8 Week Transformation Challenge
8 Week Transformation Challenge
8 Week Transformation Challenge
8 W
Welcome to the 8 week Transformation Program.
We are so excited for your next 8 weeks of transformation. These next 8 weeks are about taking time for YOU. To
get in to a routine, practicing healthy habits & rituals so you are setting yourself up for long term success.
This 8 week transformation is not just a weight loss program but so much more. It could be a transformation in giving
up an unhealthy habit or food, it could be a transformation in mindset. The transformation can be anything you want
This is not a diet or a quick fix or fad. This is about setting you up for an 8 week transformation that you can
continue on as a lifestyle. Something that can set you up for long term success in your health.
So, be kind to yourself. If you have a set back, recognise it, move on & start again. Enjoy this process of
Choose a snack from our recipe options
Shake or choose from our lunch options
Choose from one of our snack recipes
Choose from one of our dinner recipes
We recommend that you move/exercise everyday 20-45 mins daily. If you
already have an exercise plan, please stick to that. If not, you can be part
of our online group which will give you access to online exercises. Please
speak to the person that introduced you to this program.
Starting weight:
Waist measurement:
Arms measurement: R: L:
Thigh measurement: R: L:
How do you feel: (Clothes fitting/energy/mindset)
Week 2: Week 4:
Weight: Weight:
Waist measurement: Waist measurement:
Arms measurement: R: L: Arms measurement: R: L:
Thigh measurement: R: L: Thigh measurement: R: L:
How do you feel: How do you feel:
(Clothes fitting/energy/mindset) (Clothes fitting/energy/mindset)
Week 6: Week 8:
Weight: Weight:
Waist measurement: Waist measurement:
Arms measurement: R: L: Arms measurement: R: L:
Thigh measurement: R: L: Thigh measurement: R: L:
How do you feel: How do you feel:
(Clothes fitting/energy/mindset) (Clothes fitting/energy/mindset)
Sourced from The Hungry For Change Book
We highly recommend you start your transformation with the 3 day detox. The goal of the Hungry for Change
detox is to kick-start your health and assist you in making a transition to an overall healthier way of eating and
The Hungry for Change detox offers an abundance of nutrient-rich whole foods and green juices, including
delicious salads, soups, snacks, and desserts, so you definitely won’t go hungry. The carefully selected ingredients
will flood your body with nutrients, help flush out toxins, and keep you well hydrated.
1 head garlic
2 bunches celery
3 carrots
4 small zucchini
3 tomatoes
3 avocados
10 small cucumbers
6 lemons
1 can of coconut milk or 1 carton almond or hemp milk (4 ounces desiccated coconut or nuts for Homemade
1 pack chamomile tea (whole leaves or tea bags—enough for at least 3 teas)
Filtered water
After the detox, you’ll likely come away with increased energy, improved mental clarity, glowing skin, weight loss,
increased immunity, and a renewed passion for life. We recommend doing this detox twice a year, about once
every six months. If you’re feeling more adventurous or want to experience even better results, extend the detox to
seven or ten days and add in some of the healthy lifestyle suggestions listed below. Some people may feel
energized, others may want to rest; but either way, it’s about listening to your body. Some people may experience
mild detox symptoms, which include headaches, tiredness, irritability, and mucus elimination. These are all normal
will help to stimulate bowel movements. Drink one large glass, but if you feel like more, go for it— hydration is
Add the lemon juice to the glass of water. Finely grate the ginger on a chopping board, then squeeze the ginger
pieces in your hand, getting the juice of the ginger. Ginger is a powerful detoxifier that helps to kickstart your
metabolism. Along with hydrating your body, this drink will help to stimulate bowel movements. Drip through your
fingers and into the glass of water. Enjoy at room temperature upon rising for an amazing start to the day!
blood is important during the cleansing process because it keeps bad bacteria, yeast, and fungi in check, which
helps keep cravings at bay. Drink one large glass, but feel free to have a second. If you don’t have a juicer, try
1 small cucumber
2 kale leaves
1 pear or apple
Juice all of the ingredients and sip slowly. For an extra health kick, stir in barley grass, wheatgrass, and/or
spirulina powder.
This option is for those without a juicer or who have limited time! It is a highly alkalizing green drink, which helps to
detoxify the blood. It may taste a little strange at first, but the more you drink it, the more you’ll get used to the
you’re on the run. This salad includes a powerful mix of sprouts and sea vegetables. Sea vegetables, including
nori, are one of the most nutrient-dense plant foods on the planet. They are particularly high in calcium and
iodine, which helps to draw toxins from the body. Wash all of the vegetables and cut them into small strips. Store
in the fridge to keep them fresh and crisp. Optionally, have another Super Detox Green Juice or Super Simple
Green Drink.
3 small cucumbers
3 small carrots
most nutrient-dense plant foods on the planet. They are particularly high in calcium and iodine, which helps to
To prepare the dressing, add ginger, lemon and tamari to a bowl and combine well. To prepare the salad, mix the
avocado, cucumbers, carrot, sprouts, corriander , and strips of nori together in a bowl and toss with the salad
soaking a large bowl of raw almonds overnight, straining the water away in the morning, and storing them
covered in the fridge. Why soak nuts? Find out here: www.foodmatters.tv/articles-1/the-benefits-of-soakingnuts-
for restoring acid–alkaline and sodium–potassium balance to the body’s organs and glands.
Put all of the ingredients in a large stock or sauté pot. Bring to a gentle boil, then lower the heat, cover, and let
simmer gently for 30 minutes. Serve warm. If you wish to create a thicker soup, you can purée the soup in batches
in a blender however, this soup is also delicious as is. Store covered in the fridge for use within one week, or
and pass them into the colon for excretion. Chia seeds are also high in omega-3 and make you feel full and
In a large jar, combine all of the ingredients and shake well. Pour the mixture into 3 small bowls or glasses and
refrigerate until it thickens into a pudding-like consistency, about 30 minutes. This is a delicious treat and keeps
this cleanse is important because of how it will help you digest unwanted stress hormones, which can cause you
to gain weight.
Bunch of fresh parsley Season with a splash of olive oil, salt and pepper
Handful of cherry tomatoes Dice the parsley, cherry tomatoes and garlic and mix
Handful of pitted olives together in a bowl with a small amount of olive oil and
Olive oil, salt and pepper for seasoning Top with olives
1 Eggplant
2 large tomatoes
1 clove garlic
Slice eggplant into round circles and grill on a griddle
season with salt, pepper and olive oil & place on top of
Cherry tomatoes Coat with some olive oil, crushed garlic and parsley and grill
Fresh parsley
Crushed garlic
1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil wrap and, using a meat mallet, pound out to an even
1/2 teaspoon salt Place chicken in a large resealable ziplock bag. Add all
1/4 teaspoon black pepper the other ingredients and massage to evenly coat. Seal
2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh parsley bag and marinate in the refrigerator for at least an hour,
1/2 teaspoon finely chopped fresh oregano Preheat an outdoor grill to medium-high. Clean and oil
1/4 teaspoon finely chopped fresh rosemary the hot grill grates. Place chicken directly on grill and
3 tablespoons lemon juice cook for 5 minutes; flip and cook for another 5 minutes
and serve!
a sweet potato put in the oven with a tblsp of coconut
1 small can of tomatoes, chopped
2 carrots
1 courgette
150 ml water
Combine all ingredients in a saucepan and simmer
Ingredients Method
1 Salmon fillet Pre-heat oven to max.
Low sodium oyster sauce (optional) Grease a piece of foil with the oil and place the salmon
1 Freshly squeezed lemon on top, drizzle the pineapple, lemon juice and few drips
5ml Olive oil/coconut oil of sauce and then fold the foil up to make a little pouch.
size of salmon.
return to the pan and mash them with the coconut oil or
butter until smooth. Stir in the cheese and add the
360g peeled sweet potatoes, roughly chopped
remaining ingredients except the egg and breadcrumbs
2 teaspoons coconut oil or butter
or quinoa flakes, mix thoroughly. Season to taste and
60g cheddar cheese grated
allow to cool.
360g cooked firm white fish or canned tuna in brine,
Divide the mixture into eight portions and shape them
drained and flaked
into flat round. Dip them into the beaten egg and drain
½ small onion, chopped finely
them thoroughly before coating them with breadcrumbs
1 egg, beaten
or quinoa flakes.
90g fresh wholemeal breadcrumbs or quinoa flakes
Preheat the oven to 190°C/375°f gas Mark 5. Place the
Salt and ground pepper
fish cakes on the baking sheet lined with baking
another time!
1 Apple (Pink Lady preferably)
Core and cut the apple into wedges
Himalayan salt and black pepper for seasoning 3 tbsp Water - or reserved liquid from chickpeas
Method Place all ingredients(except for water) in the bowl of a
Smash the avocado with a fork until its nice food processor. Process until very smooth, at least 1
Add in paprika, lemon juice and season if until desired thinness is achieved. Check seasonings and
Serve with sliced up carrots or capsicum Spoon Hummus into a bowl. Drizzle the top with olive oil
of parsley on top.
Keep refrigerated.
Ingredients Method
Watermelon Slice watermelon into triangles
Low Fat Greek Yoghurt Spread some greek yoghurt on top like a base
1 banana walnuts
Walnuts as garnish
1 cup non-fat Greek Yoghurt bowls. Place a piece a parchment paper on a large
baking sheet.
4 cups edamame pods or sugar snap or green bean over medium high heat.
2 tbsp light brown sugar Add edamame or sugar snap or green bean - cover and
1 tbsp rice vinegar Add sugar, oil, vinegar, salt and pepper to pan, cook
½ tsp pink salt uncovered for 2 to 3 min or until liquid evaporates and
1 tsp toasted sesame seeds Place edamame mixture in a bowl and sprinkle with
sesame seeds.
snack instead.
Slice the onion in rings
Red onion
Cut the fetta into cubes
Cut the cucumber into cubes
Slice the tomato into wedges
Low Fat Fetta
Mix all together into a bowl adding the olives and a
Black Pitted Olives
splash of olive oil and sprinkle fresh oregano on top
Fresh oregano for garnish
small handful of pine nuts salt and olive oil and mix until you have a paste
Wholemeal Spaghetti
One large beef tomato
Fresh basil
Olive oil
Slice tomato and mozzarella and layer together
1 teaspoon oregano Bring to the boil and simmer for about 15 mins
4 sticks of celery, finely chopped Continue cooking until the pasta is ready.
1 leek, sliced
Flake the tuna and mix the chickpeas, tuna and onion in Method
a bowl. Cut the mangoes into squares (save the juice in
In a small jug mix the garlic, lemon juice, yogurt, separate bowl)
coriander and season. Pour the dressing over the Add the shrimps to the mango flesh. Add the yogurt,
chickpeas and mix together. mayonnaise, lemon juice, salt and pepper to the juice
Break the lettuce into individual leaves and arrange and blend together.
around the edge of the bowl, like on the tuna mix and Arrange the salad greens on a serving dish and add
garnish with the salad. the mango flesh and shrimp. Pour the dressing Over
Ingredients Method
Pancakes Place zucchini in a colander over a bowl, and mix with 1/2
3 medium zucchini, shredded teaspoon salt. Allow to drain for five minutes. Transfer to
Freshly ground black pepper much moisture as possible. Squeeze a second time;
3 large eggs beaten volume will shrink to about half the original.
½ wholemeal flour In a large mixing bowl, combine zucchini and eggs. Using
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil a fork, mix well. Add flour, 1/2 teaspoon salt, olive oil,
Handful of crumbled low fat feta cheese feta, scallions, dill and 1/2 teaspoon black pepper. Mix
3 spring onions finely chopped well, add baking powder, and mix again.
1 teaspoon baking powder Place a cast iron skillet or other heavy skillet over medium
2/3 cup low fat plain yoghurt in pan several inches apart, allowing room to spread.
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped Flatten them with a spatula if necessary; pancakes should
pinch Himalayan salt be about 3/8 inch thick and about 3 inches in diameter.
diced dill as garnish Fry until golden on one side, then turn and fry again until
and salt. Mix well and add dill as garnish on the top, and