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0042-5377 SIF For Preservation of Nacelle

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SIF for preservation of nacelle

Document no.: 0042-5377 V05

Type: T09
Date: 2018-08-09

VESTAS PROPRIETARY NOTICE: This document contains valuable confidential information of Vestas Wind Systems A/S. It is protected by copyright law as an unpublished work. Vestas reserves all patent, copyright, trade secret, and
other proprietary rights to it. The information in this document may not be used, reproduced, or disclosed except if and to the extent rights are expressly granted by Vestas in writing and subject to applicable conditions. Vestas
disclaims all warranties except as expressly granted by written agreement and is not responsible for unauthorized uses, for which it may pursue legal remedies against responsible parties.
SIF for preservation of nacelle
Document no.: 0042-5377 V05 · Class: RESTRICTED · Type: T09 Page 2 of 13

Wind turbine type

Read the full document before you start to do work.

Send questions or concerns about the document to Vestas wind systems A/S.

Wind turbine type Mk version

V105-3.3 MW Mk 2–3

V112-3.0 MW Mk 0–1

V112-3.3 MW Mk 2–3

V117-3.3 MW Mk 2–3

V126-3.3 MW Mk 2–3

V136-3.45 MW Mk 3

Wind turbine type/Wind Service technician’s initials Date

turbine no.

Remarks on the service □ Yes □ No


Change description

Description of changes

Updated section 7 Inspection every month following commencement of storage period, page 8.
SIF for preservation of nacelle
Document no.: 0042-5377 V05 · Class: RESTRICTED · Type: T09 Page 3 of 13

Table of Contents

1 Referenced documentation....................................................................................... 4
1.1 General documentation ................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Service inspection instructions ..................................................................................... 4
1.3 Service inspection form ................................................................................................ 4
1.4 Service work instructions.............................................................................................. 4
2 Note.............................................................................................................................. 4
3 Inspection at commencement of storage period–external .................................... 5
4 Inspection at the start of the storage period–Internal............................................ 5
5 Inspection after move during storage period.......................................................... 6
6 Inspection after adverse condition(s) during storage period................................ 7
7 Inspection every month following commencement of storage period................. 8
8 Inspection and maintenance every 3 months following commencement of
pre-installation phase ................................................................................................ 9
8.1 Date of commencement of pre-installation phase........................................................ 9
8.2 Inspection and maintenance every 3 months after start of pre-installation
phase ............................................................................................................................ 9
8.3 Inspection and maintenance at 3 months after last gearbox and generator
rotation........................................................................................................................ 10
9 Inspection and maintenance at 6 months following commencement of pre-
installation phase ..................................................................................................... 10
9.1 Inspection at 6 months after last spin test or gearbox/generator rotation...................11
10 Inspection and maintenance at 12 months after the start of pre-installation
phase ..........................................................................................................................11
11 Inspection at conclusion of storage period........................................................... 12
12 Inspection and maintenance at conclusion of pre-installation phase ............... 12
SIF for preservation of nacelle
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1 Referenced documentation 0011401177

The attached inspection record forms are intended to be used in conjunction with the project
specific pre-installation maintenance and inspection plan.

1.1 General documentation 0011401176

0014-7958 General requirements for storage of Vestas wind turbines prior to

0014-7959 Preservation manual for Vestas wind turbines prior to installation
0012-6933 Lubrication and coolant chart

1.2 Service inspection instructions 0011401175

2.2.1 In general
0027-0467 Inspection of G-force indicator sensors
0004-6900 Inspection of gearbox prior to installation
0043-8463 Gearbox inspection procedure, Winergy PEAB 4440
0062-5562 Gearbox inspection procedure, Atlas ZF 1.1
2.2.2 Mk 2
0037-5763 Inspection after first 3 months
0037-5765 Yearly inspection
2.2.3 Mk 0 and 1
0034-5061 Inspection after first 3 months
0034-5063 Yearly inspection
2.2.4 Mk 3
0062-8662 Inspection after the first 3 months
0062-8665 SII for 6-monthly and yearly inspection

1.3 Service inspection form 0011401174

0027-9993 Inspection form of G-force indicator due to transport, storage and


1.4 Service work instructions 0011401173

0014-8140 Storage of nacelle prior to installation

0008-9130 Storage of ups, batteries, and other backup units prior to installation

2 Note 0011401172

Drive train/Gearbox related inspection tasks, is only applicable if the drive train/gearbox is
installed in the nacelle doing transport and storage prior to installation.
SIF for preservation of nacelle
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3 Inspection at commencement of storage period–external 0011401171

Nacelle ID Corrective or Preventive action/Comment/

Signs of damage – □Yes □No
G-Force Indicator □Yes □No
(See section 2 Note,
page 4)
Stored on transport □Yes □No
Signs of sinkage □Yes □No
Touching ground □Yes □No
Transport and storage □Yes □No
equipment at bottom
of nacelle in place
Covers intact and □Yes □No
providing seal
Access hatches □Yes □No
Cover plates installed □Yes □No
and sealed
Ventilation holes □Yes □No
Loose hose ends □Yes □No
Loose bolts on □Yes □No
Date Inspected by Inspected by Company
(printed name) (signature)

4 Inspection at the start of the storage period–Internal 0011401170

Nacelle ID Corrective or preventive action/Comment/

Signs of damage - □Yes □No
Desiccant bags □Yes □No
(if it is necessary)
Dehumidifier □Yes □No
(if it is necessary)
Data logger activated □Yes □No
SIF for preservation of nacelle
Document no.: 0042-5377 V05 · Class: RESTRICTED · Type: T09 Page 6 of 13

Nacelle ID Corrective or preventive action/Comment/

(if it is necessary)
Date of last UPS
battery charge
UPS batteries □Yes □No
charged For a storage period of more than
(SWI 0008-9130) 12 months, continue the recharge
cycle with the same interval or
remove the batteries and install
new batteries during the wind
turbine installation.

Date of last spin test

(See section 2 Note, An internal inspection of the
page 4). gearbox must be done no later
than 6 months after last spin test
or generator/gearbox rotation.

Date of last
generator/gearbox Rotation of the generators/
rotation gearboxes and activation of the
(See section 2 Note, ILU pump must be done every 3
page 4). months.

Removal of slip ring □Yes □No

brushes from the
Residual water □Yes □No
Signs of dirt, mould, □Yes □No
Pest control □Yes □No
(if it is necessary)
Date Inspected by Inspected by Company
(printed name) (signature)

5 Inspection after move during storage period 0011401196

Nacelle ID Corrective or Preventive action/Comment/

Signs of damage – □Yes □No
G-Force Indicator □Yes □No
inspected (See
section 2 Note, page
Stored on transport □Yes □No
SIF for preservation of nacelle
Document no.: 0042-5377 V05 · Class: RESTRICTED · Type: T09 Page 7 of 13

Nacelle ID Corrective or Preventive action/Comment/

Signs of sinkage □Yes □No
Touching ground □Yes □No
Covers intact and □Yes □No
providing seal
Access hatches □Yes □No
Cover plates installed □Yes □No
and sealed
Ventilation holes □Yes □No
Loose hose ends □Yes □No
Signs of damage - □Yes □No
Dehumidifier □Yes □No
Data logger activated □Yes □No
Date Inspected by Inspected by Company
(printed name) (signature)

6 Inspection after adverse condition(s) during storage period 0011401195

This inspection record form must be filled out when the nacelle has been exposed to one or more
adverse conditions, for example high winds, dust storms or flooding during storage.

Nacelle ID Corrective or Preventive action/Comment/

Signs of damage – □Yes □No
G-Force Indicator □Yes □No
(See section 2 Note,
page 4)
Stored on transport □Yes □No
Signs of sinkage □Yes □No
Touching ground □Yes □No
Covers intact and □Yes □No
providing seal
Access hatches □Yes □No
SIF for preservation of nacelle
Document no.: 0042-5377 V05 · Class: RESTRICTED · Type: T09 Page 8 of 13

Nacelle ID Corrective or Preventive action/Comment/

Signs of damage - □Yes □No
Dehumidifier □Yes □No
Data logger activated □Yes □No
Date Inspected by Inspected by Company
(printed name) (signature)

7 Inspection every month following commencement of storage

period 0011401194

Nacelle ID Corrective or preventive action / comment /

Signs of sinkage □Yes □No
Touching ground □Yes □No
Covers intact and □Yes □No
providing seal
Residual water □Yes □No
Signs of dirt, mold, □Yes □No
Rodent/pest damage □Yes □No
Dehumidifier □Yes □No
Dehumidifier input □Yes □No
filter clean
Data logger □Yes □No
Relative humidity □Yes □No
(RH) below 60%
Data logger batteries □Yes □No
Date Inspected by Inspected by Company
(printed name) (signature)
SIF for preservation of nacelle
Document no.: 0042-5377 V05 · Class: RESTRICTED · Type: T09 Page 9 of 13

8 Inspection and maintenance every 3 months following

commencement of pre-installation phase 0011401193

8.1 Date of commencement of pre-installation phase 0011401192

Nacelle ID Corrective or Preventive action/Comment/

Damage to external □Yes □No
Touching ground □Yes □No
Covers intact and □Yes □No
providing seal
Residual water □Yes □No
Signs of dirt, mold, □Yes □No
Rodent/pest damage □Yes □No
Dehumidifier □Yes □No
Dehumidifier input □Yes □No
filter clean
Data logger □Yes □No
Date Inspected by Inspected by Company
(printed name) (signature)

8.2 Inspection and maintenance every 3 months after start of pre-

installation phase 0011401191

Gearbox: Air breather □Yes □No

filter clean and dry
(See section 2 Note,
page 4).
Generator: lubricator □Yes □No
Hydraulic system: □Yes □No
signs of corrosion or
(SWI ‘Inspection after
first 3 months’
applicable to the Mk
Liquid cooling □Yes □No
system: Signs of
corrosion or leakage
(SWI ‘Inspection after
first 3 months’
SIF for preservation of nacelle
Document no.: 0042-5377 V05 · Class: RESTRICTED · Type: T09 Page 10 of 13

applicable to the Mk
Date Inspected by Inspected by Company
(printed name) (signature)

8.3 Inspection and maintenance at 3 months after last gearbox and

generator rotation 0011401190

Nacelle ID Corrective or preventive action/Comment/

Date of last spin test □Spin test □Rotation
or rotation
(See section 2 Note,
page 4).
Generator and □Yes □No
gearbox rotated
(ILU pump activation
and minimum 10
rotations of gearbox
input shaft)
(See section 2 Note,
page 4).
Date Inspected by Inspected by Company
(printed name) (signature)

9 Inspection and maintenance at 6 months following

commencement of pre-installation phase 0011401189

Nacelle ID Corrective or Preventive action/Comment/

Yaw bearing system: □Yes □No
yaw ring and gear
teeth lubricated
Yaw gear: signs of □Yes □No
Yaw bearing system: □Yes □No
signs of corrosion
Date Inspected by Inspected by Company
(printed name) (signature)
SIF for preservation of nacelle
Document no.: 0042-5377 V05 · Class: RESTRICTED · Type: T09 Page 11 of 13

9.1 Inspection at 6 months after last spin test or gearbox/generator

rotation 0011401188

Nacelle ID Corrective or preventive action/Comment/

Date of last spin test □Spin test □Rotation
or rotation
(See section 2 Note,
page 4).
Inspection of G-force □Yes □No
(See section 2 Note,
page 4).
Internal inspection of □Yes □No If an inspection of this gearbox is not done,
gearbox write the nacelle ID of the gearbox in this
(SWI: 0004-6900 ‘ storage location:
Inspection of gearbox
before installation).
Date Inspected by Inspected by Company
(printed name) (signature)

10 Inspection and maintenance at 12 months after the start of

pre-installation phase 0011401187

Nacelle ID Corrective or preventive action/Comment/

Gearbox: air filter □Yes □No
housing cleaned
(SWI ‘Inspection after
first 3 months’
applicable to the Mk
(See section 2 Note,
page 4).
Yaw gear: oil level at □Yes □No
required level
Hydraulic system: oil □Yes □No
level at required level
Hydraulic system: air □Yes □No
filter clean
Liquid cooling □Yes □No
system: Cooling liquid
level at required level
Internal inspection of □Yes □No
(SWI: 0004-6900
‘Inspection of gearbox
before installation’).
SIF for preservation of nacelle
Document no.: 0042-5377 V05 · Class: RESTRICTED · Type: T09 Page 12 of 13

Nacelle ID Corrective or preventive action/Comment/

Date Inspected by Inspected by Company
(printed name) (signature)

11 Inspection at conclusion of storage period 0011401206

Nacelle ID Corrective or preventive action / comment /

Signs of damage, □Yes □No
Signs of damage, □Yes □No
Date Inspected by Inspected by Company
(printed name) (signature)

12 Inspection and maintenance at conclusion of pre-installation

phase 0011401205

Nacelle ID Corrective or preventive action/Comment/

Gearbox: Oil sampled □Yes □No
(See section 2 Note, If oil is not sampled from this
page 4). gearbox, write the nacelle ID of
inspected gearbox in this storage

Internal inspection of □Yes □No

gearbox If an inspection of this gearbox is
(SWI: 0004-6900 not done, write the nacelle ID of
‘Inspection of gearbox the gearbox in this storage
before installation’) location:

Borescope inspection □Yes □No

of gearbox
(SWI: 0043-8463
‘Gearbox inspection
procedure, Winergy
PEAB 4440’ and
0062-5562 ‘Gearbox
inspection procedure,
Atlas ZF 1.1’)
Gearbox: Examine
rubber gear oil hoses Replace the rubber hoses if the
pre-installation phase is more than
4 years.
SIF for preservation of nacelle
Document no.: 0042-5377 V05 · Class: RESTRICTED · Type: T09 Page 13 of 13

Nacelle ID Corrective or preventive action/Comment/

Generator: Clean
dust from the slip ring Only if the pre-installation phase is
and install brushes more than 4 years.
Generator: Flush
expired grease from Only if the pre-installation phase is
the lubrication unit more than 3 years.

Cooling liquid change □Yes □No

Only if the pre-installation phase is
more than 4 years.

Replacement of back-
up batteries For a storage period of more than
12 months, continue the recharge
cycle with the same interval or
remove the batteries and install
new batteries during wind turbine

Date Inspected by Inspected by Company

(printed name) (signature)

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