Cbo - Elen4003a - 2023

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School of Electrical and Information Engineering

University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg

ELEN4003 – High Voltage Engineering

Course Brief and Outline: 2023

Academic Staff
Dr H. G. P Hunt
Office: Chamber of Mines Building 2nd Floor, Room CM378
Tel: 011 717 7254
email: hugh.hunt@wits.ac.za

Course Home Page: https://ulwazi.wits.ac.za/courses/42233

1 Course Background and Purpose

The final year High Voltage (HV) engineering course is an introductory course to the topic. In
the field of electrical engineering, the efficient transfer of bulk electric power and energy over long
distances is one of the important functions of high voltage engineering technology.

2 Course Objectives
The course aims to familiarise the students with the fundamental concepts of the interaction
between high electric fields and dielectrics/insulation which is the essence of HV engineering.
Various concepts will be discussed as they relate to typical HV equipment and instrumentation.
The course strives to equip students with knowledge necessary to design, maintain and operate
such equipment by developing problem solving skills and analysis in the area of HV Engineering.

3 Course Outcomes
On successful completion of this course, the student is capable of:

• Use and derive the equations and models of electirc field stress enhancement and breakdown
in gases, liquids and solid insulation.
• Investigate and design HV insulation systems to serve a specific purpose in a system or to
function in the system as a whole. For example, as power transformers, voltage transformers
(VT), current transformers (CT), lightning arresters (LA), circuit breakers (CB), power lines
and power cables.
• Design circuits and equipment for the generation of high voltages.
• Set up and safely operate high voltage sources such as the multistage impulse voltage gen-
erator and record and analyse measurement data of HV experiments in accordance with
international standards.
• Produce professional technical reports on any aspect of high voltage engineering.

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4 Course Content
The content of this course is as per the Rules & Syllabuses: Faculty of Engineering and the Built

• Electric fields: Characteristics of electric fields; Field distribution calculations of typical

electrode geometries.
• Conduction and breakdown mechanisms in gases: Current flowing in a gas as a
result of a single e-avalanche; the electron, negative and positive ion component of cur-
rent. Electrical breakdown in gases; Townsend mechanism of breakdown, Paschen’s law, the
streamer mechanism, the streamer mechanism in non-uniform field in air and SF6; The leader
mechanism, lightning protection, breakdown under impulse voltages; time lags in breakdown
• Conduction and breakdown mechanisms in liquid insulation: The intrinsic break-
down mechanisms; breakdown caused by impurities; failure caused by the presence of bubbles;
failure caused by the presence of suspended particles.
• Breakdown mechanisms in solid insulation: Intrinsic breakdown; electromechanical
breakdown; electro-thermal breakdown, dielectric losses and measurements; breakdown ini-
tiated by impurities; breakdown initiated by electrical trees; breakdown due to partial dis-
charges (PD); typical PD initiating defects, stress enhancement factors, understanding PD
• Generation and Measurement of high voltages: HVAC; cascaded HVAC transformers,
Series resonance sources; HDVC; HVDC generator; impulse voltage generator; single stage
impulse voltage generator, multiple stage (Marx) impulse voltage generator; voltage dividers;
electrostatic voltmeters.

5 Prior Knowledge Assumed

The following prior knowledge is assumed on the part of students starting this course:

• Atomic structure, olecular properties of matter and the gas laws

• Principles of static electricity
• Basic electric circuit theory
• Electrical laboratory and investigation techniques
• Academic literacy (knowledge on how to produce acceptable technical reports)

The prerequisites and corequisites for this course are as per Rules & Syllabuses: Faculty of Engi-
neering the the Built Environment.

6 Assessment
All submissions must be in strict accordance with the guidelines contained in the School’s Blue
Book and the rules contained in the School’s Red Book. No exceptions will be considered.

6.1 Summative Assessment

This is described in the School’s document entitled Application of Rule G.13 and Calculator Re-
quirements for 2023 and is shown in Table 1.
Note: the examination contributor requires a minimum of 35% in order to pass the course (termed
a subminimum). This means that even if the average final mark for the course is 50% or above, a
final examination mark of less than 35% does not qualify one to pass the course, as per the Rules
& Syllabuses: Faculty of Engineering the the Built Environment.

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Table 1: Summative assessment contributions
Summative Assessment Method and
Contributor Weighting %
Lab 30
Project 30
Exam1 40

6.2 Assessment Methods

Each student in the course will be examined on the outcomes of section 3, through the course
exam, project report and the laboratory report.

• Examination: In the exam or exam equivalent assessment, the students must demonstrate
(within a limited time) the competence to think critically and apply appropriate knowledge
to provide appropriate and realistic solutions to the problems presented, some of which may
be open-ended.
• Course Project Report: The student must demonstrate the competence to systematically
analyse and understand a problem, critically analyse, devise and validate solutions, and then
communicate effectively using a technical report. The assessment of the project report is
through use of a rubric of outcomes in which a single mark is derived from the level of
achievement against the outcomes.
• Laboratory Report: The student must demonstrate the competence to systematically
analyse and understand an experimental problem, set up equipment and take measurements,
critically analyse and discuss measurement results, and then communicate effectively through
a technical report. The assessment of the laboratory exercise report is through use of a rubric
of outcomes in which a single overall mark is derived from the level of achievement against
the outcome.

6.3 Satisfactory Performance Requirement

For the purpose of Rule G.13 satisfactory performance in the work of the class means engaging
with the learning activities and material leading to achievement of the minimum competence levels
as specified in the assessment criteria of the course.

7 Teaching and Learning Process

7.1 Teaching and Learning Approach

The basic content of the course is covered in the lecture material that is made available in the
appropriate form either synchronously or asynchronously. The lectures are presented in a manner to
catalyse the students’ engagement with the relevant sections and chapters in the course prescribed
and recommended textbooks. The students are expected to undertake a significant amount of
self-study in this course to gain a full understanding of the material. The laboratory and the
course project give the students an opportunity to develop skills in the practical application of the
high voltage engineering knowledge. All material covered in lectures, labs and the class project is

7.2 Learning Activities and Arrangements


There are two 45-minute lectures scheduled per week as shown on the timetable. Asynchronous
virtual teaching materials will be made available on the course homepage.

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The course project brief document is issued out to the students in the first lecture. It will also be
available for download on the course website. The brief document presents the project specifications
and assessment criteria.


Each member of the class must complete a laboratory session in the High Voltage laboratory. Full
details will be provided by the head demonstrator early in the first quarter.


Questions relating to lectures and course material must be directed to the course lecturer either
during lectures or during formal consultation periods. Formal consultation periods will take place
directly after the schedlued lecture period. Students must, however, try to resolve any problems
among themselves first.

8 Information to Support the Course

8.1 Prescribed Text/Reading

The following textbook is prescribed for the course:

• Küffel, E., Zaengl, W.S., and Küffel, J., “High Voltage Engineering Fundamentals”, (2nd
Edition), Elsevier, 2000, ISBN-13: 978-0-7506-3634-6.

8.2 Other References

The following are recommended textbooks (some may still be available in the book shops):

1. Kind D., “An introduction to HV experimental technique.” Vieweg and Sohn, 1978.
2. Kind D. and Kärner H., “HV insulation technology.” Vieweg and Sohn, 1985.
3. Rizk F.A.M., and Trinh G.N., “High voltage engineering.” CRC Press, 2014.

8.3 Course Home Page


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