0042-5377 SIF For Preservation of Nacelle
0042-5377 SIF For Preservation of Nacelle
0042-5377 SIF For Preservation of Nacelle
VESTAS PROPRIETARY NOTICE: This document contains valuable confidential information of Vestas Wind Systems A/S. It is protected by copyright law as an unpublished work. Vestas reserves all patent, copyright, trade secret, and
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SIF for preservation of nacelle
Document no.: 0042-5377 V05 · Class: RESTRICTED · Type: T09 Page 2 of 13
V105-3.3 MW Mk 2–3
V112-3.0 MW Mk 0–1
V112-3.3 MW Mk 2–3
V117-3.3 MW Mk 2–3
V126-3.3 MW Mk 2–3
V136-3.45 MW Mk 3
Change description
Description of changes
Updated section 7 Inspection every month following commencement of storage period, page 8.
SIF for preservation of nacelle
Document no.: 0042-5377 V05 · Class: RESTRICTED · Type: T09 Page 3 of 13
Table of Contents
1 Referenced documentation....................................................................................... 4
1.1 General documentation ................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Service inspection instructions ..................................................................................... 4
1.3 Service inspection form ................................................................................................ 4
1.4 Service work instructions.............................................................................................. 4
2 Note.............................................................................................................................. 4
3 Inspection at commencement of storage period–external .................................... 5
4 Inspection at the start of the storage period–Internal............................................ 5
5 Inspection after move during storage period.......................................................... 6
6 Inspection after adverse condition(s) during storage period................................ 7
7 Inspection every month following commencement of storage period................. 8
8 Inspection and maintenance every 3 months following commencement of
pre-installation phase ................................................................................................ 9
8.1 Date of commencement of pre-installation phase........................................................ 9
8.2 Inspection and maintenance every 3 months after start of pre-installation
phase ............................................................................................................................ 9
8.3 Inspection and maintenance at 3 months after last gearbox and generator
rotation........................................................................................................................ 10
9 Inspection and maintenance at 6 months following commencement of pre-
installation phase ..................................................................................................... 10
9.1 Inspection at 6 months after last spin test or gearbox/generator rotation...................11
10 Inspection and maintenance at 12 months after the start of pre-installation
phase ..........................................................................................................................11
11 Inspection at conclusion of storage period........................................................... 12
12 Inspection and maintenance at conclusion of pre-installation phase ............... 12
SIF for preservation of nacelle
Document no.: 0042-5377 V05 · Class: RESTRICTED · Type: T09 Page 4 of 13
The attached inspection record forms are intended to be used in conjunction with the project
specific pre-installation maintenance and inspection plan.
2.2.1 In general
0027-0467 Inspection of G-force indicator sensors
0004-6900 Inspection of gearbox prior to installation
0043-8463 Gearbox inspection procedure, Winergy PEAB 4440
0062-5562 Gearbox inspection procedure, Atlas ZF 1.1
2.2.2 Mk 2
0037-5763 Inspection after first 3 months
0037-5765 Yearly inspection
2.2.3 Mk 0 and 1
0034-5061 Inspection after first 3 months
0034-5063 Yearly inspection
2.2.4 Mk 3
0062-8662 Inspection after the first 3 months
0062-8665 SII for 6-monthly and yearly inspection
2 Note 0011401172
Drive train/Gearbox related inspection tasks, is only applicable if the drive train/gearbox is
installed in the nacelle doing transport and storage prior to installation.
SIF for preservation of nacelle
Document no.: 0042-5377 V05 · Class: RESTRICTED · Type: T09 Page 5 of 13
Date of last
generator/gearbox Rotation of the generators/
rotation gearboxes and activation of the
(See section 2 Note, ILU pump must be done every 3
page 4). months.
This inspection record form must be filled out when the nacelle has been exposed to one or more
adverse conditions, for example high winds, dust storms or flooding during storage.
applicable to the Mk
Date Inspected by Inspected by Company
(printed name) (signature)
Replacement of back-
up batteries For a storage period of more than
12 months, continue the recharge
cycle with the same interval or
remove the batteries and install
new batteries during wind turbine