New Limit Indmenity 250M
New Limit Indmenity 250M
New Limit Indmenity 250M
Surname Middle name First Name
2. To keep confidential all Online Banking or mobile application security related information such as
passwords, and authentication tokens. I/We understand that the Bank, their affiliates and service
providers will never request us to divulge any of these pieces of information by phone, mail or any other
means. I/We oblige to report any representation to the contrary to the Bank promptly.
3. To keep personal data supplied to the Bank up to date on a timely basis at all times for the period of use
of Online Banking or any of the Bank's mobile applications.
4. To irrevocably and unconditionally indemnify and hereby keep indemnified the Bank, its affiliates and
service providers fully indemnified against all losses, claims, actions, proceedings, demands, damages,
costs and expenses incurred or sustained by the Bank of whatever nature and howsoever arising out of,
or in connection with my/our use of Online Banking or the Bank's mobile applications.
5. To accept that the User Undertaking shall be incorporated by reference into the user terms and
conditions and in the event of any conflict between the User Undertaking and the User terms and
conditions, the User terms and conditions shall prevail.
Name Signature