II An Overview of Brand Management
II An Overview of Brand Management
II An Overview of Brand Management
A brand name is any word, “device” (design, sound, shape, or color), or combination of
these used to distinguish a seller’s goods or services.
A brand is a set of assets & liabilities links to a name/symbol that adds to or subtracts
from the value provided by that product (David Aaker)
The fundamental purpose of branding is differentiation. A brand is a means of
differentiating the seller’s product from other competing products.
Brands characteristics;
Tangible characteristics
Price, the physical product, package, etc.
Intangible characteristics
Customer’s experience with the brand, brand position, and brand image.
Objectives of a Brand
Elements of a Brand
Jingle − It must be pleasant to hear and hum, relevant to the product, easy to
remember, and easy to understand over a large age group to connect consumer
with the brand.
Slogan − It summarizes overall value proposition. It should be short, easy to
remember, and catchy. For example, KFC’s slogan is “Finger Lickin’ Good” and
Britannia’s is “Eat Healthy, Think Better”.
Packaging − It needs to be catchy and advertising, drawing people to see the
product inside. Also, it needs to be compact, yet attractive.
Universal Resource Locator (URL) − It forms the domain name on the internet.
A seller can register all prospective variations of brand name URLs or can buy the
existing URL of a business.
Characters/Mascots − It is a special symbol, still, animated, or real life entity
such as an animal or a human character.
2.2 Establishing a sound Brand
You’ll use these ideas to inform the brand through a tagline, slogans, value
propositions, voice, messaging, stories, and more.
The Golden Circle
Never imitate exactly what the big brands are doing in the industry.
Choose a few competitors; two to four is a good number for your comparison chart.
You might want to take a look at other local businesses, or even aim to benchmark
against name brands.
The foundation for building a brand is to determine the target audience that you’ll be
focusing on. You can’t be everything to everyone, right?
In essence, it’ll have to craft a clear expression of what the company is most
passionate about.
We all know the Nike tagline: Just Do It. The Nike’s mission statement is “To
bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world.”
5. Outline the key qualities & benefits the brand offers
There will always be brands with bigger budgets and more resources to command their
industry. Starting a brand that is memorable means that dig deep to figure out what
the offer and no one else is offering.
Focus on the qualities and benefits that make the company branding unique.
One Apple’s of key qualities is having a clean design, and the key benefit is ease of
use. From unique packaging to their announcement events, Apple always reminds
customers that its products can be used right out of the box.
It’s how you communicate with customers, and how they respond to you.
There are endless adjectives and possibilities that can build a brand voice behind the
Customers aren’t looking for another cookie-cutter company that offers the same thing
as everyone else.
They are looking for an experience tailored to their needs, backed by genuine personal
When you build a brand that works for your business, you (and your employees) are
the best advocates to market your brand.
No one knows your brand better than you, so it’s up to you to spread the word.
While hiring employees, ensure that they are a culture fit–aligning with the mission,
vision, and values of your brand. Encourage employees to establish a personal
brand that aligns with your company brand building process, further strengthening
Understanding the types of names available is the first step in any naming or
renaming project.
A type of a brand name which use alphabets and numbers at the same time.
Examples: 3F… (Finfinae Furniture Factory)
Creating a public persona that represents an individual and their work. Celebrities
often use this kind of branding because their name, image and talents are all part of
the work that they do.
Service Branding
Similar to product branding, service branding identifies what makes one company's
services different from another business's. Service branding can also identify different
services offered by the same business.
Retail branding
Retail stores create their brand through the physical design of their store. Features like
the store's layout, lighting, music and flooring contribute to the experience a customer
has when they visit the establishment.
Corporate branding
Event branding
Event branding works similarly to experience branding. It promotes an event or opportunity for
potential customers to attend. When used effectively, it entices participants to take part in a
planned occasion.
Brand and product are among the basic factors for a company to achieve and
maintain a competitive position in the market. The customers use these factors to
differentiate and choose the solutions to their problems offered by different
manufacturers and/or sellers.
Many big companies are popular for nothing other than one or more brands and
products they offer to customers. A company can have several products under multiple
brands or multiple products under one brand. LG, for example, introduce cell phones,
washing machine, Micro wave, etc Brands take time to grow and become strong and
popular with the passage of time.
A brand is a difference between just a car and TOYOTA. A brand is what people feel
about a particular company and its products, services or ideas. Branding is about
emotions, and it is how customers feel about a company, it provides market authority
to companies. Brands are focused on a specific agenda; they stand for something. For
example, the brand slogan of Coca-Cola is “open happiness”. To simplify things further,
a brand is the image of a particular product that tells a story about the product. A
Brand is value addition to the base value of a product.
Factors contributing to build a brand:
Personality: It is essential to display the character of a brand.
Reliability: A brand needs to be trustworthy.
Presence: Branding is all about having a bold presence and visibility.
Consistency: No brand can survive without consistently engaging their customers.
Competitiveness: A brand should be able to provide competitive value.
A product is a physical goods, commodity, merchandise or deliverable. Goods, services,
ideas or anything that offers a solution to a problem are products.
Market value
Brands add value to a product. The whole Generic products have less face and
process of branding is about meaningful market value in comparison to branded
value addition. products.
Consumers’ expectations
Brands must meet higher consumer Generic products are relatively cheaper,
expectations. In general, brands are more with fewer users’ expectations.
expensive due to higher consumer
Emotional appeal
Brands have a magnetic effect in attracting Many good products fail to capture
customers. Brands can be status symbols consumers because of being anonymous.
for consumers. A product without a brand is unknown.
People trust brands, and a strong brand Consumers tend to trust anonymous
can sometimes cover up for a weak products less.
Market identity
Branding needs, methodologies, and branding challenges keep changing all the time,
as the market needs, consumer preferences, and definition of quality are continually
In today’s competitive marketing space, the pressure on branding to deliver short-term
financial gains tempts most organizational decision-makers to focus more on such
measurable tactics. Sometimes this means neglecting the objectives of building assets
like a brand.
With tight competition, brand building is never easy. The need for excellent ideas and
perfect execution is at a peak to bring a brand vision to life. What one think is good
may not be good enough to reap the best results.
Financial challenges
Another top branding challenges businesses face regarding branding is the funding it
needs to be successful. A sensible budget should be allocated to branding, along with
marketing, which is a significant consideration to make.
In fact, when business finances come into the picture, many fail to do budgeting
efficiently. The primary reason for it is the need for repayment of the debt, which
slowly builds up as a troublesome affair for entrepreneurs on the go. However, these
debts can be managed efficiently with budgeting and funding for the necessary needs
like marketing and branding if you are careful.
Brand building online is a more dynamic and complex arena when compared to
conventional brand-building channels. This need to be approached with a fresh
mindset, new initiatives and capabilities are required to succeed with an online
brand strategy.
Branding strategies help establish a brand and promote its product in the financial
marketplace which is based on choosing a suitable strategy for the brand’s growth and
the frequent updating of the strategy.
This long-term sustainable policy makes it possible for a company to add value to its
products and services. It is a collection of techniques that helps to create a unique
identity for an organization by maintaining brand character, quality and customer
It is essential that every company designs an exclusive strategic brand management
process. This is crucial in building a unique personality in the modern day business
world. Strategic brand management comprises of a few distinguished aspects such as;