(Transmission network)
Submitted by
A. N. M. Shamsuddin
ID: 2013-3-98-006
Md. Mehedi Hasan
ID: 2013-3-98-003
Dhaka, Bangladesh
December, 2014
I, strongly, declare that this project has been done by us and it has not been
submitted elsewhere for any degree or diplomas.
…………………………………………… ……………………………
Mustafa Mahmud Hussain (A. N. M. Shamsuddin)
Assistant Professor, ID: 2013-3-98-006
Dept. of Electronics and Communications Engineering
East West University
Dhaka, Bangladesh
(Md. Mehedi Hassan)
ID: 2013-3-98-003
Approved by:
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our adviser Mustafa Mahmud
Hussain, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electronics and Communications,
Engineering, EWU for his guidance, motivation and constant encouragement. I
have always been inspired by the simplicity of his logic, advice and supervision
throughout the entire course of this work.
Also I am very much grateful to Dr. Gurudas Mandal, Chairperson & Associate
Professor, Dept. of Electronics and Communications Engineering, EWU for
allowing his support and all the facilities to complete the thesis work successfully.
Finally, I would like to express our special thanks and appreciations to all the
teachers and all other official s of EWU for their supports. Also my special thanks
go to all of them who have always motivated and appreciated our efforts.
Table of contents v
List of figures viii
Chapter 1: Introduction
2.2.1 Transponder………………………………………………………………….…..11
2.2.2 Multiplexer (MUX)……………………………………………..……………..…..12
2.2.3 Fiber…………………………...…………………………………….…………….12
Chapter 3: Transmission Network Design
Chapter 4: Conclusion
4.1 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………..34
Appendix ………………………………………………………………………………………35
List of Figures
Figure 1.1 Time Division Multiplexing……………………………………………..………..4
Figure 1.2 Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing………………………………...............5
Figure 1.3 The diagram of DWDM system structure and spectrum…………………………6
Figure 1.4 Two-fiber bi-directional transmission DWDM system………………………….7
Figure 1.5 The DWDM system of single fiber bi-directional transmission ………………..7
Figure 1.6 Optical add and drop transmission ……………………………………………..8
Figure 2.1 Increased capacity by combining TDM with DWDM……………………………..10
Figure 2.2 Capacity of TDM and TDM &DWDM systems..………………………………..10
Figure 2.3 Multichannel DWDM transmission system……………………………..…….….11
Figure 2.4 Principle of an electrical regenerator………………………………….………......13
Figure 2.5 Current network diagram ……..…………………………………………..15
Figure 2.6 Proposed design diagram…………………………..………………………….…...16
Figure 3.1 OPGW diagram of PGCB……………………………………….…….…….….....18
Figure 3.2 Overall diagram……...…………………………………………………………….22
Figure 3.3 Degree diagram……………………………………………………………………23
Figure 3.4 Traffic flow in Node ………………………………………………………..…….25
Figure 3.5 1G Ethernet Connection ………………………………………………….…….. 27
Figure 3.6 10G Ethernet Connection Diagram …………………………………….………..29
Figure 3.7 NMS Diagram………………………………………………………….………...32
1.1 Introduction:
With today’s seemingly limitless demand for transmission capacity, various service providers
often cope with extreme fiber usage and exhaust across significant portions of their networks.
Therefore, an enormous amount of bandwidth capacity is required to provide the services of
customers. The expansion of existing links needs for simple, cost effective solutions that cause
minimum disruption to working systems.
The telecommunications industry has so far met these needs by using dense wavelength
division multiplexing (DWDM) systems. DWDM can optimize the use of current facilities with
greater capacities of both new and existing fiber optic links to carry several channels
Network operators are also faced the challenge of integration of multiple technologies for the
transmission in a physical layer infrastructure.
Voice transmission, e-mail, video and multimedia data are just some examples of service which
can be simultaneously transmitted in DWDM systems. These data can’t depends on
transmission formats i.e. synchronous optical network (SONET), synchronous digital
hierarchy(SDH), asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), Internet Protocol (IP), packet over
SONET/SDH (PoS) or Gigabit Ethernet (GigE).
The planning, installation, and maintenance of DWDM networks closer attention are paid to a
number of performance limiting parameters.
Once the laying of new fiber is the only way to accommodate with fiber exhaust in
telecommunication industry. In this process cost and labor intensive included. The main
drawback of this process was inability to enable new services.
With the dramatic increase of voice services and newly included new services, especially the
quick chance of IP technology, network capacity will inevitably faced with big challenge.
Traditional methods for transmission network capacity expansion adopt space division
multiplexing (SDM) or time division Multiplexing (TDM).
Space division multiplexing expands the transmission capacity by adding fibers, and the
transmission equipments are also linearly added.
Now a day, fiber manufacture technology is quite mature. Ribbon optical fiber cables with tens
of cores are rather prevalent and advanced connection technique for optical fiber simplifies
cable construction. However, the increment of fibers brings much inconvenience to the
construction and circuit maintenance in the future. Additionally, if the existing optical fiber
cable lines have no sufficient fibers and required to lay new fiber cables for capacity expansion,
engineering cost will increase in duplicate. Moreover, this method doesn’t sufficient utilize the
transmission bandwidth o f the optical fiber. It’s not possible to add new optical fibers to
expand the capacity during the construction of communication networks. Actually, in the initial
stage of the project, it is hard to predict the ever-growing service demands and to plan the
number of fibers to lay. Hence, SDM method for capacity expansion is quite limited.
In early 1980s, time domain multiplexing (TDM) made it possible to increase the bit-rate. TDM
is commonly used method for capacity expansion e.g. multiplexing of the primary group to the
fourth group of the traditional PDH, and STM-1, STM-4, STM-16 and STM-64 of current SDH.
TDM technology can enhance the capacity of optical transmission information in duplication
and greatly reduce the circuit cost in equipment and line. It is especially suitable for networks
requiring the protection strategy o f self-healing rings. Slicing the time into smaller intervals for
increasing the capacity of a single fiber. In TDM systems, each communication fiber is able to
transport an optical signal from a single leaser. Fig 1.1 shows typical TDM system of optical fiber
communication system.
However, TDM method has two disadvantages. Firstly, it affects services. An overall upgrade to
higher rate levels requires replacing the network interfaces and equipment completely. Thus
the equipment in operation must be interrupted during upgrade process. Secondly, rate
upgrade lacks of flexibility.
Currently, TDM is a commonly used capacity expansion method. It can implement capacity
expansion via continuous system rate upgrade. When certain rate level is reached, other
solutions must be found because of characteristic limitations of device, line, etc.
In order to increase the number of service i.e. bandwidth, the channel spaces can be moved
closer together ( for example a space of just 0.8 nm between two channels), creating Dense
wavelength Division Multiplexing or DWDM as it is commonly known this technology. DWDM
technology utilizes the bandwidth and low attenuation characteristics of single mode optical
fiber, adopts multiple wavelengths as carriers and allows them to transmit in the fiber
In analog carrier communication systems, the frequency division multiplexing (FDM) method is
often adopted to make full use of the bandwidth resources of cables and enhance the
transmission capacity of the system, i.e transmitting several channels of signals simultaneously
in a single cable and at the receiver end, utilizing band-pas filter the signal on each channel
according to the frequency differences among the carriers.
The diagram of DWDM system structure and optical spectrum is shown in figure 1.3. At the
transmit end, optical transmitters output optical signals of different wavelengths whose
accuracy and stability meet certain requirements. These signals are multiplexed via an optical
wavelength multiplexer and sent to an erbium-doped optical fiber power amplifier (it is mainly
used to compensate the power loss and enhance the launched power of the optical signals).
Fig 1.3: The diagram of DWDM system structure and spectrum
After amplification, this multi-channel optical signal is sent to the optical fiber for transmitting.
In the midway optical line amplifiers can be installed or not according to practical conditions. At
the receiver end, the signals are amplified by the optical pre-amplifier (it is mainly used to
enhance receiving sensitivity and prolong transmission distance) and sent to the optical
wavelength de-multiplexer which separates them into the original multi-channel optical signals.
As show in fig 1.4, a single optical fiber implements only one directional transmission of optical
signals. Hence the same wavelengths can be reused in two directions.
Fig 1.4: Two-fiber bi-directional transmission DWDM system
This kind of DWDM system can effectively exploit the huge bandwidth resources of optical fiber
and expand the transmission capacity of a signal optical fiber in several or tens of times. In long-
haul networks, capacity can be expanded by adding wavelengths gradually according to the
demands of practical traffic, which is very flexible.
As shown in fig 1.5, a single fiber transmits optical signal of two directions simultaneously, and
the signals in the two different directions should be assigned on different wavelengths.
Single fiber bi-directional transmission allows a single fiber to carry full duplex channels and
generally, saves one half of the fiber components of unidirectional transmission. Since signals
transmitted in the two directions do not interact and create FWM (Four-wave Mixing) products,
its total FWM products are much less than two-fiber unidirectional transmission. However, the
disadvantages of this system is that it requires a special measure to deal with the light
reflection (including discrete reflection resulted by optical connectors and Rayleigh backward
reflection of the fiber) to avoid multi-path interference. When the optical signal needs to be
amplified to elongate prolong transmission distance, their noise factor is a little worse.
By utilizing optical add/drop multiplexer (OADM), optical signals of the wavelength can be
added and dropped in the intermediate stations, i.e. implementing add/drop of optical paths.
This method can be used to implement ring type networking of DWDM systems. At present,
OADM can only be made as fixed wavelength add/drop device (as shown in fig 1.6) and thus the
flexibility of this operating mode is limited.
While debate continues as to whether WDM or TDM is best suited for the expansion of existing
fiber networks, it has become clear that only solutions incorporating both technologies will give
service providers the flexibility and capacity for future requirements. These requirements could
for example enable them to:
- Maintain different dedicated wavelength for different customers
- Lease individual wavelengths as opposed to entire fibers
- Expand portions of their networks
Demands for new data services, home office and internet applications all contribute to the
pressure being placed on service providers worldwide. Although 10 Gbps seems to be a
sufficiently high bit-rat for most networks today, this level of capacity may not be enough in the
long term.
A DWDM system can be described as parallel set of optical channels, where each channels
using a slightly different wavelength, but all sharing a single transmission medium or fiber.
Figure 2.3 shows a multichannel DWDM transmission system when various 10 Gbps signals are
fed to optical transmission modules. An optical DWDM multiplexer bunches these optical
signals together on one fiber and forwards them as a multiplexed signal to an optical fiber
amplifier (OFA).
2.2.1 Transponder:
Transponders receive optical signals and send them out carrying digital information at
predefined wavelengths in accordance with ITU-T guidelines.
In networks with dense channel spacing, transponder temperature must be stabilized. This can
be enabled with the use of thermo-electric coolers.
2.2.2 Multiplexer (MUX)
MUX are deployed in DWDM systems to combine the signals at different wavelengths onto a
single fiber through which they then travel simultaneously. Each wavelength carriers its own
information and represents a channel.
An ideal MUX requires uniformly high transmission across the pass-band with a very high drop
at the edge.
2.2.3 Fiber
Fiber is one of the most critical components of DWDM systems as it provides the physical
transportation medium. Optical fiber consists of both core and cladding. The core is the inner
light-guiding section and is surrounded by the cladding. As the refractive index of the core is
higher than that of the cladding, light entering it at angle called numerical aperture.
Light propagates down the fiber core in a stable path known as a mode. In multimode fibers,
multiple paths arise making them unsuitable for use in long haul DWDM transmission.
The core of single mode fiber is so narrow that it can only support one mode, making it the only
suitable choice for use in DWDM telecommunication networks.
2.2.4 Amplifier
Amplifier boost signals traveling down a fiber so they can cover longer spans. In the early stages
of fiber optic telecommunications, lasers emitted relatively low power which led to the rapid
use of Amplifier.
Amplifier receives the signal and converts it to electrical signal then reshaped, retimed and
amplified the signal again.
In DWDM systems, the multiplexed signal has to be demultiplexed before each channel is
regenerated, emitted by a laser and then multiplexed again. This is a process which is both
complex and expensive.
2.3 Target Area of work:
Our main target to draw a optimum connection diagram for transmission system of several
University of the Bangladesh. For this reason first we need to the targeted sites. Below table
shows the University name where we will build a network connection. This transmission system
is build for Ethernet network.
Currently BdREN connected six universities, University Grants Commission of Bangladesh (UGC)
and Ministry of Education whose are currently connected with 45Mbps of TIEN3 network and
60Mbps bandwidth of BTCL network.
The connected institutions are:
- University Grants Commission of Bangladesh (UGC)
- Dhaka University
- Bangladesh University of Engineering Technology (BUET)
- Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU)
- Jahangirnagar University (JU)
- Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University (SAU)
- North South University (NSU)
- Ministry of Education (MoE)
Connectivity Diagram:
BdREN currently connects six universities and research institutions throughout Bangladesh, via
a nationwide IP backbone at 45Mbps capacity. With more bandwidth intensive applications and
greater user demand, it is envisaged that BdREN will evolve from the current 45Mbps backbone
to a larger scale network in the following phase. BdREN backbone is versatile to support all
types of traffic. Our researchers are running and operating various applications such as video
conferencing, digital video transport system (DVTS), data computing, and visualization/image
modeling and e-learning. Therefore, it is important for BdREN to continue to deliver the
quality performance required by the research communities. Members are connected to BdREN
via their respective access link, which can either be a fiber link or microwave link. The access
connection varies according to the user’s requirements. BdREN connectivity is centralized at
BdREN Network Operation Centre (NOC) located in Dhaka.
Fig 2.6: Proposed design Diagram
2.6 Challenges:
For achieving connectivity over the country is a big challenge. We have only three options in
our hand. First we can make a fiber laying connectivity all over the country, which is very
expensive. Secondly we can have connectivity from BTCL whose has not covered all the sites.
Also reliability is low. Thirdly, we can lease a pair of core from OPGW networks of PGCB who
has covered most of sites.
So we finally decided that PGCB’s OPGW fiber back is used for our transmission system.
3.1. Design Direction
This document will describe technical design details for Transmission network of BdREN
Network System which we have from website. The network will establish through
PGCB optical fiber connection network. UGC / BdREN have acquired one pair of Dark Optical
fiber of PGCB from PGCB's OPGW network on Transmission line through Indefeasible Right of
Use (IRU) for 20 years. The backbone network of BdREN is designed based on this OPGW
network. Fig 2.1 shows OPGW of PGCB.
Transmission network will be used to build an IP / MPLS data network for connecting some of
the Universities of the country that could not reached long distance with dark fiber cable.
To expand network, traditional way is laying new fiber or increase the bit rate of existing systems.
However laying new fiber is costly proposition. When we are using wavelength division multiplexing
(WDM) technology, several wavelengths or light colors, can simultaneously in one optic cable.
Bandwidth aside, DWDM’s most compelling technical advantages can be summarized as follows:
Transparency: Because DWDM is physical layer architecture, it can transparently support both
TDM and data formats such as ATM, Gigabit Ethernet, ESCON, and Fiber Channel with open
interfaces over a common physical layer. BdREN Transmission network is focused on Gigabit
Scalability: DWDM can leverage the abundance of dark fiber in country wide area and to
quickly meet demand for capacity on point-to-point links and on spans of existing network
rings. BdREN Transmission network can support 40 Channels scalability.
Dynamic provisioning : Fast, simple, and dynamic provisioning of network connections give
providers the ability to provide high-bandwidth services in days rather than months.
3.5. Design Concept
Traffic Architecture
- 1G traffic: Mainly sent collected universities data traffic from Edge POP to
Distribution POP.
- 10G traffic: Mainly Sent collected universities data traffic from Distribution POP to
NMS Architecture
- Information collected through the channel between OSC equipment
- Collect equipment information through the OSC channel between equipment and
equipment .
- Connect GNE node to NMS Sever
- Manage a DWDM Network via connect NMS sever to network.
- Design network with redundant control cards and power supplies to minimize shortage
of service against hardware failures.
- Design network with detour path from Distribution POP to DC and DR.
- To ensure the reliable transmission network than dark fiber by using a DWDM FEC
(Forward Error Correction)
- To cover the dense traffic requirement with low cost, Design a multiple transponder
effect by using a single transponder.
- Minimize the use of the frequency by using the same frequency in different regions,
- Enable the future network channels add by using the unused frequency.
Calculation assuming
- Assumed that the attenuation shall be 0.25dB per kilometer at 1550 nm
- Assumed that average splice loss at each location will not exceed 0.30dB unidirectional
or 0.15dB bidirectional
- Assumed that dB Loss/KM is 0.217(Bogra to Sirajgonj) as per RFP document.
- Assumed that dB Loss/KM is 0.378(Ishurdi to Baghabari), 0.224 (Baghabari to Sirajgonj)
as per RFP documents.
- Assumed that dB Loss/KM is 0.646(Tongi to Bashundhara) as per RFP documents.
- Assumed that dB Loss/KM is 0.231(Ashuganj to Comilla ) as per RFP RFP documents.
- Assumed that dB Loss/KM is 0.308(Ishurdi to Khulna ) as per RFP documents.
Transmission network has 28 nodes, each node has number of degrees 1 ~ 5 according to its
connecting line and each of nodes has unique degree serial. For example Dinajpur has one
direction for Rampur, that is, Dianjpur to Rangpur degree will be ‘A’ and degree number will be
one (1).
Above figure is sample logical diagram. The input DWDM signal comes through the line
interface (1). Optical supervisory channel (OSC) Signal is separated and mixed through a control
card (2). Dispersed signal through the pre amplifier is compensated by DCU (Dispersion
compensation unit) (3). Amplified signal is split into pass-through traffic and local drop traffic
(4). The local drop traffic is connected to the mux and transponder card.
3.9. Channel Matrix
1G Ethernet
10G Ethernet
The DWDM devices deliver the management information of the nodes through the OSC
(Optical Supervisory Channel). The OSC transmits control, configuration, and request
messages from the NMS to nodes and delivers alarms, events, and response messages from
nodes back to the NMS. Also, it allows remote management of several nodes from one single
point. OSC and service signals are independent of each other. The OSC is not amplified. When
the OSC signals are transmitted to another node, the OSC signals undergo E/O conversion at the
OSC module and then are multiplexed by being combined with service signals amplified by
the amplifier of the origin. When the signals arrive at the next node, the OSC are demultiplexed
from service signals before entering to the amplifier of the destination and then undergo O/E
conversion at the OSC module. As both modules and signals of OSC are separated from modules
and signals of service, the failure of an OSC module is non-traffic affecting.
Basically BdREN transmission network system is using OSC channels for network
management. All OSC management data will be collected to GNE (Gateway Network Element)
node. The GNE acts as a proxy for the attached Network Elements. GNE node is connected to NMS
servers via Backbone switch. GNE and NE(Network Element) has a unique IP address. GNE and
NMS server is using same IP block so that GNE IP address is using for communication with NMS
server. Also NEs (Network element) are using IP, but NE is using separated IP block for device
identification. BdREN transmission network has one GNE node in UGC node.
Conclusion and Future work
4.1 Conclusion
In summary, this thesis focused on the design of DWDM transmission network. The objective of
the design is to achieve optimum solution for implementation.
At end we can understand;
How DWDM works
Challenges of the practical network design
How DWDM can implement in a existing TDM / WDM a network.
So in one word, DWDM has great feature of extensibility integration without interference of
current network.
6. IP – Internet Protocol