Force, Torque, Stress, Pressure Measurement: Cells
Force, Torque, Stress, Pressure Measurement: Cells
Force, Torque, Stress, Pressure Measurement: Cells
may show a drift with time so that for critical purposes re-calibration may
be required at intervals.
Most load cells use resistance strain gauges but there is no need to
understand their detailed construction in order to use them. The main
forms of load cell are the in-line design and the cantilever type known as a
shear beam. In-line cells may be made for tension or for compression;
many can be used for either, fitted with a domed button for compression,
or hooks or other fixings for tensile applications. The loading need not be
exactly central since the strain gauges can be arranged to compensate for
some eccentricity (see below). In the absence of individual calibration the
output is usually guaranteed only to 2% accuracy.
Commercially, cells are available for loads of many tons, others down to
1 g. For some applications the regular cells are inconvenient; devices such
as those shown in Fig. 4.1 can be made and calibrated by dead-weights.
Two precautions should be taken: firstly the electrical instrumentation
should be as identical as possible for calibration and for the actual work,
secondly the position of the load line may give non-linear performance,
thus the calibration should cover the whole expected range, not depending
on extrapolation from small loads or vice versa.
4.2.1 Principles
The resistance of a strain gauge increases when put under tensile stress.
The main reason is an intrinsic change in the material while under load
(not a permanent change) but part of the effect is the increase in length and
the reduction of cross-section as noted in Chapter 6 (the Poisson
contraction). The effects are lumped together under the title of gauge
factor. The gauges are bonded to the relevant surface; the meaning of the
gauge factor is that if the gauge is extended by 1 part per million (one
micro-strain or pe) and its gauge factor is 2, then its electrical resistance
increases by 2 parts per million. If a gauge is attached to a surface with
non-uniform strain, the resistance change relates to the average strain
under the thin portion of the grid (the gauge length).
It is normally assumed that the gauge foil itself and the plastic carrier are
so thin compared with the component to which they are bonded that it has
the same elastic extension and the same actual thermal expansion (or
contraction). Therefore unless its natural thermal expansion is identical
with that of the component, the gauge goes into tension or compression as
the temperature changes, even with no external load. The intrinsic
resistance of the gauge material also tends to change with temperature. It
has been found possible to select and treat metals used for strain gauges in
38 Engineering Measurements
such a way that the thermal expansion compensates for the resistivity
change in the gauge material. The effect is called self-compensation; it can
be made to suit typical steel values, aluminium or many other substances,
for example concrete. In this connection one should note that, for example,
stainless steels have a higher coefficient than mild steel, whilst high-nickel
alloys range widely, including Invar with a low coefficient near 0 "C
(though it has a much higher coefficient at high temperatures). Some
aluminium alloys used for pistons have a low coefficient, others a
coefficient higher than pure aluminium. A long-established supplier [(4),
formerly under a different name] offers a great many levels of
compensation. Nevertheless where the object is likely to vary considerably
in temperature, the dummy gauge principle is adopted (see below). This
also tends to equalize the heating effect which may come from the
resistance-measuring instruments.
Modem strain gauges can stand extensions well beyond those commonly
used in metal components, even the larger strains which may arise in
plastics. It may be noted that in compression the resistance decreases, the
gauge factor remaining the same over quite a large range. The permissible
strains on some gauges are so large that they can be used to monitor crack
growth and plastic extension.
The most common errors associated with strain gauges are not the gauges
themselves being overstrained or damaged, but that they become unbonded
from the surface to which they are attached. The readings will then drift or
be unrepeatable.
The second 'check' gauge also has the merit that it will probably be
unaffected if a crack forms in the component in the vicinity of the first
gauge. This effect was seen on a fatigue test rig, where the measured strain
at a critical fillet radius decreased by about 30% as the test proceeded,
while a second gauge about 10 mm away maintained a steady reading.
Force, Torque, Stress, and Pressure Measurement 39
Strain gauges are normally available with an active length (gauge length)
ranging from 2 to 13 mm. The shortest gauges are intended for non-
uniform stresses. The finite length of the gauge itself can lead to some
averaging, particularly when trying to pick up peak stresses around stress
raisers. The overall length is greater than the active length, to ensure good
bonding. There are also multiple patterns available to measure two strains
at right angles, or three strains at 60" to each other. The multiple gauges
are known as rosettes, the name being taken from one form which has three
linear gauges superimposed. Many multi-directional arrangements are side-
by-side rather than stacked, yet are still called rosettes.
The most usual resistance values provided are 120 ohms or 350 ohms,
whilst the most usual gauge factors are 2.0 or 2.1.
zero reading at no load and then kept constant so that the bridge becomes
unbalanced under load, the galvanometer current being used to find the
If a strain gauge amplifier is used the output may be given a zero offset to
prevent it bottoming out if there is any drift. If the strain gauge is to be
used bi-directionally, it is necessary to remember to remove this offset, or
the output will be asymmetrical and incorrect.
The dummy gauge method is used when there are significant temperature
changes at the gauge and/or there is uncertainty about the coefficient of
expansion of the object, or worry about heating due to the instrument current.
It may be noted that these schemes still give an error, though it is usually
insignificant: for example, if the gauge is of 120 ohms resistance and the
leads each of 0.5 ohms (which could represent 50 m of copper cable,
depending on size), then the fundamental output for a given strain is that of
the gauges alone, but the reading obtained is only 120/121 of that value.
supplier. It is also possible to put gauges into all four arms of the bridge to
increase the output.
4.2.6 Excitation
The power for the bridge is known as the excitation, as opposed to any
power to the indicating or recording equipment. It is always specified by
the supplier, usually 10 V. It may be ax., d.c., or pulsed. Alternating
current causes heating in the fine grid bars and may also cause eddy
current heating in the component or in the dummy gauge base; any
temperature difference between gauge and base, component or dummy
gauge defeats the temperature compensation. As heating of the gauge foil
is likely to predominate, the makers recommend using gauges as large as
possible. A bare-topped gauge shows a further advantage in this way but it
is only slight, since moisture protection has to be provided.
With d.c. the grid heating is still present, though the eddy current problem
is absent. On the other hand there is another problem, though we have not
seen any reference to its severity. At the junction of the leads to the gauge
metal the current produces a Peltier effect heating at one joint, cooling at
the other, by the excitation current. This gives a thermocouple voltage
which, it seems, must influence the output voltage at the meter. The pulsed
form of excitation seems to be a way of reducing the Peltier heating
problem. Presumably the instruments using this method provide a hold
facility for the last reading and either a manual control or automatic ways
of preventing needlessly frequent pulsing.
Torque transducers are available for mounting on rotating shafts. They are
generally strain gauge or piezo-electric based, and transmit their output to
44 Engineering Measurements
Axial loads and bending moments can also significantly affect the reading.
Ideally the torque should be measured directly at the point of interest, but
this is not always possible. If there are couplings, gearboxes, or just
substantial inertias or flexibilities between the transducer and the point
where the torque is desired to be known, these can substantially modify the
dynamic shape of the signal. The case study below illustrates this point.
Force, Torque, Stress, arid Pressure Measurement 45
Case Studv
Problems with an in-line torque transducer
On a valve train wear rig used for testing of lubricants, an in-line torque
transducer was used to measure the torque supplied to the cam-shaft via the drive
belt. An unexpected increase of peak torque with speed was obtained, and when
the results were studied in more detail it was found that the roughly sinusoidal
signal correspondingto the valve lift had a higher frequency signal superimposed
upon it. This affected the peak torques, giving unrepeatable results.
The familiar pressure gauges with dial and pointer (needle) mostly employ
the Bourdon tube principle. A tube of oval cross-section bent into a C-
shape reduces its curvature, i.e. straightens out slightly, when fluid
pressure is applied. This happens because the outer and inner parts of the
curve move further apart while remaining essentially unchanged in length.
The movement of the free end is quite small and is magnified by some
convenient means such as a tie-bar and lever or magnified further by a gear
sector and a pinion on the pointer shaft, Fig. 4.4a. The method works under
suction too, the tube radius becoming smaller. The zero is not normally
adjustable, except by removing the pointer from its shaft and refitting in a
different position. This lack of adjustment means that if the zero is found
to have shifted, the gauge is likely to have been damaged or overloaded.
As the curved tube is almost impossible to clean out, the Bourdon type of
gauge is not favoured in food, pharmaceutical, and many other processes.
A diaphragm gauge is preferable, Fig. 4.4b. The fluid side of the
diaphragm-type gauge is made cleanable by removing the gauge together
with its diaphragm from the plant, leaving the mechanism undisturbed.
For remote indication and also for rapidly changing conditions pressure
transducers are used; these have a diaphragm exposed to the fluid. The
diaphragm may carry strain gauges, or press upon a piezo-electric crystal
as described in Section 4.5. Alternatively, the deflection may be inferred
from the capacity change between the diaphragm and a fixed electrode.
46 Engineering Measurernents
Diaphragm gauge
surface as feasible and installed to allow gas bubbles to rise away, and
preferably not on top.
For example, in a test machine simulating the loading on artificial hip and
knee joints, the transducer was to be used to measure the normal loading
and the hydrodynamic friction in the joint during movement. Ultimately
two transducers were used; a load washer in line with the normal load, and
a transducer at 90" to the load, de-coupled with flexures, to measure the
friction. The load washer was pre-loaded, avoiding any tensile stresses due
to bending moments, with an elastic-shank type bolt to reduce the loss of
sensitivity due to loads being transferred through the bolt.
Attention has to be paid to the mounting of load washers. For example, the
supporting and mounting surfaces should be level and rigid (see Fig. 4.5a)
to give a uniform stress distribution across the washer. Figure 4.5b shows
deflection of the pre-load screw loading the inner edges of the washer to
give an incorrect output value. Insulating washers can also be used if
earthing presents a problem.
The position of mounting the washer is also important; Fig. 4.6a shows a
load washer being incorrectly used to measure a bearing force, as it
measures only the reduction in pressing force between the flange and the
foundation, not an increase in the screw force. Figure 4.6b shows the
correct mounting arrangement, so that the load washer sees all of the force
except that diverted through the fixing bolt. It is calibrated in situ to
determine this. Further details of the correct use of the transducers are
given in reference (6).
4.7 Manometers
For low pressure differences manometers are widely used, using the levels
of a liquid to give the pressure difference. The chief problems lie in the
lines which connect the manometer to the source of pressure; since a major
use is with flow measurement devices, this aspect has been covered at
some length in Chapter 6; however, it applies to manometer use in general.
At the manometer itself, the first point of attention is the scale, which may
be a direct measurement or may be scaled so that only one reading is
needed, with compensation for level change in the other branch (usually an
enlarged reservoir). The second point is the liquid used. In many instances
the scale is intended for water but some manometers use a mixed fluid
which has more consistent properties of wall-wetting, to minimize surface
tension problems. For some applications with large pressure differences,
mercury is used; if so one must watch out for an oxidized skin which may
affect readings. The laboratory may have an apparatus for filtering
mercury. Mercury vapour is toxic, hence only properly enclosed equipment
should be used.