p.1 Comprehension Scheme Term II

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K D H THEME S/ S ors of
M UES skills
E and
1 1 W Activitie A story The learner story tells stories Effectiv Chalk Teach
E s done in A short story in now read the story telling e board ers
A different tense related with correctly reads the commu illustrat collect
T seasons weather. i.e children at question story nication ion ion
H work retell the story and
E in their own answer answers oral Asserti A story
R words and written veness typed
brain questions on
answer oral and storming Fluency paper
questions about discovery Audibili
the story ty

asks and Appreci

creates their ation
own questions
about the story
2 1 Things Guided composition The learner observati finds the Accurac Chalk Teach
we wear observes and on path y board ers
in studies the illustrat collect
different given pictures discovery answers oral Articula ion ion
seasons and written tion
finds the path explanatio questions Lesso
correctly n Correct n note
Find the path respons book
tells who has brain e
what correctly storming
answers oral g
and written
questions Readin
correctly g and
3 1 Weather A rhyme The learner recitation recites the Fluency Chalk Teach
manage A rhyme in relation to recites the discussion rhyme board er
ment weather ie it’s a hat rhyme correctly explanatio explains what Articula illustrat collect
It’s a hat n the rhyme is tion ion ion
I put it on my heaf when reads the question all about
the sun is shinning so, rhyme correctly and Listenin Rhyme Lesso
when the rain is falling answer asks and g written n note
down. When I want to tells what the brain answers on book
look so smart I put it on rhyme is about storming questions Readin paper
my head by fraya danze in simple terms g

asks and Speakin

answer g
questions about Writing
the rhyme
4 1 A Wrong Kidnap The learner whole discusses Self Typed Lesso
C people Announcement i.e reads the class about what awaren announ n note
C A girl in blue kidnapped announcement discussion kidnap is ess cement book
I correctly s
D Referred to the lesson explanatio reads the Fluency
E notes asks and n announceme Chalk
N answers oral nts Articula board
T and written discovery tion illustrat
S Questions questions about asks and ions
-who is announcing the question answers Self
-who was kidnapped announcement and questions express
A correctly answer about the ion
N announceme
D brain nt
S storming
5 1 Accident Finding the picture The learner whole discusses Fluency Chalk Teach
s on the number finds the class about board er
way to picture of the discussion dangers on Self illustrat collect
and Making sentences using given number the way to awaren ions ion
from numbers. i.e discovery and from ess
school names the school.
pictures of question Listenin
accidents. and finds the g
answer sentences and
constructs finding the Speakin
sentences numbers g
according Readin
numbers makes g

6 1 A jumbled story about The learner discussion reads the Fluency Chalk Teach
accidents on the way to reads the jumbled board ers
and from school - jumbled story explanatio sentences Articula illustrat collect
first n tion ion ion
identifies and question sentences to Listenin
number and make a good g
sentences answer story
correctly Speakin
brain g
rearranges the storming Readin
given sentences g
correctly make Writing
a good story
7 1 L THE FAMILY The learner reads a discussion Choosin Fluency Chalk
I a guided story and question and g Articula board
V Mr. Otim’s family composition find answer correct tion illustr
I Mr. Otim with answers suitable answer ation
N Mrs. Otim Jane given in a list i.e answers discovery s to the Creativ
G Joseph, Sarah, Paul, Mary children make a given in a story e
T Questions family happy list. brain correctl thinkin
O -How many sons does storming y. g
G Mr. Otim have? complete
E -Who is the head of the the story
T family? meaningf
H 3. Who is Mr. Otim’s ully and
E wife? correctly
8 1 Nuclear Pictorio composition The learner discussion answers oral Creativ Already Teach
family about a family. Ie studies the and written e draw ers
Mr. Kiwewa’s family picture well and question question thinkin pictures collect
Mr. Kiwewamrs.Kiwewa
creates their and about a given g on ion
own questions. answer family paper
Kisha P.2 observati Asserti
Joseph P.3
Mary 1 year answers oral on veness
and written brain
question. storming Fluency
compares the discovery
given family Express
with theirs ion

9 1 Family A drawn story and pupils The learner discussion composes a Already Teach
member write it in words i.e -constructs story using draw ers
s sentences question the given pictures collect
according to the and picture on ion
pictures. answer paper
-identifies the observati
picture on
correctly brain

1 1 F common A situational table about The learner discovery makes and Articula Chalk Teach
0 O foods in foods studies the explanatio reads tion board ers
O our Those six mangoes table and make n sentences Fluency illustrat collect
These is a nice sweet
D This many eggs different ion ion
A commun It are eating now sentences question Self
They not hungry
N ity I am an orange appropriately and esteem
D That a good cake answer Listenin
N gives reasons g
U for the answers Speakin
T they construct g
R Readin
I g
T Writing
1 1 Common A dialogue about food in The learner discussion dramatizes Fluency Chalk Teach
1 foods in our community takes part in explanatio and taking board er’s
our Naming foods the dialogue n part in the Articula illustrat collect
commun The food liked and question dialogue tion ion ion
ity disliked completes the and
Reasons why e.t.c missing parts answer Self
correctly role play esteem
answers tion Self
questions about express
the dialogue ion
1 1 A story The learner discussion reads the Fluency Chalk Teach
2 A short story in relation reads the story explanatio story board er’s
to food and nutrition correctly and n Articula illustrat collect
A farmer who grows observing asks and tion ion ion
crops and produces a lot punctuations brain answers
of food and earns income storming questions Self
answers oral about the esteem
and written story
questions about question Self
the given story and express
answer ion

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