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Day 2 Newsletter 2024

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2.0: 2024-25

Model United Nations
conferences help students
realise the power they have
over humanity’s future, their
responsibilities towards
communities and the problems
that plague our world. Amity
MUN helps students to excel in
the arts of leadership and
Dr. Amita Chauhan diplomacy.
Amity Group of Schools

I wish each and every student the

very best for the forthcoming MUN.
It is a wonderful platform where
you get to learn what all the
international policies are about. I
wish you all the very best. Learn
and improve upon your
communication skills. I urge you all
to participate to the best of your
Dr. Anshu Arora
MUN is a platform for students to hone
their public speaking skills, learn to
appreciate the rich culture, diversity and
economic interdependence among
countries. Dialogue and discussions help
them comprehend world issues with
logical reasoning anchored in reality.
Remember, the key to being the good
delegate is thorough research of the
issue you are debating on, in order to
put forth your views with confidence and
Mrs. Madhu Gulia conviction.

MUN is a platform given to students

to evolve as good orators and
debators. It helps them to increase
their knowledge of research and
enhance their skills of expression.
It's a beautiful experience for
students to create memories for life.
As they say that world is a small
family, MUN makes students work in
unison towards finding solutions to
world problems. I wish the students Mrs. Sangeeta Sethi
the best of luck and may the best COORDINATOR
speaker win.
MUN is an attempt to allow the
young learners to create an
amalgamation of agendas and
perfect the problem solving
aptitude. It’s a volatile,
unpredictable, competitive world
out there, so every step taken
towards learning is an effort
towards growth. MUN boosts
appreciation and social skills; the
best learning happens amongst
Mrs. Suchitra Duggal the peers, nurturing apathy and
MUN COORDINATOR empathy simultaneously. I wish a
bon voyage to all the young
MUNers who are ready to dive
deep into the ocean of learning!





Illustrations by : Ayesha Khan, Dishita Yadav


Human Rights Council

World Health Organisation

REPORTER : Fatimah Ahmed
ARTIST : Akshadha Gupta
The United Nations General Solutions Assembly. Instead of constant allegations and aggression as
one might expect from this esteemed committee, this year’s UNGA saw the most peaceful
proceedings and a plethora of solutions. And chits. The Executive Board had approximately two
bags full of sheets of paper at the end of the day (this reporter missed the chance to click a picture
of the same). Delegates soon realized that instead of asking POIs directly, they could have sent
numerous chits and made use of that fact ruthlessly.
The GSL saw lacklustre speeches, with one delegate being blessed with 0 POIs even after he
dedicated his time for those. Many of them lacked clarity regarding the time limits for their
speeches, which forced the EB to reiterate them. The committee gained some of its vigour during
the unmoderated caucus, and thereafter the moderated caucus was established: Impact on Global
Trade and Development after World War II. A total of 30 speakers were recognised, each eager to
enumerate the steps taken by their countries. The delegates soon came out of their shells and
began asking POIs directly; the delegate of East Germany posed a table-thumping POI, questioning
whether reducing trade taxes will aid in a country’s economic rebuilding. Each delegate put forth
their own takes on the solutions, punctuating them with allegations and POIs.
Day 2 saw a continuation of the GSLs and after an unmod, the alarm for crisis was sounded. Spain
and West Germany declared war on France, and I needn’t say further. We were three speeches in,
and already the words ‘apology’ and ‘nuclear bombs’ were heard. West Germany defended the
Nazi ideology, inviting surprised glances from the EB and press. One could nearly see the sparks
flying with the delegates’ wittiness and aggression in their deliveries.

ICONIC QUOTE: “Because of one man, the entire country is being punished. The Nazi ideology was not
wrong at all, and is being criminalised”, delegate of West Germany during his statement in the crisis.

DRAMA RATING : 8.5 -it’s my-personal-source/10

REPORTER : Reeva Rakshit
ARTIST : Ridhwan Gupta
Human rights Council is supposed to be a Committee passionate about the rights and well-being
of people, however we can call this year’s delegates an exception as even before the roll call was
taken, Peru had arrived into the Committee with a toy gun, waving it around only for it to be quickly
confiscated by the vice chair. Moving on with the session, everything took a quick 180⁰ as the
moderated caucuses commenced. Brutal POIs were thrown at other delegates left and right as the
rapporteur was overwhelmed with chits. Apart from all this, the Committee wasn’t all serious as
partially during the session many first time delegates were bombarded with chits and confusing
doubts without any warning. The entire aura of the committee had shifted as the secretary general
sat down next to the executive board. From then on, the committee had suddenly become one of
the most serious committees present as debates went back and forth between Myanmar, UK, USA,
China, Palestine and Russia. Safe to say, the expectations for day 2 were left extremely high at the
end of day 1.
As day 2 began, the chair was astonished by the amount of absentees, along with the bloc owners
being anticipated if their DRs would pass or not. Soon enough their worries were overtaken by the
sudden appraisal of the crisis. As debates got heated, the sudden need for history and foreign
policies was brought up by the delegates and EB. Nearing the end of the DRs, it is justified to state
that the sessions ended on a positive note from all the delegates and all look forward to a much
more heated MUN next year.
Iconic quote: China to Denmark, “Delegate your country is very teeny-weeny so your problems are not
relatable to China.”
Drama rating: 8 “delegates decorum!” out of 10.
REPORTER : Parmeshi Juneja
ARTIST : Akshra Rana
The committee started off with the delegate of France establishing the agenda and entering into a
GSL. The committee was slow to start with not the most impressive speeches, but soon flowered to
its true potential. A notable interaction that helped break the monotony was between the delegates
of Israel and Oman, where the former asked “If someone attacks your country, and declares war
would you not retaliate?” on a speech by the delegate of Oman, to which the latter replied
“Delegate, yes I would retaliate, but I would not bomb the whole nation.” which earned table-taps
of approval from the entire committee, even the EB. The delegate of Israel even got into a back and
forth with the Delegate of China, both earning table-taps on their questions and responses. The
delegates had fire in their eyes and tridents in their voices. The first day was left on a cliffhanger,
but come the second day, the momentum set on Day 1 had not been broken. The committee began
with a short-lived GSL, then moved into a blazing Mod Cauc, with the overall participation rounding
up to a 100%. Throughout the day, their laudable performance retained. The delegate of Japan, in a
question to the delegate of Iran said, “This picture shows a person beheaded by HAMAS just for
time pass” while showing pictures of proof of the atrocities committed in Iran, taking the
committee by surprise. As the committee sprung into crisis, the delegates adapted with ease, and
gave impressive defense statements. The delegate of China’s presentation made it seem like he
was actually representing his country. The onset of the crisis caused a ruckus in the entire
committee, with delegates arguing out of turn when the full-form of an organization caused heated
debate in the committee. Allegations flying here and there, but no solutions in sight. Throughout the
crisis, the committee did not once stop table-tapping and speaking with emergency. The
development in the crisis caused a commotion, while the delegate of Iraq started dancing out of
joy. He was quickly shut down by the EB who told him to “naach mat”. The committee truly proved to
be the most prestigious committee, with the delegates discussing, debating, and deliberating like
true UN delegates.
ICONIC MOMENT: “What? Mithai khani hai kya?” asked the vice chair to the committee, as Del of USA
takes out box of mithai and offers it to delegates.
DRAMA RATING: 10 fiery debates/10
REPORTER : Shriya Pasricha
ARTIST : Anwesha Gogoi
The walls of the committee resounded with the fervor of wholesome debates and appreciable
participation. For Day 1, the session commenced with a quick roll call. Subsequently, a motion was
raised to establish the GSL, where the Delegate of China enthralled the committee by delivering a
table-banging speech. The committee rolled out with a Moderated Caucus where the delegates
were left spellbound by the articulate answers the US gave to every POI raised against him. The
delegates presented plausible courses of action to utilizing technology in disrupting drug smuggling
in refugee camps. The vigorous table-slams kept the committee alive (indeed a wonder that the
furniture survived!)
The Day 2 kicked off with the Delegate of Russia giving the opening speech for the meticulously
planned crisis on the reappearance of Hitler’s bloodline. Passions flared, with the delegates of Syria,
Egypt, Pakistan and Germany, delivering contentious statements, leaving the EB awestruck. A fierce
squabble took place between the Delegates of Palestine and Israel, the committee was
reverberating with intense table-taps as the Delegate of Israel stated, “ If Palestine would attack us,
we will also beat them, not once, but twice.”
Throughout the session, the Delegate of Rwanda and Jamaica charmed the committee by adding a
comical flair to the otherwise serious discussions, whether it was through interrupting speeches or
passing lighthearted comments (and also being gagged out of the committee a couple of times)...
Wrapping up, the committee’s focus on addressing the plight of war refugees was notable all over,
and the enthusiasm carried by each delegate was truly commendable.

ICONIC QUOTE: “Peace is no word in the dictionary of Palestine…” – Delegate of Israel

DRAMA RATING : Nevertheless, the spotlight was stolen by a dead lizard behind the EB’s chair, so the
excellent committee deserves 9 dead lizard-s/10.
REPORTER : Anjini Sethi
ARTIST : Saanvi Mishra
United Nations Women, I fear, is not a committee for the weak. The committee's proceedings
commenced with a fervent exchange between the delegates of Afghanistan and Pakistan, where
accusations of duplicity and neglection reverberated throughout the chamber. The delegate of
Afghanistan, with unwavering resolve, castigated Pakistan for purportedly turning a blind eye to
the plight of Afghan refugees amidst the backdrop of conflict. 'How dare you speak of women's
safety,' she exclaimed, 'when your actions have caused untold suffering and displacement?'

While amidst the literal warzone the committee was, the delegate of Bangladesh nonchalantly
indulged in a meal within the committee room, seemingly oblivious to the gravity of the discussions
taking place around them. Upon witnessing this, the chair playfully threatened to jestfully smash
the delegates heads with the hammer given to her, adding a touch of whimsy to the proceedings.
Meanwhile, the rapporteur's emotions nearly overflowed upon glimpsing Bangladesh's typed chits.

The delegate of Ukraine consistently commanded attention, punctuating the proceedings with her
insightful POIs (which urged the others to cheekily request for answering via chits). Teaming up
with China, they orchestrated a masterful interrogation that left Russia scrambling for a coherent
response. "How can you, representing Russia, deny any responsibility for the worsening conditions
facing women?" they challenged, eliciting uproarious laughter from both the committee and the
Executive Board. The duo's witty banter injected a welcome dose of humour into the intense
deliberations, showcasing their adeptness at using diplomatic flair to drive their points home.

ICONIC QUOTE: “Hell is clean, and the spawns of Satan are here” - The delegate of Palestine to the
delegates of USA and Israel.
DRAMA RATING : 9 ‘devils’/10
REPORTER : Shriya Aggrawal
ARTIST : Siddhika Sharma
The G20: where the delegates truly showcased that G20 instead of “Group of Twenty”, should be
called "Group of Twenty (plus or minus a few who got lost on the way during the break)”. The
committee was set in the past, specifically 1962. The EB certainly chose an invigorating agenda, the
mouthful of a name of which I will not bore our readers with.
For Day 1, the GSL began with an unfortunately dry spell, as the delegates quickly realised that they
could give their excess time to each other instead of being answerable to POIs, and the EB stepped
in and quickly put a stop to the witty discovery of a loophole in the system. A highlight was
definitely the brilliant questions brought up by some delegates, surprising since the press has
never seen such a heated debate about the authenticity of a question before.
An intermission in the committee, however, was another journey. A second of the press’s attention
was diverted, and the next second, the delegate of the USSR was getting her revenge over the POI
asked by the delegate of Italy. Luckily for the delegates, the EB was out of the room and I ain’t no
The committee certainly had its ups and downs, and highs and lows. But the 20 minute un-Mod
caused an uproar in the committee which no one would have thought could happen. The energy that
the delegates expressed was on a new level, and I fear the committee heated up far beyond what
the a/cs could fix.
Iconic Quote: “Reporter jee, ye dekhiye”- Delegate of USSR to me during break while having the delegate
of Italy in a chokehold.
Drama Rating: 8 ‘chokehold-s’/10


REPORTER : Sristi Mitra
ARTIST : Ayesha Khan
Seated separate from thoughts yet united by the want to defeat their opponents, this committee
had a rocky start from the opposition as they struggled to utter any motions on the floor. They
were quick to come back on track however, after the entry of Tejasvi Yadav’s witty POIs, cornering
Narendra Modi, Nirmala Sitaraman, Amit Shah and Smriti Irani, questioning their integrity on the
“One Nation One Election policy and earning support from Rahul Gandhi. Narendra Modi took to
his defence a table banging comeback soon enough, pointing out precise allegations against
Congress. The fight for power slowly intensified as calling each other incompetent was the basis
of every following speech. Kejriwal made a statement by making bold claims as she climbed on a
chair to give her speech. But the ruling party did not wilt, as Amit Shah asserted himself initiating
a chain of chair climbing. Ironically, during an unmod, Rahul Gandhi seemed to be in favour of
friendship over dirty politics as he joyfully paraded around in a scarf embroidered with the vibrant
BJP logo. Narendra Modi highlighted the crisis on day 2, saying "Jaat pe na paat pe, Indira ji ki
baat pe, mohar lagegi hath pe, wo apni purkhon ki baat ko dharke laat pe, party leyaye FOOTPATH
pe" earning himself roars of table bangs and laughter. The most memorable moment in the crisis
would be when no confidence motion took place and following was Rahul Gandhi's iconic line,

ICONIC QUOTE: One of MANY, “Narendra Modi sau saal pehle paida hue hote to uss samye angrez hi
unse aazadi mang rahe hote” - Rahul Gandhi

DRAMA RATING : Anurag Thakur's unfortunate finding of his half broken chair earned its title to rate this
committee a well deserved 9.5/10.
REPORTER : Aanya Mathur
ARTIST : Priyanshi Bajpai

The committee initiated with the GSL, with delegate’s faces falling when they realized they couldn't
allocate surplus time to each other, but rather had to respond to POIs. Regrettably, they were
compelled to address the insightful questions raised by a few delegates. The delegate of China
emphasized on the provision of universal healthcare services throughout their country, Afghanistan
added that there should be a financial protection for the people. The delegate of India, as usual
with the “namaste delegates and the executive board”, gave an amazing solution of international
collaboration for addressing the challenges. Australia raised eyebrows by stating that Ukraine
deserves to be bombed, quickly back tracking to “bombing” the government instead, when
questioned about the lives of civilians. A few speeches later, a new motion was raised to establish
the un-Mod, and the committee experienced its share of fluctuations, with unexpected turbulence
arising during the 15-minute session. The EB questioned the delegates’ use of their laptops during
the un-Mod, but the mischievous one-liners by the delegates of India and Russia were quick to
lighten the atmosphere again. All in all, the delegates soon overcame the blandness with debate,
allegations and right to replies galore. A successful committee, happy delegates, and laughs all
around, WHO declared its closing with a bomb, much like the one Australia dropped on the
Government of Ukraine, “it’s not the people, I’m only bombing the government.”

ICONIC QUOTE: “If Ukraine had common sense they never would’ve gotten into this mess” – South Africa
“Meine toh yeh bola hi nahi” – Panama
DRAMA RATING : 8-namastes of India/10
REPORTER : Ishita Jain
ARTIST : Tisya Goyal
The committee opened with a certain effervescence, an atmosphere of enthusiasm, with a number
of delegates trying to raise the agenda (but failing). And after it was finally raised, moving on to the
GSL establishment (which they also failed to do in one go).
So… such was the beginning of the committee, what would one expect? But, that wasn’t the case.
The committee quickly bucked up and despite the initial hitches, really pulled through.
A constant stream of heated chits circulated throughout the room (Mostly by the passionate and
headstrong delegates hell-bent on clearing up their name but also a few other ones (I would tell but
then how would I maintain my image as a mysterious journalist)).
The Delegate of Real Madrid and Barcelona seemed to have a POI for every person with a particular
rivalry with the delegate of Manchester City, which the Delegate strongly reciprocated.
The second day began on a strong note with the introduction of a controversial crisis. Heated
arguments and drama ensued. With the smaller delegates trying to raise questions against our true
Delegate of Real Madrid, they were swiftly shunned, swamped by the chits sent by him (due to the
lack of time for any POIs). It was a nail-biting experience, sending you to the edge of the seats,
absolutely chained and hooked. It was only when the revelation came out, that we could breathe a
sigh of finality and relief. We also got a sneak-peek of a reminiscent piece of the practice session,
when the Delegate of Manchester City and Real Madrid (despite their rivalry), came to a decision by
a very “formal” and suspenseful match of rock-paper-scissors.
With passion and love for football oozing out of the committee with every speech, you just had to
witness it to know.

ICONIC QUOTE: There isn’t really a specific one, but every single one of the POIs, Points of Order and other
speeches by the Delegate of Real Madrid was worthy of receiving thunderous table bangs (which it did).
DRAMA RATING: 9.5 “football or soccer?” out of 10.


Illustration by : Tisya Goyal


Newsletter Graphics By : MOKSHITA GROVER

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