RESOLUTION 24 © Bassim El Alami
Bassim, Ricarda, and Pascal as well as
Mháire Stritter, Juli Klippert, and Thomas Römer
Special thanks to the phenomenal Coriolis community
on Discord and to all the game masters who shared their
feedback on this adventure with me.
Welcome to Coriolis, the largest space station of the Third Horizon! For some, it is a pro-
mising paradise, but for others a symbol of Zenithian megalomania. Rise and fall lie close
together between the magnificent wonders of the Spire and the Ring’s noisy plazas. In this
entirely on the Coriolis space station and is perfect for over the Prophetess. Recently, her watch has become
introducing new players to the setting and rules. The fo- more important than ever. A few segments ago, Altaian
cus is on social interaction and general problem-solving. relics came into vogue among Zenithian art collectors,
Depending on the actions of the players, combat may especially relics from the time of the rajas of Marakanda
take happen. as well as the mythical high culture that is said to have characters,
The adventure is designed as a one-shot for conven- preceded the Firstcomes. And, of course, in this context, page 25
tions and online rounds and offers five pre-generated the legend of the Prophetess of Marakanda comes to
player characters (PC). These PCs are competent inves- the attention of collectors.
tigators on behalf of the courts and the Judicators for The Zenithian hegemonist Paisij Konstantinides wants
a quick and direct beginning. And, of course, you can this statue. Through his dreams, he hopes to gain an ad-
continue to play the characters afterward. vantage in the deadly intrigues of the aristocracy. His
You can also play THE PROPHETESS OF MARAKAN- agents also visited Mirzi Babur. Although she was able
DA with existing characters. This requires a few adjust- to fend them off, Mirzi fears that Paisij will eventually
ments to the beginning by the game master (GM). You find out about her.
will find suggestions later in this chapter. Mirzi, therefore, resorts to a dangerous ruse. She creates
a forgery, which she passes on to the collector Danaë
Din Eusidia, a competitor of Paisij Konstantinides, with
the help of the Syndicate. As a renowned expert in Al-
The eponymous Prophetess of Marakanda is a legend- taian art, Mirzi herself will testify to the supposed au-
ary Altaian piece of art that should back to the time of thenticity of her forgery. Her hope: if no mystical dreams
the warlord Tang Gol. Other sources claim that the rel- occur, the opinion will spread that the Prophetess of
ic is older, older even than the ancient empire of Mar- Marakanda is nothing more than a legend.
akanda in today’s Altai system. A few rumours place it
near the portal builders. Only in one thing do all sourc- e THE HEIST AND THE PCS
es agree: “The Prophetess” possesses mystic powers.
The situation escalates faster than Mirzi had feared. Be-
Those who have owned it have dreamed visions of the
dreams. More than that, it let the Dark between the Stars
Therefore, the blind prophet ordered to hide the statue The adventure gives the players freedom in how they
from the mighty. Gradually it became a legend, while want to solve it. There is no straightforward path and
Nal’ganda’s descendants watched over the Prophetess no set end. Therefore, it does not present itself in the
cyclade after cyclade. Each generation swears anew not classical structure with three acts. After starting in Lady
to use its power and to keep it from the grasp of the Danaë’s estate in the Spire, you will find the specific
powerful. places and people that the PCs can visit. To help you
The current guardian is the antiquarian and art dealer keep an overview, we offer a scene chart that shows
Mirzi Babur. Fifteen cyclades ago, she settled on Cori- the individual play scenes and their connection. Keep in
olis and opened a small shop for Altaian art in the Ar- mind that these are by no means all possible paths, and
chaeology Alley. By doing so, she hoped to escape the be prepared to improvise scenes and encounters.
the pre-generated characters, they can jump almost di-
Many people and factions have a growing interest in the rectly into the action. Introduce the characters to your
Prophetess of Marakanda or are drawn into the plot by players and let them choose who they want to play. Give
circumstances. These are the most important figures them time to familiarise themselves with the characters
and their motives. With each entry, you will find a page and their relationships with each other. Afterward, you
reference to a more detailed description of the charac- can read out the intro and start with the first scene.
Mirzi Babur, d MIRZI BABUR trades in artifacts from the Altai sys- e ALTERNATIVE BEGINNING
page 9
tem near the Spring Plaza. She is the guardian of the
If you are playing the adventure as part of your cam-
true Prophetess of Marakanda and has set events in
paign, you will know best what the PCs are doing on
motion to protect the artifact. However, she is inex-
the Coriolis. You can most easily adjust the beginning
perienced in intrigue and makes mistakes that could
by having Lady Danaë be an acquaintance of the PC‘s
lead to her downfall.
Danae Din patron and ask them for a favour. Perhaps the PCs have
d DANAË DIN EUSIDIA is a Neo-Zenithian art collec-
another contact on the Coriolis through their previous
page 9 tor and competitor of Paisij Konstantinides. She ac-
missions. Also, an appropriate Faction Standing or a
quired the presumed Prophetess of Marakanda from
certain reputation can ensure that Lady Danaë turns to
the art dealer Shariykah Sabbag. Shortly afterward,
the PCs in this delicate matter.
the statue is stolen from her villa.
Paisij The PCs may even want to go to Mirzi Babur to seek her
Konstantinides, d PAISIJ KONSTANTINIDES is a hegemonic schem-
help as an expert in Altaian artifacts. When they visit her
page 20 er and wants the statue at any price. On his behalf,
shop, however, they do not find her. A helpful neighbour
the thief Callista Rahal has stolen the artifact.
page 17
d The art dealer SHARIYKAH SABBAG works for the
Syndicate, more precisely for the Izza gang. As a se-
rious businessman, he provides the façade for the
trade in stolen goods.
d Sub-boss ZUHAYR NEKATRA is rapidly rising
sends them to Lady Danaë. They arrive just in time to
take care of the problem.
A completely different beginning sets the PCs themsel-
ves on the trail of the Prophetess of Marakanda. Maybe
they act behalf of their patron, on their initiative, or as
part of your bigger narrative. These can incluence the
page 17 through the ranks of the Izza. He has arranged the
course and end of the adventure. In all these cases, you
deal between Shariykah and Lady Danaë for Mirzi.
Callista Rahal, should adapt the reward that Lady Danaë or other quest
page 12
d The thief CALLISTA RAHAL belongs to the Faris
givers offer to the conventions of your gaming group.
gang and has already done many jobs for Lord Paisij.
She has gone into hiding with the stolen statue and
is waiting for the scheduled moment to hand it over.
If you want to learn more about Altaian culture and Mirzi Babur’s home,
the Altai System, in general, please check out the CORIOLIS COM-
MUNITY ATLAS. This community-translated compendium invites you
to explore the Third Horizon even further and to immerse yourself in
the rich and colourful background. On over 100 pages, you find everyt-
hing you need to flesh out adventures in Zalos, Mira, Odacon, Dabaran,
Algol, Sadaal, and the mysterious Quadrant of the Pillar.
The holo-sky glows orange-red above the Sarrikat level. You take your eyes off the desert landscape and turn to
Gently rolling dunes stretch to the horizon, regularly inter- the palace. In the midst of a green park sits a magnificent
rupted by deep green oases from which the silhouettes of two-storey building clad in colourful Altaian mosaics.
magnificent palaces rise. Real birds strut among purple flowering palms and red-
You know that this is all just an illusion. The endless ex- dish cacti. A fountain splashes somewhere.
panse of the horizon seems convincing even when you Flat steps lead up from the grav vehicle that picked you
can already reach out and touch the inner wall of the sta- up at the lift and brought you to the impressive gate. As
tion. The many tonnes of sand are imported from Lubau. you approach it, it opens silently. A tall woman in an or-
And most of the plants in the oases are bionic mutations nately embroidered gallabeya steps out. She looks down
that adapted to life on a space station. But this knowl- at you from the top step. The holo-sky reflects like flames
edge does not make the illusion any less impressive. It in her dark eyes.
is, on the contrary, a testimony to the will and power of “There you are at last!!! Hurry up! You have no time to
the Zenithians. And yet you are “only” on the 95th level of lose. The Prophetess of Marakanda has disappeared,
the Spire. Above you rise wonders that effortlessly dwarf and you will find her again!”
this sight.