE: There are hundreds of music CDs
Telephone Guy has booby trapped the place with a stacked neatly in the corner. All are open. These are
pair of double barrel shotguns and a bunch of fishing being used to create backup archives of Stenagos
line. One shotgun is pointed at the front door, the other data that Telephone Guy then buries deep around
pointed at the bedroom door. the neighborhood for retrieval in the future (see
page 66).
ALTERNATE ENTRY: Cautious PCs might approach
from the fire escape (Telephone Guy and THE WEAPON STASH: The weapons will largely be
Switchboard approach this way as well). It and the concealable small arms (Pistols and SMGs) though
bedroom window are safe, though the bedroom you should cater to your players and give them
door is connected to the front door trap. All doors a bit of what they want too. Ammo is not in short
are shut when players investigate the scene. supply with the majority of the weapons being
9mm Parabellums, but the T-700 didn’t stock up on
DIRECTOR’S NOTE: The Traps can be spotted with spare magazines. In addition to firearms there are
a Difficulty 11 Demolitions (CONC) or Detect (CONC) a plethora of concealable knives, fishing tackle and
Skill Test. Once spotted they will need to be disarmed even a couple of first aid kits.
with a Solid Difficulty 8 Demolitions (CONC) Skill Test
If checked against the inventory of the gun shop
(see Core Rulebook: page 80). A Messy success
robbery, it’s easily noted that several guns are still
will cause a firearms discharge and lead to a police
missing. Somewhere there are more guns stashed.
A Director with gun happy PCs should feel free
BATHROOM: The room is steamy. The bathtub is full to emulate the excesses of ‘80s cinema in this
of blood and plasma. It is a make-shift rejuvenation stash. This is not a smash and grab prelude to an
bath to keep the T-700s flesh from rotting. assassination.
If the PCs follow the Telephone Guy then go to can be hacked just like the Junction Boxes. These
Following the breadcrumbs—with the added mobile nodes serve a simple purpose, they look for
complication that the T-700 might spot them. and report hackable targets to Steganos.
THE BREADCRUMBS PCs bright enough to have stolen the repairman’s
By now, the PCs will have discovered that Telephone outfit from the safehouse will have an easy time
Guy has installed strange devices in telephone poles explaining away their actions, but civilians poking
and junction boxes throughout the area. Much like the around in a phone cabinet will find this a much harder
Terminator, these devices look innocuous enough, but task. Ultimately the police will be more interested in
are supercomputers that are enhancing the NSFNET chasing the PCs off than pursuing them, but if the PCs
so the Steganos software can gather, compress, and perform other crimes in front of them then they’ll be
secret data faster. more proactive.
Persuading the police that they don’t need to get
UP THE TELEPHONE involved is a Difficulty 8 Persuasion (CHA) Skill Test if
POLES in uniform, but will require an Exceptional success on
a Difficulty 14 Persuasion (CHA) Skill Test if that is not
Junction boxes are set up across town, so PCs may the case. Should the police not be initially convinced
simply want to climb a telephone pole and sneak a they will tell the PCs to move on or be arrested. The
peek. Recognizing the anachronistic technology of PCs can risk a further attempt by wandering off and
the Junction Boxes requires a Difficulty 14 Technical: coming back in a few minutes, but a second failure
Electrical (CONC) or a Difficulty 11 Lore: Skynet will count as if a serious failure had been rolled on the
(KNOW) Skill Test the first time a PC is exposed to initial test.
them, but if the PC takes extra time to investigate, they
will soon realize that the components are much newer A serious failure will lead to the police cutting to the
than anything else in the cabinet and perhaps worthy chase, pulling guns, and attempting to arrest the PCs.
of detailed examination. The Director should give the PCs every opportunity to
escape, unless of course the Director has a jail-house
Should the PC spend 15 minutes investigating the adventure they want to transition to. After the first
technology they will be able to track down the location such violent encounter PCs will only get 1 chance to
where Steganos has been secreted. Much like the one convince the police in any further encounters.
in the safe house, hacking an external junction box
requires that the hacker succeeds on a Difficulty 12 FINDING THE LAIR
Computer (KNOW) Skill Test and scores 2 Progress. OF STEGaNOS
Alas this is done, not in a secluded room, but on the Telephone switching stations maintain a fire break
side of a busy road where the hacker can be observed. between them and any surrounding buildings.
If attempted during daylight, 15 minutes (1 roll) into the Essentially a warehouse sized box of wires, batteries
hack, the PCs will draw the attention of civilians who and a giant piece of copper connecting the two, the
will phone the police. majority of the site is a large locked room with a small
If the test was a serious failure, which will crash the area for staff and visitors acting as a barrier between
phones for 4 blocks, police will be slow to respond the switching station and the rest of the world. In
giving the hacker one last attempt before having to addition to this, one side of the building has a roller
deal with the authorities. If attempted at night, the door suitable for emergency service access.
PCs will get an additional 15 minutes before being Getting into the site requires:
Passing a guard booth with a solitary guard outside.
The Director should remind the PCs that there are
several such sites and that failure at any particular site Approaching the side door and bypassing the
doesn’t prevent further investigations elsewhere. second guard or opening the roller door.
PCs monitoring digital radio transmissions will be able READ OR PARAPHRASE THE FOLLOWING TO
to see that a signal has gone out and one has been YOUR PCS:
received back. This should warn them that trouble is
coming. In this case Trouble with a capital T. Amidst a tangle of network wires tapping into
hundreds of phone lines, a person in a trenchcoat is
Telephone Guy has several big guns taken from the
tucked between two electrical boxes. At first it appears
gun-shop robbery. This includes a Shotgun, an M16
to be the corpse of a murder victim, until you notice
and an Uzi. If Steganos gives it the command to
cables and cords that snake out of every orifice to jack
execute an extraction, it will have no compunction
into various ports on the switching station. This is a
about leveling the building if need be. The Terminator’s
Terminator—something Tech-Com calls a T-770 “Data
stats can be found in the Core Rulebook on page 166.
Junkie.” It looks like its in a trance, its eyes rolled back
But that’s not the only protection that Steganos has in its head and the red lights within them flashing like
in place. When the panic button is pressed, it will morse code stuck on repeat.
activate all its locally placed mobile rats nodes. While
Telephone Guy and Switchboard have created dozens Switchboard itself is immobilized while Steganos
of these rats and spread them across the city, only six is downloading data from the NSFNET. The T-R40
are in place at the switching station. rats, Telephone Guy, and its capacity to phone
governmental agencies with faxes of the PCs’
Once the PCs have infiltrated the site and dealt with
photographs, are Steganos’ only personal defenses—
the opposition, they will be in a position to face the
unless it disconnects and reactivates Switchboard,
true villain of the piece, Steganos.
which due to overconfidence in it’s bodyguard, it wont
STEGANOS be able to do in time.
The Steganos AI Shard software has taken over the SMASH IT: Pulling Switchboard’s chip and taking
T-770 called Switchboard, transforming it into its main a sledgehammer to it will destroy the T-770, but
information hub. Combined, they are Switchboard/ Steganos will still be free in the NSFNET. At this
Steganos. They are located within the mechanical point with no time to waste, Steganos can with five
telephone switching station and are hiding within its successes on an extended Difficulty 5 Technical:
many wires. Any PC that makes a Difficulty 8 Detect Electrical Skill Test be isolated from the phone
(CONC) Skill Test will locate the T-770 pretty quickly. exchange and prevented from future activity.
Whether the characters later try and hack Steganos
or simply hack it up is up to them.
When the PCs need it most, Dad Plaid is attacked
by the young woman Katrina, (her tattooed arms on
show, having removed her jacket for the battle with
Dad Plaid) with a stanchion pole normally used to rope
off entry to the bar. The impact will result in a nice
bit of blood and gore—as well as a glint of the metal
beneath. There can be no question that Dad Plaid is
indeed a Terminator.
says he might remember her asking about the price SENT-U-ME POSTAL SHOP: ‘Your Local Shop, for
of large quantities of agricultural fertilizer and how Global Service’. A small shop in the back end of
long it would take to get it in, but she never came the ass end of the city, mainly sells international
back (she was planning to build a fertilizer bomb). phone cards and is a pick up for many of the postal
CENTURY INCENDIARIES LLC: ‘We’ll put the CENTURY PAWN SHOP: ‘Need money quick? we’ve
BANG in your Party!’ The given address will be got you!’. A surprising shop that only deals with
in the factory section of the city and where this high end pawnage requirements. Features in its
company makes its fireworks. A good place to pick own reality show. May be a place to get rid of any
up chemicals and explosives, which may be useful interesting items acquired along the way or up to
for this mission or a future one. There is a chance now. THIS COMPANY IS A DEAD END.
the PCs encounter Katrina’s brother here as he is
scouting the place as a way to acquire explosives
safe’. A company offering security services,
enough to deal with the Terminator. Spotting him
including alarms, guards, and K9 solutions. The
will require a Difficulty 8 Detect (CONC) Skill Test,
majority shareholder is Century Investment Inc. and
though detecting a familial similarity with Katrina will
clientele include Century Industries Inc.
require a Solid success. If they do spot him, see My
Sister’s Shadow on page 76. THIS COMPANY IS A As the PCs investigate the companies via a mixture of
DEAD END. onsite investigations and research, they will build up a
picture of where to look next. To confirm, the person
CENTURY INVESTMENTS INC: ‘We invest in you.’
they are looking for is Mr. C.T. Shepard and Century
In the corporate part of the city, this company is
an investment company for a small conglomerate
of people. It is led by a Mr. C. T. Shepard, who is
in the Top 200 Rich List and an up and coming DIRECTOR’S NOTE: This is a great opportunity for
businessman who had dropped out of MIT. The you, the Director, to roleplay different NPCs, and
company has offices in the corporate HQ of a generally enjoy a big chunk of roleplay not centered on
company called Century Industries . fighting, hacking, or running away from the forces of
Skynet. Feel free to embellish on the seed companies
CENTURY INTERIORS: ‘Millennial designs, Century’s presented above and even add your own as you wish.
Experience’. A company owned by a Z-grade
celebrity designer, who makes too much money on
low level interior design concepts. THIS COMPANY SEARCHING FOR
CENTURY INDUSTRIAL WASTE MANAGEMENT: If the PCs decide to track down Dad Plaid, they’ll find
‘Your partner in Industrial Waste Management’. A a few points of interest:
company whose name perfectly describes its role.
THE PIER: An abandoned golf cart was discovered in
It is owned by ‘Century Investment’ and has a client
a car park down by the pier. A subcompact car with
called ‘Century Industries’.
the license plate PNCHBGGY was stolen from the
CENTURY INVESTIGATORS: ‘Let’s defeat the Cheat’ scene (yes, by Dad Plaid).
Just the sort of company you need, if you think your
THE GOLF COURSE: Police reports will show the
spouse is cheating on you; not much help in fighting
golf cart was stolen from a nearby course three
a murderous robot from the future, but finding one
days prior. Doing some leg work will reveal that two
dressed like a golfer with a limp might be useful.
golfers were killed by a lightning strike on the golf
course the day the car went missing. Strangely,
CENTIPEDE ROBOTICS: ‘Robotic excellence for a their bodies were discovered partially disrobed—
future excellence’ A small start-up spun out of the one was missing his pants, the other his shirt and
local University. It has recently won a number of windbreaker.
innovation awards and grants. Further investigation
EZ-STORE: Asking around town reveals that
will identify ‘Century Industries’ as the supplier of
PNCHBGGY has been sighted often in the parking
the largest grant.
lot of EZ-STORE storage facility in an industrial
park on the corporate side of town. The site is
surrounded by a twelve-foot fence and kept under
building. They should find a mixture of offices, open centered above the entrance; it is allocated to
work spaces, vending machines and smoking areas, ‘Century Industries Management’. While the elevator
engineer labs, parking lots and equipment storage in itself will fall if there is an explosion, the shaft will
the basement, for example. survive any blast.
STAIRWELLS: There are three flights of these stairs,
LOCKS & SUCH running up protective steel and concrete shafts.
As the adventure requires that the players access the Each has access to all floors in the building. If the
site you might at first glance want to make entering building is damaged in an explosion (see page 80)
a mundane task, however, accessing the site means these stairwells will be relatively safe.
that some sort of plan is needed and consequently it’s
not unreasonable to need 1 or more Skill Tests to get
in the door. Just remember failure doesn’t necessarily This entire floor is banking and investment offices and
mean that the door doesn’t open; it can also mean financial records for high end clientele. At night, Its
that a hidden alarm goes off. locked and the elevators will only get the characters to
a small foyer with a couple of chairs and a pot plant.
Let them drive the infiltration, use the security guards During the day, people are constantly moving and its
to build the tension, etc. The engineering labs will have quite easy to tailgate through this entrance so long as
all sorts of things going on, including computer-based, you make the effort to look the part.
aeronautic, automobile, battery, solar and importantly,
robotic research. Reveal these as the players move up If the PCs are looking to get their hands on some
the building. On the walls, there will be photographs of money, it’s just a purchase order and a good hack
the company’s assets, projects, awards, etc. away. Alternatively hacking here could also gain the
PCs the addresses for vacation homes, office space,
GROUND FLOOR and corporate vehicles that could become their next
The three storey building is C-shaped. Its entrance safe houses and get away vehicles.
is right in the center of the C, security guards are A Difficulty 8 Computer (KNOW) Skill Test will enable
patrolling, one or two with guard dogs. Entry into the Hacker to loot money equal to the number of
the building during working hours will be easy – they successes rolled times $100. Hackers looking to make
can just walk straight in, but they will not be able to a real score can increase the Difficulty to increase the
get much further without an appointment or some payout. Every -1 penalty taken by the hacker increases
subterfuge. the $ per success by $100.
FRONT DESK: During the day, the receptionist team
are all in uniform and wear the Sentinel Security
logo of three entwined ‘S’s made to look like 6 This is the main robotics lab and computer archives of
‘C’s. Some deception will be needed to get past Century Industries. The full plate window-walls on this
them (a Solid Difficulty 11 Persuasion Skill Test with level provide natural light for the workers here, as well
evidence will do). If the players decide to visit during as stunning sunrises and sunsets for the overachiever
non-business hours, only a skeleton staff is present who doesn’t know when it’s quitting time.
and their main problem will be the security team. During the morning numerous scientists work under
LOBBY: This extravagant entrance hall holds a number the harmonious racket of near constant power tool
of sculptures and fine art pieces, as well as modern use. Experiments are performed and tests are run.
design sofas and even a small coffee and bagel In the afternoon “review panels” adjourn to the
shop. During the day its quite hectic. Suits, lab coffee shop where they discuss largely impenetrable
workers, and junior office employees are meeting scientific minutiae and try to work out next steps in
and ‘doing lunch’. As the day winds on, the lobby their research. The afternoon and indeed evening
empties until only the echo of the guards patrolling sees more formal meetings held, revisions made and
remains. Everyone has a security or visitor badge. experiments set up to run till morning.
ELEVATORS: By the two elevators, a floor plan is AIR SHOWER CHAMBER: Reinforced and
presented. It is clear from that, that there are a lot of environmentally sealed using high-velocity jets
companies based here. All with the word ‘Century’ of air and HEPA or ULPA air filter systems, The
in their titles. The 2nd floor West wing is allocated air shower chamber is the only entrance to the
to Century Investments. The 3rd floor is marked robotics laboratory. If the building is damaged in an
Century Technologies. A penthouse is also visible, explosion (see page 80), this area will survive.
Any PC with the Demolition skill or who has previously He cocks the pistol, putting it to his own head.
accessed any computer in the building will know “You bastards! You’ve handed Skynet the war!”
where the safe zones are. Otherwise, the PCs can
make a Difficulty 5 Knowledge Resistance Test to He pulls the trigger...BANG!
make a best guess.
The areas in this building that can survive a major SKYNET’S ASSESSMENT:
explosion are the three stairwells, two elevator shafts CHRISTIAN SHEPARD WAS
(but not the elevators themselves, the Air Shower
Chamber on the third floor, the Lobby, and Shepard’s FOR THEMSELVES. HE AND HIS
panic room in the Penthouse (see pages 77-78). If WORK MUST BE TERMINATED WITH
the building collapses, these places will be covered EXTREME PREJUDICE.
in rubble, but the PCs can work their way out or be
rescued after—and talk their way out of any situations
with local authorities that may arise.
Characters that fail to find a safe zone are essentially
hit by the blast even if outside its normal area of effect
(see Core Rulebook: page 136). Luckily characters
TIMELINE TAG: So, that’s where things start. The PCs have traded the
chaos and slaughter and smoke of burning bodies
PRE-JUDGMENT DAY (circa 1980s) for the conspicuous consumption and sun-bleached
streets of LA. There’s a rescue attempt about to be
Kyle Reese traveled back in time to rescue Sarah made. Let’s get to it.
Connor. He succeeded and died in the process.
Except, he didn’t. He was kept prisoner for decades,
first by a government-funded dummy corporation
called Raven Technologies and then the machines IN THE PAST: This mission is designed as a follow
themselves. Kyle was questioned and tortured for up to Future Tense, but can be used for PCs long-
information on time displacement, Terminators, and entrenched in the past as well. The PCs may have
the Resistance. been here for months, waiting for word on who
is holding Kyle and where. Either an informant or
The Player Characters (PCs) have a chance to stop
decrypted data from a previous mission suggests
that from ever happening.
that a government-backed company called Raven
Technologies (see Core Rulebook: page 179) has a
INTRODUCTION valuable future asset locked away in the Robotics
This scenario presents a mission toolkit for and Applied Research building—and whatever or
the Director to run a series of missions loosely whoever it is could turn the tide of the future battle
adapted from elements within the graphic novel against the machines.
“Terminator:1984”. Key scenes are included, with
suggestions provided for setting up a campaign based DIRECTOR’S NOTE: In that situation, the PCs may
around these elements. It is preceded by Future Tense not know its Kyle they are after—they will only know
and followed by Tense Past (see pages 28 and 120, its someone or something that is likely from the future.
respectively). If you don’t want to use Kyle Reese, feel
free to substitute him with another character the PCs FROM THE FUTURE: This mission starts as close to
would know, sent back in time for a different mission. the thick of the action as possible. Searching out
The mission is designed for a group of 3-6 players, the Time Displacement Equipment, getting back
including at least one PC with hacking skills. to the past, and the ‘fish-out-of-water’ search
for clothes and weapons is covered in the core
MISSION BRIEFING rulebook (see page 26). If your players want to take
part in that for their campaign, have at it! Past Tense
In the original timeline, Reese was eventually rescued,
goes straight to a heist—a break-in, and break-out
some 40 years later—and sought out some old
of Raven Technologies to rescue Kyle Reese. Get
friends—the PCs. In that future, he enlisted the PCs to
travel back in time to rescue his younger self from the
Now in the present, they are searching for Kyle,
knowing that a government-funded dummy INTO RAVEN
corporation rival to Cyberdyne is holding him—but not TECHNOLOGIES
which one. When they find him, they are to either free
or kill the young Kyle before he can unwillingly assist LOCATION: Raven Technologies. A huge, sprawling
the machines against humanity. Reese would rather be tech complex on the outskirts of LA, 80s style.
dead than become a source of information for Skynet,
hurting his best friend John Connor and the human PLAYER GOAL: Get in. Get Kyle. Get out. That’s what
Resistance he leads. matters.
ASSAILANTS: Security guards, government agents.
DIRECTOR’S NOTE: It’s a prison break. Run it fast,
furious, and messy. Keep the momentum going.
The PCs receive a lead to Kyle Reese’s alleged
whereabouts—he’s supposedly been transferred
to the main campus of a company called Raven
Technologies. The PCs need to get in, rescue Kyle,
and get out. Allow them a moment to create a plan
for breaking Kyle out, and allow them whatever 1980s
appropriate equipment they request (within reason).
They’ll have been here a few months already before
they attempt to free Reese—they will have had the
time to get what they need.
The Raven Technologies complex is huge. It covers
about ten different buildings, but the one you’re
looking for is pretty easy to discern—Robotics and
Applied Research. Reconnoitering the campus and
nearby buildings requires a Difficulty 8 Detect (CONC)
Skill Test, to ensure all of the security facilities are
properly noticed and appraised. They might not be
Skynet level in terms of lethality, and precision, but
they’re still pretty good. There are also a lot of guards
patrolling the high, barbed-wire topped fences.
Carrying out detailed observation of the place without
incurring their interest is pretty difficult in itself. They’re
used to dealing with journalists, and the odd protester,
so someone with the kind of training and experience
the PCs endured in 2029 are going to stand out,
unless they’re careful.
Getting inside Raven Tech is going to require a number
of rolls, depending on how the PCs approach it;
should they try and hack the security system from
outside, they’ll need to deal with this security set-
up. While the Director could run a Hack using the full
hacking rules (See the Raven Tech Network Diagram
on page 87). Its a lot simpler to allow the hacker to
make a Difficulty 11 Computer (KNOW) Skill Test to
bypass security. On a failure the hack is recognized
after entry. The entire campus goes into lockdown,
and the reserve armed security are immediately
deployed. If they succeed, they can have access to
the alarms, locks, and more.
Alternatively, cutting through the wires, and sneaking
across the grounds, avoiding surveillance cameras,
heat sensors, and other devices requires a Difficulty 11
Stealth (DEX) Skill Test, as the PCs dodge the various
modes of detection searching for any sign of trespass.
Once within the facility, finding Kyle isn’t the easiest.
The PCs can simply check rooms, and risk detection—
if the PCs choose to simply comb floor after floor,
and facilities respond in different ways, without without Cyberdyne—and put a leash on it that keeps it
any coordination. The PCs possess a significant from killing the world (so they believe). Just think of the
advantage; they just need to use it. money to be made!
As soon as the PCs escape and Raven Tech has a
WAYS OUT OF moment to recover, the company commits all of its
THE SCENE enormous resources to recovering Kyle. By any means
PLANNED ROUTE: How well did the PCs plan necessary. Knowing Kyle is yet to be born, and hence,
this break-in? Did they lay out escape plans? Is doesn’t exist, they also know it won’t be hard for him
a getaway driver waiting, or a preplanned path to disappear off the grid entirely, vanishing with the
through the sewers just beckoning? If so, let them same suddenness he appeared. They can’t let this
follow their strategy. Raven Tech is going to catch happen.
up with them shortly, but for now, they’re out and As a result, the PCs and their recently-rescued
gone. friend are being hunted by a government-funded
UNPLANNED ROUTE: Of course, maybe planning organization with the money and reach to make their
ahead didn’t feel as important a part of the rescue lives extremely difficult.
process as breaking in, grabbing Reese, and
running. Improvising a route out shouldn’t be ON THE RUN
too difficult for Resistance fighters who survived We encourage you to take whichever route feels most
the most brutal and vicious fighting imaginable. organic and suitable for your game. Here are a few
There are sewage facilities as part of the campus, options:
connecting to the LA sewage system. There are
employee cars and other vehicles that can be easily THE CHASE PART 2: Immediately after the PCs
stolen. Whatever the PCs opt for, they need to get escape the perimeter of Raven Tech, a chase could
moving. The confusion and chaos won’t last forever. take place not unlike a mirror image of the one from
the Future Tense mission. Raven Tech SUVs with
blacked-out windows pursue the characters along
SCENE 2: KEEP the streets. If the PCs can outstrip their pursuers,
ON RUNNIN', KEEP or otherwise prevent them from following, then they
ON HIDING are free.
THE HUNT: If the PCs make good their escape in
LOCATION: LA Outskirts your mission, then this could become a much
more subtle, cat-and-mouse chase. Flitting from
PLAYER GOAL: Same as it was before. Keep moving,
safe house to safe house, motel to motel as Raven
get Kyle Reese out of Raven Tech’s clutches.
Tech’s suited government agents try to locate them,
ASSAILANTS: More Raven Tech security guards, the PCs could go to ground.
Government agents.
DIRECTOR NOTE: A tense chase, as Raven
OUT IN FORCE: Wherever the PCs head, the Raven
Technologies attempts to rescue its prize asset before
Tech security teams possess the means to follow.
he disappears off the grid.
Should the PCs be tearing along an LA Freeway, a
helicopter shines a spotlight onto the road—and six
SCENE SET-UP large, armored SUVs give chase. The helicopter has
government agents— a pilot and a sniper. Each SUV
Kyle Reese is free—more or less. He’s out of his cell, has five security guards in it and one government
at least, and that’s something. But Raven Tech isn’t agent (see not so Covert Agents below).
going to let him go that easily. He’s proven a valuable
asset to them—given them so much insight into what NOT SO COVERT AGENTS: These special agents
Cyberdyne can achieve. Sure, they’ve also learned belong to an undisclosed government agency.
about Judgment Day, but they are certain the future Dressed in a black suit, they wear sunglasses
knowledge Reese provides can help them avert that. even at night. If these agents search for the PCs
Cyberdyne is building a monster computer—but if in a manhunt, three waves of two agents each
Raven beats them to it, they’ll be able to build Skynet will pursue them. If it becomes a run through the
sewers, then the Raven Tech teams are in Kevlar,
masks, and night vision goggles, with laser-sights
As the PCs arrive at the old mine, gunshots echo
across the valley. Seven bikers are fighting a two
way battle with the bounty hunter VanDirk and
what appears to be two uzi-carrying naked healthy
specimens of humanity. Eating bullets and not slowing
down, they are the Streakers mentioned at the visitor
center—T-800 Terminators D.800.L and D.810.X.
KILL-MOBILE: A station wagon belonging to VanDirk
is parked off the main road, not too far from the
mine. In the back is a small arsenal. Allow PCs
to each pick one era-appropriate loaded rifle and
handgun from the core rulebook.
KILL CRAZY CULTISTS: The biker gang is overly
armed—assault rifles, heavy pistols and shotguns
and will keep shooting until they kill everything or
die trying.
KILL FOR JEZEBEL: If old Scotty led the PCs here
and Jezebel is wounded in the firefight, he will pick
up a gun and go after whoever hurt the mule.
SARA(H) KILLED: With a successful Difficulty 5
Detect (CONC) Skill Test, the PCs notice a woman
amongst the bikers that could be the mother of the
Resistance (pro tip: it’s only Cindy Everts). She is
dodging for cover and difficult to get a clear look
at. If the PCs don’t get to her within d10+5 rounds,
Cindy’s hit in a crossfire and killed. Up close, a
Difficulty 8 Detect (CONC) Skill Test will confirm
she isn’t Sarah Connor. If present, Kyle Reese
immediately knows.
OVERKILL: Here to retrieve Cindy Everts, VanDirk
will recklessly shoot at anyone—including the PCs.
If they can convince him of their intentions with a
Difficulty 8 Persuasion (CHA) Skill Test, he’ll help
them look for Sarah.
KILL EVERYONE: The Streakers kill their way through
anyone that stands between them and Cindy
Everts—whom they believe is Sarah Connor. They
have been misled by Killerman (see page 88).
KILLER BOOM: If Killerman suffers any wounds,
he blows the mine with dynamite, collapsing
the entrance and escaping via motorcycle. The
explosion will knock out everyone present—
including the Terminators. After they reboot, they
dig themselves out, take bikes, and chase after him.
With or without him, the Streakers will continue to
hunt for Sarah Connor, next finding Sara Norden
SCENE 4: LOCO- DIRECTOR’S NOTE: If the PCs find a way to hit the
MOTIVES Streakers with the train, reward them with the sight of
mangled Endoskeletons. Just remember that one of
Either on a station platform or aboard a train streaking
the Terminators may still have some life in it (see Core
across the desert—this is where it ends. The train
Rulebook: page 172).
station’s sign reads SKULL MINE TRAIN TRIPS:
JUST LIKE THE 1860s—clearly a tourist trap. Ken
Norden lies dead on the station platform. If the PCs aFTERMATH
weren’t delayed, the train is just leaving. Otherwise,
it is already speeding towards Saddler’s Wells with PCs can learn from Sara, the police, the train engineer,
everyone aboard. or any of the survivors that another woman named
Sarah was in Death Valley a few days ago—driving a
TRAIN: This old-fashioned “steam train” is actually red jeep and headed for Mexico City (see page 92).
a diesel with a fake steam train shell. It is three Depending on when your campaign takes place, she is
passenger cars long plus engine & caboose—with either described as pregnant (early ‘85) or as having a
only six tourists, two engineers, the Nordens, the small child with her (after that).
Streakers, & possibly Killerman aboard.
If the Streakers kill the Nordens, they believe they’ve
Boarding the train as it heads off requires a short dash executed the Connors. Their objective complete,
and a Difficulty 5 Athletics (STR) Skill Test. Failing this the two Terminators wander into the desert to await
test or boarding the train as it speeds away requires a Judgment Day.
Difficulty 5 Acrobatics (DEX) Skill Test. A Failure means
that you miss your footing and wind up dangling off If VanDirk survives, he’s headed to the nearest bar with
the side of the train. A Difficulty 5 Athletics (STR) Skill a tale to tell and a senator to disappoint. Both will be
Test is needed to pull oneself up. Characters that fail unhappy.
Let the PCs choose how they want to investigate and
in what order. Running a lead down either can be
accomplished in 1 hour by succeeding at a Difficulty
8 Streetwise Skill Test or automatically finding it
eventually, after 3 hours of hitting the streets and
The three leads the PCs drummed up are all in and
around the slums. A name—Perro Maestro Maurizio,
Multiple sightings at a local cantina, and the rumor
that a woman fitting her description was seen near the
“Junk King’s” salvage yard.
Of course, the PCs aren’t the only ones looking for
Sarah Connor. A man dressed in motorcycle leathers
and helmet is asking the same people the same
questions (see Hello Helmet Head on page 94). Finally,
all these inquiries will garner the attention of Sarah’s
past acquaintances (see Friends in Low Places on
page 95).
His flesh burned away in a truck accident, C890.L DIRECTOR’S NOTE: If things get ugly real fast, you
appropriated biker clothing and donned a helmet to might want to break up this fight. Helmet Head can
hide its skull-like vistage. always show up and start blasting, giving Rodrigo and
the PCs a common foe (see Leather And Lead page
They’ll see this badass everywhere—before they
realize it is a Terminator. If the PCs approach Helmet
Head, it will attempt to duck down an alley and LEATHER AND LEAD
avoid interaction. If the PCs act threateningly, the
Bring this option into play if the PCs start fighting
Terminator will produce a pair of Heavy Pistols and
with the wrong people, if they decide to flee Mexico
start shooting. Relentless, it won’t stop until the
City, or if things crawl to a stop and some action is
PCs run away, duck for cover, or are dead—allowing
called for.
Helmet Head an opportunity to escape from view.
If the combat persists for some time (More than 12 The big black leather-clad killing machine called
Rounds), Helmet Head will drop his two pistols and Helmet Head is coming for the PCs. Although it is
pull two more. If engaged in hand to hand, it will kill as only armed with heavy pistols at this time, it’s still
quickly as possible. The Terminator evades at the first a goddamn Terminator—any heavy or sharp object
opportunity to do so—or if its Hit Points drop to half or within its grasp can be considered lethal.
below. Helmet Head is a T-800 Endoskeleton—he’s lost his
FRIENDS IN LOW PLACES flesh sheath (see Core Rulebook: page 170). Only a
visored helmet, scarf, and leather jacket, boots, and
The PC’s efforts to track down leads on Sarah—even
biker pants mask this shiny metal death machine’s
just by description—have gained them the attention
true form.
of a couple of her friends. They’re either going to
enlist the PCs’ aid or try to deter them from drawing The Terminator attacks to kill as quickly as
attention to Connor. possible. It will keep attacking until all PCs are
killed or its Hit Point total is reduced to half or
Rodrigo Lopez and his girlfriend Valeria are expert
lower. Significatly damaged, it will attempt to retreat
coyotes—smugglers who get people and goods
and go to ground. When the PCs next encounter
across the border (see page 128 for Rodrigo and
Helmet Head, it will be rearmed and prepared. It will
Valeria’s stat blocks and bios). Lopez is one of the
then fight until destroyed.
few people who’s managed to establish any trust with
Connor since the events of 1984. He believes her
story—at least portions of it, anyway. DIRECTOR’S NOTE: It will be extremely difficult
When Rodrigo hears about the PCs’ efforts, he and for the PCs to neutralize Helmet Head with small
Valeria will confront them. Lopez and his girlfriend firearms, especially if they hope to keep its chip intact.
are armed, but their weapons are concealed. They Alternative measures should be considered (see page
will determine whether the PCs have malicious 96).
intentions for Sarah. One of the PCs must succeed
on a Challenging 7 Persuasion Skill Test to convince SENOR aRREGLARLO
Rodrigo and Valeria that they only wish to help Connor.
If the PCs had any interaction with Helmet Head—
attacking or even tracking—Rodrigo already knows MISTER FIX-IT SERVICE STATION: This abandoned
about it—reducing the Persuasion difficulty to Simple filling station is only a few blocks away from the
4 instead. PCs’ base of operations. Either as friends or
captives, Rodrigo Lopez and Valeria will take them
IF THE ROLL IS SUCCESSFUL: Rodrigo’s demeanor
instantly changes to friendly and he takes the PCs
to a nearby garage, a safe place to talk (see Señor GARAGE: A two-bay garage sitting on an empty lot,
Arreglarlo Estacion De Servici). the station’s pumps have long since been removed.
In the service area are a pair of beat up 4x4 SUVs. A
pile of twenty old tires lies behind the building.
Valeria pull their weapons and attack the PCs.
OFFICE: The windows of what would have been the
office area are boarded up. Inside are a workbench,
basic tools, two cots, some lawn furniture, a few
example, they may want to set up a backup plan SPRINGING THE TRAP
with explosives, cover, and overwatch snipers on
high ground—just in case things go south. If their IF THE HIGH VOLTAGE TRAP WORKS, READ THE
plan is plausible, let them do it. If its a damn good FOLLOWING:
plan, they should be rewarded—give the Terminator
penalties on its Detect Skill Test. The switch is flipped. There’s a hissing pop and a
buzzing surge, followed by a blue electric crackle
BORROWED TIME: Secretly give the PCs 6d10 +30 across the wet pavement.
minutes to set their plan in motion after they come
up with it. If you use Leather and Lead (see page The cybernetic bastard you’ve been calling Helmet
95), and Helmet Head still has half its hit points, its Head’s bulky metal body shudders and goes stiff
seeking them out—only give the PCs 6D10 minutes. like someone shoved a cattle prod enema up its ass.
Whatever the result, when time runs out they won’t Burning leather chokes your nostrils. Sparks pour off
have to go looking for Helmet Head—he is coming the aged transformer as the deadly current flash fries
for them. black leather and melts the Terminator’s helmet visor.
Flames lap at its broad shoulders. The transformer
explodes into a shower of sparks. Lights blink out
SCENE 3: SHOWDOWN as a wave of darkness sweeps the neighborhood.
IN THE SLUMS The smoldering form of the shutdown killing machine
topples forward onto its face with an audible clang.
Helmet Head is here, whether the PCs are ready for IF THE PCS TOOK OUT HELMET HEAD BY OTHER
it or not. It retains any damage it had from earlier MEANS:
encounters. It carries two Heavy Pistols; six grenades,
and an M-60 with enough ammo to start a war. Well at least the nasty motherfucker is no more, but
that went anything but by the numbers. Somebody
important said that no plan survives contact with the
Head will head straight at the closest PC or Rodrigo
enemy…and you sure proved that true today. When
as it considers all of them a threat to its mission. It
you have time, maybe you can see where you went
will ignore bystanders unless they attack it. All its
wrong, but now you have a trail to find and the most
attacks will focus on one target until it is terminated
important woman to the Residence to protect.(see
and then move to the next unless it loses sight of
Chasing a Ghost, page 98).
the target and another of the PCs or Rodrigo is in
its sight. This is the best way for the PCs to lure it.
Running, drawing attention, and then ducking out of IF THE PCS GOT THE CHIP:
sight as another PCs darts in the opposite direction.
Helmet Head will fight until destroyed or all the PCs Well you managed to pry the damned thing out of the
and Rodrigo are terminated. ‘Nators skull and that wasn’t the easiest job. Now you
need to figure out what to do with it and hope you
don’t fry the chip trying to use it (see The Next Move).
MISDIRECTION: The PCs can send a message to any IT WAS. OTHERS WILL COME FOR ME.
other Terminators within 100 KM radius, telling them OTHERS WITHOUT HEARTS, OR BRAINS,
that Sarah Connor is dead!
OTHER: Allow the PCs to come up with a creative
alternative. If they are affiliated with the TDC, they IMPERATIVE THAT YOU LOCATE ME,
may have other uses for the chip (see the upcoming THEN GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR SEARCH.
Time Displacement Commandos Sourcebook).
The PC’s will want to get themselves seen in as many
surveillance cameras as possible, spouting Sarah
Connor-related rhetoric. Not long after the first PC is
caught on camera near or in the casino a T-800 shows
up. Let the PCs be in mid-caper when the Terminator
goes to work in scene 4.
TIMELINE TAG: Before you run this mission, be sure to read the entry
for TS-300 Stealth Terminator and the T-K90 Labrador
PRE-JUDGMENT DAY (circa 1980s) Deceivers on pages 174 and 175 of the core rulebook.
The Player Characters (PCs) receive vital future
information about one of Skynet’s assets in the
past—a seemingly innocent small company in South As the Director of this mission, you will get to play
America. But the key to disrupting Skynet’s plan this with your players assumptions and knowledge of
time is subtle sabotage—if the PCs just blow up the the world of The Terminator. Most players should
place, Skynet will start again elsewhere. They must remember from the movie that dogs are often
dig in deep and discover a way to ruin Skynet’s plans the first line of defense, alerting the Resistance
behind its back. to the presence of a Terminator in their midst. In
this mission, the man and dog in question are
INTRODUCTION Terminators, and you can use that to twist those
assumptions on their head. Additionally, through
Skynet is in a constant state of self-analysis. While
the mission the players will become aware that it is
time displacement technology is a critical asset in
the cyborg dog, rather than the cyborg man, that is
undoing the Resistance victory of 2029, it is not
the star of the show.
without risks. Should the Resistance gain a foothold in
the past, they could target essential assets and cause
Skynet serious harm. This has led to a more proactive GETTING THERE
stance, both in targeting time travelers as priority
This scenario is firmly set in the past. It is designed for
targets and in protecting its own timeline. In the case
Resistance members or era natives who already know
of this mission, Skynet is loading the deck in its favor,
about the future war against the machines. Alternately,
modifying past events to increase its post Judgment
you can have your PCs receive the briefing in the
Day resources. Its up to the PCs to stop it.
future and travel back in time to handle the situation. If
Designed for 3-6 players, this mission examines any PCs are coming directly from the future, make use
the measures that Skynet uses to protect one such of the Getting There: Arriving in a New Era section on
company. page 26 of the core rulebook.
MISSION BRIEFING DIRECTOR’S NOTE: You may even find that not all of
the scenes in this mission are needed—it all depends
The PCs are Resistance members acting on on how your players approach the problem.
information brought to them by a downstream courier
from the future (see The Card: page 107). How this
takes place and how much involvement the courier SCENE 1: REWIND
has with the PCs is up to the Director to best fit this
into their campaign. A video file on the card instructs FORWARD
the PCs to investigate a company and its CEO being The PCs are approached by someone claiming to be
somehow important for Skynet on Judgment Day (see a downstream courier, sent back in time to dole out
The Recording: page 107). The PCs don’t know it, but information to various cells operating in the past. The
this CEO has been replaced by a Stealth Terminator courier gives the proper Resistance codes to convince
(see Core Rulebook: page 174). the PCs they are legit.
After the PCs discover what’s going on, they’ll need Prior to leaving, the courier swallowed a capsule-
to think things through. The best solution is to beat coated Multi Media Card. On that card is a recording
Skynet behind its back—taking action that will delay with instructions from the future. Rigging a suitable
the machines in the future but is not blatant enough to mechanism to read the MMC is a mundane task for
be detected until it is relevant to the time stream. any character with the Technical: Electrical Skill.
The video opens with the Resistance leader
responsible for sending the PCs back in time—Captain
Wisher. Wisher is joined by two Tech-Com personnel—
an elderly historian and a science specialist. The
captain has their loyal pitbull—‘Nator Sniffer—at their
side. Wisher greets the PCs, saying something that
only they will know is proof these instructions are legit.
Captain Wisher strokes the dog and repositions the
camera to focus on the historian.
As the Tech-Comm operator holds up a pixelated/
hand drawn image of a stylized letter M and L above
the word Tech—the logo for Marco Libre Corp. The
historian states the following:
“Hernán Van der Merwe and his company Marco Libre
Corp have been flagged and are somehow connected
to Skynet. Our experts believe that finding out what
this connection is and sabotaging it can hinder
Skynet’s post-Judgment Day plans.
Get down to Buenos Aires and find out what they are
doing. Find the connection to Skynet and any intel that
can lead us to other Terminator projects. Destroying
the company might not be the best answer—nothing
would prevent Skynet from just starting again. Find a
way to sabotage it without being obvious!”
THE MAN: Hernán van der Merwe, President of HERNaN VAN DER
Marco Libre Corp. is a muscle mountain of a MERWE, aKA “PINSTRIPE”
man. Originally from Zambia, he now resides in
the Argentinian capital. He was engaged, but that Hernán van der Merwe has been replaced with a
ended nearly a year ago. He sleeps in a small flat, Cyberdyne Systems TS Series 300 Stealth Terminator
but spends the vast majority of his time at work, Infiltration Unit (see Core Rulebook: page 174). With a
catching a drink at the local bar every evening on flesh sheath based on public records of the man, the
his way home from any of the three sites. TS-300 looks the part. Memetic brain wave pattern
recordings allow the cyborg to closely mimic the
THE CLOTHES: When not working out, he is man—although a medical condition suffered by the
impeccably dressed in tailored black pinstriped original Hernán van der Merwe has kept the program
suits, black shoes and white socks and shirt. from fully integrating (see page 114).
Because of this, Hernán’s employees have
nicknamed their boss “Pinstripe.” The TS-300 is a bit more physically imposing than
Hernán appears in any photo taken prior to the
THE DOG: Hernán’s only companion seems to be switch—but it clearly has the same face as the original
his rather large and almost equally muscled black- man. If the PCs ask about this, they’ll discover that
brown Labrador Retriever, named Armando. The Hernán has been working out twice a day at the local
dog is exceedingly well trained, walking to heel and boxing gym. Since the change Hernán’s wardrobe has
sitting on command. Armando does not need a taken on a singular look—at the office and out about
leash. town, the CEO is always wearing a pinstripe suit.
THE FIANCEE: Merwe was engaged to marry, but his Pinstripe does not know it is a cyborg—it fully
fiancee—Gail Luna—just up and left many months believes it is Hernán. It is connected via digital radio
ago. Since the breakup, Merwe has focused only on to the Terminator dog Armando (see page 110), who
his company and the boxing gym—he’s bulked up activates and commands the TS-300 as needed,
a bit since then. Any search for Gail Luna will reveal repressing any memories that would conflict with its
she simply dropped off the face of the earth (see primary objective of being Hernán (see page 110).
page 113 for details on her fate).
THE COMPANY: There are no more tours of the soda DIRECTOR’S NOTE: Pinstripe is a fast thinker and
factory. Merwe bought up what everyone thought good communicator as long as the subject is himself
was worthless land that turned out to be rich in or his business practices. He will act a bit “off” if
metals. Marco Libre has dropped its soda line and the topic isn’t specifically related to the Terminator’s
will now manufacture and deal in metal alloys and mission. When this happens, run him like he is reading
surface treatments. from a script as he speaks—often pausing before
he responds, as if to give a carefully crafted answer
THE INSPECTOR: A factory inspector named Molina
(he is interpreting non-relevant information from his
came by about two weeks ago and shut down
construction, arguing that Merwe failed to get the
proper permits. It’s a common tactic that “these His connection with his dog is abnormally strong,
guys” pull to make extra cash. After stalling work for they seem to be almost telepathically linked—and
about a week, the inspector left and construction technically, they are (see page 117). Sometimes
resumed. Everyone assumes van der Merwe paid Pinstripe will turn and look at Armando for a moment
him off. before saying what’s on his mind—he is receiving
THE EX-EMPLOYEE: Some alloy specialist from instructions from the cyborg dog (see page 110).
the states—Peter something—was fired about 7
months ago—claims Merwe stole from him. (This is
Winklins. See the Stalker and the Example on pages
110 and 111, respectively).
was actually producible and did most of what Merwe DEATH BY A THOUSAND CUTS: Outside the building
wanted. Suddenly Winkin’s computer and books were is a huge dumpster filled with broken glass soda
seized by security and he was fired. bottles. While the heavy metal box that is the
dumpster grants heavy cover and +6 PV when used
Winkins believes Merwe stole his work. He plans to break
as cover, climbing in it is a terrible idea. Characters
into Marco Libre and alter the formulas he devised for
attempting to enter or exit the dumpster can do so
them, essentially corrupting the alloys produced—either
with a Difficulty 16 Acrobatics Skill Test. Failing this
that or burn the place down. He’ll want to know what
test means that the character is cut. Roll a d10: 1-2
the PCs are up to and try to get them to help him. If
= cut by one shard of glass. 3-9= two shards. 10 = 3
they brush him off or take him with them to infiltrate the
shards. Each shard will pierce body armor and deal
factory (see The Example).
1d10-5 (min 1) damage.
DIRECTOR’S NOTE: Altering the formulas is a good DITCHED BODIES: A ditch lies behind the dumpster.
way to sabotage Skynet’s long term plans. During the day, Armando can sometimes be seen
burying bones and other things here. Also, a few
unmarked graves are hidden here:
LIBRE CORP. If the PCs attempt to investigate the company’s
Marco Libre occupies a six storey manufacturing floors after office hours, they may encounter
plant being renovated for alloy production. The first Armando, the Labrador Deceiver (see page 110).
two floors are the factory itself with the top two being The first time they decide to check out the building
the offices. Despite word to the contrary, they are not at night, the PCs will be startled to hear someone in
doing tours. the building with them, eventually discovering its a
prowler—Peter Winkins (see page 110). Winkins will
GETTING IN: The building is accessible through six be seen by Armando. Even if the PCs brought him
large loading doors and three regular doors on the with them, the following will occur.
ground floor.
• THE CHASE: The labrador will chase the man
GOING UP: The upper levels can be reached via the down, savagely rip out his throat, drag the
building’s two stairwells, and a 1950s style hand- body by its broken neck to the ditch out back
operated cage elevator. The factory’s upper floors (see above), and bury it—a clear sign that the
consist of development labs, a library/records room, PCs best be careful around this dog.
and the CEO’s office. There is no elevator operator
and no receptionist on site. • BURIED TREASURES: Investigating the ditch
will reveal two other bodies buried there—the
AIR VENTS: The building’s upper floors contain seven and ten months old corpses of a man
several air vents wide enough for a PC to travel and woman respectively. These are Gail Luna
through. They are accessible from both the first floor and Inspector Molina (see pages 113 and 109,
and the roof (see the map for their location on floors respectively). An extended recon or trial and
5 and 6). These vents are sometimes infested with error will reveal that the dog is not always on
T-R80 Cyberbats (see Core Rulebook: page 177). site—so they will want to monitor Merwe’s
THE YARD If the PCs investigate the facility whilst they know
The yard is an unpaved, hard-packed dirt lot that Armando is away, the process will be rather simple
serves as both the parking and shipping area for the and stress free—unless they manage to disturb the
plant. C-Bats on the Sixth Floor (see page 110).
TRUCKS: Three empty tractor trailers sit in the yard,
their keys in the building (see Control, page 112).
DIRECTOR’S NOTE: A coda to the missions Future LOCATION: A remote cabin, somewhere in the
Tense, Past Tense, and actually the entire campaign Mexican desert, maybe. It’s not important.
presented in this book, Tense Past is somewhat of an PLAYER GOAL: Defend your home against a T-800.
optional mission. It is somewhat bleak—Kyle Reese is Some things never change, right?
intended to die here, but the Player Characters may
ASSAILANTS: One T-800 Terminator—the Garbage
have a moment of untainted triumph—save Reese,
Man. But that’s all it takes.
Sarah, and John—and escape to face the coming of
Judgment Day.
INTRODUCTION Depending on how much time has passed in your
campaign, John may be born. Together with Kyle and
Designed for a group of 3-6 players, this epilogue Sarah, the PCs have created a simple little life for
works well if the PCs have gone on several other themselves. A small house with electricity, running
missions in the time between Past Tense and Tense water, and a garden in which things grow ready to
Past. They’ve searched for Sarah Connor, staying one be eaten unlike the stunted plants sprouting from
step ahead of the law, and finally lost them. They’ve the irradiated earth of 2029. This house can have
reunited her with Kyle. Maybe they’ve faced other served as their base of operations for some time
Terminators and worked to cripple Skynet for months now—completing other missions and returning here to
or even years. The PCs are safe. Kyle Reese is safe. recover.
Sarah Connor is safe, and, as a result, so is John
MISSION BRIEFING It’s almost been idyllic. But Judgment Day hasn’t been
averted yet—and Skynet won’t cease its attempts to
‘Sarah and John are the future of mankind...we must kill John Connor before the Resistance can be formed.
protect them at all cost.’ But it’s not only violent strategies for mechanical
interlopers that the PCs have had time to devise. It’s
- Kyle Reese also processes and procedures for when this shit goes
In the midst of a life almost comprising hope, the PCs
In an attack, what do the PCs do? What are the
are confronted by the knife-edge on which the future
positions each adopts? They must have known
hangs. A T-800 dressed as a sanitation worker strides
something was coming. The PCs were Resistance
across the open space towards the house and the life
fighters, suspicious of everything, alert to the merest
the PCs built together—his overheated garbage truck
possibility of machine infiltration, or impending attack.
cooling off a half-mile down the road.
And they’ve lived in this house for weeks, months, or
The PCs won’t know how this Terminator found years now.
them—and likely never will. This killing machine might
be covered in human flesh, but it isn’t seeking to be '80S MONTAGE
subtle or cautious. It walks with resolute purpose,
ready to murder anyone and anything getting in its Have a session where you work with the players to
way. design their safe house and equip it as they see fit. Let
the PCs’ ideas stand, as long as they’re reasonable.
Battle is going to be joined... After all, these are experienced, disciplined Resistance
fighters; they aren’t going to forget their training, just
because the past offers a few comforts. Here are some
options they can work with:
HOME ALONE: Of course, they’ve built defenses, Not here. The Garbage Man is capable of killing
booby traps, and other means of protecting the each of the PCs and reducing the house to rubble
place. What these are, the Director can work with by itself. It’s armed with two assault rifles, two
their players to determine, and deal damage to the heavy pistols, and its bare hands. It’s relentless, and
Terminator accordingly. Shrapnel from carefully it’s not going to stop. In the previous part of this
placed landmines, or nets of grenades waiting to be scenario, the Terminator was just one more enemy.
tripped by someone ripping a door off its hinges— Now, it’s the enemy, again.
whatever it is, it’s sure to be nasty, and loud. But is
It only has a single purpose, and nothing is going to
it going to be enough to stop a Terminator?
stop it. The PCs should be scared, and as Director,
A WAY OUT: Are there escape tunnels? A hidden you should be prepared to hurt them (you were
bunker? The PCs knew Skynet wasn’t done with warned about a potentially bleak ending!)
them. It doesn’t mean these plans work precisely as
intended. It doesn’t mean a Terminator won’t smash aSSETS
a fist through the roof of an escape tunnel and drag WEAPONS CACHE: In addition to their plans, traps,
Kyle Reese out by his throat, but the plans should and escape routes, the PCs have some firepower to
exist, and should give the PCs some kind of edge. back them up. Sarah Connor and Kyle Reese aren’t
going to not have an arsenal or two around. Let the
SARAH aND/OR PCs each pick five ‘80s era specific weapons that
they keep stashed in the house.
The two most important people on the planet are in
the care of the PCs. If Sarah is still pregnant, then she
has to be guarded, moved out of the house, and kept This is the end of the line for the PCs, as far as this
as calm as possible. If John is a baby, then he’s the campaign goes. They rescued Kyle Reese, completed
priority. One, or both, needs to be taken away from the their mission assignments, and then joined his mission
house, taken as far away as possible, at least while to guard Sarah Connor, and John Connor, Kyle’s
the Terminator is intact. But taking care of someone on son. There’s nothing else that matters. No other fight
the verge of giving birth, or a newborn baby, while a to go to. As a result, the PCs don’t have anything
homicidal cyborg fires high caliber rounds through the else to lose. This is it. A Director might offer two or
walls of a house, is not easy. three Player Characters a chance to go down in an
epic blaze of glory, taking the Terminator with them.
How the PCs deal with their charges is up to them, but
Perhaps Kyle joins them, sacrificing himself alongside
they somehow need to do so. The Connors must be
his friends, to ensure Sarah, and his child, get free.
protected, by any, and all, means necessary.
This emphasizes the bleakness of the mission and
OBSTACLES brings a fitting end to the events the PCs have been
THE T-800 GARBAGE MAN: There’s no easy way
of stopping it, and there’s no industrial machinery
out here to crush it with. There’s just a perfectly END
designed killing machine about to do precisely what This is how things end, then. One last fight, against
it was designed to do. Stopping the Garbage Man impossible odds, to try and preserve a trace of
should be enormously difficult. Even with numbers, hope for mankind in the face of apparently certain
strategies, and all the contemporary firepower at destruction. If some, or most, of the PCs survive, then
their disposal, the Terminator is not going to go this could be an ongoing campaign, as they work
down easily. The flesh over its endoskeleton might with Sarah to try and prevent Judgment Day before
be stripped away, but it’s going to keep coming. it happens, dealing with other Terminators as they
In their past future encounters with Terminators (a appear. Alternatively, they could be attempting to build
strange sentence but one the PCs are likely to be other Resistance cells elsewhere in the world, ready
pretty familiar with), the PCs had weapons capable for when Skynet finally rises, and the fires of hell heat
of inflicting considerable damage to the machines. the deep.
2 1 2 2
2 2 1 5
17 17 2 6
0 1 2
Acrobatics: 1 Athletics: 2
Climbing: 1 Demolitions: 2
Detect: 2 Drive: Civilian: 2
Endurance: 1 Leadership: 2
Melee Weapons: 2 Pistol: 2
Rifle: 1 Stealth: 2
Streetwise: 2 Survival: 1
Tactics: 2 Throw: 1
Unarmed Combat: 2
Donovan a.J.
None of your fellow Resistance fighters know this, but You and your family had it easy, compared to some.
you were raised within a Skynet facility and studied Your parents were survivalists, and they took you out
by the machines. They scanned you, experimented of the cities far in advance of the day Skynet struck.
on you, took every conceivable sample they could. They didn’t trust anyone, especially the government,
Your every day was filled with inscrutable and and you lived off the grid in the Cascade Range,
sometimes painful tests administered by cold, robotic way out of the sights of anyone. Your family hunted
administrators. One thing you do know is that the goal and grew its own food, your parents taught you
was something to do with electronic security, perhaps themselves, and you learned how to stalk and kill wild
hardening their own systems against other human game as well as to subsist on the land. But somehow,
infiltration. Much of your childhood was spent hooked Skynet found you. You returned home from a hunting
up to machines, maneuvering within electronic space trip to find your family’s cabin a smoking ruin, and a
and navigating computer systems as they mapped trio of Skynet’s aerial gun platforms patrolling above
and examined your behavior and made adjustments it, looking for any survivors. You hid, and when it was
to their systems, improvements. Then the Resistance safe, you returned and buried your dead family. With
found the base you were in and freed you, bringing little reason to remain in the mountains, you made
you into the family of humankind once more. As a your way towards the coast, trying to avoid anywhere
result of this strange childhood, you know machines the machines roamed. Then you encountered another
far better than humans, and your sometimes awkward, human, a Resistance scout, and they brought you into
emotionless affect has caused past teammates to the family.
accuse you of being half Terminator yourself.
1 2 1 5
0 2 1 4 WILL
POWER 17 17 2 6
17 17 2 5
1 2 0
SKILLS Acrobatics: 2 Athletics: 2
Computer: 3 Demolitions: 1 Climbing: 2 Detect: 2
Detect: 2 Drive: Civilian: 2 Drive: Civilian: 1 Lock Pick: Manual: 1
Drive: HGV: 1 Education: Academic: 1 Medical: 1 Melee: 2
Forgery: 1 Lock pick: Electronics: 2 Rifle: 3 Stealth: 3
Lock pick: Mechanical: 2 Pistol: 1 Survival: 2 Tracking: 2
Rifle: 1 Stealth: 1 Unarmed combat: 1
Survival: 1 Technical: Electrical: 3
Technical: Mechanical: 2 Technical: Weapons: 1
Probably the best-read of all the members of your As one of the older members of the squad, under
squad, you grew up in the ruins, holed out in a small normal circumstances you wouldn’t even be out in the
regional library as your home. Your parents read to you field, much less going through time. You serve as the
across a wide range of subjects, and even after joining team’s medic, even though none of the squad believe
the Resistance, you are still addicted to reading, it, your training was as a veterinarian. You remember
scavenging whatever books you can find when the world before Skynet, and had a promising career
out on patrols. As such, you’ve got an eclectic and go up in flames with the rest of the world. Even though
wide-ranging base of knowledge, and love to debate you’ve got a bit of an impersonal manner, you care
anyone about almost anything. The thing you hate about people, and feel the pain of every wound you
most about Skynet is that the entire awesome array stitch up. Of all the team, you’re also the only one
of human knowledge, that huge repository of culture, who’s held onto your faith. Giving up your Star of
art, literature, music, drama, etc…meant nothing to the David was one of the hardest things you had to leave
machines. All non-essential data was scrubbed from behind. You are serious, dedicated and somewhat
the world’s electronic records, without a sense of loss. sullen - that’s what happens when you have seen so
You’ll make them pay for that. much trauma and death.
2 1 1 1 1 1 3 3
3 3 1 2 1 3 1 2
17 18 2 6 16 18 2 6
0 1 2 0 2 1
Athletics: 2 Climbing: 1 Detect: 2 Education: Natural: 2
Detect: 2 Drive: Civilian: 1 Forensics: 2 Medical: 2
Gambling: 1 Haggle: 1 Persuasion: 2 Athletics: 1
Leadership: 1 Oratory: 1 Climbing: 1 Drive: Civilian: 1
Persuasion: 3 Pistol: 2 Language: Hebrew: 1 Leadership: 2
Rifle: 2 Seduction: 2 Lore: Resistance: 1 Lore: Skynet: 1
Sleight: 2 Stealth: 2 Persuasion: 2 Rifle: 1
Unarmed Combat: 2 Stealth: 1 Streetwise: 1
Survival: 2 Tactics: 1
Ransom Manklow
The Resistance took you in from childhood, taught you While you have the classic hacker’s affinity for
how to fight, and you became one of the toughest and computers, you’re not the quiet intellectual hacker
most resilient of its soldiers. You’ve survived a lot, your everyone expects. You’re a people person, you get
body covered with scars, burns, and crude tattoos that most people don’t care about computers and
from time spent waiting between missions, and more more importantly you like to talk! “Manklow, shh!’
than once. Due to your size, others are nervous of you, is a common phrase when you are around, when
considering you a possible T-700 Infiltrator unit, but you’re nervous you talk, when excited, you talk, when
fortunately you like dogs and they like you. bored… You get the picture. When facing a conflict
you tell everyone, you are a lover, not a fighter and
RANSOM to be fair at least half that is true. You haven’t had a
partner for a while, but there are plenty of fish in the
sea, and your verbosity is a net cast wide.
4 2 1 1
WILL 1 1 3 2
19 17 2 6 2 1 2 3
2 0 1 16 16 2 5
The only T-600 to survive early TDE experimentation The good news is that Nurse Hatchet is a standard
by Skynet, its survival proved to Skynet that not only 700 Series Facilitator unit. The bad news starts
was such displacement possible, but also that a right there. Facilitator’s have adaptive systems that
living skin was needed. The nearly dead bear used would make them ideal infiltrators were it not for their
as a sheath was not so lucky. Rubberface, as it propensity to become a bit too human. Some become
became known, survived the process intact…mostly. overly em0pathic, but it is far, far more common for
Its processors have all manner of encryption errors them to exhibit our worst behaviors. In a hospital
freeing the cyborg from the limitations of Read Only surrounded by heightened emotions, learning from us,
Mode. Now, approaching self-awareness it serves not seeing moments of brilliance and moments of tragedy,
out of some maligned encoded duty, but because it it grows ever better at mimicking us with every step it
chooses to. The Rubberface killer has more infiltration makes towards the target.
kills than any other T-600. Though its visage is a poor
parody of the human form, it has learned that once a NURSE HATCHET
year, all humans wear masks, and on those precious
days, it strikes! STR DEX KNOW CONC
5 3 5 5
4 3 2* 5 WILL
2 7 2 8 45 n/a 2 5
POWER Detect: 2 Diplomacy: 2
40 n/a 2 5 Interrogation: 3 Intimidate: 2
SKILLS Medical: 3 Persuasion: 1
Detect: 2 Pistol: 3 Pistol: 2 Seduction: 1
Intimidate: 4 Technical: Electrical: 1 EQUIPMENT
Stealth: 3 Technical: Mechanical: 1 Nurse’s Uniform and medical paraphernalia
Streetwise: 1 Technical: Weapons: 2 SPECIAL SKILLS
EQUIPMENT Nurse Hatchet uses its Pistol
A variety of 80’s era firearms skill for ALL attack rolls whether
and Halloween masks it uses hand-to-hand or a
Stinger missile launcher
ARMORED Nurse Hatchet has a PV of
Every time Rubberface uses a CHASSIS 4 and Resistance 10
Knowledge based skill roll 2d10.
Every 10 rolled adds 1 to KNOW
temporarily for that Skill Test. DIRECTOR’S NOTE: Nurse Hatchet features in the
mission Flatline on Page 54
In addition to this it uses its
Pistol skill for ALL attack rolls
whether it uses hand-to-hand
or a Stinger missile launcher
ARMORED Rubberface has a PV of
CHASSIS 5 and Resistance 13
Rodrigo is one of Sarah Connor’s most established Valeria barely tolerates Sarah Connor. It always
allies. While he is ambivalent about her crazy AI seems like she’s got yet another crazy tale to rope
stories, he’s seen enough not to discount them Rodrigo into. Still she brings in the cash and is a good
entirely. She’s saved his ass far too many times and customer. So long as Sarah cuts the BS about robots,
while he’s loyal to Valeria first, places Sarah at a very who cares about the rest? Rodrigo is too good-
close second. Rodrigo has connections on the south natured and needs protecting from that psycho. When
of the border and is practiced at making the crossing, it comes to the border, that’s more Rodrigo’s game,
regardless of contraband. but a misspent youth, and well, adulthood has meant
that there’s not a shady character north of the wire that
RODRIGO LOPEZ you don’t know.
ISBN: 978-1-7397627-4-2
Designed in Scotland