NOC-Guidelines Applicant
NOC-Guidelines Applicant
NOC-Guidelines Applicant
STEP - 1
Goto : Click NOC
STEP - 2
STEP - 3
On submission as above, the system will provide you User ID & Password, please note it
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STEP - 4
STEP - 5
Use ID & Password as provided by the system along with the Captcha Code Click Sign In
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STEP - 6
For first time login change password of your own Click Change to continue
STEP - 7
Login again using your new password your dashboard will look like click on ‘New Application’
STEP - 8
Application Form is divided by 9 parts (Part A to Part I), fill up the form properly.
After completion, click ‘Save & Next’ at the bottom to proceed next (click on ‘+’ symbol at the extreme right of the
section) Part B and so on.
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**NB: The applicant will have to download the declaration format from the download section available
against the respective serial which needs to be sealed and signed by the appropriate authority of the school
and the PDF copy of the same will have to be uploaded again. The copy of Declaration Format will be as
per following:
(1) All the particulars furnished above are true and correct.
(2) I/ We undertake to abide by all rules, notifications, circulars and orders issued by the State
Government or of the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education, as the case may be, from time to time.
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STEP - 9
After furnishing all data as per prescribed format in all the sections following type of screen would appear in the
dashboard of the concerned applicant. There would be 4 icons (options) in the ‘Action’ column: View, Edit,
Download PDF and Send to DI for approval. If the application is sent to DI/S concerned, that would not in editable
mode. After verifying the complete data set, the applicant will have to send the application to the DI/S concerned by
clicking on respective button.
After sending the online application to the DI/S, the status would be reflected accordingly as reflected in the
following image. However, after processing at each level, the status would be reflected accordingly at the applicant
STEP - 10
After forwarding the online application to the DI/S concerned [for Primary School: DI/S (PE) and for Secondary
School: DI/S (SE)], hard copies of the same (along with all enclosures) need to be submitted at the respective DI/S
office. Office of the concerned DI/S would accept the same and give such input in the online system and a receipt
copy would be generated in this regard from DI/S login which need to be given to the concerned applicant. Sample
copy of such receipt would be as per following:
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STEP - 11
After receiving the application, concerned DI/S will verify the details and may return the online application with
specific reason or would fix the date of DLIT inspection. If returned back to the applicant level, that would be
available at the applicant login and if the DLIT inspection date is fixed by the DI/S, such date would also be available
at the applicant dashboard as depicted below:
STEP - 12
The status of the application would be updated in the dashboard of the applicant after processing at each level.
If the NOC cum Recognition Certificate is issued, that would also be available at the applicant login like the following.
The applicant may download the NOC cum Recognition Certificate by clicking on ‘View’ button.
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