Writing Activity

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Writing activity: essay

Imagine you attend school in the U.K, where school uniforms are customary. A growing number
of students have challenged this tradition, questioned its purpose, and argued for more freedoms
to wear what they want. Articulate your position on this matter in an essay that could be
published in the school paper.

“I don’t believe we were put here with all of our differences to conform to a uniform state of
mind” - Sonya Teclai. Uniforms are very common among schools, and it does not improve
student’s behavior. Uniforms include another cost additionally to the school pension and more
relevant students are unable of expressing themselves. In general uniforms affect students’
development through high school years.

The usage of uniforms does not infer in the behavior of students, their behavior is based in home
education and phycological health. According to Arya Ansari (2010) “Evidence does not show
uniforms provide any substantial benefit for young students’ behavior.” This means that students
that wear uniform have the same percentage of well behaving than students who are allowed to
wear personal clothing. The way of each student social behavior does not depend on the uniform,
it depends on how well they feel with their surroundings.

Since paying high school is a really high cost an additional cost for uniform is not cost-effective.
There exist reports that demonstrates that more of the 35% of parents get into debts for the cost
of uniforms, and sincerely students do not take care of this clothing either. In addition, uniforms
have become a business for schools given that they produce them and there are no other places to
find it, and getting to school without one means note for misconduct in students, so they gain
pension, uniforms, and extra payments along the scholar year.

Wearing a uniform forces students to limit their style and express their individuality. A study
done by Arya Ansari in 2011 found that students who are forced to wear a uniform lose their
sense of belonging in a place and even more so within the institution. Also, schools assume that
if everyone looks similar there isn’t going to be differences, but they exist, since how many years
does the uniform has to how well it fits in several students. On the other hand, the uniform makes
students put much less effort in their physical appearance since there is no motivation and that
puts them at risk of insecurity that can go a long way.

As I mentioned the students are affected throughout these years because the uniform is
something created to give an image of a school and generate some kind of status among others,
what they do not realize is that the use of the same affects the development of students inside
these schools. Since they can feel different and insecure because of their appearance or their way
of being, generate conflicts because of the economic problems of their parents and even more
that their behavior is totally opposite to the expected by the institutions. Taking all of the above
into account, the use of uniforms should focus on the well-being of the students who wear them
in order to generate a positive impact and an agreement with the students.
Holmes, D. (2022, January 6). Study Shows School Uniforms Don’t Improve Student Behavior. WOSU

News; WOSU RADIO. https://news.wosu.org/news/2022-01-06/study-shows-school-uniforms-


The. (2021, December 20). School uniforms don’t improve child behavior, study finds. School Uniforms

Don’t Improve Child Behavior, Study Finds ; The Ohio State University.


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