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Sensors 19 0207
Proximity Gettering Design of
Hydrocarbon–Molecular–Ion–Implanted Silicon
Wafers Using Dark Current Spectroscopy for CMOS
Image Sensors
Kazunari Kurita * , Takeshi Kadono, Satoshi Shigematsu , Ryo Hirose, Ryosuke Okuyama,
Ayumi Onaka-Masada, Hidehiko Okuda and Yoshihiro Koga
SUMCO Corporation, 1-52 Kubara, Yamashiro-cho, Imari-shi, Saga 849-4256, Japan; (T.K.); (S.S.); (R.H.); (R.O.); (A.O.-M.); (H.O.); (Y.K.)
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +81-955-20-2298
Received: 27 March 2019; Accepted: 1 May 2019; Published: 4 May 2019
Abstract: We developed silicon epitaxial wafers with high gettering capability by using
hydrocarbon–molecular–ion implantation. These wafers also have the effect of hydrogen
passivation on process-induced defects and a barrier to out-diffusion of oxygen of the Czochralski
silicon (CZ) substrate bulk during Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) device
fabrication processes. We evaluated the electrical device performance of CMOS image sensor
fabricated on this type of wafer by using dark current spectroscopy. We found fewer white
spot defects compared with those of intrinsic gettering (IG) silicon wafers. We believe that these
hydrocarbon–molecular–ion–implanted silicon epitaxial wafers will improve the device performance
of CMOS image sensors.
Keywords: gettering; CMOS image sensor; metal impurity; white spot defects; dark current; silicon
wafer; dark current spectroscopy
1. Introduction
Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) image sensors are widely used in
smartphones, smartwatches and tablets computers. Demand from the consumer market for higher
sensitivity imaging, wider dynamic range, and higher speed image data processing is driving the
development of image sensors with higher performance [1,2]. However, there are serious technical
issues with advanced CMOS image sensor manufacturing, as shown in Figure 1.
One issue is metallic impurity contamination in the device’s active region that may occur during
fabrication processes such as high-temperature rapid thermal annealing and plasma etching [3,4].
Metallic impurities form deep-energy-level defects in the silicon band gap. These defects in turn
strongly affect electrical device parameters such as dark current, white spot defect, recombination
lifetime, and transfer gate oxide breakdown voltage [4–9]. Thus, CMOS image sensor manufacture
requires metallic impurities to be eliminated from the device active region.
The second issue is oxygen out-diffusion from the Czochralski silicon (CZ) silicon substrate to the
active region during the device fabrication process [10]. The CZ silicon substrate acquires many oxygen
impurities in the silicon crystal bulk during crystal growth. Oxygen impurities form oxygen-related
deep energy level defects such as potential barriers or potential pockets in the space charge region of
the photo-diode and transfer transistor gate channel [2]. These defects affect the device performance of
perfect charge carrier transfer operation such as image lag [1,2].
The third issue is the fixed pattern noise (FIX) and random telegraph signal noise (RTS) induced
by interface state traps at Si/SiO2 interfaces such as the transfer transistor gate, shallow trench isolation
(STI), deep trench isolation (DTI), and local oxidation silicon (LOCOS) [11]. These interface state traps
act as generation-recombination (G-R) center that increased FIX and RTS noise. The noise strongly
affects the electrical performance parameters of CMOS image sensor devices [12,13].
In the past two decades, semiconductor industrial researchers have tried to resolve the above
issues. Metallic impurity contamination is an extremely serious one for advanced CMOS image sensor
manufacturing. It has been proposed that gettering techniques can be used to remove this sort of
contamination from the device active area during the fabrication process. Here, intrinsic gettering (IG)
is widely used in the semiconductor device manufacturing [14,15]. IG forms oxygen precipitates in the
silicon crystal bulk that act as gettering sinks during the fabrication process.
The trend in thermal budgets of CMOS device processes is to use lower temperature and short
durations [16]. As a result, it has become extremely difficult for IG to form oxygen precipitates during
the advanced CMOS device process. Another gettering technique, extrinsic gettering, uses high energy
ion implantation [17,18]. Kuroi et al. reported that implantation of boron under the junction reduces
the leakage current of copper contaminated pn-junction compared with a junction that had not been
implanted [19]. Here, the high-energy boron implantation forms extended defects such as dislocations
and dislocation loops under the junction. These extended defects act as gettering sinks during the
CMOS device process. However, this technique induces implantation damage in the top surface region
of the wafer [20–23]. It is very difficult to repair this damage in the case of a low temperature thermal
budget, and the defects degrade the device yield and performance of electrical device.
Oxygen out-diffusion is also a critical issue in advanced CMOS image sensor fabrication.
Shoyama et al. examined the white spot defect dependence on the initial oxygen concentration
in the CZ silicon substrate by using the dark current spectroscopy (DCS) [10]. They found that
oxygen impurities out-diffused to the device active region from the CZ silicon substrate during the
CMOS device process. The oxygen impurities form deep energy level defects that act as G-R center
in the space-charge region and transfer gate channel region. This sort of defect strongly affects the
electrical performance parameters of the device. Thus, CMOS image sensor manufacturers have tried
to eliminate oxygen impurities from device active region. One way to do so is to use a CZ grown
silicon crystal with a low oxygen concentration, which decreases the initial oxygen concentration in the
CZ silicon bulk [16]. In this way, it is possible to decrease oxygen diffusion to the device active region
during the device fabrication process. However, it is insufficient to control the oxygen out-diffusion to
the device active region from CZ grown silicon substrates with a low oxygen concentration.
FIX and RTS noise hinder noise reduction in advanced CMOS image sensors. The most common
solution is to use low-temperature hydrogen annealing after the front-end-line (FEOL) process [3].
This annealing treatment can decrease the interface-state traps at Si/SiO2 interface defects such as Pb
center and E’ centers by being a hydrogen terminated process [24]. However, 3D-stacked CMOS image
sensor (3D-CIS) fabrication process often uses atomic layer deposition (ALE) to make multiple stacks
of surface deposits [4,25,26]. Multiple dielectric layers are deposited on the device surface before
the low-temperature hydrogen annealing treatment. Thus, dielectric layers prevent hydrogen from
diffusing into the device active region and most of the hydrogen atoms are trapped in the multiple
dielectric layers during the annealing. However, this method does not trap enough hydrogen to
prevent process-induced defects passivated by hydrogen. For this reason, manufacturers should
develop alternative low-temperature hydrogen annealing for decreasing the interface-state traps in the
Si/SiO2 interface region [13].
How can we address the above technical issues associated with CMOS image-sensor fabrication?
We have undertaken extensive considerations of this question of silicon wafer gettering design
and have developed technology such as proximity gettering using hydrocarbon–molecular–ion
Sensors 2019, 19, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 19
Sensors hydrogen
19, 2073 diffuses from the hydrocarbon–molecular–ion projection range into the active 3 of 20
region during the CMOS device heat treatment [29].
In this study, we used dark current spectroscopy to compare the metallic impurity gettering
capabilities of for advanced CMOS image sensor fabrication
hydrocarbon–molecular–ion–implanted processes.
epitaxial silicon wafers We and found that a
IG enhanced
hydrocarbon–molecular–ion–implanted epitaxial silicon wafer has three unique
epitaxial silicon wafers (carbon-doped CZ silicon wafer). Moreover, we studied the dependence of characteristics
that improve
the metal the electrical
gettering capabilitydevice
on theperformance of CMOS
ion implantation image (dose)
conditions sensorand[27–29]. First,
epitaxial growththe
hydrocarbon–molecular–ion projection
conditions (epitaxial layer thickness). range has high gettering capability for metallic impurities [28].
We this
foundprojection range
that this novelalso has a diffusion
proximity barrier
gettering effect
silicon preventing
wafer oxygen
has higher impurities
gettering from
compared with from the
an IG CZ silicon
enhanced grown
silicon substrate
wafer. Here, weintodescribe
the device active region
the concept during
of silicon waferthe CMOS
device heat treatment [29]. Third, hydrogen diffuses from the hydrocarbon–molecular–ion
design using hydrocarbon–molecular–ion implantation for advanced CMOS image-sensor projection
range into the active region during the CMOS device heat treatment [29].
Figure 1.
Figure 1. Technological
Technological issues
issues of CMOS image
of CMOS image sensor
sensor fabrication.
fabrication. Modified
Modified from
from Kurita
Kurita et
et al.
al. [29],
Copyright (2016)
Copyright (2016) The
The Japan
Japan Society
Society of
of Applied
Applied Physics.
2. Production of Hydrocarbon–Molecular–Ion–Implanted
In this study, Epitaxialthe
we used dark current spectroscopy to compare Silicon Wafer
metallic impurity gettering
capabilities of hydrocarbon–molecular–ion–implanted epitaxial silicon wafers and IG enhanced
Figure 2 shows the concept underlying production of hydrocarbon–molecular–ion–implanted
epitaxial silicon wafers (carbon-doped CZ silicon wafer). Moreover, we studied the dependence of the
epitaxial silicon wafers. First, hydrocarbon molecular ions are generated using the electron impact
metal gettering capability on the ion implantation conditions (dose) and epitaxial growth conditions
ionization method [27–29]. Second, these ions, such as C3H5 ion fragments, are implanted in the
(epitaxial layer thickness).
silicon wafer top-surface region by using a hydrocarbon–molecular–ion implanter (CLARIS, Nissin
We found that this novel proximity gettering silicon wafer has higher gettering capability compared
Ion Equipment, Kyoto, Japan) [30–32]. The C3H5 ion fragments forms as hydrocarbon–molecular–ion
with an IG enhanced silicon wafer. Here, we describe the concept of silicon wafer gettering design
projection range after implantation. Finally, an epitaxial layer is deposited on the silicon wafer surface
using hydrocarbon–molecular–ion implantation for advanced CMOS image-sensor fabrication.
using chemical vapor deposition. The subsequent production does not use an additional heat
2. for re-crystallization
Production of the implantation projection
of Hydrocarbon–Molecular–Ion–Implanted range. Thus,
Epitaxial it isWafer
Silicon very simple for silicon
wafer manufacture [27].
Figure 2 shows the concept underlying production of hydrocarbon–molecular–ion–implanted
epitaxial silicon wafers. First, hydrocarbon molecular ions are generated using the electron impact
ionization method [27–29]. Second, these ions, such as C3 H5 ion fragments, are implanted in the
silicon wafer top-surface region by using a hydrocarbon–molecular–ion implanter (CLARIS, Nissin
Ion Equipment, Kyoto, Japan) [30–32]. The C3 H5 ion fragments forms as hydrocarbon–molecular–ion
projection range after implantation. Finally, an epitaxial layer is deposited on the silicon wafer surface
using chemical vapor deposition. The subsequent production does not use an additional heat treatment
for re-crystallization of the implantation projection range. Thus, it is very simple for silicon wafer
manufacture [27].
Sensors 2.
2. Production
2019, 19, FOR PEER of
xProduction ofhydrocarbon–molecular–ion–implanted
REVIEW epitaxial silicon
epitaxial wafers.
silicon Modified
wafers. from4 of 19
Sensorsfrom et xal.FOR
19, [29],
et Copyright
al. [29],REVIEW (2016)(2016)
Copyright The Japan Society
The Japan of Applied
Society Physics.
of Applied Physics. 4 of 19
Figure 3 shows carbon and hydrogen depth profiles in a hydrocarbon–molecular–ion–implanted
silicon wafer3 shows carbon
measured and
and hydrogen
by secondary depth
ion mass profiles
profiles in
spectroscopyin aahydrocarbon–molecular–ion–implanted
(SIMS) [29]. The hydrocarbon molecular
silicon wafer
ions form measured
a carbon byhydrogen
and secondaryprojection
ion mass spectroscopy
range. Figure(SIMS) [29].the
4 shows The hydrocarbon
hydrocarbon molecular
depth profile in a
ions form a carbon and hydrogen projection range. Figure
Figure 4
4 shows
shows the
hydrocarbon–molecular–ion–implanted silicon wafer after epitaxial growth [29].the SIMS
SIMS depth
depth profile in a
hydrocarbon–molecular–ion–implanted silicon wafer after after epitaxial
epitaxial growth
growth [29].
The results illustrated in these figures are interesting, because the peak concentration of hydrogen
was decreased by the epitaxial growth. The peak concentration of the remaining hydrogen was 1018 cm−3
in the hydrocarbon–molecular–ion projection range [33,34]. Generally, when monomer-hydrogen
is implanted in silicon crystal bulk, it does not remain in the silicon crystal bulk after the epitaxial
growth process and instead out-diffuses to the silicon wafer surface and back surface during the
growth process. However, in the case of hydrocarbon–molecular implantation, hydrogen is gettered
from the hydrocarbon–molecular implantation projected range after the epitaxial growth process.
The main reason is that the projection range forms stress and strain fields that act as gettering sinks
for hydrogen [33,34]. Furthermore, oxygen impurities out-diffuse into the epitaxial layer from the
CZ silicon substrate during the growth process. Oxygen is gettered by the hydrocarbon–molecular
implantation projection range [35,36]. Figure 5 shows the depth profile of oxygen impurity with and
without hydrocarbon–molecular–ion–implanted epitaxial silicon wafer after heat treatment [28]. This
result indicates oxygen impurity out-diffused to the epitaxial layer from CZ silicon substrate during
the heat
Sensors treatment.
2019, However,
19, x FOR PEER REVIEW oxygen out-diffusion amount with hydrocarbon–molecular implantation 5 of 19
is lower than that without hydrocarbon–molecular implantation in epitaxial layer/substrate interface
region. These results
layer/substrate indicate
interface thatThese
region. the hydrocarbon–molecular–implanted epitaxial silicon wafer has
results indicate that the hydrocarbon–molecular–implanted
high gettering
epitaxial siliconcapability
wafer hasfor light
high elements
gettering such as hydrogen
capability and oxygen.
for light elements such as hydrogen and oxygen.
Figure 5. SIMS
depthprofile of of
profile oxygen
oxygen impurity
impuritywith andand
with without hydrocarbon–molecular–ion–
without hydrocarbon–molecular–
implanted epitaxial
ion–implanted silicon
epitaxial wafers
silicon after
wafers heat
after treatment.
heat treatment.Modified
al. [28],
[28], Copyright
Japan Society
(2015) The Japan Society of
of Applied
Applied Physics.
3. Materials and
3. Materials and Methods
the CMOS image sensor fabrication process. The structure of hydrocarbon–molecular–ion implantation
related defects was analyzed by cross-sectional high-resolution transmission electron microscopy
(TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). We analyzed the impurity distribution mapping of
the hydrogen molecular ion implantation projection range at the atomic level by using laser assisted
atom probe tomography (APT) [37].
Figure 7. Dark
Figure 7. Dark current
current level
level after
after CMOS
CMOS image
image sensor
sensor fabrication
fabrication process
process on
on epitaxial
epitaxial silicon
silicon wafers
with and without hydrocarbon–molecular–ion implantation. The epitaxial thickness is 7 μm and
and without hydrocarbon–molecular–ion implantation. The epitaxial thickness is 7 µm and
15 −2 The dark current levels were measured by dark current
hydrocarbon dose amountisis11××10
dose amount 1015 cm
cm−2.. The dark current levels were measured by dark current
spectroscopy ◦ C.
under6060 °C.
Figure 7. Dark current level after CMOS image sensor fabrication process on epitaxial silicon wafers
with and without hydrocarbon–molecular–ion implantation. The epitaxial thickness is 7 μm and
hydrocarbon dose amount is 1 × 1015 cm−2. The dark current levels were measured by dark current
2019, 19, 2073 under 60 °C. 8 of 20
(a) (b)
Figure 8. Histograms of dark current level after CMOS image sensor fabrication process on epitaxial
without hydrocarbon–molecular–ion
silicon wafers with and without hydrocarbon–molecular–ion implantation. The The dark current levels
were measured by dark current spectroscopy under 60 ◦°C. C. The epitaxial thickness is 7 μm
µm and
hydrocarbon–molecular–ion dose
hydrocarbon–molecular–ion doseamount 1015
amountisis11×× 10 15
−2. (a) Number of middle range in white spot
. (a) Number of middle range in
19, x and
hydrocarbon–molecular–ion implantation, (b) Number of large range in white8 of 19
hydrocarbon–molecular–ion implantation,
hydrocarbon–molecular–ion implantation.
spot level with and without hydrocarbon–molecular–ion implantation.
(a) (b)
Figure 9. Cross-sectional
Figure 9. Cross-sectionalbulk
bulk micro
micro defect
defect (BMD)
(BMD) density
density determined
determined by by optical
optical microscopy
observation after CMOS image sensor fabrication process on epitaxial
observation after CMOS image sensor fabrication process on epitaxial silicon silicon wafers withwafers
and without
hydrocarbon–molecular–ion implantation. implantation.
and without hydrocarbon–molecular–ion The epitaxial thickness is 7 thickness
The epitaxial μm and hydrocarbon–
is 7 µm and
molecular–ion dose amount dose
hydrocarbon–molecular–ion × 1015 cm
is 1 amount is−21. × 15 cm−2
(a)10BMD density of silicon
. (a) BMD densitywafer substrate
of silicon waferwith and
with andhydrogen–molecular–ion implantation
without hydrogen–molecular–ion after CMOS
implantation image image
after CMOS sensorsensor
fabrication process,
fabrication (b)
Optical observation results of BMD depth profile in silicon wafer substrate with
(b) Optical observation results of BMD depth profile in silicon wafer substrate with and without and without
hydrocarbon–molecular–ion implantation after CMOS image sensor fabrication process.
4.3. Gettering
4.3. Gettering Capability
Capability Dependence
Dependence on
on Hydrocarbon–Molecular–Ion
Hydrocarbon–Molecular–Ion Implantation
Implantation Conditions
Figure 10
Figure 10 shows
shows the
the dependence
dependence ofof the
These results indicate that the dark current level strongly depends on the dose. The dark current
These results indicate that the dark current level strongly depends on the dose. The dark current level
level decreased
decreased as theasdose
the dose increased,
increased, as shown
as shown in Figure
in Figure 11.11.
WeWe assumethat
assume thatthe
current levels
decreased as a result of the enhanced gettering capability. Our previous study demonstrated
decreased as a result of the enhanced gettering capability. Our previous study demonstrated that the that the
gettering capability of hydrocarbon–molecular–ion–implanted silicon wafers is strongly
gettering capability of hydrocarbon–molecular–ion–implanted silicon wafers is strongly correlated correlated
with hydrocarbon–molecular–ion
with hydrocarbon–molecular–ion implantation
implantation dose
dose [29,36].
Figure 10 shows the dependence of the dark current spectra on the hydrocarbon molecular dose.
These results indicate that the dark current level strongly depends on the dose. The dark current level
decreased as the dose increased, as shown in Figure 11. We assume that the dark current levels
decreased as a result of the enhanced gettering capability. Our previous study demonstrated that the
gettering capability
Sensors 2019, 19, 2073 of hydrocarbon–molecular–ion–implanted silicon wafers is strongly correlated
9 of 20
with hydrocarbon–molecular–ion implantation dose [29,36].
Figure 10. Dark current level of CMOS image sensor depending on hydrocarbon–molecular–ion
Figure 10.19,Dark current level of CMOS image sensor depending on hydrocarbon–molecular–ion dose.
Sensors 2019, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 19
dose. The dark current ◦ C. The epitaxial
The dark current levels levels
were were measured
measured by dark
by dark currentspectroscopy
current spectroscopy under
under 60
60 °C. The epitaxial
thickness is 5 µm.
thickness is 5 μm.
(a) (b)
Figure 11.
Figure 11. Histograms
Histograms of dark current level of CMOS CMOS image
image sensor
sensor depending
depending on on hydrocarbon
molecular-ion implantation dose after CMOS image sensor fabrication process. The epitaxial
molecular-ion implantation dose after CMOS image sensor fabrication process. The epitaxial thickness
is is 5dark
5 µm. The μm.current
The dark current
levels werelevels wereby
measured measured by dark
dark current current spectroscopy
spectroscopy ◦
under 60 C.under 60 °C.
(a) Number
of Number of middle
range range
in white spotin white
level spot level
depends depends
on dose on dose
amount, amount,of(b)
(b) Number Number
large rangeof
in white
level spot level
depends depends
on dose amount.on dose amount.
4.4. Gettering
Gettering Capability
Capability Dependence
Dependence on
on Epitaxial
Epitaxial Growth
Growth Conditions
Conditions (Epitaxial
(Epitaxial Layer
Layer Thickness)
dependenceof theofdark
thecurrent spectra for
dark current different
spectra for epitaxial
differentlayer thicknesses
epitaxial layer
(thickness: 5 µm and 7 µm). The dark current level of the sample with the 5 µm epitaxial
thicknesses (thickness: 5 μm and 7 μm). The dark current level of the sample with the 5 μm epitaxial layer was
lower than that of the sample with the 7 µm epitaxial layer. This result indicates the dark
layer was lower than that of the sample with the 7 μm epitaxial layer. This result indicates the darkcurrent level
strongly depends
current level on the
strongly epitaxialonlayer
depends the thickness, as shown
epitaxial layer in Figure
thickness, 13. Wein
as shown assume
13. the
We metallic
impurity gettering capability depends on position of the gettering sinks under the active
that the metallic impurity gettering capability depends on position of the gettering sinks under the region.
active region.
thicknesses (thickness: 5 μm and 7 μm). The dark current level of the sample with the 5 μm epitaxial
layer was lower than that of the sample with the 7 μm epitaxial layer. This result indicates the dark
current level strongly depends on the epitaxial layer thickness, as shown in Figure 13. We assume
that the metallic impurity gettering capability depends on position of the gettering sinks under the
Sensors 2019, 19, 2073 10 of 20
active region.
SensorsFigure Figure
2019, 19, Dark
12.PEER current level of CMOS image sensor depending on epitaxial layer thickness.
12.x Dark
current 10 of 19
level of CMOS image sensor depending on epitaxial layer thickness. The dark
The dark current levels were measured by dark current spectroscopy under 60 ◦ C. The
levels were measureddose by amount
dark current spectroscopy under 60 °C. The hydrocarbon–
is 1 × 1015 cm−2 .
molecular–ion dose amount is 1 × 1015 cm−2.
(a) (b)
13. Histograms of dark
13. Histograms current
of dark currentlevel
of CMOS imagesensor
CMOS image sensor depending
depending on epitaxial
on epitaxial layer layer
thickness. The dark current levels were measured by dark current spectroscopy under 60 ◦ C. The
thickness. The dark current levels were measured by dark current spectroscopy under 60 °C. The
hydrocarbon–molecular–ion dose amount is 1 × 1015 −2
hydrocarbon–molecular–ion dose amount is 1 × 1015 cm cm−2.. (a)
Number of middle range in white spot
of middle range in white spot
level depends on epitaxial layer thickness, (b) Number of large range in white spot level depends on
level depends on epitaxial layer thickness, (b) Number of large range in white spot level depends on
epitaxial layer thickness.
epitaxial layer thickness.
4.5. TEM and APT Observation Results of Hydrocarbon–Molecular–Ion–Implanted Epitaxial Silicon Wafer
after CMOS Image Sensor Fabrication Process
4.5. TEM and APT Observation Results of Hydrocarbon–Molecular–Ion–Implanted Epitaxial Silicon Wafer
after CMOSFigure
the results Process
of cross-sectional TEM observation of a hydrocarbon–molecular–
ion–implanted epitaxial silicon wafer after the sensor fabrication process [36]. We found the implantation
related14 shows
defects in the results of cross-sectional
hydrocarbon–molecular–ion TEM observation
implantation of a hydrocarbon–molecular–
projection range. These defects had a
ion–implanted epitaxial silicon
density of approximately 1 × 10 6
wafer −3
cm after
and a the sensor
size of 5 nm. fabrication
No secondaryprocess
extended[36]. We
defects found
such as the
implantation and dislocation
related defects inloops were observed in the hydrocarbon–molecular–ion–implantation
hydrocarbon–molecular–ion implantation projection range. These
defectsprojection range. of approximately 1 × 106 cm−3 and a size of 5 nm. No secondary extended defects
had a density
such as dislocations and dislocation loops were observed in the hydrocarbon–molecular–ion–
implantation projection range.
ion–implanted epitaxial silicon wafer after the sensor fabrication process [36]. We found the
implantation related defects in hydrocarbon–molecular–ion implantation projection range. These
defects had a density of approximately 1 × 106 cm−3 and a size of 5 nm. No secondary extended defects
such as dislocations and dislocation loops were observed in the hydrocarbon–molecular–ion–
Sensors 2019, 19, 2073 11 of 20
implantation projection range.
Figure Cross-sectionalSEM
15. Cross-sectional SEMobservation
specimen preparedbyby field
field ion
ion beam
beam from
from hydrocarbon–molecular–ion–implanted
hydrocarbon–molecular–ion–implanted epitaxial
wafers after CMOS image sensor fabrication process
wafers after CMOS image sensor fabrication process [36]. [36].
Figure 15. Cross-sectional SEM observation result for atom probe tomography (APT) needle-shaped
specimen prepared by field ion beam from hydrocarbon–molecular–ion–implanted epitaxial silicon12 of 20
Sensors 2019, 19, 2073
wafers after CMOS image sensor fabrication process [36].
16. Atom
Figure 16.
Figure Atom probe
tomography map of hydrocarbon–molecular–ion
map implantation
of hydrocarbon–molecular–ion projection
implantation range
after CMOS
range imageimage
after CMOS sensorsensor
fabrication process
fabrication [36]. [36].
Figure 17. Gettering
Another are important
three reasons issuethatisusing hydrocarbon–molecular–ion–implanted
interface-state defects induced by direct wafer epitaxial
bonding silicon
in thewaferBSI
the solution of the[59].
process above The issue.
direct wafer bonding technique uses a high-energy ion beam irradiation
First, Yamaguchi
for surface activation. et al.Thus,
reported the that
wafer hydrocarbon–molecular–implanted
surface forms ion-beam-relatedsilicon wafer
defects canion
after achieve
beam a
decrease of metallic
irradiation. impurities
These defects related
affect dark dependent
the time current anddielectric
that of interface
breakdownstate defect
(TDDB) darkandcurrent
in deepCMOS
noise. trench image
isolation (DTI)manufacturers
sensor or Si/SiO2 interfacerequireregion
for a using
way ofCMOS
dealing image
withsensor fabrication
these issues. [62–64]
We propose
(Yamaguchi et al. called this wafer “carbon complexes”).
using hydrocarbon–molecular–ion–implanted epitaxial siliconTheir experimental
wafer [60,61]. results indicate that
the interface
There are state defect
three passivated
reasons by hydrocarbon
that using (mainly hydrogen). They understand
hydrocarbon–molecular–ion–implanted epitaxialthat the
wafer is the out-diffused
solution oftothe theabove
DTI orissue.
Si/SiO2 interface region from hydrocarbon implantation projection
during the CMOS et
Yamaguchi device fabrication
al. reported process.
that Out-diffused hydrogen will be silicon
hydrocarbon–molecular–implanted adsorbed the DTI
wafer can
or Si/SiOa2 interface
achieve decrease of structure
metallicdefects such related
impurities as Pb and E’current
dark centers.andAs that
a result, this wafer
of interface statecan decrease
defect relatedof
Si/SiO2 in interface relatedisolation
deep trench defects during
(DTI) ortheSi/SiO
CMOS device fabrication
2 interface region using process.
CMOS image sensor
fabrication our previous study demonstrated
(Yamaguchi et al. called thisthat wafer
“carbonleakage current ofTheir
complexes”). pn-junction diode
results indicate decreased
that theby combination
interface of both
state defect hydrocarbon–molecular
passivated by hydrocarbonimplantation
(mainly hydrogen).and surfaceThey
activated wafer bonding (SAB) techniques compared to without SAB [65,66].
understand that the hydrogen out-diffused to the DTI or Si/SiO2 interface region from hydrocarbon The pn-junction leakage
current determined
implantation somerange
projection factorsduring
such as themetallic
CMOSimpurity contamination
device fabrication in space-charge
process. Out-diffusedregion hydrogenand
interface state defect
will be adsorbed theinDTIdevice isolation
or Si/SiO region. structure
2 interface With SABdefects
wafer has
such twoas effective
Pb and E’ gettering
As a under
wafer can silicon layer.
decrease of One
DTI or is hydrocarbon–molecular-ion
Si/SiO2 interface related defects projection
during therange,CMOSanddevice
the other is SAB
process. regions. Hydrogen storages in hydrocarbon–molecular–ion projection range. This hydrogen
out diffuses
Second,toour theprevious
isolationstudy region during the device
demonstrated heat treatment.
that pn-junction leakage Thecurrent
of pn-junction interface
state defects were
dramatically passivated
decreased by hydrogen. of
by combination Moreover, the SAB bonding regionimplantation
both hydrocarbon–molecular formed stressand andsurface
field [67–69].
activated This
wafer field can
bonding (SAB)act as effective compared
techniques getting sinks during SAB
to without the device
[65,66].fabrication process.
The pn-junction Our
current determinedresults some
indicate that such
factors the with SAB wafer
as metallic can improve
impurity the pn-junction
contamination leakageregion
in space-charge current. and
interface we demonstrated
defect in device that the hydrogen
isolation region.out-diffused
With SAB wafer to silicon
has epitaxial
two effectivelayergettering
(device activesinks
under the from hydrogen
epitaxial storage
silicon layer. in One hydrocarbon–molecular–ion
is hydrocarbon–molecular-ion projection
projectionrange during
range, and the otherheat
treatment [35,65,66]. This hydrogen 12 13 −2
is SAB bonding regions. Hydrogenof out diffusion
storages amount is 10 to 10 cm projection
in hydrocarbon–molecular–ion measured by SIMS
range. This
after heat treatment
hydrogen out diffuses[70].toItthe
is well known
isolation that Si/SiO
region interface
during2 the devicestate
heatdensity in MOS
treatment. Thetransistor device
approximately 1010 were 11 cm−2 [71]. The hydrogen amount of hydrocarbon–implanted silicon
to 10 passivated
state defects by hydrogen. Moreover, the SAB bonding region formed stress
wafer is twofield
and strain or three orders
[67–69]. This of field
can acthigher than the
as effective typical
getting Si/SiO
sinks 2 interface
during state fabrication
the device density in
MOS transistor device. Thus, we believe that the Si/SiO2 interface state defect passivated by diffused
hydrogen from hydrocarbon–molecular–ion projection range during heat treatment.
Our proposal gettering design concept for silicon wafer production leaves intact gettering sinks
in the epitaxial layer after backside grinding and the CMP process in BSI fabrication. We previously
reported that the metallic impurity gettering capability of this wafer was higher than that in the CZ
silicon substrate using APT [60,61]. Because the gettering capability depends on the depth profile of
gettering sinks in the silicon epitaxial layer.
Regarding the TDDB and RTS noise issues, CMOS image sensor manufacturers use a
low-temperature hydrogen sintering treatment to decrease interface-state defects by hydrogen
Sensors 2019, 19, 2073 15 of 20
passivation. However, it is extremely difficult for hydrogen to diffuse to the wafer bonding interface after
the metallization process. The metal electrode and die-electrode film act as a hydrogen diffusion barrier
during the hydrogen sintering treatment. Thus, the hydrogen does not diffuse the wafer bonding
interface. However, our wafer stores hydrogen in the hydrocarbon–molecular–ion implantation
projection range of the epitaxial layer [35,65,66]. Hydrogen diffuses into the bonding interface region
during the heat treatment [65,66]. This hydrogen diffuses to the wafer bonding interface during the
BSI fabrication process. We suppose that wafer-bonding-interface-state defects are passivated by this
hydrogen. Our novel silicon wafer can decrease interface state defect density during the BSI fabrication
process. Therefore, we think that it is a solution to the above technical problems.
6. Conclusions
CMOS image sensors are ubiquitous devices and demand from the consumer market has driven the
rise in performance of these sensors. However, technical issues such as metallic impurity contamination
during device fabrication have hindered their manufacture. Here, we developed a metallic impurity
gettering technique that uses hydrocarbon–molecular–ion–implanted epitaxial silicon wafers. This
novel silicon wafer technology can dramatically decrease dark current during the sensor fabrication
process. We conclude that silicon wafers made with this technology have higher gettering capability
compared with conventional epitaxial silicon wafers (IG enhanced epitaxial silicon wafers). We believe
that this novel technology will improve CMOS image sensor performance.
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Author Contributions: K.K. and T.K. developed the hydrocarbon–molecular–ion–implanted silicon wafers and
the evaluation of electrical device performance. S.S. and A.O.-M. evaluated the ion implantation related defects
using APT. R.O. and R.H. evaluated the hydrogen out-diffusion from implantation projection range using SIMS.
Y.K. and H.O. evaluated the ion implantation related defects using TEM. K.K. and T.K. wrote the manuscript.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to express their thanks to Hisashi Furuya and Naoki Ikeda for the
continuous encouragement they extended to our research group concerning fundamental research activities and
for their useful technical discussion with our R&D team.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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