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TL Idp Cohort 2024-Calteach

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School of Education

Teacher Credential Programs

2000 Education
Irvine, CA 92697-5500

Directions for the

Individual Development Plan (IDP) 2024

Student teaching is a vital experience for pre-service teachers, but we all recognize that growth and development does
not stop there. All teachers continue with their own professional growth and development throughout their entire
career. It is important for new teachers to seek support and guidance as they enter the profession. This document aims
to serve as a small step in obtaining support and feedback and will be shared with the candidate’s clear/induction
program. The IDP is meant to highlight the candidate’s areas of strengths and areas for growth that are aligned with the
CTC Teacher Performance Expectations (TPEs). Below are some steps to take in order to complete this document.

● The candidate will schedule a meeting with the mentor and supervisor at the end of spring quarter.

● The candidate completes the “Level of Practice” section indicating areas of strength and growth on the TPEs.
The candidate should draw on evidence from mentor and supervisor evaluations. Candidate will share a draft of
the IDP with the mentor and supervisor prior to the meeting.

● During the meeting, the mentor, supervisor and candidate will engage in collaborative discussion about each
TPE. Discuss one TPE at a time with the candidate leading the discussion. Before moving on to the next TPE, the
candidate will take time to summarize aloud and write down additional notes in the “Level of Practice”.

● The candidate will follow the instructions under “Attestations”.

● The candidate will submit the IDP on the ED 158 Canvas course space for the Coordinator (Kris) (w/o the
Credential Recommendation section completed) at the end of spring quarter, June 7, 2024.

● The candidate completes the “Credential Recommendation” section during their meeting with the Credential
Analyst - Isaac Membreno.

● The candidate submits completed IDP to Kris Houston, Academic Coordinator, houstonk@uci.edu, for archive
after credential recommendation meeting.

● The candidate saves the completed IDP to provide to the teacher induction program.
School of Education
Teacher Credential Programs
2000 Education
Irvine, CA 92697-5500

Individual Development Plan 2024

Candidate Name Tuong La

Institution: UC Irvine, School of Education, CalTeach Math and Science Undergraduate Credential Program

Enrollment Dates 1/3/2023 -6/14/2024

Pathway Undergraduate Bachelor’s Degree + Single Subject Credential

Placement In Person Only

Program Contacts Kris Houston Isaac Membreno

Academic Coordinator Credential Analyst
houstonk@uci.edu 949-824-0689

Candidate’s Level of Practice (completed by the candidate)

Areas of Strength Areas for Growth

TPE 1: Engaging and Supporting TPE 1.1 & 1.3: Connect to students’ TPE 1.5: Incorporate more
All Students in Learning identities and funds of knowledge demonstrations and manipulatives
by relating everyday experiences to into the lesson; allow for hands-on
the instruction. Whether it is done engagement.
as a hook or extension, students are
still provided opportunities to make TPE 1.6: Translanguaging support
their learning personally for supports (e.g. having students
meaningful. engage in decoding a word in
- “What’s something you another language, sharing funds of
recall about ____? How knowledge, etc.)
would you describe this
experience?” TPE 1.2: Maintain communication
with families by starting early in the
TPE 1.7: Use of multimodal means school year.
of instruction (visuals, videos, - Make use of systems in place
graphs, models, etc.) to contact parents. Establish
- Use UDL strategies and a schedule for contacts and
provide various tools for stick to it.
students to engage in
learning through ways they
feel most comfortable.
- Collaboration and
peer-assessment as a way to
School of Education
Teacher Credential Programs
2000 Education
Irvine, CA 92697-5500

empower students and

center them as source of

TPE 2: Creating and TPE 2.1: Engage students in conflict TPE 2.6: Be consistently and more
Maintaining Effective resolution and provide them an firm with students who are
Environments for Student opportunity to reach settlements disengaging/distracting others.
Learning with peers in a respectful & positive - Uphold high expectations for
manner. students and stick to
consequences if these
TPE 2.2 & 2.3: Establish structure expectations are not held.
and routines such as “Homecourt” - Don’t be afraid to get
or other strategies to maintain a families involved when
positive learning environment for situations or conflicts arise
all: calling in vs calling out for concerning a student’s
students. behavior, action, or
- Strength in handling academic integrity.
situations that are supposed
to be handled privately. assert yourself as the authority of
- Recognizing when a student the room early on! Get to know
is truly going through students’ cultural backgrounds and
something versus when they behaviors.
are giving you attitude.

TPE 3: Understanding and TPE 3.1 & 3.3: Forming connections TPE 3.2: Instead of explaining the
Organizing Subject Matter for between sciences (integrated connections that I see, get students
Student Learning science approach) as well as other to form these connections and ask
disciplines: making sense of science probing questions to guide them.
via a critical lens — students are - For example, after asking
encouraged to approach problems “how does photosynthesis
critically. connect to climate change
- Emphasize on the CCC’s, and evolution?”, do not
SEP’s, and DCI’s and share the connections. Ask
encouraging students to see for students to volunteer!
the big picture intentionally organize room and
discourse to have all students
TPE 3.4 & 3.5: Collaborate with PLC participate
and other staff members to plan
and design meaningful learning
opportunities for students to engage
School of Education
Teacher Credential Programs
2000 Education
Irvine, CA 92697-5500

TPE 4: Planning Instruction and TPE 4.1 & 4.4: All students are able TPE 4.5 Holding students
Designing Learning Experiences to contribute to modeling, gallery accountable while engaging in these
for All Students walks, and notemaking (reflection discourse activities.
time). - especially with students that
- “Notemake”/reflection have varied learning needs.
questions prompt students Enforcing stronger
to make connections with rules/routines for these
their personal life and prior students so they not only
knowledge. know what are expected of
- Students are able to make them but also that they
meaningful connection with need to contribute.
other disciplines by doing so,
too. TPE 4.6 & 4.8:
- Actively engage in
TPE 4.6 & 4.7: Instruction co-teaching opportunities if
intentionally plans to have students possible and centering
work either in pairs or in small students as sources of
groups. Students are able to knowledge through
demonstrate composition and presentations, group work,
expression by constructing group etc.
models with classmates and - Utilization of technology or
collaborate to produce some sort of digital tools to monitor
artifact as a group. student progress and
- Circulate the classroom and prompt students
small groups to ensure collaboration. Don’t be
students are on task and afraid to use lockdown
chatting with peers. browsers, too.

TPE 5: Assessing Student TPE 5.1 & 5.3: Using models as a TPE 5.5, 5.7 & 5.8: Implement more
Learning form of assessment during class, quick checks for understanding;
gallery walk peer-assessment forms Kahoot, competitions, jeopardy,
to hold students accountable. family feud, etc. Don’t be afraid to
- Weekly “experience incorporate “review” days into the
reflections” where students curriculum.
get to connect the concepts - More individualized
and skills throughout the assessments at the end of
week to the bigger unit the class to easily sort
essential questions. through.
- This serves as an - provide translated
opportunity for students to assessments so students
reflect and develop could respond in their
metacognitive thinking; primary language.
School of Education
Teacher Credential Programs
2000 Education
Irvine, CA 92697-5500

reflect on their learning - incorporate assessment logs

goals. to keep track of students’
assessments and track
TPE 5.2 & 5.5: Constant circulation growth over time. Especially
of the classroom to ensure students for students that have varied
are engaged and making good learning needs and would
progress. These informal, appreciate more structured
progress-monitoring, formative assessment formats.
assessments help check in on
students’ thinking and help decide
whether it is necessary to revisit
certain concepts.

TPE 6: Developing as a TPE 6.1 & 6.2: Reflect on teaching TPE 6.4 & 6.5: More proactively
Professional Educator and lesson sequence by jotting engage faculty members,
down notes, adjustments, and next administrators, and families in
steps during instruction and co-designing action plans for
circulation. students who are misbehaving.
- Using student and teacher - Uphold and adhere to
feedback to guide reflection regulations and policies in
and refine next steps of place to deal with situations.

TPE 6.3: Make observations of other

teachers and learn about good
instructional and discourse
strategies to implement in the
- Make good use of teaching
podcasts, books, resources,
and professional
development workshops to
better design, facilitate, and
assess student learning.

Attestations: Candidate should document collaboration with mentor and supervisor by checking all of the
boxes below. Checkmarks indicate program review and confirmation. (Highlight bullet, left/right click to
add checkmark when completed.)

1. Verification that the preliminary program, Candidate has reviewed and approved
candidate, district-employed supervisor, and
program supervisor collaborated on the Mentor teacher has reviewed and approved
School of Education
Teacher Credential Programs
2000 Education
Irvine, CA 92697-5500

individual development plan (district employed)

Supervisor has reviewed and approved

2. The IDP is a portable document archived by the Candidate has reviewed and approved
preliminary program and provided to the
candidate for transmission to the induction
program and employer

3. The program completer has received a copy of Candidate has reviewed and approved
the IDP and understands the requirement to
provide the IDP to the teacher induction

Program Requirements (completed by the candidate)

edTPA ⬜ Complete ⬜ Incomplete

CBEST or equivalent ⬜ Complete ⬜ Incomplete
CSET or equivalent ⬜ Complete (General Science) ⬜ Incomplete
Credential Recommended for this Candidate (completed by the candidate during meeting with credential analyst
-Isaac Membreno)

❏ Preliminary Credential (P5)

❏ Other (explain):

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