Bicame 2018
Bicame 2018
Bicame 2018
7 7,023
4 authors:
All content following this page was uploaded by Wordh Ul Hasan on 07 May 2020.
The system we have developed takes NIBP,
Body Temperature, ECG and SPO2 values through the
sensors attached with the patient. The Sensors are connected
with the module PM6750. The Module sends the data via
Bluetooth to an Android app that we have developed
using the SDK provided by SH Berry Med. The android Figure 2: Entity Relationship Diagram
app needs to be registered by the user and logged in to use The android application was developed using android
the device. After login with the app it searches for the studio and java programming language. We developed
PM6750 module. When connected the app instantly start the API to process the data received by patient
receiving the data and visualize them on the android app monitoring sensors. First we received the data we sorted
also in real time the android app is connected to the server. the data as separation, format conversion and calculation to
We used firebase server for our system for both login display the parameters and waveforms. The system software
authentication and database storage. The firebase server is architecture is shown in figure 3
updated with the data sent via android app over the internet.
The web app developed for this system can be used by the
caretaker or the doctor to monitor the patient’s condition
any given time. The web app pulls the data from the
database. The flowchart has been shown in figure 1. The
details of the system architecture, data flow and components
are explained as follow.
A. System Architecture
There are two entities primarily. Doctor and Patient.
A unique key by the patient shared with the doctor the doctor
can add that patient under his observing conditions. One or
more patients can be observed by one doctor. If the patient Figure 3: System Software Architecture
The android application receives the data in the network C. Handheld Patient Monitor
layer using Bluetooth communication. In this network layer
we also have checksum to check if the received data is
corrupted or valid. The data package then forwarded to data
packet bus.
In Data processing layer data is received by the data
parser we developed which filters out noise and forwards
valid data for parsing and de-multiplexing into ECG
Package, SPO2 Package, NIBP Package and Temp Package.
These packages then sorts the data in waveforms and
parameters to display. All of these data then put into context
bus. All the data are kept in a buffer queue with maximum
capacity of 256. Figure 5: Handheld Patient Monitor
The Application layer runs drawRunnable class to get the
waveforms from context bus and display in the android For the Patient monitoring module a Multi Parameter
application. It also displays all the other parameters to the Module PM 6750 Patient Monitor System was used that was
android application. While displaying the processed data the developed by Shanghai Berry Electronics. This Bluetooth
application layers also forwards this data to firebase server patient monitor OEM module includes four parameters ECG,
database where web apps can receive the data and display. NIBP, SPO2 and Temperature and can be used with the said
operating systems such as Windows, Linux etc. For our
The web application and server does not process any data project we are using the device with Bluetooth 2.0 with
it only receives the data real-time and display it. The decision android application. An electric oscillator is used for
maker of those data and interpretation is basically the doctor measurement of NIBP and has a cut off time of less than 15
viewing data from the web portal. seconds. With a bandwidth of 0.05Hz-100Hz (3dB), the
ECG has total 6 leads I, II, III, aVL, aVR, aVF
B. System Communication and V1,V2,V3,V4,V5,V6. Carbon dioxide at end of
The system will have 3 kinds of users. The main and respiration is used to measure respiratory rate and
prior users are patients which are connected with the sensors. temperature is measured from vascular or surface
The sensors will send data over Bluetooth the android app temperature. On the other hand, scanning speed is 50mm/s
and the android app will parse those data into a server and for the diagnostic mode 1=40Hz monitor mode and 0.1-25Hz
store them and visualize them. The data is stored in the Operation mode is used and the heart rate is monitored
firebase database. The data is sent from android to the 250 times/minutes. Measurement scope for SPO2 is 35%-
database using firebase user authentication and uploading the 100%.
data via internet to the firebase database under the user’s
individual tables. D. Database Design of the System
For this application we have designed the database not
with traditional relational database but with noSQL
database. Previously seen all the other implementations that
we have seen designed database is using MySQL database
but for this project we implemented with Firebase Database
with noSQL Model. The reason we used noSQL because it
can address several issues that is not easily solved using
relational database. As Patient monitoring system has lots
of data volumes rapidly changing unstructured data. noSQL
is better to address these issues.
If the doctor wants to view individual patient’s condition These data related to patient’s health can be accessed by
he can just click on the patient and view the data shown in both the doctor and the patient or their relatives/attendants.
figure 7 it shows the visualization of the data of However, to ensure security of these information both the
doctor and the patient has to login to the app using their conditions of their patients from any location given that they
email address and password. The doctor can monitor the were connected to Wi-Fi/4G networks. We have
patient’s health condition using the app, however, the app tasted with analogue monitoring systems and also our
also uploads the data to the server so that it could also be developed system. There were no significant delay that we
accessed using the website. could notice however we checked the time delay provided
by the specifications of the system used and it says from
android to firebase and firebase to angular web app it takes
around 200 to 300 milliseconds of time delay. Tested with
other systems we found the Heart Rate accuracy ±2
time/minute and SPO2 accuracy: ±2% in the range of
90%~100% ±3% in the range of 70%-89% for the NIBP
measurement accuracy is static pressure ±3mmHg. In figure
11 we see the testing subject whose data is visible in all the
other figures we used in this paper.