Pyq Cost Accounting
Pyq Cost Accounting
Pyq Cost Accounting
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Unique Papcr Code 2241140r OC
I - Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.
5. Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi; but the same medium should be
used throughout the paper.
P. T, ()
265 r ,
(b1 D stinguish betu een:
( l0)
ia) ffiur drrda f arrra tsr6r fi qE-or or q+{ ffBqr
(D) ffia fi in-E:r-ar..6tBq:
, frrifra:itr $ffia arq-fr
i. tFnd drrrd 3it{ :rsfr drrrd
H iv a
Rc-qrlcr qurntily (ia fg) m,(m r5.m 20.(m
Dclivcry (il wcc*r)
Mbitrun 2 1 3
Ariarrga 3 s 4
Mulmrm a 6 ,
(a) c-S6 rrl $r tEr6{Er te E Hfiua drrm, cfi-{+dEr srrrd 3lk 3lti-
cftcdi,iq ama rr<t T! qftfirftd :
(b) GEE drf, 6-d qra M, N 3lt{ o t frfila rr+ r'flr{ tr cEE Sr rdn
f6r$ 6) FzRr: 10 ffi, 8 Frf,l 3lt{ e ffi M, N 3lk o 6} rrErzrstf,r
ttfr tt u $k tt *T ga: sriu H{ (t-3fi'+{ *ea) rmr, 15,9619 fu-rn 3lt{
10,000 B.rn t, ffiB. o s'r qrdq kr{ 2,500 grn tr GEEfi €rqrFr
rFnfir 300 t 50o lftc ?r.F Ercdrjr-cdr r6dr t d-{fr grafto dt+ra
rFlrq;r 400 qa-r6r 6fdr tl
ergrir 6lR(t:
2. (a) In a factory there are 5 machines. You are roquired to calculate machine hour rate
for one machine from the following data.
265 r
(a) Prepare Store Ledger using Weightod Average Mahod of valuing material issues from
the following details related to material "A":
3 Issued 1,500
7 1,600
Returned to lron
8 100
departrent from the issue of
l5 Received 2 6.50
26 Issued 2,100
27 7.50
Received 1,200
3l Issued 2,E00
Use rates up to two decimal places. What is the quantity aod value of the material
consumed in the month of March?
( l0)
(b) what do you undentand by labour turnover? Enumerate the causes of labour
P. T, O.
265 r 6
(a) srrrfr "a" $ d.ifud frsreafua E-e<srf t drfr f6n zrt qra +
4I rilft-d 3ltsd Efu +t isqIq $r*- elr ilsr tqr fIB(,:
3 artt
4 stqr
4,500 6.00
7ilt 1,500
g rfiIr(a FAem 6nn er* a]sr{fara ErcS 100
15 trrEr
2,4@ 5.50
26 afi
27 1,200 7.50
3t qft
Et qrrqa-{ ertd irfi fiidt 5r scqtrr f,rB(,r qr+ + rr6f} {
sciTfivet4) srIrr, fiI ,rn 3fr
{il sqr t?
(b) *{t -+rt)-ct t grc *rr sq-f,t t? {q 6Rl-{r{ fi 6rut 6l zrq-ar fiB(,r
3' (a) A product b completed in three consecutive pro€esses.
During a particular month the
input to hocess l of the basic raw material was 5,000
units at 2 per unit. other
information for the month was as foUows:
3. (a) liF TflrE oflklfi fid cfrrqBfi f Wr efar tt r,-+ ntc rfri fi akra qa
fi-€t qrfr ffiqr 1+ frq *.€EI qiI2 cfe (B-c q{ 5,669 1fi-e ul ar6
4t a;q arr+rt 5€ qi6r S:
ffiqrt cfiqr2 cfirqr
c-sfr a-d-{tr fi ffirra h sq tr 6-fi 3f{{trE t 32,m0 terq r++ * tt$ sRerfi sr
3iftfr Rnfi aff qlt cla;qrgre, srxrq erffi, :rffrarar 6rM rlt<:rgrqra arrr
lEri tqR 4lBqr
4 The financial books ofa company reveal the fo owing data for the year endcd on
March 3 1, 2017.
( l5)
265t l0
fufisr rFtttl
cRFr6 - *sR xm (87s l+.rsd 74,375
cansa ffifl
fi 295,000
s1qffHrql 18,000
(b) E-drq ffi6 t qwn gam $ snr arrra ffil + rgrn gart +I rm gv
$qrqrfr fff{ur q'ma
., 4tB('
(a) From the following dau, prepare a cost sheet for the year 201g.
Opening Stock of Raw Materials t3,00,000
Purchas€s t8,00,000
Closing Sock of Raw Materials t4,00,000
Caniage Outward t5O,000
Wages Direct {7,00,00O
Wages Indirect tl,00,000
Cbargcable Expenscs {2,00,0m
Rcnt and R tes: Factory <40,000
Office t5,000
Indirect Materials t15,000
Drawing Office Salaries { 10,000
Depreciation: Plant {5,000
Office Fumiture {1,000
Salary: Office t25,000
Salesmen {20,000
W.I.P.: l - l -20 t0 t20,000
P. T. O.
2651 t2
3l-12-2010 {t0,000
Sale of by Product ll0,00O
Other Frclory Expenses t57,000
Other Office Expenses {9,0O0
Managing Dircctor's Remuneration { 1,20,0,00
Other Sef,ing Expenses { 10,0O0
An Wort Charges a4O,O0O
Sock of Finished goods: l-l-2010 t10,000
3l-t2-2010 ts0,000
Traveling Expeos of Salesmen t I 1,000
Carriage Inward t10,000 :
Sales 130,0,000
Adv.arcc lncome Tax paid t I ,50,000
Adveitisqrcnt t20,000
M.D.'s remuneration to be allocated as (4{),000 to factory (20,000 to offrce and
{60,0O0 torales.
(b)Distinguish between time keeping and tine booking.
il-q {8,00,000
rnr{ qq ?,00,000
6rqlF{ t 5,0m
ffid r 20,m0
Fr*-q-4fr: 1-1-2OtO ?0,000
31-12-m10 {10,000
sq fi f6t
rf,rq (10,000
r* q;egX *o r 57,000' :
sa frfi'q qq {10,m0
31_12-N10 r50,000
R!f;I r30,00,000
gfiq:nc*'t t1,5(),0m ifi,r Trdrfr
kflrq-a r 20,0@
sr$ 6r crfrr{A-*. il{sri *. sc f t ao,ooo, +rqtrq t sc f a 2o,o0o 3ltr
Fifir *, sc tr ( 60,000 *.sq f rmik frqr anmt
5' (a) In a manufacturing company, overhead was recovered at predetermined rate ofRs 25
per man- day. The total factory expens€s incurred and
the man{a1a acnrally worked
265 t t1
were Rs 4l .50 hkhs and I .50 lakh days respecrively.Out of the 40,000 units produced
during a period, 30,000 were sold.
On analysing the reasons, it was found that 60% of the unabsorbed over-heads were
due to dcfoctive planning and the rest were attributable io increases in overhead costs.
How would unabsorbed overheads be treated in cost accoutrts?
(b) Varua Linited is running four buses between Delhi and Alwar, covering a distance of
100 KMs. Ite seating capacity of qach bus is l() passengen. The following
particulars are obtained.ftom its books for the month ofOctober 20O9:
Actual pasmgers carried were 75o/o of the seating capacity. All the buses ran for 30
days. Each bus made one round trip per day.
Find our the fare the company should charge per passenger KM if it wants a profit of
20% on tbc taking.
5. (a) ('fi Belur *rrfi tr, dlil{ts 2s rrt cfr EqfiH 6I $ Etrtfra ar w
rga fiFqt zrqr qTl arrqri +r Ta s+ rik qrsE * flq fts rrc xFFt-
Ea m!r, ,{1.50 Fnq $k t.SO drs frd q1| gq 3r<fr fi Etra rflIfra
40,000 55qqt * $ 30,000 ffi Gr
anuil rr E?ilqsr +rA q{, z16 qrqr rrqr B'60% 3rfr{r'ilfrd 3R{€
Ar'$ q}rdr t, 6rsr * rltr rlc ffis arrrfr tr 1E *, 6rur tt
(b) EdI Jt{ rtrcr *. drq 190 hfr 4r (t tt5fr (tt s,} a-q +..ri i;frrrewr
Rftr qrt {S varqar rfr tr c-S+. {€ fi td 6t trFdr 40
265 t t5
{s6r{ 5.10,400
(a) A truck starts with a load of l0 tonnes of goods from Porbandar. It unloads 4 tonnes at
station Ahmedabad aod rest goods at station Baroda. It reaches back directly to
Porbandar after getting reloaded with 8 tonnes of goods at Bamda. The distance
bctween Porbandar to Ahmedabad. Ahmdabad to Baroda and then from Baroda to
Porbandar are 40 kms, 60 hs and E0 kms respectively. Compute Absolute tonne
km and Commcrcial tonne-h.
(b) Explain how pu deal with the followhg iteoos in Cost Accountrng:
a. Irxt€rcst on capital
(c) Distinguish betrveen joint products and by-products with the help of suitable
P. T. O.
265 t l6
(c) =rga <r6{uf fi rcnra t sg+a 3-flrqt 3ltr T6-Tflrd t {fE 3iil
ws *tB('t