Krishi Anushandhan Bhavan - II, Pusa, Campus,
New Delhi - 110012
Tele: 011-25843635. e-mail: seema.jaggi@icar.gov.in
Dear Candidate,
On the basis of the result of ICAR's 28 th All India Entrance Examination for Admission (AIEEA) to Master's Degree Programmes in
Agricultural Universities conducted on 9th July, 2023 and subsequent to your participation in online counseling and admission in the allotted
university, you are, hereby, recommended for the award of ICAR-NTS(PG) as per details given below:
The award of ICAR-NTS (PG) shall be governed by the rules and regulations/guidelines given in the AIEEA(PG)-2023 Information Bulletin
available on www.icar.nta.ac.in and/or as amended by the Council from time to time. The amount of NTS (PG) (vide O.O.F.NO.16(10)/2018
EP&HS Dated 17th September, 2018) is Rs.5000/- per month w.e.f. Academic session 2018-19.