IngOrg 18
IngOrg 18
IngOrg 18
Module 1
Inorganic Chemistry - Part 18 - Triads 1
Conceptualized by ______________________
A. Iron
• Aka: _______ • Cast Iron aka _______- crude metal iron from
blast furnace (92-94%)
Present in proteins: • Cementite or White Cast Iron- solid solution
• Hemoglobin of hard, brittle iron carbide
• Transferrin • Gray Cast Iron aka __________; liquid iron is
• Ferritin run into sand molds and allowed to cool
• Cytochrome-oxidase enzyme • Wrought Iron- Product obtained by removing
most of the impurities from cast iron.
Enhance absorption of Iron: • Reduced Iron- made from ferric oxide with
• Vitamin C the addition of hydrogen
• Copper • Steel- Made up of Iron and _______
• Iron Pyrite: aka __________ is a native iron
• Most important element in engineering sulfide
• Iron is best absorbed in the __________. • Misch metal” is 70% _______ and 30% Iron
• Mucosal block postulation by Hahn is the best
known hypothesis of iron absorption. Identification Test:
1. Ferric salts
Use: _______ • Acid ferric salt solutions give a dark blue
precipitate with potassium ferrocyanide T.S.
ADR: Black stool • Excess NaOH T.S. produces a reddish brown
precipitate of ferric hydroxide.
• With ammonium thiocyanate (SCN) T.S. a
Deficiency: _______________ deep red color is formed.
Compounds of Iron
Compound Name Other Name Use
Most economical and most satisfactory form
1. Ferrous sulfate- FeSO4 __________ of iron preparation
S/E: Constipation
3. Ferrous fumarate-
___________________ • Hematinic _______ potent
• __________ pills
4. Ferrous carbonate-
• Ferruginous pills • Hematinic _______ potent
• Astringent
• Styptic
5. Ferric chloride ___________________
• Detection of tannin
• Treatment for poison ivy
6. Ferric ferrocyanide-
7. Ferrous ferricyanide-
9. Ferrous ammonium
___________________ • Used in analytical chemistry
4. Gray cast iron is also known as 10. Blood red colorization with SCN but a blue
precipitate with hexacyanoferrate(II):
A. graphite scales C. wrought iron
A. Ferrous salt C. Magnesium
B. graphite fines D. none of these
B. Ferric salt D.Cobalt
5. Solid solution of hard, brittle iron carbide when
molten iron is rapidly cooled: 11. The ion that gives a Turnbulls’ blue precipitate
A. Cementite C. A and B with potassium ferricyanide:
B. white cast iron D. gray cast iron A. Ferrous C. Cobalt
B. Ferric D. Nickel
6. Crude metal iron that is obtained from the blast
A. cast iron C. pig iron
12. The ion that produces an intense blue colored
B. wrought iron D. A and C solution with an excess ammonia and a reddish
brown precipitate with potassium ferrocyanide:
7. After oral administration, the greatest amount of
A. Cuprous C. Cadmium
iron absorption occurs in the:
B. Cupric D. Zinc
A. Duodenum
B. Stomach
C. Sigmoid portion of the large intestine
D. Ascending portion of the large intestine