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DPIC ‫مركز تطىير األداء‬


Call Centers Training Courses

What You Will Learn:
Participants will learn to:
 Assess callers' service expectations
 Develop question skills to elicit critical information
 Apply proven communication processes and methods
 Move calls forward to resolution
 Properly document techniques
 Execute follow-up activities
 Effectively communicate with customers through email and
web chat
 Diffuse conflict and create a less-stressful, positive experience
for the customer
 Maximize the productivity and effectiveness of the team
 Direct personal contributions toward team synergy and
Attendees will learn best practices, skills and techniques for
effective, high-quality front-line customer support. The course
presents an opportunity to learn and practice skills that build
customer relationships and create a positive business image.
After the training, participants will be able to recognize customers'
needs, and adapt strategies to meet those needs. The course focuses
on relationship building skills and problem resolution techniques
that can be applied first and foremost to customer interactions, but
also to everyday communication (and conflicts) within the team and
with team leads and supervisors.
Attendees will:
• Explore the personal paradigms, attitudes and motivators that
influence caller behavior
• Learn how to assess customers' preferred communications
• Practice steps in the contact resolution process, including
effective listening, response and conflict management skills
• Apply newly-learned skills that result in quality, efficiency, and
professionalism throughout customer interactions.
Course Contents:
FIRST PART…Dealing With Customer. (Essential)
SECOND PART…Call Handling Techniques. . (Essential)
DPIC ‫مركز تطىير األداء‬
THIRD PART…Personal Skills (Optional).

Who Should Participate?

The Contact Center Professional training course is ideal for:
 Front-line contact center and help desk professionals, and
team leads
 Front-line supervisors, , coaches, and mentors that lead,
evaluate quality, and develop front-line contact center and help
desk service professionals.

Training Course Content:

FIRST PART…Dealing With Customer:
1- Understanding the Customer
1-1. Interpersonal relations:
 What are Interpersonal skills?
 Ego Cases.
 Ego &superego and the individual’s behavior.
 Ego Transformation.
 Relation Analysis.
1-2. The role of the contact center professional:
 Customer focus.
 The tactically-skilled contact center professional
1-3.The contact center professional skill set:
 Customer service.
 Listening.
 Questioning.

 Professional communication techniques

 Contact handling.
 Documentation.
 Writing.
 Conflict resolution.
 Time management.
 Interpersonal skills.
1-4.Understanding stakeholders.
1-5.Understanding customer needs and expectations.
1-6.Why customers contact the center.
2- Listening Skills:
2-1. Assessing a caller's true expectations - how to listen for
what a customer really wants
2-2. Listening challenges: distractions, interference, mental
drift, and more
2-3.8Personal listening styles
4-Listening barriers and enablers
DPIC ‫مركز تطىير األداء‬
5-How to "get around" communication barriers
6- Differentiating fact from opinion
7- Strategies to use when addressing customer opinions
8- Listening for what the customer is not saying
3 - Questioning Skills
3-1. The art of skillful questioning
3-2. Asking the right question at the right time for the
3-3. The five types of questions; how and when to use each
 Open-ended.
 Closed-ended.
 Probing.
 Verification.
4- Professional Communication Skills:
4-1. Using the components of communication to your
 Effectively selecting and using tone and word
 How to use positive language and avoid negative language.
 Using tone to engage the customer.
 Techniques for improving tone.
 Using volume to convey, control, interest, and impart.
 Enhancing your conversation with inflection.
 What your pace conveys to the customer.
 Techniques for controlling your rate of speech.
 Empathy and sincerity.
 What your empathetic phases convey to the customer.
 Using proper verbiage to show empathy.
 Quality assurance and quality monitoring.
(Qualities, criteria and evaluation).
SECOND PART…Call Handling Techniques:
1-The four phases of the contact resolution process‫ز‬
2- Managing the first impression (The five components of a
3-Asking the right questions to gather accurate, needed
information. (Steps to follow in contact discovery).
4-Moving a call forward to resolution - the process of combining
knowledge and resources (Steps to follow in contact resolution)‫ز‬
5- Contact closure - communicating the resolution and the reason
5-1.Steps to follow when closing a contact
5-2.Properly documenting customer contacts
 Classification (correct classification)
 Assigning priority attributes

DPIC ‫مركز تطىير األداء‬
5-3.Follow-up contacts
5-4.Setting realistic timeframes
6- Customer hold, transfer and escalation processes
6-1.Steps to follow before putting a customer on hold
6-2.Routing the unresolved contact
6-3.The transfer process
 Transfer with hold
 Live transfer
6-4.The escalation process
7- Call handling strategies
7-1.Managing customer expectations
7-2.How to set customer expectations for
 Hold time.
 Timeframes.
 Delivery times.
 Call backs.
 Follow-up.
 Priority levels.
 Pricing.
 Service level.
7-3.What to do when expectations have not been met -
customer recovery (How to say "no" without saying no)
7-4.How to handle specific caller behaviors – strategies;
 The confused customer.
 The blame game customer.
 The VIP customer.
 The faux VIP.
 The know-it-all customer.
 The angry customer.
 The talkative customer.
8- Telephone Selling Skills training:
 Difference between telephone and face-to-face
 Use the telephone selling process so you can sell
long-term relationships rather than low bids.
 Interview customers instead of pitching products.
 Think and respond like a business consultant.
 Different buyer types and behaviors so you can
adapt to each style and create positive chemistry.
 Determine an optimum strategy for advantage
over the competition.
 Differentiate your product and company Deal with
multi-level sales structures.

DPIC ‫مركز تطىير األداء‬
THIRD PART…Personal Skills: (Optional).
1-Effective Email Writing Skills
1-1. Essential traits of a responsive customer service e-mail
1-2.Your use of e-mail
1-3 Component parts of e-mail
 The heading (to:, cc: ,or bcc:? What recipient
prefaces tell the recipients?)
 Composing an effective subject line
 Greeting alternatives
 Techniques for writing an effective e-mail message
 Proper closings and signatures
1-4. Good email writing skills
 Writing in an active voice v.s. passive voice
 Full sentences vs. fragments and run-ons
 Strong verbs that add power to your writing
 Bullets and number, which to use and when
 Font, color, bold, italics, and underlining and what
each means
1-5.Polite, positive, personal tone
 Words that affect tone
 Personalizing you email
 Language that contributes to a positive tone
1-6. Idiomatic expressions and how to avoid them.
2- Conflict Management Skills:
2-1.Identifying the causes of conflict in a support center
2-2.The value of conflict management skills
2-3.Conflict management styles:
 Assessing your own conflict management style
 How to choose an effective conflict management
2-4.How to handle a complaint (The 12 steps of complaint handling).
2-5.Managing unruly customers
 Procedures to be followed when encountering an
unruly customer.
 Effective disengagement - procedures for handling
customers who have crossed the line:
 The disconnection process.
 Transferring with warning.
2-6. Conflict resolution best practices:
 Words and phrases that exacerbate conflict.
 Winning phrases that diffuse conflict.
3- Team Building Skills:
3-1.Assess your team's teaming IQ
DPIC ‫مركز تطىير األداء‬
 Performing a Team SWOT Analysis - identifying
the team's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
and threats.
 Take a team quiz to asses your own teaming
abilities in key team-building performance areas.
3-2.Team architecture and balance:
 The role of a team.
 Identifying your own role within the team.
 Strengths and talents each team member brings to
the team.
3-2.Developing effective intra-team communications:
 Performing a communication style self-assessment.
 Communication styles within the team.
 Best practices for effective communication and
 Strategies for effectively communicating with each.
team member based on their personal.
communication styles.
3-3.Team building exercises:
3-4.Five steps to becoming a better team.
3-5.Building an action plan for developing a more successful
team effort.

: ‫احملتىيات باللغة العربية‬

‫كيف تفهم العمالء ؟‬...‫اجلزء األول‬
Understanding the Customer
Interpersonal relations : ‫ اٌؼاللبث اٌتببدٌيت‬... ‫أو ًال‬
EGO Cases : ) ‫ األنب ( اىذاد‬...ً‫ثبنٍب‬

:‫دبالث (تٍىث) أٔب (راث) اٌببٌغ وتأثيشهب فً اٌسٍىن اٌفشدي‬.. .‫ثبٌثب‬

Ego Transformation :)‫ اٌتذىي بيٓ دبالث األٔب (اٌزاث‬...ً‫سابؼب‬
Relation Analysis : ‫تذٍيً اٌؼاللبث اٌتببدٌيت‬. ..ً‫خبِسب‬

:‫ دوس ِشاوز االتصبي اٌّهٕيت‬...ً‫سبدسب‬


‫‪DPIC‬‬ ‫مركز تطىير األداء‬

‫اجلزء الثاني ‪ ...‬مهارة اإلنصات للعمالء ‪:‬‬

‫‪Listening Skills for Customer‬‬
‫أوالً‪ ...‬اٌمىاػذ األسبسيت ٌإلٔصبث ٌٍؼّيً ‪.‬‬
‫ثبنٍ ًب ‪...‬تمييُ تىلؼبث اٌّتصً اٌذميميت‪.‬‬
‫ثبىث ًب ‪ ...‬رحذٌبد وٍؼىقبد اإلنصبد اىجٍذ ىيؼٍَو‪.‬‬
‫راثؼبً ‪ ...‬االسزَبع ىَب ىٌ ٌقىىخ اىؼٍَو ( اإلسزَبع اىنشط )‪.‬‬
‫خبٍسبً‪ ...‬مٍف رزؼبٍو ٍغ ػىائق اإلسزَبع ثبىؼٍَو؟‬
‫سبدس ًب ‪..‬إدارح اىَىاقف اىصؼجخ و اىزؼبٍو ٍغ اػززاضبد وشنبوي اىؼَالء‪:‬‬


‫‪Questioning Skills‬‬ ‫التساؤل‬ ‫اجلزء الثالث ‪ ...‬مهارات‬

‫أوالً ‪..‬فن اإلسزجىاة اىَبهز؟‬
‫ثبنٍ ًب ‪ ...‬طزح اىسؤاه اىَنبست فً اىىقذ اىَنبست ىيؼٍَو‪:‬‬
‫ثبىث ًب ‪...‬أرثؼخ أنىاع رئٍسٍخ ٍن األسئيخ‪ .‬مٍف وٍزى رسزخذٍهب ؟‬

‫راثؼبً ‪ ...‬إسززارٍجٍبد إسزخذاً اإلسئيخ ٍغ اىؼٍَو‪:‬‬

‫اجلزء الرابع ‪ ...‬مهارات االتصال املهنية‪:‬‬
‫‪Professional Communication Skills‬‬
‫مٍف رسزخذً ٍنىنبد ػَيٍخ اإلرصبه ىصبىحل ؟‬
‫‪Using the Components of Communication to you’re Advantage s‬‬
‫أو ًال ‪ ...‬اىَفهىً االرصبه اىزسىٌقً اىَزنبٍو‪.‬‬
‫ثبنٍبً‪ ...‬اإلرصبه اىيفظً‪.‬‬
‫ثبىثبً ‪ٍ ...‬هبرح اىزحذس ٍغ اىؼَالء ‪.‬‬
‫خبٍسبً‪ ...‬اإلخزٍبر اىجٍذ فً اسزخذاً اىنيَبد ورحسٍن نغَخ اىصىد‪:‬‬
‫سبدسبً‪ ...‬اسزخذاً درجخ اىصىد ىيزؼجٍز‪ ،‬واىسٍطزح‪:‬‬

‫سببؼًب ‪ ..‬اإلتصبي غيش اٌٍفظي ِغ اٌؼّالء‪:‬‬

‫(‬ ‫)‬ ‫‪2‬‬

‫‪DPIC‬‬ ‫مركز تطىير األداء‬
‫“‬ ‫‪4‬‬

‫ثبٍن ًب ‪ ...‬إستخذاَ اٌٍهجت اإليجببيت في اٌتىاصً ِغ اٌؼّالء ‪.‬‬
‫تبسؼًب ‪ ...‬اٌتؼبطف واٌصذق ِغ اٌؼّيً(االشتشان في اٌىجذاْ (اٌّىاجذة)‪:‬‬
‫ػبششاً‪ ...‬ويف يّىٕٕب ضّبْ جىدة خذِت اٌؼّالء؟‬

‫اإلتصاالت‪:‬‬ ‫اجلزء اخلامش‪ ...‬تقنيات التعامل مع‬

‫‪Call Handling Techniques‬‬
‫أوالً‪ ...‬اٌؼٕبصش األسبؼت اٌشئيسيت في اإلتصبي اٌتسىيمي‪:‬‬
‫ثبنٍبً‪ ...‬إدارح اإلنطجبع األوه‪:‬‬

‫ثبٌثبً‪....‬طشح األسئٍت اٌصذيذت ٌجّغ اٌّؼٍىِبث اٌذليمت اٌّطٍىبت‪:‬‬

‫راثؼبً ‪ ...‬االرصبه واىزحزك فً إرجبه اىقزار(اىخطىاد اىزً ٌجت ارجبػهب فً قزار االرصبه)‬

‫خبٍس ًب ‪...‬االسبىٍت اىفؼبىخ إلنهبء اإلرصبه‪:‬‬

‫‪DPIC‬‬ ‫مركز تطىير األداء‬

‫‪:‬‬ ‫‪11‬‬
‫سبدس ًب ‪...‬ادارح ورحىٌو اإلرصبالد اىزيٍفىنٍخ ٍغ اىؼَالء‪:‬‬

‫سبثؼبً‪..‬اسززارٍجٍبد اىزؼبٍو ٍغ اىَنبىَبد اىهبرفٍخ‪:‬‬


‫للتعامل مع‬ ‫اجلزء السادس‪...‬املهارات الشخصية اإلتصالية اإللكرتونية‬

‫ال ‪ ...‬اٌصفبث األسبسيت ٌٍبشيذ اإلٌىتشؤي في خذِت اٌؼّالء ‪:‬‬‫أو ً‬
‫ثبنٍ ًب ‪ ...‬اهّيت استخذاِه ٌٍبشبذ االٌىتشؤي‪.‬‬
‫ثبٌثبً‪ ...‬األجزاء اٌّىىٔت ٌشسبٌت اٌبشيذ اإلٌىتشؤي ‪:‬‬

‫راثؼبً‪ٍ ...‬هبراد اىنزبثخ اىجٍذح اىجزٌذ اإلىنززونً‬

‫خبٍس ًب ‪ ...‬اسزخذاً اىيهجخ اإلٌجبثٍخفً اىزىاصو ٍغ اىؼَالء ‪:‬‬

‫سبدس ًب ‪ ...‬اىؼجبراد االصطالحٍخ ومٍفٍخ رجنجهب‪.‬‬
‫اجلزء السابع‪...‬مهارات إدارة اخلالفات مع العمالء ‪:‬‬
‫‪Conflict Management Skills‬‬
‫ال ‪ ...‬اإلٔفتبديت االستشاتيجيت ػٍي اٌؼّالء ‪.‬‬
‫أو ً‬
‫ثبٔيًب ‪ ....‬األسبٌيب اٌسٍىويت األسبؼت ٌٍتىافك ِغ اٌؼّالء‪.‬‬

‫‪DPIC‬‬ ‫مركز تطىير األداء‬
‫ثبىثبً‪ ...‬األخالقٍبد وإدارح اىصزاع‪.‬‬
‫سابؼًب ‪...‬اٌخطىاث اىؼَيٍخ إلدارح وحســـٌ اىصــزاع ٍغ اىؼَالء ‪.‬‬
‫خبِسبً‪....‬اٌىصبيب اٌؼشش ٌتذميك بيغ ٔبجخ واشببع سغببث اٌؼّيً‬


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