LZ:-T T T: ( (Od #Ffir
LZ:-T T T: ( (Od #Ffir
LZ:-T T T: ( (Od #Ffir
sR qd *
frq etqrfao G em-ertr qrdr qnEq oe{r $fi RfsI trr fuqftfud q s1a1 q,ltr< r
tand and Buildings 60,000 10. A, B, C, D were partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio
Debtors and creditors 30,000 40,000 ofthe
of3 : 3 : 2 : 2 respectively. Following is the Balance sheet
Purchases 2,35,000
6,900 3,65,000 firmon31.3.2010.
Sales return and sales
Discount on purchases 900 C, fi, fr oel S om d mq{: 3 :3:2:2 * orgwn
ilTr 6rRql
Fire Insurance Premium 2,800 i ,ffi gS Hr+qlr q I 31.3.2010 d q{ mr ftrgr FrlnRE( en t
tltillE FttiiE
They admitted Sandeep as partner for ofshare ofprofits Adjustrnents:
f (, Carry forward tlre following tmexpired arnounts
on the following terrns:
capital and < 15'000
(a) Fire Insurance ( 700'
0 Sandeep will bring Rs. 1,75,000 as
(b) Rates andtaxes ( 2,000
as share of
(c) APPrentice Premium ( 2,500
(i) Land and Building was to be revalued at < 3'00'000
(i) Wages include { 2,000 spent on installation ofa new I
furniture and
[ii) Depreciale plant and machinery @ 5% and i
(v) Provision for doubdrl debts was to be increasedto < 7'400' fixures @ 10%.
for doubtful
(v) Prepaid Insurance has not been shown in the Balance
sheet (iv) Make a provision of 5oZ on Sundry Debtors
(n) *t qs dk'E Tfr + qr4qn fr +oror < 7,400 6t RqI (iii) €rq flr{q: {irie c'?i qtffi l-t 5%, s-ft{t mn Rmd
mt l0o/o.
S < 2,200 {& Rerqr qqr t (iv) ffi {( (R'q xq * loc s% TiE-d dq ffii{ql
0 SE{ +qr fsE r
fi glffiq qfi
(vi) qrfr m rrtu 5fli nrffi anr tr+rt fr
qKftt irj eruno qq ( 400 €t( qq5t < 1500 cxm
frqr Tqr E
.inqrc+ q-ts qFFrqi dtrq flr X{teifi qlil, (m sra r
I 16
ftr {t 5{ * PEr tqn dfrc r t6 (ril m q( s% arft6 qrq fiFq
< q,ooo i-(Iq tu-{q fr< <
eqfl fr fl t ia ftt
unitJl({sr{-II) frfiq q{ qq fuclsttr( rys aq.fi i
rnt c"s affi snr trqI
s. (t) Wha is Reserve? What are the difference between
Provision qr Fe *+n frqr t
{qr fi-{ qr6 6r < 6,00,000
andReserves? 2+6
{qt q"s +'qfi <rsre sx
qtff'-6 <t fr fu t
R'd gqr Ftrqr I
rjqq qt B? q+sn d"lr €qq i
qr q<r t? 4% ofiqm qrt qr
qtffiIt t
"t* *
slqfi r
Difference between Income Expenditure Account and q sEF-d dFiq cs qra AqK
or1 q's sqfi m gmd t{qTqql
(ii) an<l
Receipts andPaYmentAccount' frHqt
gTrq-zaq qra f,qr Hk vi gr-dTq srA i flr cf,d{ to
in the books of the Head office
1 What joumal entnes are made
6. Sharma and Co. sent 200 computers on consignment
to Ansal
infro.ut" tir" tial balance of an independent
branch? U
I -
(dqg m sqrqR-(
and Co. @ (
24,000 per computer' The cost ofeach
qsr{ mrqfmq d gK-m { \rd ffilE{ efiqr +
was 20,000. Sharma and Co' incurred { 20'000
{ on freight
*l + mo w{e S m !fiFgqi m qrfi B?
10,000 on insurance' 4 computers were
destroyed in
{ unit-fiI({{rt-III)
transit and the insurance Co. accepted a claim of