Mobiledart Evolution (Mx8 Version) Type Aerodr: Service Manual

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Feb. 2020

Mobile X-Ray System

MobileDaRt Evolution
(MX8 Version)
Type AeroDR

Service Manual
Installation Section
This manual is for professional service personnel.
Do NOT use this manual unless you have received proper training.
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Revision History
Table 1

Revision Date Changes

First edition Dec. 2017 New
• Correction of erroneous description
• Supplement to various functions
A Feb. 2018
• Addition of "5.11 Changing the Grip Bar Height Kit", "5.
12 Protective Film Option", and "5.13 Decoration Label".
Modified the procedure in in "4.5 Checking Dose Area
B Mar. 2018
Product Calculation Unit".
• Added the description in 5.8 Installing the Second FPD
C Aug. 2018 • Modified the description in "5.11 Changing the Grip Bar
Height Kit".
• Modified "9.1 Error message list".
D Jun. 2019 Added the description of touch sensor function.
• Correction of erroneous description
E Jul. 2019 • Addition of 4.7.9 How to Attach Windows 7 License
• Corrected the text on the figure in "3.5.3 How to
Open/Close Side Cover".
• Modified the procedures in "5.3.4 Operation Check of
Dose Area Product Meter".
• Changed the DIP switches table in "LED POWER-20
F Oct. 2019 Board".
• Added "10.5.4 Adjustment of Click Feeling".
• Added "10.5.5 Adjustment of Tube Rotation Operating
• Correction of erroneous description
Modified by the following change.
G Dec.2019 • OS Updating (Windows10)
• New Access Point (Aruba AP-303)
• Added the XCONT-2018 board.
• Added the MUX CHARGE-32KX board.
H Feb. 2020 • Added a NOTE to "10.2 Batteries Replacement".
• Added a NOTE to "3.3 Removing Fixing bracket for
device shipment".

ã 2017-2020 Shimadzu Corporation. All rights reserved.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section i

Revision History

1 Introduction 1.1 Directions for using the unit ................................ 1

1.2 Document List ..................................................... 2

2 Outline 2.1 Conditions for Installation (Usage) ........................ 3

2.2 Conditions for Transportation and Storage ............ 4
2.3 Name of Each Part of the Unit ............................ 5
2.3.1 Appearance ...................................................... 5

2.3.2 Operating Section ............................................... 6

2.3.3 Power Plug and Main Circuit Breaker ......................... 6

2.4 Name and Layout of Each Circuit Board ............... 7
2.4.1 Right Side of Unit .............................................. 7
2.4.2 Left Side of Unit ................................................ 7

2.4.3 Rear Side of Unit ............................................... 8

2.4.4 Inside of Collimator ............................................. 8

Preparations for 9
3 Installation
3.1 Tools Required for Installation .............................

3.2 Unpacking ........................................................ 10

3.3 Removing Fixing bracket for device shipment ...... 12
3.4 Discharging the Internal Capacitor ...................... 16
3.5 How to Open/Close Covers ................................. 18
3.5.1 Name and Layout of the Covers ............................. 18

3.5.2 How to Open/Close Inside Cover ........................... 19

3.5.3 How to Open/Close Side Cover .............................. 19
3.5.4 How to Open/Close Top Cover .............................. 20
3.5.5 How to Open/Close Front Cover ............................. 22
3.5.6 How to Open/Close Front Rear Cover ....................... 22
3.5.7 How to Open/Close Front Cover ............................. 23
3.5.8 How to Open/Close the Arm Joint ........................... 24

ii MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section


3.6 Using DVD Drive ............................................... 25

4 Installation 4.1 Installation Procedures ....................................... 27

4.2 Checking Safety Function ................................... 28
4.3 Connection Change According to
Power-Supply Voltage ........................................ 29
4.4 Checking Performance of Each Part .................... 31
4.4.1 System Warm-Up .............................................. 31

4.4.2 Checking Tube Current ....................................... 33

4.4.3 Operation Check of Collimator Unit ......................... 33
4.4.4 Operation Check of Unit ..................................... 34
4.4.5 Checking Each Parts Operation and Lock Function .......... 35

4.5 Checking Dose Area Product Calculation Unit ...... 36

4.5.1 Adjustment of Dose Area Product Calculation Unit
Setting ......................................................... 36

4.5.2 Checking Dose Area Product Calculation Value ............. 36

4.6 Installing Wireless FPD ....................................... 39
4.6.1 Assembly of Access Point ..................................... 39

4.6.2 Installation Procedures for AeroDR Portable RF Unit 2 ...... 44

4.6.3 Check of bundled items ..................................... 45

4.6.4 Assembly of AeroDR Portable RF Unit 2 ................... 48

4.6.5 Installation of AeroDR Portable RF Unit 2 ................... 61
4.6.6 FPD Box for AeroDR 1012HQ ................................ 68
4.7 Setting for DR System ....................................... 69
4.7.1 BIOS Setting ................................................... 69

4.7.2 To Restore SSD Image ........................................ 70

4.7.3 How to Login to Windows ................................... 75

4.7.4 (Windows10 only) Windows License Agreement ............. 76

4.7.5 (Windows7 only) Windows License Agreement .............. 78

4.7.6 Monitor Calibration and Setting .............................. 85

4.7.7 Setting of Access Point (for Cisco) ........................... 88

4.7.8 Setting of Access Point (for Aruba) ........................ 124

4.7.9 Installation of CS-7 Software ............................... 142
4.7.10 Software Lock by McAfee Embedded Control(MEC) ... 208
4.8 Attaching Arm Cover ....................................... 208
MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section iii

4.9 Attaching Knob for Collimator Rotation-Lock ..... 211

4.10 Attaching Cushion for 14X17 FPD ..................... 212
4.11 Attaching Screw Cap ........................................ 213
4.12 Resetting All Parts Usage Information ............... 214
4.13 Charging Battery After Installation .................... 214
4.14 Assembler Test ................................................ 214
4.15 McAfee Embedded Control(MEC) .................. 215
4.15.1 Introduction .................................................. 215

4.15.2 Basic operation .............................................. 216

4.15.3 Update Procedure ........................................... 227
4.15.4 Emergency Operation ........................................ 229

4.15.5 Uninstallation of MEC ....................................... 230

4.16 Backup After Installation .................................. 231

Installing the 232

5 Options
5.1 Installing Wireless Hand Switch Option .............

5.1.1 Component of Wireless Hand Switch Option .............. 232

5.1.2 How to Check the Wireless Hand Switch Revision ........ 234
5.1.3 Parts Details of Wireless Hand Switch Option ............. 236
5.1.4 Mounting Wireless Hand Switch Option ................... 238
5.1.5 Setting Mode ................................................ 241

5.1.6 Operation Check ............................................ 251

5.1.7 How to Replace the Wireless Hand Switch Battery ........ 252
5.1.8 How to Delete Pairing Information for Wireless Hand
Switch ....................................................... 253
5.2 Installing the Folding-type Protective Screen
Option ............................................................ 255
5.2.1 Component of the Folding-type Protective Screen
Option ....................................................... 255
5.2.2 Installation of the Protective Screen Option ................ 255
5.2.3 Operation Check of the Folding-type protective screen
option ........................................................ 256

5.3 Installing Dose Area Product Meter VacuDAP

1580015 Option ............................................... 257
5.3.1 Component of Dose Area Product Meter Option .......... 257

5.3.2 Installing Dose Area Product Meter Option ................ 258

5.3.3 Setting of DIP Switch ....................................... 263

iv MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section


5.3.4 Operation Check of Dose Area Product Meter ............ 264

5.4 Keyless Entry ................................................... 265
5.4.1 Keyless entry configuration ................................. 265
5.4.2 Mount Keyless Entry Option ................................ 265
5.4.3 Setting of DIP switch ....................................... 270
5.5 Illuminated Hand Switch .................................. 271
5.5.1 Component of Illuminated Hand Switch ................... 271
5.5.2 Installing the Illuminated Hand Switch ..................... 271
5.6 Additional Hand Switch ................................... 273
5.6.1 Component of Additional Hand Switch .................... 273
5.6.2 IInstallation of Additional Hand Switch ..................... 273

5.7 Installing Wireless LAN Option .......................... 276

5.7.1 Component of the Wireless LAN Option ................... 276

5.7.2 Attaching USB Connector ................................... 276

5.7.3 Connecting Wireless LAN Adaptor and Installing
Software ..................................................... 277
5.8 External Monitor I/F Option .............................. 280
5.8.1 Component of External Monitor I/F Option ................ 280

5.8.2 Installing DVI Cable ASSY to FPD Box ..................... 281

5.8.3 Connection Settings ......................................... 283
5.8.4 Performance Check .......................................... 285

5.9 Barcode Reader Option .................................... 286

5.9.1 Component of Barcode Reader Option ..................... 286

5.9.2 Installation of Driver and Setting of CS-7 ................. 286

5.9.3 Barcode Reader USB Cable ................................. 288
5.9.4 Performance Check .......................................... 288

5.10 Wireless Barcode Reader Option ....................... 289

5.10.1 Component of Wireless Reader Option .................... 289
5.10.2 Installation of USB Dongle and Setting .................... 289
5.10.3 Wireless Barcode Reader Setting ............................ 292

5.10.4 Operation Check ............................................ 295

5.11 Changing the Grip Bar Height Kit .................... 296
5.11.1 Component of Changing the Grip Bar Height Kit ......... 296

5.11.2 Removing Normal Handle ................................... 296

5.11.3 Relocation of Grip ASSY .................................... 298

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section v


5.11.4 Mounting Handle Arm Unit to Mobile X-ray System ...... 302

5.11.5 Wiring ....................................................... 305

5.11.6 Performance Check and Attachment of Cover ............. 308

5.11.7 How to Adjust Holding Force of Handle ................... 311

5.11.8 Other Maintenance .......................................... 313

5.12 Protective Film Option ..................................... 314

5.12.1 Component of Protective Film Option ...................... 314

5.12.2 Installing Protective Film Option ............................ 314

5.13 Decoration Label ............................................. 316
5.13.1 Component of Decoration Label Option ................... 316
5.13.2 Attaching Decoration Label ................................. 317

[Appendix] DIP Switches and 320

6 Jumpers Setting on Each Board
6.1 XCONT-2008X Board/XCONT-2018 Board ............

6.2 XCONT-2008X Board Jumper Setting ................. 321

6.3 XCONT-2018 Board Jumper Setting ................... 321
6.4 INVERTER UNIT 32K Board ............................... 321
6.5 POWER-200D Board ......................................... 321
6.6 MU DRIVER 07 Board ....................................... 322
6.7 LED POWER-20 Board ...................................... 325
6.8 CL MEAS-17 Board ........................................... 325
6.9 MUX CHARGE-32KX Board ............................... 326

[Appendix] 327
7 Adjustment Mode
7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode .......................

7.1.1 Method 1 .................................................... 327

7.1.2 Method 2 .................................................... 328

7.2 Initialization of XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018

Board ............................................................. 331
7.2.1 Procedure of Initialization ................................... 331
7.3 Adjustment Mode List ...................................... 332
7.4 Adjustment of Tube Current ............................. 335
7.4.1 Tube Current Adjustment Mode ............................ 335

7.4.2 To Initialize FVR Values ..................................... 336

7.4.3 Others ....................................................... 336

vi MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section


7.4.4 Tube Current Two-point Adjustment Mode ................ 337

7.4.5 Tube Current Each Point Adjustment Mode ............... 339
7.5 Adjustment of Handle ...................................... 342
7.6 Adjustment of the Battery Voltage Detection
Circuit ............................................................. 345
7.7 Setting Date and Time ..................................... 347
7.8 Display and Reset of Error Log ......................... 349
7.8.1 To Check Error Log ......................................... 349

7.8.2 To Reset Error Log .......................................... 350

7.8.3 To Finish Error Log Display Mode .......................... 350

7.9 Displaying the Running Speed .......................... 351

7.10 Battery Voltage Drop Check Mode .................... 353
7.11 Battery Code Setting Mode .............................. 356
7.11.1 To Enter Battery Code Setting Mode ...................... 356
7.11.2 To Check Battery code ..................................... 356
7.11.3 To Change Battery Code ................................... 357
7.11.4 Setting of Battery Charge Restriction ....................... 357

7.11.5 Battery Data Setting for Battery Code E ................... 359

7.11.6 To Finish Battery Code Setting Mode ...................... 369

7.12 Dose Area Product Meter Adjustment Mode ..... 370

7.12.1 To Enter Dose Area Product Meter Adjustment Mode .... 370
7.12.2 Preparation for Calibration of Dose Area Product Meter ... 372

7.12.3 Calibration of Dose Area Product Meter ................... 372

7.12.4 To Finish Dose Area Product Meter Adjustment Mode .... 373

7.13 Battery Usage Setting Mode ............................. 374

7.13.1 To Enter Battery Usage Setting Mode ...................... 374

7.13.2 To Check Battery Usage Information ....................... 374

7.13.3 To Reset Battery Usage Information ........................ 375

7.13.4 To Finish Battery Usage Setting Mode ..................... 375

7.14 CPU Board Battery Usage Information Setting
Mode .............................................................. 376
7.14.1 To Enter CPU Board Battery Usage Information Setting ... 376
7.14.2 To Check CPU Board Battery Usage Information .......... 376
7.14.3 To Reset CPU Board Battery Usage Information ........... 376

7.14.4 To Finish CPU Board Battery Usage Information Setting ... 377

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section vii


7.15 Emergency Brake Release Battery Usage

Information Setting Mode ................................ 378
7.15.1 To Enter Emergency Brake Release Battery Usage
Information Setting Mode ................................... 378
7.15.2 To Check Emergency brake release battery usage
information .................................................. 378
7.15.3 To Reset Emergency Brake Release Battery Usage
Information .................................................. 378
7.15.4 To Finish Emergency Brake Release Battery Usage
Information Setting Mode ................................... 379

7.16 X-ray Tube Unit Usage Information Setting

Mode .............................................................. 380
7.16.1 To Enter X-ray Tube Unit Usage Information Setting
Mode ........................................................ 380
7.16.2 To Check X-ray Tube Unit Usage Information ............. 380

7.16.3 To Reset X-ray Tube Unit Usage Information .............. 381

7.16.4 To Finish X-ray Tube Unit Usage Information Setting
Mode ........................................................ 381
7.17 Motor Usage Information Setting Mode ............ 382
7.17.1 To Enter Motor Usage Information Setting Mode ......... 382
7.17.2 To Check Motor Usage Information ........................ 382

7.17.3 To Reset Motor Usage Information ......................... 382

7.17.4 To FinishX-ray Tube Unit Usage Information Setting
Mode ........................................................ 383
7.18 Arm Usage Information Setting Mode ............... 384
7.18.1 To Enter Arm Usage Information Setting Mode ........... 384
7.18.2 To Check Arm Usage Information .......................... 384

7.18.3 To Reset Arm Usage Information ........................... 385

7.18.4 To Change Encoder Usage Setting ......................... 385

7.18.5 To Finish Arm Usage Information Setting Mode ........... 385

7.19 Usage Information Collective Setting Mode ....... 386

7.19.1 To Enter Usage Information Collective Setting Mode ...... 386

7.19.2 To Reset Usage Information of All Components ........... 386

7.19.3 To Finish Usage Information Collective Setting Mode ..... 387

7.20 Dose Area Product Calculation Unit Setting
Mode .............................................................. 388
7.20.1 To Remove Collimator Cover ............................... 388
7.20.2 To Enter Dose Aarea Product Calculation Unit Setting
Mode ........................................................ 390
7.20.3 ON/OFF Setting of Dose Area Product Calculation Unit ... 391

viii MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section


7.20.4 Setting of Collimator Leaf Opening Amount ............... 391

7.20.5 To Adjust Whole Coefficient and Select Additional Filter
............................................................... 395
7.20.6 To Calibrate the Dose Area Product Calculation Unit ..... 395
7.20.7 Initial Screen of Dose Area Product Calculation Unit
(To Save Registered Information in Memory) .............. 398
7.21 DR Setting Mode ............................................. 399
7.21.1 To Enter DR Setting Mode ................................. 399
7.21.2 Setting of DR ................................................ 399

7.21.3 To Finish DR Setting Mode ................................. 402

7.22 Cord Reel Usage Information Setting Mode ....... 403

7.22.1 To Enter Cord Reel Usage Information Setting Mode ..... 403

7.22.2 To Check Cord Reel Usage Information .................... 403

7.22.3 To Reset Cord Reel Usage Information .................... 403

7.22.4 To Finish Cord Reel Usage Information Setting Mode .... 404
7.23 FSR Usage Information Setting Mode ................ 405
7.23.1 To Enter FSR Usage Information Setting Mode ............ 405

7.23.2 To Check FSR Usage Information ........................... 405

7.23.3 To Reset FSR Usage Information ........................... 406

7.23.4 To Finish FSR Usage Information Setting Mode ........... 406
7.24 Mechanical Performance Usage Information
Setting Mode .................................................. 407
7.24.1 To Enter Mechanical Performance Usage Information
Setting Mode ................................................ 407

7.24.2 To Check Mechanical Performance Usage Information .... 407

7.24.3 To Reset Mechanical Performance Usage Information ..... 408
7.24.4 To Finish Mechanical Performance Usage Information
Setting Mode ................................................ 408

[Appendix] 409
8 Adjusting Methods
8.1 Preparation .....................................................

8.2 Adjusting the battery-voltage detection circuit ... 411

8.2.1 Preparation ................................................... 411

8.2.2 Adjusting the positive-side of battery-voltage detection ... 411

8.2.3 Adjusting the negative-side of battery-voltage detection ... 412

8.2.4 Work after adjustment is confirmed ........................ 412

8.3 Adjusting MUX CHARGE-32K board ................... 413

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section ix


8.3.1 Preparation ................................................... 413

8.3.2 Adjusting the MUX CHARGE-32K board ................... 413

8.3.3 Procedures after the adjustment ............................ 414

8.4 Adjusting MUX CHARGE-32KX board ............... 415

8.4.1 Replacing the board ......................................... 415

8.5 Adjusting XCONT-2008X Board ......................... 415

8.5.1 Adjusting mAs circuit of XCONT-2008X board ............ 415
8.5.2 Adjusting inverter control circuit of XCONT-2008X
board ........................................................ 417
8.6 Adjusting XCONT-2018 Board .......................... 421
8.6.1 Adjusting mAs circuit of XCONT-2018 ..................... 421
8.6.2 Adjusting inverter control circuit of XCONT-2018 board ... 423

8.6.3 Adjusting inverter pulse width of XCONT-2018 board .... 425

8.7 Operation Check of Capacitor Charging ............ 428
8.7.1 Preparation ................................................... 428

8.7.2 Operation Check ............................................ 428

8.7.3 Procedure after adjustment ................................. 429
8.8 Checking the X-ray exposure ............................ 430
8.8.1 Preparation ................................................... 430

8.8.2 Performance check of READY operation ................... 430

8.8.3 Checking the waveform for tube voltage, and
adjustment of tube current ................................. 431

8.8.4 Fine adjustment of tube voltage waveform ................ 433

8.8.5 Procedure after adjustment ................................. 433

8.9 Checking battery charging ................................ 434
8.9.1 Preparation ................................................... 434

8.9.2 Procedure for checking the battery charge ................ 434

8.9.3 Procedure after the adjustment ............................. 435

8.10 Procedure after the adjustment ........................ 436

[Appendix] Error 437

9 Message List
9.1 Error message list ............................................

x MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section


[Appendix] Maintenance 449

10 and Inspection
10.1 Expendable Parts List .......................................

10.2 Batteries Replacement ...................................... 452

10.2.1 Precautions for batteries replacement ...................... 452
10.2.2 Procedure of the battery replacement (Battery ASSY
eject type) ................................................... 453
10.2.3 Procedure of the battery replacement (Battery ASSY
drawer type) ................................................. 457

10.3 Replacement of the Motor ............................... 462

10.3.1 Procedure of the Motor Replacement ...................... 462
10.4 CPU Backup Battery Replacement ..................... 466
10.4.1 CPU Backup Battery replacement ........................... 466

10.5 Maintenance of rotary X-ray tube section ......... 467

10.5.1 Greasing Part [A] of the X-ray tube section ............... 467

10.5.2 Greasing Part [B] of the X-ray tube section ............... 468
10.5.3 Greasing Part [C] of the X-ray tube section ............... 469

10.5.4 Adjustment of Click Feeling ................................ 471

10.5.5 Adjustment of Tube Rotation Operating Force ............. 475

10.6 Centering the Collimator and X-Ray Focus ......... 478

10.6.1 Discrepancy between the collimator illumination field
center and X-ray irradiation field center ................... 478
10.6.2 Discrepancy between the collimator illumination field
size and X-ray irradiation field size ......................... 480

10.7 Cleaning and disinfections ................................ 481

10.7.1 Cleaning and disinfections .................................. 481
10.7.2 Notes in the case of taking over, return of apparatus
etc. ........................................................... 482

10.8 Communication Between DR System and CS-7 ... 482

10.8.1 APR Number ................................................. 482

10.9 How to Perform Restoration from Recovery

DVD ............................................................... 483
10.9.1 Preparation ................................................... 483

10.9.2 Making Recovery Media ..................................... 484

10.9.3 Check of Recovery Media ................................... 492

10.9.4 How to Perform Recovery .................................. 498

10.10 Replacing the Emergency Brake Release
Battery ........................................................... 504
10.10.1 Replacing the Emergency Brake Release Battery ........... 504
10.11 Updating Software .......................................... 506

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section xi


10.12 PC Maintenance Function ................................. 512

10.12.1 Introduction .................................................. 512

10.12.2 Necessary tools and software ............................... 512

10.12.3 Serial cable connection ...................................... 513

10.12.4 Setup of Tera Term ......................................... 513

10.12.5 Backup of data (download) ................................. 517

10.12.6 Restoration of data (upload) ................................ 526

10.13 Connecting the XCONT-2018 board to the LAN

....................................................................... 536
10.14 Procedure for Changing to Long-Term
Exposure Mode ............................................... 540
10.14.1 Settings for CS-7 ............................................ 540

10.14.2 Setting for MobileDaRt Evolution ........................... 540

10.14.3 Return from DR Long-Term Exposure Mode to DR
Radiography Mode .......................................... 540
10.15 Touch Screen Monitor Calibration ..................... 542
10.15.1 Software Calibration ......................................... 542

10.15.2 Touch Screen Maintenance ................................. 543

[Appendix] 545
11 Exposure Conditions
11.1 Large Focus (at normal condition) ....................

11.2 Small Focus (at normal condition) ..................... 546

11.3 Large focus (at low level battery) ..................... 547
11.4 Small Focus (at low level battery) ..................... 548

[Appendix] Operation of 549

12 High-Voltage Cable
12.1 Spare parts for high-voltage cable ....................

12.1.1 Spare parts of the X-ray tube assembly side mini-plug ... 549
12.1.2 Spare parts of the high-voltage generator side plug ...... 549

12.2 Installation procedure of the high-voltage

generator side plug ......................................... 550
12.3 Installation procedure of the X-ray tube
assembly side mini-plug ................................... 551

xii MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

1 Introduction
Fully understand the contents of this Installation Manual before installing the unit.
Install the unit so that the system will be able to deliver its full performance and 1
In addition, read the Operation Manual and Service Manual thoroughly.
Also refer to CS-7 Service Manual for installing the DR System.

1.1 Directions for using the unit

Directions about safety are described in this Section. Read this before installing the unit.
The meanings of the following precaution and prohibition terms used in this manual are
defined as below:

Table 1-1

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not

avoided, could result in serious injury or possibly deated.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not

avoided, may result in minor to moderate injury or equipment
Emphasizes additional information that is provided to ensure
the proper use of this product.

In this system, large-capacity capacitors are connected to the battery.

Electrical charge remains in the capacitor even after turning OFF the key switch or the
main breaker. Be sure to discharge the capacitor when working on this system.
"3.4 Discharging the Internal Capacitor"

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 1

1 Introduction

1.2 Document List

If necessary, the following documents can be obtained. Contact the responsible service
department of Shimadzu Corporation.

Table 1-2

Document Document Number

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) M503-E068
Operation Manual
MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) M503-E387
Installation Manual
Reference Guide M503-E080
X-ray tube assembly Operation Manual M535-E318
MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 M503-4025
MobileDaRt Evolution(MX8 Version) M503-2070
CS-7 Operation Manual A47FBA01ENXX *
CS-7 User Tool Operation Manual A47FBA02ENXX *
CS-7 Installation/Service Manual A47FJA01ENXX *
CS-7 Installation/Service Manual for A47FJA02ENXX *
Service Tool/User Tool Screen
* XX : revision mark

2 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

2 Outline
This chapter describes the outline and features of the equipment.
Read this chapter before installing the system.

2.1 Conditions for Installation (Usage)

n Use environment

Atmosphere : No explosive or corrosive gases

Ambient temperature : 10 °C to 30 °C
Relative humidity : 35 % to 80 % (no dew condensation)
Atmospheric pressure : 800 hPa to 1060 hPa
Environment luminosity : 150 lx to 500 lx

The battery must be charged under the usage emvironment.

n Power supply

AC power
System : Single phase AC
Frequency : 50/60 Hz
Standard voltages : 100, 110, 120, 200, 220, 230, 240 V
Voltage variation range : ±10 % of standard voltages
Supply capacity : 1kVA
Supply Impedance : 100, 110, 120 V : 1.0 W or less
200, 220, 230, 240 V : 4.0 W or less

n Grounding

Ground Terminal : Max. ground resistance: 100 W

Additional Ground Terminal : Max. ground resistance: 100 W

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 3

2 Outline

2.2 Conditions for Transportation and Storage

This condition can be applied only for a packing state of transportation and

n Transportation and Storage environment

Ambient temperature : -20 °C to 50 °C

Relative humidity : 20 % to 90 % (no dew condensation)
Atmospheric pressure : 700 hPa to 1060 hPa

• In case the unit is kept in storage for a long time before its installation, it is
recommended to charge the battery within the following period in order to
keep the performance of the battery:
Storage temperature 40 °C: Once every 2 months
30 °C: Once every 4 months
25 °C: Once every 6 months
• When the unit is kept in storage for a long time until its installation, it is
recommended to travel the motor once every 3 month in order to keep the
performance of the motor.


Place the system in a well-ventilated area to charge the battery.

4 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

2.3 Name of Each Part of the Unit

2.3 Name of Each Part of the Unit

2.3.1 Appearance

Fig. 2-1

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 5

2 Outline

2.3.2 Operating Section

Fig. 2-2

2.3.3 Power Plug and Main Circuit Breaker

Fig. 2-3

6 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

2.4 Name and Layout of Each Circuit Board

2.4 Name and Layout of Each Circuit Board

2.4.1 Right Side of Unit

Fig. 2-4

2.4.2 Left Side of Unit

Fig. 2-5

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 7

2 Outline

2.4.3 Rear Side of Unit

Fig. 2-6

2.4.4 Inside of Collimator

Fig. 2-7

8 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

3 Preparations for Installation
Before installing the unit, thoroughly read this chapter and make necessary preparations.

3.1 Tools Required for Installation

When installing the unit, prepare the following tools:
• Screw drivers (cross slot and straight slot)
• Hexagon wrench: No. 2.5 to10 (mm)
• Nipper
• Pliers
• Tester
• Cable tie
• Grease
• Cutter
• Waste cloth
• Alligator clip
• Alcohol for cleaning
• Oscilloscope
• Hexagon socket head cap screwt M8x16: (Required when exchanging X-ray tube
• Pliers for FU Lock nut AW04: (Required when exchanging X-ray tube assembly)
• Spring gauge: (Required when adjusting X-ray tube assembly or adjustment of handle)
• USB port hub: 3 ports or more. Necessary to set up the DR system.
• Keyboard (USB type)
• Mouse (USB type)

• DVD Drive (USB type) *1

• Power cable for DVD Drive *1*2

• External hard disk drive (USB type) or USB flash drive

• PC (Windows7 or later, equipped with RS232C serial port. If RS-232C serial port is not
equipped, USB/RS232-C conversion cable should be separately prepared. For upgrading
the XCONT-2008X software.)
• Serial cable for RS-232C (9pin female - 9pin female, cross type. For upgrading the
XCONT-2008X software.)
• RJ45-DB cable
• LAN cable: (Required when adjusting XCONT-2018 board)
*1: Packaged with the equipment
*2: Used only if the DVD drive does not have USB bus power

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 9

3 Preparations for Installation

3.2 Unpacking

Table 3-1

Quantity Description
Main MobileDaRt Evolution 1
Components Arm cover 1 Screws are attached on the
tap hole on the arm.
Fuse,313.500P 1 Spare part
Fuse,313001P 1 Spare part
Fuse,313002P 1 Spare part
Fuse,313005P 1 Spare part
Fuse,3136.25 1 Spare part
Fuse,313004P 1 Spare part
Fuse,326010XP 1 Spare part
Fuse,660CF-10ULTC 1 Spare part
Fuse, FLM10 1 Spare part
Label, Input Voltage 1 Spare part
Cap 2 White. Spare part
Cap 2 Gray. Spare part
Cushion for 14X17 FPD 2
Recovery CD FD, MUX 1 Spare part
Collimator 1 Spare part
Rotation-Lock Knob
Reference Guide 1
Operation Guide 1
Connection Diagram 1
Attachment Document 1

10 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

3.2 Unpacking

Table 3-2

Options Wireless hand switch

Folding-type protective screen
Dose area product meter VacuDAP 1580015
Keyless entry
Luminous hand switch
Additional hand switch
Wireless LAN
Second FPD Kit
External monitor I/F
Barcode reader
Wireless barcode reader
Changing the grip bar height kit
Protective film
Decoration label

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 11

3 Preparations for Installation

3.3 Removing Fixing bracket for device shipment

Fig. 3-1

• The "Column Lift-Lock Pin, Bracket" and "Column Rotation-Lock Pin, Fixing
Plate" may not be available depending on the production period.
• Remove the collimator rotation-stop screws at checking movement of the
collimator unit.

12 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

3.3 Removing Fixing bracket for device shipment

1 Unscrew four screws as shown below, and remove the column-under cover.

Fig. 3-2

2 Remove the fixing plate for the column rotation-lock pin.

The "Column Rotation-Lock Pin, Fixing Plate" may not be available depending
on the production period.

Fig. 3-3

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 13

3 Preparations for Installation

3 Pull out the column rotation-lock pin to remove it.

The "Column Rotation-Lock Pin, Fixing Plate" may not be available depending
on the production period.

Fig. 3-4

4 Remove the column-lift lock brackets and pin.

Loosening of (a) bolts makes the pin removed easier.

The "Column Lift-Lock Pin, Bracket" may not be available depending on the
production period.

Fig. 3-5

14 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

3.3 Removing Fixing bracket for device shipment

5 Remove the arm fixing brackets and the board protection brackets

Fig. 3-6

6 Remove two PP-bands fastening the X-ray tube and the fixing bracket.

7 Turn ON the main breaker and key switch, and then move the device to place
where the X-ray radiography is permitted and the power outlet is available.

The main breaker is located at the front side of the system.

Fig. 3-7

• The wheel may be flattened due to leaving the unit in one place for a long
time. The wheel will return to its normal shape by driving the unit.
• Use the fixing brackets when transporting the unit by vehicle.
• Keep the fixing brackets for transportation without disposing.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 15

3 Preparations for Installation

3.4 Discharging the Internal Capacitor

In this system, large-capacity capacitors are connected to the battery.

Electrical charge remains in the capacitor even after turning OFF the key switch or the
main breaker.
Be sure to discharge the capacitor when working on this system.

1 Confirm that both the key switch and the main breaker are turned OFF.

2 Remove the right inside cover and the right-side cover.

"3.5 How to Open/Close Covers"

3 Confirm that the discharge switch is set to "NORMAL" (bottom side).

4 Disconnect the CN1/CN2 cable from the CN2 connector "NORMAL" on the MUX
CAPACITOR board and connect it to the CN1 connector "DISCHARGE".
If electrical charge is remaining in the capacitor, LED on the MUX CAPACITOR board will
be lit.

Fig. 3-8

16 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

3.4 Discharging the Internal Capacitor

5 Set the discharge switch to "DISCHARGE".

Discharge of the internal capacitor will start.

Fig. 3-9

6 Wait until the voltage of the capacitor drops below 1.0V. (May take 5 minutes
or more.)
The voltage of the capacitor can be measured between test points, CP1 and CP2, on the

7 After the capacitor is discharged, follow the procedures below to return the
system to normal operation status.

1 Confirm that both the key switch and the main breaker are turned OFF

2 Set the discharge switch to "NORMAL" (bottom side)

3 Reconnect the CN1/CN2 cable to the CN2 connector "NORMAL" on the MUX

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 17

3 Preparations for Installation

3.5 How to Open/Close Covers

Follow the instuction approptiate to each cover to open/close the cover.

Be sure to turn off the main breaker before opening the covers. There is a danger of
receiving electric shock.

3.5.1 Name and Layout of the Covers

Fig. 3-10 Name and layout of the covers

Do NOT pull the imaging unit or its cable when the cable is caught on something.
Otherwise, it may cause a damage to the equipment, malfunctions, fire, or electric shock.

18 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

3.5 How to Open/Close Covers

3.5.2 How to Open/Close Inside Cover

1 Unscrew two screws as shown in the figure below.

Fig. 3-11

2 Pull out the inside cover laterally to remove it.

3.5.3 How to Open/Close Side Cover

1 Remove the inside cover.

2 Unscrew screws as shown in the figure (a).

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 19

3 Preparations for Installation

3 Unscrew screws as shown in the figure (b), and remove the side cover.

Fig. 3-12

3.5.4 How to Open/Close Top Cover

1 Remove the inside cover and side cover.

2 Unscrew screws as shown in the figure (a), and open the FPD box.

3 Remove screw caps, and unscrew screws as shown in the figure (b).

4 Unscrew screws as shown in the figure (c).

5 Turn the arm lock release lever as shown in the figure (d) in counterclockwise
direction to remove it.

20 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

3.5 How to Open/Close Covers

6 Lift up the top cover to remove it.

The top cover and the main unit are connected with cables. Be careful when removing
the top cover.

Fig. 3-13

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 21

3 Preparations for Installation

3.5.5 How to Open/Close Front Cover

1 Unscrew ten screws as shown in the figure.

2 Remove the column-under cover and front rear cover, and then pull out the front
cover forward to remove it.

Fig. 3-14

3.5.6 How to Open/Close Front Rear Cover

1 Unscrew four screws as shown in the figure.

2 Remove the column-under cover, and remove the front rear-cover.

Fig. 3-15

22 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

3.5 How to Open/Close Covers

3.5.7 How to Open/Close Front Cover

1 Remove the inside cover, side cover, top cover, front cover, and front rear cover.

2 Loosen bolts for fixing the cable guide.

Fig. 3-16

3 Unscrew 4 screws as shown below and remove the cable cover.

The access point, the hand switch (if added), and the main unit are connected with
cables. Be careful when removing the front cover.

Fig. 3-17

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 23

3 Preparations for Installation

3.5.8 How to Open/Close the Arm Joint

1 Remove four hexagon socket head screw as shown in the figure.

2 Rotate the arm lock release lever in a counterclockwise to remove it.

3 Pull out the top plate and arm joint main cover.

Fig. 3-18

24 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

3.6 Using DVD Drive

3.6 Using DVD Drive

The setup of PC requires the DVD drive. Connect the DVD drive to the USB port on PC
or that on the external right-side of the mobile X-ray system.
To access the USB port on PC, remove the inside cover and both side covers, and open
the FPD box.
After use of DVD drive, close the FPD box and attach the removed covers again.
"3.5 How to Open/Close Covers"

Do NOT connect the DVD drive to the USB hub of the system or the USB port
on the left-side of the system. It may cause the power shortage and the system
may not work correctly.

If the power to the DVD drive is supplied from the AC adapter, or if the DVD drive is
connected to the installation USB hub with the power supplied from the external power
source, it can be connected to the USB hub of the system or the USB port on the left-side
of the system.
In this case, it is not needed to open the inside cover and both side covers, and remove
the FPD box.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 25

4 Installation
This Chapter describes the installation procedures for MobileDaRt Evolution.

In this system, large-capacity capacitors are connected to the battery.

Even after turning OFF the key switch or the main breaker, electrical charge remains in
the capacitor.
Be sure to discharge the capacitor when working on this system.

• When installing wireless FPD, wireless network environment of the customer’s

point of use needs to be checked before installation.
• Make recovery DVD if required. Refer to "10.9 How to Perform Restoration
from Recovery DVD" for procedures.

26 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.1 Installation Procedures

4.1 Installation Procedures

Install the system according to the flowchart below.

Table 4-1 Installation procedures

Stp Procedures
1 "4.1 Installation Procedures"
2 "4.2 Checking Safety Function"
3 "4.3 Connection Change According to Power-Supply Voltage"
4 "4.4 Checking Performance of Each Part"
5 "4.5 Checking Dose Area Product Calculation Unit"
6 "4.6 Installing Wireless FPD"
7 "4.7 Setting for DR System"
8 "4.8 Attaching Arm Cover"
9 "4.9 Attaching Knob for Collimator Rotation-Lock"
10 "4.10 Attaching Cushion for 14X17 FPD"
11 "4.11 Attaching Screw Cap" 4
12 "4.12 Resetting All Parts Usage Information"
13 "4.13 Charging Battery After Installation"
14 "4.14 Assembler Test"
15 "4.15 McAfee Embedded Control(MEC)"
16 "4.16 Backup After Installation"
17 Explanation of system operation to a customer
18 Clinical Application

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 27

4 Installation

4.2 Checking Safety Function

n Check the function of Key switch

1 Confirm that the key switch can be turned ON/OFF.

n Check the function of brake

1 Grip the brake release bar to see the brake can be released.

2 Release the brake bar to see that the brake is ON.

n Check the function of emergency brake release

1 Turn off the key switch.

2 Press the emergency stop switch.

3 Press the emergency brake release switch to release the brake.

n Check the function of emergency stop

1 Press the emergency stop switch.

2 It bans the running and x-ray radiography.

28 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.3 Connection Change According to Power-Supply Voltage

4.3 Connection Change According to Power-Supply Voltage

n Change the connection settings of P1, P2 connectors in the unit, according to the
electrical power requirements of the installation site.

1 Turn OFF the main circuit breaker.

"2.3 Name of Each Part of the Unit"

2 Open the right side cover.

"3.5 How to Open/Close Covers"

3 Change the connections based on "Table 4-2 Changing the connection according
to supply voltage".

Fig. 4-1

4 Stick the supply voltage indication label on the outlet of the power plug.
The label is included in the maintenance parts.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 29

4 Installation

5 Turn ON the main circuit breaker.

The connection settings must be changed according to the local mains electrical power
supply requirements. Attempting to charge the batteries with incorrectly set connections
may cause burnout or fire of electrical parts. The factory default settings are for an
electrical power supply of 100 VAC.

Table 4-2 Changing the connection according to supply voltage

Connector Connector
Supply voltage
P1 P2
240V±10% A0 A240
230V±10% A+10 A220
220V±10% A0 A220
200V±10% A0 A200
120V±10% A0 A120
110V±10% A+10 A100
100V±10% A0 A100

30 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.4 Checking Performance of Each Part

4.4 Checking Performance of Each Part

Make sure that the connections for the supply voltage matches the electrical power
requirements of the installation site before the performance check.

4.4.1 System Warm-Up

Perform the warm-up operations as shown in the following table. Take exposures with
different settings, in the correct order, from step 1 to step 13.
If the system behaves abnormally or becomes unstable, go back two steps and try again.
When measuring the voltage waveform, use an oscilloscope to measure CP9 TKV, tube
voltage feedback signals (1V = 20kV), on the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board.

1 Press and hold the cassette radiography switch for about 3 seconds.
The LED of the switch lights up, and the system enters the cassette radiography mode.

2 Press the key <0> until "tUbeUP" appears on the dose display.
The system enters the warm-up mode.

3 Specify the tube voltage and the number of times for Step 1 by using kV[+] and
kV[-], or mAs[+] and mAs[-]. The tube voltage should be 50kV, and the number
of times should be two, which is indicated as [n2].
• Tube voltage: The kV display
• The number of times: The mAs display (1 is indicated as [n1], and 2 as [n2]. If nothing
is set, it is indicated as [n-].)

4 According to the table of Warm-Up Steps below, perform each radiography for
Step 1 to Step 13.

5 After completing the radiography for all steps, turn the system power OFF.
Table 4-3 Warm-Up Steps

Tube voltage Tube current - time Number of Pause time

(kV) product (mAs) exposures (Sec.)
1 60 10 2 60
2 60 10 2 60
3 70 10 2 60
4 80 10 2 60
5 90 10 2 60

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 31

4 Installation

Tube voltage Tube current - time Number of Pause time

(kV) product (mAs) exposures (Sec.)
6 100 10 2 60
7 105 10 2 60
8 110 10 2 60
9 115 10 2 60
10 120 10 2 60
11 125 10 2 60
12 130 10 2 60
13 133 10 2 60

Fully close the collimator leaves and ensure adequate X-ray protection measures are used
before commencing the warm-up procedure.

The warm-up during the system installation should be performed according to the step
order in "Table 4-3 Warm-Up Steps".

32 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.4 Checking Performance of Each Part

4.4.2 Checking Tube Current

n Check the tube current with the following steps.

1 Enter the Adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

2 Enter the tube current two-point adjustment mode.

"7.4 Adjustment of Tube Current"

3 Check that tube current value displayed on panel is within the range below.
Adjust tube current when the tube current is not within the range.
"7.4 Adjustment of Tube Current"

Large focus
1 80kV, 50mA : 45 – 50 mA
2 80kV, 400mA : 370 – 400mA 4
Small focus
1 80kV, 50mA : 45 – 50 mA
2 80kV, 200mA : 185 – 200mA

4.4.3 Operation Check of Collimator Unit

n Make sure that the collimator is correctly mounted.

1 Loose the rotation-lock screw for the collimator.

2 Check that there is no large play on the rotation of the collimator.

n Check the light field

1 Turn the Irradiation field adjusting knob completely open.

2 Push the collimator lamp switch and confirm the light field.

3 Turn the Irradiation field adjusting knob completely close.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 33

4 Installation

4 Push the collimator lamp switch and confirm the light field is completely shaded.
Refer to "10.6 Centering the Collimator and X-Ray Focus" to adjust the centers of the X-ray
focus to the collimator's light focus.

Fig. 4-2 Name of parts of the collimator

4.4.4 Operation Check of Unit

n Check functions of the driving handle and the Inch-Mover Buttons. The Inch-Mover
Button is at the front of the collimator.

1 Turn on the key switch.

"2.3 Name of Each Part of the Unit")

2 Confirm the system runs forward when pushing the driving handle.

3 Confirm the system runs backward when pulling the driving handle.

4 Push the arm lock release switch and lift up the X-ray tube assembly.

5 Confirm the system moves to correct direction when pushing the Inch-Mover

34 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.4 Checking Performance of Each Part

6 Confirm the system stops by pushing the both Inch-Mover Buttons at the same

When the driving handle is operated, the Inch-Mover Buttons are disabled for
safety reasons.

Fig. 4-3 Inch-Mover Button

4.4.5 Checking Each Parts Operation and Lock Function

n Check the arm stretch, up/down and rotation.

1 Move the stretch, up/down and rotation of the arm with pressing the "Arm Lock
Release Button". Confirm whether there is neither abnormal noise nor stroke

2 Release the "Arm Lock Release Button" and confirm that the arm is locked.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 35

4 Installation

4.5 Checking Dose Area Product Calculation Unit

Check a calculated error of the dose area product before the operation check.
If the calculated error exceeds the error margin, make readjustment of the collimator
leaf opening amount and ckV.

4.5.1 Adjustment of Dose Area Product Calculation Unit Setting

Dose Area Product Calculation Unit has been adjusted without an additional filter at the
To use an additional filter, please adjust the coefficients of each filter.
"7.20 Dose Area Product Calculation Unit Setting Mode"

4.5.2 Checking Dose Area Product Calculation Value

After the adjustment of the dose are product calculation unit, check the calculated error
of the dose area product.
If the calculated error exceeds the error margin, make readjustment of the collimator
leaf opening amount and ckV.

n Setting of Dose Area Product Calculation Unit

Use the calibrated dose area product calculation unit to set the measurement system as
shown below.

Fig. 4-4 Measurement System

36 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.5 Checking Dose Area Product Calculation Unit

n Check of Measurement Value and Calculated Error

• 1Irradiation dose measurement value by the dosimeter

Write a measurement value [mGy] on the dosimeter to the table below.
If the dosimeter shows a value by mGy, convert the value into μGy by multiplying it
by 1000.
• 2Dose area product measurement value
Calculate a value from the following formula, and write it to the table below.
(2Dose area product measurement value) = (1Irradiation dose measurement value) ´
(irradiation field size)
• 3Dose area product calculation value
Write a value that is displayed on the control panel to the table below.
• 4Error
Calculate an error from the following formula, and write it to the table below.
(4Error) = ((3Dose area product calculation value) - (2Dose area product measurement
value)) / (2Dose area product measurement value) ´ 100

Table 4-4 When Additional Filter is not used.

Irradiation field
per 1 m of SID 0.04m2=0.2m×0.2m 0.16m2=0.4m×0.4m 4
Tube voltage [kV] 40 80 133 40 80 133
Tube current-time
10 10
product [mAs]
1Irradiation dose
value by the
dosimeter [μGy]
2 Dose area
value [μGym2]
3Dose area
calculation value
4Error [%]
Error margin [%] ±30 ±30

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 37

4 Installation

Table 4-5 When Additional Filter 1 is used.

Irradiation field
per 1 m of SID 0.04m2=0.2m×0.2m 0.16m2=0.4m×0.4m
Tube voltage [kV] 40 80 133 40 80 133
Tube current-time
10 10
product [mAs]
1Irradiation dose
value by the
dosimeter [μGy]
2 Dose area
value [μGym2]
3Dose area
calculation value
4Error [%]
Error margin [%] ±30 ±30

Table 4-6 When Additional Filter 2 is used.

Irradiation field
per 1 m of SID 0.04m2=0.2m×0.2m 0.16m2=0.4m×0.4m
Tube voltage [kV] 40 80 133 40 80 133
Tube current-time
10 10
product [mAs]
1Irradiation dose
value by the
dosimeter [μGy]
2 Dose area
value [μGym2]
3Dose area
calculation value
4Error [%]
Error margin [%] ±30 ±30

38 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.6 Installing Wireless FPD

4.6 Installing Wireless FPD

4.6.1 Assembly of Access Point

This system is not equipped with Access Point, which needs to be purchased
Manufacturer: Cisco System
• Model: AIR-SAP2602I-x-K9 (x is the regulatory domain number)
• Model: AIR-CAP1702I-x-K9 (x is the regulatory domain number)
If use AIR-CAP1702I-x-K8, prepare RJ45-DB9 cable.

Manufacturer: Aruba Networks

• Model: AP-303

n Installing Cisco Access Point

1 Set the Access point as below.

Fig. 4-5

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 39

4 Installation

2 Attach the fixing plate A and B as below. Fix the two plates together with 4
sems screws M4x6.

Fig. 4-6

3 Connect LAN cable and AC power cable to the Access point. These cable have
already wired in the system.

Fig. 4-7

40 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.6 Installing Wireless FPD

4 Change Access Point operation mode (AIR-CAP1702I-x-k9).

1 Connect RJ45-DB9 cable between PC and "CONSOLE" connector of Access Point.

2 Open the COM port of PC using the terminal software like "Tera Term".

3 Turn ON Access Point. It takes about three minutes.

4 Press <Enter> key to show the command prompt window.

5 Enter strings as shown below.

Password: Cisco
capwap ap autonomous

6 Select [Yes] for all questions.

7 Restart Access Point.

5 Fix the Access Point to the front cover.


Fig. 4-8

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 41

4 Installation

n Installing Aruba Access Point

1 Set the Access point as below.

Fig. 4-9

2 Attach the fixing clip and the bracket B while twisting as below.

Fig. 4-10

42 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.6 Installing Wireless FPD

3 Attach the bracket A with 2 sems screws M4x8 as below.

Fig. 4-11

4 Connect LAN cable and AC power cable to the Access point. These cable have
already wired in the system.

Fig. 4-12

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 43

4 Installation

5 Fix the Access Point to the front cover with the toothed washer M4 and the
hexagon socket button bolt M4x8.

Fig. 4-13

4.6.2 Installation Procedures for AeroDR Portable RF Unit 2

If AeroDR Potable RF Unit 2 is not mounted,

install AeroDR Potable RF Unit 2 according to the flowchart below.

Table 4-7


Installation Procedures for AeroDR Portable RF Unit 2

Check of bundled items

Assembly of AeroDR Portable RF Unit 2

Installation of AeroDR Portable RF Unit 2

FPD Box for AeroDR 1012HQ


44 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.6 Installing Wireless FPD

4.6.3 Check of bundled items

n Component of AeroDR portable RF unit 2

Open the device packaging and check the bundled items to confirm that there are no
scratches, cracks or other external damage.
The configuration of the AeroDR portable RF unit 2 is shown below.

Table 4-8

Item Parts Name Quantity

AeroDR I/F Cable2 AeroDR I/F Cable2 1
Bundled items list 1
AeroDR Portable RF Unit2 AeroDR Portable RF Unit2 1
LAN cable (*Not used) 1
Cable tie 3
Bushing SRB-R-1 1
Plug cushion rubbers 2
Bushing 1 4
Bush 1
Bundled items list 1
AeroDR Portable AC adapter AC adapter 1
Bundled items list 1
AeroDR Battery Charging KIT PSW board 1
FLED cable 1
Power cable 1
Cable bush 1
Cable tie 7
Small bind screws M3-5 4
Bundled items list 1

• Use the identification labels (seals) affixed on the packing box to perform the
activation of device registrations. Keep the packing box until installation has
been completed.
• Bundled items differ depending on the product or destination. For details, refer
to the bundled items list.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 45

4 Installation

Fig. 4-14 AeroDR I/F Cable2

Fig. 4-15 AeroDR Portable RF Unit 2

Fig. 4-16 AeroDR AC Adapter

46 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.6 Installing Wireless FPD

Fig. 4-17 AeroDR Battery Charging KIT

n Component of FPD Upgrade Kit KM

Use the FPD upgrade kit KM, install AeroDR portable RF unit 2.
Open the device packaging and check the bundled items to confirm that there are no
scratches, cracks or other external damage. 4
The component of the FPD Upgrade Kit KM is shown below.

Table 4-9

Parts Name Content Quantity

Plate for AeroDR portable RF unit
Socket for AeroDR I/F cable 2
Socket 1
CS-7 OS M430J Three DVD-media 1
DART KM USA Manual 1
Cushion15 Cushion for AeroDR 1012HQ 1
XRAY IF CABLE(KM) X-ray interlock cable 1
Cable, LD-CTT/BU1/RS LAN cable 2
Bolt, S Hole M4X8 ZN3W Bolt for fixed Socket 2
Seal,Hidden Link Seal 1

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 47

4 Installation

4.6.4 Assembly of AeroDR Portable RF Unit 2

n Removal of the cover assy.

1 Remove the screws (4).

Fig. 4-18

2 Remove the screws (3), and remove the cover assy.

Fig. 4-19

• When removing, pay attention to the FLED Assy cable.

• When attaching, exercise care not to pinch the cables.

48 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.6 Installing Wireless FPD

n Attachment of AeroDR I/F Cable2

1 Temporarily fix the cable bush, to AeroDR I/F Cable2.

Fig. 4-20

1 Attach the cable bush to the thinner part of AeroDR I/F Cable2 connector first,
and then move it to the cable side.

Fig. 4-21

2 Remove the screws (2), and detach the opening plate from the connector
mounting plate.

Fig. 4-22

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 49

4 Installation

3 Remove the screw (1), and remove the ground clamp from the ground mounting
plate of the base assy.

Fig. 4-23

4 Pass AeroDR I/F Cable2 through the outlet for I/F Cable2 of the connector
mounting plate.

Fig. 4-24

5 Attach the ground clamp to AeroDR I/F Cable2, and secure it to the ground
mounting plate using the screw (1).

Fig. 4-25

50 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.6 Installing Wireless FPD

6 Pass the binding bands (2) through the ground mounting plate and secure
AeroDR I/F Cable2.

Fig. 4-26

7 Pass the binding bands (2) through the grooves of the ground mounting plate
and secure them.

Fig. 4-27

8 Secure AeroDR I/F Cable2 to the connector mounting plate. Secure the cable bush
to the outlet for AeroDR I/F Cable2 of the connector mounting plate.

Fig. 4-28

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 51

4 Installation

n Addition of the PSW board

1 Attach PSW board to the base assy. Using the screws (4).

Fig. 4-29

1 Attach the PSW board so that CN1 on the PSW board is on the connector
mounting plate side.

Fig. 4-30

2 Press CN2 on the PSW board into the LAN port on the connector mounting plate
to attach the PSW board.

Fig. 4-31

52 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.6 Installing Wireless FPD

2 Connect the Ethernet cable connector of AeroDR I/F Cable2 to CN3 on the PSW

Fig. 4-32

3 Connect the power cable of AeroDR I/F Cable2 to CN5 on the PSW board.

Fig. 4-33

4 Connect the PSCN1 connector of power cable to CN1 on the PSW board.

Fig. 4-34

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 53

4 Installation

5 Connect the MCN4 connector of power cable to CN4 on the MPD Assy.

Fig. 4-35

6 Bind the MPD Power Cable and power cable together using the locking wire
saddle on the harness binding plate.

Fig. 4-36

7 Bind MPD Power Cable and power cable together using the binding bands.
Bind them together just above CN4 of the MPD Assy.

Fig. 4-37

54 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.6 Installing Wireless FPD

n Removal of the FLED Assy

1 Remove the U FLED cable from the binding band of the base assy.

Fig. 4-38

2 Disconnect the UCN12 connector of U FLED Cable from CN12 on the UEC board.

Fig. 4-39

3 Remove U FLED Cable from the binding bands (3) of the base assy.

Fig. 4-40

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 55

4 Installation

4 Remove the screws (2), and remove the FLED Assy.

Fig. 4-41

5 Disconnect the FLCN1 connector from CN1 on the FLED Assy.

• Do not disconnect the UCN12 connector of U FLED Cable from CN12 on the
UEC board.
• Do not remove U FLED Cable from the base assy. And cover assy.

Fig. 4-42

6 Pass the binding band through the mount base of the cover assy., and secure
the U FLED cable.

Fig. 4-43

56 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.6 Installing Wireless FPD

n Attachment of the FLED Assy

1 Connect the FLCN1 connector of FLED cable to CN1 on the FLED Assy.

Fig. 4-44

2 Attach the FLED Assy to the cover assy. using the screws (2).

Fig. 4-45

3 Pass the binding band through the mount base of the cover assy., and secure
FLED cable.

Fig. 4-46

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 57

4 Installation

4 Connect the PSCN4 connector of FLED cable to CN4 on the PSW board.

Fig. 4-47

5 Pass the binding band through the mount base of the base assy., and secure
FLED cable.
• Secure it approximately 60mm away from the edge of the connector.
• The FLED cable fixing position is specified to prevent the nameplate from coming in
contact with the board.

Fig. 4-48

58 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.6 Installing Wireless FPD

6 Pass a binding band through the mount base of the base assy, and secure the
nameplate of the FLED cable.
• Secure the nameplate to prevent it from coming in contact with the board.

Fig. 4-49

7 Attach the plug cushion rubbers (2) to the connector mounting plate.

Fig. 4-50

n Attachment of XRAY IF CABLE(KM)

1 Connect the UCN8 connector of XRAY IF CABLE(KM) to CN8 on the UEC board.

Fig. 4-51

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 59

4 Installation

2 Connect the UCN10 connector of XRAY IF CABLE(KM) to CN10 on the UEC board.

Fig. 4-52

3 Secure XRAY IF CABLE(KM) to the connector mounting plate.

• Temporarily fix the bushing to the front of the binding band.
• Secure the bushing to the outlet for X-ray linkage cable of the connector mounting

Fig. 4-53

4 Pass the binding band through the mount base of the harness binding plate, and

Fig. 4-54

60 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.6 Installing Wireless FPD

5 Attach the bush to the outlet for the hand switch cable of the connector
mounting plate.

Fig. 4-55

6 Attach the cover assy.

4.6.5 Installation of AeroDR Portable RF Unit 2 4

1 Turn OFF the key switch.

2 Turn OFF the main breaker.

3 Remove the inside cover and both side covers, and open FPD Box.
"3.5 How to Open/Close Covers"

4 Discharge the internal capacitor.

"3.4 Discharging the Internal Capacitor"

5 Remove four screws, and remove the plate.

Fig. 4-56

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 61

4 Installation

6 Remove the infrared unit, and attach a seal to hide "LINK".

Fig. 4-57

7 Remove the outlet and the hold bracket from the base plate of IF BOX ASSY,KM.

Fig. 4-58

8 Remove the adapter bracket from the base plate.

Fig. 4-59

62 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.6 Installing Wireless FPD

9 Fix the AC adapter to the adapter bracket, and attach the bracket to the base
plate again.

Fig. 4-60

10 Wire a cable of AeroDR portable RF unit 2.


Fig. 4-61

1 Connect LAN cable to the second top port on LAN HUB.

The connected position is recommended. Any LAN port can be used

for connection.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 63

4 Installation

Fig. 4-62

11 Attach AeroDR Portable RF Unit2 covered with the hold bracket to the base plate.

Fig. 4-63

12 Connect each LAN cable for Access point and for PC to the top port on LAN HUB.

The connected position is recommended. Any LAN port can be used for

Fig. 4-64

64 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.6 Installing Wireless FPD

13 Mount the base plate to the mobile X-ray system.

Fig. 4-65

14 Wire the XRAY IF cables.

Fig. 4-66

15 Wire the power cable of the outlet and fix it to the base plate.

Fig. 4-67

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 65

4 Installation

16 Connect each power cable for LAN HUB and for AeroDR Portable RF Unit2 to the

Fig. 4-68

17 Unscrew three fixing screws on SW BOX and one fixing screw on the back-side
cover, and pull out SW BOX upward.

Fig. 4-69

18 Pass the AeroDR I/F cable under SW BOX.

Fig. 4-70

66 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.6 Installing Wireless FPD

19 Pull out the AeroDR I/F cable about 45 cm length, and fix SW BOX.

Fig. 4-71

20 Fix the AeroDR I/F cable with a cable tie.

Fig. 4-72

21 Fix the connector holder to FPD BOX.

Fig. 4-73

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 67

4 Installation

4.6.6 FPD Box for AeroDR 1012HQ

When using AeroDR 1012HQ, attach the accessory cushion sheet to the left side inside
the slot.

Fig. 4-74

68 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

4.7 Setting for DR System

4.7.1 BIOS Setting

1 Turn ON the power to the computer, and press and hold <F2> key to enter the
BIOS setup screen. If you cannot enter BIOS mode, the message “Reboot and
Select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press
a key” appears. In this case, turn off the computer and try again.

Fig. 4-75

In the BIOS setup screen, use <↑>and <↓> keys to switch the selected item,
which will be highlighted. Select a desired item and press <Enter> key to show
the submenu. Specify a value by <↑>and <↓> keys, and press <Enter> key.

2 Select to open Boot tab, and specify the following setting.

“USB CD” : Boot Option #1
“SATA HDD” : Boot Option #2
“CFirst” : “!CFirst”
(If it exists)“Windows Boot Manager” : “!Windows Boot Manager”

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 69

4 Installation

3 Select to open Advanced tab, and specify the following settings.

“Processor Configuration”
├ “Execute Disable Bit” : Disabled
└ “Processor Power Management”
└ “Intel(R) SpeedStep(tm)” : Disabled
“ATA Configuration”
└ “ATA Mode” : AHCI
“System Configuration”
├ “UEFI Boot” : Disabled
└ “Processor Configuration”
├ “Active Processor Cores” : All
├ “Intel(R) HT Technology” : Enabled
├ “Flex Ratio Override” : Disabled
├ “Execute Disable Bit” : Disabled
├ “Intel(R) Virtualization Technology” : Enabled
└ “Intel(R) SpeedStep(tm)” : Disabled

4 Select to open Exit tab, and select “Exit Saving Changes” and press <Enter> key.
When the confirmation dialog appears, select “Yes” and press <Enter> key.

Fig. 4-76

4.7.2 To Restore SSD Image

Restore the master disk of CS-7. This operation requires the preparation of the following
• 565-14730 CS-7 OS M430J (Windows7 only)
• 565-14730-21 CS-7 OS MX8 WIN10 (Windows10 only)

1 Insert “GHOST BOOT DISK” into the drive, and turn the power ON.

70 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

2 When BIOS window shows a message as shown below, press any key to boot
Ghost program.

Fig. 4-77

Ghost should be booted within 5 seconds after the message is displayed.

Otherwise, Windows will be started from the hard drive. In this case, restart PC
and try again.

3 The window shows “Windows is loading files…”. Wait until the process is done.

Fig. 4-78

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 71

4 Installation

4 The About Symantec Ghost window is displayed. Click [OK].

Fig. 4-79

5 (Windows7) Eject “GHOST BOOT DISK” from the drive, and insert “565-14730 CS-7
OS M430J Vol.1” into it.
(Windows10) Eject “GHOST BOOT DISK” from the drive, and insert “565-14730-21
CS-7 OS MX8 WIN10 Vol.1” into it.

6 Select [Local] -> [Disk] -> [From Image] from the menu.

Fig. 4-80

72 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

7 Specify the storage source folder in the window below. Select a drive named
with “CD Rom/DVD drive” from the drive menu.

Fig. 4-81
Do not select “@CD-R1 MATSHITADVD-RAM UJ8A0AS DVD”, which is set as
default. Otherwise, the Ghost application will be shut down during data access.
In this case, try from the procedures from the beginning again.

8 (Windows7) Select “CDR00001.GHO”, and click [Open].

(Windows10) Select “Master.GHO”, and click [Open].

Fig. 4-82

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 73

4 Installation

9 Select the storage destination folder, and click [OK].

Fig. 4-83

If the system is connected to multiple HDDs, multiple drives are displayed in the
window. Select a drive appropriate to the system. If a wrong drive is selected,
all data stored in HDD will be erased.

10 The data amount is listed in the window. Click [OK].

The size of "New Size" is determined according to "Old Size".

Fig. 4-84

11 The confirmation dialog appears. Click [Yes] to start the restore processing.

Fig. 4-85

74 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

12 After about 20 minutes, the dialog requesting to insert the next media will
(Windows7) Insert “565-14730 CS-7 OS M430J Vol.2”, and click [OK].
(Windows10) Insert “565-14730-21 CS-7 OS MX8 WIN10 Vol.2”, and click [OK].

Fig. 4-86

13 When the restore process is done, the completion dialog appears. Eject media
from the drive and click [Reset Computer].

Fig. 4-87

4.7.3 How to Login to Windows

This section describes on how to log in as “konicaminolta” to Windows.

Table 4-10 (Reference) User account and password

User account Password

konicaminolta csx (all lowercase letters)

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 75

4 Installation

1 Input “csx (all lowercase letters)” in the Password field, and press <Enter> key.

Fig. 4-88

• When the dialog prompting you to restart PC, click [Restart Now].
• When the window requesting your Windows product key appears, click [Cancel]
and continue the operations.

4.7.4 (Windows10 only) Windows License Agreement

Perform the license agreement of Windows10.

1 Double-click "Open the license activation screen.bat" on the desktop.

2 Select your country from "Select your country or region", and click [Next].

Fig. 4-89

76 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

3 Call one of the numbers listed and follow the directions to get your ID.
Click [Enter confirmation ID] to move to the ID input screen.

Fig. 4-90 4

4 Enter your ID according to the instructions on the phone. When the input is
completed, click [Activate Windows].

Fig. 4-91

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 77

4 Installation

5 Activation is complete when the following screen appears. Click [Close].

Fig. 4-92

4.7.5 (Windows7 only) Windows License Agreement

Perform the license agreement of Windows7.

n How to Connect Internet

An environment where the internet can be used is required for the license agreement.
Create the environment connectable to the internet.

1 Right-click on Network to show the pop-up menu, and select [Properties].

Fig. 4-93

78 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

2 The Network and Sharing Center window is displayed. Click [Change adapter

Fig. 4-94

3 The Network Connections window is displayed. Right-click on Intel® Ethernet

Connection I217-LM to show the pop-up menu, and select [Properties].

Fig. 4-95

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 79

4 Installation

4 The Local Area Connection X Properties window is displayed. Select “Internet

Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPv4)” and click [Properties].

Fig. 4-96

80 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

5 The Internet Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPv4) Properties window is displayed. Select

“Use the following IP address” to input the information necessary for the
internet. And then, click [OK].

Fig. 4-97

6 Click the icon of Internet Explorer at the lower-left of the desktop. If the dialog
of “Set Up Windows Internet Explorer 8” appears, click [X] to close the dialog.

Fig. 4-98

7 Internet Explorer is displayed. Select [Internet Options] from the Tools menu.

Fig. 4-99

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 81

4 Installation

8 The Internet Options window is displayed. Select to open the Connections tab,
and click [LAN settings].

Fig. 4-100

9 The Local Area Network (LAN) Settings window is displayed. Set some
information in the Proxy server field. And then, click [OK].

Fig. 4-101

The internet connection becomes enabled.

82 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

n Windows License Agreement

1 Remove the top cover, and make a note of the product key printed on the
Windows license label, which is attached to the upper side of PC.

2 After the creation of internet connection environment, log off the computer.

3 Log in Windows as the user ID “konicaminolta” and password “csx” (all lowercase

4 The Windows Activation window is displayed. Select “Type your produce key”.


Fig. 4-102

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 83

4 Installation

5 Input the prepared product key, and click [Next].

Fig. 4-103

84 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

6 The verification process of the license agreement starts. Wait until the process
is done.

Fig. 4-104

The license agreement is verified by creating the internet connection

environment correctly. If an error occurs during the verification, check and retry
the creation of internet connection environment.

4.7.6 Monitor Calibration and Setting

Perform the calibration and setting of touch screen monitor.

1 Double-click DMT-DD shortcut on the desktop.

Fig. 4-105

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 85

4 Installation

2 Select the [Basic Setting] — [Hardware Settings] tab and click [Open].

Fig. 4-106

3 Hardware calibration is done automatically.

Fig. 4-107

86 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

4 The Touch Screen Properties window opens. Click [Basic Setting], and click
[9Point] in the Calibrate field.

Fig. 4-108

5 When the following screen appears, touch the target that appears on the screen.
By touching 9 targets, the calibration will be successful.

Fig. 4-109

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 87

4 Installation

4.7.7 Setting of Access Point (for Cisco)

Configure the setting of Cisco Airnet 2600.

Log in PC as the user ID “konicaminolta” and password “csx” (all lowercase letters).

Turn off Pop-up blocker in Internet Explorer before this setting.

The access point should be set as shown below.

• IP address :
• SSID : KMMG_AeroDR_1
• Pass Phrase : 165gf1JSsw90Gt4F9ODu96XztI89u93ftEfrzXwe19
• Frequency band : W52 (36ch)

n Network Address Setting

1 [Windows7] Select "Control Panel" in the "Start" menu.

[Windows10] Click the "Start" menu, and select "Control Panel" in the "Windows

Fig. 4-110

88 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

2 Click [View network status and tasks].

Fig. 4-111

3 The Network and Sharing Center is displayed. Click [Change adapter settings] in
the left side of the window. The Network Connections window is displayed. 4

Fig. 4-112

4 Right-click on the LAN device named with “Intel(R) I210 Gigabit Network...” to
show the pop-up menu, and select [Properties].

Fig. 4-113

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 89

4 Installation

5 The network properties window is displayed. Select “Internet Protocol Version

4(TCP/IPv4)” and click [Properties].

Fig. 4-114

6 The Internet Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPv4) Properties window is displayed.

Select “Use the following IP address”, and enter the following information.
• IP address :
• Subnet mask:
Default Gateway: (Leave blank.)

90 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

7 After setting, click [OK] to close the window.

Fig. 4-115

8 Click [OK] to close the network properties window.

9 Click [X] to close the Network Connections window.

The network address setting is now completed.

n To Register IP Address of Access Point

Register IP address for the access point.

1 Turn the power ON to PC.

2 Make sure the access point LED is turned on in green.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 91

4 Installation

3 Click C:\SMZTools\01_DHCP_Server.lnk to open the command prompt window.

IP address will be set automatically in the window. (It takes approximately 30

Fig. 4-116

4 Make sure the information of “…. renewed …” is displayed in

the window, click [x] to terminate OpenDHCPServer.

Fig. 4-117

92 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

5 Double-click C:\SMZTools\02_PingToAP.lnk to execute Ping for the access point.

Fig. 4-118

When the response above is returned, the setting of IP address is now completed.

n Confirmation of Access Point Firmware

1 Run Internet Explorer and enter “”.

The following dialog appears.

Fig. 4-119

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 93

4 Installation

2 Enter a password “Cisco (capitalize the first letter)”, and click [OK].

Fig. 4-120

During the setting of access point, the dialog requesting to enter a password
may appear periodically. In this case, enter a password “Cisco (capitalize the first
letter)” as with the step (2).

3 The window to set the access point opens. Click [SYSTEM SOFTWARE].

Fig. 4-121

94 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

4 Check the information of System Software Version, and go to the appropriate

step according to the displayed version.
• Earlier than 15.2(4)JB5: "Update of Access Point Firmware"
• 15.2(4)JB5 or 15.3(3)JA8 or 15.3(3)JD: "Initial Configuration of Access Point"
• Others: "Initial Configuration of Access Point (Manual Setting)"

Fig. 4-122

n Update of Access Point Firmware

1 Click C:\SMZTools\03_TFTP_Server.lnk to open the command prompt window.

Fig. 4-123

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 95

4 Installation

2 With the command prompt activated, click [SYSTEM SOFTWARE] -> [Software
Upgrade] in the access point setting window.

Fig. 4-124

3 Select to open the TFTP UPGRADE tab.

Fig. 4-125

4 Enter “” in the TFTP File Server field.

Fig. 4-126

96 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

5 Enter “ap3g2-k9w7-tar.152-4.JB5.tar” in the Upgrade System Software Tar File

field, and click [Upgrade].

Fig. 4-127

6 The system starts update process and shows the message “Please wait…” in the
dialog. This process takes 5 to 15 minutes. Do not operate other window during
the update.

Fig. 4-128

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 97

4 Installation

7 When the process is done, the completion dialog is displayed. Click [OK].

Fig. 4-129

8 Make sure System Software Version is “15.2(4)JB5”.

n Initial Configuration of Access Point

1 Click [SOFTWARE].

Fig. 4-130


Fig. 4-131

98 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

3 Click [Browse…] in the Load New Startup Configuration File field, and select an
appropriate file according to the firmware version to be used.
Both files are located in C:\SMZTools\OpenTFTPServer\tftp.
• 15.2(4)JB5 “15.2_AP_Setting_file_5GHz_W52(36ch).txt”
• 15.3(3)JA8 or 15.3(3)JD “15.3_AP_Setting_File_5GHz_W52(36ch).txt”

Fig. 4-132

4 After configuration, click [Load]

5 When the following warning dialog appears, click [OK].

Fig. 4-133

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 99

4 Installation

6 The count time until the system restarts is displayed in the pop-up dialog. When
the time shows “0”, the setting is completed. Click [X] to close the dialog.

Fig. 4-134

n Confirmation of Setting Information

1 In the access point setting window, click [HOME] to confirm the basic setting
• IP address :
• GigabitEthernet : Enable (with an upper arrow in green)
• Radio1-802 11N5GHz : Enable (with an upper arrow in green)

Fig. 4-135

100 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

2 Click “Radio1-802 11N5GHz”.Make sure Active Radio Channel is “5180 MHz

Channel 36”.

Fig. 4-136

3 Click [SECURITY].

Fig. 4-137

4 Make sure the following settings are made.

• SSID is set as “KMMG_AeroDR_1”.
• AES CCM is checked.

Fig. 4-138

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 101

4 Installation

n Initial Configuration of Access Point (Manual Setting)

If the version of access point firmware is neither 15.2 nor 15.3, or the setting in “Initial
Configuration of Access Point” cannot be done correctly, the manual setting of access
point is needed. Follow the procedure in each section below to make setting of access

1 Initialization of Access Point

Initialize the access point setting.

1 Turn OFF the access point.

2 Press and hold MODE button of the access point, then turn ON the access point.

3 The LED lights in orange then green, and then blinks in orange. When the LED
starts blinking in orange, release MODE button.

4 Wait for 1 minute until LED light of the access point turns in green. The
initialization of setting is now completed.

2 Initial Assignment of IP Address

Register IP address for the access point by following the instructions in “To Register IP
Address of Access Point”.

102 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

3 Access Point Setting

Connect access point from Internet Explorer to set the access point.

1 Run Internet Explorer and enter

If the following dialog appears, leave the User name field blank and input
“Cisco” in the Password field, then click [OK] to continue the access.

Fig. 4-139
If a predetermined time has passed during each setting, the dialog asking for the
password appears. In this case, enter the password and try the setting again from the
To switch each setting, select HOME to return to the start menu window, and select the
specified menu according to the instruction. If the wrong menu is selected, a new window
or tab may be displayed. In this case, close that new window (tab) and back to HOME,
then try selecting again.
If the screen behavior becomes abnormal during each setting, exit and restart Internet
Explorer, and try the access again.
The subsequent settings are described on the assumption that the connection to access
point has been completed.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 103

4 Installation

3.1 Static IP Address Setting

Register IP address for the access point to the fixed IP address (

1 Select HOME in the access point setting window to return to the start menu.

Fig. 4-140

2 Select NETWORK to switch the left side menu.

Fig. 4-141

3 Click the triangle mark of NETWORK INTERFACE to expand the detailed menu.
And click IP Address to show the IP address setting window.

Fig. 4-142

104 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

4 Make each setting as shown below. In this step, only items to be changed from
the default value are described.
• In the Network Interfaces: IP Address field

Table 4-11

Item Setting Value

Configuration Server Protocol Select “Static IP”.

• In the Network Interfaces: IPV6 Address field

Table 4-12

Item Setting Value

IPv6 Select “Disable”.

Fig. 4-143

5 After the setting, click [Apply].

If the following confirmation dialog appears, click [OK].

Fig. 4-144

6 To confirm the setting items are saved, select HOME, and try the step 2 and 3
again. And make sure the setting values are correct.

7 The Static IP Address setting is now completed.

Select HOME to return to the start menu window.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 105

4 Installation

3.2 RADIO(5GHz) Setting

Enable 5GHz WiFi. (The setting has been initialized to “Disable”.)
This section describes on how to set 5GHz radio channel as default.
If necessary, change the value of frequency band and channel according to the facility
environmental conditions in the step 3 and 5.

1 Select HOME in the access point setting window to return to the start menu.

Fig. 4-145

2 Select NETWORK to switch the left side menu.

Fig. 4-146

106 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

3 Click the triangle mark of NETWORK INTERFACE to expand the detailed menu.
And click Radio1-802.11n 5GHz to show the 5GHz radio channel setting window.

Fig. 4-147

If 2.4GHz band is set according to the facility environmental conditions, select Radio0-802.
11n 2.4GHz after understanding the following notes.
• 2.4GHz band is limited in type of FPD combined. Make sure FPD to be used is
compatible with 2.4GHz band. 4
• The frequency band should be selected only either 5GHz or 2.4GHz, and another should
be set to “Disable”.

4 Select to open Settings tab in the window.

Fig. 4-148

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 107

4 Installation

5 Make settings as shown below.

Table 4-13

Item Setting Value

Enable Radio Select “Enable”.
Select “Channel 36‐5180 MHz”.
If necessary to select other channel according
Least Congested Channel Search
to the facility environmental conditions,
select an appropriate one.
Airnet Extensions Select “Disable”.

Fig. 4-149

6 After the setting, click [Apply].

When the confirmation dialog appears, click [OK].

7 To confirm the setting items are saved, select HOME, and try the step 2, 3, and
4 again. And make sure the default values are changed as being set.

The value of “Least Congested Channel Search” cannot be seen in this

confirmation. This setting will be checked later.

8 The setting of 5GHz radio channel is now completed. Select HOME to return to
the start menu.

108 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

3.3 SECURITY (encryption) Setting

This section describes on how to set the encryption in communication.

1 Select HOME in the access point setting window to return to the start menu.

Fig. 4-150

2 Select SECURTY to switch the left side menu.

Fig. 4-151

3 Select “Encryption Manager” to switch the setting window. And select to open
RADIO1-802.11N5GHz tab.
To set 2.4GHz band according to the facility environmental conditions, select
RADIO0-802.11N2.4GHz tab.

Fig. 4-152

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 109

4 Installation

4 Make settings as shown below.

Table 4-14

Item Setting Value

Select “Cipher”, and select “AEC CCMP” from
Encryption Mode
the pull-down menu.

Fig. 4-153

5 Click [Apply-Radio1] in the lower-right of the window to save the setting. When
the confirmation dialog appears, click [OK].

6 To confirm the setting items are saved, select HOME, and try the step 2 and 3
again. And make sure the default value is changed as being set.

7 The setting of SECURITY (encryption) is now completed. Select HOME to return

to the start menu.

110 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

3.4 Setting of SECURITY (SSID)

Make settings of SSID as shown below.

Table 4-15

Item Setting Value

Authentication type WPA2-PSK
SSID broadcast Enable

The information about SSID and passphrase is recorded in C:\SMZTools\APConfig

\WiFiText.txt. To change a value of SSID and passphrase, open this file in Notepad, and
copy the appropriate value from Notepad.
This section describes on how to set SSID as default.
If necessary, change the value of SSID and passphrase according to the facility
environmental conditions.
Moreover, if multiple CS-7 systems (including devices other than MX7) are installed, SSID
must be changed for every system.
1 Select HOME in the access point setting window to return to the start menu.

Fig. 4-154

2 Select SECURTY to switch the left side menu.

Fig. 4-155

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 111

4 Installation

3 Select “SSID Manager” to switch the setting window.

Fig. 4-156

4 Make settings in SSID Properties as shown below.

Table 4-16

Item Setting Value

Current SSID List Select <NEW> (for new registration).
Enter “KMMG_AeroDR_1”.
SSID Or enter a different SSID according to the
facility environmental conditions if necessary.
Radio0-802.11N2.4GHz: Uncheck
Radio1-802.11N5GHz: Check
If 2.4GHz is set according to the facility
environmental conditions, set as follows:
Radio0-802.11N2.4GHz: Check
Radio1-802.11N5GHz: Uncheck
Client Authenticated Key Management category
Key Management Select “Mandatory”.
Check the checkbox, and select “WPAv2” for
Enable WPA
WPA mode.
Enter a passphrase below;
WPA Pre-Shared Key
Or enter a different passphrase according to
the facility environmental conditions if

112 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

Fig. 4-157

5 After the setting, scroll down the window and click [Apply] located at the second
lowest. (There are two [Apply] buttons in this window.)
When the confirmation dialog appears, click [OK].

Fig. 4-158

6 Make setting in the Guest Mode/Infrastructure SSID Settings category as shown

Table 4-17

Item Setting Value

Select SSID being set in the step 4.
If 2.4GHz band is set according to the facility
Set Single Guest Mode SSID on
environmental conditions, select the desired
SSID in Radio0-802.11N2.4GHz, and select
“NONE” in Radio1-802.11N5GHz.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 113

4 Installation

Fig. 4-159

7 After the setting, click [Apply] in the Guest Mode/Infrastructure SSID Settings
category. (The button is located in the lowest.) When the confirmation dialog
appears, click [OK].

8 To confirm the setting items are saved, select HOME, and try the step 2, and 3
again to show the SSID Manager setting window.

9 Make sure the registered SSID is added in Current SSID List of SSID Properties,
and select this SSID. Each setting value is changed as being set for the selected
SSID. Make sure all values are defined as being set in the step 4.

Fig. 4-160

10 Scroll down the window and make sure the value in Guest Mode/Infrastructure
SSID Settings is defined as being set in the step 6.

11 The setting of SECURITY (SSID) is now completed. Select HOME to return to the
start menu.

114 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

3.5 Additional Confirmation of RADIO (5GHz)

This section describes on how to make confirmation of selected 5GHz radio channel.

1 Select HOME in the access point setting window to return to the start menu.

Fig. 4-161

2 Select NETWORK to switch the left side menu.

Fig. 4-162

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 115

4 Installation

3 Click the triangle mark of NETWORK INTERFACE to expand the detailed menu.
And click Radio1-802.11n 5GHz to show the 5GHz radio channel setting window.

Fig. 4-163

If 2.4GHz band is set according to the facility environmental conditions, select Radio0-802.
11n 2.4GHz.

4 This setting window shows the currently-registered information.

Make sure the 5GHz radio channel is displayed as being selected in Configured
Radio Channel and Active Radio Channel.

Fig. 4-164

Although the value of Transmitter Power is displayed as “error”, it is OK.

116 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

3.6 Additional Setting for WiFi (Disabling AMSDU)

This section describes on how to set the additional condition about WiFi (disabling
AMSDU). This setting cannot be made in the normal settings. Download the completed
setting information in a Text format and modify the setting, and then upload the file.

1 Select HOME in the access point setting window to return to the start menu.

Fig. 4-165

2 Select SOFTWARE to switch the left side menu.


Fig. 4-166

3 Select “System configuration” to switch the setting window.

Fig. 4-167

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 117

4 Installation

4 Click “config.txt” of “Current Startup Configuration File:” to open the current

configuration file.

Fig. 4-168

5 Point the cursor on the text area, and right-click to show the context menu. And
click “Select all” to select the whole text.

Fig. 4-169

6 Right-click on the selected area again to show the context menu, and click

Fig. 4-170

7 Open the Windows Start menu, and select [All Programs] - [Accessories] -
[Notepad] to run Notepad.

118 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

8 Select [Edit] - [Paste] to paste the copied text in Notepad.

Fig. 4-171

9 Select [File] - [Save As] to save the configuration file. Specify a destination to
Documents folder, and save the file as “Config.txt”.

Fig. 4-172

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 119

4 Installation

10 Search the file for “interface Dot11Radio1” then “stbc”. When both strings are
encountered, add “no amsdu transmit priority 0” below the line of text “stbc”.
To add a new text, copy it from the following file.
• C:\SMZTools\APConfig\WiFiText.txt
If 2.4GHz is set according to the facility environmental conditions, search for “interface
Dot11Radio0” (a different number is used at the end of the string).

Fig. 4-173

11 Select [File] - [Save As] to save a new file. Specify a destination to Documents
folder, and save the file as “Config_New.txt”.
After save, exit the text file.

Fig. 4-174

120 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

12 Select HOME, and try the step 2, and 3 again to show the System configuration
setting window.

13 Click [Browse…] of “Load New Startup Configuration File”.

Fig. 4-175

14 The Choose File to Upload dialog appears. Select the edited file (Config_New.txt)
and click [Open].

Fig. 4-176

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 121

4 Installation

15 Click [Load] of “Load New Startup Configuration File” in the window.

Fig. 4-177

When the warning dialog appears, click [OK].

Fig. 4-178

16 The popup dialog with the countdown appears. During the countdown, the
selected configuration file is loaded and the access point is restarted
When the count reaches zero “0”, the loading is started again. Wait until the process is

Fig. 4-179

17 To confirm the settings, select HOME, and try the step 2, and 3 again to show
the System configuration setting window.

122 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

18 Click “Show tech-support” of “Technical Support Information” to show the

current setting and behavior.}

Fig. 4-180

19 Scroll down the window to find a string “show running-config”. The loaded
setting information is displayed below this string.

Fig. 4-181

20 Search the text below “show running-config” for “interface Dot11Radio1”,

and make sure “no amsdu transmit priority 0” exists below “interface
Dot11Radio1”. (If not found, the edited contents in configuration file is incorrect.)

Fig. 4-182

21 If 2.4GHz band is set according to the facility environmental conditions, search

for “interface Dot11Radio0”.
The WiFi additional setting is now completed. Select HOME to return to the start

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 123

4 Installation

4.7.8 Setting of Access Point (for Aruba)

Configure the setting of Aruba AP-303.

Log in PC as the user ID “konicaminolta” and password “csx” (all lowercase letters).

Turn off Pop-up blocker in Internet Explorer before this setting.

The access point should be set as shown below.

• IP address :
• SSID : KMMG_AeroDR_1
• Pass Phrase : 165gf1JSsw90Gt4F9ODu96XztI89u93ftEfrzXwe19
• Frequency band : W52 (36ch)

n Network Address Setting

1 [Windows7] Select "Control Panel" in the "Start" menu.

[Windows10] Click the "Start" menu, and select "Control Panel" in the "Windows

Fig. 4-183

124 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

2 Click [View network status and tasks].

Fig. 4-184

3 The Network and Sharing Center is displayed. Click [Change adapter settings] in
the left side of the window. The Network Connections window is displayed. 4

Fig. 4-185

4 Right-click on the LAN device named with “Intel(R) I210 Gigabit Network...” to
show the pop-up menu, and select [Properties].

Fig. 4-186

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 125

4 Installation

5 The network properties window is displayed. Select “Internet Protocol Version

4(TCP/IPv4)” and click [Properties].

Fig. 4-187

6 The Internet Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPv4) Properties window is displayed.

Select “Use the following IP address”, and enter the following information.
• IP address :
• Subnet mask:
Default Gateway: (Leave blank.)

126 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

7 After setting, click [OK] to close the window.

Fig. 4-188

8 Click [OK] to close the network properties window.

9 Click [X] to close the Network Connections window.

The network address setting is now completed.

n To Register IP Address of Access Point

Register IP address for the access point.

1 Turn the power ON to PC.

2 Wait for the right LED on the access point to light and the left LED to blink.

3 Double Click "C:\SMZTools\01_DHCP_Server" to open the command prompt

IP address will be set automatically in the window. (It will take a few minutes.)

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 127

4 Installation

4 Make sure the information of "allotted "or "renewed" is displayed in the window, the temporary IP address assignment
is complete.

Fig. 4-189

n Setting Login and Internet Options

To change access point settings using Internet Explorer, temporarily change Internet
Explorer settings and then log in.

1 Open Internet Explorer.

2 Click the gear symbol (Tool) in the upper right of the screen, and select "Internet

Fig. 4-190

3 Select the "Advanced" tab.

128 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

4 Check "Use TLS 1.2".

Fig. 4-191

5 Click "OK" to close the dialog.

6 Enter the following URL to connect to the IP address of the AP 303.

7 Click "Continue to this website (not recommended)".

Fig. 4-192

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 129

4 Installation

8 Enter "admin" for the user name and pass word, then click Login.

Fig. 4-193

If you get an error when you try to log in, wait about 3 minutes and start Internet
Explorer again.

9 When you access for the first time, the country code selection screen may appear.
Select the appropriate item from the list.

Fig. 4-194

130 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

10 If the login is successful, the following screen is displayed.

Fig. 4-195

If following dialog is displayed, please click “Close”.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 131

4 Installation

n Initial Configuration of Access Point

1 Close the internet explorer.

2 Double-click "C:\SMZTools\04_ArubaAP_Setting".
TeraTerm launches and automatically configures the access point.

Fig. 4-196

3 A completion dialog is displayed. Click "OK".

Fig. 4-197

132 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

n Initial Configuration of Access Point (Manual Setting)

If the setting in "Initial Configuration of Access Point" cannot be done correctly, the
manual setting of access point is needed. Follow the procedure in each section below to
make setting of access point.

1 Configuring IP Address

1 Select the name displayed in "Access Point" in the center of the screen and select

Fig. 4-198

2 The following window opens. Select "General"-"IP address for access
point"-"Specify" statically.

Fig. 4-199

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 133

4 Installation

3 Enter the following values in "IP address", "Netmask", and "Default Gateway".
• IP address:
• Netmask:
• Dafult gateway:

Fig. 4-200

4 Select "Radio" tab.

Select "Administrator assigned" and enter "51" in "Transmit power" field for both
2.4GHz band and 5GHz band.

Fig. 4-201

134 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

5 Click "OK"to close the dialog. If a window appears requesting a reboot, click
"OK". (Noreboot will occur)

2 Adding a new WLAN (SSID)

1 Select "Network" - "New".

Fig. 4-202

2 Enter "KMMG_AeroDR _1" in "Name" field and click "Show Advanced Options".

Fig. 4-203

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 135

4 Installation

3 Configure the following.

• Name: KMMG_AeroDR_1
• Broadcast filtering: Disabled
• Band: 5GHz
• Deauth inactive clients: Enabled

Fig. 4-204

4 Click "Next".

5 The VLAN configuration appears. Configure the following.

• Client IP assignment: Network assigned
• Client VLAN assignment: Default

Fig. 4-205

136 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

6 Click "Next".

7 The Security Settings appears.

Enter "165gf1JSsw90Gt4F9ODu96XztI89u93ftEfrzXwe19" in "Passphrase" and

Fig. 4-206

8 Click "Next".

9 The Access Settings appears. Select "Unrestricted".

Fig. 4-207

10 Click "Finish".

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 137

4 Installation

3 Setting the operation mode

1 Click "RF" in the upper right corner of the screen.

Fig. 4-208

2 Click "Show advanced options".

Fig. 4-209

138 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

3 Select "Disabled" to "Scanning" field.

Fig. 4-210

4 Click "OK".

5 Click "Maintenance" in the upper right corner of the screen.

Fig. 4-211

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 139

4 Installation

6 Click "Convert" tab.

Fig. 4-212

7 Select "Standalone AP" in "Convert one or more Access Points to" field and select
"Access Point to convert". Click "Convert Now".

Fig. 4-213

140 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

8 If the confirmation dialog appears, click "Convert Now".

Fig. 4-214

9 Click "close".

10 The access point setting is now completed. Reboot the system.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 141

4 Installation

4.7.9 Installation of CS-7 Software

n (Windows7 only)Disablement of IPv6.

1 Select "Control Panel" in the "Start" menu.

Fig. 4-215

2 Select "Network and Internet".

Fig. 4-216

142 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

3 Select "Network and Sharing Center".

Fig. 4-217

4 Select "Change adapter settings".

Fig. 4-218

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 143

4 Installation

5 Select "Local Area Connection", and click "Properties" from right-click menu.

Fig. 4-219

6 Untick the checkbox for "Internet Protocol Version 6(TCP/IPv6)", and click [OK].

Fig. 4-220

144 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

7 Select "Local Area Connection 2", and click "Properties" from right-click menu.

Fig. 4-221

8 Untick the checkbox for "Internet Protocol Version 6(TCP/IPv6)", and click [OK].

Fig. 4-222

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 145

4 Installation

9 Select "Wireless Network Connection", and click "Properties" from right-click


Fig. 4-223

10 Untick the checkbox for "Internet Protocol Version 6(TCP/IPv6)", and click [OK].

Fig. 4-224

146 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

11 Click [x] on the upper right of the window to close the window.

Fig. 4-225

n (Windows7 only) Cancellation of Wake on Pattern Match

1 Select "Control Panel" in the "Start" menu.

Fig. 4-226

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 147

4 Installation

2 Select "System and Security".

Fig. 4-227

3 Select "Device Manager".

Fig. 4-228

148 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

4 Select "Intel (R) Ethernet Connection I271-LM" from "Network adapters", and click
"Properties" from right-click menu.

Fig. 4-229

5 Select the "Power Management" tab, and clear the [Wake on Pattern Match]

Fig. 4-230

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 149

4 Installation

6 Clear the [Energy Efficient Ethernet] checkbox, and click [OK].

Fig. 4-231

7 Select "Intel (R) I210 Gigabit NetWork Connection" from "Network adapters", and
click "Properties" from right-click menu.

Fig. 4-232

150 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

8 Select the "Power Management" tab, and clear the [Wake on Pattern Match]

Fig. 4-233 4

9 Clear the [Energy Efficient Ethernet] checkbox, and click [OK].

Fig. 4-234

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 151

4 Installation

10 Click the [x] on the upper right of the window.

Fig. 4-235

n Updating of Windows settings

1 Insert the installation disk into the DVD drive. Click the "Open folder to view

Fig. 4-236

152 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

2 Right-click the Installation Package file and select "Copy".

Fig. 4-237

3 Create the C:\CD folder.


Fig. 4-238

4 Copy the CS-7V****_ENG file to C:\CD folder and right-click the [Run as
It takes about 90 seconds to copy the file.

Fig. 4-239

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 153

4 Installation

5 In the following window, click [Yes].

Fig. 4-240

6 In the following window, click [Extract].

It takes about 60 seconds to decompress the files.

Fig. 4-241

7 (Windows7) Right-click "C:\CD\CS-7V****\cs7_win7setup\CustomInst.exe" and

select [Run as administrator] to start the operation.
(Windows10) Right-click
"C:\CD\CS-7V****\cs7_win10setup\CustomInstForWin10.exe" and select [Run as
administrator] to start the operation.

Fig. 4-242

154 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

8 If the following window is displayed, click [Yes] shown here.

Fig. 4-243

9 As the following window is displayed, click [Setup] shown here.

Fig. 4-244

10 As the following window is displayed, confirm the IP address shown here and
click [Next].
• IP Address :
• Subnet Mask :
• Default Gate Way :

Fig. 4-245

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 155

4 Installation

11 As Windows 7 setting is executed from the following window, please wait for
the next window to be displayed.

Fig. 4-246

12 If the following window is displayed, select [Recommended settings] and click


Fig. 4-247

156 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

13 Once the operation is completely finished, click [Exit] to close the window.

Fig. 4-248

14 Click [Close] on the following window.

Fig. 4-249

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 157

4 Installation

n Power Management

1 [Windows7] Select "Control Panel" in the "Start" menu.

[Windows10] Click the "Start" menu, and select "Control Panel" in the "Windows

Fig. 4-250

2 Select "System and Security".

Fig. 4-251

158 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

3 Select "Power Options".

Fig. 4-252

4 Check that "Balanced (recommended)" is selected.

Fig. 4-253

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 159

4 Installation

5 Select and click "Choose what the power button does".

Fig. 4-254

6 Change “When I press the Power button” to [Do nothing], and click [Save

Fig. 4-255

160 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

7 Click [Change when the computer sleeps].

Fig. 4-256

8 Select that “Change advanced power settings”.

Fig. 4-257

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 161

4 Installation

9 Select "Require a password on wakeup" under "Balanced". Then change "Setting"

to [No].

If the "Change settings that are currently unavailable" is displayed, please click
on this sentence.

Fig. 4-258

162 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

10 Select "Power Saving Mode" under "Wireless Adapter Settings" under "Balanced
[Active]", and change "Setting" to [Maximum Performance]. Click [Apply] and
then click [OK].

Fig. 4-259

11 Change "Turn off the display" and "Put the computer to sleep" to [Never]. Then
click [Save changes].

Fig. 4-260

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 163

4 Installation

12 Click [X] to close the window.

Fig. 4-261

13 Click the Restart button from "Start menu".

Fig. 4-262

164 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

n Installation of CS-7

1 The operating system is restarted and the program is automatically logged on

by Konicaminolta user.
Double-click [C:\CD\CS-7V*.**R**\Index].

Fig. 4-263

2 Click [CS-7 INSTALL] on the following window.

Fig. 4-264

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 165

4 Installation

3 Click [Yes] on the following window.

Fig. 4-265

4 Select "CS-7 Portable" and click [Next].

Fig. 4-266

166 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

5 Enter Serial number (00001 - 99999) on the following window and click [Next].

Please enter the same number as the "CS-7 STANDARD SOFTWARE" license

Fig. 4-267

6 Check that the serial number is correctly entered on the following window and
click [Next].

Fig. 4-268

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 167

4 Installation

7 Once installation is complete, click [Next].

Fig. 4-269

8 Click [Close] on the following window.

Fig. 4-270

168 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

9 Click the [x] on the upper right corner to close the window.

Fig. 4-271

10 (Windows10 only) Double-click [cs7_win10setup].

Fig. 4-272

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 169

4 Installation

11 (Windows10 only) Double-click [SampleImages].

Fig. 4-273

12 (Windows10 only) Right-click [SampleImageBmp] and select "Open With" and

click "Choose another app".

Fig. 4-274

170 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

13 (Windows10 only) Click [More apps].

Fig. 4-275

14 (Windows10 only) Select [Windows Photo Viewer] from the application menu,
and check [Always use this app to open .bmp files]. Click the [OK] button in the
lower right corner to close the window.

Fig. 4-276

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 171

4 Installation

15 (Windows10 only) Confirm that the image opens in [Windows Photo Viewer],
then click [x].

Fig. 4-277

16 (Windows10 only) Right-click [SampleImageJpg] and select "Open With" and click
"Choose another app".

Fig. 4-278

172 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

17 (Windows10 only) Click [More apps].

Fig. 4-279

18 (Windows10 only) Select [Windows Photo Viewer] from the application menu,
and check [Always use this app to open .jpg files]. Click the [OK] button in the 4
lower right corner to close the window.

Fig. 4-280

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 173

4 Installation

19 (Windows10 only) Confirm that the image opens in [Windows Photo Viewer],
then click [x].

Fig. 4-281

20 (Windows10 only) Right-click [SampleImagePng] and select "Open With" and click
"Choose another app".

Fig. 4-282

174 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

21 (Windows10 only) Click [More apps].

Fig. 4-283

22 (Windows10 only) Select [Windows Photo Viewer] from the application menu,
and check [Always use this app to open .png files]. Click the [OK] button in the 4
lower right corner to close the window.

Fig. 4-284

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 175

4 Installation

23 (Windows10 only) Confirm that the image opens in [Windows Photo Viewer],
then click [x].

Fig. 4-285

24 (Windows10 only) Click [start], then click [Adobe Reader XI].

Fig. 4-286

176 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

25 (Windows10 only) Click the [Edit] tab, and then click [preferences].

Fig. 4-287

26 (Windows10 only) Click [Security (Enhanced)] and uncheck [Enable Protected

Mode at startup].

Fig. 4-288

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 177

4 Installation

27 (Windows10 only) Click [Yes].

Fig. 4-289

28 (Windows10 only) Confirm that [Enable Protected Mode at startup] is not

checked, then press the OK button.

Fig. 4-290

178 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

29 (Windows10 only) Click [x].

Fig. 4-291

30 Run the Explorer and delete the C:\CD folder.

Fig. 4-292

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 179

4 Installation

31 Restart the PC from "Start menu". Remove [CS-7_Install Media] from the DVD
drive while the PC is being restarted.

Fig. 4-293

n Starting Up the CS-7

1 The program is automatically logged on by konicaminolta user and the following

window is displayed. Click [OK] on the window.

Fig. 4-294

180 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

2 When the window is displayed, wait for approximately 2minites without doing

Fig. 4-295

3 Make sure that the CS-7 window is displayed.

Fig. 4-296

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 181

4 Installation

4 Select [system].

Fig. 4-297

5 Click [Utility].

Fig. 4-298

182 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

6 Password:kmmg5678.
Then click [OK].

Fig. 4-299

7 Click the icon at the center of screen.

Fig. 4-300

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 183

4 Installation

8 Check that the serial number is correct and click [Close].

Fig. 4-301

9 Click [Close].

Fig. 4-302

184 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

10 Click [Shutdown], then click [OK].

Fig. 4-303

11 The below window appears.

Fig. 4-304

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 185

4 Installation

12 Click [Windows Desktop].

Fig. 4-305

186 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

13 Check the installation software from "Control Panel > Program > Programs and

Fig. 4-306

• Adobe Reader XI (11.0.14)
• CS-7
• Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable
• Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.17
• Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable - 10.0.30319
• PosgresSQL9.3(x86)
• psqlodbc

If you want to reinstall the middleware, right-click: [C \ Konicaminolta \ JM \

UnInstall], then select the [Run as administrator].
Delete and then reinstall the middleware.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 187

4 Installation

n (Windows7 only) Hibernation setting

1 Select "Control Panel" in the "Start" menu.

Fig. 4-307

2 Select "System and Security".

Fig. 4-308

188 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

3 Select "Power Options".

Fig. 4-309

4 Click [Change when the computer sleeps].

Fig. 4-310

5 Select "Change advanced power settings”

Fig. 4-311

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 189

4 Installation

6 Select "Hibernate after" under "Sleep" under "Balanced[Active]", and change

"Setting(Minutes)" to [Never].
Click [Apply] and then click [OK].

Fig. 4-312

7 Click [X] to close the window.

Fig. 4-313

190 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

n Additional Settings for MX8

1 Monitor LUT setting, Portable Mode setting, X-Ray Generator Setting, Screen Setting,
and Image Deletion Setting.

1 Restart PC, and perform steps 1 through 7 in "Starting Up the CS-7".

1 Click the icon at the center of screen to transfer to the CS-7 Service Tool.

Fig. 4-314

2 Click [Setting] on the screen below.

Fig. 4-315

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 191

4 Installation

3 Change [Monitor] in [Monitor Settings] to [TECNART.TM190].

Fig. 4-316

4 Tick the checkbox for [Portable Setting] to "Enable Portable Mode".

Fig. 4-317

5 Select [Operation Data Retention Volume] in [Image Deletion Setting] to [1/4].

Fig. 4-318

192 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

6 Select [Touch Keyboard] and check "Use touch keyboard at the time of
annotation input".

Fig. 4-319

7 Click the [OK] button. Select [Yes] on the "Save Configuration" message that is

1 Click [OK] on the reboot message.

Fig. 4-320

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 193

4 Installation

8 Click the X-ray device icon.

Fig. 4-321

9 Check the checkbox of [ON], and click [Setting] on the screen below.

Fig. 4-322

10 Make settings as shown below.

Table 4-18

Item Setting Value

Maker Select "SHIMADZU"
Model Select "MobileDaRt MX8k"

194 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

Item Setting Value

COM Port Number Select "COM2"

Fig. 4-323

11 Click the [OK] button. Select [Yes] on the "Save Configuration" message that is
1 Click [OK] on the reboot message.

Fig. 4-324

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 195

4 Installation

12 Click the icon of CS-7.

Fig. 4-325

13 Click the [Setting] button.

Fig. 4-326

The Console Setting widow appears.

196 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

14 Check “Maximum Exposure Time” and select “3.2 sec” from the pull-down menu,
and then click the [Apply Setting] button.

Fig. 4-327

"Save Configuration" message is displayed.

1 Press [OK] on the reboot message.

15 Click the User Tool tab.

Fig. 4-328

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 197

4 Installation

16 Click the [Screen Setting] button.

Fig. 4-329

17 Tick the checkbox for [Application Bar] to "Use Screen OFF Button ".
Then click the [OK] button.

Fig. 4-330

"Save Configuration" message that is displayed.

1 Press [OK] on the reboot message.

198 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

18 Click the [Edit Exam Tag] button.

Fig. 4-331

19 Assign a value of 3.2 in each row of the Maximum Exposure Time for all Exam
Tag lists, as shown below.
“6.2.4 [Property List Screen]” in “CS-7 User Tool Operation Manual”.

Fig. 4-332

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 199

4 Installation

20 Click the [Exposure Condition] button.

Fig. 4-333

21 Set APR in reference to CS-7 User Tool Operation Manual. The factory default
APR and exposure conditions are described in Appendix of Reference Guide.
“6.2.4 X-ray exposure setting screen” in CS-7 User Tool Operation Manual"

22 Click the [Close] button at the bottom right.

Fig. 4-334

200 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

23 Click the [Shutdown] button at the bottom left. Then click [OK].

Fig. 4-335

24 Please wait until the application closes.

Fig. 4-336

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 201

4 Installation

25 Click on the [Windows Desktop] button.

Fig. 4-337

n How to Import License and Rename Computer

This section describes on how to register the license and change the computer name
corresponding to a software serial number.
The license should be acquired from Konica Minolta.
The software serial number is issued simultaneously with the license.

1 To Import License
For detailed procedures, refer to “4.6 Registration of license” in CS-7 Installation/Service

2 To Rename Computer
Change the computer name to correspond to a software serial number consisting of
5-digit numbers.
If the serial number is “01234”, the computer name is “cs7-01234” with adding “cs7-”
before this number.
(“0” is included in the string even if it is a starting digit.)

202 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

1 Click “System and Security” in the Control Panel window.

For Windows 10, you can open the Control Panel by selecting [Start] - > [Windows System
Tools] - > [Control Panel].

Fig. 4-338

2 Click “System” in the System and Security window.

Fig. 4-339

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 203

4 Installation

3 Click “Change Settings” in “Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings”

category to open the System Properties window.

Fig. 4-340

4 Click [Change…] in the Computer Name tab to open the Computer Name/Domain
Changes window.

Fig. 4-341

204 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

5 Enter the appropriate computer name in the Computer name field, and click [OK].

Fig. 4-342

6 The dialog prompting you to restart the computer appears.

Fig. 4-343

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 205

4 Installation

7 Click [Close] to close the window.

Fig. 4-344

8 The dialog asking you to restart the computer appears. Click [Restart Now].

If the system is incorporated in MX8, the computer is powered OFF and not ON.
In this case, press DR button to turn the power again.

Fig. 4-345

206 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.7 Setting for DR System

9 After restart, try the step 1, 2, and 3 from Windows Desktop screen, and make
sure Computer name is renamed as being set.

Fig. 4-346

The change of computer name is now completed.

n Configuration of CS-7

1 Component Revision List

Table 4-19

Component Revision Filename Reference

“4.4.3 Confirmation
of the version of this
CS-7 S/W V1.32R00 device” in “CS-7
“1.5 AeroDR Detector
icon” in “CS-7
FPD F/W V3.00R04 fwup_03000400.dat
Manual Service
Tool/User Tool
“1.9 AeroDR
Generator Interface
Unit icon” in “CS-7
Portable RF unit 2 AGI_SYSTEM_0100150
V1.00R15 Installation/Service
F/W 0.mot
Manual Service
Tool/User Tool
"4.7.7 Setting of
Access point F/W
15.2(4)JB5 or later Access Point (for
(Cisco Only)
Cisco)" in this manual

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 207

4 Installation

2 Installation of FPD and Portable RF Unit 2 on CS-7

1 Install FPD and Portable RF unit 2 on CS-7. And update the firmware of FPD and
Portable RF unit 2, if necessary.
For detailed procedures, refer to “11 Installation Procedure for This Device and AeroDR
Portable RF Unit2” in “CS-7 Installation/Service Manual”.

To import the firmware of FPD and Portable RF Unit 2 to CS-7, specify the
firmware file that is included in CS-7 software.

4.7.10 Software Lock by McAfee Embedded Control(MEC)

Follow the instructions in "4.15 McAfee Embedded Control(MEC)"to create White List
and lock PC.

4.8 Attaching Arm Cover

1 Expand the arm.

Fig. 4-347

208 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.8 Attaching Arm Cover

2 Loosen screws fixing the cover at the bottom of the arm. (M4 hex bolt, M4 flat
washer at 2 positios)

Fig. 4-348

3 Attach the left-side arm cover to the arm. (M4 sems screw at 2 positions, M4
bind screw at 1 position)

Fig. 4-349

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 209

4 Installation

4 Attach the right-side arm cover to the arm. (M4 sems screw at 2 positions, M4
bind screw at 1 position)

Fig. 4-350

5 Fasten screws that was loosened in the step 2 from the screw holes.

Fig. 4-351

210 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.9 Attaching Knob for Collimator Rotation-Lock

6 Attach the bottom cover. (M4 sems screw at 2 postions)

Fig. 4-352

4.9 Attaching Knob for Collimator Rotation-Lock

Attach a knob for locking collimator rotation as shown below. The knob is packed
together with screws for adjustment of X-ray axis.

Fig. 4-353

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 211

4 Installation

4.10 Attaching Cushion for 14X17 FPD

To use 14X17 FPD, attach the push-up cushion to the bottom of middle-slot as shown

Fig. 4-354

212 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.11 Attaching Screw Cap

4.11 Attaching Screw Cap

Attach the screw cap to the position in the figure below. The screw cap is included in
the repair parts.

Fig. 4-355

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 213

4 Installation

Fig. 4-356

Do NOT attach the screw cap to the double-hole on the column (circled in the

4.12 Resetting All Parts Usage Information

Clear all parts usage information from the system with Usage Information Collective
Setting Mode.
"7.19 Usage Information Collective Setting Mode"

4.13 Charging Battery After Installation

Make sure that the LEDs on the Battery Indicator are performing normally.
The rechargeable batteries may have little power due to self-discharging during
transportation and installation. Be sure to inform users that the rechargeable batteries
need to be charged before the first use, otherwise the batteries will lose efficiency earlier
than usual.

4.14 Assembler Test

In USA, execute the assembler test according to the ASSEMBLER TEST MANUAL (Document
No. M503-E363).

214 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.15 McAfee Embedded Control(MEC)

4.15 McAfee Embedded Control(MEC)

Antivirus software "McAfee Embedded Control (MEC)" is installed on this device. When
locked by MEC, you cannot install, uninstall or launch unauthorized software. Refer to
the following and operate.

n necessary operation at initial installation

Wait until the installation work involving the software installation is completed.

Step References Remarks

1 "4.15.1 Introduction" Understanding MEC
"4.15.2 Basic operation" - "To Create White
2 Create a whitelist
3 "4.15.2 Basic operation" - "To Lock PC" Lock MEC

n Necessary operations when updating and installing additional software

Table 4-20 4
Step References Remarks
"4.15.2 Basic operation" - "To Check PC
1 Check the status of MEC
2 "4.15.2 Basic operation" - "To Unlock PC" Unlock MEC
3 update and installation
"4.15.2 Basic operation" - "To Create White
4 Create a whitelist
5 "4.15.2 Basic operation" - "To Lock PC" Lock MEC

4.15.1 Introduction

n Overview

MEC is a White List antivirus software. Registering executable safe programs and files
into a list called as White List, MEC prevents run of viruses and unnecessary programs.
The White List is automatically created by MEC.
Under the situation of preventing execution of the specific programs by enabling White
List, PC shows the following behavior.
• Executable programs and files that have been registered in White List
• Executable from windows explorer, command prompt and scripts.
• Move, Edit, Delete are not available.
• Copyable. However, copy destination is NOT registered to the White List.
• Programs and files that have not been registered in White List

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 215

4 Installation

• Not executable from any ways.

• Move, Edit, Delete are available.
In addition, MEC decides whether file is executable program or not from file extension
or format. For an instance, the following extensions are regarded as executable program.
• “.exe”, ”.dll”, ”.vbs”, ”.bat”, “.sys” etc.

n Preparation

Prepare the following items;

• virus scanning tool
• Installation manual of PC where MEC will be installed

Check if the version of corresponding MEC software version is specified or not.

In case of MEC installation, prepare the following items too;

• Antivirus OP S/W (565-10197)
• McAfee Embedded Control for Device License Certification
(572-88032 MCAFEE MEC OEM)
(572-88032-02 MCAFEE MEC&VSE OEM)

In case of MEC re-installation at customer sites, if the license key for the target
PC has been left, License Certification is not necessary.
Reference "To Check MEC License Key"

4.15.2 Basic operation

n To Install MEC

1 Log in as an administrator.

2 Insert Antivirus OP S/W (565-10197) into the drive to run the following programs.
The folder structure in the medium as follows:
CD\ --+-- Ver.*.*.* : for the version specified PC.
|-- Win7_x86 : STD for Windows7 (32bits)
|-- Win7_x64 : STD for Windows7 (64bits)
|-- WinXP_x86 : STD for WindowsXP (32bits)

Use the MEC installer for the appropriate OS under the software version Ver.
• Windows 7 (32bit) : MECInstaller_Win7_x86.msi
• Windows 7 (64bit) : MECInstaller_Win7_x64.msi
• Windows 10 (64 bit) :MECInstaller_Win10_x64.msi in the Ver. folder

216 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.15 McAfee Embedded Control(MEC)

3 MEC Installer dialog appears. Click on the [Next] button.

Fig. 4-357

4 Click on the [Next] button.

Do NOT change the following default setting.
• Folder: C:\Solidcore\

Fig. 4-358

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 217

4 Installation

5 Click on the [Next] button on Installation Confirmation dialog.

MEC installer automatically moves to the next step.
Wait until the installation ends.

Fig. 4-359

6 Command Prompt appears automatically during the installation.

1 Enter 20-digit license key next to “Input License Key >”. Hyphen must be inserted
after every 4 digits.
Ex) 1234-5678-9012-3456-7890.

• For new installation

Enter License Key given in McAfee Embedded Control for Device License
• For re-installation at customer site
Enter License Key of the target PC written in the memo in "To Check MEC
License Key"

Fig. 4-360

If invalid license key is provided, MEC installer cannot reach normal

In this case, restart the installation from step2. And, press “Repair
MECInstaller” on the appeared dialog. Then, you can try the
installation from step6.

2 Wait until the installation of MEC ends. (It takes about 1 minute.)

218 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.15 McAfee Embedded Control(MEC)

7 When the installation is done, a password entry is required in Command Prompt.

1 Enter “Shimadzu” (* The initial is capital) as the password, and press [Enter].

2 For confirmation, enter the password again, and press [Enter].

The input pass word is not displayed.

This step automatically ends after the fixed time. Also, in
confirmation, entering an invalid password 3 times fails the
installation. In this case, set the password again.
Reference "To Set Up Password"

8 Windows 10 The following screen appears.

Fig. 4-361

1 Press the [Enter] key. The My Documents folder opens in Windows Explorer.

2 Double-click [InternetExpPolicyChange.reg].

3 A confirmation screen opens. Click [Yes (Y)].

4 A message is displayed. Click [OK].

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 219

4 Installation

9 Click on the [Close] button.

This dialog can be closed even if Command Prompt window is still displayed.

Fig. 4-362

10 Confirm the following shortcuts are created on the desktop.

• SecureExec.bat

Fig. 4-363

11 For Windows 10, open a command prompt and enter the following.
sadmin recover
sadmin features disable mp
sadmin config set pkgbootperf=1

• When prompted for a password, enter "Shimadzu".

• The input is successful if the response is as follows
・sadmin recover
→ Local CLI has been successfully recoverd.
→ Local CLI is already recovered.
・sadmin features disable mp
→ Reboot feature changes to take effect
・sadmin config set pkgbootperf=1
→ If nothing is displayed, it is normal.

220 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.15 McAfee Embedded Control(MEC)

12 Make sure MEC is unlocked.

"To Check PC status"

13 Eject Antivirus OP S/W (565-10197) from the drive

The installation of antivirus package software is now completed.

n To Create White List

Before creating White List, update of the configuration is needed in some cases.
Following the procedure of the target PC, create White List after necessary preparation
is completed.

If PC does not have any hardware interface, such as a monitor, mouse, and keyboard,
LAN cable cannot be disconnected from the target PC. In this case, check the installation
manual for each device.

1 Unplug LAN cable and USB flash drive from the system.

If it is difficult to unplug the LAN cable from the target PC, unplug the cable
from the destination port.

2 Boot PC and log on as an administrator.

3 Using virus scanning tool, confirm that virus does not exist in the target PC.

To execute virus scanning tool, drag and drop the program file on SecureExec.bat
on the desktop.
Reference "To Execute Program on SecureExec"

4 Double click on the "MEC_menu.htm" on the desktop.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 221

4 Installation

5 Click on the [MakeWhite List] on the menu.

If security warning appears, press [Run].

Fig. 4-364

6 Enter the password on the Command Prompt.

• Password: Shimadzu

7 The creation of the White List starts. The processing time is depends on the
target PC. It approximately takes from 1 min to 15min.

Fig. 4-365

When the creation ends, Command Prompt is automatically closed.

8 In case that configuration files are updated, password might be required several
times after the creation of White List. Then, please enter the following password.
• Password: Shimadzu

n To Lock PC

1 Log in as an administrator.

2 Double click on the "MEC_menu.htm" on the desktop.

222 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.15 McAfee Embedded Control(MEC)

3 Click on the [LockPC] on the menu.

If security warning appears, press [Run].

Fig. 4-366

4 Enter the password on the Command Prompt.

• Password: Shimadzu

5 Shutdown dialog appears, and PC restarts.

6 Check the state of MEC, and confirm that the target PC is locked.
"To Check PC status"
n To Unlock PC

1 Log in as an administrator.

2 Double click on the "MEC_menu.htm" on the desktop.

3 Click on the [UnLockPC].

If security warning appears, press [Run].

Fig. 4-367

4 Enter the password on the Command Prompt.

• Password: Shimadzu

5 Shutdown dialog appears, and PC restarts.

6 Check the state of MEC, and confirm that the target PC is unlocked.
"To Check PC status"

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 223

4 Installation

n To Check PC status

1 Log in as an administrator.

2 Double click on the"MEC_menu.htm" on the desktop.

3 Click on the [Show Status].

If security warning appears, press [Run].

Fig. 4-368

4 The current status appears on Command Prompt. Check the following items;
Table 4-21

McAfee Solidifier Enabled

McAfee Solidifier Restart Enabled
McAfee Solidifier Disabled
McAfee Solidifier Restart Disabled
The status of HDD volume which
White List exists Solidified
has White List
The status of HDD volume which
White List does not exist Unsolidified
has White List

Fig. 4-369 Ex) Only C drive has White List and it is locked.

n To Check MEC License Key

License key is necessary in case of reinstallation of MEC on customer sites.

Referring the installation manual of the target PC, take the following steps as

1 Log in as an administrator.

2 Double click on the"MEC_menu.htm" on the desktop.

224 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.15 McAfee Embedded Control(MEC)

3 Click on the [Show License].

If security warning appears, press [Run].

Fig. 4-370

4 20-digit license key appears.

Same license number might appear on some PCs.


License key will be needed in case of reinstallation of MEC. Keep the license key by
writing down below.

Table 4-22

n Date
Target PC License Key (20 digits) 4
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -

n To Set Up Password

Usually, registration of password has been already completed when MEC is

installed. Except for the following cases, do NOT register or change password.
• Registration of password failed due to the timeout.
• Wrong password was registered by mistake.

1 Log in as an administrator.

2 Double click on the"MEC_menu.htm" on the desktop.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 225

4 Installation

3 Click on the [SetPassword].

If security warning appears, press [Run].

Fig. 4-371

4 Enter the current password and the new password on Command Prompt.

Fig. 4-372

n To Check Software Revision

1 Log in as an administrator.

2 Double click on the"MEC_menu.htm" on the desktop.

3 Please confirm S/W revision number on the top of the menu.

Fig. 4-373

226 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.15 McAfee Embedded Control(MEC)

4.15.3 Update Procedure

Software update requires the specific steps after antivirus software is installed.
Referring to the update manual of the target PC, please complete the update procedure.

n To Update Software After Turning OFF MEC

Before Update

1 Unplug LAN cable and USB flash drive from the system.

If it is difficult to unplug the LAN cable from the target PC, unplug the cable
from the destination port.

If PC does not have any hardware interface, such as a monitor, mouse, and keyboard,
LAN cable cannot be disconnected from the target PC. In this case, check the installation
manual for each device. 4

2 Boot the target PC, and log in as an administrator.

3 Before turning OFF MEC, execute virus scanning tool with SecureExec.bat to
make sure that a virus file does not exist in the target PC.
"To Execute Program on SecureExec"

To execute virus scanning tool, drag and drop the program file on SecureExec.bat
on the desktop.

4 Double click on the"MEC_menu.htm" on the desktop.

5 Click on the [UnLockPC].

6 Enter the password on Command Prompt.

• Password: Shimadzu

7 Shutdown dialog appears, and the PC automatically restarts.

8 Following the update procedure of the target PC, update the software.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 227

4 Installation

After Update

1 Log in as an administrator.

2 Create White List.

"To Create White List"

3 Lock the target PC.

"To Lock PC"

4 Execute virus scanning tool with SecureExec.bat to make sure that a virus file
does not exist in the target PC.
"To Execute Program on SecureExec"

5 Plug LAN cable according to the instruction for each device

n To Update Software by Executing SecureExec

1 Drag and drop the executable installer or script on SecureExec.bat on the


Fig. 4-374

2 The dropped installer or script starts. Follow the update manual of each device
to update the software.

228 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.15 McAfee Embedded Control(MEC)

4.15.4 Emergency Operation

After the antivirus package is applied and White List is created, programs imported from
USB memory are not available. If the imported programs are necessary for some reasons,
please take the following steps.
• Execute a temporarily imported program.
"To Execute Program on SecureExec"

• The imported program has some problems

"To Unlock PC Temporarily"

After the work is done, execute virus scanning tool to make sure that a virus
file does not exist in the target PC.
To execute virus scanning tool, drag and drop the program file on SecureExec.bat
on the desktop.

n To Execute Program on SecureExec

1 Drag and drop an executable file on SecureExec.bat on the desktop.

Fig. 4-375

2 The dropped file starts.

n To Unlock PC Temporarily

1 Unlock PC.
"To Unlock PC"

PC restarts automatically.

2 Make sure the target PC is unlocked, and perform the necessary operation.
"To Check PC status"

3 (Recommendation) Execute virus scanning tool with SecureExec.bat to make sure

that a virus file does not exist in the target PC.

To execute virus scanning tool, drag and drop the program file on SecureExec.bat
on the desktop.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 229

4 Installation

4 Lock the target PC again.

"To Lock PC"

5 Check the status of PC to make sure the target PC is locked.

"To Check PC status"

4.15.5 Uninstallation of MEC

1 Unlock the target PC.

"To Unlock PC"

2 Open the Add or Remove Program window from Control Panel, and select MEC
Installer, and then press [Remove].

For Windows 10, you can open the Control Panel by selecting [Start] - > [Windows System
Tools] - > [Control Panel].

Fig. 4-376

When MEC Installer is uninstalled, McAfee Solidifier is automatically uninstalled


3 Wait for a few tens of seconds after the uninstallation. Open the Add or Remove
Program window again, and make sure that McAfee Solidifier and MEC Installer
are eliminated.

If the programs still remain in the window above after five minutes try again
from step 2.

230 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

4.16 Backup After Installation

4.16 Backup After Installation

In consideration of possible setting data loss, hard disk corruption or other data errors,
back up the Important setting file to restore the status at the installtion.

1 Make backup media according to the following instructions

• "23.4 System information backup and restoring" in CS-7 Installation/Service Manual.

• "10.9 How to Perform Restoration from Recovery DVD"

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 231

5 Installing the Options
How to install the options is described in this Chapter.

5.1 Installing Wireless Hand Switch Option

5.1.1 Component of Wireless Hand Switch Option

The wireless hand switch option consists of the following parts. Make sure that all these
parts are contained in the package.

This option does not include a battery for the wireless handswitch. Prepare it
separately beforehand.

Table 5-1 Component of Wireless Hans Switch Option

No Parts Name Quantity

1 Wireless Hand Switch 1
2 Wireless Holder 1
3 Harness 1
4 Philipps-head screw M3X16 2
5 Cover A, FPD BOX (It may not be included 1
depending on the shipping date.)

232 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.1 Installing Wireless Hand Switch Option

Fig. 5-1

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 233

5 Installing the Options

5.1.2 How to Check the Wireless Hand Switch Revision

The software for the wireless hand switch in Rev. B or later revisions has been changed
so that the touch sensor function remains disabled. Therefore, even if you complete the
setting to enable the touch sensor function from the wireless holder settings, the function
will not be enabled, although the LED (TOUCH) on the holder lights up.

For Rev. A products or those with no revision described, disable the touch sensor
function in the touch sensor setting mode.

n Checking on Package Box

The revision symbol is described on the label of the wireless hand switch package box.

Fig. 5-2 Wireless Hand Switch Package Box (NOT for the wireless holder)

Fig. 5-3 Position of Revision Symbol on the Label

234 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.1 Installing Wireless Hand Switch Option

n Checking on Wireless Hand Switch

Remove the battery cover of the wireless hand switch. You will see a printed serial
number as shown below.
"5.1.7 How to Replace the Wireless Hand Switch Battery" P.252

Fig. 5-4 Wireless Hand Switch Serial Number *1

*1: The first three digits are alphanumeric characters indicating the manufacturing date.
The alphabetic character on the fourth digit is the revision symbol.

Table 5-2 5
Serial Number Meaning
3 digit characters, or 4 digit characters as in Rev. A or earlier
XXXA. →Touch sensor setting is enabled.
4 digit characters as in XXXB, or those
Rev. B or later revision
ending in an alphabetic character subsequent
→Touch sensor setting is disabled as default.
to B.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 235

5 Installing the Options

5.1.3 Parts Details of Wireless Hand Switch Option

n Wireless Hans Switch

Each function name of Wireless hand switch is shown below.

Fig. 5-5

236 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.1 Installing Wireless Hand Switch Option

n Wireless Holder

Each function of Wireless Holder is shown below.

Fig. 5-6

Table 5-3

Turns ON when power is supplied and the circuit is

correctly activated.
Indication for battery condition of HAND SWITCH
Blinks when the battery voltage of HAND SWITCH is
LED2 (Orange) LOW BATTERY less than 2.5V.
Turns ON when battery voltage of HAND SWITCH is 2.
1V or less (change the battery immediately).
Turns ON when Wireless communication has been
Turns OFF when the HAND SWITCH is in following
LED3 (Green) LINK (1) Bluetooth pairing not established.
(2) Power is OFF
(3) Occurrence of wireless disconnection by out of
(4) Entered in SLEEP MODE.
TOUCH SENSOR Turns ON when the TOUCH SENSOR function set to
LED4 (Green)
setting enabled.
LED5 (Green) BUZZER setting
INDICATION of Turns ON when the SW1 of the HAND SWITCH is
LED6 (Green)
SW1 operated. And turns OFF when SW2 operated.
INDICATION of Turns ON when the SW2 of the HAND SWITCH is
LED7 (Yellow)
SW2 operated.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 237

5 Installing the Options

5.1.4 Mounting Wireless Hand Switch Option

1 Turn OFF the main Breaker.

2 Remove the inside cover, both side covers, and top cover from the system.
"3.5 How to Open/Close Covers"

3 Follow one of the methods below according to the type of cover for the small
container under the FPD box.

1 Cover tyoe: separate

Remove two hexagon cap screws on the back to remove cover B.
And then fix only the removed nut again.

Fig. 5-7

238 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.1 Installing Wireless Hand Switch Option

2 Cover type: integrated

Remove 4 hexagon cap screws on the back to replace with optional short cover

Fig. 5-8

4 Mount the wireless holder with two Phillips-head screws M3x16 and wire the
cable through a hole on the side of FPD box.

Fig. 5-9

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 239

5 Installing the Options

5 Connect and wire the harness to J9W on the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board.

Fig. 5-10

6 Connect the wireless hand switch cable and harness.

The connected cable should be fixed with a cable tie and mount base, which is
attached on the side of the FPD box.

Fig. 5-11

7 Attach the removed cover again.

8 Turn ON the main breaker.

9 Turn ON the key switch.

10 Check that the LED1 of wireless holder turns ON in green.

240 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.1 Installing Wireless Hand Switch Option

5.1.5 Setting Mode

Change each setting mode for the wireless holder.

Table 5-4

No. Mode Function
Configure the pairing setting of wireless
1 Pairing Setting -
hand switch and wireless holder.
Modify the touch sensor setting.
The setting is unnecessary for the wireless
Touch Sensor hand switch in Rev. B or later revisions.
2 Invalid
"5.1.2 How to Check the Wireless
Hand Switch Revision" P.234

Operation Limit
3 Set migration time to operation limit. 30 mins
Timer Setting
When reached to operation limit timer,
4 Buzzer Setting Invalid
switch ON/OFF buzzer setting.
Switch ON/OFF of handover mode setting
when using two wireless hand switches.
5 (The handover has been set to be invalid as Invalid
a factory setting. The setting change is not

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 241

5 Installing the Options

By pressing function switches, the setting can be changed as shown below.

• Setting mode is canceled after 3 minutes passes after entering to this mode.
Changed value will be discarded if the power of HOLDER turns off during
setting mode.
• The touch sensor function setting is unnecessary for the wireless hand switch
in Rev. B or later revisions.

Fig. 5-12

Function switches are located below.

Fig. 5-13

242 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.1 Installing Wireless Hand Switch Option

n Preparation before Setting

A cover of the wireless holder must be removed before access to function switch.
Remove the cover according to the following instructions.

How to Open/Close the Cover

1 Remove the cover screw. (1)

2 Slide the switch cover and remove it. (2)

Fig. 5-14 5

3 Reverse the above procedure to close the cover.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 243

5 Installing the Options

n Pairing Setting

Configure the pairing setting of wireless hand switch and wireless holder.

1 Set wireless hand switch to the wireless holder. LED1 turns ON when the power
is applied to the holder.

2 Keep pressing function switch1 (F1) of the holder until LEDs from LED2 to LED6
start blinking. (More than 5 seconds)

Fig. 5-15

3 Press function switch2 (F2) once to light LED2.

4 Press function switch3 (F3) for more than 2 seconds.

5 LED2 starts blinking. Wireless holder starts searching for a wireless hand switch
that is in a state of pairing mode.

244 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.1 Installing Wireless Hand Switch Option

6 Take out wireless hand switch from the holder, and press and hold the paring
switch of wireless hand switch for more than 2 seconds within 1 minute since
the holder is set to the pairing mode.

Fig. 5-16

7 LED3 turns ON when the pairing is accomplished. LED4 and LED5 show touch
sensor status and operation limit timer status. (They will not turn ON if their
settings are not available.)

Fig. 5-17

• If the LED blinks as green->yellow->green->yellow after pressing pairing switch

of the wireless hand switch, more than two wireless holders (maximum
number) are already paired to the hand switch. In this case, it is necessary to
delete all the pairing information and try the pairing again. To delete the
pairing information, see "5.1.8 How to Delete Pairing Information for Wireless
Hand Switch". Then press the pairing switch for 2 seconds for pairing.
*If the pairing information is deleted, already paired two holder information
will be both deleted.
• For the wireless hand switch in Rev. B or later revisions, LED 4 will not turn
ON even after the paring is accomplished since the touch sensor function has
been disabled as default.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 245

5 Installing the Options

n Touch Sensor Setting

Modify the touch sensor setting.

• The touch sensor is not used for this system. It should be set as invalid.
• The setting is unnecessary for the wireless hand switch in Rev. B or later

1 Set wireless hand switch to the wireless holder. LED1 turns ON when the power
is applied to the holder.

2 Press function switch1 (F1) of the holder until LEDs from LED2 to LED6 start
blinking. (More than 5 seconds)

Fig. 5-18

3 Press function switch2 (F2) twice.

4 LED3 and LED6 turn ON. (Touch sensor function at the factory setting is valid)

Fig. 5-19 Touch Sensor: Valid

5 Each time F3 is pressed, the touch sensor switch valid/invalid.

246 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.1 Installing Wireless Hand Switch Option

6 LED3 and LED7 are lighted.

Fig. 5-20 Touch Sensor: Invalid

7 Press function switch1 (F1) for more than 5 seconds.

8 Only LED1 is lighted and setting completed.

Fig. 5-21

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 247

5 Installing the Options

n Operation Limit Timer Setting

Set migration time to operation limit.

The operation limit timer has been set to 30 minutes as a factory setting. To
change the limit timer, follow the instruction below.

1 Set wireless hand switch to the wireless holder. LED1 is lighted when the power
is applied to the holder.

2 Keep pressing function switch1 (F1) of the holder until LEDs from LED2 to LED6
start blinking. (More than 5 seconds)

Fig. 5-22

3 Press function switch2 (F2) for three times.

4 LEDs from LED4 to LED7 indicate current setting. (The setting is set to 30 minutes
at factory setting)

Fig. 5-23

248 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.1 Installing Wireless Hand Switch Option

5 Each time F3 is pressed, the activation time changes 30 minutes->20 minutes->10

minutes->OFF->30 minutes.
Refer to the following figure for details.

Fig. 5-24

6 Press function switch1 (F1) for more than 5 seconds.

7 Only LED1 is lighted and setting completed.

Fig. 5-25

To return from the operation limit timer setting, set the wireless hand switch to
the wireless holder, and take out the wireless hand switch from the holder again.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 249

5 Installing the Options

n Buzzer Setting

When reached to operation limit, switch ON/OFF buzzer setting.

The buzzer is not used for this system. It should be set as invalid.

1 Set wireless hand switch to the wireless holder. LED1 is lighted when the power
is applied to the holder.

2 Press function switch1 (F1) of the holder until LEDs from LED2 to LED6 start
blinking. (More than 5 seconds)

Fig. 5-26

3 Press function switch2 (F2) for four times.

4 LED5 and LED6 are lighted. (Buzzar function at the factory setting is valid)

Fig. 5-27 Buzzar: Valid

The adjustment of sound volume is not available.

5 Each time F3 is pressed, valid/invalid of buzzer function is switched.

250 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.1 Installing Wireless Hand Switch Option

6 LED5 and LED7 are lighted.

Fig. 5-28 Buzzar: Invalid

7 Press function switch1 (F1) for more than 5 seconds.

8 Only LED1 is lighted and setting competed.

Fig. 5-29

5.1.6 Operation Check

1 Turn OFF and then ON the key switch and restart the system.

2 Check that only LED1 is lighted when the hand switch is set to the holder, and
LED1, LED3, and LED5 are lighted when the hand switch is removed from the

3 Check that LED6 is lighted after READY operation and LED7 is lighted after X-RAY

4 Check that the collimator lamp is lighted by pressing SW3 on the wireless hand

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 251

5 Installing the Options

5.1.7 How to Replace the Wireless Hand Switch Battery

n How to Open/Close the Battery Cover

1 Rotate the end cap 90 degree in a counterclockwise direction. (1)

2 Pull out the end cap. (2)

3 Slide battery cover to the end cap direction. (3)

4 Pull up the cover and remove. (4)

5 Reverse the above procedure to close the cover.

Fig. 5-30

• Do not place the battery in wrong direction.

• The specified lithium primary battery, CR123A/CR17345 (nominal voltage:
3VDC), must be used.

252 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.1 Installing Wireless Hand Switch Option

5.1.8 How to Delete Pairing Information for Wireless Hand Switch

Delete the pairing setting of wireless hand switch and wireless holder.

1 Set wireless hand switch to the wireless holder. LED1 turns ON when the power
is applied to the holder.

2 Keep pressing function switch1 (F1) of the holder until LEDs from LED2 to LED6
start blinking. (More than 5 seconds)

Fig. 5-31

3 Take out wireless hand switch from the holder, and press and hold the paring
switch of wireless hand switch for more than 10 seconds.
After 2 seconds since the pressing of the paring switch, RING LED of the wireless hand 5
switch blinks in yellow.
After 10 seconds, the deletion of paring setting is done, and the LED blinks in green.

Fig. 5-32

4 Press function switch1 (F1) for more than 5 seconds.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 253

5 Installing the Options

5 Only LED1 is lighted and setting completed.

Fig. 5-33

254 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.2 Installing the Folding-type Protective Screen Option

5.2 Installing the Folding-type Protective Screen Option

5.2.1 Component of the Folding-type Protective Screen Option

The Protective screen option consists of the following parts. Make sure that all these
parts are contained in the package.

Table 5-5 Component of folding-type Protective Screen Option (for 15 inch Monitor)

No Parts Name Quantity

1 Protective screen assy 1 set
2 SEMS SCREW M5x12 (accessory) 2

Fig. 5-34 5

5.2.2 Installation of the Protective Screen Option

1 Remove the top plate and the knob of the arm lock release lever, then remove
the top plate joint cover and the spacers.

Fig. 5-35

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 255

5 Installing the Options

2 Place the joint section cover on the joint section. And attach the arm lock release
lever, place the Protective Screen ASSY on the joint section cover, and fix it with
SEMS M5. Use Loctite (blue) for fixing bolts.

Fig. 5-36

3 Place the top plate on the Protective screen and fix the protective screen.

Fig. 5-37

5.2.3 Operation Check of the Folding-type protective screen option

Repeat the operation and storage of the mounted screen several times to confirm that
it operates normally.

256 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.3 Installing Dose Area Product Meter VacuDAP 1580015 Option

5.3 Installing Dose Area Product Meter VacuDAP 1580015 Option

5.3.1 Component of Dose Area Product Meter Option

The Dose Area Product Meter VacuDAP 1580015 Option consists of the following parts.
Make sure that all these parts are contained in the package.

Table 5-6

No Parts Name
(Standard Type)
1 Distance piece (for DAP) 1
2 Cover (for DAP) 1
3 Cable bracket 1
4 DAP cable MUX A 1
5 DAP cable MUX B 1
6 Screw, sems M4X8 2

The following items is not included. Please purchase these items separate from
this option.
• Dose Area Product Meter VacuDAP 1580015

Fig. 5-38

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 257

5 Installing the Options

5.3.2 Installing Dose Area Product Meter Option

1 Turn OFF the main breaker.

2 Rmove the ditance piece.

Fig. 5-39

3 Remove the rail.

Fig. 5-40

258 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.3 Installing Dose Area Product Meter VacuDAP 1580015 Option

4 Remove the bracket B.

Fig. 5-41

5 Remove the bracket A and the rail.

Fig. 5-42

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 259

5 Installing the Options

6 Remove the collimator cover, the rear cover, and the cover.

Fig. 5-43

7 Connect and wire DAP cable MUX B to J2 connector on CL MEAS-17 board.

Fig. 5-44

8 Attach the rear cover, pass DAP cable MUX B through the notch on the collimator
cover, and attach the collimator cover.

260 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.3 Installing Dose Area Product Meter VacuDAP 1580015 Option

9 Attach the cover (for DAP).

Fig. 5-45

10 Remove two plates fixed in Dose Area Product Meter.

Fig. 5-46

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 261

5 Installing the Options

11 Fix the dose area product meter to the bracket A with four screws removed in
the step 10.

Fig. 5-47

12 Attach the bracket A with the dose area product meter and the bracket B, and
wire DAP cable MUX B.

Fig. 5-48

13 Connect DAP cable MUX A to the dose area product meter and DAP cable MUX

262 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.3 Installing Dose Area Product Meter VacuDAP 1580015 Option

14 Attach the cable bracket and fix the cable connector to this bracket with a cable

Fig. 5-49

15 Attach the Distance Piece for DAP.

Fig. 5-50

5.3.3 Setting of DIP Switch

1 Turn ON SW3-5 (enables Dose Area Product Meter Option) on the XCONT-2008X
or XCONT-2018board.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 263

5 Installing the Options

5.3.4 Operation Check of Dose Area Product Meter

1 Turn ON the power.

2 Adjust the Dose Area Product Meter.

"7.12 Dose Area Product Meter Adjustment Mode"

3 After the adjustment is complete, operate the Dose Area Product Meter and
check that it functions correctly.

The Dose Area Product Meter must be adjusted properly using its adjustment
method. DO NOT use the Dose Area Product Meter without adjustment, or
otherwise it may display incorrect DAP measurements.
Dose Area Product Meter values are displayed in mGy・cm2. The Dose Area
Product value in the DICOM image header is displayed in dGy・cm2.

4 Check the operating force for the horizontal-shaft and back-and-forth rotations
of the tube.

If the following problem occurs, adjust the tube rotation operating force
according to "10.5.5 Adjustment of Tube Rotation Operating Force".
• Operating force is heavy.
• The collimator droops because it cannot be held at any angle.

264 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.4 Keyless Entry

5.4 Keyless Entry

5.4.1 Keyless entry configuration

Keyless entry is composed of the following parts. Check when unpacking.

Table 5-7 Component of Keyless entry

No. Item Qty.

1 Keyless switch 1
2 SW bracket 1

The SW bracket is not used for this system.

Fig. 5-51

5.4.2 Mount Keyless Entry Option

1 Turn OFF the main breaker.

2 Remove the inside cover and both side covers.

"3.5 How to Open/Close Covers"

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 265

5 Installing the Options

3 Remove two fixing bolts to open the FPD box.

Fig. 5-52

4 Disconnect all connectors from the SW BOX.

5 Unscrew three fixing screws on SW BOX and one fixing screw on the back-side
cover, and pull out SW BOX upward.

Fig. 5-53

266 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.4 Keyless Entry

6 Remove the back-side cover from SW BOX.

Fig. 5-54

7 Remove the rotation-lock cover of the key switch, rotate the stopper lever to
remove the contact unit of the key switch (at the connecting position).

Fig. 5-55

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 267

5 Installing the Options

8 Loosen the nut on the back side, and remove the key switch from SW BOX. Also
disassemble the rotation-lock ring from the nut.
(The rotation-lock ring is reused for reassembly.)

Fig. 5-56

268 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.4 Keyless Entry

9 Insert the keyless switch from the upper-side of SW BOX, and attach it with the
rotation-lock ring and a resin nut.

Fig. 5-57

Make sure the convex side of the rotation-lock ring is the direction of the fixing
Fix the rotation-lock ring so that the convex part is firmly locked into the notch
in the fixing plate, or otherwise the key switch may become loose.

Fig. 5-58

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 269

5 Installing the Options

10 Reassemble the keyless switch in the reverse order of the step 8.

Fig. 5-59

11 Attach the back-side cover to SW BOX, and reassemble SW BOX to the FPD box.
(The cable should be passed though the notch on the back-side cover to avoid
being caught.)

Fig. 5-60

12 Restore the system in reverse order to the step 4.

5.4.3 Setting of DIP switch

Turn ON the DIP switch SW3-2 on the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board.

"6 [Appendix] DIP Switches and Jumpers Setting on Each Board"

270 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.5 Illuminated Hand Switch

5.5 Illuminated Hand Switch

5.5.1 Component of Illuminated Hand Switch

Table 5-8 Component of Illuminated Hand Switch

No. Item Qty.

1 Illuminated Hand Switch 1
2 Cable tie 1

5.5.2 Installing the Illuminated Hand Switch

1 Turn OFF the breaker. Remove the inside cover and both side covers, and open
the FPD box.

2 Cut the cable tie fixing the cable. Pull out hand switch connector and pull out
the cable under the SW BOX.

Fig. 5-61

3 Reverse thestep 2, wire the luminous hand switch cable through under the SW
BOX and connect the the connector.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 271

5 Installing the Options

4 Fix the hand switch cable with a cable tie not to be pulled.

Fig. 5-62

5 Check the operation.

For details about the illumination, see the Operation Manual.

272 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.6 Additional Hand Switch

5.6 Additional Hand Switch

5.6.1 Component of Additional Hand Switch

Table 5-9 Component of Additional Hand Switch

No. Item Qty.

1 Illuminated Hand Switch, C2U-23 1
2 Hand SW I/F board ASSY 1
3 Holder mount 1
4 Hand SW cable, J9B 1
5 Spacer 1
6 Cabletie 1
7 Flat head screw M3×8 2
8 Flange nut M4 2

5.6.2 IInstallation of Additional Hand Switch

1 Turn OFF the main breaker.

2 Remove the inside cover, both side covers, top cover, and front cover.
"3.5 How to Open/Close Covers"

3 Remove the cover.

Fig. 5-63

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 273

5 Installing the Options

4 Attach HAND SW I/F Board ASSY, spacer, and holder attachment plate to the
front cover with flange nuts removed in step 3 and accessory flange nuts. The
hand switch cable should be passed through a hole of attachment plate.

Fig. 5-64

5 Fix the hand switch holder to attachment plate with attached Phillips-head screw.

Fig. 5-65

274 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.6 Additional Hand Switch

6 Insert the hand switch connector to HAND SW I/F board and fix it with a cable

Fig. 5-66

7 Connect to wire the hand SW cable J9B between J9AB connector on Hand SW
I/F board and J9B connector on the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board.

Fig. 5-67

8 Attach the removed covers in reverse order. Turn ON the main breaker.

9 Check the performance.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 275

5 Installing the Options

5.7 Installing Wireless LAN Option

5.7.1 Component of the Wireless LAN Option

The Wireless LAN Option consists of the following parts. Make sure that all the parts are
contained in the package.

Table 5-10 Component of Additional Hand Switch

No. Item Qty.

1 Connector ASSY 1
3 Stopper, LAN 1
4 Label Wireless LAN 1

Fig. 5-68

The wireless LAN adapter is not included in this option.

Purchase it separately.

5.7.2 Attaching USB Connector

1 Turn OFF the main breaker.

2 Remove the inside cover, both side covers, and top cover.
"3.5 How to Open/Close Covers"

276 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.7 Installing Wireless LAN Option

3 Attach the connector ASSY to the left side of catch unit with SEMS M4.
Wire the USB cable for connector ASSY as shown below. (Do NOT connect the cable to
PC in this step.)

Fig. 5-69

4 Connect wireless LAN adaptor to USB connector of connector ASSY.

5 Apply a mild pressure on adaptor to put stopper LAN.

6 Turn ON the main breaker.

5.7.3 Connecting Wireless LAN Adaptor and Installing Software

1 Connect mouse and keyboard to FPD box USB connector.

2 Connect DVD drive to empty USB port of PC.

Do not connect the DVD drive to the USB hub. Otherwise, the DVD drive may
not operate correctly due to electric power shortages.

3 Start the DR system to show the Windows screen.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 277

5 Installing the Options

4 Unlock PC by MEC.
"To Unlock PC"

5 Refer to the instruction in the manual for the wireless LAN adapter to install the

6 After the installation, disconnect the DVD drive.

7 Create a whitelist of MEC, and then lock PC.

• "To Create White List"

• "To Lock PC"

8 Connect USB cable of connector ASSY to USB port (D) of PC.

Do NOT connect the connector ASSY to the USB hub. Otherwise, it will not
operate correctly due to electric power shortages.

Fig. 5-70

9 Set up the adapter.

Manual of the wireless LAN adapter

10 Set up the CS-7.

"17.7 Installation of the wireless LAN adapter(USB type)" in "CS-7 Installation/Service

11 Close the FPD box and replace the covers.

278 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.7 Installing Wireless LAN Option

12 Attach the Label Wireless LAN to the Cover Wireless LAN.

Fig. 5-71

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 279

5 Installing the Options

5.8 External Monitor I/F Option

This option is required for connection settings for each external monitor which
will be connected. If any monitor without this setting is connected, nothing will
be displayed in the main monitor. In this case, the system does not operate
unless the mouse is connected to the system.
Individual settings are required for each monitor even if they are the same
Please inform the customer that connection of the external monitor without the
connection setting is prohibited in this option as described in the Operation

5.8.1 Component of External Monitor I/F Option

This option does not include the DVI cable or the external monitor. Please
prepare these items separate from this option.

Table 5-11 Component of External Monitor I/F Option

No Parts Name Quantity

1 DVI Cable ASSY 1

Fig. 5-72

280 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.8 External Monitor I/F Option

5.8.2 Installing DVI Cable ASSY to FPD Box

1 Turn OFF the main breaker.

2 Remove the inside cover, and both side covers.

"3.5 How to Open/Close Covers"

3 Open the FPD box.

4 Remove the lid and external monitor fixed with flange nut from the back side
of FPD box.

Fig. 5-73

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 281

5 Installing the Options

5 Attach DVI cable ASSY. (Use flange nut)

Fig. 5-74

6 Connect DVI cable ASSY to DVI port on the left side of PC.

Fig. 5-75

7 Replace FPD box and the cover.

8 Turn ON the main breaker.

9 Connect the external monitor with DVI cable.

282 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.8 External Monitor I/F Option

5.8.3 Connection Settings

This option requires OS settings for all monitors to be connected.

If there are more than one connection, follow the procedures below for each
monitor. Individual settings are required for each monitor even if their models
are the same.
1. Connect the external monitor to the External Monitor I/F ASSY with DVI cable.
2. Perform the procedures in this clause.
3. Perform the procedures in 5.13.5 Performance Check.

1 Connect USB hub to the USB port on the upper cover. Connect a keyboard and
a mouse to the USB hub.

2 Turn the DR system ON.

Only the external monitor will be displayed at this point.

3 After the CS-7 boots, click [Exit system] in the menu.

The exit window appears.

4 While pressing the "Shift" key, click.

The desktop screen appears.

5 Right click on the desktop and select [Display Settings] (Windows 10) or [screen
resolution] (Windows 7).

6 Click the display icon marked with 2 (i.e. external monitor), and set [Multiple
displays] to [Duplicate these displays].

Fig. 5-76

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 283

5 Installing the Options

7 For Windows 7, click [Apply].

Fig. 5-77

8 Click [Keep changes].

Fig. 5-78

9 Confirm that the same picture appear on both main monitor and the external

10 Turn the DR system OFF.

284 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.8 External Monitor I/F Option

5.8.4 Performance Check

1 Make sure the DR system is OFF, and disconnect the external monitor from the

2 Turn ON the DR system.

3 After the DR system is activated, connect the external monitor to the DVI Cable

4 Confirm that the same picture appear on both main monitor and the external
Installation of the External Monitor I/F option is complete.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 285

5 Installing the Options

5.9 Barcode Reader Option

• Before installting this option, obtain the barcode sample data in use for the
• A barcode includes either of two identification numbers below according to
the purpose of use.
Ask the customer beforehand to determine the identification number to be
PatientID: Identifies a patient.
Accession #: Identifies a study order (e.g. for medical examination)

5.9.1 Component of Barcode Reader Option

Barcode Reader Option consists of items listed below. Please check while unpacking.

Table 5-12 Component of Barcode Reader Option

No Parts Name Quantity

1 Barcode Reader 1
2 Driver CD 1

5.9.2 Installation of Driver and Setting of CS-7

1 Turn OFF the main breaker.

2 Remove the inside cover and both side covers.

"3.5 How to Open/Close Covers"

3 Open the FPD box.

286 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.9 Barcode Reader Option

4 Pull in the barcode reader USB cable to inside of the system through a hole
under the SW box.

Fig. 5-79

5 Connect to USB port (A) of PC.

Fig. 5-80

6 Turn ON the main breaker.

7 Set up the barcode reader to the reply of quotation acquired from the sales

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 287

5 Installing the Options

5.9.3 Barcode Reader USB Cable

1 Measure required cable length (550+-10 mm) of barcode reader, and fix it to the
band fixture which is fixing a hand switch cable, with attached wiring band.

2 The extra USB cables together with a wiring band and store them inside the

Fig. 5-81

3 Replace the FPD box and cover.

4 Put barcode reader in the FPD box.

5.9.4 Performance Check

1 Turn ON the DR system.

2 Read the barcode used in the hospital and check that it is displayed correctly.
Installation of Barcode Reader Option is completed.

288 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.10 Wireless Barcode Reader Option

5.10 Wireless Barcode Reader Option

5.10.1 Component of Wireless Reader Option

Wireless Barcode Reader Option consists of items listed below. Please check while

Table 5-13 Component of Barcode Reader Option

No Parts Name Quantity

1 Wireless Barcode Reader 1
2 USB dongle 1
3 USB Guard 1
4 Hex head cap screw M4x8 2

5.10.2 Installation of USB Dongle and Setting

Follow the instruction below to unlock MEC if locked. After processing, update
the whitelist and then lock MEC again.
• "To Unlock PC"
• "To Create White List"
• "To Lock PC"

1 Turn ON PC, and log on as an administrator.

2 Insert USB dongle to the USB port on the right side of the FPD box.

Do NOT insert USB dongle to the USB port on the left side. It may cause the
power shortage and abnormal behavior.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 289

5 Installing the Options

3 Cover USB dongle with the USB guard, and fix it with M4 hex head screws.

Fig. 5-82

4 Start Device Manager from the Control Panel by selecting [Hardware and
Sound] - > [Device Manager].

For Windows 10, you can open the Control Panel by selecting [Start] - > [Windows System
Tools] - > [Control Panel].

5 From [Bluetooth] (Windows 10) or [Bluetooth radio] (Windows 7), right-click

[Generic Bluetooth Radio] and select [Properties].

6 Select to open the Power Management tab, and uncheck "Allow the computer
to turn off this device to save power" and click [OK].

Fig. 5-83

290 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.10 Wireless Barcode Reader Option

7 To disable the Selective Suspended feature on a USB device.

1 Open Power Options in [Hardware and Sound] - > [Edit power plan] - > [Change
advanced power settings] from Control Panel.

2 If [USB Settings] - > [Setting USB Selective Suspend] is [Enabled], change it to

[Disabled] and click [OK].

8 From Control Panel, open [Network and the Internet] - > [Network and Sharing
Center] - > [Change Adapter Settings], right-click the network connection on the
Bluetooth device and disable it.

Fig. 5-84

9 Restart Windows to establish the new setting for USB dongle.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 291

5 Installing the Options

5.10.3 Wireless Barcode Reader Setting

n Bluetooth Barcode Reader (OPN-3002i) Setting

The initial connection mode of barcode reader (OPN-3002i) is "SPP master".

Follow the instruction below to change the connection mode to "HID".

1 Read the connection mode barcode, "HID", to perform the setting.

Bluetooth Connection Mode Setting

Table 5-14

1 ZZ

2 HID C02

3 ZZ

2 Press and hold the function key for 3 seconds.

3 When the alarm sounds, make sure the LED lamp blinks in blue and the system
becomes available for connection from the other device.

292 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.10 Wireless Barcode Reader Option

4 Add the radio bar code reader as follows.

n For Windows 10

1 Right-click the Bluetooth icon on the taskbar, and then click [Add a Bluetooth

2 Click [Add Bluetooth or other devices].

3 Click [Bluetooth].

n For Windows 7

Open [Hardware and Sound] Tablet PC Settings in Control Panel, and then click [Add
Bluetooth] Tablet PC Settings.
"OPN -3002 i" or "OPN -3102 i" is detected.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 293

5 Installing the Options

5 "OPN -3002 i" or "OPN -3102 i" is detected. Select the appropriate barcode reader.
For Windows 7, click [Next].

Fig. 5-85

When the connection is done, the following window is displayed.

Fig. 5-86

6 Read a sample barcode to make sure the code value can be output in the text
file or others.

294 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.10 Wireless Barcode Reader Option

5.10.4 Operation Check

1 Turn ON the DR system.

2 Read the barcode used in the hospital and check that it is displayed correctly.
Installation of wireless barcode reader option is completed.

3 Replace the FPD box and cover.

4 Put barcode reader in the FPD box.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 295

5 Installing the Options

5.11 Changing the Grip Bar Height Kit

5.11.1 Component of Changing the Grip Bar Height Kit

The changing the grip bar height kit consists of the following parts. Make sure that all
these parts are contained in the package.

Table 5-15 Component of Changing the Grip Bar Height Kit

番号 品名 数量
1 Handle arm L 1
2 Handle arm R 1
3 Cable guide 1
4 Harness bracket 1
5 Extension harness (CN11) 1
6 Ground cable (a) with a length of 120 mm 2
7 Ground cable (b) with a length of 230 mm 1
8 Cushion tape 1
9 Cable tie, Fasteners 1 set

Fig. 5-87

5.11.2 Removing Normal Handle

1 Turn OFF the power and the main breaker.

2 Remove the inside covers and side covers (right and left) from the system.
"3.5 How to Open/Close Covers"

296 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.11 Changing the Grip Bar Height Kit

3 Remove the connector (CN11) and the ground cable from the right side of the
handle, and also remove the cable tie.

Fig. 5-88

4 Remove two attachment bolts from each side of Joint ASSY fixing the handle
arm, and remove the handle arm unit.

The handle arm is set in the projection of Joint ASSY. Pull both ends of the
handle arm away from the projection to remove it. 5

Fig. 5-89

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 297

5 Installing the Options

5.11.3 Relocation of Grip ASSY

1 Secure Grip ASSY with masking tapes as shown below.

This step must be performed. If Grip ASSY turns inside out, the internal parts
may spring out.

Fig. 5-90

2 Remove two fixing bolt on each side of Grip ASSY, and disassemble the handle
arm from Grip ASSY.

Fig. 5-91

298 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.11 Changing the Grip Bar Height Kit

3 Remove two fixing bolt on each side of Grip ASSY, and disassemble the handle
arm from Grip ASSY.

Fig. 5-92

4 Remove the stopper bolt from the Handle arm R included in the option and
loosen the bolt on the bearing attachment plate, and pull out Adjuster ASSY by
holding down the black button.

Fig. 5-93

5 Remove the cable cover.

Fig. 5-94

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 299

5 Installing the Options

6 Fix the handle arm and Grip ASSY with two accessory bolts M5X14 and the
loctite 242 (blue) on both handle arms. After fixing, remove masking tapes and
make sure the brake bar can work smoothly.

• Prevent the cable from being wedged between the handle arm and Grip ASSY.
• Fix the bolts at a level place such as a table to prevent the handle arms from
being twisted.
• Turn the Grip ASSY in the direction shown below to expand the lever opening.

Fig. 5-95

7 Pass the cable (CN11) from Grip ASSY through the groove of the handle arm,
and attach the cable cover again carefully not to pinch the cable.

Fig. 5-96

300 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.11 Changing the Grip Bar Height Kit

8 Insert Adjuster ASSY removed in Step 4 to the lock position.

Fig. 5-97

9 Jointly fasten the stopper bolt removed in Step 4 and the accessory cable guide.
And attach the ground cable as shown below.

Fig. 5-98

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 301

5 Installing the Options

10 Remove the masking tape to complete the assembly of handle arm unit.

Fig. 5-99

5.11.4 Mounting Handle Arm Unit to Mobile X-ray System

1 Attach the accessory ground cable (a) and the ground icon label to the bottom
of Joint ASSY on each side of the system (with SEMS M3x6). The mounting
direction of the ground cable (a) terminal should be as shown below.

Fig. 5-100 Left side of Joint ASSY

302 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.11 Changing the Grip Bar Height Kit

2 Mount the handle arm unit in Joint ASSY of the system, and attach two low
head hexagon socket head cap screws M5X12 (included in the option) with loctite
242 (blue) to both side of the handle arm.

As same as the removal of the standard handle arm, pull both ends of the
handle arm away to mount the groove to the projection.
• Reference: "5.11.2 Removing Normal Handle" Step 4

Fig. 5-101

3 Connect the connector cable and ground cable on each side.

Remove the existing short-circuit connector from both sides, and then connect
each connector (CN38A/B), 5

Fig. 5-102

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 303

5 Installing the Options

4 Fix the harness bracket (with SEMS M4x8, 2 places).

Fig. 5-103

5 Connect the extention harness between connectors (CN11) of the handle arm and
the system.

Fig. 5-104

304 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.11 Changing the Grip Bar Height Kit

5.11.5 Wiring

1 Fix the groud cable (a), and attach the grounding symbol label.

Fig. 5-105

2 Bundle CN10 and CN38A cables and the ground cable (a), and fix them with
cable ties. The connector of CN10 and CN38A is placed in the position as shown
below. 5

Fig. 5-106

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 305

5 Installing the Options

3 Fix the ground cable (b) and extension cable to the back and front of the cable
guide. The connector CN11 of the extension harness is fixed onto the cable guide.

Fig. 5-107

4 Fasten the terminal of the ground cable (b) to the harness bracket (with SEMS
M4x8, 1 place), and fix the cable and the extension harness to the harness

Make sure that the ground cable is not pulled strongly. This may cause the device
to turn left when releasing the brake.

Fig. 5-108

306 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.11 Changing the Grip Bar Height Kit

5 Bundle the extra length of the extension harness with a cable tie, and fasten
the terminal of the ground cable to the harness brakcet.

Fig. 5-109

6 Move the handle to the lower position to make sure the ground cable (b) and
extension harness do not contact the discharge switch and cord reel, and
complete the wiring.

Fig. 5-110

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 307

5 Installing the Options

5.11.6 Performance Check and Attachment of Cover

1 While locking the handle at the high position, fix the fixing plate with a hex
socket head cap so that the bearing lightly contacts the traveling rail.

Fig. 5-111

2 There are two set screws inside the screw hole. Contact the first screw toward
the fixing plate, and insert the other screw into the screw hole and tighten it.

Fig. 5-112

308 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.11 Changing the Grip Bar Height Kit

3 Remove Handle lock ASSY on both sides with removing two hex head cap screws.

Be careful not to cut off the harness of Handle lock ASSY.

Fig. 5-113

4 Check a gap on each side of the handle. The gap should be set to 0.2 mm to 0.
5 mm by adjusting the resin guide.

Fig. 5-114

5 Move the arm up and down to check the following performances.

• The arm can be locked at the default position and the low position.
• When the arm is unlocked at the low position, the arm is held at the same position
and does not fall suddenly.
• The arm can work smoothly without catching a cable.

6 Turn ON the main braker and the power supply, and release the brake while
unlocking the arm to make sure D2 error is displayed.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 309

5 Installing the Options

7 Check if the version of the software is later than ver.1.10. Perform upgrade if
How to check the version: "7.1.2 Method 2"
How to upgrade: "10.11 Updating Software"

8 Turn OFF the main braker and the power supply.

9 Peel off the cushion tape, which is attched to both side covers, and attach the
accessory cushion tape cut into 25 mm length as shown below.

Fig. 5-115

10 Attach the side covers. Check the gap between the side cover and the arm handle
so that it does not scratch. Make sure the right side has more than 2 mm gap
at the default handle position.

If the gap is small, adjust the position of the cover attachment stand.

Fig. 5-116

310 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.11 Changing the Grip Bar Height Kit

11 Attach two caps on each side, and attach the handle inside cover.

Fig. 5-117

12 Adjust the FSR value at the default handle position.

"7.5 Adjustment of Handle"

5.11.7 How to Adjust Holding Force of Handle

Whent the handle is unlocked at the default position, it is held at the same position by 5
Roller ASSY, which is located on the leftside of the handle unit. The gripping force of
the handle is already adjusted during the manufacturing process. However, if the handle
arm descends too fast due to lack of force, or the lowering force becomes too large
over time, follow the instruction below to adjust the gripping force.

Fig. 5-118

1 Lock the handle at the default position.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 311

5 Installing the Options

2 Remove Handle lock ASSY on the left side with removing two hex head cap

Be careful not to cut off the harness of Handle lock ASSY.

Fig. 5-119

3 Adjust the U-nut mounted to Roller ASSY. The gripping force is increased by
tighting the U-nut, and decreased by loosening it.

• After adjustment, make sure the roller rotates when moving the handle down.
If the roller does not rotate, loosen the U-nut to decrease the holding force.
• The standard force to lower the handle arm when the Roller ASSY is rotating
is approximately 10N.
• If the U-nut is too loose, the disc spring may be misaligned as shown below.
In this case, align and hold the disc spring to the center by using a needle
nose plier or an equivalent tool, and tighten the U-nut.

Fig. 5-120

312 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.11 Changing the Grip Bar Height Kit

5.11.8 Other Maintenance

Be sure to prevent grease and oil from adhering to the traveling rail for Roller ASSY.
Otherwise, it will totally lose its grip force. In the case a grease adheres to the rail,
dismantle and clean both Roller ASSY and travering rail.

Fig. 5-121

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 313

5 Installing the Options

5.12 Protective Film Option

5.12.1 Component of Protective Film Option

The protective film option consists of the following parts. Make sure that all these parts
are contained in the package

Table 5-16 Component of Protective Film Option

No Parts Name Quantity

1 Protective film 1

5.12.2 Installing Protective Film Option

Be careful to avoid cutting your finger with the edge of protective film.

1 Remove inside cover from the system.

"3.5 How to Open/Close Covers"

2 Wipe off the liquid-crystal screen with a water-moistened soft cloth.

The dust left on the film causes air bubble under the film.

314 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.12 Protective Film Option

3 Place the protective film onto the liquid-crystal screen to align the position, and
fix one corner with tape as shown below. At this time, it is okay to have some
air bubbles under the film.

Fig. 5-122

4 Peel off the protective film to the taped position, and paste again with removing
air bubbles. To do this, use a soft cloth and apply pressure onto the film, and
gently slide back and forth across the surface. 5

To remove bubbles, make the angle between the screen and the film small (about 10

Fig. 5-123

5 After pasting, remove the tape and clean the surface of the screen protector,
then attach the inside cover.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 315

5 Installing the Options

5.13 Decoration Label

5.13.1 Component of Decoration Label Option

Decoration Label Option consists of items listed below. Please check while unpacking.

Table 5-17 Component of Decoration Label Option

No Parts Name Quantity

1 Label set 1

Fig. 5-124

316 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.13 Decoration Label

5.13.2 Attaching Decoration Label

Put each label on MobileDaRt Evolution as shown below.

Fig. 5-125 Right Side

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 317

5 Installing the Options

Fig. 5-126 Left Side

318 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

5.13 Decoration Label

Fig. 5-127 Front Side

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 319

6 [Appendix] DIP Switches and Jumpers Setting on Each Board
6.1 XCONT-2008X Board/XCONT-2018 Board
The DIP switch function of the XCONT-2008X and XCONT-2018 boards is shown below.

• DIP switch settings for the XCONT-2008X and XCONT-2018 are the same.
• Their jumper settings are different, refer to "6.2 XCONT-2008X Board Jumper
Setting" and "6.3 XCONT-2018 Board Jumper Setting".

Table 6-1 XCONT-2008X and XCONT-2018 DIP Switches

Number Function Status: Function Default

SW2-1 System configuration RESERVED (indicate system) ON
SW2-2 RESERVED RESERVED (indicate system) OFF
ON: debug mode, OFF:
normal mode
ON: DR-200m
SW2-4 DR communication*1 OFF: system other than OFF
ON: Measured value display
SW2-5 Measured value display mode mode OFF
OFF: Normal mode
SW2-6 Unused Unused OFF
ON: DR-ID800, DR-200m
SW2-7 DR communication*1 OFF
ON: Initial setting mode,
SW2-8 Initial setting mode OFF
OFF: Normal mode
ON with SW 2-8 ON to
SW3-1 EEPROM Initialization OFF
initialize CPU board
SW3-2 Keyless Entry Option ON: enable, OFF: disable OFF
SW3-3 Unused Unused OFF
ON: DR-200m
SW3-4 DR communication*1 OFF: system other than OFF
Dose Area Product Meter
SW3-5 ON: enable, OFF: disable OFF
SW3-6 Bucky Normally ON ON
ON: Adjustment mode,
SW3-8 Adjustment mode OFF
OFF: Normal mode

320 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

6.2 XCONT-2008X Board Jumper Setting

Number Function Status: Function Default

*1 To use the PC maintenance function on Tera Term, set SW2-4 to ON, and SW2-7 to OFF.
*2 To update the version of software, set SW4-2 to ON.

6.2 XCONT-2008X Board Jumper Setting

Table 6-2 XCONT-2008X Board Jumpers

Number Pin Number Silk Setting Remarks

1-2 IN Shorted -
2-3 OUT Open -
1-2 1 Shorted -
2-3 3 Open -
1-2 1 Shorted -
2-3 3 Open -

6.3 XCONT-2018 Board Jumper Setting

Table 6-3 XCONT-2018 Board Jumpers

Number Pin Number Silk Setting Remarks

1-2 IN Shorted -
2-3 OUT Open -

6.4 INVERTER UNIT 32K Board 6

Table 6-4 INVERTER UNIT 32K Board Dip Switches

Number Function Switch Status/Function Default

SW1-1 Unit Setting Normally OFF OFF
SW1-2 Not used Normally OFF OFF

6.5 POWER-200D Board

Table 6-5 POWER-200D Board Dip Switches

Number Function Switch Status/Function Default

ON: DR power can be turned ON
SW1-1 Confirm Operation OFF
without permission signal from XCONT
SW1-2 Not used Always OFF OFF

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 321

6 [Appendix] DIP Switches and Jumpers Setting on Each Board

6.6 MU DRIVER 07 Board

Table 6-6 MU DRIVER 07 Board Jumpers

Number Pin Number Silk Setting Remarks

1-2 Shorted -
JP2 24V
2-3 FAN 5V Open -
1-2 PS Shorted -
2-3 AS Open -
1-2 PS Shorted -
2-3 AS Open -
1-2 PS Shorted -
2-3 AS Open -

Table 6-7 MU DRIVER 07 Board DIP switches

Number Function Switch status / Function Default

SW1-1 Unused Always OFF OFF
SW1-2 Unused Always OFF OFF
SW1-3 Unused Always OFF OFF
SW1-4 Unused Always OFF OFF
For connecting
FSR L ASSY/566-20907,
FSR R ASSY/566-20908
For connecting
FSR L ASSY/563-74355,
FSR R ASSY/563-74356

Table 6-8 MU DRIVER 07 Board Rotary switches

Number Information Range*1 Remarks

0 Latest Error Error code Note 1
1 Left FSR*2 0 to 1023 Note 2
2 Right FSR*2 0 to 1023 Note 2
3 Left motor current 0 to 1023 Note 2
4 Right motor current 0 to 1023 Note 2
5 Left velocity -511 to 511 Note 3
6 Left output -127 to 127 Note 4
7 Right velocity -511 to 511 Note 3
8 Right output -127 to 127 Note 4
9 AD conversion value VOUT1 0 to 1023 Note 2
A AD conversion value VOUT2 0 to 1023 Note 2
B AD conversion value VOUT3 0 to 1023 Note 2

322 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

6.6 MU DRIVER 07 Board

Number Information Range*1 Remarks

C AD conversion value VOUT4 0 to 1023 Note 2
D Unused - -
E SEG LED is OFF - -
F Version 0 to 999 Note 5

*1 Values are displayed on 7 segments LED of MU Driver board.

*2 Force sensing resistor, used in the handle for control.

Note 1: "E00" is displayed if no error was recorded. If any error was recorded
"E" and the sum of the error codes (in hexadecimal) from the following table
will be displayed .

Table 6-9

Error code Content of the error

01 Left side FET is short-circuited.
02 Right side FET was short-circuited.
04 Not used
08 FET error.
10 FET thermal switch is ON.
20 Dry cell battery error.
40 Contactors (K11) contact is melt
80 XCONT-Communication error

Note 2: Described in unsigned 10 bit Hexadecimal.

Table 6-10 6
Display Value
000 1
001 2
・ ・
・ ・
・ ・
00A 10
・ ・
・ ・
・ ・
3FF 1023

Note3: Described in signed 10 bit Hexadecimal.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 323

6 [Appendix] DIP Switches and Jumpers Setting on Each Board

Table 6-11

Display Value
000 1
001 2
・ ・
・ ・
・ ・
1FF 511
200 Unused
201 -511
・ ・
・ ・
・ ・
3FE -2
3FF -1

Note4: Described in signed Hexadecimal.

Table 6-12

Display Value
000 1
001 2
・ ・
・ ・
・ ・
07F 127
080 Unused
081 -127
・ ・
・ ・
・ ・
0FE -2
0FF -1

Note5: Described in unsigned decimal.

Table 6-13

Display Value
000 0
001 1
・ ・
・ ・
・ ・
999 999

324 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

6.7 LED POWER-20 Board

6.7 LED POWER-20 Board

Refer to the appropriate table according to P/N of LED LIGHT ASSY to be used.

Table 6-14 LED POWER-20 Board DIP switches (LED LIGHT ASSY P/N: 565-12375-02)

LED Name

Table 6-15 LED POWER-20 Board DIP switches (LED LIGHT ASSY P/N: 565-14690-02)

SW1-1 ON
SW1-2 ON
*1 These settings are not required in the usual installation of the unit.

6.8 CL MEAS-17 Board

Table 6-16 CL MEAS-17 Board DIP switches

Number Function Switch Status/Function Default

The switch is available only in selfcheck mode.
(SW1-4 to ON)
ON: AD_CH1 is attached to V leaf
OFF: AD_CH1 is attached to H leaf 6
SW1-2 Unused OFF OFF
SW1-3 Unused OFF OFF
Mode ON: self check mode
change OFF: normal mode

n Self check mode

Table 6-17

Position to check 7 seg display check item

Serial communication [J1] Verify serial communication is working
SPI port [J3] For future use.
Analog 1 [J4] AD value is in the normal range
Analog 2 [J5] AD value is in the normal range
Aanalog 3 [J6] AD value is in the normal range
Analog 4 [J7] AD value is in the normal range
Vleaf position [Cn2] AD value is in the normal range

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 325

6 [Appendix] DIP Switches and Jumpers Setting on Each Board

Position to check 7 seg display check item

Hleaf position [Cn3] AD value is in the normal range
Digitail SW [Cn4] Verify that 2 switches are closed
Execute selftest about acceleration sensor
Acceleration sensor [ACC]
Analog power [AnA] Verify if analog power is stable

n LED indication according to check status

Table 6-18

Check status LD1 LD2 7 seg LED

Check in progress
Blinks alternatively Blinks alternatively
(For 7 secnds after Displays [- - -]
with LD2 with LD1
SW1-4 to ON)
Passed Lights-up Lights-up Displays [PA.S]
After [FAL] blinking,
displays "Position to
Failed Lights-up Lights-out check" with lighting
if OK, blinking if

* * E.g. [J1] to [J7] and [Cn3] to [AnA] are "Passed", and [Cn2] is "Failed": [FAL] blinks → [J1] lights
→ [J3] lights → [J4] lights → [J5] lights → [J6] lights →[J7] lights → [Cn2] blinks → [Cn3] lights →
[Cn4] lights → [ACC] lights → [AnA] lights

6.9 MUX CHARGE-32KX Board

Table 6-19 MUX CHARGE-32KX Board DIP switches

Number Function Switch Status/Function Default

SW1-1 Unit Setting OFF OFF
SW1-2 Unused OFF OFF
SW1-3 Unused OFF OFF
SW1-4 Unused OFF OFF

326 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode
7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode
There are two methods to start the Adjustment Mode.

7.1.1 Method 1

1 Remove the power plug from the outlet, and turn OFF the main system.

2 Remove the right-inside cover and right-side cover.

"3.5 How to Open/Close Covers"

3 Turn ON the DIP switch SW3-8 on the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board.

4 Turn ON the main power.

"TECI" is displayed immediately on the kV/mAs display fields of the X-ray control panel.

Fig. 7-1 Initial display on adjustment mode

By pressing the Registration key for each setting described in this chapter, the setting
value is registered and "record" is displayed on the kV/mAs display fields.

Fig. 7-2 "record" Display when registering

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 327

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

n How to finish adjustment mode

1 Turn OFF the main system.

2 Turn OFF the DIP switch SW3-8 on the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board.

3 Attach the removed covers in reverse order.

"3.5 How to Open/Close Covers"

4 Restart the main system.

7.1.2 Method 2

This method allows to enter initialization and adjustment mode without setting DIP
switches on the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board.

This method allows to perform some settings below without opening the covers.
• Adjustment of X-ray tube current

• Initialization

• Check the irradiation counter

X-ray tube current can easily be checked because the unit is automatically brought into the
measured value display mode.

1 Remove the power plug from the outlet, and turn OFF the power to te system.

2 Turn ON the power to the system.

3 Press and hold the Setting Change key for more than 3 seconds.
The Setting Change Mode will start.

4 Wait until the display field changes from to

(Personal ID Setting). When the display is changed, press <7> and then the
collimator Lamp key within 3 seconds.

328 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode

5 appears for approx. 1 second, and then appears on

the dose indicator.

At this time, the version of S/W "X.XX"is displayed on mAs display field. If the Collimator
Lamp Key is pressed,"8" will be displayed as the type of software on the mAs display.

Be sure to confirm software compatibility after the replacement of the XCONT-2008X

or XCONT-2018 board.
The installation of software incompatible with the unit output may cause damage to
the unit.

Fig. 7-3 Display of software version (example of Ver.1.00)

Fig. 7-4 Display of software type

6 In this state, the display will switch between (adjustment mode) and

(initialization) by pressing the INFO switch.

7 Press Program Register key with the chosen mode. The chosen mode will start.

8 Refer to the following for details of each mode.

• "7.2 Initialization of XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 Board".

• "7.3 Adjustment Mode List"

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 329

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

n How to finish the mode

1 Turn OFF the power to te system.

2 Turn ON the power to the system.

The system returns to normal mode.

330 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.2 Initialization of XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 Board

7.2 Initialization of XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 Board

When replacing the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board, it must be initialized.

7.2.1 Procedure of Initialization

1 Remove the power plug from the outlet, and turn OFF the power to te system.

2 Remove the right-inside cover and right-side cover.

"3.5 How to Open/Close Covers"

3 Set the DIP switch SW3-1 on the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board as shown
• DIPSW2-8: ON
• DIPSW3-1: ON

4 Turn ON the main power of the system.

5 "i nit" is displayed on X-ray control panel for about 40 seconds.

6 After "i nit" disappears, press and hold the Registration key until "CAL end"

7 Set the DIP switch SW2-8 and SW3-1 on the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board
to original position.
• DIPSW2-8: OFF 7

Be sure to reset both DIP switches to the original position once the initialization
is complete.

8 Attach the removed covers in reverse order.

"3.5 How to Open/Close Covers"

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 331

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

7.3 Adjustment Mode List

Mode list in Adjustment Mode is shown below.

n Adjustment mode Page 1 (Key <1> blinks, and INFO switch goes off)

Table 7-1

Key Name of mode Notes

Adjustment by unit.
Adjustment mode of the battery
4 "7.6 Adjustment of the Battery
detection circuit
Voltage Detection Circuit"

5 Setting Date and Time "7.7 Setting Date and Time"

Adjustment by unit.
6 Adjustment mode of the Handle
"7.5 Adjustment of Handle"

The standard adjustment of tube

Tube current two-point adjustment current.
mode "7.4 Adjustment of Tube

The detailed check and adjustment of

Tube current each-point adjustment tube current. (Not usually performed.)
8 mode
Setting Date and Time "7.4 Adjustment of Tube

This mode checks the condition of the

battery under load (ex. radiography).
9 Battery voltage drop check mode
"7.10 Battery Voltage Drop
Check Mode"

n Adjustment mode Page 2 (Key <1> blinks, and INFO switch blinks)

Table 7-2

Key Name of mode Reference

Perform the operation of charging
for a minute with charging current
setting 1A.
4 Battery charging test mode This mode is used to confirm the
operation of charging circuit.
"8.9 Checking battery

"7.9 Displaying the

5 Displaying running speed
Running Speed"

"7.11 Battery Code Setting

6 Battery code setting mode

7 DR setting mode "7.21 DR Setting Mode"

332 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.3 Adjustment Mode List

Key Name of mode Reference

Dose area product meter adjustment • "7.12 Dose Area Product

mode (SW3-5ON) Meter Adjustment Mode"
8 Dose calculation adjustment mode or • "7.20 Dose Area Product
Dose Area Product Calculation Unit Calculation Unit Setting
Setting (SW3-5OFF) Mode"

"7.8 Display and Reset of

9 Error Log mode
Error Log"

n Adjustment mode Page 3 (INFO switch goes off, and key <2> blinks)

Table 7-3

Key Name of mode Reference

4 - Not used
5 - Not used
6 - Not used
7 - Not used
8 - Not used
9 - Not used

n Adjustment mode Page 4 (INFO switch goes off, and key <3> blinks)

Table 7-4

Key Name of mode Reference

"7.17 Motor Usage
4 Motor usage information setting mode
Information Setting Mode"

"7.16 X-ray Tube Unit

X-ray tube unit usage information
5 Usage Information Setting
setting mode

Usage information collective setting "7.19 Usage Information

mode Collective Setting Mode"

"7.13 Battery Usage Setting

7 Battery usage setting mode

CPU board battery usage information

"7.14 CPU Board Battery 7
8 Usage Information Setting
setting mode

"7.15 Emergency Brake

Emergency brake release battery usage
9 Release Battery Usage
Information setting mode
Information Setting Mode"

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 333

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

n Adjustment mode Page 5 (INFO switch blinks, and key <3> blinks)

Table 7-5

Key Name of mode Reference

"7.24 Mechanical
Mechanical performance usage
4 Performance Usage
information setting mode
Information Setting Mode"

5 - Not used
6 - Not used
"7.18 Arm Usage
7 Arm usage information setting mode
Information Setting Mode"

Cord Reel usage information setting "7.22 Cord Reel Usage

mode Information Setting Mode"

"7.23 FSR Usage

9 FSR usage information setting mode
Information Setting Mode"

334 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.4 Adjustment of Tube Current

7.4 Adjustment of Tube Current

7.4.1 Tube Current Adjustment Mode

The tube current of this unit is adjusted by changing the setting of the filament current
(called FVR value).
As shown below, there are 6 points of adjustable FVR values; 40, 60, 80, 100, 125 and
133 kV for each tube current. FVR values between tube voltage points are calculated
using linear interpolation.

n Small focus

Table 7-6

50 mA 63 mA 80 mA 100 mA 125 mA 160 mA 200 mA

133kV ○ ○ ○ ○ - - -
125kV ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ - -
100kV ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ -
80kV ○◎ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○◎
60kV ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
40kV ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
* ○:Adjustment point in Tube Current Each-point Adjustment Mode
◎:Adjustment point in Tube Current Two-point Adjustment Mode

n Large focus

Table 7-7

50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 320 400

mA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA
133kV ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ - - -
125kV ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ - -
100kV ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ -
80kV ○◎ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○◎
60kV ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 7
40kV ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ -
* ○:Adjustment point in Tube Current Each-point Adjustment Mode
◎:Adjustment point in Tube Current Two-point Adjustment Mode

There are two types of tube current adjustment mode. Normally, the tube current is
adjusted with (1) Tube Current Two-point Adjustment Mode. When necessary, the tube
current at each adjustment point is checked and adjusted with (2) Tube Current
Each-point Adjustment Mode
• (1) Tube Current Two-point Adjustment Mode
FVR value is adjusted with two points; minimum and maximum tube current of 80kV.
The FVR values of other points are calculated based on the two values.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 335

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

• (2) Tube Current Each-point Adjustment Mode

FVR values are adjusted at each adjustment point.

The Tube Current Two-point Adjustment Mode is to correct the currently-set FVR
value table based on the adjustment results of the two points. Therefore, if any
currently-set FVR value is invalid, the correction results could be wrong. Be sure
to initialize FVR value before the tube current two-point adjustment.

7.4.2 To Initialize FVR Values

The initialization is not required in the standard installation procedure of the

unit. Perform the initializing methods in case such as when the circuit boards or
other parts are replaced and readjustment is required.

1 Press the focus key you choose to initialize the FVR value.

2 Press the key <0> for about 3 seconds until "c A n c e L" appears on the display.
FVR value of selected focus will be initialized only.

FVR value can also be initialized by initializing the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018

board. However, other important data will also be initialized.

7.4.3 Others

• When the Tube Current Two-point or Each-point Adjustment Mode is selected, the tube
current feedback circuit is automatically disabled. Radiography time is fixed at 20msec.
• To adjust the tube current, use the secondary tube current meter or neutral point tube
current meter, or enter the actual measurement mode on the system. (During the tube
current adjustment mode, the system automatically enters the actual measurement
display mode.)

The tube current of the same FVR value may differ due to the presence of the
tube voltmeter connection. Make sure that the tube voltmeter is disconnected
when the tube current adjustment is performed.

336 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.4 Adjustment of Tube Current

7.4.4 Tube Current Two-point Adjustment Mode

This mode is to calculate the currently-set FVR value table based on the
adjustment results of the two points. Therefore, if any currently-set FVR value is
invalid, the correction results could be wrong. Be sure to initialize FVR value
before the tube current two-point adjustment.

1 Enter the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

2 Press the key <1> to enter the Tube Current Two-point Adjustment Mode.
LED of the switch and keys are indicated as follows.
• INFO switch goes off
• Key <1> blinks
• Key <7> blinks

3 Tube voltage is displayed on kV display field and tube current is displayed on

mAs display field when enter the Tube Current Two-point Adjustment Mode.

4 Press focus key and select small focus.

Focus key will light.

5 Set the tube voltage and tube current by pressing each key.
The tube voltage is fixed at 80kV. The tube current can be set at two points, minimum
and maximum. Set the minimum tube current first.

Table 7-8

Adjustment point of
Focus type Tube current value
tube current
Minimum 50mA
Small focus 7
(Focus key lighting) Maximum 200mA

Large focus Minimum 50mA

(Focus key light out) Maximum 400mA

Fig. 7-5 Tube current two-point adjustment mode (the tube current is set to 50 mA)

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 337

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

6 Execute X-ray exposure.

Execute the exposure by pressing the hand switch.

7 Adjust the FVR value.

1 Press the Additional Filter key to show the FVR value on the tube voltage display.
(The Additional Filter key blinks when the FVR value is displayed.)

2 Use the the Tube Voltage key to change the FVR value.

• To decrease the tube current, set the FVR value to a smaller value.

• To increase the tube current, set the FVR value to a larger value.

8 Repeat the steps 6 and 7 until the measured tube current value is within the
recommended range.
Table 7-9

Focus type Adjustment point Recommended range

Small focus 80kV 50mA 45mA to 50mA

(Focus key lighting) 80kV 200mA 185mA to 200mA

Large focus 80kV 50mA 45mA to 50mA

(Focus key light out) 80kV 400mA 370mA to 400mA

Fig. 7-6 Tube current two-point adjustment mode-FVR value setting (the tube current is set to 50mA, the FVR
ajusted to FVR = 3.92)

9 Register FVR values.

1 Register the FVR value after the tube current adjustment is complete.

2 To register the FVR value, press the Registration key. Characters "r e c o r d" will
show on the display.

Be sure to press the Registration key when the FVR value is changed.
Otherwise, the changed FVR value will become invalid if the other
point or mode is moved, or the switch is turned off. FVR value can
also be registered on the display of the exposure condition (instead
of the FVR value).

338 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.4 Adjustment of Tube Current

10 Set the maximum tube current, and then repeat the steps 6 to 9.

However, the same adjustment results can be obtained in reverse order.

If this mode is terminated with only one point setting being performed, the
automatic adjustment on this mode is not executed.

11 Press the Focus key and select Large focus. Repeat the steps 5 to 10.

12 Finish the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

7.4.5 Tube Current Each Point Adjustment Mode

n How to Adjust FVR value

1 Enter the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

2 Press the key <8> to enter the Tube Current Each Point Adjustment Mode.
LED of the switch and keys are indicated as follows.
• INFO switch goes off
• Key <1> blinks
• Key <8> blinks

3 Tube voltage is displayed on kV display field and tube current is displayed on

mAs display field when enter the Tube Current Each Point Adjustment Mode.

4 Select focus. 7

• Small focus : focus key LED ON

• Large focus : focus key LED OFF

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 339

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

5 Set the tube voltage and tube current by pressing each key.

Fig. 7-7 Tube current each point adjustment mode – Exposure condition setting (In case of 160mA)

6 Execute X-ray exposure.

Execute the exposure by pressing the hand switch.

7 Adjust the FVR value.

1 Press the Filter key to show the FVR value on the tube voltage display.
The Filter key blinks when the FVR value is displayed.

2 Use the Tube Voltage key to change the FVR value.

• To decrease the tube current, set the FVR value to a smaller value.

• To increase the tube current, set the FVR value to a larger value.

8 Repeat the steps 5 and 6 until the measured tube current value is within -15%
to +5% of the set value.

Fig. 7-8 Tube current each point adjustment mode: FVR value adjusted (this figure shows an example of the display:
the FVR is setting to FVR = 3.87)

9 Register FVR values.

Register the FVR value after the tube current adjustment is complete. To register the FVR
value, press the Registration key. Characters “r e c o r d” will show on the display.

Be sure to press the Registration key when the FVR value is changed. Otherwise,
the changed FVR value will become invalid if the other point or mode is moved,
or the switch is turned off. FVR value can also be registered on the display of
the exposure condition (instead of the FVR value).

340 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.4 Adjustment of Tube Current

10 Repeat the steps 5 to 8 for other points, as required.

11 Press focus key and select focus. Repeat the steps 4 to 9 for the other focus.

• Small focus : focus key LED ON

• Large focus : focus key LED OFF

12 Finish the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 341

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

7.5 Adjustment of Handle

In this mode, the handle is adjusted to control the driving performance of the unit.
Perform the following procedures if the handle or the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018
board is exchanged.

1 Enter the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"7

2 Pess the key <6> to enter the Adjustment of the Handle Mode.
LED of the switch and keys are indicated as follows.
• INFO switch goes off
• Key <1> blinks
• Key <6> blinks

3 Set a spring gauge.

As the adjustment position number is indicated on the tube voltage display, apply the
force in the indicated direction with a spring gauge
"Table 7-10 Relation between handle adjustment position number and pull power"
"Fig. 7-9 Adjustment of the Handle"

Tie a piece of string or the like round the end of the handle, then hook the spring
gauge to the string, and apply the force. When driving handle pull forward, the
adjustment value increase. When driving handle pull backward, the adjustment value

Fig. 7-9 Adjustment of the Handle

4 Register the adjustment values (12 positions)

Press the Registration swich. The next adjustment position number will appear. Repeat
steps 3 and 4 with all the adjustment positions shown in the following table.

If the system is powered OFF without pressing the Registration key, the adjusted
value will not be registered.

342 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.5 Adjustment of Handle

Table 7-10 Relation between handle adjustment position number and pull power

Adjustment position number Direction and weight of pulling the spring gauge
1*1 Forward left direction (1 kg)*3
2 Forward left direction (1.5 kg)
3 Forward left direction (3 kg)
4 Backward left direction (1 kg)*3
5 Backward left direction (1.5 kg)
6 Backward left direction (3 kg)
7*2 Forward right direction (1 kg)*3
8 Forward right direction (1.5kg)
9 Forward right direction (3 kg)
10 Backward right direction (1 kg)*3
11 Backward right direction (1.5 kg)
12 Backward right direction (3 kg)
*1 When the adjustment position number indicates 1, pull the spring gauge backward left direction
with the force of 3 kg, and then forward left direction with 1 kg.
*2 When the adjustment position number indicates 7, pull the spring gauge backward right direction
with the force of 3 kg, and then forward right direction with 1 kg.
*3 To pull the spring gauge forward left, backward left, forward right, or backward right direction
with the force of 1 kg, pull it gradually within 1kg.

Fig. 7-10 Positions and directions for setting the spring gauge

5 Press the Filter key to display the adjustment value on the X-ray control panel.
"r" is displayed in front of the adjustment position number.
After adjustment, press ±kV keys to choose the adjustment position number, and make
sure the adjustment values for each point are correctly registered.

If relation between the adjustment values are as described below, normal driving
operability cannot be obtained. Be sure to adjust the values correctly.
• The values between 2 adjustment positions in the same direction are the same.
• The values are not sequential with the magnitude of the pull force.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 343

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

6 Finish the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

344 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.6 Adjustment of the Battery Voltage Detection Circuit

7.6 Adjustment of the Battery Voltage Detection Circuit

This mode adjusts battery voltage detection circuit. Perform the following procedures
when exchanging the MUX POWER board, the MUX CHARGE-32K or MUX CHARGE-32KX
board, or the XCONT-2008 or XCONT-2018 board.

1 Enter the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

2 Press the key <4> to enter the Adjustment of the Battery Voltage Detection
Circuit Mode. The detected battery voltage is displayed with four digits and 0.1V
unit. Press the tube voltage key to select [+] or [-]. If [-] is selected, "-" is
displayed at the second digits of kV display field.
LED of the switch and keys are indicated as follows.
• INFO switch goes off
• Key <1> blinks
• Key <4> blinks

3 Press [mAs +] and [mAs -] key to adjust the displayed value. Press the
Registration key if the displayed value is within ±0.2V of the measured battery

• Measure the actual battery voltage on + side with TER3 [B120+O] - TER5 [B0] of the
MUXPOWER-32K board.

• Measure the actual battery voltage on - side with TER5 [B0] -TER4 [B120-O] of the
MUXPOWER-32K board.

Fig. 7-11 Adjustment of the battery voltage detection circuit –Positive voltage (in case of 119.7V)

Fig. 7-12 Adjustment of the battery voltage detection circuit –Negative voltage (in case of 119.1V)

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 345

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

4 Finish the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

346 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.7 Setting Date and Time

7.7 Setting Date and Time

Set the present year, month, day and time for the unit with this mode.

1 Enter the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

2 Press the key <5> to enter the Date and Time Setting Mode.
LED of the switch and keys are indicated as follows.
• INFO switch goes off
• Key <1> blinks
• Key <5> blinks

Fig. 7-13 Setting Date (In case of February 3, 2018)

3 Change the date.

1 Press the Additional Filter key to enter the Year/Month/Day Setting Mode.
The Additional Filter key LED turns OFF.

2 Press Tube Voltage keys to set the lower two digits of the year.

3 Press Current-Time Product (-) key to change the month.

4 Press Current-Time Product (+) key to change the date.


MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 347

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

4 Change the time.

1 Press the Additional Filter key to enter the Time Setting Mode.
The Additional Filter key LED blinks.

2 Press the Tube Voltage keys to change the hour (displayed in 24-hour mode).

3 Press the Current-Time Product keys to change the minute.

Fig. 7-14 Setting Time (In case of PM 1:08)

5 Finish the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

348 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.8 Display and Reset of Error Log

7.8 Display and Reset of Error Log

In this mode error codes of the past is shown (maximum 100 times, in chronological
order). If 100 errors are already recorded, the next new data will overwrite the oldest

7.8.1 To Check Error Log

1 Enter the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

2 Press the INFO switch to blink, and then the key <9> to enter the Error Log Mode.
LED of the switch and keys are indicated as follows.
• INFO switch blinks
• Key <1> blinks
• Key <9> blinks

Fig. 7-15 Display of Error Log (In case of the latest error code was F03)

Fig. 7-16 Display of Error Log (In case of the latest error code was F68)

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 349

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

3 Check the error codes.

Error code is displayed on mAs display field and log number is displayed on kV display
"Fault" is displayed on the dose display field for failure, and "Alert" is displayed for
The number "000" means the latest error and the number "099" means the oldest error.
Press [kV-] to increase a log number and press [kV+] to decrease a log number. Change
the Failure/Warning display with the Tube Current log number with the Current-Time
Product keys.
"9.1 Error message list"

4 Check the date and time of the error.

Press the Additional Filter key to switch between the "date and time" page and the "log
number and error code" page.

7.8.2 To Reset Error Log

1 Press the Registration key for more than 3 seconds.

The error log is reset.

7.8.3 To Finish Error Log Display Mode

1 Finish the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

350 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.9 Displaying the Running Speed

7.9 Displaying the Running Speed

The running speed is calculated from the number of rotation detected by the encoder
in the motor. Use this for checking failure of the encoder.

1 Enter the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

2 Press the INFO switch to blink, and then the keys in order of <1> and <5> to
enter the Running Speed Display Mode.
LED of the switch and keys are indicated as follows.
• INFO switch blinks
• Key <1> blinks
• Key <5> blinks

3 Check the displayed running speed.

The running speed is displayed on the kV and mAs display fields.

The character "-" is displayed when driving backward.

Fig. 7-17 An example of running speed display (where the speed of both of the wheels is 0 km/hour)

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 351

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

4 Show the speed of each wheel.

Press the Additional Filter Key to show the following running speed.
• Running speed of both wheels (km/h)
• Running speed of the left wheel (km/h)
• Running speed of the right wheel (km/h)

Fig. 7-18 An example of running speed display (left wheel speed)

Fig. 7-19 An example of running speed display (right wheel speed)

5 Finish the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

352 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.10 Battery Voltage Drop Check Mode

7.10 Battery Voltage Drop Check Mode

Use this mode to check the condition of the battery and the inverter operation (VIN)
when load of the X-ray exposure is applied.

This mode cannot be entered during the low battery mode.

1 Enter the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

2 Press the key <9> to enter the Battery Voltage Drop Check Mode.
LED of the switch and keys are indicated as follows.
• INFO switch goes off
• Key <1> blinks
• Key <9> blinks
The exposure condition for inspection is shown on the mAs and kV display fields (80kV,
200mA, 100 msec).

Fig. 7-20 Example of the display of the battery voltage drop check mode (exposure condition is displayed)

3 Check the battery voltage drop.

1 Perform the X-ray exposure by pressing the hand switch.

Values of tube voltage and tube current are measured after exposing for 80 msec. 7
2 The measured values are shown on the display.

In other modes, the tube voltage and tube current are measured after exposing
for 20 msec. These values may not match the measured value of the Battery
Voltage Drop Check Mode.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 353

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

4 Show the measured values.

Press the Additional Filter key to show the following measured value.
• Exposure condition
• Battery voltage on the plus side
• Battery voltage on the minus side
• Measured tube voltage
• Measured tube current

Fig. 7-21 Example of the display of the battery voltage drop check mode (112.8V of the battery voltage on the
plus side is displayed)

Fig. 7-22 Example of the display of the battery voltage drop check mode (110.1V of the battery voltage on the
minus side is displayed)

Fig. 7-23 Example of the display of the battery voltage drop check mode (80kV of the measured tube voltage is

354 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.10 Battery Voltage Drop Check Mode

Fig. 7-24 Example of the display of the battery voltage drop check mode (192mA of the measured tube current
is displayed)

Battery voltage (plus and minus side) are measured 80 msec after the exposure starts in
this mode. They do not match the value measured with the following section.
• "7.5 Adjustment of Handle"

The measured value provided in this mode does not reflect the performance of
the unit and the battery.

5 Finish the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 355

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

7.11 Battery Code Setting Mode

This mode allows to set the battery code corresponding to each battery type.

7.11.1 To Enter Battery Code Setting Mode

1 Enter the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

2 Press the INFO switch to blink, and then press the key <6> to enter the battery
code setting mode.
LED of the switch and keys are indicated as follows.
• INFO switch blinks
• Key <1> blinks
• Key <6> blinks

7.11.2 To Check Battery code

1 The Setting Item Number "0" is shown at the third digit (from the right) of kV
The "0" indicates the Battery Code Display Mode.

2 The battery code is shown at the first digit of mAs display. The Battery code5,
GS YUASA PXL12090 is registered as default data.
Table 7-11

Battery code Battery name

0 Reserved
1 Reserved
2 Reserved
3 Reserved
4 Reserved
5 GS Yuasa PX12090
6 GS Yuasa PXL12090
E New battery other than 0 - 6

356 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.11 Battery Code Setting Mode

7.11.3 To Change Battery Code

1 Press [mAs±] key and select the battery code corresponding to the battery type,
and then the Registration key to register.

Fig. 7-25 Battery code setting (when Battery code6 is selected)

7.11.4 Setting of Battery Charge Restriction

For overcharge prevention of a battery, this system controls not to charge the battery if
the battery remains enough.
Follow the instruction below to make sure the battery charge restriction is enabled. If
not, set this setting to be enabled.

Repetition of charging the battery even though the battery remains enough may
cause the deterioration of the battery life and performance. The battery charge
restriction must be enabled for overcharge prevention of the battery.

1 On the battery code setting mode, press the Additional Filter key, then start the
battery charge restriction setting mode.

2 At the third digit of kV display, the setting item number 9 (Battery charge
restriction setting) is displayed.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 357

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

3 The battery charge restriction ON/OFF setting is displayed at mAs display.

Fig. 7-26 Battery charge restriction setting mode (Battery charge restriction is enabled)

Fig. 7-27 Battery charge restriction setting mode (Battery charge restriction is disabled)

4 Press [mAs+] key, set the battery charge restriction ON.

5 When the battery charge restriction is set completely, press the Registration key
to register.

6 Press the Additional Filter key to return to the battery code setting mode.

358 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.11 Battery Code Setting Mode

7.11.5 Battery Data Setting for Battery Code E

To use an unregistered new battery not included in the battery code table, set the
Battery Code to E.
Set the battery data listed in the table below with the following procedure.

Table 7-12

Setting item number Setting item

1 Reference voltage adjustment of battery remaining amount step
2 Charge current adjustment of battery charge step
3 Reference voltage adjustment of battery charge step
4 VSVN correction factor bc adjustment
5 VSVN correction factor (a+b) adjustment
6 Additional Radiography enabled voltage setting
7 Setting of correction voltage during DR power ON
8 Setting of correction voltage at AC connection
9 Setting of battery charge restriction

If any battery needs to be registered as Battery Code E, its information and the battery
data are given in the "TECHNICAL INFORMATION" documentation.
Do not use the Battery Code E for batteries not described in this document.
Failure to follow this instruction may cause abnormal behavior of the system during
image acquisition, maneuvering of the equipment, or charging of the batteries.
Additionally, permanent damage and risk of fire to component parts may occur.

1 Enter the battery data setting mode

1 Press Current-Time Product key to select Battery code E

2 Press the Additional Filter key to enter each mode.


Fig. 7-28 Battery data setting (When Battery code E is selected)

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 359

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

n Setting Item # 1 : Reference Voltage Adjustment of Battery Remaining Amount Step


1 Meaning of each digit on the mAs and kV display are as follows. (The digit order
is described from the right)
• 3rd digit of kV display : Setting Item # "1" for this mode.
(Reference voltage adjustment of battery remaining amount step)
• 2nd digit of kV display : Battery remaining amount step No.
• Remaining digit of kV and mAs display : Threshold Voltage of the remaining step.

Fig. 7-29 Reference voltage adjustment mode of battery remaining amount step (When Remaining step 1 threshold

2 Set the values.

1 Press the Tube Voltage keys to select the Battery Remaining Amount Step No. (1
to 7)

2 Press the Current-Time Product keys to set the Remaining Step Threshold Voltage
(minimum 100.0, maximum 260.0).

3 Set the Threshold Voltage for each Battery Remaining Amount Step No., and press
the Registration key to register the values.

The Remaining Step Threshold Voltage of a step must be set larger

than the previous step.

3 Press the Filter key to enter the next step: Charge Current Adjustment Mode of
Battery Charge Step.

360 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.11 Battery Code Setting Mode

n Setting item # 2 : Charge Current Adjustment Mode of Battery Charge Step

1 Meaning of each digit on the mAs and kV display are as follows. (The digit order
is described from the right)
• 3rd digit of kV display : Setting Item # "2" for this mode.
(Charge current adjustment of battery charge step)
• 2nd digit of kV display : Battery Charge Step Number.
• mAs display : Charging current.

Fig. 7-30 Charge current adjustment mode of battery charge step (when charging step1, the charging current 0.50)

2 Set the values.

1 Press the Tube Voltage keys to select the Battery Charge Step No. (1 to 6)

2 Press the Current-Time Product keys to set the Charging Current (minimum 0.10,
maximum 3.00).

3 Set the Charging Current for each Battery Charge Step No., and press the
Registration key to register the values.

The charging current of a step must be set smaller than the previous

3 Press the Additional Filter key to enter the next step : Reference Voltage
Adjustment Mode of Battery Charge Step. 7

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 361

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

n Setting item # 3 : Reference Voltage Adjustment Mode of Battery Charge Step

1 Meaning of each digit on the mAs and kV display are as follows. (The digit order
is described from the right)
• 3rd digit of kV display : Setting Item # "3" for this mode.
(Reference voltage adjustment of battery charge step)
• 2nd digit of kV display : Battery Charge Step Number.
• Remaining digit of kV and mAs display : Threshold voltage of charging step.

Fig. 7-31 Reference voltage adjustment mode of battery charge step (When charging step1 threshold voltage 120.

2 Set the values.

1 Press the Tube Voltage keys to select the Battery Charge Step No. (1 to 6)

2 Press the Current-Time Product keys to set the Threshold Voltage (minimum 50.0,
maximum 200.0).

3 Set the Threshold Voltage for each Battery Charge Step No., and press the
Registration key to register the values.

The Threshold Voltage of a step must be set larger than the previous

3 Press the Additional Filter key to enter the next step : VSVN Correction Factor
bc Adjustment Mode.

362 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.11 Battery Code Setting Mode

n Setting item # 4 : VSVN Correction Factor BC Adjustment Mode

1 Meaning of each digit on the mAs and kV display are as follows. (The digit order
is described from the right)
• 3rd digit of kV display : Setting Item # "4" for this mode.
(VSVN correction factor bc adjustment)
• mAs display : VSVN Correction Factor bc.

Fig. 7-32 VSVN correction factor bc adjustment mode (When bc=250)

2 Set the values.

1 Press the Current-Time Product keys to set the VSVN Correction Factor bc (minimum
50, maximum 300).

2 Press the Registration key to register the values.

3 Press the Additional Filter key to enter the next step : VSVN Correction Factor
(a+b) Adjustment Mode.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 363

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

n Setting item # 5 : VSVN Correction Factor (a+b) Adjustment Mode

1 Meaning of each digit on the mAs and kV display are as follows. (The digit order
is described from the right)
• 3rd digit of kV display : Setting Item # "5" for this mode.
(VSVN correction factor (a+b) adjustment)
• mAs display : VSVN Correction Factor (a+b).

Fig. 7-33 VSVN correction factor(a+b) adjustment mode (When a+b=250)

2 Set the values.

1 Press the Current-Time Product keys to set the VSVN Correction Factor (a+b)
(minimum 50, maximum 300).

2 Press the Registration key to register the values.

3 Press the Additional Filter key to enter the next step : Additional Radiography
Enabled Voltage Setting Mode.

364 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.11 Battery Code Setting Mode

n Setting item # 6 : Additional Radiography Enabled Voltage Setting Mode

1 Meaning of each digit on the mAs and kV display are as follows. (The digit order
is described from the right)
• 3rd digit of kV display : Setting Item # "6" for this mode.
(Additional Radiography enabled voltage setting)
• 1st digit of kV display, and mAs display : Threshold voltage of the Additional

Fig. 7-34 Additional Radiography enabled voltage setting mode (When threshold voltage240.0V)

2 Set the values.

1 Press the Current-Time Product keys to set the Threshold voltage of the Additional
Radiography (minimum 100.0, maximum 260.0).

2 Press the Registration key to register the values.

3 Press the Additional Filter key to return to Battery Code Setting Mode.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 365

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

n Setting item # 7:Mode to set correction voltage during DR power ON

1 When it enters the mode to set correction voltage during DR power ON, X-ray
control panel display changes to indicate the correction voltage setting during
DR power ON.

2 At the third digit of kV display, the setting item number 7 (Setting of correction
voltage during DR power ON) is displayed.

3 The correction voltage during DR power ON is displayed at mAs display.

Fig. 7-35 Mode to set correction voltage during DR power ON (When correction voltage 3.0V)

4 Press [mAs±] key, set the correction voltage (minimum -9.5, maximum 9.5).

5 When the correction voltage is set completely, press the Registration key to

6 Press the Additional Filter key, then it enters the mode to set the correction
voltage at AC connection.

366 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.11 Battery Code Setting Mode

n Setting item # 8:Mode to set correction voltage at AC connection

1 When it enters the mode to set correction voltage at AC connection, X-ray control
panel display changes to indicate the correction voltage setting at AC connection.

2 At the third digit of kV display, the setting item number 8 (Setting of correction
voltage at AC connection) is displayed.

3 The correction voltage at AC connection is displayed at mAs display.

Fig. 7-36 Mode to set correction voltage at AC connection (When correction voltage 0.5V)

4 Press [mAs±] key, set the correction voltage (minimum -9.5, maximum 9.5).

5 When the threshold voltage is set completely, press the Registration switch to

6 Press the Additional Filter key, then it enters the mode to set the correction
voltage at AC connection.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 367

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

n Setting item # 9:Setting of Battery charge restriction

1 When it enters the mode to set Battery charge restriction, X-ray control panel
display changes to indicate the setting of Battery charge restriction.

2 At the third digit of kV display, the setting item number 9 (Battery charge
restriction setting) is displayed.

3 The Battery charge restriction ON/OFF setting is displayed at mAs display.

Fig. 7-37 Battery charge restriction setting mode (Battery charge restriction is enabled)

Fig. 7-38 Battery charge restriction setting mode (Battery charge restriction is disabled)

4 Press [mAs+] key, set the Battery charge restriction ON/OFF.

5 When the setting of Battery charge restriction is set completely, press the
Registration key to register.

6 Press the Additional Filter key to return to the Battery code setting mode.

n Register All Battery Data

1 Press the Registration swtich to register all data.

If the DR system is powered OFF without pressing the Registration key, the
battery data settings cannot be registered.

368 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.11 Battery Code Setting Mode

7.11.6 To Finish Battery Code Setting Mode

1 Finish the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 369

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

7.12 Dose Area Product Meter Adjustment Mode

7.12.1 To Enter Dose Area Product Meter Adjustment Mode

1 Remove the power plug from the outlet, and turn OFF the power to the system.

2 Remove the right-inside cover and right-side cover.

"3.5 How to Open/Close Covers"

3 Set the DIP switches of the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board as follows. Turn
ON the main system power.
• SW3-5(Dose area product meter) : ON
• SW3-8 (Adjustment mode) : ON

The SW3-5 must be ON to enter the dose area product meter adjustment mode.

4 Press the INFO switch to blink, and then the key <8> to enter the dose area
product meter adjustment mode.
LED of the switch and keys are indicated as follows.
• INFO switch blinks
• Key <1> blinks
• Key <8> blinks

5 "dAP 2" is displayed on the kV/mAs display fields. Press the Additional Filter key
and go on to the radiography condition display.

6 The kV/mAs display fields on X-ray control panel shows the radiography
conditions. Radiography conditions are 70kV and 2.0mAs.
At this point, nothing is displayed at the mGy display because radiography has not been
executed with the dose area product meter.

Fig. 7-39 Dose area product meter adjustment mode (Radiography condition display)

370 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.12 Dose Area Product Meter Adjustment Mode

7 Remove the dose area product meter from the collimator and execute X-ray
exposure with the measurement for calibration (SOD=1m, exposure field of the
object surface 35cmx35cm), and record D1[mGy] measured with dose area
product meter.

8 Press the Additional Filter and go on to the calibration of dose area product
meter window.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 371

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

7.12.2 Preparation for Calibration of Dose Area Product Meter

1 Attach the dose area product meter (hereinafter called Reference DAP, which is
different from the installed dose area product meter) to collimator and set for
calibration as shown in the following figure.

1 Adjust SOD (source object distance) to 100 cm, and the exposure field to 35 cm
(approx. 14 inch) square.

2 Place the Reference DAP in the center of the exposure field from the ground to
eliminate the effect of the backward scattered ray (with styrol box, for example).

Fig. 7-40 Setting Dose Area Product Meter for calibration

7.12.3 Calibration of Dose Area Product Meter

1 Enter the calibration of dose area product meter mode, the adjustment value
shows on the kV and mAs display fields of X-ray control panel. (LED of Additional
Filter key is blinking). The initial adjustment value is 100.
At this point, nothing is displayed at the mGy display because radiography has not been
executed with the dose Area Product Meter.

2 Take the radiography and measure the dose with Reference DAP.
After the radiography is completed, the exposure dose (Unit : mGy) calculated from the
Dose Area Product is displayed.

Fig. 7-41 Dose area product meter adjustment mode (Adjustment value, Exposure dose display)

372 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.12 Dose Area Product Meter Adjustment Mode

3 Press the Current-Time Product key, to change the Adjustment Value.

The exposure dose amount (Unit:mGy) display changes with the Adjustment Value.
Adjust the Value so that this exposure dose and the measured dose (Reference DAP) are

4 Press the Registration key to register the Adjustment Value.

5 Press the Additional Filter key.

X-ray control panel display is changed, then the radiography conditions will appear on
the kV and mAs display on the panel.

6 Check that the calibrated Dose Area Product is displayed at the mGy display.

Fig. 7-42 Dose area product meter adjustment mode (Radiography condition, area dose display)

7.12.4 To Finish Dose Area Product Meter Adjustment Mode

1 Turn OFF the power.

2 Set the DIP switches of the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board as follows.

• DIPSW3-5 (Dose area product mete): ON
• DIPSW3-8 (Adjustment mode): OFF 7

3 Attach the removed covers in reverse order.

"3.5 How to Open/Close Covers"

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 373

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

7.13 Battery Usage Setting Mode

Battery usage setting mode is used to check the starting date of battery usage and the
charging count, and to set the battery usage information when the battery ,or the
XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board is replaced. Adjust the setting with the following
procedure when the battery ,or the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board is replaced.

7.13.1 To Enter Battery Usage Setting Mode

1 Enter the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

2 Press keys in order of <3> and <7> to enter the battery usage setting mode.
LED of the switch and keys are indicated as follows.
• INFO switch goes off
• Key <3> blinks
• Key <7> blinks

7.13.2 To Check Battery Usage Information

The starting date of the battery usage information is displayed at kV and mAs displays.
Battery usag and the charge count are displayed at the first to fifth digits of mGy display.
Press the Collimator Lamp key to switch the usage information on the mGy display.

Table 7-13

6th Digits of mGy Item

0 Charge count (by single count)
1 Full charge count (by single count)
2 Charge limit count (by single count)
3 Low battery occurence count (by single count)
4 Error bbb occurence count (by single count)
5 Error bb0 occurence count (by single count)
6 Error bb1 occurence count (by single count)

374 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.13 Battery Usage Setting Mode

6th Digits of mGy Item

7 Connect plug count (by single count)

Fig. 7-43 EXAMPLE: Battery Starting date of use and battery Charge count display (Feb.1.2018, 58 counts)

7.13.3 To Reset Battery Usage Information

It is required to reset the starting date of the battery usage when the battery is replaced.

1 While the usage information is displayed, press and hold the Registration key
for 3 seconds.
The starting date of the battery usage is reset to current date, and the charge count is
reset to 0.

7.13.4 To Finish Battery Usage Setting Mode

1 Finish the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 375

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

7.14 CPU Board Battery Usage Information Setting Mode

This mode is used to check the starting date of CPU board battery usage, and to set the
usage information of CPU board battery when the CPU board battery or, the
XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board is replaced. Adjust the setting by the following
procedure when the CPU board battery, or the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board is

7.14.1 To Enter CPU Board Battery Usage Information Setting

1 Enter the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

2 Press keys in order of <3> and <8> to enter the CPU board battery usage
information setting mode.
LED of the switch and keys are indicated as follows.
• INFO switch goes off
• Key <3> blinks
• Key <8> blinks

7.14.2 To Check CPU Board Battery Usage Information

The usage information is displayed at kV and mAs displays.

Fig. 7-44 EXAMPLE: CPU board battery’s starting date of use (Feb.3.2018)

7.14.3 To Reset CPU Board Battery Usage Information

It is required to reset the starting date of use when CPU board battery is replaced.

1 While the usage information is displayed, press and hold the Registration key
for 3 seconds.
The starting date of CPU board battery usage is set to the current date.

376 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.14 CPU Board Battery Usage Information Setting Mode

7.14.4 To Finish CPU Board Battery Usage Information Setting

1 Finish the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 377

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

7.15 Emergency Brake Release Battery Usage Information Setting Mode

This mode is used to check the starting date of use of the emergency brake release
battery, and to set its starting date of use when the emergency brake release battery,
or the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board is replaced. Adjust the setting by the
following procedure when the emergency brake release battery, or the XCONT-2008X or
XCONT-2018 board is replaced.

7.15.1 To Enter Emergency Brake Release Battery Usage Information Setting Mode

1 Enter the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

2 Press the keys in order of <3> and <9> to enter the emergency brake release
battery usage information setting mode.
LED of the switch and keys are indicated as follows.
• INFO switch goes off
• Key <3> blinks
• Key <9> blinks

7.15.2 To Check Emergency brake release battery usage information

The usage information is displayed at kV and mAs displays.

Fig. 7-45 EXAMPLE: Emergency brake release battery’s starting date of use (Feb.3.2018)

7.15.3 To Reset Emergency Brake Release Battery Usage Information

It is required to reset the starting date of use after replacing the emergency brake release

1 While the usage information is displayed, press and hold the Registration key
for 3 seconds.
The starting date of Emergency brake release battery is set to the current date.

378 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.15 Emergency Brake Release Battery Usage Information Setting Mode

7.15.4 To Finish Emergency Brake Release Battery Usage Information Setting Mode

1 Finish the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 379

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

7.16 X-ray Tube Unit Usage Information Setting Mode

This mode is used to check the X-ray tube unit’s starting date of use and the count of
radiography, and to set the X-ray tube unit usage information when the X-ray tube unit,
or the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board is replaced. Adjust the setting by the
following procedure when the X-ray tube unit, or the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018
board is replaced.

7.16.1 To Enter X-ray Tube Unit Usage Information Setting Mode

1 Enter the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

2 Press the keys in order of <3> and <5> to enter the X-ray tube unit usage
information setting mode.
LED of the switch and keys are indicated as follows.
• INFO switch goes off
• Key <3> blinks
• Key <5> blinks

7.16.2 To Check X-ray Tube Unit Usage Information

The usage information is displayed at kV and mAs displays.

Battery usage and the charge count are displayed at the first to fifth digits of mGy
display. Press the Collimator Lamp key to switch the usage information on the mGy

Table 7-14

6th Digits of mGy Item

0 Radiography count
1 Accumulated mAs
2 Tube discharge count
3 Accumulated filament heating time

380 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.16 X-ray Tube Unit Usage Information Setting Mode

6th Digits of mGy Item

4 Accumulated starter rotation time

Fig. 7-46 EXAMPLE: X-ray tube unit’s starting date of use and count of radiography (Feb.1.2018, 26 counts)

7.16.3 To Reset X-ray Tube Unit Usage Information

It is required to reset the starting date of use after the X-ray tube unit is replaced.

1 While the usage information is displayed, press and hold the Registration key
for 3 seconds.
The starting date of X-ray tube unit usage is set to the current date, and the count of
radiography is set to 0.

7.16.4 To Finish X-ray Tube Unit Usage Information Setting Mode

1 Finish the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 381

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

7.17 Motor Usage Information Setting Mode

This mode is used to set the usage information, such as the starting date of use of motor
and the accumulated running distance, when the motor is replaced. Adjust with the
following procedure.

7.17.1 To Enter Motor Usage Information Setting Mode

1 Enter the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

2 Press keys in order of <3> and <4> to enter the motor usage information setting
LED of the switch and keys are indicated as follows.
• INFO switch goes off
• Key <3> blinks
• Key <4> blinks

7.17.2 To Check Motor Usage Information

The usage information is displayed at kV and mAs displays.

The accumulated running distance and the starting date of use of motor is displayed at
mGy display. Press the Collimator Lamp key to switch the usage information on the mGy

Fig. 7-47 EXAMPLE: Starting date of use of motor and accumulated running distance of motor (Feb.1.2018, 16km)

7.17.3 To Reset Motor Usage Information

It is required to reset the starting date of use after replacement of the motor.

1 While the usage information is displayed, press and hold the Registration key
for 3 seconds.
The starting date of the motor usage is set to the current date, and the accumulated
running distance is set to 0.

382 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.17 Motor Usage Information Setting Mode

7.17.4 To FinishX-ray Tube Unit Usage Information Setting Mode

1 Finish the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 383

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

7.18 Arm Usage Information Setting Mode

This mode is used set the usage information, such as wire's starting date of use and the
arm moving distance, when the wire is replaced. Adjust with the following procedure.

7.18.1 To Enter Arm Usage Information Setting Mode

1 Enter the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

2 Press the INFO switch to blink, and then press the keys in order of <3> and <7>
to enter the arm usage information setting mode.
LED of the switch and keys are indicated as follows.
• INFO switch blinks
• Key <3> blinks
• Key <7> blinks

7.18.2 To Check Arm Usage Information

The usage information is displayed at kV and mAs displays.

The accumulated running distance and the starting date of use of motor. Press the
Collimator Lamp key to switch the usage information on the mGy display.

Table 7-15

6th Digits of mGy Item

0 Arm upward moving distance
1 Arm downward moving distance
2 Encoder usage setting

Fig. 7-48 EXAMPLE: Starting date of use of wire and accumulated moving distance of arm (Feb.1.2018, 3km)

384 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.18 Arm Usage Information Setting Mode

7.18.3 To Reset Arm Usage Information

It is required to reset the starting date of use after replacement of the wire.

1 While the usage information is displayed, press and hold the Registration key
for 3 seconds.
The starting date of the wire usage is set to the current date, and the arm moving
distance is set to 0.

7.18.4 To Change Encoder Usage Setting

When the encoder is installed in the system without encoder, the encoder usage setting
is required to be "on".

• The encoder usage setting is available for the software version 1.10 or later.
• To update the software version from less than 1.10 to 1.10 or later, the
encoder usage setting should be defaulted to "oFF".
• If the encoder usage setting is set to "on" on the system without encoder,
"d62" error is detected by locking the X-ray tube unit to the arm interlocking

1 Show the encoder usage setting values on the control panel., and press and hold
the Additional Filter key for three seconds .
The encoder usage setting is set to "on".

Fig. 7-49 図 7-49 EXAMPLE: Display of the encoder usage setting ("on" is set)

7.18.5 To Finish Arm Usage Information Setting Mode

1 Finish the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 385

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

7.19 Usage Information Collective Setting Mode

This mode is used to reset the starting date of use of components collectively, such as
the battery, the CPU board battery, the emergency brake release battery, the X-ray tube
unit, the motor, and the charging count, radiography count and the accumulated running

7.19.1 To Enter Usage Information Collective Setting Mode

1 Enter the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

2 Press the INFO switch to turn off the light, and then the keys in order of <3>
and <6> to enter the Usage Information Collective Setting Mode.
LED of the switch and keys are indicated as follows.
• INFO switch goes off
• Key <3> blinks
• Key <6> blinks

7.19.2 To Reset Usage Information of All Components

When provide the system or replace all components, it is required to reset the usage
information of all components.

1 In this mode, the current date is displayed at the kV and mAs displays.

2 Press and hold the Registration key for 5 seconds.

The starting dates of use of all components are set to the current date. The count of
charging, the count of radiography, and the accumulated running distance are set to 0.

Fig. 7-50 EXAMPLE: Usage information collective setting mode (When the current date is Feb.3.2018)

386 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.19 Usage Information Collective Setting Mode

7.19.3 To Finish Usage Information Collective Setting Mode

1 Finish the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 387

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

7.20 Dose Area Product Calculation Unit Setting Mode

When the registered information is modified, that information must be saved in

the memory by pressing the Registration keyon the initial screen of the control
The registered information in each adjustment mode is the interim registration.
If the adjustment mode is finished without saving in the memory, the modified
information cannot be refleted to the system.

7.20.1 To Remove Collimator Cover

1 Remove the power plug from the outlet, and turn OFF the power to the system.

2 Remove the collimator cover, and remove screws at eight positions as shown

Fig. 7-51

Fig. 7-52

388 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.20 Dose Area Product Calculation Unit Setting Mode

Fig. 7-53 Front side of Collimator

Fig. 7-54 Lateral side of Collimator

Fig. 7-55 Rear side of Collimator

Fig. 7-56

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 389

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

7.20.2 To Enter Dose Aarea Product Calculation Unit Setting Mode

1 Remove the power plug from the outlet, and turn OFF the power to the system.

2 Remove the right-inside cover and right-side cover.

"3.5 How to Open/Close Covers"

3 Set each DIP SW on the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board as shown below,

and turn ON the power.
• DIPSW3-8 (for execution of setting mode): ON

4 Press the INFO switch to blink, and then the keys in order of <1> and <8> to
enter the dose area product calculation unit setting mode.
LED of the switch and keys are indicated as follows.
• INFO switch blinks
• Key <1> blinks
• Key <8> blinks

5 When enter the dose area product calculation unit setting mode, the exposure
condition is displayed in the control panel.

6 Make sure the default condition is displayed as 40kV, 10mAs.

7 Press the Additional Filter key to switch the screen to the ON/OFF setting of the
dose area product calculation unit.

Fig. 7-57 Initial screen of the dose area product calculation unit

390 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.20 Dose Area Product Calculation Unit Setting Mode

7.20.3 ON/OFF Setting of Dose Area Product Calculation Unit

1 The ON/OFF setting of the dose area product calculation unit is displayed in the
kV display.

2 Make sure the setting is ON. If OFF, press the Tube Voltage key to change the
setting to ON, and then the Registration key.

3 Press the Additional Filter key to switch the screen to the setting the collimator
leaf opening amount.

Fig. 7-58 ON/OFF setting screen of the dose area product calculation unit

7.20.4 Setting of Collimator Leaf Opening Amount

The collimator leaf opening amount has been specified at the factory. This setting is
needed only for the re-adjustment of opening amount when the collimator is replaced.
Press the Additional Filter key to enter the adjustment of whole number coefficients

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 391

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

1 The following information is displayed in the kV display field and mAs display
Table 7-16

kV display field mAs display field

The registered detection voltage (0.00to 5.00V) of the
The registration point from
collimator leaf opening amount at the registration point
“h0”, “h35”, “v0”, ”v35”
displayed in kV display field.
* *Press the tube voltage switch to switch the registration point in kV display field.

Fig. 7-59 Setting screen of the collimator leaf opening amount

2 Remove the collimator cover.

Register the collimator leaf opening amount at each registration point, as shown in the
table below. After adjustment, the opening amount at the registration point can be
updated by pressing the Registration key at the registration point.

Table 7-17

Registration point
Collimator leaf state How to adjust the collimator
(kV display field)
The horizontal leaf level
h0 when the horizontal Adjust by the lighting field.
radiation field becomes 0cm.
The horizontal leaf level
when the horizontal Adjust using the adjustment
radiation field becomes jig (*).
35cm at 1m of SID.
The horizontal leaf level
v0 when the vertical leaf Adjust by the lighting field.
becomes 0cm.

392 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.20 Dose Area Product Calculation Unit Setting Mode

Registration point
Collimator leaf state How to adjust the collimator
(kV display field)
The vertical leaf level when
Adjust using the adjustment
v35 the vertical radiation field
jig (*).
becomes 35cm at 1m of SID.
* *(*)Protective tool supplied with the collimator

Fig. 7-60 Ajustment jig

Fig. 7-61 Adjustment of horizontal leaf level

Fig. 7-62 Adjustment of vertical leaf level

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 393

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

3 Press the Additional Filter key for two times to enter the dose area product
calculation unit setting mode.

4 When the control panel shows the initial screen for the dose area product
calculation unit setting mode, press the Registration key.
All data registered on each adjustment screen is stored to the memory.

Fig. 7-63 Registration of all data

When the registered information is modified, that information must be saved in

the memory by pressing the Registration keyon the initial screen of the control
The registered information in each adjustment mode is the interim registration.
If the adjustment mode is finished without saving in the memory, the modified
information cannot be refleted to the system.

5 Turn OFF th power to the system.

6 Attach the removed collimator cover.

7 Turn ON the power to the system.

8 Press the INFO switch to blink, and then key <8> to enter the dose area product
calculation unit setting mode.
LED of the switch and keys are indicated as follows.
• INFO switch blinks
• Key <1> blinks
• Key <8> blinks

9 Press the Additional Filter key for three times to switch the screen to set the
whole number coefficients and select the additional filter.

394 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.20 Dose Area Product Calculation Unit Setting Mode

7.20.5 To Adjust Whole Coefficient and Select Additional Filter

1 ALL Comp value (whole adjustment coefficient) of the dose area product meter
is displayed in the kV display field, and the following additional filter is displayed
in the mAs display field.
Table 7-18

mAs display field Filter information

0 No filter
1 Additional filter 1 (Arbitrary additional filter)
2 Additional filter 2 (Arbitrary additional filter)

Fig. 7-64 Screen to adjust the whole coefficient and to select the additional filter

2 Make sure the All Comp value is 100. The modification of All Comp value is not
needed. If modify, change the value by the Tube Voltage key, and press the
Registration key to save that value.

3 Press the tube current time integration key to select a filter type.

4 Press the Additional Filter key to switch the screen to the calibrating the dose 7
area product meter for the displayed filter type.

7.20.6 To Calibrate the Dose Area Product Calculation Unit

Calibrate the dose area product calculation unit for the filter type selected in the previous
section, "To adjust the whole coefficients and to select the additional filter".
When "0" is selected in the filter type, this setting is not required because the calibration
of the dose area product calculation unit has been made at the factory.
When Additional Filter 1 and 2 are used, the dose area product calculation unit must be

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 395

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

Use the calibrated dose area product calculation unit to set the measurement system as
shown below.

Fig. 7-65 Measurement system

1 The following information is displayed in each display field.

Table 7-19

kV display field mAs display field Ares dose display field

Tube voltage to be adjusted. Filter type selected in the
The value is changed by step adjustment of whole ckV at kV displayed in the
below: coefficients: kV display field. (Tube
40kV, 50kV, 60kV, 70kV, 0: No filter voltage total filtering
80kV, 90kV, 100kV, 110kV, 1: Additional filter 1 coefficient basic data)
120kV, 130kV, 133kV 2: Additional filter 2

Fig. 7-66 Calibration screen of dose area product calculation unit

396 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.20 Dose Area Product Calculation Unit Setting Mode

2 Press the tube voltage key to change kV to be set.

The mAs value is not displayed. The value (10mAs) that was set on the initial
screen is displayed on the mAs display.

3 By changing kV, set ckV at each kV in the table below. Select the filter type,
and perform an exposure by the measurement system at each kV, then write
down the measurement value of the dosimeter in the table below. And also,
calculate ckV at each kV using the following calculation formula, and write down
the value in the table below. (These values must be memorized for the later
• For the dosimeter in mGy unit ckV = ESD (measured value) x 1000
• For the dosimeter in µGy unit ckV = ESD (measured value)
• ESD = Measured dose value [mGy] or [µGy]

Table 7-20

kV Measured value (mGy) ckV

* *(Reference) 115mR = 1mGy, 1mGy = 1000μGy
* *(Reference) The software of dose area product calculation unit calculates the following information.
* ESD=A/100×C/10000×R×1/D
* ESD[mGy]: Irradiation dose
* A: All Comp value (whole adjustment coefficient)
* C: ckV value (Tube voltage total filtering coefficient basic data)
* R[mAs]: Tube current time integration
D[m]: SID (=1m)
* DAP[mGycm2]: Value of dose area product calculation unit (0.1mGycm2)
* H[cm]: Horizontal opening amount of the collimator leaf at 1m of SID
* V[cm]: Vertical opening amount of the collimator leaf at 1m of SID (0.1cm)

4 Press the tube current time integration key to change kV and set ckV at the
displayed kV.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 397

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

5 Press the Registration key to save ckV at each kV.

6 Press the Additional Filter key to go back to the initial screen of the dose area
product calculation unit setting mode.

7 In the initial screen of the dose area product calculation unit setting mode, press
the Registration key to save all data regitered in each adjustment mode.

Fig. 7-67 Registration of All Data

When the registered information is modified, that information must be saved in

the memory by pressing the Registration keyon the initial screen of the control
The registered information in each adjustment mode is the interim registration.
If the adjustment mode is finished without saving in the memory, the modified
information cannot be refleted to the system.

8 When you adjust the dose area product calculation unit for other filter types,
press the Additional Fitler key for several times to display the screen of adjusting
the whole coefficients and selecting the additional filter, and make adjustment.

7.20.7 Initial Screen of Dose Area Product Calculation Unit (To Save Registered Information in Memory)

1 Turn OFF the power to the system.

2 Set the DIP switch SW3-5 and SW3-8 on the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board
as shown below.
• DIPSW3-5 5(Dose area product meter): OFF
• DIPSW3-8 (Adjustment mode): OFF

3 Attach the removed covers in reverse order.

"3.5 How to Open/Close Covers"

398 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.21 DR Setting Mode

7.21 DR Setting Mode

This mode is aready set at the factory setting. Therefore, modification of the following
setting is not necessary except when it is necessary specifically.

7.21.1 To Enter DR Setting Mode

1 Enter the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"7

2 Press the INFO switch to blink, and then the key <7> to enter the DR setting
LED of the switch and keys are indicated as follows.
• INFO switch blinks
• Key <1> blinks
• Key <7> blinks

7.21.2 Setting of DR

1 When enter the setting mode, the setting item is displayed on kV display field
and the setting value is displayed on mAs display field. Press the Tube Voltage
key to switch the setting item on kV display field and the setting values on mAs
display field in synchronization.
However if keyless entry is disabled, "PaS" setting screen cannot be entered.
Table 7-21

kV display field Description

Time restriction with acquisition mode, short-time
Time restriction with acquisition mode, long-time
PaS Setting necessity of password entry
Prc Setting of communicatino protocol

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 399

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

2 If "EtS" is displayed on kV display field, the setting number of a time limit during
short-time radiography is displayed on mAs display field.
Press the tube current time integration key to change the setting number of a time limit
by 1 step on mAs display field.

Fig. 7-68 Time limit during short-time radiography ("60" is set)

Do not change the setting of a time limit during shotr-time radiography.

3 If "EtL" is displayed on kV display field, the setting number of a time limt during
long-time radiography is displayed on mAs display field.
Press the tube current time integration key to change the setting number of a time limit
by 1 step on mAs display field.

Fig. 7-69 Time limit during long-time radiography ("69" is set)

Do not change the setting of a time limit during long-time radiography.

400 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.21 DR Setting Mode

4 If "PaS" is displayed on kV display field, necessity of password entry is displayed

on mAs display field.
Press the tube current time integration key to switch the mAs display field.
The default setting is "on".

Fig. 7-70 Requirement of Password entry ("on" is displayed)

Table 7-22

mAs display field Description

Password entry is requested when return from auto power
Password entry is not requested when return from auto
power off

Necessity of password entry must be set to "on".

Do not change the setting without user's request and agreement.

5 If "Prc" is displayed on kV display field, the communication version is displayed

on mAs display field.
Press the tube current time integration key to switch the mAs display field.
The dafault setting is "11".

Fig. 7-71 Communication version ("11" is displayed)

Table 7-23

mAs display field Description

11 Normal

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 401

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

mAs display field Description

00 Unused

Do NOT change the setting of the communication protocol.

6 Press the Registration key to display "rec" "ord" on kV/mAs display fields and
store the settings.

7.21.3 To Finish DR Setting Mode

1 Finish the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

402 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.22 Cord Reel Usage Information Setting Mode

7.22 Cord Reel Usage Information Setting Mode

This mode is used to check the starting date of the cord reel usage and the number of
connection to the outlet, and to set the usage information of the Cord Reel.
Adjust the setting by the following procedure when the cord reel is replaced.

7.22.1 To Enter Cord Reel Usage Information Setting Mode

1 Enter the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

2 Press the INFO switch to blink, and then the keys in order of <3> and <8> to
enter the cord reel usage information setting mode.
LED of the switch and keys are indicated as follows.
• INFO switch blinks
• Key <3> blinks
• Key <8> blinks

7.22.2 To Check Cord Reel Usage Information

When the cord reel usage information setting mode is entered, the starting date of the
cord reel usage is displayed in the kV and mAs display fields.
The number of connection to the outlet is displayed in the dose display field. The number
of connection to the outlet is displayed by single count.

Fig. 7-72 EXAMPLE: Starting date of use of cord reel and the number of connection to the outlet (March 2, 2018,
562 times)

7.22.3 To Reset Cord Reel Usage Information

It is required to reset the usage information when the cord reel is replaced.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 403

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

1 Enter the cord reel usage information setting mode, and press the Registration
key for 3 seconds.
The starting date of the cord reel is reset to the current date, and the number of
connection to the outlet is reset to 0.

7.22.4 To Finish Cord Reel Usage Information Setting Mode

1 Finish the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

404 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.23 FSR Usage Information Setting Mode

7.23 FSR Usage Information Setting Mode

This mode is used to check the starting date of the FSR usage and the number of FSR
enhancement, and to set the usage information of the FSR.
Adjust the setting by the following procedure when FSR is replaced.

7.23.1 To Enter FSR Usage Information Setting Mode

1 Enter the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

2 Press the INFO switch to blink, and then the keys in order of <3> and <9> to
enter the FSR usage information setting mode.
LED of the switch and keys are indicated as follows.
• INFO switch blinks
• Key <3> blinks
• Key <9> blinks

7.23.2 To Check FSR Usage Information

When the FSR usage information setting mode is entered, the starting date of FSR usage
is displayed in the kV and mAs display fields.
The number of FSR enhancement is displayed in the dose display field. The information
in the dose display field can be switched by pressing the collimator lamp switch.

Table 7-24

6th Digits of mGy Item

0 The number of left FSR enhancement (by single count)
1 The number of right FSR enhancement (by single count)

Fig. 7-73 EXAMPLE: Starting date of FSR usage and the number of SR enhancement (Feb. 28, 2018, 365 times of
left FSR enhancement)

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 405

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

7.23.3 To Reset FSR Usage Information

It is required to reset the usage information when FSR is replaced.

1 Enter the FSR usage information setting mode, and press the Registration key
for 3 seconds.
The starting date of the cord reel is reset to the current date., and the number of
enhancement of FSR is reset to 0.

7.23.4 To Finish FSR Usage Information Setting Mode

1 Finish the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

406 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

7.24 Mechanical Performance Usage Information Setting Mode

7.24 Mechanical Performance Usage Information Setting Mode

7.24.1 To Enter Mechanical Performance Usage Information Setting Mode

1 Enter the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

2 Press the INFO switch to blink, and then the keys in order of <3> and <4> to
enter the mechanical performance usage information setting mode.
LED of the switch and keys are indicated as follows.
• INFO switch blinks
• Key <3> blinks
• Key <4> blinks

7.24.2 To Check Mechanical Performance Usage Information

When the mechanical performance usage information setting mode is entered, the
starting date of mechanical performance usage is displayed in the kV and mAs display
The usage information of each item is displayed in the dose display field. The information
on kV/mAs, and dose display fields can be switched by pressing the collimator lamp

Table 7-25

kV/mAs display field Description

Obstr The number of obstacle detection (by single count)
Catch The number of arm lock (by single count)

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 407

7 [Appendix] Adjustment Mode

Fig. 7-74 EXAMPLE: The number of obstacle detection (96 times)

Fig. 7-75 EXAMPLE: The number of arm lock (758 times)

7.24.3 To Reset Mechanical Performance Usage Information

1 Enter the mechanical performance usage information setting mode, and press the
Registration key for 3 seconds.
The number of obstacle detection and the number of arm lock are reset to 0.

7.24.4 To Finish Mechanical Performance Usage Information Setting Mode

1 Finish the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

408 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

8 [Appendix] Adjusting Methods
The adjustments in this chapter are not required in the standard installation procedure
of the unit. Perform the adjusting methods in case such as when the circuit boards or
other parts are replaced and readjustment is required.

In this chapter, following names are used to locate certain place on the circuit
board. Characters "xx" represent the ID number.
• VRxx : variable resistance
• CPxx : check pin
• TERxx : terminal

8.1 Preparation
Before making the detailed adjustment in this section, confirm the following items:

1 The connections of connector P1 and P2 are compliant with the supply voltage.
"4.3 Connection Change According to Power-Supply Voltage"

2 The settings of DIP SW on the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board are matched

with the unit type and the options.
"6 [Appendix] DIP Switches and Jumpers Setting on Each Board"

3 Check the DIPSW and jumper settings on the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018

board, the INVERTER UNIT board, the POWER-200D board, and the MUX
CHARGE-32KX board.

4 Move the arm out of parking position. (For viewing the display, radiography
preparation and exposure)

5 Check that the combinations such as X-ray tube device, high voltage transformer
are correct.

Make sure that the combinations are as described in the following table.
If the combinations such as X-ray tube devices, high-pressure transformers are not
correct, the equipment can be damaged.
DO NOT install X-ray tube device 0.7U163CS-36 to MobileDaRt Evolution. the equipment
will certainly be damaged.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 409

8 [Appendix] Adjusting Methods

Table 8-1

S/W*1 High Voltage X-ray Tube KVADJ Board XCONT-2008

Transformer Device X or
DIP Switch
2008X xx.bin 0.7/1.2U163C KVADJ32K
D150MH-40 2-2:OFF
MXSH7085_ -36 Board
*1 Refer to the following to check the software installed. ("7.1.2 Method 2".)

To initialize the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board before performing a unit

adjustment, carry out the following steps:

1 Turn the main breaker OFF.

2 Connect the power plug.

3 Turn ON the power supply to the equipment.

410 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

8.2 Adjusting the battery-voltage detection circuit

8.2 Adjusting the battery-voltage detection circuit

8.2.1 Preparation

Steps 2 and 3 are not necessary when the adjustment of the unit is confirmed
and only the adjustment for the battery voltage detection is performed.

1 Confirm that the main breaker and the key switch are turned OFF, and the power
plug is not connected.

2 Check that the discharge procedure has been performed for the internal
"3.4 Discharging the Internal Capacitor"

3 Turn on the DIPSW 3-8 (adjustment mode) of the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018


4 Turn ON the main breaker.

5 Turn the key switch ON. (System power turns ON.)

8.2.2 Adjusting the positive-side of battery-voltage detection

1 Press 4 on the numeric keypad.

The mode to adjust the positive-side of battery-voltage detection will start.
"7.6 Adjustment of the Battery Voltage Detection Circuit"

2 Measure the positive-side of the actual battery voltage (between TER3 [B120+O]
and TER5 [B0] on the MUX POWER 32K board).

3 Press the mAs+ and mAs- key so that the same value with the actual voltage is
displayed. If the voltage difference adjusted is within ±0.2 V, press the Program
Entry key.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 411

8 [Appendix] Adjusting Methods

8.2.3 Adjusting the negative-side of battery-voltage detection

1 Press the kV- key.

The mode to adjust the negative-side of battery-voltage detection will start.
"7.6 Adjustment of the Battery Voltage Detection Circuit"

2 Measure the minus-side of actual battery voltage (the voltage between TER5 [B0]
and TER4 [B120-O] on MUX POWER 32K board).

3 Press the mAs+ and mAs- key so that the same value with the actual voltage is
displayed. If the voltage difference adjusted is within ±0.2 V, press the Program
Entry key.

4 After the adjustments are completed, turn the key switch OFF.
System power turns OFF.

8.2.4 Work after adjustment is confirmed

1 Undo the DIP switch setting performed in steps 2, 3 of the section "8.2.1

412 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

8.3 Adjusting MUX CHARGE-32K board

8.3 Adjusting MUX CHARGE-32K board

The adjustment in this section is not required for the MUX CHARGE-32KX board.
Perform 8.4 Adjusting MUX CHARGE-32KX board.

8.3.1 Preparation

1 Confirm that the main breaker and the key switch are turned OFF, and the power
plug is disconnected.

2 Check that the discharge procedure has been performed for the internal
"3.4 Discharging the Internal Capacitor"

3 Disconnect the JCH2 connector on the MUX CHARGE 32K board.

4 Disconnect the JM2 connector on the INVERTER UNIT 32K board.

5 Short-circuit CP3 [CHECK1] and CP4 [CHECK2] on the XCONT-2008X or

XCONT-2018 board.

6 Turn VR1 [LAMP], VR2 [STARTER], and VR3 [120Hz, 140Hz] of the MUX CHARGE
32K board counterclockwise to the maximum.

8.3.2 Adjusting the MUX CHARGE-32K board

1 Turn ON the main breaker and the key switch.

The system power turns ON.

2 Confirm the fundamental frequency of 50 kHz. 8

Confirm that the waveform at CP14 [50kHz] on MUX CHARGE 32K board shows 50 kHz
(period: 17 to 23μsec).

3 Adjust the inverter frequency of 140 Hz.

Adjust VR3 [120Hz,140Hz] so that the waveform at checkpin CP16 [120Hz,140Hz] on MUX
CHARGE 32K board shows 140 Hz (period: 7.1 to 7.3 msec).

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 413

8 [Appendix] Adjusting Methods

4 Adjust the pulse width for the starter.

1 Perform READY operation to activate the starter.

2 Adjust the VR2 [STARTER] so that the pulse width of the High-level signal at CP17
on MUX CHARGE 32K board shows within 2.9±0.1 msec.

Measure the pulse width while the status indicator lamp is blinking
green by performing the READY operation.

READY operation should be performed in the cassette mode.

5 Turn OFF the key switch.

The system power turns OFF.

8.3.3 Procedures after the adjustment

1 Undo the procedures in steps 2, 3, 4, 5 of section "8.3.1 Preparation".

414 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

8.4 Adjusting MUX CHARGE-32KX board

8.4 Adjusting MUX CHARGE-32KX board

The adjustment in this section is not required for the MUX CHARGE-32K board.
Perform "8.3 Adjusting MUX CHARGE-32K board".

8.4.1 Replacing the board

1 Set the DIP switch: S1 as "6.9 MUX CHARGE-32KX Board" and replace the board.

8.5 Adjusting XCONT-2008X Board

The adjustment in this section is not required for the XCONT-2018 board. Perform
8.6 Adjusting XCONT-2018 Board.

8.5.1 Adjusting mAs circuit of XCONT-2008X board

n Preparation

1 Check that the main breaker and the key switch are turned OFF, and that the
power cable plug is disconnected.

2 Check that the discharge procedure has been performed for the internal
"3.4 Discharging the Internal Capacitor"

3 Short-circuit CP3 [CHECK1] and CP4 [CHECK2] on the XCONT-2008X board.

4 Turn VR1 [mAs] on the XCONT-2008X board counterclockwise to the maximum.

This step is not necessary if the XCONT-2008X board is already adjusted.

If the device has been checked and only readjustment is performed, the above steps 2 to
4 are unnecessary.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 415

8 [Appendix] Adjusting Methods

n Adjusting mAs circuit

1 Short-circuit CP1 [+5V] and CP30 [mA-IN] on the XCONT-2008X board.

2 Turn ON the main breaker and the key switch.

System power turns ON.

3 Adjust VR1 [mAs] so that the relation between the frequency of CP28 [MASCLK]
on the XCONT-2008X board and the voltage of CP30 [mA-IN] on the
XCONT-2008X board is 5 kHz/V.

For example, if the voltage at CP30 [mA-IN] is 5.10 V, the frequency at CP28 [MASCLK]
must be adjusted to 25.5 kHz.

4 Turn OFF the key switch.

System power turns OFF.

5 Remove the short-circuit between CP1 [+5V] and CP30 [mA-IN] on the
XCONT-2008X board.

n Procedure after adjustment

1 Undo the procedures in steps 2,3 of section "Preparation".

416 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

8.5 Adjusting XCONT-2008X Board

8.5.2 Adjusting inverter control circuit of XCONT-2008X board

n Preparation

1 Check that the main breaker and the key switch are turned OFF, and that the
power cable plug is disconnected.

2 Check that the discharge procedure has been performed for the internal
"3.4 Discharging the Internal Capacitor"

3 Disconnect the cables from TER3 [B120+O] and TER4 [B120-O] on the MUX POWER
32K board, and perform insulation.

4 Disconnect the JCH2 connector on the MUX CHARGE-32K or MUX CHARGE-32KX

board and the JM2 connector on the INVERTER UNIT board.

5 Short-circuit CP3 [CHECK1] and CP4 [CHECK2] on the XCONT-2008X board.

6 Turn VR2 [VF ADJ(KV)] and VR3 [PULSE ADJ] of the XCONT-2008X board
counterclockwise to the maximum.

This step is not necessary if the XCONT-2008X board is already adjusted.

n Adjusting the inverter control circuit

1 Short-circuit CP24 [+15V] and CP5 [VSIN] on the XCONT-2008X board.

2 Turn ON the main breaker and the key switch.

The system power turns ON.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 417

8 [Appendix] Adjusting Methods

3 Adjust the Max frequency of the inverter.

Adjust VR2 [VFADJ(kV)] so that the frequency at CP29 [F] on the XCONT-2008X board
becomes 112 kHz (period: 8.9 to 9.0μsec).

Fig. 8-1 Wave form at CP29[F]

418 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

8.5 Adjusting XCONT-2008X Board

4 Perform coarse adjustment of the inverter pulse width.

1 Perform READY and XRAY operations.

2 Adjust VR3 [PULSEADJ] so that the pulse width of the Low-level signal at CP33
[A/D] becomes 7.5±0.1μsec. (Be careful not to misinterpret the polarity.)

Fig. 8-2 Wave form at CP33[A/D]

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 419

8 [Appendix] Adjusting Methods

5 Perform fine adjustment of the inverter pulse width.

1 Connect oscilloscope probes between CP5 [Ga] - CP6 [Ea] and CP10 [Gb] - CP12
[Eb] on INVERTER UNIT 32K board.

2 Perform READY and XRAY operations, and check the gate waveform of IGBT.

3 Confirm that the pulse width at +5 V is within 7.8 to 8.0μsec.

4 Readjust the pulse width if it is necessary (VR3 [PULSEADJ] on the XCONT-2008X


Fig. 8-3 Waveform between CP[Ga] – CP[Ea], CP[Gb ] – CP[Eb] on INVERTER UNIT 32K board

Check the gate waveform of the time period later than 10 ms after
the start of the X-ray exposure. This is to ignore the initial peak value
and enable accurate reading.

6 Confirm the pulse width between CP3 [Gc] - CP4 [Ec], and CP8 [Gd] - CP9 [Ed]
with the same procedure as Step 5.

7 Turn OFF the key switch.

System power turns OFF.

8 Remove the short-circuit between CP24 [+15V] and CP5 [VSIN].

n Procedure after adjustment

1 Undo the procedures in steps 2, 3, 4, 5 of the section Preparation.

420 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

8.6 Adjusting XCONT-2018 Board

8.6 Adjusting XCONT-2018 Board

The adjustment in this section is not required for the XCONT-2008X board.
Perform "8.5 Adjusting XCONT-2008X Board".

8.6.1 Adjusting mAs circuit of XCONT-2018

n Preparation

1 Check that the main breaker and the key switch are turned OFF, and that the
power cable plug is disconnected.

2 Check that the discharge procedure has been performed for the internal
"3.4 Discharging the Internal Capacitor"

3 Short-circuit CP3 [CHECK1] and CP4 [CHECK2] on the XCONT-2018 board.

4 Turn VR1 [mAs] on the XCONT-2018 board counterclockwise to the maximum.

This step is not necessary if the XCONT-2018 board is already adjusted.

If the device has been checked and only readjustment is performed, the above steps 2 to
4 are unnecessary.

n Adjusting mAs circuit

1 Short-circuit CP1 [+5V] and CP30 [mA-IN] on the XCONT-2018 board.

For the XCONT-2018 board, the CP65 [+5V] can be used instead of the CP1[+5V].

2 Turn ON the main breaker and the key switch.

System power turns ON. 8

3 Adjust VR [mAs] so that the relation between the frequency of CP28 [MASCLK]
on the XCONT-2018 board and the voltage of CP30 [mA-IN] on the XCONT-2018
board is 5 kHz/V.

For example, if the voltage at CP30 [mA-IN] is 5.10 V, the frequency at CP28 [MASCLK]
must be adjusted to 25.5 kHz.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 421

8 [Appendix] Adjusting Methods

4 Turn OFF the key switch.

System power turns OFF.

5 Remove the short-circuit between CP1 [+5V] and CP30 [mA-IN] on the
XCONT-2018 board.

n Procedure after adjustment

1 Undo the procedures in steps 2,3 of section "Preparation".

422 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

8.6 Adjusting XCONT-2018 Board

8.6.2 Adjusting inverter control circuit of XCONT-2018 board

n Preparation

1 Check that the main breaker and the key switch are turned OFF, and that the
power cable plug is disconnected.

2 Check that the discharge procedure has been performed for the internal
"3.4 Discharging the Internal Capacitor"

3 Disconnect the cables from TER3 [B120+O] and TER4 [B120-O] on the MUX POWER
32K board, and perform insulation.

4 Disconnect the JCH2 connector on the MUX CHARGE-32K or MUX CHARGE-32KX

board and the JM2 connector on the INVERTER UNIT board.

5 Short-circuit CP3 [CHECK1] and CP4 [CHECK2] on the XCONT-2018 board.

6 Short-circuit CP17 [+15V] and CP5 [VSIN].

n Waveform check

For the XCONT-2018 board, the inverter pulse width has been adjusted at the
time of factory shipment. Check the inverter pulse width according to the
following procedure, and adjust only when the pulse width is not within the
adjustment range.

1 Turn ON the main breaker and the key switch.

System power turns ON.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 423

8 [Appendix] Adjusting Methods

2 Check the inverter pulse width.

1 Connect oscilloscope probes between CP5 [Ga] - CP6 [Ea] and CP10 [Gb] - CP12
[Eb] on INVERTER UNIT board.

2 Perform READY and XRAY operations, and check the gate waveform of IGBT.

3 Confirm that the pulse width at +5 V is within 7.8 to 8.0μsec.

4 If necessary, readjust the pulse width using the procedure in "8.6.3 Adjusting
inverter pulse width of XCONT-2018 board".

Fig. 8-4 Waveform between CP[Ga] – CP[Ea], CP[Gb ] – CP[Eb] on INVERTER UNIT board

Check the gate waveform of the time period later than 10 ms after
the start of the X-ray exposure. This is to ignore the initial peak value
and enable accurate reading.

3 Confirm the pulse width between CP3 [Gc] - CP4 [Ec], and CP8 [Gd] - CP9 [Ed]
with the same procedure as Step 2.

4 Turn OFF the key switch.

System power turns OFF.

5 Remove the short-circuit between CP24 [+15V] and CP5 [VSIN].

424 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

8.6 Adjusting XCONT-2018 Board

8.6.3 Adjusting inverter pulse width of XCONT-2018 board

For the XCONT-2018 board, "8.6.2 Adjusting inverter control circuit of

XCONT-2018 board" is done by connecting the PC with the LAN cable.

n Preparation

1 Check that the main breaker and the key switch are turned OFF, and that the
power cable plug is disconnected.

2 Check that the discharge procedure has been performed for the internal
"3.4 Discharging the Internal Capacitor"

3 Disconnect the cables from TER3 [B120+O] and TER4 [B120-O] on the MUX POWER
32K board, and perform insulation.

4 Disconnect the JCH2 connector on the MUX CHARGE-32K or MUX CHARGE-32KX

board and the JM2 connector on the INVERTER UNIT board.

5 Short-circuit CP3 [CHECK1] and CP4 [CHECK2] on the XCONT-2018 board.

6 Short-circuit CP17 [+15V] and CP5 [VSIN].

n Connection/Adjustment

1 Configure the PC as described in "10.13 Connecting the XCONT-2018 board to

the LAN".

2 Connect the LAN cable to the LAN port on the XCONT-2018 board and connect
it to the PC.

3 Turn ON DIP-SW3-8 on the XCONT-2018 board.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 425

8 [Appendix] Adjusting Methods

4 When you turn on the power of the system and open the web browser (, the following screen appears. Click [Inverter
Control Circuit].

Fig. 8-5

5 Enter a value for [IGBT GateWidth] and make adjustments.

Fig. 8-6

If you change the value, the value on the XCONT-2018 board will not be updated
unless you click [Submit].

Changing the number by 1 changes the pulse width by 0.025 µs. For example, changing
the number by 4 changes the pulse width by 0.1 μsec.

426 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

8.6 Adjusting XCONT-2018 Board

6 When you click Submit, the following screen appears and the value of the
XCONT-2018 board is updated from the PC. In this state, make an exposure and
check the pulse width as described in "8.6.2 Adjusting inverter control circuit of
XCONT-2018 board", and make an adjustment to obtain an appropriate pulse

Fig. 8-7

7 When you finish making the adjustment, close the browser window.

8 Turn off the power of the system and unplug the LAN cable.

9 Turn OFF the DIP-SW3-8 on the XCONT-2018 board.

n Procedure after adjustment

1 Undo the procedures in steps 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of section "Preparation".

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 427

8 [Appendix] Adjusting Methods

8.7 Operation Check of Capacitor Charging

8.7.1 Preparation

1 Check that the main breaker and the key switch are turned OFF, and that the
power cable plug is disconnected.

2 Connect cables to TER3 [B120+O] and TER4 [B120-O] on the MUX POWER 32K

3 Undo the discharge of the internal capacitor and switch to normally mode.
"3.4 Discharging the Internal Capacitor"

1 Set the discharge switch to OFF (left side).

2 Change the connection of the CN1/CN2 cable on the MUX CAPACITOR board from
connector CN1 to CN2.

4 Disconnect the JCH2 connector on the MUX CHARGE-32K or MUX CHARGE-32KX

board and the JM2 connector on the INVERTER UNIT 32K board.

5 Disconnect the JINV connector on the INVERTER UNIT 32K board.

6 Short-circuit CP3 [CHECK1] and CP4 [CHECK2] on the XCONT-2008X or

XCONT-2018 board.

7 Connect a tester to CP1 [VC+] - CP2 [VC0] on the MUX CAPACITOR board.

8.7.2 Operation Check

1 Turn the main breaker ON.

2 Turn ON the key switch.

System power turns ON.

3 Approximately 10 seconds after power ON, capacitor charging will start, and the
voltage between CP1 [VC+] - CP2 [VC0] on the MUX CAPACITOR board will rise.

428 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

8.7 Operation Check of Capacitor Charging

4 Approximately 30 to 60 seconds after the start of the charging process, voltage

increases to approximately 170 V and the charge suppression resistance value
decreases, speeding up the charging process.

5 After approximately 10 to 30 seconds, voltage increases to 220 to 240 V and the

system preparation indicator lamp turns ON.

6 When performing READY operation, the voltage becomes the same as the battery

7 Turn the key switch OFF.

8.7.3 Procedure after adjustment

1 Undo the procedures in steps 4, 5, 6, 7 of the section "8.7.1 Preparation".

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 429

8 [Appendix] Adjusting Methods

8.8 Checking the X-ray exposure

8.8.1 Preparation

1 Check that the main breaker and the key switch are turned OFF, and that the
power cable plug is disconnected.
Check that the DR system is turned OFF.

2 Check that the connection type for the internal capacitor is for normal charging.
"3.4 Discharging the Internal Capacitor"

1 Set the discharge switch to OFF (left side).

2 The CN1/CN2 cable on the MUX CAPACITOR board is connected to CN2.

3 Turn ON the DIP switch SW3-8 on the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board.

(Adjustment mode)

4 Confirm there is no short-wire between check pins on the XCONT-2008X or

XCONT-2018 board.

5 Turn VR3 [WF-ADJ] and VR4 [kV-ADJ] on KVADJ board to center position in case
that KVADJ board has not been adjusted.

This step is not necessary if the KVADJ board is already adjusted.

6 Turn VR9 and VR10 on the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board to center position
if they have not been adjusted.

Normally, advanced adjustment is not necessary for VR9 and VR10.

8.8.2 Performance check of READY operation

1 Turn ON the main breaker and the key switch.

System power turns ON.

2 Confirm that the collimator lamp turns on.

430 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

8.8 Checking the X-ray exposure

3 Perform the READY operation. Confirm that the anode of X-ray tube is rotating
and the exposure-ready lamp turns ON (green) within approximately 3 seconds.

4 During READY operation, check the waveform of filament heating voltage

between following check points on INVERTER UNIT 32K board. The waveform
should look like the waveform shown below.
• CP15[CS1]-CP2[C0] for small focal spot.
• CP14[CL1]-CP2[C0] for large focal spot.

Fig. 8-8 Waveform between CP14[CL1] - CP2[C0] on the INVERTER UNIT board

8.8.3 Checking the waveform for tube voltage, and adjustment of tube current

1 Enter the adjustment mode.

"7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

2 Press 7 on the numeric key pad and enter the Tube Current 2-points Adjustment

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 431

8 [Appendix] Adjusting Methods

3 Choose the small focal spot, and adjust the 2 points at 80kV, 50mA, and 200mA
so that the displayed measurement is within the following range. At the same
time, check the waveform of tube voltage with CP9[TKV] on the XCONT-2008X
board or XCONT-2018 board.
• 80kV, 50mA : 45 to 50mA
• 80kV, 200mA : 185 to 200mA

Fig. 8-9 Waveform at the CP9[TKV] (In case of 80kV,50mA)

4 If necessary, press 8 on the numeric keypad to enter the Tube Current Each-point
Adjustment Mode and then check that measurement value is with error within
-15 to +5 % range of the setting value.

• Use a neutral point tube current meter for measuring the tube current. The
neutral point tube current meter should be connected to [mA+] and [mA-] on
the terminal board X1 on the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board. Ensure the
short-circuit plate between mA+ and mA- is removed before any measurements
are taken.
• Tube current measurement may be adversely affected by any voltmeter
connected to the unit. All tube current measurements / adjustments must
therefore be performed with no voltmeter connected.

5 Choose the large focal spot, and perform adjustment with the same procedure
as Step 2 to 4. The displayed measurement must be within the following range.
• 80kV, 50mA : 45 to 80mA
• 80kV, 400mA : 370 to 400mA

432 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

8.8 Checking the X-ray exposure

8.8.4 Fine adjustment of tube voltage waveform

Adjustment of the tube voltage waveform will be required if the high voltage
transformer and / or kVADJ board are replaced.

In case of the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board replacement, the following adjustment

is not required if the old kVADJ board is not replaced.

1 Enter the Tube Current Two-point Adjustment Mode.

• "7.1 How to Start Adjustment Mode"

• "7.4 Adjustment of Tube Current"

2 Set the adjustment point to 80kV, 50mA.

3 Adjust VR4 [kV-ADJ] on kVADJ board so that a tube voltmeter displays 80kV±1kV.

4 Set the adjustment point to 80kV, 50mA.

5 Adjust VR3 [WF-ADJ] on kVADJ board so that waveform of the tube voltmeter
becomes flat.

Rotate VR3 clockwise, and the waveform changes toward overshoot.

Rotate VR3 counterclockwise, and the waveform changes toward under shoot.

8.8.5 Procedure after adjustment

1 Set the DIP switch SW3-8 to OFF.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 433

8 [Appendix] Adjusting Methods

8.9 Checking battery charging

8.9.1 Preparation

1 Turn ON the main breaker.

2 Turn the key switch OFF.

3 Turn ON the DIP switch SW3-8 on the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board

(Adjustment mode).

4 Confirm that there is no short-wire between check pins on the XCONT-2008X or

XCONT-2018 board.

8.9.2 Procedure for checking the battery charge

1 Connect the power plug.

The system power turns ON.

2 Press the INFO key to move to the adjustment mode Page 2.

3 Press 4 on the numeric keypad.

The battery charge starts after 10 seconds and charges for about 1 minute.

4 Confirm that the waveform of the voltage between CP5 [IC-] and CP7 [GND] on
MUX CHARGE-04B board looks like the waveform shown below.

434 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

8.9 Checking battery charging

5 Unplug the unit.

Fig. 8-10 Waveform between CP18 - GND

The waveform shown above is an example. The pulse width and wave height
value may differ.
If the charge confirmation mode is entered when the battery is fully charged,
the error (F5b, F51, and F53, etc.) may appear.

8.9.3 Procedure after the adjustment

1 Set the DIP switch SW3-8 to OFF.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 435

8 [Appendix] Adjusting Methods

8.10 Procedure after the adjustment

• Return the DIP SW on the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board to its normal use
• Confirm that no short-circuits are on the boards.
• Confirm that all connectors and terminals are connected on the boards.
• Confirm that the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board termina lX11[mA+] and X12[mA-]
is short-circuited.
• Confirm that the discharge function is released and the system is in the normal state
of charge. (Cable CN1/CN2 is connected to connector CN2 (NORMAL), and the discharge
switch is NORMAL (left side).)

436 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

9 [Appendix] Error Message List
9.1 Error message list 9

The Fault Indication lamp will light during error and radiography process will be
disallowed. The content of the error is indicated by the code on the mAs display.

Table 9-1 Fault error message list

Error code Content of the error Treatment

F01 Main supply voltage is higher than the Check the power supply voltage of
standard voltage by 20% or more. outlet.
Check the signal [LV] on XCONT
F02 Main supply voltage is lower than the Check the power supply voltage of
standard voltage by 30% or more. outlet.
Check the signal [LV] on XCONT
F03 A failure in –15V supply. ("-15V OK Check the connection of DC power
signal" not supplied) supply.
Check the signal [-15V] on XCONT
F04 The main power relay or the inrush Check the voltage between [TER3]
prevention relay is slightly adhered. and [TER4] during key switch OFF.
F11 X-ray tube voltage during irradiation is Check the signal [TKV] [KV+] [KV-]
detected to be higher than the set [VP1] [VP2] [VIN] on XCONT board
value by 30kV or more. during an exposure.
F12 Measured X-ray tube voltage during Check the signal [TKV] [KV+] [KV-]
irradiation is lower than the set value [VP1] [VP2] [VIN] on XCONT board
by 15% or more. during an exposure.
F13 Measured X-ray tube voltage during Check the signal [TKV] [KV+] [KV-]
irradiation is lower than 10kV or more. [VP1] [VP2] [VIN] on XCONT board
during an exposure.
F14 The minute discharge of the X-ray tube Perform the tube aging.
occurred three times. Exposure is Replace the X-ray tube if not
stopped. improved.
F15 Measured X-ray tube voltage during Check the battery voltage.
irradiation is lower than 90% of the set Check the FVR adjustment.
value. (Irradiation is not aborted.) Check the signal [TKV] [KV+] [KV-]
Battery performance may have [VP1] [VP2] [VIN] on XCONT board
deteriorated. during an exposure.
F16 The kV feedback start signal during Check the battery voltage.
irradiation is not detected. (Irradiation is Check the FVR adjustment.
not aborted.) Check the signal [TKV] [KV+] [KV-]
Battery performance may have [VP1] [VP2] [VIN] on XCONT board
deteriorated. during an exposure.
F17 The minute discharge of the X-ray tube Perform the tube aging.
occurred once.
F18 The minute discharge of the X-ray tube Perform the tube aging.
occurred twice.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 437

9 [Appendix] Error Message List

Error code Content of the error Treatment

F19 The tube voltage of the anode or the Perform the tube aging.
cathode is higher than 90 kV. Replace the X-ray tube if not
F1a The kVADJ Board is not mounted. Check the mount of kVADJ board
on the XCONT board
F1b Mounted kVADJ Board is not conformed Check the type of kVADJ board on
to the mounted High voltage the XCONT board
transformer. 32kW : kV ADJ 32K
12.5kW : kV ADJ COCK
F21 Measured X-ray tube current during Check the FVR adjustment.
irradiation is larger than the set value Check the signal [TKV] [TMA] [IFV]
by 100mA or more. [VIN] on XCONT board during an
→Detection by software exposure.
F22 Measured X-ray tube current during Check the FVR adjustment.
irradiation is smaller than the set value Check the signal [TKV] [TMA] [IFV]
by 50% or more. [VIN] on XCONT board during an
F23 Measured X-ray tube current during Check the FVR adjustment.
irradiation is smaller than 10mA. Check the signal [TKV] [TMA] [IFV]
[VIN] on XCONT board during an
F24 Measured X-ray tube current during Check the FVR adjustment.
irradiation is larger than the set value Check the signal [TKV] [TMA] [IFV]
by 100mA or more. [VIN] on XCONT board during an
→Detection by hardware exposure.
F31 Measured filament current is higher Check the FVR adjustment.
than the set value by 50% or more. Check the signal [TKV] [TMA] [IFV]
→Detection by software [VIN] on XCONT board during an
F32 Measured filament current is lower than Check the FVR adjustment.
the set value by 50% or more. Check the signal [TKV] [TMA] [IFV]
[VIN] on XCONT board during an
F33 Measured filament current is lower than Check the connection of the
1A. filament current line.
Check the FVR adjustment.
Check the signal [TKV] [TMA] [IFV]
[VIN] on XCONT board during an
F34 Measured filament current is higher Check the connection of the
than the set value by 50% or more. filament current line.
→Detection by hardware Check the FVR adjustment.
Check the signal [TKV] [TMA] [IFV]
[VIN] on XCONT board during an
F35 Measured filament current is higher Check the connection of the
than the set value by 50% or more. filament current line.
→Detection by hardware Check the FVR adjustment.
Check the signal [TKV] [TMA] [IFV]
[VIN] on XCONT board during an

438 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

9.1 Error message list

Error code Content of the error Treatment

F41 Capacitor voltage is higher than 300V. Check the voltage between [VC+]
F42 Capacitor voltage is lower than 170V Check the voltage between [VC+]
after 60 seconds since the start of and [VC0] on MUX CAPACITOR
capacitor charging. board.
F43 Capacitor voltage is lower than 30V Check the discharge processing of
after 60 seconds since the start of the internal capacitor.
capacitor charging. Check the voltage between [VC+]
F44 Signal “VCOK” is not returned but the Check the signal [VC] [VP1] on MUX
capacitor voltage is normal. CHARGE-32K or MUX CHARGE-32KX
F45 System preparation is not finished 30 Check the voltage between [VC+]
seconds after the initiation of capacitor and [VC0] on MUX CAPACITOR
changing relay "K2". board.
F46 Capacitor voltage is lower than system Check the voltage between [VC+]
preparation voltage for more than 30 and [VC0] on MUX CAPACITOR
seconds after system preparation is board.
F51 Battery voltage of plus-side during Check the signal [VP1] [VP2] on
charging is higher than 155V. XCONT board during a charge.
Check the signal [120+] [120-] [VP1]
[VP2] on MUX CHARGE-32K or MUX
CHARGE-32KX board during a
F52 Battery voltage of plus-side during Check the signal [VP1] [VP2] on
charging is lower than 50V. XCONT board during a charge.
Check the signal [120+] [120-] [VP1]
[VP2] on MUX CHARGE-32K or MUX
CHARGE-32KX board during a
F53 Battery voltage of minus-side during Check the signal [VP1] [VP2] on
charging is higher than 155V. XCONT board during a charge.
Check the signal [120+] [120-] [VP1]
[VP2] on MUX CHARGE-32K or MUX
CHARGE-32KX board during a
F54 Battery voltage of minus-side during Check the signal [VP1] [VP2] on
charging is lower than 50V. XCONT board during a charge.
Check the signal [120+] [120-] [VP1]
[VP2] on MUX CHARGE-32K or MUX
CHARGE-32KX board during a
F55 Battery voltage of the plus-side is higher Check the signal [VP1] [VP2] on
than the minus-side by more than 12V XCONT board during battery
during battery driving. driving.
Check the signal [120+] [120-] [VP1]
[VP2] on MUX CHARGE-32K or MUX
CHARGE-32KX board during battery

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 439

9 [Appendix] Error Message List

Error code Content of the error Treatment

F56 Battery voltage of the minus-side is Check the signal [VP1] [VP2] on
higher than the plus-side by more than XCONT board during battery
12V during battery driving. driving.
Check the signal [120+] [120-] [VP1]
[VP2] on MUX CHARGE-32K or MUX
CHARGE-32KX board during battery
F57 Battery voltage of the plus-side is higher Check the signal [VP1] [VP2] on
than the minus-side by more than 12V XCONT board during a charge.
during charging. Check the signal [120+] [120-] [VP1]
[VP2] on MUX CHARGE-32K or MUX
CHARGE-32KX board during a
F58 Battery voltage of the minus-side is Check the signal [VP1] [VP2] on
higher than the plus-side by more than XCONT board during a charge.
12V during charging. Check the signal [120+] [120-] [VP1]
[VP2] on MUX CHARGE-32K or MUX
CHARGE-32KX board during a
F5a Charging current is higher than 3.8A. Check the signal [IC] on XCONT
(Signal CHBR1) board during a charge.
Check the signal [IC1] on MUX
board during a charge.
Check the signal [IC-] on MUX
CHARGE-04B board during a
F5b Battery voltage + or - side during Check the signal [120+] [120-] on
charging is higher than 155 V. (Signal MUX CHARGE-32K or MUX
CHBR2) CHARGE-32KX board.
F5c The power plug is connected when the Check the main breaker.
main breaker is turned off. Check the battery voltage.
F5E Measured charging current is larger Check the signal [IC] on XCONT
than the set value by 50% or more for board during a charge.
10 seconds. Check the signal [IC1] on MUX
board during a charge.
Check the signal [IC-] on MUX
CHARGE-04B board during a
F5F Measured charging current is smaller Check the signal [IC] on XCONT
than the set value by 30% or more for board during a charge.
10 seconds. Check the signal [IC1] on MUX
board during a charge.
Check the fuse F1 on MUX
CHARGE-04B board.
F61 STOK signal is not returned even after Check the connection of starter
the starter drive time is over. drive line.
Check the signal [YC] [ZC] on
INVERTER UNIT-32K board. (Use
board for a grounding.)

440 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

9.1 Error message list

Error code Content of the error Treatment

F6E Irradiation does not finish by backup Check the signal [TKV] [TMA] [KVT]
time / mAs. on XCONT board during an
F6F KVT does not input after 250 ms has Check the signal [TKV] [TMA] [KVT]
passed since EXR output. [EXRR] on XCONT board during an
F71 Communication timeout of Dose Area Check the connection and setting
Product Meter of the dose area product meter.
F72 Communication error of Dose Area Restart the system and check the
Product Meter acquisition operation.
F73 Failure of Dose Area Product Meter Replace the dose area product
d15 Welding of the Relay of a motor driving Move the system to a safe place. In
section is detected. this case, use the function of
emergency brake release without
the power supply to move the
Check the electrical connection
between Pin1 and 2 of the CN17
with the CN17 connected.
d16 Short mode failure of the right FSR is Move the system to a safe place. In
detected. this case, use the function of
emergency brake release without
the power supply to move the
Check the cable between the FSR R
ASSY and the MUDRIVER board for
coating damage due to the cable
Check the ground fault to FSR R
d17 Short mode failure of the left FSR is Move the system to a safe place. In
detected. this case, use the function of
emergency brake release without
the power supply to move the
Check the cable between the FSR L
ASSY and the MUDRIVER board for
coating damage due to the cable
Check the ground fault to FSR L
d20 Abnormality of the FET for motor of the Move the system to a safe place.
right motor drive circuit is detected. In this case, use the function of
emergency brake release without
the power supply to move the
Check the electrical connection of
the diode (D11, 12, 14, 15) on the
MUDRIVER board with the system
power turned OFF.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 441

9 [Appendix] Error Message List

Error code Content of the error Treatment

d21 Abnormality of the FET for motor of the Move the system to a safe place. In
left motor drive circuit is detected. this case, use the function of
emergency brake release without
the power supply to move the
Check the electrical connection of
the diode (D1,2,8,9) on the
MUDRIVER board with the system
power turned OFF.
d22 Short circuit of the right motor drive Move the system to a safe place. In
circuit is detected. this case, use the function of
emergency brake release without
the power supply to move the
Check the electrical connection of
the diode (D11, 12, 14, 15) on the
MUDRIVER board with the system
power turned OFF.
d23 Short circuit of the left motor drive Move the system to a safe place. In
circuit is detected. this case, use the function of
emergency brake release without
the power supply to move the
Check the electrical connection of
the diode (D1,2,8,9) on the
MUDRIVER board with the system
power turned OFF.
d24 Abnormal rotation of the right motor is Move the system to a safe place.
detected. In this case, use the function of
emergency brake release without
the power supply to move the
Check whether the connections of
CN6 and 7 on the MU DRIVER
board are correct or not.
Check whether the CN7 on the MU
DRIVER board is connected firmly.
Check whether the GND cable of
the encoder cable (connector label
CN7) of the right motor is firmly
fixed to the device casing with the

442 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

9.1 Error message list

Error code Content of the error Treatment

d25 Abnormal rotation of the left motor is Move the system to a safe place.
detected. In this case, use the function of
emergency brake release without
the power supply to move the
Check whether the connections of
CN6 and 7 on the MU DRIVER
board are correct or not.
Check whether the CN6 on the MU
DRIVER board is connected firmly.
Check whether the GND cable of
the encoder cable (connector label
CN6) of the left motor is firmly
fixed to the device casing with the
d26 Excess current of the right motor is Move the system to a safe place.
detected. In this case, use the function of
emergency brake release without
the power supply to move the
Check whether or not the wheel on
the right side is locked or it
contacts the system due to
d27 Excess current of the left motor is Move the system to a safe place. In
detected. this case, use the function of
emergency brake release without
the power supply to move the
Check whether or not the wheel on
the left side is locked or it contacts
the system due to deformation.
d28 Abnormality of the encoder for the Move the system to a safe place.
right motor is detected. Check whether the CN7 on the MU
DRIVER board is connected firmly.
Check whether the GND cable of
the encoder cable (connector label
CN7) of the right motor is firmly
fixed to the device casing with the
Check whether or not a value of
right motor is appropriate (or an
abnormal value like “0” is not
displayed) in the displaying running
speed mode.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 443

9 [Appendix] Error Message List

Error code Content of the error Treatment

d29 Abnormality of the encoder for the left Move the system to a safe place.
motor is detected. Check whether the CN6 on the MU
DRIVER board is connected firmly.
Check whether the GND cable of
the encoder cable (connector label
CN6) of the left motor is firmly
fixed to the device casing with the
Check whether or not a value of
left motor is appropriate (or an
abnormal value like "0" is not
displayed) in the displaying running
speed mode.
d30 Temperature rise of FET for motor of Move the system to a safe place.
the right motor drive circuit is detected. In this case, use the function of
emergency brake release without
the power supply to move the
Check whether the CN19 on the
MU DRIVER board is connected
Turn OFF the main breaker of the
system, and check the temperature
of FET (Q11, 12, 14, 15) on the MU
DRIVER board.
d31 Temperature rise of FET for motor of Move the system to a safe place.
the left motor drive circuit is detected. this case, use the function
ofemergency brake release without
the power supply to move
Check whether the CN18 on the
MU DRIVER board is connected
Turn OFF the main breaker of the
system, and check the temperature
of FET (Q1, 2, 8, 9) on the MU
DRIVER board.
d40 Fuse Melting is detected. Move the system to a safe place.
In this case, use the function of
emergency brake release without
the power supply to move the
- Check the electrical connection of
Fuses F4 and F5 mounted on the
left side of the system.

444 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

9.1 Error message list

Error code Content of the error Treatment

d42 24V power is not supplied. Move the system to a safe place.
In this case, use the function of
emergency brake release without
the power supply to move the
Check the connection of CN9 on
the MU DRIVER board.
Check whether the connector of DC
power PS2 mounted in the front
side of the system is connected
d44 +5/+15V power for the right motor is Move the system to a safe place.
not supplied. this case, use the function
ofemergency brake release without
the power supply to move
thesystem.Check whether the
connector of DC power PS22
mounted in the right side of the
system is connected firmly.
Check whether the CN22 and 23 on
the MU DRIVER board are
connected firmly.
d45 +5/+15V power for the left motor is not Move the system to a safe place.
supplied. In this case, use the function of
emergency brake release without
the power supply to move the
Check whether the connector of DC
power PS21 mounted in the right
side of the system is connected
Check whether the CN22 and 23 on
the MU DRIVER board are
connected firmly.
d60 Breaking of a wire is detected. Move the system to a safe place.
In this case, use the function of
emergency brake release without
the power supply to move the
Check the wire of the support
stand for disconnection.
d61 Abnormal connection with MU DRIVER Check whether the CN21 on the
MU DRIVER board and the CNUM
on the XCONT board are connected

The Warning Indication lamp will light during warning. The content of the error is
indicated by the code on the mAs display. The code is displayed for approx. 3 seconds.

Table 9-2 Warning error message list

Error code Content of the error Treatment

F64 Invalid HX signal input. (EX. Hand
The lamp turns off by releasing the
switch was pushed just after turning ON
hand switch.
the system power.)

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 445

9 [Appendix] Error Message List

Error code Content of the error Treatment

F65 Invalid AR signal input. (EX. Hand switch The lamp turns off by releasing the
was pushed just after turning ON the hand switch.
system power.)
F68 The X-ray exposure is done before the Exposure should be performed
ready preparation of the FPD device is after the completion of READY on
completed. DR system.
Disappears by pressing the FPD The lamp turns off by pressing the
Radiography Mode button. switch for FPD / Cassette selection.
F6d Emergency stop switch has being Eliminate any abnormality on the
pressed. (EMG signal) device.
Disappears by releasing the Emergency The lamp turns off by turning the
stop switch. emergency switch in an arrow
direction and pulling it back.
F76 An illegal value was transmitted from Modify the exposure protocol on
CS-7 (EX. Out of range APR No.) DR console.
The lamp turns off when the
correct value is transmitted from
DR system.
H1 The heat accumulated on the anode of Modify the exposure conditions to
the X-ray tube has reached its tolerance lower, or stop radiography until
limit. (calculated value). the warning indication lamp turns
Radiography is not allowed unless the off.
radiography parameters are reduced, or The lamp turns off when the body
until the warning indicator lamp turns temperature goes down by cooling
off. the X-ray tube unit.
Disappears when X-ray tube assembly
cools sufficiently.
H2 The heat accumulated on the anode of Modify the exposure conditions to
the X-ray tube has reached its tolerance lower, or stop radiography until
limit. (measured value) the warning indication lamp turns
Radiography is not allowed until the off.
warning indicator lamp turns off. The lamp turns off when the body
Disappears when X-ray tube assembly temperature goes down by cooling
cools sufficiently. the X-ray tube unit.
H4 THERMAL signal is not supplied. Modify the exposure conditions to
Radiography is not allowed until the lower, or stop radiography until
warning indicator lamp turns off. the warning indication lamp turns
Disappears when X-ray tube assembly off.
cools sufficiently. The lamp turns off when the body
temperature goes down by cooling
the X-ray tube unit.
E CPU battery voltage has dropped. Although the usual traveling and
Change the CPU battery. radiography are available, the
replacement of CPU board battery
for backup is needed.
EEE CPU battery is completely empty. Although the usual traveling and
Change the CPU battery. radiography are available, the
replacement of CPU board battery
for backup is needed.

446 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

9.1 Error message list

Error code Content of the error Treatment

E5 Voltage of the battery for emergency Although the usual traveling and
brake release has dropped. radiography are available, the
Change the battery. brake cannot be released in an
The replacement of the emergency
brake release battery is needed.
bbb Main battery voltage has dropped. Charge the battery.
Radiography is not allowed. Only the
movement of the system is possible.
b1 The specified radiography conditions set Charge the battery.
an exposure duration exceeding the Warning clears when the battery is
upper limit for the current image charged sufficiently.
accumulation time setting, since the
system is currently set in low battery
bb0 Main battery voltage has dropped. Charge the battery if it is low.
Radiography is not allowed and the
system is automatically turned OFF.
The system may have been left with the
key switch ON.
bb1 Main battery voltage has dropped. Charge the battery if it is low.
Radiography is not allowed and the If the battery is still low after the
system is automatically turned OFF. charge, the battery may be
The system may have been left with the deteriorated.
power of DR turned ON.
A2 The cable between the short connector Check between the short connector
(CN38A, CN38B) of the handle unit and (CN38A, CN38B) of the handle unit
MU DRIVER board is disconnected. and MU DRIVER board for
Check the short connector (CN38A,
CN38B) of the handle unit is
securely connected.
A4 Brake release switch is ON when the Release the brake release bar.
system power is turned ON. Although the radiography is
available, the system cannot be
moved until the warning is
A5 Small movement switch (forward) is ON Release the small movement switch.
when the system power is turned ON. Although the radiography is
available, the system cannot be
moved until the warning is
A6 Small movement switch (backward) is Release the small movement switch.
ON when the system power is turned Although the radiography is
ON. available, the system cannot be
moved until the warning is
A7 Drive handle input (left) is detected Release the drive handle.
when the system power is turned ON. Although the radiography is
available, the system cannot be
moved until the warning is

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 447

9 [Appendix] Error Message List

Error code Content of the error Treatment

A8 Drive handle input (right) is Release the drive handle.
detectedwhen the system power is Although the radiography is
turned ON. available, the system cannot be
moved until the warning is
A9 Bumper switch is ON when the system Release the bumper switch.
power is turned ON. Although the radiography is
available, the system cannot be
moved until the warning is
A10 Arm lock release switch is ON when the Release the arm lock release switch.
system power is turned ON. Although the radiography is
available, the system cannot be
moved until the warning is
A11 Arm lock release lever is ON when the Release the arm lock release lever.
system power is turned ON. Although the radiography is
available, the system cannot be
moved until the warning is
d62 Abnormality in the arm travel distance Turn on the power of the system
detection encoder is detected. again, and move the arm in full
stroke to check whether or not the
encoder of the support stand spins

448 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection
Basically, it is not necessary to make the replacement of any parts described in this
Chapter during installation of the unit.

10.1 Expendable Parts List

Expendable Parts are shown below. Use specified parts at the part replacement. 10
Table 10-1 Expendable Parts List

Part Name Part No
Replacement Period

Fuse See next page. 1 year

Silicon Packing 582-23029 1 year

(for high-voltage generator)

Silicon Packing and Silicon Grease 571-15061-13 1 year

(for X-ray tube unit)

Contact pin 571-15061-11 1 year

Battery (replacement requires 20 units) 074-71014-11 2 years

Cord Reel (Power Supply) 565-13782 2 years

Grounding Cable 563-57552 2 years

CPU Backup Battery 074-73313-31 2 years

Relay, G7Z-4A-11Z DC24 065-60052-01 2 years

Relay, G7Z-4A-11ZR DC24 065-60052-21 2 years

Relay, G9EA-1-B DC24 065-60053-01 2 years

Battery, Alkaline LR61 074-70020-06 2 years

O-Ring, 4D SS-060 036-18005-21 5 years

Key switch HW1K-2B40 064-90066-01 5 years

EMG switch AVLW32211D-R 064-60785-97 5 years

Cable cover, X-ray tube assembly - Arm 571-18106 5 years

Cable cover, Arm - System 571-18106-04 5 years

Wire Rope (set 1) 566-21399-01 6 years

Vertical tracking of the
arm with 400 km

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 449

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

Part Name Part No
Replacement Period

Wire Rope (set 2) 566-21399-02 6 years

Vertical tracking of the
arm with 400 km

Motor 571-77099-03 7500 km

X-ray Tube Unit 582-24780-62 30,000 exposures

Wheel (for front wheel) 571-37075 2 years

450 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.1 Expendable Parts List

Table 10-2 Fuse Rating List

Unit / Board Component Name Current Voltage Part No

Rating Rating
AC Power Line F0-1、F0-2 10 A 250 V 072-01659-83
DR POWER CONT BOARD FH1 2 A 250 V 072-01664-26
150 A 600 V 072-06033-10
Inverter Unit Board*1 F1
160 A 660 V 072-06037-11
MUX Charge-32K Board F1 0.5 A 250 V 072-01664-15
MUX Charge-32KX Board F1 0.5 A 250 V 072-01664-15
MUX Charge-04B Board F1 5 A 250 V 072-01664-33
F1、F2、F10 2 A 250 V 072-01664-26
F3 6.25 A 250 V 072-01664-34
F4、F5 10 A 660 V 072-06035-32
MUX Power Board
F6 1 A 250 V 072-01664-20
F7、F8 5 A 250 V 072-01664-33
F9 10 A 250 V 072-01665-34
MUX LC1BF Board F1 4 A 250 V 072-01664-32
*1 Choose a fuse of Current Rating 150 A or 160A.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 451

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

10.2 Batteries Replacement

10.2.1 Precautions for batteries replacement

• 20 pieces are needed when replacing batteries.

• There are two ways of battery installation, depending on the time of shipment.
Replace it according to the type.
Type 1: "10.2.2 Procedure of the battery replacement (Battery ASSY eject type)"
Type 2: "10.2.3 Procedure of the battery replacement (Battery ASSY drawer

• The unit contains a total of 240 VDC battery.

• If the terminals of the battery are short-circuited, electric shock or fire may occur,
resulting in malfunction or accident. In the worst case, equipment and hospital
facilities cannot be used.
• During work, insulate the terminals by covering them with an insulating tape, etc.,
so that the terminals do not contact the housing unintentionally.
• When replacing the batteries, make sure to place the unit on the flat floor. Otherwise,
the unit may fall down.
• Do not wear metallic accessories such as the bracelet, hanging jewelries, and clocks
during the battery exchange work. It is very dangerous when coming in contact
between terminals of the battery.
• Pay attention to polarity of +/- when arranging the battery in the battery unit. Do
not short-circuit and contact between terminals.

Do not use different types of batteries (such as usage status, size, quality, and brand)
together. This may cause system malfunction.
The following requirements are needed for any battery replacement.
• All 20 batteries should be replaced with new ones at the same time.
• All 10 batteries on the positive pole side (Battery ASSY BAT1, BAT2) must have the
same manufacturing date.
• All 10 batteries on the negative pole side (Battery ASSY BAT3, BAT4) must have the
same manufacturing date.
• The difference of manufacturing date between batteries for the positive pole and
negative pole must be less than one month.
The manufacturing date is stamped on the upper surface of the battery, and written
in the following form:
050217## …, i.e. manufactured on Feb.17, 2005 (## indicates any alphanumeric

452 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.2 Batteries Replacement

10.2.2 Procedure of the battery replacement (Battery ASSY eject type)

1 Turn OFF both the key switch and the main breaker.

2 Remove the inside cover and both side covers.

"3.5 How to Open/Close Covers"

3 Discharge the internal capacitor.

"3.4 Discharging the Internal Capacitor"

Prior to replacing the battery, be sure to discharge the capacitor.

"3.4 Discharging the Internal Capacitor"

4 Remove the battery cover as shown below.

Fig. 10-1

Fig. 10-2

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 453

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

5 Remove the battery tray bracket.

Fig. 10-3

6 Disconnect the wires from the terminal blocks in order of the numbers shown
in the figure below. The (-) terminal on BAT 2 must be disconnected first.

Fig. 10-4 Battery Units (Both sides)

Insulate the terminals of the wires removed from the terminal block by covering them
with insulating vinyl tape, etc., so that the terminals do not contact the housing

Removing the wires in the wrong order increases the risk of electric shock or fire.
Be sure to remove them in the order shown in the figure (①→②→...→⑧).

454 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.2 Batteries Replacement

7 Remove all battery ASSY (BAT1, BAT2, BAT3, and BAT4) using the accessory tray
shown below.

Since each battery ASSY weighs approximately 16 kg, be careful when handling a battery


Fig. 10-5 Removing the Battery ASSY

8 Remove 7 screws, open the cover, disconnect the battery wires and remove all
the batteries.

9 Insert the new batteries, connect all wires to the electrodes, and replace all 4
batteries in their original positions.

Fig. 10-6 Battery ASSY

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 455

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

10 Close the battery ASSY cover.

11 Write the battery code and manufacture date of each new battery on the label
of each battery ASSY.

12 Replace each battery ASSY in its original position. Pay attention to the battery
numbers and their positions.
"Fig. 10-4 Battery Units (Both sides)"

13 Connect all battery wires to the terminal block of battery ASSY. Connection order
should be in reverse of the order shown in step 6.
(Connect the batteries in the opposite order (⑧→⑦→⑥→⑤→④→③→②→①) in
"Fig. 10-4 Battery Units (Both sides)". Be sure to start from the (-) terminal of
BAT 4.

Connection in the wrong order increases the risk of electric shock or fire.
Be sure to connect them in the opposite order shown in the figure

14 Re-install the accessory bracket for battery unit, and re-install the battery cover.

15 Reset the internal capacity discharge to "NORMAL". (Both discharge switch and
CN connector shoule be reset.)

16 Replace the inside cover and side covers.

17 Turn ON both the main breaker and the key switch. Confirm that power is
supplied to the system.

18 Clear the usage information of the Battery.

"7.13 Battery Usage Setting Mode"

456 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.2 Batteries Replacement

10.2.3 Procedure of the battery replacement (Battery ASSY drawer type)

1 Turn OFF both the key switch and the main breaker.

2 Remove the inside cover and both side covers.

"3.5 How to Open/Close Covers"

3 Discharge the internal capacistor.

"3.4 Discharging the Internal Capacitor"

Prior to replacing the battery, be sure to discharge the capacitor.

"3.4 Discharging the Internal Capacitor"

4 Remove the battery cover as shown below.

Fig. 10-7

Fig. 10-8

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 457

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

5 Disconnect the wires from the terminal blocks in order of the numbers shown
in the figure below. The terminal (-) on BAT 2 must be disconnected first.

Fig. 10-9 Battery Units (Both sides)

Insulate the terminals of the wires removed from the terminal block by covering them
with insulating vinyl tape, etc., so that the terminals do not contact the housing

Removing the wires in the wrong order increases the risk of electric shock or fire.
Be sure to remove them in the order shown in the figure (①→②→...→⑧).

6 Draw the battery ASSY.

Fig. 10-10 Removing the Battery ASSY (Right Side)

458 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.2 Batteries Replacement

7 Press the arrow position on the presser bar to release the presser bar from the


Fig. 10-11 Battery ASSY

8 Remove the presser bar from the tab to remove the bar in the order shown in
the figure.

Fig. 10-12 Battery ASSY

9 Disconnect the battery wires and remove all the batteries.

10 Write the battery code and manufacture date of each new battery on the label
of each battery ASSY.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 459

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

11 Insert the new battery, connect the battery ASSY terminal block and the wiring,
and restore it to its original state.
Connection order should be in reverse of the order shown in step 5.
(Connect them in the opposite order (⑧→⑦→⑥→⑤→④→③→②→①) in 10-9 Battery
Units (Both sides). Be sure to start from the (-) terminal of BAT 4.

Connection in the wrong order increases the risk of electric shock or fire.
Be sure to connect them in the opposite order shown in the figure

12 Attach the presser bar by hooking it to the tab in the order of the numbers in
the figure.

Fig. 10-13

13 Press the arrow position on the presser bar to fix the bar to the tab.
If you push the Battery ASSY slightly to the back, it will be easier to fix the bar.

Fig. 10-14

460 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.2 Batteries Replacement

14 Gently push the Battery ASSY to the back, taking care not to pinch the cable.
Replace the other three locations in the same manner.

15 Re-install the battery cover.

16 Reset the internal capacity discharge to "NORMAL". (Both discharge switch and
connector should be reset.)

17 Replace the inside cover and the side covers.

18 Turn ON both the main breaker and the key switch. Confirm that power is
supplied to the system.

19 Clear the usage information of the Battery.

"7.13 Battery Usage Setting Mode"

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 461

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

10.3 Replacement of the Motor

10.3.1 Procedure of the Motor Replacement

n Detaching of the motor

1 Turn OFF the main breaker.

2 Remove the inside cover and side cover.

"3.5 How to Open/Close Covers"

3 Remove 3 caps on the wheel cover and loose screws. Turn the wheel cover to
clockwise to remove it.

Fig. 10-15

462 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.3 Replacement of the Motor

4 Loose lightly 4 bolts of the wheel.


Fig. 10-16

5 Lift the wheel up by a jack etc. and keep that to set woods under the system.

6 Disconnect connectors on MU DRIVER 07 Board corresponding to the replaced

motor. CN6 and CN14 are connectors for the left motor. CN7 and CN16 are
connectors for right motor. Grounding earth is also disconnected.

7 Remove the wheel.

Fig. 10-17

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 463

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

8 Remove the motor.

Fig. 10-18

9 Pull motor cables out.

n Mounting the motor

1 Wire the motor cable to rearward of the system.

2 Mount the motor.

The gear reducer of the motor is eccentric from the output shaft.
Mount the motors as shown below.

Fig. 10-19

3 Connect CN6, CN14, CN7, CN16, and the grounding cable.

4 Turn ON both the main breaker and the key switch, and check the performance
without the wheel.

464 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.3 Replacement of the Motor

5 Make sure the performance is normal, and mount the wheels loosely.

6 Remove the woods under the system.

7 Tighten the bolts of the wheels.

8 Replace the wheel covers.

9 Attach the removed covers again.

10 Make sure the performance is normal.

11 Clear the usage information of the motor.

"7.17 Motor Usage Information Setting Mode"

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 465

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

10.4 CPU Backup Battery Replacement

10.4.1 CPU Backup Battery replacement

n Procedure of replacement for the CPU backup battery.

1 Remove the right inside cover and the right side cover.
"3.5 How to Open/Close Covers"

2 Turn on the key switch to apply the power.

The key switch must be turned ON whenever the CPU backup battery requires
replacing. Failure to do this will cause all stored configuration information to be

3 Replace the CPU backup battery where is on the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018


4 Clear the usage information of the CPU Backup Battery.

"7.14 CPU Board Battery Usage Information Setting Mode"

466 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.5 Maintenance of rotary X-ray tube section

10.5 Maintenance of rotary X-ray tube section

If the rotation of the X-ray tube section is found to be abnormal or short of lubrication,
grease part ① and ② as shown below ("Fig. 10-21 Detail of Part A", "Fig. 10-22 Detail
of Part B", and "Fig. 10-23 Detail of C" for the detail of part A, B, and C).
* Recommended grease: Albania grease.

Before maintenance, make sure the lift operation of the column is locked by the column
lift-lock brackets and pin.

Fig. 10-20 X-ray tube section

10.5.1 Greasing Part [A] of the X-ray tube section

The detailed drawing of Part [A] of "Fig. 10-20 X-ray tube section" is shown below.

n Greasing steps

1 Unscrew M4 flat countersunk head screw (a) and remove cover A.

2 Unscrew locking screw (b), and make plunger (c) loose.

3 Unscrew two M3 flat countersunk head screws (d), and remove cover C.

4 Unscrew four M6 hexagon socket head cap screws (e), and remove bearing A.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 467

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

5 Grease part ①.

6 Bearing A and X-ray tube are separated each other by unscrewing four M6
hexagon socket head cap screws (f).

Fig. 10-21 Detail of Part A

10.5.2 Greasing Part [B] of the X-ray tube section

The detailed drawing of Part [B] of "Fig. 10-20 X-ray tube section" is shown below.

n Greasing steps.

1 Unscrew M4 flat countersunk head screw (g) and remove cover B.

2 Unscrew four M5 hexagon socket head cap screws (h), and remove the X-ray
tube from the holding frame.

3 Put the X-ray tube removed from the holding frame on a table or the like. (Use
a cushion under the tube.)

4 Unscrew locking nut (i), disc spring (j), and M5 hexagon socket head cap screw
(k), and remove bearing B. In this state, bearing B and X-ray tube can be
separated each other.

468 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.5 Maintenance of rotary X-ray tube section

5 Grease Part ①.


Fig. 10-22 Detail of Part B

Before removing the X-ray tube (approximately 13 kg), grasp the detail of the fixing
structure. Be careful not to drop the tube by loosening other bolts incautiously.
Dropping the tube may cause the break of the tube and injury.

10.5.3 Greasing Part [C] of the X-ray tube section

The detailed drawing of Part [C] of "Fig. 10-20 X-ray tube section" is shown below. After
assembling the X-ray tube section, make it rotate 10 to 20 times to be thoroughly
lubricated by the grease.

n Greasing steps

1 Unscrew hexagon socket flat countersunk head screw (l) and remove the end

2 Unscrew locking screw (m), and make plunger (n) loose.

3 Unscrew locking nut (o), disc spring (p), detent washer (q), and thrust washer (r).

4 Pull out the bearing toward the front, and remove it.

5 After making sure that there is nothing abnormal with Part ②, apply grease

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 469

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

6 After applying grease to Part ① and ②, assemble the X-ray tube section in the
reverse steps.

If the fluted edge of Axis A is rounded off by the plunger in the Part A, fix
Axis A at 90 degrees to this position.

Check the direction of stopper at B, and thrust DU washer at C.

Fig. 10-23 Detail of C

Assemble the X-ray tube section so that the plunger in Part A, locking nut in Part B,
and the plunger and locking nut in Part C are fixed with the following pressure and

470 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.5 Maintenance of rotary X-ray tube section

10.5.4 Adjustment of Click Feeling

n Back-and-forth direction rotation

1 Remove the cover.


Fig. 10-24

2 Loosen the set screw fixing the plunger (at 3 places).

Fig. 10-25

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 471

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

3 Turn the ball plunger clockwise, and push it in until the ball enters the plunger
and the plunger body hits the shaft.

Be careful not to push the ball plunger too much. The rotating shaft may deform and
cause unusual sound and malfunction.

Fig. 10-26

4 Turn back 45 degrees counterclock.

Fig. 10-27

5 If the click feeling is not enough, turn the plunger clockwise little by little to
check the click feeling.

472 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.5 Maintenance of rotary X-ray tube section

6 Tighten the set screw loosened in step 2 (at 3 places).


Fig. 10-28

7 Attach the cover removed in step 1.

n Tube horizontal-shaft rotation

1 Loosen a set screw (at 1 place).

Fig. 10-29

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 473

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

2 Turn the ball plunger clockwise, and push it in until the ball enters the plunger
and the plunger body hits the shaft.

Be careful not to push the ball plunger too much. The rotating shaft may deform and
cause unusual sound and malfunction.

Fig. 10-30

3 Turn back 45 degrees counterclock.

Fig. 10-31

4 If the click feeling is not enough, turn the plunger clockwise little by little to
check the click feeling.

474 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.5 Maintenance of rotary X-ray tube section

5 Tighten the set screw loosened in step 1 (at 1 place).


Fig. 10-32

10.5.5 Adjustment of Tube Rotation Operating Force

n Back-and-forth direction rotation

1 Remove the cover.

Fig. 10-33

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 475

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

2 Adjust the lock nut so that the force starting to move by pressing the position
of the arrow in the state of 80 degrees rotated foreground may be 30±3N.

Fig. 10-34

3 Attach the cover removed in step 1.

n Tube horizontal-shaft rotation

1 Remove the cover.

Fig. 10-35

476 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.5 Maintenance of rotary X-ray tube section

2 Raise the click of the rotation stop washer.


Fig. 10-36

3 Adjust the lock nut so that the force starting to move by pressing the position
of the arrow in the state of 80 degrees rotated rightward may be 20±3N.

Fig. 10-37

4 Fold the click of the rotation stop washer to fix the lock nut.

5 Attach the cover removed in step 1.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 477

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

10.6 Centering the Collimator and X-Ray Focus

There are following two kinds of discrepancy between the collimator illumination field
and X-ray irradiation field. When installing the apparatus, make sure which discrepancy
is occurring and adjust the discrepancy:
• Discrepancy between the collimator illumination field center and X-ray irradiation field
• Discrepancy between the collimator illumination field size and X-ray irradiation field

10.6.1 Discrepancy between the collimator illumination field center and X-ray irradiation field center

n How to adjust the collimator illumination field center and X-ray irradiation field center.

If the center axis of the collimator blades and the axis of conical X-ray beam are
discrepant when the collimator is mounted on the X-ray tube, the collimator illumination
field center shifts from the X-ray irradiation field center.
In this case, align the center axis of the collimator blades with the axis of conical X-ray
beam by moving the collimator itself without displacing the lamp mounting board as

1 Show the illumination field on a cassette placed on the exposure top panel
(10-cm square).

2 Put a piece of line solder along the four sides of the illumination field and
operate exposure.

3 Then, widen the illumination field further (15-cm square), leaving the line solder
as it is.

4 Operate another exposure (double exposure).

5 After developing the radiograph, compare the illumination field center (center of
the image of the line solder) with the X-ray irradiation center, and measure the
discrepancy between them.

478 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.6 Centering the Collimator and X-Ray Focus

6 Attach the screw and loosen the bolt a little, and then correct the discrepancy
measured in the step 5 by adjusting the position where the screw is tightened.
After adjustment, tighten the bolt firmly, and then remove the screw.

Because the center of the collimator blades and the illumination field center are aligned
each other using a dedicated device in factory assembling, never move the lamp
mounting board.

Fig. 10-38 Adjust field center

Fig. 10-39 How to adjust center

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 479

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

10.6.2 Discrepancy between the collimator illumination field size and X-ray irradiation field size

n Why the discrepancy between collimator illumination field size and X-ray irradiation
field size occur.

The illumination field size is always different from the X-ray irradiation field size. Because
the filament size of illumination lamp is larger than 3 mm in comparison with the X-ray
focus size (less than 1 mm), a portion called half-shadow is physically occurs on the
illumination field, and due to the half-shadow the illumination field becomes larger than
the X-ray irradiation field.
Discrepancy between the illumination field and X-ray irradiation field is adjusted
minimum discrepancy at S.I.D 1m. Because the half-shadow is a physical phenomenon, it
is impossible to eliminate it.

Fig. 10-40 Discrepancy between the collimator illumination field and X-ray irradiation field.

n Technique to minimize the discrepancy.

Adjust the X-ray irradiation field size so that the edge of the X-ray irradiation field is
set on the point D of the edge of the illumination field, after determining the
illumination field size in accordance with the exposing portion of the subject.
In this way discrepancy between the collimator illumination field center and X-ray
irradiation field can be minimized.
Discrepancy between the Point D and X-ray irradiation field is conformed to IEC
regulation, adjusted within 2cm ( within 2% of S.I.D) at S.I.D 1m prior to shipment.
480 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section
10.7 Cleaning and disinfections

10.7 Cleaning and disinfections

10.7.1 Cleaning and disinfections

Cleaning and disinfections work should work, after turning off equipment power.
If equipment is turned on the power, there is a possibility of causing an electric shock 10
and a short circuit.

Do not splash antiseptic on this equipment. Do not spray of the antiseptic on this
equipment directly.
If an antiseptic goes into the inside of equipment, it will become failure and the cause
of the accident.

When you switch on a power supply after cleaning and disinfections work, do fully
ventilate the inside of a cleaning and disinfections working space.
If inflammable gas remains cleaning and disinfections working space, when a power
supply is switched on, there is danger of ignition, emitting smoke, explosion, and an
electric shock.

This equipment is not protected against any form of liquid infiltration.

Ensure care is taken to prevent liquid infiltration when cleaning or disinfecting
the unit.
There is no guarantee for the system performance and safety when the following
disinfectants such as follows:
• A chlorinated disinfectant.
• A disinfectant that corrodes metal, plastic, rubber, or paint.
• A disinfectant that is unsuited to metal, plastic rubber, or paint.
• A spray disinfectant.
• A volatile disinfectant.
• A disinfectant with a possibility of infiltration into the product.

1 Check the equipment is turned off power.

2 Cleaning and disinfections work are done.

Clean with the cloth moistened with alcohol or disinfectant.
Do cleaning and disinfections work certainly also to what has unevenness in the surface
using a swab etc.

3 After a cleaning and disinfections work end, should be checked the following
item, before switching on a power supply of equipment.
• Neither water nor the antiseptic has adhered to equipment.
• The tool used for cleaning and disinfections work is tidied up.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 481

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

10.7.2 Notes in the case of taking over, return of apparatus etc.

In the medical institution where the various microbes which affect a human body exist,
a certain incubation period may be set by infection, and it may suffer from the
"infection" which appears and is attacked with condition.
In connection with carrying out of the product in the case of recession from a medical
institution, a tool, etc., there is the possibility of secondary infection out of a medical
In order to prevent this, disinfections and positive implementation of sterilization are
important with a prevention measure and healthy management.

n General notes

In order to carry out positive disinfections and to prevent secondary infection, demand
implementation of disinfections in a medical institution as much as possible.
For the sake of appearance, the existence of contamination is unclear.
Should be sure to perform a listening comprehension check to medical institution staffs.

n Handling cautions of disinfections

Wipe external surface with the cloth dipped with glutaraldehyde (GA) liquid 2%.
Parts (especially machine part) are decomposing in the range, which can be decomposed.
Parts wipe with the cloth dipped with glutaraldehyde (GA) liquid 2%, or disinfect by
ethylene oxide gas.

10.8 Communication Between DR System and CS-7

10.8.1 APR Number

CS-7 sends Anatomical Code (1-432) to MobileDaRt Evolution. Anatomical Codes

configured in CS-7 need to be correspondent to APR number in order for the exposure
condition between CS-7 and MobileDaRt Evolution to match.
Refer to the CS-7 service manual to set Anatomical Code.
APR numbers are referred to Reference Guide.

482 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.9 How to Perform Restoration from Recovery DVD

10.9 How to Perform Restoration from Recovery DVD

This chapter provides instructions on how to create a recovery DVD and how to recover
the PC using this DVD or the DVD attached to system at shipment.
For instructions on how to make a recovery DVD, refer to the following clause.
• "10.9.2 Making Recovery Media"

• "10.9.3 Check of Recovery Media"

For instructions on how to recover the PC using this DVD, refer to the following clause
"10.9.4 How to Perform Recovery"

A set of recovery DVD is attached to the system at shipment. This DVD allows to recover
the PC to factory setting. Refer to the clause "10.9.4 How to Perform Recovery" regarding
the procedure for PC recovery using this DVD.

Procedure to make recovery media may require more than one DVD media.
Number of DVD media depends on the number of image saved in PC.

Certain DVD media may cause error when making recovery media due to
compatibility with DVD drive. If the error occurs repeatedly, use a different DVD
Confirmed product: Imation Corp. product, 4.7GB 8x DVD

10.9.1 Preparation

• GHOST BOOT S/W CD (Ver.11)

• Recovery DVD media (When recovering)
• Blank DVD media (When making the recovery media)
• Installation tool: USB mouse
• Installation tool: USB keyboard
• Installation tool: USB HUB
• Installation tool: USB DVD Drive
• Installation tool: AC adaptor for DVD Drive

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 483

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

10.9.2 Making Recovery Media

1 Connecting keyboard, DVD drive.

"3.6 Using DVD Drive"

2 Insert the GHOST Boot CD to DVD drive.

3 Checking BIOS settings.

1 Turn the PC on.

2 Hold down [F2] key while PC is booting to activate BIOS setting.

3 BIOS setting will appear. Use left and right arrow key and select [Boot] tab. Press

4 Use up and down arrow keys to select [Boot Device Priority]. Press [Enter].

Fig. 10-41

484 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.9 How to Perform Restoration from Recovery DVD

5 Check that "USB-CD-ROM: ---" is displayed at the top of [Boot Priority Order].


Fig. 10-42

6 Press [F10] key and "Setup Confirmation" window appears. Select [Yes] and press

Fig. 10-43

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 485

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

7 Display below will appear. Shortly after this disappears, message "Press any key to
boot from CD or DVD" will show for few seconds. Press [Enter] while the message
is shown.

Fig. 10-44

4 When the About Symantec Ghost window open, connect the mouse and click
[OK]. If all ports are already in use, remove keyboard.

Fig. 10-45

486 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.9 How to Perform Restoration from Recovery DVD

5 Basic operation screen appears.


Fig. 10-46

6 Eject GHOST Boot CD from the DVD Drive and insert a blank DVD.

7 Select [Local] and [Disk]. Click [To Image].

Fig. 10-47

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 487

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

8 "Select local source drive by clicking on the drive number" window appears.
Select the HDD for making the recovery media, and click [OK].

Fig. 10-48

9 "File name to copy image to" window appears. Select "@CD-R1..." from the "Look
in" drop-down list and click [Save].

Fig. 10-49

488 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.9 How to Perform Restoration from Recovery DVD

10 "Compress Image" window appears. Click [High].


Fig. 10-50

11 Message "Copy a bootable…" appears. Click [No].

Fig. 10-51

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 489

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

12 Estimated number of DVD media required for the procedure is shown in the
window. Click [Yes].

Fig. 10-52

The required number of DVD media may differ from the number indicated.

13 Warning message is displayed. Click [Yes].

Fig. 10-53

PC will start to make recovery media. Wait until the progress bar becomes 100%. If all
data is written on one media, proceed to step 17.
490 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section
10.9 How to Perform Restoration from Recovery DVD

14 Message "Insert next CD/DVD disk" appears. Insert a blank DVD media to DVD
drive and click [OK].


Fig. 10-54

Repeat this step until the recovery media making is completed (Until the progress bar
reaches 100%).

15 Confirm that the recovery media is successfully created. Click [Continue].

Fig. 10-55

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 491

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

16 Basic operation screen appears.

Fig. 10-56

Procedure to make recovery media is complete. Proceed to the next clause "10.9.3 Check
of Recovery Media".

10.9.3 Check of Recovery Media

Check the recovery DVD. Be sure to perform this procedure after the recovery media is

492 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.9 How to Perform Restoration from Recovery DVD

1 Select [Local], [Check], and click [Image File].


Fig. 10-57

2 "Disk image file name" window appears. Select "@CD-R1..." from the "Look in"
drop-down list and click [Open].

Fig. 10-58

Do NOT select the DVD drive (ex. "E: ..."). The check will not start.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 493

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

3 Message "Proceed with image…" appears. Click [Yes].

Fig. 10-59

Check for recovery media will start. If the recovery media is only one DVD, proceed to
step 5.

494 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.9 How to Perform Restoration from Recovery DVD

4 If there is more than one DVD, message "Symantec Ghost needs to open the
next part of image." will appear on the screen. Change the DVD media in order
and click [OK].


Fig. 10-60

Repeat this step until the recovery media checking is completed (Until the progress bar
reaches 100%).

Certain DVD media may cause error when making recovery media due to
compatibility with DVD drive. If the error occurs repeatedly, use a different DVD

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 495

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

5 Confirm that the message "Image file passed integrity check" is displayed, click
[Continue]. If error etc. is displayed, make the recovery media again.

Fig. 10-61

6 Basic operation screen appears. Click [Quit].

Fig. 10-62

496 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.9 How to Perform Restoration from Recovery DVD

7 Message "Are you sure you want to quit?" appears. Click [Yes].


Fig. 10-63

8 Eject recovery DVD media from DVD Drive.

9 Reboot using DOS Prompt.

1 Connect keyboard to USB hub. If all ports are already in use, remove mouse.

2 Type "exit" and press [Enter].

3 PC will reboot.

10 Remove the mouse, keyboard, and DVD drive.

Check of recovery media is complete.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 497

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

10.9.4 How to Perform Recovery

If executing recovery, all settings and data in the PC will be overwritten by the
contents of recovery DVD. Check the current setting before executing recovery.

1 Connecting keyboard and DVD drive.

"3.6 Using DVD Drive"

2 Insert the GHOST Boot CD to DVD drive and turn the PC on.

3 Display below will appear. Shortly after this disappears, message "Press any key
to boot from CD or DVD" will show for few seconds. Press [Enter] while the
message is shown.

Fig. 10-64

498 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.9 How to Perform Restoration from Recovery DVD

4 When the About Symantec Ghost window open, connect the mouse and click
[OK]. If all ports are already in use, remove keyboard.


Fig. 10-65

5 Select [Local], [Disk] and click [From Image].

Fig. 10-66

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 499

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

6 "Disk image file name" window appears. Select "@CD-R1..." from the "Look in"
drop-down list and click [Open].

Fig. 10-67

7 "Select local destination…" window appears. Click OK.

Fig. 10-68

500 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.9 How to Perform Restoration from Recovery DVD

8 "Destination Drive Details" window appears. Click OK.


Fig. 10-69

9 Message "Proceed with disk restore?…" appears. Press [OK]. Recovery procedure
will start.

Fig. 10-70

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 501

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

10 If there are more than one recovery media, message "Symantec Ghost needs to
open the next part of image." will appear on the screen. Change the DVD media
in order and click [OK].

Fig. 10-71

11 Message "Clone Completed Successfully" appears. Eject DVD from DVD drive and
click [Reset Computer]. PC will restart.

Fig. 10-72

502 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.9 How to Perform Restoration from Recovery DVD

12 Remove the mouse, keyboard, and DVD drive.

Procedure to perform recovery is complete.


MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 503

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

10.10 Replacing the Emergency Brake Release Battery

10.10.1 Replacing the Emergency Brake Release Battery

n Emergency Brake Release Battery Replacement Procedure

1 Turn OFF the system power and the main breaker.

2 Remove the right inside cover and the right side cover.
"3.5 How to Open/Close Covers"

3 Remove the plate from the battery box.

Fig. 10-73

504 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.10 Replacing the Emergency Brake Release Battery

4 Open the cover of the battery boxes, and replace the batteries.


Fig. 10-74

5 Clear the usage information of the Emergency Break Release Battery.

"7.15 Emergency Brake Release Battery Usage Information Setting Mode"

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 505

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

10.11 Updating Software

This section describes how to upgrade the software via communication between a PC
and the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board.

n Required Tools and Software

• PC equipped with Windows 7 or later, and with RS-232C serial port. If RS-232C serial
port is not equipped, USB/RS232-C conversion cable should be separately prepared.
• Serial cable for RS-232C (9pin female - 9pin female, Cross type)
• Software
→XCONT-2008X board: SH_MUX300_VerXXX (XXX indicates the version number.)
→XCONT-2018 board: MXSH7085_SW_xxx (XXX indicates the version number.)

n Preparation for the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board

1 Turn off the power.

2 Remove the right inside cover and the right side cover.
"3.5 How to Open/Close Covers"

3 Preparation for the version up S/W

1 Turn off Main breaker NFB.

2 Unplug the unit.

3 Turn on Emergency switch.

4 Set the DIP switch SW4 on the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board. Set only
SW4-2 to ON side and set other switch of SW4 to OFF side.

5 Connect the J4 connector of the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 and serial port of

the PC with the serial cable.

Fig. 10-75 Preparation of XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018

506 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.11 Updating Software

6 Connect power plug. The power is supplied to the system.

n Setting of PC

1 Turn on the PC.

• For the media distribution software
Insert the media storing the distributed software into the PC drive, and copy software
to the hard disk of PC.
For later use, copy this file to the folder easy to find.
• For the digital distribution software
Decompress MUX3DXXX.sdf (XXX indicates the version number), the distributed
software with a SDF extension, by using Sdf_Extract, the extraction software.
MUX3DXXX folder will be created in the location to be decompressed.
For later use, decompress this file in the location easy to find.

2 Make sure there are following files in the copied or decompressed folder.
• SoftUD.exe : Software update executable file.
• setup.ini : Software update setting file
• Software
→XCONT-2008X board: SH_MUX300_VerXXX (XXX indicates the version number.)
→XCONT-2018 board: MXSH7085_SW_xxx (XXX indicates the version number.)

n Backup of S/W

Before installing the S/W, backup the S/W already installed in the board for backup

Be sure to terminate the serial communication software (e.g. Tera-Term) before

starting the setup program.
Otherwise, the backup process may fail.

1 Double-click the SoftUD.exe. The following screen is displayed.

Fig. 10-76 SoftUD screen

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 507

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

2 Select the COM PORT of PC that is connected with the serial cable and click the
Backup button.

3 Confirmation screen is displayed. If proceeding backup of S/W, click the OK


4 Backup is started. The status screen is displayed. After completing the backup,
screen of completion is displayed.

5 Return to the SoftUD screen in 1. Click the × button and the screen will be closed.

n Install of S/W

When version up of S/W, execute install of S/W.

Be sure to terminate the serial communication software (e.g. Tera-Term) before

starting the setup program.
Otherwise, the backup process may fail.

1 Double-click the SoftUD.exe. The following screen is displayed.

Fig. 10-77 SoftUD screen

2 Select the COM PORT of PC that is connected with the serial cable and click the
Install button.

3 Confirmation screen is displayed. To proceed to the installation of S/W, click the

OK button.

4 Install is started. The status screen is displayed. After completing the install,
screen of completion is displayed.

5 Return to the SoftUD screen in 1. Click the × button and the screen will be closed.

508 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.11 Updating Software

6 Set the current date and time.

"7.7 Setting Date and Time"

n Recovery of S/W

When restoring the S/W that was back up, execute the recovery.

Be sure to terminate the serial communication software (e.g. Tera-Term) before

starting the setup program. 10
Otherwise, the backup process may fail.

1 Double-click the SoftUD.exe. The following screen is displayed.

Fig. 10-78 SoftUD screen

2 Select the COM PORT of PC that is connected with the serial cable and click the
Recovery button.

3 Confirmation screen is displayed. If proceeding the recovery of S/W, click the OK


4 Following procedures is the same as install of S/W.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 509

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

n Operation Check

After the install or the recovery of S/W, confirm the operation of XCONT-2008X or
XCONT-2018 board.
Follow the opposite procedure in "Preparation for the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018
board" to put the system back to the original state, and then, turn the power ON. Enter
the adjustment mode according to the procedure below, and check the software version.
If the version of installed software does not correspond to the displayed version of
software in mAs display, try the installation or recovery again.

When the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board is replaced in the installation or

recovery of the S/W, the new board must be initialized.
Reference: "7.2 Initialization of XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 Board".
After the initialization, ensure the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board operates

1 Prepare the followings for operation check.

1 Disconnect the power plug from the outlet.

2 Turn ON the main breaker NFB.

3 Release the emergency stop switch. (Set to OFF.)

2 Disconnect the serial cable between J4 connector on the XCONT-2008X or

XCONT-2018 board and the serial port on PC.

3 Set DIP SW4 on the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board. Return SW4-2 to OFF.

4 Turn ON the system and make sure the system starts normally.

5 Turn OFF the power.

6 Attach the inside cover and the side cover.

7 Turn ON the power.

8 Press and hold the user settings button for about 3 seconds to enter the change
setting mode.

510 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.11 Updating Software

9 When the display of is changed to (personal

ID setting), press 7 on the numeric keypad and then the collimator lamp button
within 3 seconds.

10 is displayed for about 1 second, and then is

displayed in the dose display. In this case, the current version of software is
displayed in the mAs display. By pressing the collimator lamp button, “8”
indicating a software type is displayed in mAs display.

11 Turn OFF then ON the power to restart the system.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 511

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

10.12 PC Maintenance Function

10.12.1 Introduction

It is possible to perform maintenance work to show below by connecting PC and the

XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board with a serial cable.
• Back up (download) of the data below memorized in the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018
• Restoration (upload) of the data which has been back up into the XCONT-2008X or
XCONT-2018 board.

The data stored in the board EEPROM is compatible between the XCONT-2008X
and the XCONT-2018. Data can be backed up (Download) and restored (Upload)
in both directions.

The data which can be communicated with a PC are the following data memorizing with
EPROM in the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board.
• APR data
• Tube data (Tube type data, Tube setting data)
• Rating data (Setting of apparatus ratings)
• Technique data (Technique keys data)
• FVR data
• Other setting data (motor control setting data etc.)
• Option setting data (Dose calculation, Dose Area Product Meter etc.)
• Status data

10.12.2 Necessary tools and software

• PC equipped with Windows 7 or later, and with RS-232C serial port.If RS-232C serial
port is not equipped, USB/RS232-C conversion cable should be separately prepared.
• Serial cable for RS-232C (9pin female - 9pin female, cross type)
• Serial Communication software.
It has a binary file Transfer Protocol XMODEM (CRC).
Terminal program Tera-Term Ver4.95 or later is recommended. Tera-Term is freeware
which can be downloaded from the following Internet site. To download Tera Term,
use the version 4.95 or higher installer (the installer 4.94 and earlier is vulnerable).If
the program is already installed, updating is not required.

512 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.12 PC Maintenance Function

10.12.3 Serial cable connection

Set the Auto Power Off function to OFF to prevent the system power from being
turned off during operation. When you finish the operation, reset the value to
the original.
Reference: Reference Guide “2.1.6 Auto Power OFF [APO]”

1 Turn off the power and open the right side cover.

2 Check and make a note of the setting of DIPSW2-4 and DIPSW2-7 on the
XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board.

3 Turn the DIPSW2-4 to ON side and SW2-7 to OFF side.

4 Connect the serial cable to the J4 connector of the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018


5 Connect the serial cable to the serial connector of PC.

10.12.4 Setup of Tera Term

1 Turn on the PC and start Terminal program Tera Term after Starting Windows.

2 The setting of a new connection is displayed. Select the COM port of PC

connecting to the serial cable, and click the OK button.

Fig. 10-79

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 513

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

3 The window of Tera Term is displayed.

Fig. 10-80

4 Set terminal setting. Select "Setup - Terminal".

Fig. 10-81

514 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.12 PC Maintenance Function

5 Set CR+LF on New-line - Transmit. Check the setting and click OK.


Fig. 10-82

6 Set serial port setting. Select "Setup - Serial port".

Fig. 10-83

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 515

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

7 Set serial port set up as shown below. Check the setting and click OK.

Fig. 10-84

8 Setup is finished.

Do not perform any PC maintenance function on the system during the

communication between PC and the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board.
Failure to follow this instruction may cause a data communication error.

516 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.12 PC Maintenance Function

10.12.5 Backup of data (download)

Transfer the memory of the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board to the computer, and
create a backup log file and save it.

The data stored in the board EEPROM is compatible between the XCONT-2008X
and the XCONT-2018. Data can be backed up (Download) and restored (Upload)
in both directions.

1 Connection of serial cable

Connect the serial cable before the system turned on.
"10.12.3 Serial cable connection"

2 Start of Tera Term

Start Tera Term after PC turned on, and Windows starts.
"10.12.4 Setup of Tera Term"

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 517

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

n Beginning of download processing

1 Turn on the system.

2 When Tera Term is started, the following Tera Term screen is displayed.

Fig. 10-85

518 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.12 PC Maintenance Function

3 Press the Enter (↓) in the window of Tera Term.

MAIN> is displayed.


Fig. 10-86

If characters are garbled or not shown on the Tera Term display, check the
network status or settings as follows:
• Make sure a serial cable connection between the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018
board and PC is normal.
• Make sure the network configurations for Tera Term is correct.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 519

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

4 Input "maintenance" and press Enter (↓).

- Maintenance Mode -
* is displayed.
Therefore, it comes to be able to exchange data between PC and the XCONT-2008X or
XCONT-2018 board.

Fig. 10-87

5 Input "help" and press the Enter (↓).

The list of the use commands is displayed.
The list of the use command is shown as follows.
Input command for necessary data to need to transferred.
---- <Maintenance Mode Help> ----
Command Content of command
all[r/w] All EPROM stored data.
heaprtec[r/w] APR data
heratio[r/w] Ratio data
hetubedt[r/w] Tube data
hetechinit[r/w] Technique data
hefvrkvdata[r/w] FVR data
hec[r/w] Other setting data
hdose1[r/w] Option setting data1
hdose2[r/w] Option setting data2
hide1[r/w] Personal ID setting data1
hide2[r/w] Personal ID setting data2
hrep[r/w] Usage information data
sstatus[r/w] Status data1
sctrl[r/w] Status data2
help The list of commands is displayed.
exit Return to the main menu.

520 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.12 PC Maintenance Function

6 Input the specific command for necessary data to be transferred and a blank and
"r". And press Enter (↓).
(Example) In case of APR data, input "heaprtec r" and (↓)


Fig. 10-88

7 Confirmation screen is displayed as follows.

Data Download to Disk.
Prepare log file.
Hit [Enter] key to start Download.

Fig. 10-89

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 521

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

8 A log file for storing download data (Log file will be saved in PC.) is specified.
Select "File - Log" from the menu bar.

Fig. 10-90

9 In next, a log file that stores download data is specified.

Determine the file name of the log file that stores download data, click Open. The log
file is opened.

Fig. 10-91

522 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.12 PC Maintenance Function

10 When Enter (↓) is pressed, download starts.

The data that currently is processed for download appear in the screen. When download
is completed, the following messages are displayed.
Data Download completed.
Close Log File.
Hit [Enter] key to Return menu.


Fig. 10-92

11 The window of Tera Term:Log is displayed. Click Close. The log file that stores
the downloaded data is closed.

Fig. 10-93

Be sure to close the "Log" function after completing the download process. This
will prevent downloading unnecessary data.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 523

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

12 If Enter (↓) is pressed, it becomes the waiting mode for inputting command. It
is displayed as follows.
Data Download/Upload
1. Download Data to Disk
2. Upload Data form Disk
3. Verify Data
E. Exit Data Download/Upload

Fig. 10-94

Execute the same procedure from item 6 when continuing download for other data.

524 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.12 PC Maintenance Function

13 Input "exit" and press the Enter (↓) when finishing download. "MAIN >" is


Fig. 10-95

14 Exit Tera Term. Select "File, Exit" in menu bar of Tera Term.

Fig. 10-96

15 Tera Term is ended.

16 Turn off the PC and the system. And disconnect the serial cable.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 525

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

17 Restore the original settings of DIPSW 2-4 and DIPSW 2-7 on the XCONT-2008X
or XCONT-2018 board.

10.12.6 Restoration of data (upload)

The RESTORATION of DATA includes the following process.

Uploading the file that was saved in PC to the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board.
Restoring the data in the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018 board.

The data stored in the board EEPROM is compatible between the XCONT-2008X
and the XCONT-2018. Data can be backed up (Download) and restored (Upload)
in both directions.

1 Connection of serial cable

Connect the serial cable before turning on the system.
"10.12.3 Serial cable connection"

2 Start of Tera Term

Start Tera Term refer to after PC turned on, and Windows starts.
"10.12.4 Setup of Tera Term"

n Beginning of upload processing

1 Turn on the system.

526 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.12 PC Maintenance Function

2 When Tera Term is started, the following Tera Term screen is displayed.


Fig. 10-97

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 527

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

3 Press the Enter (↓) in the window of Tera Term.

"MAIN>" is displayed.

Fig. 10-98

If characters are garbled or not shown on the Tera Term window, check the
network status or settings as follows:
• Make sure a serial cable connection between the XCONT-2008X or XCONT-2018
board and PC is normal.
• Make sure the network configurations for Tera-Term is correct.

528 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.12 PC Maintenance Function

4 Input "maintenance" and press the Enter (↓).

- Maintenance Mode -
* is displayed.
Therefore, it comes to be able to exchange data between PC and the XCONT-2008X or
XCONT-2018 board.


Fig. 10-99

5 Input "help" and press the Enter (↓).

The list of the use command is displayed.
The list of the use command is shown as follows.
Input command for necessary data to need to transfer.
---- <Maintenance Mode Help> ----
Command Content of command
all[r/w] All EPROM stored data.
heaprtec[r/w] APR data
heratio[r/w] Ratio data
hetubedt[r/w] Tube data
hetechinit[r/w] Technique data
hefvrkvdata[r/w] FVR data
hec[r/w] Other setting data
hdose1[r/w] Option setting data1
hdose2[r/w] Option setting data2
hide1[r/w] Personal ID setting data1
hide2[r/w] Personal ID setting data2
hrep[r/w] Usage information data
sstatus[r/w] Status data1
sctrl[r/w] Status data2
help The list of commands is displayed.
exit Return to the main menu.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 529

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

6 Input the specific command for necessary data to be transferred and a blank and
"w". And press Enter (↓).
(Example) In case of APR data, input "heaprtec w" and (↓).

Fig. 10-100

7 Confirmation screen is displayed as follows,

Data Upload from Disk.
Send log file to Serial Port.
Type "END" to exit.

Fig. 10-101

530 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.12 PC Maintenance Function

8 The log file for upload log is specified. Select "File ?Send file" from the menu bar.


Fig. 10-102

9 Select the log file for upload, and click "Open". Upload is started. It takes several
minutes for upload. Do not operate anything of tera term until the screen for
completion of upload is displayed.

Fig. 10-103

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 531

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

10 When upload is completed, the screen is displayed as follows,

Data Upload completed.
Hit [Enter] key to Return menu.

Fig. 10-104

If data cannot be uploaded, an error message will be displayed. In this case, set
Line delay to more than 200 milliseconds in ASCII Setup dialog shown below,
and then, try it again.

"10.12.4 Setup of Tera Term"

532 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.12 PC Maintenance Function

11 If Enter (↓) is pressed it becomes the waiting mode for inputting command. It
is displayed as follows,
Data Download/Upload
1. Download Data to Disk
2. Upload Data form Disk
3. Verify Data
E. Exit Data Download/Upload


Fig. 10-105

Execute the same procedure from item 6 when continuing upload for other data.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 533

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

12 Input "exit" and press the Enter (↓) when finishing upload. "MAIN >" is

Fig. 10-106

13 Exit Tera Term. Select "File, Exit" in menu bar of Tera Term.

Fig. 10-107

14 Tera Term is ended.

15 Turn off the PC and the system, and disconnect the serial cable.

534 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.12 PC Maintenance Function

16 Restore the original settings of DIPSW 2-4 and DIPSW 2-7 on the XCONT-2008X
or XCONT-2018 board.


MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 535

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

10.13 Connecting the XCONT-2018 board to the LAN

The XCONT-2018 board can be adjusted using a web browser by connecting it to a PC
with a LAN cable.
The following IP address setting is required for LAN communication.

1 On the Windows Start menu, click "Windows System" and then click "Control
Panel" to start.

Fig. 10-108

536 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.13 Connecting the XCONT-2018 board to the LAN

2 Click "View network status and tasks".


Fig. 10-109

3 Click "Change adapter settings".

Fig. 10-110

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 537

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

4 Right-click the network that you are currently using, and then click

Fig. 10-111

5 Select "Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" and click "Properties".

Fig. 10-112

538 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.13 Connecting the XCONT-2018 board to the LAN

6 Set the IP address as shonw below:.

Make sure you remember the original IP address of the PC.


Fig. 10-113

7 Close the window. This completes the IP address setup.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 539

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

10.14 Procedure for Changing to Long-Term Exposure Mode

If the customer requires the long-term exposure mode, settings for MobileDaRt Evolution
and CS-7 are required.

10.14.1 Settings for CS-7

Refer to the following manual and perform the procedure.

CS-7 Installation/Service Manual for Service Tool/User Tool Screen

1 Please change the settings related to Maximum Exposure Time from the console
settings of the service tool.

2 Save your settings and reboot PC.

10.14.2 Setting for MobileDaRt Evolution

n Procedure for Changing to Long-Term Exposure Mode

1 Select the APR for which you want to change the mode in the APR setting of
the change mode.

2 Press the DR long term exposure button.

The DR long term exposure button lights up.

3 Keep on pressing registration button until "aPr set" is displayed.

4 Change mode from adjustment mode to DR Radiography Mode, and confirm the
X-ray condition of the APR.

10.14.3 Return from DR Long-Term Exposure Mode to DR Radiography Mode

Follow this procedure to change mode to DR Radiography Mode.

1 Select the APR for which you want to change the mode in the APR setting of
the change mode.

2 Press the DR long term exposurebutton.

The DR long term exposure button is off.

540 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.14 Procedure for Changing to Long-Term Exposure Mode

3 Keep on pressing registration button until "aPr set" is displayed.

4 Change mode from adjustment mode to DR Radiography Mode, and confirm the
X-ray condition of the APR.

5 Refer to the following document to change the Maximum Exposure Time setting
from the console settings of the CS -7 Service Tool.
CS-7 Installation/Service Manual for Service Tool/User Tool Screen

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 541

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

10.15 Touch Screen Monitor Calibration

If the touch sensor of the monitor needs adjustment, perform the procedures below.

10.15.1 Software Calibration

Perform this calibration when the cursor cannot jump to your fingertip on the monitor.

1 Doubl-click on the shortcut of “DMT-DD” to run Touch Screen Properties.

Fig. 10-114

2 Click [Basic Setting] and open Software Setting tab, and click [9Point] in the
Calibrate field.

Fig. 10-115

542 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

10.15 Touch Screen Monitor Calibration

3 The following screen is displayed in the monitor. Touch the target on the screen
in turn. By touching one target, another target appears on the screen.

If a certain period of time elapsed without touching on the screen, this

processing is automatically cancelled.


Fig. 10-116

4 After touching all targets, the calibration is completed. Click [OK] to close the

5 Terminate DMT-DD program.

10.15.2 Touch Screen Maintenance

If the touch sensor does not work or reacts without any operation, or if the software
calibration cannot solve the problem, perform the procedures below.

1 Doubl-click on the shortcut of “DMT-DD” to run Touch Screen Properties.

Fig. 10-117

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 543

10 [Appendix] Maintenance and Inspection

2 Click [Basic Setting] and open Hardware Setting tab, and click [Open].

Fig. 10-118

3 The touch screen maintenance tool starts to control the hardware automatically.

Fig. 10-119

4 When the process is done, the maintenance tool is finished. Perform the software
"10.15.1 Software Calibration"

If the problem above cannot be improved, the hardware may be corrupt. Check
for any abnormalities in cables or touch screen monitor.

544 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

11 [Appendix] Exposure Conditions
This chaper describes conditions for each exposure.

11.1 Large Focus (at normal condition)


Fig. 11-1

Table Example: Conditions that can be set up at 90kVAt

• 90kV, a setup of a maximum of 320 mAs is possible.
• Since the tube current at 90kV and 100mAs is 100mA, time is 1.0sec.
• A setup of 320mA of tube current is possible to take an exposure with 0.32-7.1mAs.
• The time at 90kV and 3.2mAs is 10msec.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 545

11 [Appendix] Exposure Conditions

11.2 Small Focus (at normal condition)

Fig. 11-2

Table Example: Conditions that can be set up at 90kV

• At 90kV, a setup of a maximum of 320 mAs is possible.
• Since the tube current at 90kV and 100mAs is 100mA, time is 1.0sec.
• A setup of 160mA of tube current is possible to take an exposure with 0.32-3.2mAs.
• The time at 90kV and 1.6mAs is 10msec.

546 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

11.3 Large focus (at low level battery)

11.3 Large focus (at low level battery)


Fig. 11-3

Table Example: Conditions that can be set up at 90kV.

• At 90kV, a setup of a maximum of 320 mAs is possible.
• Since the tube current at 90kV and 100mAs is 80mA, time is 1.25sec.
• When a setup of 320mA of tube current is possible to take an exposure with tube
voltage is lowered to 90kV. 3.2mAs is 0.32-7.1mAs.
• The time at 90kV and 3.2mAs is 10msec.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 547

11 [Appendix] Exposure Conditions

11.4 Small Focus (at low level battery)

Fig. 11-4

Table Example: Conditions that can be set up at 90kV

• At 90kV, a setup of a maximum of 320 mAs is possible.
• Since the tube current at 90kV and 80mAs is 80mA, time is 1.0sec.
• A setup of 160mA of tube current is possible to take an exposure with 0.32-3.2mAs.
• The time at 90kV and 1.6mAs is 10msec.

548 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

12 [Appendix] Operation of High-Voltage Cable
12.1 Spare parts for high-voltage cable

12.1.1 Spare parts of the X-ray tube assembly side mini-plug

Following parts are included in the "Mini-plug spare parts kit" (P/N 511-15061-13).
Silicon Rubber jacket 5pc
Silicon washer 5pc
Silicon Oil 5pc

12.1.2 Spare parts of the high-voltage generator side plug

Contact pin P/N 571-15061-11 (Contact pin + tool)

Silicon packing P/N 582-23029 (3mm thickness)
P/N 582-23061 (2mm thickness)
Use the 2mm thick silicon packing when using the tube voltage meter.

• Please exchange the silicon packing, the silicon rubber jacket and the silicon washer
once every year. Also exchange these silicon parts when the cable is removed for
repair, check etc.
• Please use only specified silicone oil for the X-ray tube assembly side. Do NOT use
silicon grease.

MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section 549

12 [Appendix] Operation of High-Voltage Cable

12.2 Installation procedure of the high-voltage generator side plug

1 Make sure that the MINI receptacle socket assembly is clean.

2 Make sure that termination plug and the mounting accessories are clean.

3 Screw out the Grub Screw and slip the Ring Nut over the Ring Flange.

4 Wet the Silicone Rubber Jacket and Washer with the Silicone Oil.

5 Fit the Silicone Washer over the Contact Pins.

6 Insert the plug into the receptacle socket until the tip meets the bottom. Turn
the plug until matches the key groove and further inset the plug.

While inserting the plug, push the plug aside to let the air captured at the tip
of the plug escape.

7 Hand-tighten the Ring Nut.

8 Tighten the Grub Screw.

Fig. 12-1 High-voltage cable (High-voltage generator side)

550 MobileDaRt Evolution (MX8 Version) Type AeroDR Installation Section

12.3 Installation procedure of the X-ray tube assembly side mini-plug

12.3 Installation procedure of the X-ray tube assembly side mini-plug

1 Make sure that the receptacle socket assembly is correctly mounted on generator
is clean.

2 Make sure that termination plug and the mounting accessories are clean.

3 Screw out the Grub Screw and slip the Ring Nut over the Ring Flange.

4 Place the Divided Flange onto the Ring Flange.

5 Wet the Silicone Washer (both side) and the Rubber Gasket with the Silicon Oil.

6 Fit the Rubber Gasket onto the Plug, against the Ring Flange. 12

7 Push the Silicone Washer over the Contact Pins.

8 Insert the Termination Plug into the Receptacle Socket (watch the Nipple on the
Plug to ensure correct positioning of the Contact Pins).

9 Hang tighten the Ring Nut.

10 Fasten the grub screw to prevent the rotation of the ring nut.

Fig. 12-2 High-voltage cable (X-ray tube assembly side)

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