Schmahmann 1997 Aa
Schmahmann 1997 Aa
Schmahmann 1997 Aa
I. Introduction
II. Therapeutic Implications
A. The Need to Know
B. Rehabilitation Efforts
C. Potential Future Therapeutic Modalities
III. Research Implications
IV. Conclusions
I. Introduction
The realization that the role of the cerebellum in nervous system func-
tion is not limited to the coordination of voluntary movement has ushered
in an exciting new area of cognitive neuroscience investigation. There are
presently more questions than answers, but there is now a clearer notion
of where future research efforts may reasonably be directed. There is also
some hint of the clinical significance of the findings to date and of the
potential for therapeutic intervention. This chapter presents a view of
therapeutic and research implications derived from our current state of
knowledge in this field.
1. Cerebellar Stimulation
The improvement in mood and aggression induced in some patients
by cerebellar cortical stimulation (Cooper et al., 1978) was believed to be
related to cerebellar connections with the limbic and autonomic systems
(Snider and Maiti, 1975; Martner, 1975). The techniques and results of
2. Cerebellar P~yc/!Osurgery
Psychosurgery has reemerged as a valid and effective treatment of se-
lected diseases. In vogue in the first half of this century as prefrontal
leukotomy for schizophrenia (Landis, 1949), this modality lost favor until
recent advances in neuroscience facilitated its careful and judicious use.
Knowledge of the functional neuroanatomy of obsessive compulsive disor-
der (Breiter et al., 1996; Jenike et al., 1996) has led to the successful use
of therapeutic cingulotomy in those severely afflicted individuals who do
not respond to medications (Spangler et al., 1996). Additionally, stereotactic
3. Cerebellar Transplantation
The study of transplanted cerebellar tissue has been ongoing for some
years (Sotelo and Alvarado-Mallart, 1987), and recent findings suggest some
hope for anatomic and functional success with this approach (Triarhou et
al., 1996). As the understanding of the neural circuitry of the cerebrocerebe-
llar system evolves, and the appreciation of the scope of cerebellar function
becomes evident, the transplantation of cerebellar tissue in neurodegenera-
tive disorders may find a role in clinical practice for its potential motor
as well as its nonmotor consequences. Furthermore, as neuroprotective
treatment options (Schultz et al., 1996), and eventually gene therapy (Ha-
hania et al., 1995), become available for cerebellar neurodegenerative disor-
ders, it is quite likely that the cognitive and affective improvements resulting
from these interventions will need to be monitored as closely as the course
of the cerebellar motor phenomena.
IV. Conclusions
tween the cerebellum and cognition opens a new and exciting chapter in
contemporary cognitive neuroscience.
The author is RTateful to Drs. Margaret L. Bauman, AaronJ. Berman, and Duane E. Haines
for their helpful comments regarding this manuscript.
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