Handout 2
Handout 2
Handout 2
Experimental research is a quantitative research that treats or deals with the objects or subject of the
research in a definite or exact manner and determines the extent of the effects or influence of the treatment on the
subjects/object, then discovers the cause of such effects. Two groups are involved in any experimental research :
experimental group, the one on which the treatment on influences is applied and control group, which does not receive
any treatment.
Experimental research is categorized into two: true experimental research and quasi-experimental research.
Based on where the experimental research is done, it is either laboratory research or field research. The true experimental
research absolutely uses random selection in determining who among the participants should compose the experimental group
of the control group. Quasi-experimental research adopts a comparative technique in choosing the subjects.
The experimental group on which the treatment or condition is applied is not chosen randomly but matched or
compared with another group whom you, the researcher, believe as having the same characteristics as the experimental group
under treatment. Employing researchers influence in sampling or subjects selection. Quasi-experimental research fails to quality
as a genuine experimental research.
Usually, participants chosen in a quasi-experimental research are those forming a class that remains as one group
incapable of disintegration. The not randomly chosen participants are subjected to any of these types of quasi-experimental
research (MUijs 2011).
1. Matched comparison
Choosing a treatment group and another that has similarities with the treatment group.
2. Time-series quasi-experimental research
Giving them series of pre-test and post tests.
3. Single-subject quasi-experimental research
Controls treatment and condition applied to just one individual or a group.
In which filed of knowledge does true experimental research usually take place?
And other field of hard science
1. Psychology
2. Sociology
3. Humanities
4. Literature
5. And other social science subjects
Non-experimental research is a way of finding out truths about a subject by describing the collected data about such
subject and determining their relationships or conditions with one another. Any treatment or condition is not involved in this
type of research. But there is a measuring of variables here; hence, once you do a non-experimental research, you deal with
both qualitative and quantitative data. Your desire to discover people’s thoughts, views, feelings and attitudes about a certain
societal issue, object, place or event causes you yo use non-experimental research.
1. It is incapable of establishing cause-effect relationship; by itself, it is able, if it take place in conjunction with
other experimental and quasi-experimental research methods.
2. It involves various ways of data analysis;
a. Primary – analysis of data collected by the researcher himself.
b. Secondary – examination of data collected by other people.
c. Meta-analysis – analysis of data expressed numerically.
3. It uses research methods that applicable to both quantitative and qualitative data.
It is the most used non-experimental research in the field of Sociology, Psychology and Humanities. Inquiries,
Investigation and experiments also happen in this type of non-experimental research.