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FACT / DEFINITION TYPE QUESTIONS 8. Two spheres of masses m and M are situated in air and
the gravitational force between them is F. The space
1. Newton's universal law of gravitation applies to around the masses is now filled with a liquid of specific
(a) small bodies only gravity 3. The gravitational force will now be
(b) planets only (a) 3 F (b) F
(c) both small and big bodies
(d) only valid for solar system (c) (d)
3 9
2. For a particle inside a uniform spherical shell, the
gravitational force on the particle is 9. Consider Earth to be a homogeneous sphere. Scientist A
(a) infinite (b) zero goes deep down in a mine and scientist B goes high up in a
balloon. The gravitational field measured by
G m1 m2 G m1 m2
(c) (d) (a) A goes on decreasing and that by B goes on increasing
r r2 (b) B goes on decreasing and that by A goes on increasing
3. The value of G varies with (c) each decreases at the same rate
(a) height above the earth's surface (d) each decreases at different rates
(b) depth below the ground 10. In some region, the gravitational field is zero. The
(c) radius of the planet gravitational potential in this region.
(d) None of these (a) must be variable (b) must be constant
4. Force of gravitational attraction is least (c) cannot be zero (d) must be zero
(a) at the equator 11. Where will it be profitable to purchase one kilogram sugar?
(b) at the poles (a) At poles (b) At equator
(c) at a point in between equator and any pole (c) At 45° latitude (d) At 40° latitude
(d) None of these 12. At sea level, a body will have minimum weight at
5. The ratio of the inertial mass to gravitational mass is equal to (a) pole (b) equator
(a) 0.5 (b) 1 (c) 42° south latitude (d) 37° north latitude
(c) 2 (d) no fixed number 13. Earth is flattened at poles, bulged at the equator. This is due
6. Who among the following gave first the experimental value to
of G (a) the angular velocity of spinning about its axis is less at
(a) Cavendish (b) Copernicus equator
(c) Brok Taylor (d) None of these (b) the angular velocity of spinning about its axis is more
7. Mass of the Earth has been determined through at equator
(c) the centrifugal force is more at the equator than at the
(a) use of Kepler's constancy law and Moon's period poles
R3 (d) earth revolves round the sun in an elliptical orbit
(b) sampling the density of Earth's crust and using Earth's 14. In a gravitational field, at a point where the gravitational
radius potential is zero
(c) Cavendish's determination of G and using Earth radius (a) the gravitational field is necessarily zero
and g at its surface (b) the gravitational field is not necesarily zero
(d) use of periods of satellites at different heights above (c) any value between one and infinite
Earth's surface and known radius of Earth (d) None of these

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15. There are _______ gravitational lines of force inside a 26. If the distance of earth is halved from the sun, then the no.
spherically symmetric shell. of days in a year will be
(a) infinitely many (a) 365 (b) 182.5
(b) zero (c) 730 (d) 129
(c) varying number depending upon surface area 27. In planetary motion
(d) varying number depending upon volume (a) the angular speed remains constant
16. Intensity of the gravitational field inside the solid sphere is (b) the total angular momentum remains constant
(a) variable (proportional to distance from centre) (c) the linear speed remains constant
(b) constant
(d) neither the angular momentum nor angular speed
(c) variable (does not depend on distance from the centre) remains constant
(d) zero 28. Kepler’s second law regarding constancy of areal velocity
17. Intensity of the gravitational field inside the hollow of a planet is a consequence of the law of conservation of
spherical shell is
(a) variable (b) minimum (a) energy (b) angular momentum
(c) maximum (d) zero (c) linear momentum (d) None of these
18. The value of acceleration due to gravity on moving from 29. In planetary motion, the angular momentum conservation
equator to poles will leads to the law of
(a) decrease (b) increase (a) orbits
(c) remain same (d) become half
(b) areas
19. The weight of a body at the centre of the earth is
(c) periods
(a) zero
(b) infinite (d) conservation of kinetic energy
(c) same as on the surface of earth 30. Weightlessness experienced while orbiting the earth in
(d) None of these spaceship is the result of
20. In motion of an object under the influence of gravitational (a) inertia
force of another object, which of the following quantity is (b) acceleration
not conserved? (c) zero gravity
(a) Linear momentum
(b) Angular momentum (d) centre of gravity
(c) Total mechanical energy 31. If the earth is at one-fourth of its present distance from the
(d) None of these sun, the duration of the year will be
21. As we go down below the earth's surface, the acceleration (a) half the present year
due to gravity decreases by a factor (d distance, R (b) one-eighth the present year
radius of earth) (c) one-sixth the present year
d R (d) one-tenth the present year
(a) 1 (b) 1
R d 32. Time period of a simple pendulum inside a satellite orbiting
d earth is
(c) 1 (d) remains constant
R (a) zero (b)
22. There is no atmosphere on moon, because of (c) T (d) 2 T
(a) smaller value of G (b) smaller value of g 33. Which of the following is always positive?
(c) smaller value of R (d) smaller value of m (a) Potential energy of an object
23. If measured by a spring balance, then 1 kg of salt will weigh (b) Total energy of a satellite
more at (c) Kinetic energy (d) None of these
(a) equator (b) poles 34. The distance of neptune and saturn from the sun is nearly
(c) centre of earth (d) same at all places
1013 and 1012 meter respectively. Assuming that they move
24. The gravitational potential energy associated with two
in circular orbits, their periodic times will be in the ratio
particles separated by a distance r, when r , is given by
(a) 10 (b) 100
G m1 m2 G m1 m2
(a) (b) (c) 10 10 (d) 1000
r r
(c) zero (d) infinity 35. A person sitting in a chair in a satellite feels weightless
4 2 (a) the earth does not attract the objects in a satellite
25. For elliptical orbits, in the equation T2 = R3
GMs (b) the normal force bythe chair on the person balances
R refers to the earth's attraction
(a) radius of orbit (b) major axis (c) the normal force is zero
(c) semi-minor axis (d) semi-major axis (d) the person in satellite is not accelerated.

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36. The relay satellite transmits the TV programme 44. The period of a satellite in a circular orbit near a planet is
continuously from one part of the world to another because independent of
its (a) the mass of the planet
(a) period is greater than the period of rotation of the earth
(b) the radius of the planet
(b) period is less than the period of rotation of the earth
about its axis (c) the mass of the satellite
(c) period has no relation with the period of the earth (d) All of the above
about its axis 45. If a satellite is orbiting the earth very close to its surface, then
(d) period is equal to the period of rotation of the earth the orbital velocity mainly depends on
about its axis
(a) the mass of the satellite
37. To an astronaut in a spaceship the sky appears black due to
(a) absence of atmosphere in his neighbourhood (b) the radius of earth
(b) light from the sky is absorbed by the medium (c) the orbital radius
surrounding him (d) the mass of earth
(c) the fact at that height, sky radiations are only in the 46. Two satellites of masses m1 and m2 (m1 > m2) are revolving
infra-red and the ultraviolet region round the earth in circular orbits of radii r1 and r 2 (r1 > r2)
(d) None of these
respectively. Which of the following statements is true
38. To have an earth synchronous satellite it should be launched
regarding their velocities v1 and v2?
at the proper height moving from
(a) north to south in a polar plane (a) v1 = v2 (b) v1 < v2
(b) east to west in an equatorial plane (c) v1 > v2 (d) (v1 / r2) = (v2 / r2)
(c) south to north in a polar plane 47. The escape velocity of a body depends upon mass as
(d) west to east in an equatorial plane (a) m0 (b) m1
39. A missile is launched with a velocity less than escape
(c) m2 (d) m3.
velocity. The sum of its kinetic and potential energies is
(a) zero 48. The minimum velocity of projection to go out from the
(b) negative earth’s gravitational pull is called
(c) positive (a) terminal velocity (b) escape velocity
(d) may be positive, negative or zero. (c) angular velocity (d) orbital velocity
40. The orbital speed of Jupiter is 49. There is no atmosphere on the moon because
(a) greater than the orbital speed of earth
(a) it is closer to the earth
(b) less than the orbital speed of earth
(c) equal to the orbital speed of earth (b) it revolves round the earth
(d) zero (c) it gets light from the sun
41. The total energy of a circularly orbiting satellite is (d) the escape velocity of gas molecules is lesser than
(a) twice the kinetic energy of the satellite their root mean square velocity
(b) half the kinetic energy of the satellite
50. The escape velocity of a projectile from the earth is
(c) twice the potential energy of the satellite
(d) half the potential energy of the satellite
42. Geo-stationary satellite is one which (a) 7 km/sec (b) 112 km/sec
(a) remains stationary at a fixed height from the earth’s (c) 11.2 km/sec (d) 1.1 km/sec
surface 51. The escape velocity of an object projected from the surface
(b) revolves like other satellites but in the opposite of a given planet is independent of
direction of earth’s rotation (a) radius of the planet
(c) revolves round the earth at a suitable height with same
angular velocity and in the same direction as earth (b) the direction of projection
does about its own axis (c) the mass of the planet
(d) None of these (d) None of these
43. An artificial satellite orbiting the earth does not fall down 52. Escape speed on the moon is _______ than escape speed
because the earth’s attraction on the earth.
(a) is balanced by the attraction of the moon (a) five times smaller (b) five times greater
(b) vanishes at such distances (c) six times greater (d) six times smaller
(c) is balanced by the viscous drag produced by the 53. The orbit traced by planet around a star is in general
atmosphere (a) a circle (b) an ellipse
(d) produces the necessary acceleration of its motion in
(c) a parabola (d) a straight line
a curved path

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54. If Ve is escape speed from the earth and Vp is that from a shell. Consider the following two statements and select the
planet of half the radius of earth, then correct statement(s).
Vp I. The plot of V against r is discontinuous
(a) Ve = Vp (b) Ve =
2 II. The plot of E against r is discontinuous.
Vp (a) Both I and II (b) I only
(c) Ve = 2Vp (d) Ve =
4 (c) II only (d) None of these
55. In which of the following cases, a person feels weightless? 64. Select the incorrect statements from the following.
(a) A person standing on the moon I. The orbital velocity of a satellite increases with the
(b) A person sitting in an artificial satellite of earth
radius of the orbit
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None of these II. Escape velocity of a particle from the surface of the
56. When does the object in a satellite escapes to infinity? earth depends on the speed with which it is fired
(a) When the total energy is positive III. The time period of a satellite does not depend onthe
(b) When total energy is zero radius of the orbit
(c) Both (a) & (b) IV. The orbital velocity is inversely proportional to the
(d) None of these sequare root of the radius of the orbit.
57. In case of a circular orbiting satellite which option is correct
(a) I and II (b) I and IV
for its energies?
(a) Kinetic energy is negative (c) I, II and IV (d) I, II and III
(b) Potential energy is positive 65. Which of the following is/are not a relevant statement(s) to
(c) Total energy is positive Kepler's laws of planetary motion?
(d) None of these I. Kepler's second law is based on law of conservation of
58. What is the distance of a geostationary satellite from the angular momentum.
earth's centre? II. Every planet revolves around the sun in circular orbits
(a) 4.22 × 104 km (b) 4.22 × 104 m
6 with sun at the centre of the orbit.
(c) 4.22 × 10 km (d) 4.22 × 106 m
III. Planets situated at larger distances from the sun take
59. Persons sitting in artificial satellite of the earth have
(a) zero mass (b) zero weight longer time to complete one rotation
(c) certain definite weight (d) infinite weight (a) I only (b) II only
(c) II and III (d) I, II and III
66. Consider the following statements and select the incorrect
statement(s) from the following.
60. Consider the following statements and select the correct I. When height of a satellite is increased, its potential
statement(s). energy increases & kinetic energy decrease
I. Gravitational force may be attractive or repulsive II. When speed of satellite increases, the total energy
II. Gravitational force between two particles is independent increases & it starts orbiting in a circular path
of presence of other particles
III. For a satellite orbiting in circular orbit, the kinetic energy
III. Gravitational force is a short-range force
is always greater than potential energy
(a) I only (b) II only
(c) II and III (d) I, II and III (a) I and II (b) II and III
61. For a body taken to the moon which of the following (c) III only (d) I, II and III
statements is/are true?
I. Weight of the body will become 1\6 of that on earth MATCHING TYPE QUESTIONS
II. Inertial mass remains the same
67. Match the columns I and II.
III. Gravitational mass remains the same
(a) I only (b) II only Column I Column II
(c) I and II (d) I, II and III (A) Force between any two bodies (1) Maximum at the
62. Which of the given statements is/are true? earth’s surface
I. Motion of a particle under a central force is always (B) Acceleration due to gravity (2) Always attractive
confined to a plane (C) Escape velocity (3) gR
II. Under the influence of central force, position vector
sweeps out equal areas in equal intervals of time (D) Orbital velocity (4) 2. gR
(a) I only (d) II only (a) (A) (2) ; (B) (1) ; (C) (3) ; (D) (4)
(c) Both (I) and (II) (d) None of these (b) (A) (2) ; (B) (2) ; (C) (4) ; (D) (3)
63. Let V and E be the gravitational potential and gravitational (c) (A) (4) ; (B) (3) ; (C) (2) ; (D) (1)
field at a distance r from the centre of a uniform spherical (d) (A) (2) ; (B) (1) ; (C) (4) ; (D) (3)

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68. Column I Column II 72. Two concentric spherical shells are as shown in figure. Match
the following:
(A) Gravitational force Fg (1) g 1–

(B) gsurface of earth (2) G Mm D
(C) Escape velocity (3) 2gR
g height (4) GM/R2
(A) (2) ; (B) (1) ; (C) (3) ; (D) (4)
(A) (2) ; (B) (2) ; (C) (4) ; (D) (3)
Column I Column II
(A) (4) ; (B) (3) ; (C) (2) ; (D) (1)
(A) Potential at A (1) greater than B
(A) (2) ; (B) (4) ; (C) (3) ; (D) (1)
(B) Gravitational field at A (2) less than B
69. Column I Column II
(C) As one moves from C to D (3) potential remains
(A) Gravitational constant (1) Law of periods
(B) g h (2) 24 Hrs (D) As one moves from D to A (4) gravitational field
(C) T 2 R3 (3) 6.67 × 10–11 Nm2kg–2 decreases
(D) Time period of a (5) None
2h (a) (A) (2) ; (B) (5) ; (C) (3) ; (D) (4)
geostationary satellite (4) g0 1 –
R (b) (A) (3) ; (B) (2) ; (C) (1) ; (D) (4)
(a) (A) (2) ; (B) (1) ; (C) (3) ; (D) (4) (c) (A) (4) ; (B) (3) ; (C) (2) ; (D) (1)
(b) (A) (3) ; (B) (4) ; (C) (1) ; (D) (2) (d) (A) (5) ; (B) (3) ; (C) (1) ; (D) (2)
(c) (A) (4) ; (B) (3) ; (C) (2) ; (D) (1) 73. Column I Column II
(d) (A) (3) ; (B) (4) ; (C) (2) ; (D) (1) (A) Acceleration due (1) 2g R E
70. Column I Column II to gravity
(A) Weight (1) Minimum
Gm1m 2
(B) gequator (2) Zero (B) Escape speed (2)
(C) g poles (3) Vector (C) Total energy of a (3) Gm/R2
(D) g centre (4) Maximum satellite
(a) (A) (2) ; (B) (1) ; (C) (3) ; (D) (4) Gm1m 2
(D) Gravitational potential (4)
(b) (A) (2) ; (B) (2) ; (C) (4) ; (D) (3) 2(R h)
(c) (A) (3) ; (B) (1) ; (C) (4) ; (D) (2) energy.
(d) (A) (4) ; (B) (3) ; (C) (1) ; (D) (2) (a) (A) (4); (B) (2); C (1); (D) (3)
71. On the surface of earth acceleration due to gravity is g and (b) (A) (3); (B) (1); C (4); (D) (2)
(c) (A) (3); (B) (2); C (4); (D) (1)
gravitational potential is V. Match the following:
(d) (A) (2); (B) (4); C (1); (D) (3)
Column I Column -II 74. Column I Column II
(A) At height h = R, (1) decreases by a (A) Potential energy (1) Positive
value of g factor 1/4 of satellite
(B) At depth h = R/2, (2) decreases by a (B) Total energy of (2) Negative
value of g factor 1/2 satellite
(C) At height h = R/2, (3) decreases by a (C) kinetic energy of (3) Zero
value of g factor 3/4
(D) Gravitational (4) Infinite
(D) At depth h = R / 4, (4) decreases by a potential energy of
value of g factor 2/3 satellite at infinity
(a) (A) (2) ; (B) (1) ; (C) (3) ; (D) (4) (a) (A) (4); (B) (2); C (1); (D) (3)
(b) (A) (2) ; (B) (2) ; (C) (4) ; (D) (3) (b) (A) (3); (B) (1); C (4); (D) (2)
(c) (A) (4) ; (B) (3) ; (C) (2) ; (D) (1) (c) (A) (2); (B) (2); C (1); (D) (3)
(d) (A) (4) ; (B) (3) ; (C) (1) ; (D) (2) (d) (A) (2); (B) (4); C (1); (D) (3)

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(a) (b)
d2 d2
75. In the figure, the direction of gravitational force on m1 due
to m2 is along 3 GMm GMm
(c) (d)
d2 d2
y 78. A planet is revolving around the sun as shown in elliptical
m1 r path
r1 B

O x S

The correct option is
(a) the time taken in travelling DAB is less than that for
(a) r1 (b) r2
(b) the time taken in travelling DAB is greater than that for
(c) r (d) r ABC
76. Which of the following graphs shows the correct variation (c) the time taken in travelling CDA is less than that for
of acceleration due to gravity with the height above the ABC
earth's surface? (d) the time taken in travelling CDA is greater than that for
g 79. The gravitational field strength due to a solid sphere (mass
M, radius R) varies with distance r from centre as
(a) (b)

O r O r (a) r (b) r


(c) (d) None of these

(c) R r (d) R r
O r

77. A central particle M is surrounded by a square array of other 80. The gravitational potential due to a hollow sphere
particles, separated by either distance d or distance d/2 along (mass M, radius R) varies with distance r from centre as
the perimeter of the square. The magnitude of the V
gravitational force on the central particle due to the other
particles is
(a) R r (b) R r
2m 3m

7m 5m
5m 7m R
(c) r (d) r
4m 3m

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81. The figure shows elliptical orbit of a planet m about the sun 87. Assertion: The value of acceleration due to gravity i.e. 'g' is
S. The shaded area SCD is twice the shaded area SAB. If t 1 different at different places on the surface of earth.
is the time for the planet to move from C to D and t2 is the Reason: Earth is flattened at poles and bulging out at the
time to move from A to B then equator. Therefore radius is smaller at poles and larger at
v 1
m equator and g , so, g is smaller at equator than at
B C poles.
88. Assertion: A body loses weight when it is at the centre of
S the earth.
A D Reason: At the centre of earth, g = 0
weight = mg = 0.
89. Assertion: The gain in potential energy of an object of mass m
(a) t1 = 4t2 (b) t1 = 2t2 1
(c) t1 = t2 (d) t1 > t2 raised to height equal to the radius of earth is mg R
82. Two satellites of masses m and 2m are revolving around a
planet of mass M with different speeds in orbits of radii r Reason: Kinetic energy at surface = P.E at the top mv2
and 2r respectively. The ratio of minimum and maximum forces 2
on the planet due to satellites is 1
and at the top v = gR . PE = mgR.
1 2
(a) r 90. Assertion : The tidal waves in sea are primarily due to the
gravitational effect of earth.
1 2r M
(b) Reason : The intensity of gravitational field of earth is
maximum at the surface of earth.
1 91. Assertion : Smaller the orbit of the planet around the sun,
3 shorter is the time it takes to complete one revolution.
(d) None of these Reason : According to Kepler's third law of planetary motion,
square of time period is proportional to cube of mean distance
92. Assertion : Moon travellers tie heavy weight at their back
Directions : Each of these questions contain two statements,
before landing on the moon.
Assertion and Reason. Each of these questions also has four
Reason : The acceleration due to gravity on moon is smaller
alternative choices, only one of which is the correct answer. You
than that of earth.
have to select one of the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below.
(a) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is a correct 93. Assertion : Generally, the path of a projectile from the earth
explanation for assertion. is parabolic but it is elliptical for projectiles going to a very
(b) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is not a large height.
correct explanation for assertion Reason : The path of a projectile is independent of the
(c) Assertion is correct, reason is incorrect gravitational force of earth.
(d) Assertion is incorrect, reason is correct. 94. Assertion : Gravitational potential is maximum at infinity.
Reason : Gravitational potential is the amount of work done
83. Assertion : Gravitational force between two particles is to shift a unit mass from infinity to a given point in
negligibly small compared to the electrical force. gravitational attraction force field.
Reason : The electrical force is experienced by charged 95. Assertion : Gravitational potential of earth at every place
particles only. on it is negative.
84. Assertion : A body becomes massless at the centre of earth. Reason : Every body on earth is bound by the attraction
d of earth.
Reason : This follows from g' = g 1
R 96. Assertion : For the planets orbiting around the sun, angular
85. Assertion : If earth suddenly stops rotating about its axis,
speed, linear speed and K.E. changes with time, but angular
then the value of acceleration due to gravity will become
momentum remains constant.
same at all the places.
Reason : No torque is acting on the rotating planet. So its
Reason : The value of acceleration due to gravity depends
upon the rotation of the earth. angular momentum is constant.
86. Assertion : Space rockets are usually launched in the 97. Assertion: Planets appear to move slower when they are
equatorial line from west to east. farther from the sun than when they are nearer.
Reason : The acceleration due to gravity is minimum at the Reason: All planets move in elliptical orbits with sun at one
equator. of the foci of the ellipse.

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98. Assertion: The escape velocity on the moon is much higher 110. Both earth and moon are subject to the gravitational force
than that on the earth. of the sun. As observed from the sun, the orbit of the
Reason: Ve = 2g / R
(a) will be elliptical
Thus for lower R, Ve on moon is higher. (b) will not be strictly elliptical because the total
99. Assertion : The escape speed does not depend on the gravitational force on it is not central.
direction in which the projectile is fired. (c) is not elliptical but will necessarily be a closed curve.
Reason : Attaining the escape speed is easier if a projectile (d) deviates considerably from being elliptical due to
is fired in the direction the launch site is moving as the earth influence of planets other than earth.
rotates about its axis. 111. Two identical spheres of gold are in contact with each other.
100. Assertion : If an object is projected from earth surface with The gravitational attraction between them is
escape velocity path of object will be parabola. (a) directly proportional to the square of the radius
Reason : When object is projected with velocity less than (b) directly proportional to the cube of the radius
escape velocity from horizontal surface and greater than (c) directly proportional to the fourth power of the radius
orbital velocity path of object will be ellipse. (d) inversely proportional to the square of the radius
101. Assertion : The atmosphere of Jupiter contains light gases, 112. Two air bubbles in water
where as earth’s atmosphere has little amount of hydrogen (a) attract each other
gas. (b) repel each other
Reason : The escape velocity from the Jupiter is smaller (c) neither attract nor repel
than the escape velocity from the earth. (d) None of these
102. Assertion : An astronaut in an orbiting space station above 113. If suddenly the gravitational force of attraction between earth
the earth experiences weightlessness. and a satellite revolving around it becomes zero, then the
Reason : An object moving around earth under the influence satellite will
of earth s gravitational force is in a state of free fall. (a) continue to move in its orbit with same velocity
103. Assertion : Space rocket are usually launched in the (b) move tangentialy to the original orbit in the same
equatorial line from west to east velocity
Reason : The acceleration due to gravity is minimum at the (c) become stationary in its orbit
equator. (d) move towards the earth
104. Assertion : Orbital velocity of a satellite is greater than its 114. Two particles of equal mass ‘m’ go around a circle of radius
escape velocity. R under the action of their mutual gravitational attraction.
Reason : Orbit of a satellite is within the gravitational field The speed of each particle with respect to their centre of
of earth whereas escaping is beyond the gravitational field mass is
of earth. Gm Gm
105. Assertion : Escape velocity is independent of the angle of (a) (b)
4R 3R
Reason : Escape velocity from the surface of earth is 2gR Gm Gm
(c) (d)
where R is radius of earth. 2R R
106. Assertion : If the total energy of a satellite moving around 115. The change in the value of ‘g’ at a height ‘h’ above the
earth is E, its potential energy is 2 E. surface of the earth is the same as at a depth ‘d’ below the
Reason : Total energy E = KE + PE. surface of earth. When both ‘d’ and ‘h’ are much smaller
107. Assertion : The speed of satellite always remains constant than the radius of earth, then which one of the following is
in an orbit. correct ?
Reason : The speed of a satellite depends on its path. 3h h
108. Assertion : A person sitting in an artificial satellite revolving (a) d = (b) d =
2 2
around earth feels weightless.
(c) d = h (d) d =2 h
Reason : There is no gravitational force on the satellite.
116. The height at which the acceleration due to gravity becomes
CRITICALTHINKING TYPE QUESTIONS (where g = the acceleration due to gravity on the surface
of the earth) in terms of R, the radius of the earth, is
109. If three equal masses m are placed at the three vertices of an
equilateral triangle of side 1/m then what force acts on a R
(a) (b) R / 2
particle of mass 2m placed at the centroid? 2
(a) Gm2 (b) 2Gm2 (c) 2R (d) 2 R
(c) Zero (d) –Gm2

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117. The density of a newly discovered planet is twice that of Gm
earth. The acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the (a) Zero (b) 4 2
planet is equal to that at the surface of the earth. If the
radius of the earth is R, the radius of the planet would be Gm Gm 2
(c) 4 2 (d) 4 2
(a) ½ R (b) 2 R a a
(c) 4 R (d) 1/4 R 126. If value of acceleration due to gravity is 'g' at a height 50 km
118. Imagine a new planet having the same density as that of above the surface of earth, then at what depth inside the
earth but it is 3 times bigger than the earth in size. If the earth will the acceleration due to gravity be same as 'g'?
acceleration due to gravity on the surface of earth is g and (a) 100 km (b) 50 km
that on the surface of the new planet is g’, then (c) 25 km (d) 75 km
(a) g’ = g/9 (b) g’ = 27g 127. The tail of the comet Halley is directed away from the sun
(c) g’= 9g (d) g’ = 3g due to the fact that
119. Average density of the earth (a) the comet rotates around the sun the lighter mass of
(a) is a complex function of g the comet is pushed away due to centrifugal force
(b) does not depend on g only
(c) is inversely proportional to g (b) the comet rotates the lighter mass of the comet is
(d) is directly proportional to g attracted by some star situated in the direction of the
120. A uniform spherical shell gradually shrinks maintaining tail
its shape. The gravitational potential at the centre (c) the radiation emitted by the sun exerts a radiation
(a) increases (b) decreases pressure of the comet throwing its tail away from the
(c) remains constant (d) cannot say sun
121. If the earth were to rotates faster than its present speed, the (d) the tail of the comet always exists in the same
weight of an object will orientation
(a) increase at the equator but remain unchanged at the 128. The time period T of the moon of planet Mars (mass M m) is
poles related to its orbital radius R (G = Gravitational constant) as
(b) decrease at the equator but remain unchanged at the
poles 4 2R3 4 GR 3
(c) remain unchanged at the equator but decrease at the (a) T2 (b) T2
GM m Mm
(d) remain unchanged at the equator but increase at the
2 R 3G
poles (c) T2 (d) T2 = 4 MmGR3
122. At what height from the ground will the value of g be the Mm
same as that in 10 km deep mine below the surface of earth? 129. The planet mercury is revolving in an elliptical orbit around
(a) 20 km (b) 10 km the sun as shown in fig. The kinetic energy of mercury will
(c) 15 km (d) 5 km be greatest at D
123. The earth is an approximate sphere. If the interior (a) A C
contained matter which is not of the same density (b) B A SUN B
everywhere, then on the surface of the earth, the (c) C
acceleration due to gravity (d) D E
(a) will be directed towards the centre but not the same 130. A geostationary satellite is orbiting the earth at a height of
everywhere. 5R above that surface of the earth, R being the radius of the
(b) will have the same value everywhere but not directed earth. The time period of another satellite in hours at a height
towards the centre. of 2R from the surface of the earth is
(c) will be same everywhere in magnitude and directed (a) 5 (b) 10
towards the centre. 6
(c) 6 2 (d)
(d) Cannot be zero at any point. 2
124. If a person goes to height equal to the radius of the earth, 131. A particle of mass M is situated at the centre of a spherical
from its surface, then his weight (w ) relative to the weight shell of same mass and radius a. The gravitational potential
on earth (w) will be a
at a point situated at distance from the centre, will be
(a) W = W (b) W = 2W 2
3GM 2 GM
(a) (b)
(c) W = W (d) W = W a a
125. The gravitational potential at the centre of a square of side GM 4 GM
'a' and four equal masses (m each) placed at the corners of a (c) (d)
a a
square is
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132. The mass of a spaceship is 1000 kg. It is to be launched from (a) 1.1 km s–1 (b) 11 km s–1
the earth's surface out into free space. The value of g and R (c) 110 km s –1 (d) 0.11 km s–1
(radius of earth) are 10 m/s2 and 6400 km respectively. The 135. For a satellite moving in an orbit around the earth, the ratio
required energy for this work will be of kinetic energy to potential energy is
(a) 6.4 × 1011J (b) 6.4 × 108 J
9 1 1
(c) 6.4 × 10 J (d) 6.4 × 1010 J (a) (b)
2 2
133. A particle of mass m is thrown upwards from the surface of
the earth, with a velocity u. The mass and the radius of the (c) 2 (d) 2
earth are, respectively, M and R. G is gravitational constant
136. The radii of circular orbits of two satellites A and B of the
and g is acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the
earth, are 4R and R, respectively. If the speed of satellite A is
earth. The minimum value of u so that the particle does not
3 V, then the speed of satellite B will be
return back to earth, is
(a) 3 V/4 (b) 6 V
2GM 2GM (c) 12 V (d) 3 V/2
(a) (b) 137. What is the minimum energy required to launch a satellite of
R R2
mass m from the surface of a planet of mass M and radius R
2GM in a circular orbit at an altitude of 2R?
(c) 2gR 2 (d)
R2 5GmM 2GmM
(a) (b)
134. A planet in a distant solar system is 10 times more massive 6R 3R
than the earth and its radius is 10 times smaller. Given that
the escape velocity from the earth is 11 km s–1, the escape GmM GmM
(c) (d)
velocity from the surface of the planet would be 2R 2R

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FACT / DEFINITION TYPE QUESTIONS 19. (a) The weight (= mg) of the body at the centre of the earth
is zero, because the value of g at centre is zero.
1. (c) It is applicable to both small & big bodies. 20. (a) In the motion of an object under gravitational influence
2. (b) Various regions of spherical shell attract the point mass of another object, angular momentum and total
inside it in various directions. These forces cancel each mechanical energy is conserved but linear momentum
other completely. Therefore the gravitational force on is not conserved.
the particle is zero. 21. (c) Acceleration due to gravity g varies with dpth as
3. (d) G is a universal gravitational constant as the value of G
is same for all pairs of bodies situated anywhere in the d
g = g 1
universe. RE
4. (a) The gravitational force of attraction on a body of 22. (b) Because of smaller value of acceleration due to gravity
mass m is given by on moon, the value of escape velocity is small there.
GMm The molecules of atmospheric gases have thermal
F speeds much greater than the escape velocity. So all
the molecules have escaped and there is no atmosphere.
1 23. (b) Value of g is larger at poles than the equator so, if salt
Therefore, F 2 is weighed by a spring balance 1 kg will weigh more at
The radius of earth is maximum at equator, therefore, poles.
gravitational force of attraction is least at equator. 24. (c) Gravitational potential energy associated with two
5. (c) The inertial mass & gravitational mass are equivalent particles of masses m1 & m2 separated by distance r is
& ratio of inertial mass to gravitational mass = 1 to a given by
high degree of accuracy (experimental finding). G m1m 2 1
6. (a) 7. (c) V= if r . 0.
8. (b) It will remain the same as the gravitational force is V = 0.
independent of the medium separating the masses. 25. (d) Kepler's third law states that the square of time period
9. (d) Both decreases but variation are different. of revolution of a planet around the sun is directly
dV proportional to the cube of semi-major axis of its elliptical
10. (b) I . If I = 0 then V = constant orbit.
11. (a) 26. (d) From Kepler's law of periods,
12. (b) At poles, the effect of rotation is zero and also the 3/2
R2 3/ 2
distance from the centre of earth is least. T2 = T1 = 365 R / 2
13. (c) Because of the centrifugal force, earth stretches out R1 R
and so bulges at the equator. 1
= 365 × = 129 days.
dV 2 2
14. (a) I = 27. (b) In planetary motion, there is no external torque. Hence
15. (b) There is no gravitational field in the shell. dL
16. (a) The gravitational field intensity inside the solid sphere from the equation ext . , if ext. =0 L = constant
is given by Eg . ie, E g r 28. (b) Since areal velocity A & angular momentum L of a
17. (d) At a point inside a spherical shell, the value of planet are related by equation A L , where M is the
gravitational intensity, I = 0. 2M
If V = 0 then gravitational field is necessarily zero. mass of planet. Since in planetary motion L is constant
18. (b) Acceleration due to gravity (g) is given by
GM 1 ( ext. = 0), hence A is also constant.
g= g 29. (b) In planetary motion, the angular momentum
R2 R2 conservation leads to the law of areas. Which means it
As one moves from the equator to the poles, the radius
sweeps out equal area in equal internals of tine or areal
of the earth decreases, hence g increases.
velocity is constant.
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30. (c) Weightlessness means that there is no reaction on a 43. (d)
body from the floor. Since both the artificial satellite & 44. (c) The orbital velocity of satellite moving in circular orbit
the astronaut have same centripetal acceleration (as in GM
a lift; which is falling freely, we does not feel any weight, near a planet is v 0
because both lift & we fall with same acceleration). so
2 R R R3
the astronaut does not feel any weight inside the space so period T 2 R 2
craft. v0 GM GM
Where R & M are the radius & mass of that planet.
T12 r13 Since satellite moves very near to planet, hence the
31. (b) = (4)3
T22 r23 radius of its circular orbit is approximately equal to
T2 = T1 /8. radius of the planet.
45. (b) When satellite is orbiting close to the surface of earth,
32. (b) Since T 2 GM
g orbital velocity, vo where M and R are the
but inside the satellite g = 0 mass and radius of earth.
So T = GM
46. (b) Since v 0 (orbital velocity )
1 r
33. (c) Kinetic energy = mv 2 is always positive but
2 v 01 r2
So v 01 v 02 r1 r2
potential energy and total energy are negative for a v 02 r1
47. (a) vesc = 2 gR , where R is radius of the planet.
34. (c) T2 R 3 (According to Kepler’s law)
Hence escape velocity is independent of m.
T12 (1013 )3 and T2 2 (1012 )3
48. (b) It is called escape velocity ( v e 2 gR e )
T12 T1 49. (d) There is no atmosphere at moon, because escape
(10)3 or 10 10 .
T2 2 T2 velocity is less than the root mean square velocity of
the molecules at moon. Hence all molecules escape.
35. (c) 50. (c) The escape velocity of projectile from earth is
36. (d) Because, the period of satellite is equal to period of
rotation of earth about its own axis & it seems to be at ve 2gRe , where Re is radius of earth
one point about the equator and so is able to transmit sinceg = 9.8m/sec2, Re = 6.4×106 metre
the signals from one part to other.
ve= 11.2 km/sec
37. (a) 51. (b) The escape veloctiy of an object from any planet is
38. (d) The sense of synchronous satellite must be same as
the sense of rotation of earth i.e., from west to east. vescape 2gR 2GM / R
39. (b)
where R & M are the radius & mass of the planet.
1 52. (a) Since 'g' on moon is smaller than earth and radius of
40. (b) orbital speed v ; As Jupiter is farther than earth
r moon is also smaller, therefore escape velocity on moon
from sun, so its orbital speed is less than orbital speed is just 2.3 km/s, which is approximately five times smaller
of earth. than earth 11.2 km/s.
41. (d) Total energy of satellite is half the potential energy i.e., 53. (b) According to Kepler's law of planetary motion all the
planets revolve around the sun in elliptical orbit.
E Therefore, the orbit traced by planet around a star is
an ellipse.
42. (c) Geo-stationary satellites are also called synchronous
satellite. They always remain about the same path on 54. (c) Escape speed, Ve = R 8 Gs
equater, i.e., it has a period of exactly one day (86400 3
sec) Ve R.
55. (b) When a person is sitting in an artificial satellite of earth,
r3 the gravitational pull on the person due to earth is
So orbit radius T 2 comes out to be
GM counterbalanced by the centrifugal force acting on the
person. Thus the net force acting on the person in the
42400 km, which is nearly equal to the circumference of satellite is zero & the person feels weightless but on
earth. So height of Geostationary satellite from the earth the moon his weight is due to the gravitational pull of
surface is 42,400 – 6400 = 36,000 km. the moon.

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56. (c) Since total energy of a body is positive or zero, when it 72. (a) (A) (2) ; (B) (5) ; (C) (3) ; (D) (4)
is at infinity from the earth therefore, the satellite will GM
Inside a shell V = constant and E = 0
escape to infinity if its total energy becomes zero or R
57. (d) For a satellite in circular orbit the kinetic energy is Outside the shell, V and E
r r2
positive, potential energy and total energy is negative.
As r increases, V increases and E decreases.
Hence none of the given options is correct.
58. (a) A geostationary satellite moves in a circular orbit in the 73. (b) (A) (3); (B) (1); C (4); (D) (2)
equatorial plane at an approx. distance of 4.22 × 104 km Acceleration due to gravity, g = Gm/R2
from zero the earth's centre.
59. (b) The reaction force of the artificial satellite acting on Escape velocity, VE = 2gR E
the person sitting in satellite is zero. Therefore, the Total energy of a satellite at a height, h above the earth
weight of the person is zero in artificial satellite is G m1m 2
zero. surface =
2(R h)
G m1m 2
Gravitational potential energy =
74. (c) (A) (2); (B) (2); C (1); (D) (3)
60. (b) Gravitational force is always attractive and a long range Potential energy of a satellite = Negative
force. It is independent of the presence of other bodies. Total energy of a satellite = Negative
61. (d) All the three statements are true. Kinetic energy of a satellite = Positive
62. (c) 63. (c) Grav P.E of a satellite at infinity = zero.

64. (d) Orbital velocity v0 = DIAGRAM TYPE QUESTIONS
75. (c) As m2 attracts m1 towards itself, force is along r 3.
65. (b) Every planet revolves around the sun in elliptical orbit 76. (b) Acceleration due to gravity with height h varies as
and not in circular orbit.
66. (c) For a satellite orbiting in circular orbit the potential 1
energy is always greater than the kinetic energy. r2
(when r = R + h). Thus variation of g and r is a parabolic
GM (3m) 3GMm
67. (d) (A) (2) ; (B) (1) ; (C) (4) ; (D) (3) 77. (c) F = .
d2 d2
68. (d) (A) (2) ; (B) (4) ; (C) (3) ; (D) (1) 78. (a) The speed of the planet is faster in region DAB in
69. (b) (A) (3) ; (B) (4) ; (C) (1) ; (D) (2) comparision to the region BCD.
70. (c) (A) (3) ; (B) (1) ; (C) (4) ; (D) (2)
71. (b) (A) (2) ; (B) (2) ; (C) (4) ; (D) (3) 79. (a)
g'= – for r R and g' = (1 r / R)2 for r R
g= , so option (a) is correct.
g g 80. (b) vg = – for r R and vg = – , for r > R, and so
At height h = R: g' R r
h 2
1 option (b) is correct.
81. (b) According to Kepler’s law, the areal velocity of a planet
1 around the sun always remains constant.
i.e., g' decreases by a factor .
2 SCD : A1– t1 (areal velocity constant)
2 SAB : A2 – t2
Similarly, at height h = R/2, g g.
A1 A 2
t1 t2
R h 1 g
At depth h = : g' g 1 1 A
2 R 2 2 t1 = t2 . 1 , (given A1 = 2A2)
3 2A 2
Similarly at h = R/4, g g = t2 . t1 = 2t2
4 A2

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GM m GM (2m ) 101. (c) Escape velocity for Jupiter is greater than escape
82. (c) F min = r 2
(2r ) 2 velocity for earth.
102. (a) Freely faling body experiences weightlessness.
GMm 103. (b) Space rocket are usually launched from west to east to
2r 2 take the advantage of rotation of earth.
GMm GM (2 m) Also g' = g – 2R cos2 , at equator = 0, and so cos
and F ma x = 2 + (2r ) 2 = 1, and g' is least.
104. (d) 105. (a)
3 GMm
= . U
2 r2 106. (a) K = – E = – .
Fmin 1
= . 107. (d) If the orbital path of a satellite is circular, then its speed
Fmax 3 is constant and if the orbital path of a satellite is elliptical,
then its speed in its orbit is not constant. In that case
ASSERTION- REASON TYPE QUESTIONS its areal velocity is constant.
108. (c) Gravitational force on the person in satellite is not zero,
but normal reaction of the satellite on the person is
Fg zero.
83. (b) For two electron 10 43 i.e., gravitational force is
negligible in comparison to electrostatic force of
84. (d) At the centre of the earth, weight is zero but mass cannot
109. (c) y
be and never zero.
85. (c) 86. (c) 87. (a) 88. (a)
89. (c) Work done in raising the body
2R G 2m x
GMm 30°
= dx
R x2 m m
2R 2R z
gR 2 1
= mdx = mgR 2 .
R x2 x R
Gm(2 m) ˆ
1 1
= mgR 2 Gm(2 m) ˆ ˆjsin 30 )
2R R FGB = ( i cos30
1 2 1 Gm(2 m) ˆ
= mgR 2 = mgR FGC = (i cos30 ˆjsin 30 )
2R 2 1
90. (d) The tidal effect is due to the gravitation effect of moon Resultant force on (2m) is FR = FGA + FGB + FGC

and earth both. g' =

, for h = 0, g' = g. = 2Gm 2 ˆj 2Gm 2ˆi( cos 30 cos30 )
R + 2 Gm 2 ˆj( sin 30 sin 30 )
91. (a) According to Kepler's third law T2 r3 1
if r is small then T will also be small. = 2Gm 2 ˆj.2Gm 2 ˆj 2
92. (a) To counter balance the effect of gravity.
93. (c) 94. (b) = 2Gm 2 ˆj 2Gm 2 ˆj 0.
95. (a) Because gravitational force is always attractive in 110. (b)
nature and every body is bound by this gravitational 111. (c) The gravitational force of attraction between two
force of attraction of earth. identical spheres of radius r is
96. (a)
97. (b) Both assertion and reason are true, but reason is not G
4 3
4 3
correct explanation of the assertion. Gm1m 2 3 3
From Kepler's laws of period T2 r3 r2 (2r)2
For more r, T is more.
98. (d) Escape velocity on the moon is five times smaller than 4 2 2 4 r r
on the earth 11.2 km/s. p r m1 m2
99. (c) 100. (c)
ie. F r 4
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112. (a) The two air bubbles in water attract each other. The
GM 4
mass of air bubble in water (denser medium in 117. (a) g also M d R3
2 3
comparision to air) behave like a negative mass as far R
as gravitational attraction is concerned. The absolute 4
value of mass of bubble in water is equal to the mass of g d R at the surface of planet
an equal volume of water. So by Newton’ Law of
gravitation 4 4
gp (2d ) R , g e (d ) R
3 3
m1m 2
F G r̂ ge = gp dR = 2d R'
R' = R/2
but in water F
G ( m1 )( m 2 ) Gm1m 2 118. (d) We know that
r̂ r̂
r r2 4 3
It means that force has attractive nature between two 3 4
g= 2 = = GR
air bubble in water. R R2 3
113. (b) When gravitational force becomes zero, centripetal force
g' R' 3R
on satellite becomes zero so satellite will move 3 g' 3g
g R R
tangentially to the original orbit with same velocity.
114. (a) Here, centripetal force will be given by the gravitational 4
G R3
force between the two particles. GM G V 3
119. (d) g = g=
R2 R2 R2
Gm2 2
m R
2R R 4
g= G. R where average density
Gm 2
m m
4R 3 3g
4 GR
4 R3 is directly proportional to g.
If the velocity of the two particles with respect to the 120. (a) The gravitational potential at the centre of uniform
centre of gravity is v then v = R spherical shell is equal to the gravitational potential at
the surface of shell i.e.,
Gm Gm
v 3
4R 4R V , where a is radius of spherical shell
115. (d) Variation of g with altitude is,
Now, if the shell shrinks then its radius decrease then
2h density increases, but mass is constant. so from above
gh g1 ;
R expression if a decreases, then V increases.
variation of g with depth is, 121. (b) At the equator, g' = g – R 2

d As increases, g' decreases and hence weight

gd g1 decreases.
At the pole, g' = g.
Equating g h and g d , we get d = 2h So weight remain unchanged.

g' R2 d 2h
122. (d) g 1 g 1
116. (d) We know that R R
g ( R h) 2
d = 2h 10 = 2h
g /9 R
2 h = 5 km
123. (d)
g R h
124. (a) Wr = mg = GMm/R2 ; at a height h, Wh =
R 1 (R R)2
R h 3
GMm 1 w
h = 2R = = WE . w1h
(2 R)2 4 4

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132. (d) Potential energy on earth surface is – mgR while in free
A a B
125. (c) space it is zero. So, to free the spaceship, minimum
required energy is
a a K = mgR= 103 × 10 × 6400 × 103 J
O = 6.4 × 1010 J
133. (a) The velocity u should be equal to the escape velocity.
D a C
That is, u = 2gR
a 2 GM
OA = OB = OC = OD = = a But g =
2 2 R2
Total gravitational potential at the centre of the square
u 2· ·R
Gm 4 4Gm 4 2Gm R2 R
= = =
OA a/ 2 a
2GM p
2h d
126. (a) As we know, g = g 1 =g 1 (ve ) p Rp Mp
R R Re
134. (c)
2h d d (ve )e 2GM e Me Rp
= h= or d = 2h. Re
R R 2
d = 2 × 50 = 100 km.
127. (c) A comet consists of solid mass of rocks surrounded 10M e Re
by large volume of combustible gases. The Me R e /10
gravitational force acting between the sun and comet
attracts the comet's mass, due to which head of (ve )p 10 (ve )e 10 11 110 km / s
comet points towards the sun. The radiations emitted 135. (a) K.E. of satellite moving in an orbit around the earth is
by the sun exerts a radiation pressure on the comet 2
throwing its tail away from the sun. 1 1 GM GMm
K= mv 2 m
2 2 r 2r
128. (a) Time period of satellite is given by :
circumference of an orbit 2 R P.E. of satellite and earth system is
Velocity in orbit v0 GMm
GMm K 2r 1
2 R 2 R 3/2 U
r U GMm 2
GM m GM m r
R 136. (b) Orbital velocity of a satellite in a circular orbit of radius
Squaring both sides, we get a is given by

4 2R 3 GM 1 v2 a1
T2 v v =
GM m a a v1 a2
129. (a) Angular momentum is conserved. At A, the moment of 4R
inertia is least and hence angular speed is maximum. Thus v2 = v1 = 2 v1 = 6V
the K.E. at A is maximum.
137. (a) As we know,
130. (c) According to Kepler’s law of period T2 R3
Gravitational potential energy =
T12 R13 (6 R ) 3 r
T22 R23 (3 R )3 and orbital velocity, v0 = GM / R h
24 24 1 GMm 1 GM GMm
8 Ef mv02 m
T22 2 3R 2 3R 3R
24 24 GMm 1 GMm
T22 = 72 = 36 × 2 1
8 3R 2 6R

T2 6 2 GMm
Ei K
131. (a) Potential at the given point = Potential at the point due R
to the shell + Potential due to the particle Ei Ef
= = Therefore minimum required energy, K
a a a 6R
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