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WWE Pro Wrestler

John Cena Workout
Written By: M&S Writers
March 15th, 2012
Updated: April 7th, 2021

Categories: Workouts Celebrity

1.4M Reads

A muscle building workout

routine used by WWE pro
wrestling superstar John
Cena to build a substantial
portion of his current muscle


Main Goal Build Muscle

Workout Type Split

Training Level Intermediate

Program 12 weeks

Days Per 5

Time Per 60-90 minutes


Equipment Barbell, Bodyweight,

Required Cables, Dumbbells,

Target Gender Male

Workout PDF Download Workout

Workout Description
WWE superstar John Cena used the following
5 day muscle building split to build a good
portion of his current mass.

The focus for John is on volume training and

getting a good pump.

Despite the notion that John Cena was

blessed with amazing genetics, he weighed a
mere 120 pounds in high school before hitting
the iron.

John currently weighs 240 pounds, and is

known for his amazing physique.

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John Cena Stats

Height - 6'1"
Weight - 240 lbs
Born - 1977
Held 19 titles while in the WWE
Debut - 2001

John Cena Diet Plan

The following is a typical John Cena muscle
building eating plan.

Meal 1 - Oatmeal with applesauce and

raisins, 2 whole eggs and 6 egg whites.
Meal 2 - Protein bar.
Meal 3 - Brown rice with vegetables, and
2 chicken breasts.
Meal 4 - Whole wheat pita bread with
Meal 5 - Banana and a whey protein
Meal 6 - Pasta or brown rice, vegetables,
salad with chicken or \sh.
Meal 7 - Low fat cottage cheese along
with a casein protein shake.

John Cena Workout

Day 1 - Legs and Calves
Day 2 - Chest
Day 3 - Arms
Day 4 - Shoulders
Day 5 - Back

Abs Training - John Cena performs one set of

60 crunches following each training day.

Day 1 - Legs and Calves

Exercise Sets Reps

Seated Calf Raise 10 10-20

Standing Bodyweight
4 25
Calf Raise

Standing Single Leg Curl 4 20-25

Leg Press 5 20

Leg Extension 4 15

Squat 4 10

Hack Squat (Super set

3 15
with next exercise)

Single Leg Extension 3 10

Day 2 - Chest
Exercise Sets Reps

Incline Machine Press 3-4 20

Incline Bench Press 3-4 20

Pec Dec 3-4 15

Cable Crossovers 3-4 15

Bench Press 3 10

Day 3 - Arms
Exercise Sets Reps

Preacher Curl 5 12

Standing Barbell Curl 3 10-12

Seated Dumbbell Curl 3 10-12

Standing Cable Curl 3 12

Rope Pressdown
(Superset with next 3 20

Single Arm Cable

3 10

Lying Tricep Extension 6 Failure

Overhead EZ Bar
3 20

Seated Barbell Tricep

3 20

Tricep Dip 4 Failure

Day 4 - Shoulders
Exercise Sets Reps

Rear Delt Machine Flyes 5 20

Machine Overhead
5 20

Machine Lateral Raise 5 20

Seated Overhead Press 3 10

Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3 12

Military Press 3 10

Day 5 - Back
Exercise Sets Reps

Lat Pull Down 5 20

Barbell Row 5 12-20

One Arm Dumbbell Row 5 12-20

Deadlift 4 8-15

High Pulls 4 20

Pull Up 4 Failure

Barbell Shrug 5 20

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137 COMMENTS Post Comment

Posted on: Sun, 01/02/2022 - 05:05

I dont have hack squat machine and machine
for latwral can i replace each one ?


Posted on: Mon, 01/03/2022 - 20:27

What's good, Khodor? Do goblet squats in-

stead of the hack squat. If you have bands,
do lateral raises with those in place of the
machine. If not, then do single arm lateral
raises one side at a time. Hope this helps!


Posted on: Tue, 01/11/2022 - 13:18



Posted on: Mon, 11/08/2021 - 14:21

Hello what about rest period between sets?


Posted on: Mon, 11/08/2021 - 18:37

Hi, Khodor. Rest for 60-90 seconds between



Eraldo Copa
Posted on: Fri, 05/15/2020 - 18:33

You have a super programs.


Tony person
Posted on: Sun, 11/10/2019 - 22:09

Well im \ght cancer and I go to the gym 5 days

a week so there is no room to give up thank you


Posted on: Thu, 10/04/2018 - 14:20

Question for someone that gained a lot and is

experienced bb. If you got to be a muscular
200+ by doing a Cena like workouts for years.
Once you attain this, what is the minimum you
would have to do to maintain it. Lets just you
dont have time to go to the gym 6x a week for
1+ hour per day.

Fir example, i read these mike metzer type

things u can do total body workout with 1 max
set for each major muscle taking 15 minutes 2 x
a week and make gains. Others say no way.
Could one maintain such mass doing say 2-4
sets per muscle, 10 reps, and work muscle once
a week?


Kyle Wright
Posted on: Tue, 08/07/2018 - 00:13

Is there any two lifts I can do other than high

pulls and pull-ups, for back day?


i workout too
Posted on: Mon, 02/18/2019 - 22:36

Absolutely not. What a ridiculous question.

(Okay, I would go with upright rows rather
than high pulls, and assisted pull ups, using
a band, or lat pulldown variations; close grip,
one arm, hammer grip, overhand, underhand
and so on. Pullups are an important exercise
however so I would suggest working up to it,
you could \nd pull up progression videos on


James Shoe
Posted on: Thu, 07/05/2018 - 21:14

Do you shoot the steroids before or after the

days workout ?


Posted on: Sat, 05/12/2018 - 11:39

No pain on gain


Abdul Rehman
Posted on: Sun, 01/28/2018 - 12:49

ilove john cena

My dream John Cena. you are the Best. and
Best your Workout chart (NEVER GIVE UP)


Posted on: Sat, 12/30/2017 - 22:35

Funny though, John Cena clearly has said multi-

ple times that Smith Machines are only good for
hanging up your coat...thoughts?


Posted on: Thu, 06/24/2021 - 05:30

Where does it say smith machine? Oh yeah

jay cutler used the smith machine. MR.


Posted on: Wed, 07/05/2017 - 12:51

Plz tell in which age john cena do exercise


Haraan Hayat
Posted on: Sat, 12/10/2016 - 16:41

Thanks pro just giving suggestions let me imple-

ment on if it work then I can see you
I am \ne of you.


Posted on: Sat, 04/02/2016 - 08:34

Good result in my body thank You John Cena

I'am Your Fan
I will following this workout plan


Posted on: Fri, 10/02/2015 - 16:56

What about the sets and reps?


Posted on: Sun, 05/31/2015 - 01:24

i have a question about the tricep exercises. for

example about the seated barbell tricep exten-
sions and the overhead EZ barbell extensions.
my guess is that one is seated and the other
standing. but my main question is what is the
difference between them besides one been
standing and the other seated. and if there is no
difference do I need to do both of them.


Mario Vazquez
Posted on: Tue, 01/17/2017 - 08:13

One is seated and one is standing because

both of them may work the same muscles
and have the same isolated effect on the tri-
cep, cena probably throws it in there for vari-
ety and to take up a spot on the workout. i
WOULD do both, it feels better to do both
than just one, i like the laying tricep exten-
sion, feels a push than a pull.


Posted on: Thu, 04/19/2018 - 09:40

Seated requires you to only use your triceps

in the work out
Standing allows you to use a little bit more of
your body, so exhaust your muscles with
seated and tear/ shred your muscles with
the standing so yes both is helpful


Ronald McGowan
Posted on: Thu, 05/14/2015 - 15:57

I am 15 years old and I am looking to get buff,

and this workout, I can't go wrong. Thanks John
Cena!!! ;)


Robinson Lopez
Posted on: Sat, 11/29/2014 - 00:55

I'm 15 starting to do this early I'm sure the re-

sults will pay off


Posted on: Fri, 11/07/2014 - 12:28

I honesty don't see how this can be his diet. As

much weight as john Cena has to carry around i
would think he would have to be eating upwards
of around 5000+ calories a day unless his me-
tabolism is just naturally low. I don't really see
any calorie dense foods in this diet and \nd it
hard to believe this is his diet. If you do this rou-
tine that John cena use to do and still eat like a
pigeon you will never come close to lookin like
John cena. They need to emphasize what he
meets as much as they do his workout.


Posted on: Tue, 01/10/2017 - 08:36

A lot of lifters eat small meals through out

the day. Each person has their own body
type. The diet plan looks like it's spot on. I
also believe protein powder would also there
as well. It didn't list any natural supplements
besides a protein bar. You know he has to
take some brand of protein powder and
most people recommend 25g of protein
from a protein drink 30min before window
closes after hitting the gym. I also know that
being in football helps someone maintain
discipline to workout everyweek and never
half assing it at the gym. I assume even
when he was sick he would go in.. "No ex-
cuses" john cena is probably a very goal ori-
nated guy. We all have to start somewhere
even if his dad helped him it's still impressive
how far he came and still pushes on and
continues his workout plan. Ideally john cena
is a good example. He sets the standard for
lifting and wwe wrestling everywhere.


alim mushtaq
Posted on: Mon, 10/20/2014 - 06:43

I have also dream to became john cena i love

my dream


Posted on: Tue, 09/16/2014 - 14:43



Posted on: Tue, 09/16/2014 - 14:43



Posted on: Mon, 09/01/2014 - 04:02

Very, very chemistry one must.Then big mus-



Posted on: Wed, 08/20/2014 - 15:05

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